大学での対面型集合教育において学生の自発的学習を促進し教育の質の向上を図ることを目的とした教育法を提案する.自発学習促進スパイラル教育法と名づける提案法は, 授業と学習を統合的に支援する授業支援型e-LearningシステムCEASの特長を活かし, 予習・授業・復習の連鎖を1つのサイクルとし, 学生の自発的学習を促進するように教材配置と授業進行を組み合わせ, 学期の間そのサイクルを繰り返して教育を実施する方法である. 科目が対象とする知識を, 宣言型知識と手続き型知識の2種類に分類し, それぞれを予習と復習の課題に設定し, 複数の授業および一授業内においてこれらの知識で学習の階層構造を構成する. 提案法を工学部専門課程における受講者が100人を超える多人数クラスでの論理的思考力を習得させることを目的とする上級プログラミングの科目の教育に適用し, 期末テストとアンケートの結果の分析より提案法の有効性を示す. \nAiming to promote students spontaneous learning and to improve education quality and level for mass education at college level in Japan, an educational method named the Spontaneous Learning Activation Spiral Education Method is proposed. The proposed method exploits the advantages of the web-based coordinated education activation system CEAS, which supports teachers' classroom teaching and students' preparation and review studies in an integrated way. The proposed method requires the spiral repetitions of the learning cycle of preparation study, classroom teaching and review study during the school term where assignment materials are deployed for preparation and review studies synchronizing with class instruction progress so that students are forced to study at classroom as well as at home. The contents to be taught in the courses are classified into declarable and procedural knowledge. They are assigned to preparation and review assignments respectively, and the learning hierarchy of the course contents is formed within and across a class teaching. The proposed method is applied to the engineering course for the advanced programming with more than one hundred attendants, and its effectiveness in enhancing students ability in logical thinking is demonstrated by analyzing the final examination scores as well as questionnaire results.