85 results on '"práxis"'
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2. Michel Henry interprete di Karl Marx: un dialogo sulla vita.
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PRAXIS (Process) - Abstract
After the publication of L'essence de la manifestation and his research on Maine de Biran, Michel Henry devoted two volumes to the work of Karl Marx. Published in the 1970s, at a time when Marxism dominated the cultural and political scene, Henry is quick to gloss over the Marxist debate of the time, without interesting for political implications of Marx's work and questioning it in the light of the phenomenological proposal he had initiated in his early works. In particular, he shows how Marx's work can be understood if the phenomena he discovers (praxis, history, alienation) are manifested in the horizon of life. In order to grasp this horizon, I will propose to follow the overturing that Henry's phenomenology enacts; an overturing that is both thematic and more authentically philosophical, aiming to highlight life as the invisible reverse of phenomena. To do this, I will first explain the meaning of the overturing; secondly, I will outline the main lines of Henry's phenomenological proposal; thirdly, I will introduce in this framework Henry's reading of Karl Marx's work. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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3. Aproximaciones a la praxis desde una perspectiva latinoamericana
- Author
Carlos Juan Núñez Rodríguez
- Subjects
teoría ,práctica ,praxis ,transformación ,revolución ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
América Latina enfrenta un proceso histórico, económico y político que exige la transformación del Estado, ello después de siglos de imposición del liberalismo y de décadas de imposición del neoliberalismo; tanto el pensamiento y las instituciones liberales han mostrado sus límites, deficiencias y efectos negativos, como el neoliberalismo ha llevado a varias crisis económicas, políticas y sociales en diversos países del continente. Es decir, que los ciudadanos y ciudadanas, la población, los pueblos, las culturas, las civilizaciones, las etnias y las naciones han cobrado conciencia de ello, por lo que se han organizado para explicar, comprender y transformar al Estado. Ahora bien, dicha transformación se da desde un conjunto de praxis producto de la reflexión, teorización, explicación y comprensión del mundo que lleva a plantear el sentido de la práctica de transformación consciente o de la práctica revolucionario, también consciente. La conjunción de la teorización y de la práctica consciente llevan a conformar una praxis transformadora o revolucionaria. En este artículo para explicar la praxis y las derivas que ha ido adquiriendo en América Latina se aborda el trabajo de un conjunto de autores que han producido su obra teórica desde América Latina, además del análisis de la praxis del Ejército de Liberación Nacional (EZLN).
- Published
- 2023
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4. Teoria critica e prassi politica: Hans-Jürgen Krahl e la Scuola di Francoforte.
- Author
Zaru, Elia
- Subjects
PRAXIS (Process) ,CRITICAL theory ,SOCIAL science research ,RESEARCH institutes ,CONCRETE - Abstract
The aim of this paper is to reconstruct and analyze Hans-Jürgen Krahl’s reflections on the nexus between theory and praxis in light of the critiques he addressed to Theodor Adorno and Jürgen Habermas. According to Krahl, Habermas, Adorno (and, more broadly, the Fran furt School) failed to develop a concrete nexus between critical theory and political practice. The thesis, exposed in the final paragraph, affirms that Krahl represents a possible alternative path within the Franfurt Institute for Social Research. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
5. Expansão e mercantilização da educação superior
- Author
Wagner Pires da Silva and Neiva Afonso Oliveira
- Subjects
universidade ,neoliberalismo ,Educação libertadora ,práxis ,Education (General) ,L7-991 ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 - Abstract
A educação superior, vista como simples investimento, é, atualmente, um espaço em disputa, tanto pela sua função social, quanto pelo potencial de lucros que ela pode gerar ao ser explorada como um negócio como qualquer outro. Uma concepção de educação que negue essa mercantilização se faz necessária. Para tanto, o presente trabalho reflete sobre as contribuições pedagógicas de Paulo Freire, entendendo estas como um ponto de partida para uma práxis libertadora na universidade, lançando mão do estudo bibliográfico para apresentar o contraste entre a universidade moldada pelo neoliberalismo e uma universidade voltada para as demandas dos oprimidos.
