78 results on '"Ishikawa, Hiroshi"'
Search Results
2. Verification of two flood control plan picture maps before the Horeki riparian works
- Author
- Subjects
高木家文書 ,治水 ,木曽三川 ,The Kiso Three Rivers ,河川絵図 ,river maps ,flood control ,Takagi Family Documents - Abstract
This paper analyzes two construction plan drawings showing flood control measures for The Kiso Three Rivers. Until now, these two river maps have been regarded as plans for the Horeki Flood Control, but this is incorrect. Judging from the content, these two river maps are plans for flood control works that were created locally in the first and second years of Horeki. Through this verification work, I will clarify the issues and efforts in the basin at the stage just before the Horeki Flood Control.
- Published
- 2023
3. Analysis of flood control opinion collected before the Horeki riparian works part 1 : Research river maps of the Takagi family doucments
- Author
- Subjects
高木家文書 ,治水 ,木曽三川 ,The Kiso Three Rivers ,河川絵図 ,river maps ,flood control ,the Horeki riparian works ,宝暦治水 ,Takagi Family Documents - Abstract
Prior to the Horeki riparian works, opinions and requests related to flood control work were collected from villages in the basin.Some of them are accompanied by river maps, which are the best materials for understanding the river environment at that time.In this paper, we analyzed these opinions and requests and river maps to read the river environment ,Interests of villages in the basin of The Kiso Three Rivers.
- Published
- 2022
4. Application of Machine Learning and Visualization of Evidence for Cosmic-Ray Antiparticle Identification
- Author
IMAFUKU, Takumi, ISHIKAWA, Hiroshi, ARAKI, Tetsuya, YAMAMOTO, Yukio, FUKE, Hideyuki, SHIMIZU, Yuki, WADA, Takuya, and NAKAGAMI, Yusuke
- Subjects
3DCNN ,GAPS ,Grad-CAM - Abstract
GAPS(General AntiParticle Spectrometer)は宇宙線反粒子の高感度観測によって暗黒物質を起源とする反重陽子の探索を目指す気球実験計画である.GAPS では,高い識別率や正確性が求められる宇宙線反粒子識別に対して機械学習の活用が検討されている.先行研究では,三次元のCNN(畳み込みニューラルネットワーク)モデルに用いることで,反粒子の入射角と入射位置を固定した限定的な条件下でのシミュレーションデータに対して高い識別精度が確認されている.本研究では機械学習の高い精度の識別における要因の分析によって識別の説明性を求めるため,CNN モデルが識別において注視している部分を可視化し,誤って識別したケースを分析した., The General AntiParticle Spectrometer (GAPS) aims to search for antideuterons originating from dark matter through highly sensitive observation of cosmic ray antiparticles. In GAPS, the use of machine learning is being considered for cosmic ray antiparticle identification, which requires high rejection power and identification accuracy. In a previous study, a three-dimensional convolutional neural network (CNN) model was used to achieve high rejection power for simulated data under limited conditions where the incident angle and position of the antiparticle are fixed. In this study, in order to seek the explanatory power of discrimination by analyzing the factors that contribute to the high accuracy of machine learning, the parts that the CNN model focuses on in discrimination are visualized, and the cases of incorrect discrimination are analyzed., 形態: カラー図版あり, Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations, 資料番号: AA2130033004, レポート番号: JAXA-RR-21-008
- Published
- 2022
5. Derivation of the Equation to Characterize the Lunar Central Peak Craters
- Author
IMAFUKU, Takumi, YAMAMOTO, Yukio, OTAKE, Makiko, HIROTA, Masaharu, ARAKI, Tetsuya, and ISHIKAWA, Hiroshi
- Subjects
Parameter Estimation ,Regression Analysis ,Digital Elevation Model - Abstract
月面のクレーターの直径と深さに関する関係式は良く知られている.中央丘を持つクレーターに関しては中央丘の高さを直径から導出する関係式が存在するが,これは人手でクレーターの画像からパラメータを計測し,導出されたものである.しかし,計測方法の不明瞭さや,用いられているデータの少なさ,古さなどの問題点があるため,この関係式には改善の余地があると考えられる.そこで本研究では,月面クレーターの数値標高モデルを用いて中央丘の高さのための関係式を導出し,既存の関係式と比較した.結果として中央丘の高さとクレーターの直径には正比例の関係があることを示した., There is a well-known relationship between the diameter and depth of the lunar craters. For the craters with central peaks, a non-linear relation was proposed between the diameter and the peak height. However, this relation has room for improvement since it was derived manually measuring the parameters from a small number of old crater images. Therefore, in this study, the connection between the height of the central peak and the diameter was studied using a contemporary lunar digital elevation map. As a result, it was found that there is a directly proportional relationship between the height of the central peak and the crater's diameter., 形態: カラー図版あり, Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations, 資料番号: AA2030022003, レポート番号: JAXA-RR-20-010
- Published
- 2021
6. Current state and Integration for Takagi Family Documents
- Author
- Subjects
高木家文書 ,歴史資料の統合 ,高木家文書デジタルライブラリー ,Takagi Family Documents Digital Library ,Integration of historical materials ,Takagi Family Documents - Abstract
The Takagi Family Documents held at Nagoya University Library is a collection of old documents passed down through the Nishi-Takagi family, former retainers of the shogun. Currently, Nagoya University Library Research takes over the project of organizing the remaining materials. In parallel with this, we are also investigating related documents that exist outside the university. Therefore, this paper introduces documents that were newly confirmed after FY2014, again reports the current status of the three Takagi families document, and at the same time present digital library concept for the integration and sharing of the three Takagi families document., 本稿は科学研究費補助金・基盤研究(B)「旗本高木家文書を中心とした分散資料の統合と共有化に関する研究」(課題番号15H03237)および同「木曽三川流域における治水関係文書の高度活用に関する研究」(課題番号19H01306)による研究成果の一部である。
