本研究は,質問紙調査から,教職員の負担感及び市町村教育委員会の多忙化対策の現状を明らかにすることが目的である。調査の結果,独自の勤務実態調査を実施した市町村は47.4%であり,そのうち66.7%が公表していない。教職員の負担感が大きい項目は,保護者の苦情対応及び児童の問題行動への対応であり,負担感が小さい項目は,朝学習の指導及び清掃指導である。平日の勤務時間外に多い仕事は,部活動の指導,教材研究及び保護者対応であり,休日で多い仕事は,部活動の指導,成績処理及び学校行事の準備である。多忙化解消検討委員会の設置及び多忙化解消プラン策定については,殆どの市町村で未定である。また,市町村教育委員会が考えている教職員の多忙化の原因は,部活動の指導,保護者対応及び生徒指導であり,多忙化解消支援策は,部活動休養日の設定,学校完全閉庁日の設定及び時間外勤務に対する意識の啓発であることが分かった。, The purpose of this study is to clarify the current situation of the hardship of school teachers and countermeasures for balancing work/life of them by the municipal board of education through the questionnaire survey. As a result of the survey, 47.4% of the municipalities conducted their own work/life balance surveys, but 66.7% of which were not publicized. The major burdens for teachers are responding to complaints of parents and responding to problematic behaviors of children. The less burdensome items are the instructions for early-morning study and for cleaning. Most of the weekday excess works are supporting/instructing club activities, preparing teaching materials, and meeting with parents. On holidays, most duties are supporting/instructing club activities, scoring grades and preparing for school events. The establishment of the busyness elimination review committee and the creation of a busyness elimination plan are undecided in most municipalities. In addition, the causes of the busyness of teachers considered by the municipal board of education are supporting/instructing club activities, meeting parents, and guidance for children. The measures to eliminate such busyness are setting a day of no club activities, setting a school closed day, and raising awareness of overtime work.