- Published
- 2023
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6. Perspectivas marxistas para uma análise dos movimentos sociais: um breve estudo bibliográfico
- Author
Isadora Cabreira da Silva
- Subjects
movimentos sociais ,marxismo ,participação ,práxis ,política ,Education (General) ,L7-991 ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 - Abstract
A presente pesquisa visa abordar algumas perspectivas baseadas no pensamento marxista para o estudo e análise dos movimentos sociais, com base na importância da participação política colocada por Dallari (1991), bem como pela pertinência de buscar elementos no marxismo para a análise dos movimentos sociais, que no Brasil surgem aproximadamente no século XX. Utilizando a técnica de pesquisa bibliográfica, os estudos desenvolvidos sobre categorias primárias do marxismo se desdobram nas duas categorias discutidas no artigo: 1) Possibilidades para a análise dos movimentos sociais a partir da perspectiva marxista e 2) Relações entre o marxismo e os movimentos sociais; e partir de ambas, percebo a necessidade de olhar para os movimentos sociais de forma analítica e não somente descritiva.
- Published
- 2023
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7. Il campo ilonoetico
- Author
Nicola Turrini
- Subjects
archeologia cognitiva ,material engagement ,archeologia del processo ,filosofia del processo ,noesis ,praxis ,Speculative philosophy ,BD10-701 ,Metaphysics ,BD95-131 - Abstract
Questo saggio si propone di analizzare alcune istanze della Material Engagement Theory (MET) proposta da Lambros Malafouris nelle sue intersezioni con la filosofia speculativa di Alfred North Whitehead. Malafouris non fa infatti riferimento alla filosofia speculativa come semplice supporto delle sue teorie ma individua piuttosto una serie di problemi comuni all’impostazione MET e alla filosofia dell’organismo di Whitehed, che vertono sostanzialmente attorno al rapporto tra noesis e praxis. Nel dettaglio, il testo si soffermerà sulle modalità attraverso cui la teoria MET rimette in discussione, in modo originale e fecondo, il rapporto tra teoria e prassi, riattualizzando il peculiare modo con cui Whitehead intende il concetto di αἴσθησῐς.
- Published
- 2022
8. L’urgenza di investire nell’apprendimento continuo degli adulti in una società complessa e mutevole.
- Author
Spennati, Stefano
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ACTIVE learning , *TRANSFORMATIVE learning , *COMMUNITIES , *TECHNOLOGICAL progress , *HELP-seeking behavior , *PROGRESS - Abstract
The twentieth century saw the emergence of a new vision of adulthood, which also adequately considers the informal and non-formal skills of the adult person, to help him in the process of lifelong learning. Until the 1980s people were seen according to a Fordist-Taylorist vision of work and the wealth it could offer. The 21st century, with its brought about scientific and technological progress, instead, began with the awareness of having to invest in the changes that involve and transform people. Lifelong learning must be inserted in the context of the community to which it belongs, as well as the influence it is capable towards adults, but above all towards the acquisition of new skills and planning towards new forms of interaction between people, starting from new educational and work environments. Mezirow, starting from the Action Learning of Revans, has developed these new scientific strands that insist on the interaction between people and the need to transform themselves (Transformative Learning) by acquiring new patterns of meaning in the course of one's life. The European Union and its institutions have recognized this new approach to lifelong learning through specific recommendations and pathways which are promoting an "Italian way" to adulthood. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
9. Comentário a 'Lo común: reflexiones en torno a un concepto equívoco'
- Author
Fabio Caprio Leite de Castro
- Subjects
Práxis ,Comum ,Dialética ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
O problema do comum possui uma longa tradição na história da filosofia. Nas últimas décadas, entretanto, emergiu um conjunto de novas concepções sobre o comum, colocando em questão a sua definição, a sua fundamentação e as novas formas que ele adquiriu, no cenário da globalização neoliberal. Essas concepções se distinguem daquilo que foi sustentado até o presente, porque elas afirmam a centralidade de uma teoria do comum. No artigo Lo Común: Reflexiones en torno a un concepto equívoco, publicado neste número da Revista Trans/form/ação, Daniel Alvaro propõe examinar o que ele considera serem as principais apostas teórico-práticas sobre o comum, na contemporaneidade. O pensador argentino inicia a sua exposição com uma análise da teoria de Dardot e Laval, fazendo em seguida uma leitura retrospectiva das concepções de Antonio Negri e Michael Hart, Jean-Luc Nancy e Roberto Esposito. As análises e comparações traçadas pelo autor permitem-lhe apresentar os pontos de aproximação e de divergência entre essas concepções, oferecendo importantes nuances sobre o debate acerca do comum.