- Published
- 2020
7. Resolution enhancement of DEM of the lunar surface using machine learning
- Author
Onodera, Kosuke, Inoue, Hiroka, Yamamoto, Mitsuo, Yamamoto, Yukio, Otake, Hisashi, Araki, Tetsuya, Hirota, Masaharu, and Ishikawa, Hiroshi
- Subjects
Deep Learning ,Neural Network ,Digital Elevation Model - Abstract
月面の数値標高モデル(Digital Elevation Model; DEM)は, 月面探査機の着陸地点や移動経路候補を検討するために用いるデータの一つである. DEMを使用する際, DEMの解像度が低いと詳細な地形を把握することができない. しかし, 月面の高解像度のDEMの作成は入手による作業を必要とするため, 高いコストがかかる. そこで本研究では, 月の全球分存在する低解像度のDEM を用いて, 入手を介さずに高解像度のDEMを生成することを目標とする. 一般的に既存のDEMからより解像度の高いDEMを生成するという目的には補間手法が用いられるが, 月面探査機の着陸地点や移動経路候補の検討という目的に用いるには十分でない. そこで本研究では, 画像の超解像において高い性能を実現している深層学習の技術を用いた手法が適用できると考え, その手法の有効性を検証した. 平均平均誤差および平均最大誤差による評価では, 検証した手法は一般的な補間手法よりも高精度なDEMが生成された. しかし, 月面探査機の着陸地点や移動経路候補の検討のためには不十分な性能であると考えられる., Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the lunar surface is one of the data used to discuss landing sites and travel route candidates for the lunar probe. When using DEM, if the DEM resolution is low, cannot grasp the detail for the terrain. However, the creation of a high-resolution DEM of the lunar surface is expensive because it requires manual work. In this paper, we aim to generate a high-resolution DEM without manual work by using a low-resolution DEM that exists for the entire lunar. In general, the interpolation method is used to generate a higher resolution DEM from the existing DEM. However, the interpolation method is not sufficient for use to discuss the landing site of the lunar explorer and moving path candidates. In this paper, we consider that a method using deep learning that achieves high performance in image super-resolution can be applied and verified the effectiveness of the method. In the evaluation based on the mean of mean error and the mean of maximum error, the verified method generated a DEM with higher accuracy than the general interpolation method. However, we consider that the performance is insufficient for discussing the landing site of the lunar probe and travel route candidates for the lunar probe., 形態: カラー図版あり, Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations, 資料番号: AA1930025003, レポート番号: JAXA-RR-19-006
- Published
- 2020
8. Proposal of search method of landing site in lunar polar exploration
- Author
Nakajima, Kohei, Inoue, Hiroka, Yamamoto, Mitsuo, Yamamoto, Yukio, Otake, Hisashi, Araki, Tetsuya, Hirota, Masaharu, and Ishikawa, Hiroshi
- Subjects
Path Planning ,Landing Site Selection - Abstract
近年, 月極域にて水氷などの揮発性物質の存在が確認され, 各国で月極域探査計画が進められている. 日本でも, JAXAが2020年代に月極域探査ミッションを予定している. ミッションを成功させるための重要な要素として, 月面探査機の着陸地点の選定があげられる. 月面上において, 探査機が着陸可能な地点は限られている. さらに, 月面に着陸後は, 探査機の走行条件を満たした地点のみを通り, 着陸地点から調査目的地点まで到達できる必要がある. 経路を検討するときには, 月面の環境が時間変化することも考慮する必要がある. また, 実際の着陸時には, 着陸誤差が生じることが想定される. そこで本研究では, 探査機の走行経路及び, 着陸誤差を考慮した月面探査機の着陸地点の選定手法を提案する., In recent years, the existence of volatile substances such as water ice has been confirmed in the lunar polar region, and the exploration plan of lunar polar is processing in each country. In Japan, JAXA plans a lunar polar exploration mission in the 2020s. One of the important factors to success the mission is the selection of the landing site of the lunar probe. On the moon, the locations where the spacecraft can land are limited because of spacecraft specification. Furthermore, after landing on the moon, spacecraft should reach from the landing site to the destination point. Here, spacecraft can travel only through the points that satisfy spacecraft traveling condition. Additionally, we should consider the time change of the lunar environment. Also, we assume that landing error will occur when spacecraft lands on the moon. Therefore, we propose the method to search for the landing point of the spacecraft considering moving route and the landing error., 形態: カラー図版あり, Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations, 資料番号: AA1930025002, レポート番号: JAXA-RR-19-006
- Published
- 2020
9. Identification of moon central peak craters by machine learning using Kaguya DEM
- Author
Hara, Satoshi, Yamamoto, Yukio, Araki, Tetsuya, Hirota, Masaharu, and Ishikawa, Hiroshi
- Subjects
Machine Learning ,Moon Central Peak ,Neural Network - Abstract
月には大小多数のクレーターが存在している. その中には, 「中央丘」という特殊な構造物を有するクレーター(以下「中央丘クレーター」と呼称)が存在している. この中央丘には, 月面表面に表出していながらも, 月地殻内部の物質が露出しているという重要な特徴がある. すなわち, 中央丘表面の探査によって, 周囲の内部地殻の物質を推定することが可能となるのである. この内部地殻の分析により, クレーター及び中央丘の成因の推定や, 過去の月面の表層環境や地殻変動の過程が推定できることが期待される. しかし現在, 中央丘クレーターの探査が盛んに行われてはいない. その要因として, 中央丘の存在確認が専門家の画像目視によるものであるが故, 中央丘クレーターとして知られているクレーターが数少ないことが挙げられる. これを解決するため, 中央丘クレーターの発見手法を自動化することで, 中央丘クレーターの場所, 大きさ等を網羅した一覧(本研究では中央丘クレーターカタログと呼称)を作成し, 今後の月面探査において調査対象の候補となりうる中央丘を大幅に増加させることが求められる. よって本研究では, 中央丘クレーターカタログの作成を最終目標とし, その為の中央丘クレーターの自動発見手法を提案する. 本研究においては, JAXAの月周囲衛星「かぐや(SELENE)」の観測にもたらされた月面の数値標高モデル(DEM)を用い, 機械学習による中央丘クレーターの識別を行い, それが中央丘クレーターカタログを作成できるほどの精度を有しているか検証する. 具体的には, まず回転ピクセルスワッピング法というDEMデータからの高速クレーター抽出手法を用いて各クレーターのDEMデータを抽出, それらにラベル付けを行った後, CNNによる中央丘クレーターの識別を試る. 