対象者に肯定的な効果をもたらすために必要な「対象者効果技能」と,指導者から見て望ましい学生の行動を表す「指導者期待技能」の2領域とOTの実施に必要な技術や知識の領域を加えた3領域を理論的に仮定し,それを基に93項目からなる社会的交流技能自己評価尺度(SA尺度)Ver2を作成した.同意を得たOT学生225名(男性79名,女性146名)にこの尺度を実施し,因子分析(主成分分析,固有値1基準,プロマックス斜交回転)を行い7因子が得られた.因子1「専門的スキルと知識」,因子2「対象者への尊重と配慮」,因子3「(対象者との)積極的交流」,因子4「指導者との円滑な関係」,因子5「柔軟な対処」,因子6「勤勉実直な態度」,因子7「責任ある行動」と名づけた.因子1はOTの技術・知識を,因子2と3は対象者効果技能を,因子4・5・6・7は指導者期待技能を表すものである., We distinguished two domains of social interaction skills necessary for OT students to engage in clinical field work. One is the client assist skill, which includes behaviors to produce positive effects in clients, and the other is the supervisor-expecting skill, which includes behaviors supervisors require of students. A new self-rating scale for social interaction skills (SA Scale Ver 2) was constructed from the above domains and an additional domain of OT professional techniques and knowledge. In a factor analysis of responses to the scale of 225 students (79 males and 146 females), who voluntarily participated in the study, we found 7 dimensions based on principal component analysis, 1 Eigen value criterion, and promax rotation. We interpreted them as "professional techniques and knowledge," "respect and consideration to client," "active interactions with client," "smooth interactions with supervisor," "flexible coping," "diligence and steadiness," and "responsibility." The first dimension represents OT professional techniques and knowledge, the second and third ones the client assist skill, and the others the supervisor-expecting skill.