- Published
- 2022
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10. Heidegger en acción. Aproximaciones a la perspectiva práctica del pensamiento en dos tramos de su obra
- Author
Luis Fernando Butierrez
- Subjects
pensamiento ,praxis ,mundo ,ontología ,filosofía ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
En este trabajo nos proponemos indagar en la modalidad práctica del pensamiento de Heidegger a partir de sus consideraciones en torno a la praxis y la acción, en trabajos fundamentales de la época de Sein und Zeit en comparación con elaboraciones de su período posterior a la Kehre. En este marco, buscaremos demostrar cierta continuidad entre ambos períodos a partir de sus consideraciones ontológicas de la praxis, lo cual permite interpretar el carácter correlativo del pensar y la acción. Para dar cuenta de ello, en primer lugar, abordaremos su respectiva interpretación de la tradición aristotélica en paralelo con las elaboraciones de la analítica en 1927. En segundo lugar, analizaremos un conjunto de consideraciones prácticas del pensar en trabajos posteriores a 1930.De esta manera, esperamos especificar la modalidad práctica del pensamiento de Heidegger, tanto en sus elaboraciones como en su propia articulación.
- Published
- 2020
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11. Paulo Freire e o legado de uma educação partidária em prol da práxis do oprimido
- Author
Lucia de Fatima Valente and Thalles Valente de Paiva
- Subjects
Paulo Freire ,Educação ,Política ,Legado ,Práxis ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 ,Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Abstract
Este artigo tem como objetivo argumentar a favor de um posicionamento partidário1 à educação, a partir da leitura das obras de Paulo Freire, especialmente Pedagogia do oprimido (1987), A importância do ato de ler (1989) e Pedagogia da autonomia (2002). Com o advento do “Escola sem partido” (2014), houve um aumento considerável de materiais que repercutiram as contradições e os antagonismos latentes da educação, difundidos na imprensa e nas redes sociais. Muitas informações são afirmações críticas ao projeto educacional freiriano, declarações que enfatizam uma educação ultrapassada, subjetivista, anárquica e doutrinária política, contrária a uma educação “livre” e “imparcial”. Em um giro dialético, este artigo defende que o legado de Freire é e deve ser considerado partidário, que a política está na educação e que nenhum “ponto de vista” é “imparcial”, mas parcial na defesa de alguma causa.
- Published
- 2021
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12. A presença de Paulo Freire na filosofia da práxis de Steve Biko
- Author
Paulo Henrique Fernandes Silveira
- Subjects
Paulo Freire ,Steve Biko ,práxis ,conscientização ,empoderamento ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Resumo Após a publicação da tradução para o inglês do livro Pedagogia do Oprimido, o método freireano passou a influenciar Steve Biko e outros militantes do movimento da Consciência Negra, na África do Sul. Em comum, Freire e Biko estabelecem uma relação direta entre suas reflexões filosóficas e suas práticas políticas e educacionais. O objetivo deste artigo é investigar os pontos de convergência entre as filosofias da práxis desses dois autores.
- Published
- 2021
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13. Unitary Caring Science - Universals of Human Caring and Global Micro practices of Caritas.
- Author
Jean Watson
- Subjects
unitary caring science ,praxis ,caritas processes ,disciplinary ,Medicine ,Nursing ,RT1-120 - Abstract
This manuscript offers a reflective pause to consider an overview of Unitary Caring Science as a philosophical-theoretical discipline-specific, professional nursing practice/praxis model for human caring nursing. It provides the background of the 10 Caritas Processes, considered universals of human caring phenomena and practices. The underlying starting point for unitary caring science is informed by an ‘Ethic of Belonging ‘- that is, we all belong to the infinite field and sacred circle of life itself. – belonging to the cosmic energy of universal Love. Thus our ‘Belonging’ becomes before our separate ‘Being’. So, in this foundational unitary starting point - ‘ethics comes before ontology’. With this philosophical-ethical foundation nursing practice moves from technical industrial forms of practice to Praxis, that is discipline specific, value guided, informed, knowledgeable, moral practice (praxis). This shift transcends technology and objective task- focused- physical care, to critiquing, repatterning practices from tasks and skills to Caring -Healing Arts and micro-practices that allow for human face- to- face, heart- to- heart – energetic human caring touch and transpersonal caring moments that unite.