結果として, 中央丘クレーターカタログを作成できるほどの高精度な識別モデルを得ることはできなかったが, 中央丘クレーター識別においてCNNが有効な手法であることは確認できた., There are many craters in the moon. Among them are craters having a special structure called 'central peak' (hereinafter referred to as 'the central-peak crater'). This central peak has an important characteristic that substances inside the moon crust are exposed on the moon surface. Therefore, by measuring the surface of the central peak, it is possible to estimate the material of the surrounding inner crust. By analyzing the inner crust, it is expected that estimation of the cause of craters and central peaks, the process of the environment of the moon surface, and crustal deformation of the past. However, except for some famous craters, the investigation has not progressed much. The reason for this is that the discovery of the central peak is based on visual observation of images by experts, so there are few known the central-peak craters. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to automate the discovery method of the central-peak crater and prepare a catalog that records the position and size of central peaks, thereby greatly increasing the prospecting point candidate of the central-peak crater. Therefore, in this research, the final goal is to create a catalog of the central-peak crater, and for that purpose we propose an automatic discovery method of the central-peak crater. In this research, we use Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the lunar surface observed by JAXA's lunar orbit satellite 'KAGUYA' to identify the central-peak crater by machine learning and verify its accuracy. Specifically, we first extract craters using a high-speed crater automatic extraction method called 'Rotating Pixel Swapping Method for DEM', label them, and then try to identify the central-peak crater by CNN. As a result, it was impossible to obtain a highly accurate discrimination model that could create the catalog of the central-peak craters, but we could confirm the possibility that CNN is an effective method in the central-peak crater identification., 形態: カラー図版あり, Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations, 資料番号: AA1830035001, レポート番号: JAXA-RR-18-008
- Published
- 2019
10. 宇宙線反粒子識別を対象とした機械学習の応用と根拠の可視化
- Author
IMAFUKU, Takumi, ISHIKAWA, Hiroshi, YAMAMOTO, Yukio, ARAKI, Tetsuya, FUKE, Hideyuki, SHIMIZU, Yuki, WADA, Takuya, and NAKAGAMI, Yusuke
- Abstract
2020年度宇宙科学情報解析シンポジウム(2021年2月19日. オンライン開催), Space Science Informatics Symposium FY2020(February 19, 2021. Online Meeting), 資料番号: SA6000159003
- Published
- 2021
11. 敵対的生成ネットワークを用いた月面の高解像度DEMの生成
- Author
ONODERA, Kosuke, YAMAMOTO, Yukio, ARAKI, Tetsuya, and ISHIKAWA, Hiroshi
- Abstract
2020年度宇宙科学情報解析シンポジウム(2021年2月19日. オンライン開催), Space Science Informatics Symposium FY2020(February 19, 2021. Online Meeting), 資料番号: SA6000159004
- Published
- 2021
12. ロジスティック回帰による深発月震の分類に寄与する周波数帯の可視化
- Author
NAKAJIMA, Kohei, YAMAMOTO, Yukio, YAMADA, Ryuhei, ARAKI, Tetsuya, HIROTA, Masaharu, and ISHIKAWA, Hiroshi
- Abstract
2020年度宇宙科学情報解析シンポジウム(2021年2月19日. オンライン開催), Space Science Informatics Symposium FY2020(February 19, 2021. Online Meeting), 資料番号: SA6000159005
- Published
- 2021
13. 新規生成月面クレーターの検出手法の提案
- Author
SHIBAYAMA, Takuya, ISHIKAWA, Hiroshi, YAMAMOTO, Yukio, and ARAKI, Tetsuya
- Abstract
2020年度宇宙科学情報解析シンポジウム(2021年2月19日. オンライン開催), Space Science Informatics Symposium FY2020(February 19, 2021. Online Meeting), 資料番号: SA6000159008
- Published
- 2021
14. SPICEを用いた視野の可視化と技術選定
- Author
YAMAMOTO, Yukio, MIUIRA, Akira, HIRATA, Naru, and ISHIKAWA, Hiroshi
- Abstract
2020年度宇宙科学情報解析シンポジウム(2021年2月19日. オンライン開催), Space Science Informatics Symposium FY2020(February 19, 2021. Online Meeting), 資料番号: SA6000159013
- Published
- 2021
15. Catalog of Koei-ji Temple Documents
- Author
- Subjects
高木家文書 ,広栄寺 ,Koei-ji Temple ,Takagi Family Documents - Abstract
The Takagi Family Documents held by the Nagoya University Library are a collection of historical documents passed down through the Nishi-Takagi family,a former shogunal vassal. In addition to managing those Takagi Family documents,Nagoya University Library Studies is also engaging in inquiry about and collection of the Takagi Family Documents dispersed elsewhere.As a part of it,we surveyed and organized the old documents held by Koei-ji Temple.This paper serves as a report on this investigation and the catalog., 本稿は科学研究費補助金基盤研究(B)「旗本高木家文書を中心とした分散資料の統合と共有化に関する研究」(研究課題番号:15H03237)による成果の一部である。
- Published
- 2018
16. Investigation of Orbit Parameters to Classify the Deep Moonquake Sources
- Author
Kato, Kodai, Yamada, Ryuhei, Yamamoto, Yukio, Hirota, Masaharu, Yokoyama, Shohei, and Ishikawa, Hiroshi
- Subjects
Machine Learning ,Random Forest ,Moonquake - Abstract
本論文では, 深発月震の発生時刻に基づいた特徴量から, 機械学習を用いて, 震源を分類するのに有効な特徴量の発見を試みる. 月震の解析は, 月の内部構造や月震の発生原因などを解析する上で非常に重要であり, 現在も解析が行なわれている. 月震解析の一つに, 深発月震の震源分類がある. 深発月震に着目すると, 同一の震源から発生する深発月震は波形が類似していることが知られており, 従来, 深発月震の震源分類は, 主に波形の相互相関から分類が行われてきた. しかし, 深発月震は振幅が小さく, ノイズが含まれているものも多いため, 波形の類似性のみでは震源が推定できないものが多数存在している. 本論文では, 震源分類のための特徴量として, 月, 地球, 太陽, 木星の位置関係, 速度を特徴量として検証した. これらの特徴量は, 波形では分類できなかった深発月震の震源分類にも適用可能である. また, 震源ごとの発生要因の分析への利用が可能である. 結果として, 月-地球の位置関係, 速度が震源分類に寄与し, また, 分類する震源の組み合わせによって, 寄与する特徴量が異なることを示した., In this paper, we evaluate features based on time of occurrence of deep moonquakes different from the waveforms to classify seismic sources. Classification of the sources of the deep moonquakes is an important issue for analyzing the focal mechanisms and the lunar deep structures. Previous researches found that deep moonquakes which occur from the same source have similar waveforms. Some studies have been conducted to identify the source of deep moonquake using the waveform similarities. However, classifying some deep moonquakes using only the waveforms is difficult due to large noise and the small amplitude. If we could show that other features different from the waveforms are effective for classification of deep moonquakes, we can increase the number of classifiable moonquakes even if moonquakes include noise and small amplitude of the waveforms. Therefore, we use other features to classify deep moonquakes (position and velocity relative to the Earth, Sun, Jupiter, and Venus, as seen from the Moon). We apply these features to classify deep moonquakes that are not classified based on only waveforms, and it is useful to analyze the deep moonquake occurrence mechanisms. Our experiments showed that the position and velocity relation between the Moon and the Earth are effective for classification., 形態: カラー図版あり, Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations, 資料番号: AA1730023005, レポート番号: JAXA-RR-17-009
