目的: A県内の高齢者ケアを実践する臨床看護師の道徳的感受性に影響を与える要因を検討する。方法: A県内の一般病院の臨床看護師2,106名を対象に、自記式質問紙調査を実施した。そのうち678名を分析対象者とした。質問項目は基本属性、職場環境及び倫理教育の経験、高齢者観及び高齢者とのかかわり、道徳的感受性質問紙とした。道徳的感受性を目的変数、年齢、経験年数、倫理教育の経験の有無(卒後教育)、生活満足度、倫理的なことを検討する委員会の有無、高齢者との同居の有無、エイジズムを説明変数として、二項ロジスティック回帰分析を行った。結果: 対象者の平均年齢は、33.4±9.5歳、平均経験年数は121.1 ヶ月(10.08年)で、男性153名(22.5%)、女性525名(77.4%)であった。最終学歴は,専門学校が最も多く523名(77.1%)で、次いで大学146名(19.3%)、大学院は5名(0.7%)とわずかであった。道徳的感受性の関連要因は、卒業後に倫理教育を受講した経験(OR:1.45/95%CI:1.04-2.02)、倫理的なことを検討する委員会の有無(OR:1.42/95%CI:1.03-1.96)、エイジズム(OR:0.97/95%CI:0.95∸1.00)であった。考察: 高齢者ケアを実践する臨床看護師にとって道徳的感受性を高めることは重要である。高齢者を身体的・精神的・社会的に理解するためには、仕事以外での高齢者との日常的な関わりの必要性が示唆された。また,看護師がケアの場面で直面する倫理的な問題を解決するために、倫理委員会を設けるなど組織的な取り組みの必要性が示唆された。, Objective: This study aimed to examine the factors that affect the moral sensitivity of clinical nurses practicing the elderly care in A Prefecture. Method: The survey was conducted for 2,106 clinical nurses working for hospitals in A Prefecture and 678 subjects were analyzed. The questions consist of the items on the basic attributes, workplace environments, experiences of ethical education, view of the elderly, involvement with the elderly, and moral sensitivity scales. Binomial logistic regression analysis was conducted with moral sensitivity as the objective variable and age, experience of ethical education, lifestyle satisfaction degree, ethics committee, experience of living together with the elderly, and agism scales as the explanatory variable. Result: The average age was 33.4±9.5 years old, and the average years of experience was 121.1 months (10.08 years). 153 nurses (22.5%) were men and 525 nurses (77.4%) were women. 523 nurses (77.1%) graduated from vocational schools, followed by college graduates of 146 nurses (19.3%) and only 5 nurses (0.7%) finished the graduate course. The relevant factors of moral sensitivity were experience of taking ethics education after graduation (OR:1.45/95% CI:1.04-2.02), whether there was a committee to consider the ethical matters (OR:1.42/95% CI:1.03-1.96)and Ageism scores (OR: 0.97/95% CI: 0.95-1.00). Consideration: It is important for clinical nurses practicing the elderly care to develop moral sensitivity, and to have everyday involvement with the elderly to understand the elderly physically, mentally, and socially. It is suggested that organizational efforts such as establishing the ethical committee are needed to solve ethical issues these nurses face in the care scene., application/pdf