- Published
- 2019
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14. O Pibid e a licenciatura: veredas de uma mesma formação
- Author
Camila Itikawa Gimenes
- Subjects
formação de professores ,estágio ,Pibid ,práxis ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Resumo Este trabalho é resultado de pesquisa que teve como objetivo compreender o modo de constituição e funcionamento do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (Pibid), em especial a formação de futuros professores promovida em quatro subprojetos do programa vinculados a licenciaturas de ciências, ciências biológicas, física e química de uma universidade pública, e discutir as contribuições, contradições e limites do programa para a formação de professores e para o currículo da licenciatura, enfocando o estágio supervisionado, locus formal de formação de todos os futuros professores. Os sujeitos entrevistados destacam a potencialidade do trabalho conjunto entre escola e universidade para a formação de professores, em que o encontro pedagogicamente guiado entre pessoas de diferentes contextos é capaz de produzir importantes experiências formativas. Todavia, não obstante o Pibid seja reconhecido por seus aspectos positivos, tal construção é possível sobretudo com a caracterização negativa dos cursos de formação inicial de professores.
- Published
- 2021
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Taking the cue from the recent Italian edition of La prudence chez Aristote (1963) written by P. Aubenque, in this article, La phronesis umana. A margine di La prudenza in Aristotele di Pierre Aubenque, we want to retrace the genesis of the concept of phronesis in Aristotle: on the one hand, this allows us to investigate the relationship between theory and praxis, which is far from clear and which has considerable implications; on the other hand, with this analysis we have the opportunity to problematize the political horizon and this enables us to speak of the virtue, which otherwise would not be explained. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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16. The concept of citizenship in Etienne Balibar and the new Zapatista strategy. Responses to governance
- Author
Hero Suárez Ruiz
- Subjects
Balibar ,neozapatismo ,ciudadanía ,sujeto ,praxis ,emancipación ,transformación ,Political science ,Ethics ,BJ1-1725 - Abstract
The article analyses the category of citizenship in the philosophy of Etienne Balibar and relates it to the Neo-Zapatista movement of Chiapas. For the French philosopher, this notion is complemented by that of subject, while containing an emancipating and transforming force, as it refers to the process by which the subjects, subjects of politics and subjects to politics acquire rights. When thinking of its inherent tension, the category appears as a practice that would account for collective actions designed to include the excluded regarding "the right to have rights", as the Zapatistas have done.
- Published
- 2018
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17. The TEI Assignment in the Literature Classroom: Making a Lord Mayor’s Show in University and College Classrooms
- Author
Mark Kaethler
- Subjects
TEI ,mayoral shows ,textual editing ,early modern ,praxis ,digital humanities ,Computer software ,QA76.75-76.765 - Abstract
This article offers methods for implementing what Diane Jakacki and Katherine Faull identify as a digital humanities course at the assignment level, specifically one using TEI in college and university literature classrooms. The author provides an overview of his in-class activities and lesson plans, which range from traditional instruction to in-class laboratory exercises, in order to demonstrate an approach to teaching TEI that anticipates students’ anxieties and provides a gradual means of learning this new approach to literary texts. The article concludes by reflecting on how TEI in the classroom complicates critiques of the digital humanities’ proclivity to endorse neoliberal education models. By challenging simplistic renderings of the field and its tools, and by offering interconnections between TEI and traditional humanities practices, the author aims to supply a conscientious approach to designing TEI assignments to those interested but hesitant to include such assignments.
- Published
- 2019
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18. Prassi istituente e lavoro.
- Author
Dardot, Pierre
- Subjects
Institutional praxis and work The article is based on an examination of the concept of institution as it has been advanced in the human and philosophical sciences, in order to discuss labor democracy in neoliberal capitalism. According to the author, it is necessary to develop a new kind of form of enterprise idea starting from what is defined as principle of the common. The practices of the common are defined as institutional practices that consist not only in projecting a desirable end towards the future, but also in implementing, here and now, a principle of self-government of social and productive world, achievable through the definition of a new collective political subject. Contributing to bring out this common political action remains an axis of the struggle against the new management, which destroys the moral and collective dimension of work. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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19. La prise en charge des sujets apraxiques
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praxis ,disorder ,movements ,support ,Language and Literature ,Discourse analysis ,P302-302.87 - Abstract
Our interest in this subject is that we have around us a relative who suffers from apraxia, according to the review. The purpose of our study here is to deepen our knowledge of apraxia are a misunderstood disorder of the population to help these apraxic topics to better understand and propose reeducation methods, hence the supported. Indeed, apraxia ° is a clinical sign that describes an inability to perform a movement or a series of set of movements, and these movements are however well executed spontaneously or automatic-voluntary manner. So a comprehensive management could allow all to help these subjects apraxic live better.