- Published
- 2018
17. Study of the suitable machine learning techniques for classication of deep moonquake sources
- Author
Kikuchi, Shiori, Kato, Kodai, Yamada, Ryuhei, Yamamoto, Yukio, Hirota, Masaharu, Yokoyama, Shohei, and Ishikawa, Hiroshi
- Subjects
Machine Learning ,Moonquakes ,Neural Network - Abstract
深発月震とは, 深さ約1, 000km で発生し, 観測された数が最も多い月震である. これまで深発月震の震源の推定が行われてきたが, 深発月震の波形にノイズが多く含まれることと, 振幅が小さいために, これまでの手法では, 震源の推定が困難な月震も多く存在している. そこで, 我々は, 波形の類似性に基づいて, 月震の震源推定を行うための, 最適な機械学習法について研究を行なった. 震源の分類に機械学習を用いることで, これまでの推定とは異なる新たな特徴を用いた震源の推定や, 推定を行う際の解析処理時間の削減が期待できる. 本研究では, 深発月震の震源を高精度に推定する手法を発見するため, 複数の機械学習の推定の性能を比較し, 検討する. その後, 分類性能の向上のために, 誤って推定されたイベントに着目し, 複数の手法や特徴量による震源の推定結果の比較を行なった. その結果から, 月震ラベルの間違いや, 震源における外れ値などを視野に入れながら, 誤って推定される原因の分析を行った. 本研究で選択した最適な機械学習法による分類を行うことで, 新しい月震イベントカタログの作成や, これまで未分類であったイベントの同定が可能となることが期待される., Deep moonquake occurs at depth of about 1000km, and it is most frequent lunar seismic event. Due to considerable noises and low amplitudes in deep moonquake waveforms, we have some difficulties to locate the sources when we use conventional method. In this paper, we have investigated suitable machine learning methods to classify the deep moonquake sources based on similarity among the waveforms. The machine learning-based method is more useful to reduce the computational time to classify the sources compared with the conventional method, and it has also advantage to apply the some types of effective features such as power spectral density for the classification. We compared performances of some machine learning methods in order to find the suitable method. Then, the deep events misclassified from some machine learning methods has been also investigated, and we have analyzed causes of misclassification (e.g., mislabel, outlier) for improvement of the classification. It can be expected that the suitable machine learning method will enable us to create a new moonquake event catalog and identify the unclassified events., 形態: カラー図版あり, Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations, 資料番号: AA1630049005, レポート番号: JAXA-RR-16-007
- Published
- 2017
18. Analysis of the effective features to classify the deep moonquake sources using the SVM
- Author
Kato, Kodai, Kikuchi, Shiori, Yamada, Ryuhei, Yamamoto, Yukio, Hirota, Masaharu, Yokoyama, Shohei, and Ishikawa, Hiroshi
- Subjects
Machine Learning ,SVM ,Moonquake - Abstract
NASA が行ったアポロミッションによって, 約7年半分に及ぶ月地震データが収集された. これらのデータは, 月の内部構造の推定や, 月震の発生メカニズムの解明において非常に重要であり, 現在も解析が行なわれている. 月震は, その発生要因から, 深発月震, 浅発月震, 熱月震, 隕石衝突などに分類されており, 検出された月震の約半数は深発月震である. 月震解析のひとつに, 深発月震の震源分類がある. 深発月震の震源分類は従来, 波形の相互比較から分類が行われてきた. 近年の研究によって, これまでの月震波形の検出手法や, 震源分類の分類基準を、機械学習を用いて改良可能である事が示唆されている. 震源の分類基準を改良するためには, それぞれの震源を分類するのに有効な特徴量を発見することが必要であるが, これらは従来, 専門家の知見に基づくものであった. そこで, 本研究では, 機械学習を用いて, 半自動的に震源を分類するのに有効な特徴量を発見する. 結果として, 月震のパワースペクトルや, 月-地球間の距離が震源に適した特徴量であることを示し, 深発月震の分類基準を再考するための特徴量発見に機械学習を用いることの有用性を示した., NASA had obtained the moonquake data for about 7 years. The data is available to study the lunar internal structure and the focal mechanisms of moonquakes. Classification of sources of the deep moonquakes is one of important issues. The conventional method to classify deep moonquake sources is mutual comparison among waveforms. Recent machine learning approach enables us to improve the detection of moonquake, and classification of the sources. In this paper, we investigate the effective features to classify the moonquake sources. As a result, we showed that power spectral density of moonquake, and distance between the moon and the earth are effective features to classify the deep moonquake sources using the machine learning approach., 形態: カラー図版あり, Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations, 資料番号: AA1630049004, レポート番号: JAXA-RR-16-007
- Published
- 2017
19. 中央丘クレーターの特性に関する関係式の導出
- Author
IMAFUKU, Takumi, OHTAKE, Makiko, YAMAMOTO, Yukio, ARAKI, Tetsuya, HIROTA, Masaharu, and ISHIKAWA, Hiroshi
- Abstract
2019(令和元)年度宇宙科学情報解析シンポジウム(2020年2月14日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県, Space Science Informatics Symposium FY2019(February 14, 2020. Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA)(ISAS)), Sagamihara, Kanagawa Japan, 資料番号: SA6000150017
- Published
- 2020
20. アポロ計画以降に生成された月面クレーターの検出
- Author
SHIBAYAMA, Takuya, OHTAKE, Makiko, YAMAMOTO, Yukio, ARAKI, Tetsuya, HIROTA, Masaharu, and ISHIKAWA, Hiroshi
- Abstract
2019(令和元)年度宇宙科学情報解析シンポジウム(2020年2月14日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県, Space Science Informatics Symposium FY2019(February 14, 2020. Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA)(ISAS)), Sagamihara, Kanagawa Japan, 資料番号: SA6000150016
