1. Experimental study on velocity distribution in the subchannels of a fuel pin bundle with wrapping wire; Evaluation of the characteristics of flow field in 3-pin bundle
- Author
Hiyama, Tomoyuki, Aizawa, Kosuke, Nishimura, Masahiro, and Kurihara, Akikazu
- Abstract
ナトリウム冷却高速炉では、実用化に向けて燃料の高燃焼度化が求められている。高燃焼度の燃料集合体はスウェリングや熱的な燃料棒の変形によって局所的に除熱能力が低下することが懸念され、燃料集合体での冷却材流動挙動を予測評価することが重要である。本研究では、現象解明および熱流動解析コード検証用のデータベース構築を目的として、3本ピンバンドル体系の試験体を用いた流動場計測試験を実施した。現象解明の着眼点は、以下の(1)ワイヤスペーサ近傍を含めたサブチャンネル内の全体流況、(2)層流領域を含むレイノルズ数と流動場の関係、(3)ワイヤスペーサの有無が流動場に与える影響評価である。試験の結果、PIV計測によりサブチャンネル内の詳細な流動場データを取得し、3本ピンに囲まれたセンターサブチャンネルにワイヤスペーサが交差する際に隣のサブチャンネルへ逃げる流れとワイヤスペーサの巻き方向に対して追従する流れが生じることが分かった。層流領域のレイノルズ数条件では流速分布の傾向が遷移領域および乱流領域と大きく異なることを確認した。ワイヤスペーサのない体系と比較すると、層流領域においてもワイヤスペーサによるミキシングが生じていることを確認した。, In sodium-cooled fast reactors, high burnup of fuel is required for practical use. It is important to predict and evaluate the flow behavior in a fuel assembly because there is a concern that the heat removal capacity of the fuel assembly with high burnup will be locally reduced due to swirling and thermal deformation of the fuel rods. In this study, flow field measurement tests were conducted using a 3-pin bundle system test specimen for the purpose of elucidating the phenomenon and constructing a verification database for thermal hydraulics analysis code. The viewpoints of the experiment for elucidating the phenomenon are as follows; (1) Overall flow behavior in the subchannel including near the wrapping wire, (2) Relationship between Reynolds number including laminar flow region and flow field, and (3) Evaluation of the effect of the presence or absence of wrapping wire on the flow field. As a result, detailed flow field data in the subchannel was obtained by PIV measurement. It was found that when the wrapping wire crossed the subchannel, the flow occurred toward adjacent subchannel and the flow occurred that follows the winding direction of the wrapping wire. It was confirmed that the tendency of the flow velocity distribution of the Reynolds number in the laminar flow region is significantly different from that of the transition region and the turbulent region under the condition. The test was conducted using a same 3-pin bundle system without the wrapping wire, and it was confirmed that mixing by the wrapping wire occurred even in the laminar flow region.
- Published
- 2021