- Published
- 2016
20. Il campo ilonoetico: Archeologia cognitiva e filosofia del processo
- Author
Turrini, Nicola
- Subjects
material engagement ,process philosophy ,archeologia cognitiva ,archeologia del processo ,Cognitive archaeology ,process archaeology ,praxis ,noesis ,filosofia del processo - Abstract
Questo saggio si propone di analizzare alcune istanze della Material Engagement Theory (MET) proposta da Lambros Malafouris nelle sue intersezioni con la filosofia speculativa di Alfred North Whitehead. Malafouris non fa infatti riferimento alla filosofia speculativa come semplice supporto delle sue teorie ma individua piuttosto una serie di problemi comuni all’impostazione MET e alla filosofia dell’organismo di Whitehed, che vertono sostanzialmente attorno al rapporto tra noesis e praxis. Nel dettaglio, il testo si soffermerà sulle modalità attraverso cui la teoria MET rimette in discussione, in modo originale e fecondo, il rapporto tra teoria e prassi, riattualizzando il peculiare modo con cui Whitehead intende il concetto di αἴσθησῐς., This essay aims to analyze some instances of the Material Engagement Theory (MET) proposed by Lambros Malafouris in its intersections with speculative philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead. Malafouris does not refer to speculative philosophy as merely support for his theories but rather identifies a number of problems common to the MET and the Whitehead’ philosophy of the organism, which basically revolve around the relationship between noesis and praxis. In detail, the text will focus on the ways in which MET theory calls into question, in an original and fruitful way, the relationship between theory and praxis, by re-actualizing the peculiar way in which Whitehead understands the concept of αἴσθησῐς.
- Published
- 2022
21. Azione, prassi, storia: Sul concetto merleau-pontyano di 'istituzione'
- Author
Fava, Giovanni
- Subjects
institution ,hystory ,praxis ,fenomenologia ,phenomenology ,prassi ,Maurice Merleau-Ponty ,storia ,istituzione - Abstract
Il presente articolo esplora il significato del concetto di “istituzione”, prestando particolare attenzione all’esposizione che Merleau-Ponty ne dà nelle pagine del corso tenuto al Collège de France nel 1954-1955, L’institution, la passivité. Il saggio mira a mostrare come, attraverso tale nozione, sia possibile pensare una concezione dell’agire, della prassi e quindi della storia che connette il lato attivo e passivo del fare. Il contributo prende le mosse da un’analisi delle critiche che Merleau-Ponty rivolge a Sartre nel corso de Le avventure della dialettica, per mostrare il bersaglio polemico al quale si rivolge la concezione dell’azione sviluppata nel corso sull’istituzione. Dopodiché, prende in considerazione più da vicino l’articolazione del tema nel corso sull’istituzione. Infine, cerca di descrivere la concezione della storia che emerge da tale plesso concettuale. In conclusione, il contributo propone un’apertura del problema dell’istituzione a problemi della contemporaneità, come quello dell’agency., The aim of this paper is to explore the merleau-pontyan concept of “institution” by focusing on its development along the 1954-55’s course held by Merleau-Ponty at the Collège de France, titled L’institution, la passivité. The paper intends to show how, by means of this notion, it is possible to think both the active and passive sides of action within individual action, praxis and therefore history. The essay starts with an overview of Merleau-Ponty’s critiques to the sartrian philosophy developed in Adventures of Dialectic, in order to show Merleau-Ponty’s polemical aim against which Merleau-Ponty develops his conception of action. After that, it deepens Merleau-Ponty’s notion of institution following the omonimous course. Finally, the paper tries to describe the conception of history that can be derived from this framework. In the final lines, the paper attempts to open up the concept of institution at the light of some contemporary theoretical problems, such as the problem of agency.