- Published
- 2020
21. 月面の高解像度画像と低解像度DEMを用いた深層学習による高解像度DEMの生成の検討
- Author
ONODERA, Kosuke, INOUE, Hiroka, YAMAMOTO, Mitsuo, YAMAMOTO, Yukio, OTAKE, Hisashi, ARAKI, Tetsuya, HIROTA, Masaharu, and ISHIKAWA, Hiroshi
- Abstract
2019(令和元)年度宇宙科学情報解析シンポジウム(2020年2月14日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県, Space Science Informatics Symposium FY2019(February 14, 2020. Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA)(ISAS)), Sagamihara, Kanagawa Japan, 資料番号: SA6000150019
- Published
- 2020
22. River patrol by the Takagi familys
- Author
- Subjects
高木家文書 ,治水 ,木曽三川 ,The Kiso Three Rivers ,旗本高木家 ,flood control ,The House of Takagi under direct retainer of the shogun ,Takagi Family Documents - Abstract
In the Kiso Three Rivers basin in the early modern period, the Takagi familys, who was the Hatamoto, played a major role in river management. In this paper, taking 1834 as an example, we examined river patrols by the Takagi familys and clarified the specific contents of the river management system.
- Published
- 2021
23. 月極域探査における探査機の走行経路を考慮した着陸地点の選定手法
- Author
Nakajima, Kouhei, Inoue, Hiroka, Yamamoto, Mitsuo, Yamamoto, Yukio, Otake, Hisashi, Araki, Tetsuya, Hirota, Masaharu, and Ishikawa, Hiroshi
- Abstract
平成30年度宇宙科学情報解析シンポジウム(2019年2月15日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県, Space Science Informatics Symposium FY2018 (February 15, 2019. Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)(ISAS)), Sagamihara, Kanagawa Japan, 資料番号: SA6000133011
- Published
- 2019
24. 機械学習による月面DEMの高解像化
- Author
Onodera, Kosuke, Inoue, Hiroka, Yamamoto, Mitsuo, Yamamoto, Yukio, Otake, Hisashi, Araki, Tetsuya, Hirota, Masaharu, and Ishikawa, Hiroshi
- Abstract
平成30年度宇宙科学情報解析シンポジウム(2019年2月15日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県, Space Science Informatics Symposium FY2018 (February 15, 2019. Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)(ISAS)), Sagamihara, Kanagawa Japan, 著者の誤記: 廣田, 雅治, 資料番号: SA6000133013
- Published
- 2019
25. 深層学習を用いた月面の高解像度DEMの生成
- Author
Onodera, Kosuke, Inoue, Hiroka, Yamamoto, Mitsuo, Yamamoto, Yukio, Otake, Hisashi, Araki, Tetsuya, Hirota, Masaharu, and Ishikawa, Hiroshi
- Abstract
第19回宇宙科学シンポジウム (2019年1月9日-10日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)相模原キャンパス), 相模原市, 神奈川県, 19th Space Science Symposium (January 9-10, 2019. Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA)(ISAS)Sagamihara Campus), Sagamihara, Kanagawa Japan, 資料番号: SA6000144147, レポート番号: P-112
- Published
- 2019
26. Catalog of the Takagi Family Documents Held by the Sekigahara Town History & Folklore Museum
- Author
- Subjects
高木家文書 ,元禄国絵図 ,Genroku Era maps ,関ケ原町歴史民俗資料館 ,Sekigahara Town History & Folklore Museum ,Takagi Family Documents - Abstract
The Takagi Family Documents held by the Nagoya University Library are a collection of historical documents passed down through the Nishi-Takagi family, a former shogunal vassal. There are estimated to be as many as 100,000 total items, with a scope that was not seen in other shogunal vassal family Documents, for instance, extensive materials related to flood control of Kiso Sansen. In addition to managing those Takagi Family documents, Nagoya University Library Studies is also engaging in inquiry about and collection of the Takagi Family Documents dispersed elsewhere. Through this process, it was discovered that the Sekigahara Town History & Folklore Museum also possesses the Takagi Family Documents. This year, the documents were surveyed and organized; their relationship to those held by the Nagoya University Library was analyzed, and a catalog was prepared. This paper serves as a report on this investigation and the catalog.
- Published
- 2015
27. かぐやDEMを用いた, 機械学習による中央丘クレーター識別
- Author
Hara, Satoshi, Yamamoto, Yukio, Araki, Tetsuya, and Ishikawa, Hiroshi
- Abstract
平成29年度宇宙科学情報解析シンポジウム(2018年2月16日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県, Space Science Informatics Symposium FY2017 (February 16, 2018. Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)(ISAS)), Sagamihara, Kanagawa Japan, 資料番号: SA6000122014
- Published
- 2018
28. Current state and future agenda for Takagi Family Documents
- Author
- Subjects
高木家文書 ,高木家文書デジタルライブラリー ,Takagi Family Documents Disital Library ,Takagi Family Documents - Abstract
The Takagi Family Documents held at Nagoya University Library is a collection of old documents passed down through the Nishi-Takagi family, former retainers of the shogun. This collection is estimated to contain over 100,000 items. By 1989, Nagoya University had finished sorting through approximately 50,000 of these documents, details of which have been published in a 5-volume catalog. Following this, the current Nagoya University Library Studies took over the project of sorting through the remaining supplementary materials. In parallel to this process, initiatives were being taken to survey related documents from the Higashi-Takagi family and Kita-Takagi family, both of which are branch families; Nishi family documents that have been dispersed and documents that have been passed down through the families of former retainers. In addition, there are also Takagi Family Documents that have been collected in recent years. In addition to introducing new materials, this paper confirms the status of documents relating to the three Takagi families that have been obtained as a result of past activities and identifies future challenges that the project faces.
