Using men's studies,this paper will examine the images and reception of"Johnny's"in "myojo" magazine(Shuueisha).At the same time,it willdeepen the understnading of its conception through interviews with theeditor.Magazines from November 2002-October 2012,including thefront cover,reader's page and colored photographs,will be analyzed.Theresearcn focuses on finding a connection between Johnny's and thereaders,and how the relationships between Johnny's stars are depicted.Especially regarding the latter point,this essay argues that there is a connecion to the theories of Eve Sedgewick on"homosocial,homophobia,and misogyny"(1985-2001). The above leads to the conclusion that,in Myojo,Johnny's arerepresented as tne readers'love interests,so the magazine functions asthe site of a pseudo-romance between the readers and the entertainers.In addition,it seems clear that this is the editor's purpose.In themagazine,while excluding women and emphasizing the bond betweenJohnny's members,homosociality is highlighted,and further,assosiatedwith homosexuality in both discourse and symbolism.Conversely,Johnny's express their manliness through their rivalries and their highlevel of athletic ability,which constitutes an opposing image to that ofhomosexuality.In conclusion,although the magazine depictshomosocial relationships between Johnny"s members without homophobia,there is no connection to Sedgewick's theories because these relationshipsare created by a female perspective,are about aheterosexual love imagined by the editors,and occur in the limited spaceof"readers will outgrow the material sooner or later."