- Published
- 2022
22. Dal testo all'azione, al corpo: corporeità e percezione tra semiotica e filosofia del linguaggio.
- Author
Altieri, Lorenzo
- Abstract
Copyright of Critical Hermeneutics: Biannual Journal of Philosophy is the property of Universita degli Studi di Cagliari and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
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23. Aristotle’s Criticism of the Platonic Idea of the Good in Nicomachean Ethics 1.6
- Author
Melina G. Mouzala
- Subjects
Aristotle ,Aristotle’s criticism of Plato ,Plato’s Idea of the Good ,praxis ,prakton agathon ,phronēsis ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
In Nicomachean Ethics 1.6, Aristotle directs his criticism not only against the Platonic Idea of the Good but also against the notion of a universal Good. In this paper, I also examine some of the most interesting aspects of his criticism of the Platonic Good and the universal Good in Eudemian Ethics 1.8. In the EN, after using a series of disputable ontological arguments, Aristotle’s criticism culminates in a strong ethical or rather practical and, simultaneously, epistemological argument, from which a dialectical postulatum emerges. This argument aims to show that we have to discover the dialectical stages or grades which constitute the relation between the ultimate End, i.e., the Good simpliciter or the absolute Good, and the relational goods till the last prakton good in which each specific praxis ends. According to the present reading, Aristotle sets out to establish a kind of Dialectic of the ends (Dialektikē tōn telōn) or Dialectic of the goods (Dialektikē tōn agathōn), which puts emphasis on the descent to the specific good, which is appropriate to and cognate with each individual, be that a person, praxis, science or craft. It is also suggested that this might be relevant to Aristotle’s tendency to establish a separation of phronēsis, i.e., practical wisdom, from sophia, i.e., wisdom, in the Nicomachean Ethics.
- Published
- 2017
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24. The architectural project as a link between theory and practice
- Author
Renato Capozzi and Federica Visconti
- Subjects
theoria ,praxis ,design culture ,rational architecture ,Aesthetics of cities. City planning and beautifying ,NA9000-9428 ,Architectural drawing and design ,NA2695-2793 - Abstract
The paper aims to investigate the theme of the Call, the distinction between theory and practice, based on a reflection on Architecture and demonstrating that one of the specifics of this art of construction – or artistic practice as in the well-known definition by Vittorio Gregotti – is in the relationship between thought and artefact intended not in antithetic terms but of hermeneutic circularity. The investigation of points of view and the analysis of exempla are, respectively, premise and demonstration of a reasoning that aims to define, specifically referring to methods and techniques within a theory of architectural design, an “orientated point of view” starting from which a reflection on the relationship between theory and practice is proposed.
- Published
- 2017
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25. Ética aristotélica em Marx?
- Author
Alexandre Lima
- Subjects
Marx ,Aristóteles ,Ética ,Economia ,Práxis ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
Alguns filósofos e economistas buscam fundamentar eticamente a economia, a fim de voltar a subordiná-la à política, apelando, inclusive, para uma aproximação entre Marx e Aristóteles a partir da teoria da práxis. Este artigo pretende analisar em que sentido os conceitos aristotélicos de ação, produção, ato e potência exercem influência sobre Marx. Afirma que, contrariamente ao que muitos filósofos da moral defendem, são as investigações de Aristóteles sobre economia que serviram como ponto de partida para a fundamentação da crítica à economia política elaborada por Marx, enquanto que a ética e a política aristotélicas são apenas secundárias para a teoria marxiana.
- Published
- 2014
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26. Filoso-fare. Pensare la pratica filosofica come una life hack
- Author
Salsano, Michela
- Subjects
Philosophical Counseling ,P4C ,Praxis ,Aristotle - Abstract
Account ofPhilosophical Counseling by Michela Salsano (University of Salerno)
- Published
- 2022
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27. Sapere, progetto, azione. Sul primato del pratico
- Author
Mordacci, Roberto
- Subjects
critical theory ,philosophy of design ,design ,praxis ,ethics - Abstract
Recent proposals to think about philosophy as conceptual design (Floridi, 2019) fail to understand the scope and method of philosophical thinking. The goal of philosophy is truth, but truth has a double direction: towards theory and towards practice. The design is in the middle and it lacks the criteria in order to evaluate itself, since its truth depends on the theory on which it is based and on the practical use of its functions. Furthermore, design lacks critical ability, since only the horizon of existence, in social and political terms, offers the possibility to judge about the validity of a project.
- Published
- 2022
28. Education as Praxis: A Corporeal Hermeneutical Account
- Author
Pieter Meurs
- Subjects
education ,hermeneutics ,Merleau-Ponty ,Bildung ,praxis ,corporeality ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
In common language, education is mostly understood as teaching. In this article, I would like to employ the hermeneutical philosophy of Merleau-Ponty to draw attention on that other etymological background of education: educere. Education as educere is about liberating or displacing our view instead of achieving a liberated view. In this sense, education does not refer to an immaterial relation of knowing or mastering (Erklären), but to a relation of being (Verstehen). I hope to demonstrate Merleau-Ponty's philosophy of the body can make us attentive to the importance of this hermeneutical and praxical character of education. After all, his thinking very aptly describes our relation to the world in terms of a corporeal being rather than in terms of a cognitive or abstract knowing. His conception of corporeality and of our being to the world (être-au-monde) deconstructs a mere formal and all too immaterial account of education.