- Published
- 2014
29. A system for visualizing large-scale moonquake data considering waveform similarity using SOM
- Author
Goto, Yasumichi, Yamada, Ryuhei, Yamamoto, Yukio, Yokoyama, Shohei, and Ishikawa, Hiroshi
- Subjects
Self-Organizing Map ,Moonquake ,Visualization - Abstract
1969 年から1977 年の7 年半の間,NASA のアポロミッションにおいて,月面に設置された地震計を用いた連続観測により,膨大な量の月地震データが取得された.これまでの月地震データの解析より,深発月震は,月深部の約700-1200km で発生しており,同一の震源から周期的に発生する事が明らかにされている.同一震源から発生する深発月震間において,それらの波形は高い類似性が見られる.この波形の類似性は,震源の分類や,月地震の発生原因の究明において重要な情報となる.そのため,現在に至るまで,人手による月地震の分類が行われている.しかし,膨大な量の月地震データを人手によって分類することは困難である.そこで,本研究では,月地震データの分類研究を促進するため,波形の類似性を考慮して月地震データを可視化するためのシステムを実装する.本システムでは,月地震データを2 次元空間上へマッピングするため,Self-Organizing Map (SOM) を用いる.膨大な量の月地震データを効率的に処理するため,本システムの処理のバックエンドにHadoop を用いる.SOM に用いる特徴量を事前に選択するため,月地震データの人手による分類結果に基づいて,Support Vector Machine(SVM) により,月地震を適切に分類可能な特徴量を複数検証する.SVM の分類結果から選択された特徴量を用いてSOM を適用し,その結果について考察する., Large-scale data of moonquake were obtained from seismometers located on the Moon by the NASA Apollo missions from 1969 to 1977. According to previous analysis of the lunar seismic data, previous studies found that deep moonquakes occur periodically from identical sources at a depth of about 700 to 1200km. The deep moonquakes occurred from identical sources have high similarities among each waveform. This similarity is important to classify the sources and investigate the generation mechanism of moonquakes. From the reason, classification of moonquakes has been processed. We, therefore, develop the web system for visualizing moonquakes considering waveform similarity to progress study of moonquake classification. Our system maps moonquakes data to two-dimensional output space using Self-Organizing Map (SOM). We embed Hadoop in the back-end system to apply SOM to enormous moonquakes data. In this paper, to select a feature for SOM, we evaluate several features based on classified data. Using selected feature, we perform SOM to moonquake data and discuss its result., 形態: カラー図版あり, Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations, 資料番号: AA0062302015, レポート番号: JAXA-RR-13-010
- Published
- 2014
30. Survey and utilization for Takagi Family Documents in modern times
- Author
- Subjects
高木家文書 ,Document on flood control ,The investigation of materials for history ,史料調査 ,治水関係文書 ,Takagi Family Documents - Abstract
The Takagi Family Documents held at Nagoya University Library was known from before World War II, and was browsed by various people, and it was utilized in various fields such as compilation of history books and exhibitions. In this paper, I summarized the circumstances of what kind of people investigated, organized, and utilized the Takagi Family Documents, in modern times., 本稿は科学研究費補助金・基盤研究(B)「旗本高木家文書を中心とした分散資料の統合と共有化に関する研究」(課題番号15H03237、研究代表者・石川寛)による研究成果の一部である。
- Published
- 2019
31. Balanced Random Forest を用いた深発月震分類のための時空間特徴量の分析
- Author
Kato, Kodai, Yamada, Ryuhei, Yamamoto, Yukio, Hirota, Masaharu, Yokoyama, Shohei, and Ishikawa, Hiroshi
- Abstract
平成28年度宇宙科学情報解析シンポジウム(2017年2月10日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県, Space Science Informatics Symposium FY2016 (February 10, 2017. Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)(ISAS)), Sagamihara, Kanagawa Japan, 資料番号: SA6000121003
- Published
- 2017
32. Kotai Yoriai of the lords and vassals of the House of Takagi: Meiji Restoration
- Author
- Subjects
Stipend disposal ,高木家 ,The House of Takagi ,主従関係 ,秩禄処分 ,The lord / vassal relationship - Abstract
This paper presents a specific and concrete image of a group of retainers in the house of a direct retainer of the Shogun during the Meiji Restoration, using the Kotai Yoriai of the House of Takagi as the subject of discussions. The house of Takagi, which owned Toki- Tarago of Mino Province, was a direct retainer of the Shogun, and at the same time held the status of feudal lord in the Kotai Yoriai . It also had the same level of independence as a feudal lord in the execution of rights of possession. After the restoration of Imperial rule, the lords and retainers of the House of Takagi planned and executed the handover of possession rights on the level of Feudal Lords in the backdrop of pride as a Kotai Yoriai , having been among the first to return to allegiance to the Emperor in response to the new government’ s measures to reorganize the old retainer system. However, unable to compete with the other feudal lords, as in the case of other direct retainers, the head of the family became a samurai descendent, and the vassals became commoners. Even after that, the lord / vassal relationship that accompanied the stipends between the head of the household and the former retainers who stayed with the house of Takagi in hopes of remaining part of a samurai family, buy this relationship was dissolved when the house of Takagi became subject to the Meiji government’ s order to terminate all retainer stipends.
