1. Let’s discover meanings of touch from our fingertip and start to think about nursing and humanity! : a new educational program using bubble wrap
- Subjects
看護 ,novice education ,nursing ,touch ,tactile sense ,初年次教育 ,触覚 ,bubble wrap ,タッチの意味 ,プチプチ - Abstract
看護師にとって手の働きは重要であり、触れる技術としてのタッチは看護の基本技術と位置付けられる。しかし看護の初学者に対し、技術としてのタッチの教育を急ぐ前に、タッチの基礎となる「手で対象に触れ感じ考えることの意味」をどのように教育したらよいだろうか。国内外の文献を検索したが、適切な先行研究が見当たらなかった。そこで看護大学の初年次教育用に新プログラムを開発した。 開発に当たっては、筆者が1990 年代から医学生を対象に行ってきた視覚障害体験実習の1プログラム「身の回りの物体に触れて考える」を出発点とした。少人数の設定では、学生は様々な物体(複雑な日用品から人間の手肌まで)に触れて考えることができる。しかしこの設定を大教室に適用するのは難しい。大教室で実行するためには工夫が必要である。飽きることなく触れ続けられ、様々なことを考えられる物体は何だろうか?学生がその指先から“人間性”や“看護の概念”に至るまで、思考を拡げることは可能だろうか? 試行錯誤の結果、気泡緩衝材(通称プチプチ)に注目した。プチプチは独特なアフォーダンスを持っている。通常はプチプチを渡すと学生はすぐにそれを潰し始める。しかし「なぜ潰すのか?それを命と考えても潰せるか?」などの問いを投げかけると、学生は触れることの意味を考え始める。プチプチにナラティブな問いかけを組み合わせ、新教育プログラムとした。2019 年6 月、学生120 名に対して新プログラムを実施した。学生はプチプチを教材として受入れ、“触れることの意味”から“看護と人間性”に至るまで、自律的に思考を発展させたことが観察された。, Hands are important for nurses, and touch is positioned as a basic nursing technique. However, before going rush to educate technical touch, how should we guide novice nursing students to notice and discover hidden ability of their tactile sense and meaning of touch? I searched domestic and foreign literature on this point, but I did not find any appropriate literature. Therefore, I developed a new program “Let’s discover meanings of touch from our fingertip and start to think about nursing and humanity!”. The prototype of development is “Let’s touch objects around us and reflect about our daily life”, a program included in the visual-impairment-experience that the author has continued for a group of medical students since the 1990s. In this program, students touch various objects (from complex daily objects to human hands/skins) and think/reflect. However, this small group setting was difficult to apply to a class of 120 students. To perform the touching program in a large class, it is necessary to renew both the touching object and the touching protocol. What are the objects that can be touched without getting bored and think about various issues? Is it possible for students to extend their thinking from ones’ fingertips to the concept of humanity and nursing? As the result of trials and errors, I decided to use the bubble wrap (nickname “Putiputi” in Japan) as the object of touch. Bubble wrap has unique affordance, and usually when I give bubble wrap to students, they begin to pop it immediately. At the same time, however, when I ask questions such as “why do you pop/ crush?” or “how do you feel when you think it is a living creature?”, the students begins to reflect what they did and start to think more deeply. In this way, I developed a new educational program of touching bubble wrap and think / reflect various dimensions of humanity & nursing under the guidance of narrative inquiries. In June 2019, I implemented the program for 120 students. Students accepted bubble wrap (Putiputi) as an educational material and were able to develop their thinking autonomously from “meaning of touch” to nursing and humanity., 報告 = report
- Published
- 2020