- Published
- 2012
29. Echi della Bildung nel marxismo italiano
- Author
- Subjects
Empiricità ,Storicità ,Praxis ,Dialettica ,Umanismo ,Psychology ,BF1-990 ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
Questo scritto discute le ripercussioni della teoria della Bildung sulmarxismo: dal giovane Marx ai modelli del marxismo italiano, come Gramsci, Croce, Labriola, Mondolfo. Viene, infine, messa in rilievo la politica culturale del PCI, rimasta al centro dell’Italia repubblicana fino agli anni Settanta, indebolitasi soltanto negli anni Ottanta e poi, ancor più, dopo il 1989.
- Published
- 2011
30. Qu’appelle-t-on agir?
- Author
Cristian Moisuc
- Subjects
action ,situation ,intention ,praxis ,poiesis ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
Review of: Jakub Čapek, Action et situation. Le sens du possible entre phénoménologie et herméneutique, Hildesheim, Zürich, New York : Georg Olms Verlag, 2010, 252 p.
- Published
- 2011
31. Ethics, Practical Philosophy, and the Transformation of the World: The Dialogue between Heidegger and Marcuse
- Author
Anna Pia Ruoppo
- Subjects
ethics ,praxis ,phenomenology ,Heidegger ,Marcuse ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
The article displays the reciprocal influence between Heidegger and Marcuse concerning the idea of practical philosophy. It first proceeds by evaluating the possibility of an ethical interpretation of Being and Time and following Marcuse’s reception of it, and then by delineating the basic elements of Heidegger’s interpretations of Marx, his answer to Hegelian Marxism, and his understanding of the concept of Praxis.
- Published
- 2011
32. Taktile Rezeption und lebensweltliche Umsicht. Film und Stadterfahrung bei Benjamin und Heidegger
- Author
Christian Ferencz-Flatz
- Subjects
Tactile perception ,Life-world ,cinematic experience ,praxis ,architecture ,Benjamin ,Heidegger ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
In his famous essay, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Walter Benjamin compares the daily experience of buildings with the perception of films. His comparison relies on the peculiar concept of “tactile reception“, he opposes to the optically oriented traditional attitude towards art. The concept encompasses two essential traits: on the one hand, it designates the fact that films do not require a contemplative, focused attention, but a habitual, distracted approach, similar to that by which we perceive buildings in our everyday life-world. On the other hand, Benjamin’sconcept points to a particular “chock-effect” produced by cinematic experience, through its constant change of perspectives and points of view. By this, it challenges precisely the same form of ambient perception required in numerous situations of our daily life in the modern city. The two determinations sketch out a unitary concept that shows obvious similarities to the phenomenological idea of a “life-worldly circumspection” (Umsicht), a specific manner of sight guiding everyday practical life.
- Published
- 2010
33. A dialogação: a práxis do diálogo inter-religioso no paradigma ecológico
- Author
Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista
- Subjects
Diálogo inter-religioso ,Práxis ,Mística ,Fraternidade ,Ecologia ,Ética ,Philosophy. Psychology. Religion ,Religions. Mythology. Rationalism ,BL1-2790 ,Religion (General) ,BL1-50 - Abstract
O artigo procura responder a um dos grandes desafios teológicos da atualidade: o diálogo inter-religioso. Trabalha a dimensão da práxis do diálogo, especialmente, no pensamento de Leonardo Boff, identificado a partir de 1992 em um novo paradigma - o paradigma ecológico. A dialogação (como práxis dialogal) é pensada num grande encontro teoantropocósmico, articulando Deus, Ser humano e Natureza. Três momentos compõem essa práxis dialógica: dialogação mística ou espiritual; dialogação fraterna; e a ética da vida. Não são três momentos separados. Articulam-se e estão interconectados. Começam e terminam com a mística, expressam-se no estarcom-o-outro, na fraternidade e nos critérios de pensar e agir eticamente.Palavras-chave: Diálogo inter-religioso; Práxis; Mística; Fraternidade; Ecologia; Ética. ABSTRACTThis paper aims at responding to one of the great theological challenges at present: inter-religions dialogue. It focuses on the dimension of the praxis of dialogue, especially on Leonardo Boff´s thought, identified as of 1992 according to a new paradigm - the ecological one. Dialogue as praxis is taken into account within the scope of a wide Theo-anthropo-cosmic encounter, articulating God, the Human Being and Nature. Such dialogical praxis comprises three moments: mystical or spiritual dialogue; fraternal dialogue; and the ethics of life. Those are not three separate moments: they are articulated and interconnected. They start and end with mystics, and they express themselves in being-with-the-other in fraternity and in the criteria for ethical thought and action.Key words: Inter-religions dialogue; Praxis; Mystics; raternity; Ecology; Ethics.