- Published
- 2010
33. これまでの月震分類は正しいのか? ~機械学習の視点から見た妥当性~
- Author
Kato, Kodai, Yamada, Ryuhei, Yamamoto, Yukio, Yokoyama, Shohei, and Ishikawa, Hiroshi
- Abstract
平成27年度宇宙科学情報解析シンポジウム(2016年2月12日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県, Space Science Informatics Symposium FY2015 (February 12, 2016. Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)(ISAS)), Sagamihara, Kanagawa Japan, 資料番号: SA6000093001
- Published
- 2016
34. 月震の震源域を推定する機械学習手法の検討
- Author
Kikuchi, Shiori, Yamada, Ryuhei, Yamamoto, Yukio, Yokoyama, Shohei, and Ishikawa, Hiroshi
- Abstract
平成27年度宇宙科学情報解析シンポジウム(2016年2月12日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県, Space Science Informatics Symposium FY2015 (February 12, 2016. Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)(ISAS)), Sagamihara, Kanagawa Japan, 資料番号: SA6000093002
- Published
- 2016
35. 多能性をもつ adipo-cytokine による再生医療の可能性 (第133回成医会総会一般演題)
- Author
Kurihara, Kunihiro, Sasaki, Masashi, Watanabe, Yoshitaka, and Ishikawa, Hiroshi
- Abstract
- Published
- 2016
36. Restoration of 'Kurourushibunko' inherited in Nishi-Takagi family
- Author
- Subjects
高木家文書 ,Genealogy creation ,系譜編纂 ,旗本高木家 ,The House of Takagi under direct retainer of the shogun ,Takagi Family Documents - Abstract
I attempted to restore“ Kurourushibunko” which the Nishi-Takagi family transmitted. Important materials related to the Nishi-Takagi family such as genealogy and historical documents are stored in“ Kurourushibunko” .It has been kept carefully in the Nishi-Takagi family since the early modern era, but the original order has been disrupted.Therefore, I attempted to restore“ Kurourushibunko” to the state of catalogs created in Kaei era, and also revealed its contents.
- Published
- 2017
37. Visualizing High-Risk Paths using Road Network Analysis for Disaster Mitigation
- Author
Kanno, Masaki, Ehata, Yo, Hirota, Masaharu, Yokoyama, Shohei, and Ishikawa, Hiroshi
- Abstract
東日本大震災を受けて,災害時に人々が避難施設まで円滑な避難行動を行うことの重要性が再確認された.1日の乗降者数が300万人を超える新宿駅などの密集地からの避難においては,各密集地からの避難により新たに人が密集する道路が発生し,円滑な避難行動が困難になる可能性が高い.また,その道路の周辺の地理的条件によっても,影響を受けると予想される.そこで,本論文では,新たに密集する道路と地理的条件を考慮し,道路ネットワークを用いて災害時において避難リスクの高い経路を発見する手法を提案する.さらに,時間ごとに人々が密集する場所が変化することも考慮し,1時間ごとに避難リスクの高い経路を可視化し,考察する., The 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami showed the importance of smooth evacuation to nearby safe evacuation facilities. Smooth evacuation from crowded areas like train stations is difficult because people facing disaster often cannot find good paths to the nearest safe places and their evacuation may create congestion, which again hinders smooth evacuation. For smooth evacuation, the safety of roads used for evacuation needs to be evaluated. This evaluation requires 1) geographical characteristics of roads such as the risk of collapse of neighboring buildings and road width and 2) crowdedness of roads at the moment of disaster. While previous studies considered the former, the latter information has not been well studied because the crowdedness depends on the demographics of a city, which is quite dynamic and difficult to measure. For example, daytime and nighttime populations of a city differ greatly. This paper proposes a method that measures demographic snapshots of a city from time- and geo-stamped micro-blog posts and visualizes high-risk evacuation roads on the basis of geographical characteristics and demographics. Our method enabled visualization of high-risk evacuation roads on a per-hour basis. We also qualitatively analyze and discuss the visualization results.
- Published
- 2017
38. Evaluation Method for Aging of Asphalt after Thin Film Oven Test
- Author
Ishikawa, Hiroshi, Gento, Tsutomu, Hasegawa, Hiroshi, Takano, Shin-ei, and Moriyoshi, Akihiro
- Subjects
Aging ,Oxidation ,Asphalt ,High temperature ,Durability ,Brittle point - Abstract
ノート, 本研究はアスファルト舗装の供用に伴うアスファルトのエージングを,プレッシャー.エージング.ベッセル(PAV) 試験,薄膜加熱試験,屋外暴露試験および新しく開発した高温長時間耐久性 (HTLTD) 試験により再現し,エージングを受けたアスファルトを森吉ぜい化点 (MBP) およびダイナミック.シア.レオメーター (DSR) 試験で評価を行った。その結果,HTLTD試験は薄膜加熱試験用と同一の容器を用いて,加熱時間のみを変化させMBP試験をそのままの状態で実施できる利便性があること,PAV試験と比較してエージングが著しいこと,また室外の暴露試験の結果とも対応していることを明らかにした。そして,この新しい試験がストレートアスファルトおよび排水性舗装用アスファルトのエージングの評価に対して極めて有効であることを確認した。, Various asphalts were subjected to aging tests to simulate service in asphalt pavements using the Pressure Aging Vessel (PAV) test, Thin Film Oven test, Outdoor Exposure test, and the newly developed High Temperature Long Time Durability (HTLTD) test. The aging of the asphalts was evaluated using the MBP test and Dynamic Shear Rheometer test. The HTLTD test method can be more easily performed and the specimen best reflects the asphalt surface properties after aging. The aging is greater compared with the PAV test, and similar to the Outdoor Exposure test. The new HTLTD method is effective for evaluating aging of straight asphalts and porous asphalts at high temperature and over long periods.
