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1. フランス領インドシナにおける学校体育の導入経緯と特徴: 仏印植民地報告書(1925-1926 年度)の分析的視点から.

2. 第一次大戦期〜1920年代の東アジア精白糖市場——中国における日本精製糖販売の考察を中心に——

6. [Evaluation and application of the Ewbank model].

9. [Japan-U.S. comparison of the effectiveness of fertility control--the analysis of the incidence of unplanned births (author's transl)].

14. [The effectiveness of pronatalist policies].

15. [[A review of international migration statistics in Japan]].

16. [Discrepancy in Gastric Cancer Chemotherapy between the Asia and West].

17. [How Japan can help improve psychiatry and mental health services in Asia].

18. [Changing distribution of university graduates in Japan--from a cohort-by-cohort perspective].

19. [Cohort analysis of population distribution change in Japan: processes of population concentration in the Tokyo region and its future].

20. [Trend analysis for interprefectural migration in Japan, 1954-1993].

21. [[On population policy in Japan]].

22. [[Attitudes on marriage among unmarried youths in contemporary Japan]].

23. [[Trends in demand and supply factors of marriage in the Japanese never-married population: findings from the Tenth Japanese National Fertility Survey]].

24. [[Perinatal mortality rates in single and multiple births, and the effects of maternal age, birthweight, and other factors on the perinatal mortality rates in Japan]].

25. [[A projection system for future age-specific fertility rates]].

26. [Estimates of natural fertility in rural Tokugawa Japan].

27. [[The tempo and quantum components in trends in period fertility measures in present-day Japan: a Butz-Ward-type model and its application]].

28. [[A hazard analysis of birth timing in Japan since the 1960s]].

29. [[Effects of fertility and mortality change on aspects of aging in Japan]].

30. [[Proportional hazards model analysis of women's reproductive career in present-day Japan]].

31. [Tempo and parity structure of Japanese fertility].

32. [[Child-sex effects on further births]].

33. [Constructing an intercensal mortality-net migration increment-decrement table].