1. 幼児の親の数教育に対する意識と数教育の実施状況
- Author
Ryohei, Maruyama
- Subjects
informal mathematics ,幼児期 ,数能力 ,インフォーマル算数 ,early childhood ,mathematical education ,数教育 ,numerical ability ,ETYP:教育関連論文 - Abstract
本研究の目的は,幼児の親が幼児期の数教育に関して持っている意識と家庭で実際に行っている数教育の状況を追究することである。対象者は幼児を幼稚園に就園させている3歳児93人,4歳児169人,5歳児190人の親である。主な結果は以下の通りである。親の持つ数教育の目標は3,4歳児期では数唱・計数である。5歳児期では加減算となり,塾などへ通わせて本格的な数教育を始める。この親の意識と態度の変化は就学への期待による。幼児の兄姉の養育経験を持つ親の多くは,幼児の数能力が環境と関わることで発達するという教育観を持ち,数教育の目標を数唱・計数とする。これは幼児の兄姉の養育経験が反映した判断である。目標を加減算とする親は教育によって幼児の数能力が発達するという教育観を持ち,早期に教育を始める。親の持つ数教育の目標はその教育観と数教育の実施とに関係することが認められ,それは各個人において,かなり整合性を持つことが明らかとなった。, The purpose of this study is to investigate parental concepts of mathematical education during early chilhood, and to analyze how they have taught their young child math at home. The target sample consist of 452 preschooler's parents. The main results are as follows: Most of the parents whose preschoolers are three or four years of age expect their children to acquire counting in early childhood. Most parents of five year olds want them to understand addition and subtraction. And they begin to let thier children study in a private school(cram school). This is due to the anticipation of formal arithmatic education in school. Most of the parents that have brought up thier older chidren have the idea that child's numerical ability is developed through activities in his/her enviornment. What they expect their preschooler to acquire is merely the ability to count. These observations reflect their experiences of bringing up thier older children. Those parents who expect thier children to understand addition and subtraction agree on early math education. The level of numerical ability which parents expect their child to acquire in early childhood is closely related to their concepts of mathematical education and educational behaviors. We have confirmed this relationship in each of the parents investigated.
- Published
- 1997