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1. [New study on the history of anesthesiology (2)--who is the first Japanese to write a scientific paper for the journal "Anesthesiology"?].

2. 旧陸軍接収文書の返還状況について-陸軍省大日記類を中心に-.

3. Determinants of the Perceived Risk of Crime: The unique factors identified in Japan through an international comparison.

4. Educating Sociologists in a Changing Context: Expansion of graduate enrollment and the myth of the "American model".

5. On JALT96: Crossing Borders. Proceedings of the Annual JALT International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning (23rd, Hiroshima, Japan, November 1996).

6. School Track and Expectations under Different School-to-work Linkage: An International Comparison between Japan, Germany, and the United States.

7. Post-Industrialization of Japan and the Fluidity of Youth Employment: Looking from the Simultaneity of Bureaucracy and Individualization.

8. A Comparative Sociology of Introductory Sociology Textbooks in Japan and the United States: Social Construction of Basic Sociological Knowledge in College Education.

9. Japanese Parents Bringing Up Their Children in English. Monographs on Bilingualism No. 2.

10. [Japan-U.S. comparison of the effectiveness of fertility control--the analysis of the incidence of unplanned births (author's transl)].

11. [Is "tobacco harm reduction" possible? Other countries' experiences and perspectives, and how they could inform tobacco control in Japan].

12. [Geographic information in National Cancer Registry data: Overseas examples and challenges in Japan].

13. [Current Problems Associated with Overseas Health Products].

14. ["Epistemic Negotiations" and the Pluralism of the Radiation Protection Regime: The Determination of Radiation Protection Standards for the General Population in the Early Years After World War II].

15. [Clinical Introduction of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Major Depression in Japan].

16. [Engineering education reform plan created by Prof. Dr. Shimizu and establishment of Nagoya Municipal Science Museum--regarding cooperative education between universities and industries in Japan after the Second World War].

17. [The Chinese nuclear test and 'atoms for peace' as a measure for preventing nuclear armament of Japan: the nuclear non-proliferation policy of the United States and the introduction of light water reactors into Japan, 1964-1968].

18. [Stem cell research and science and technology policy in Japan].

19. [Dissemination of medical information in Europe, the USA and Japan, 1850-1870: focusing on information concerning the hypodermic injection method].

20. [Legal enforcement for non-adherent tuberculosis patients].

21. [Systematic training for occupational physicians in schools of public health in the US and its application to Japan's system--Master of Public Health Program at Harvard School of Public Health].

22. [Umeko TSUDA and biology: a historical perspective of science and gender].

23. [The position of nursing at the beginning of the Meiji Era: the elucidation of the original source of "Kango-Kokoroe," translated by Dr. Yunei Ota, and a comparative study of the original and translated versions].

24. [Report on role of occupational health nurses in the United States].

25. [The differences of standard therapy for breast cancer between Europe/America and Japan--chemotherapy, operation,and radiotherapy].

26. [Personal recollection of episodes devoted to my study of neuropathology].

27. [Current guideline for hospital infection control in Japan].

28. [Role of psychiatrists in capital punishment cases : a review].

29. [Differences in therapeutic strategies for adult leukemia and lymphoma between Japan and western countries].

30. [Construction and its characteristic on the concept of a 'health culture'].

31. [The importance of informed consent in the field of ophthalmology].

32. [General concepts and the history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease].

33. [Basis of bioethics--bioethics in Japan and the United States].