1. 〈Original Papers〉Comprehensive quantification of liver proteins in the high-fat induced-obese mouse using a SWATH acquisition method
- Subjects
SWATH ,quantitative proteomics ,高脂肪食 ,high-fat diet ,SWATH質量分析法 ,肝臓 ,liver ,定量プロテオミクス - Abstract
[要旨]肝臓は, 脂質や糖質代謝の中心であり, 肥満に伴うメタボリックシンドロームの進展にも深くかかわる. 肥満に伴う肝臓の生化学的・病理学的な変化を包括的にとらえる手法を確立できれば, 生活習慣病を予防する薬剤の開発や, 生活習慣病予防効果を持つ食品機能性成分の分子機構の解明等に寄与すると考えられる. そこで, 本研究では, 組織中のタンパク質を網羅的に定量可能なSWATH質量分析法を用い, 高脂肪食誘導肥満マウスの肝臓におけるタンパク質発現プロファイルを解析し, 肥満に伴う肝臓の生化学的変化を捉えることができるかどうかを検討した. 6週齢のC57/BL/6J雄マウスを0.1%のセルロースを含有した高脂肪食(HD群, n=6), および普通食(ND群, n=5)で5週間飼育し, 16時間の絶食後に肝臓を採取した. 肝臓タンパク質をトリプシン処理し, 生じたペプチドをnanoLC-MS/MS (AB sciex社TripleTOF5600+)で解析した. DDA法で得たMS/MSデータをUniprot Mouse databaseに対して検索し, Ion libraryを作成した. SWATH測定ではQ1 window幅を25 Daに固定し, m/z = 400 – 1000の範囲で25 windowを設定した. 各MS/MS測定の測定m/z範囲は100 – 1500 とし, 積算時間は100 msecとした. DDA測定によって, 1249個のタンパク質(10880個のペプチド)が同定された. このうち, SWATH法により768個のタンパク質が定量可能であった. これらのタンパク質には, 各種代謝酵素, 解毒酵素など肝臓を特徴づけるタンパク質が多数確認された. 得られた肝臓タンパク質プロファイルを主成分分析(PCA), および主成分判別分析(PC-DA)にかけたところ, ND群とHD群は明確に分離され, それぞれ特徴的なタンパク質プロファイルを有していることが示された. ND群に比べて, HD群では解毒や呼吸鎖に関わる多くの酵素が減少しており, このうち一部は以前の報告と一致していた. また, HD群では細胞自律的免疫に関わるタンパク質や脂質代謝に関わる酵素が増加していた. 脂質代謝に関わる酵素には, ステロール代謝に関わる酵素が多く含まれ, 肥満に伴うコレステロールの増加を反映していると考えられた. [Abstract]Liver is a center of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and deeply involved with the development of metabolic syndrome. If a method to comprehensively capture the biological and pathological changes in the liver caused by obesity could be established, it would contribute to the development of drugs to prevent lifestyle-related diseases, or to the elucidation of the molecular mechanism of food functional ingredients having life-style related disease prevention effect. In this study, we performed SWATH-mass spectrometry of livers obtained from high-fat diet (HD)-induced obese mice. Six weeks old C57/BL/6J male mice were fed with HD containing 0.1% cellulose, or normal diet (ND) for 5 weeks. On the day 35, livers were collected after 16 h of fasting. Proteins extracted from the liver-tissues were digested by trypsin, and the resulting peptides (3 ug) were analyzed by nanoLC-MS/MS (AB sciex, TripleTOF5600+ system). Ion library of liver protein digests was built by data dependent analyses (DDA) and database search against Uniprot mouse protein database. In SWATH analysis, Q1 window range was fixed at 25 Da (24 windows along with m/z = 400 -1000). Mass range, and accumulation time of MS/MS were set at 100 - 1500 and 100 msec, respectively. By the DDA analyses and database-search, 1249 proteins (10880 peptides) were identified. Among the identified proteins, 768 proteins were successfully quantified by the SWATH experiments. The quantified proteins containing those involved in carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism, detoxification, and so on. PCA and PC-DA analysis of the liver proteome profiles clearly separated the HD and ND groups, indicating that the two groups had the distinctive proteome profiles. Compared to the ND, the amount of many proteins involved in detoxification and respiratory chain decreased in the HFD group, some of which were consistent with previous reports, while the amount of proteins involved in cell-autonomous immunity or lipid metabolism increased in the HFD group. Especially, many steroid-metabolizing enzymes were increased, which was thought to reflect the obesity-induced increase in liver or serum cholesterol.
- Published
- 2018