- Published
- 2001
39. Toward a new information processing education—How does JAVA programming change conventional computer education
- Author
Imai, Yoshiro, Miyatake, Akiyoshi, Inomo, Hitoshi, and Ishikawa, Hiroshi
- Abstract
- Published
- 1999
40. A personal computer based field database system for probabilistic life prediction
- Author
Imai, Yoshiro, Okabe, Nagatoshi, Matsushita, Toshihisa, Ishikawa, Hiroshi, and Inomo, Hitoshi
- Abstract
- Published
- 1998
41. 波形の類似性を考慮した大規模月地震データの可視化システムの実装
- Author
Goto, Yasumichi, Yamada, Ryuhei, Yamamoto, Yukio, Yokoyama, Shohei, and Ishikawa, Hiroshi
- Abstract
平成24年度宇宙科学情報解析シンポジウム(2013年2月15日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県, Space Science Informatics Symposium FY2012 (February 15, 2013. Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)(ISAS)), Sagamihara, Kanagawa Japan, 資料番号: SA6000098021
- Published
- 2013
42. Research on the Diary of Sadamasa Takagi
- Author
YANG, Liu, MORI, Ayano, ZHANG, Hanzhi, KACHI, Miho, ITO, Yumi, KANI, Mitsuo, ISHIKAWA, Hiroshi, and HAGA, Shoji
- Subjects
郡政 ,高木家文書 ,district government ,高木貞正 ,district head ,郡長 ,Sadamasa Takagi ,Takagi Family Documents - Abstract
This paper focuses on research using the nisshi (daily journal) written by Sadamasa Takagi in 1879. Takagi was the first head of the Tagi-Kamiishizu District in Gifu Prefecture, and in the year 1879, county offices opened there. This paper combines the nisshi from 1879 with annotations where necessary and provides lists of people and places involved. The paper also offers explanations of the nisshi's main items, such as the district offices' work, compares the nisshi by the first district head of Kani District Dōichi Kamiya, and introduces materials related to the era of the Takagi Family documents. Besides elucidating the Tagi-Kamiishizu District itself, this research is also useful for acquiring a better understanding of the state of district heads and governments during the early Meiji Period.
- Published
- 2015
43. FGFファイミリーオートクリン因子により仲介されるTSHとIGF-Iによる甲状腺細胞の相乗的な増殖誘導 (第120回成医会総会一般演題)
- Author
Akahori, Masakazu, Takahashi, Shinichiro, Gon, Gotetsu, Tachibana, Toshiaki, Hashimoto, Hisashi, and Ishikawa, Hiroshi
- Abstract
- Published
- 2003
44. 信念を持つ
- Author
Ishikawa, Hiroshi
- Abstract
- Published
- 1998
45. マウス脳血管系の三次元的観察技法の開発 (第123回成医会総会一般演題)
- Author
Hashimoto, Hisashi, Kusakabe, Moriaki, and Ishikawa, Hiroshi
- Abstract
- Published
- 2006
46. ヒト卵巣immature teratomaからのES細胞様細胞株の樹立とその分化 (第119回成医会総会一般演題)
- Author
Ishikawa, Hiroshi, Hashimoto, Hisashi, Tachibana, Toshikimi, Akahori, Masakazu, Yamada, Kyosuke, Kimura, Eizo, Yasuda, Makoto, Tanaka, Tadao, and Ishiwatari, Isamu
- Abstract
- Published
- 2002
47. Apprecation of stochastic process theory to fatigue life estimation under random loading
- Author
Ishikawa, Hiroshi and Kimura, Hitoshi
- Abstract
- Published
- 1979
48. Reliability-based design of machines and structures
- Author
Ishikawa, Hiroshi and Kimura, Hitoshi
- Abstract
application/pdf, Three fundamental phases exist, in general, in the reliabiability-based design of machines and/or structures; the first phase is the determination of the stochastic nature, namely the probability density function, of the stress or stresses to cause structural failure, the second the evaluation of probabilistic characteristics of the strength of each member or component, and the last the linkage of the both probability density functions with the given reliability level. Each phase is, as is often the case, confronted with uncertainties due to, for instance, insufficiency of available data, approximation and imperfection of the structual model to be analyzed. In the present paper, therefore, engineering uncertainties associated with the reliability-based design are first briefly summarized and discussed. They are pointed out to be classified into two categories, one related to objective probability (termed as objective uncertainty) and the other subjective (as subjective uncertainty). Then it is a standard practice to introduce Bayesian approach techniques, thus producing a comprehensive useful reliability-based design principle by the first-order second moment method which is originally proposed by A. H-S. Ang. This design principle is carefully examined, and the advantage of introducing subjective probability in design is emphasized, while paying a rigorous attention to its limitation in the application., The present reliability-based design principle can be inversely applied to the analysis of the reliability level of any structure now existing. To this end, a simple case is briefly exemplified and discussed. In conclusion, this design principle, though it places its origin to the usage of subjective probability, plays a crucial role in the reliability-based design of machines and/or structures.
- Published
- 1981
49. On the Markov approximation of the system with random input
- Author
Ishikawa, Hiroshi and Tsurui, Akira
- Abstract
- Published
- 1984
50. A reliability-based approach to the fatigue life dispersion of FRP under program loading
- Author
Ishikawa, Hiroshi, Tanimoto, Toshio, and Kimura, Hitoshi
- Abstract
application/pdf, Investigations were made on the fatigue properties of satin woven glass cloth FRP under multi-step program loading of rotating bending, with special emphases on the effects of the primary stress level, its cycle ratio and the sequence of loading. Rotating bending fatigue tests under constant stress amplitudes were also carried out to form the comparison basis. In each case, fatigue test under a certain loading condition was repeated several times so as to produce statistical fatigue life data for the analysis of fatigue life dispersion of the material with the aid of a two-parameter Weibull probability model., To clarify the fatigue properties of the material under service loads, the effect of stress wave form would be one of the most interesting subjects which must be dealt with. Hence the associated investigation was incorporated in the present study., The following delineates the main conclusions, (1) According to the results of basic two-step program loading fatigue tests, the cycle ratio at the secondary stress level, n2/N2, is always equal to or greater than unity. Futher, it is of practical interest to note that the fatigue life at the secondary stress level is longer than that at the same stress level under constant amplitude loading. This tendency was particularly observed in the case of High-Low type loading sequence. Hence, it would be considered that Miner's rule could not be applied for fatigue life estimation of the FRP under program loading. It has to be modified to an appropriate form, thus giving the proposed prediction formula., (2) Fatigue life estimation by the proposed equation indicates that a fairly good agreement can be obtained between the experimental and the estimated fatigue lives throughout the present study., (3) Sinusoidal stress wave form can cause a longer fatigue life in comparison with those triangular and/or pulse type.
- Published
- 1980
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