- Published
- 2009
34. Michel Henry. Vivere nella carne
- Author
Canullo, C.
- Subjects
Michel Henry ,Vita ,Praxis ,Manifestazione ,Michel Henry, Manifestazione, Vita, Maine de Biran, Praxis ,Maine de Biran ,Settore M-FIL/01 - Filosofia Teoretica - Published
- 2022
35. The Knight’s Move. Some Introductory Remarks on Castoriadis’ Idea of Human Creation. Guest Editor’s Preface
- Author
Ciaramelli, Fabio
- Subjects
Praxis ,Being-able-to-be-otherwise ,Ontological Hybris ,Archimedean point ,Institution of significations - Abstract
Since all contributions gathered in this monographic issue of “Ethics & Politics” thoroughly interrogate Castoriadis’ contribution to contemporary philosophy from different perspectives, dwelling on its originality but also its difficulties, grey areas, and contradictions, in these introductory pages I will limit myself to showing how his idea of “human creation” as ontological genesis, with its fruitful aporias, constitutes a retort to the non-existence of the Archimedean point animating the continuous apparition and re-apparition of the “ontological hybris”. In this sense, the philosophical idea of ontological creation could be seen as akin to the Knight’s move. A winning move, at the same time clever and indirect, through which Castoriadis’ thought avoids the opposite pifalls of rationalism and skepticism and invites us to face the human impossibility of finding a universal and necessary foundation for the institution of social norms – without which, however, humanity could not exist.
- Published
- 2022
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36. I compiti di una teoria critica della società: Il percorso intellettuale di Jürgen Habermas.
- Author
- Abstract
The text examines the attempt by Jürgen Habermas to renew the tasks of critical theory. The systematic reconstruction of his writings reveals a system of typical functions: a) the rationalization of instrumental and strategic action in the material reproduction of social systems (social technology); b) the analysis of the pathologies in the symbolic reproduction of the world of life; c) the clarification of the cognitive, value and expressive models in the public sphere; d) the unveiling of false representations that dominate the mainstream (critique of ideology); e) sketching out alternatives to the status quo, through the utopia of a non-reified communicative everyday practice. All these functions actualize the Enlightenment project to place the cultural tradition in the service of civil and social progress. This ambitious program, however, must recognize the limitations of critical theory, with respect to the need for consolation and hope of human existence. The dialogue between philosophy and religion, which marks the last decade of Habermas's reflection, should be understood in this light. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
37. Il progetto di architettura come nesso tra teoria e prassi.
- Author
Capozzi, Renato and Visconti, Federica
- Abstract
Copyright of TECHNE: Journal of Technology for Architecture & Environment is the property of Firenze University Press and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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38. L'animalità in questione.
- Author
Cimatti, Felice
- Abstract
In this paper I try to reply to the comments and objections raised from the target book of this symposium, Filosofia dell'animalità (FdA). In particular, I will try to make more clear and explicit FdA thesis and to better elucidate their theoretical consequences. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
39. Françoise Collin, il lavoro del pensiero
- Author
Mara Montanaro
- Subjects
femminismo ,frammentario ,praxis ,rivoluzione permanente ,dialogo ,Women. Feminism ,HQ1101-2030.7 - Abstract
Si intende in questo testo ricostruire brevemente il percorso intellettuale di Françoise Collin, tra letteratura, filosofia e femminismo. Mettendo in luce la sua assoluta originalità e la coerenza strutturale e non dialettica che accompagna tale percorso, la nozione di praxis può essere letta come la categoria attraverso la quale si sviluppa tale percorso. Praxis della scrittura (Blanchot), praxis nella vita politica (Arendt), praxis nel femminismo (rapporto teoria/azione).
- Published
- 2013
40. Osservazioni su fantasia e prassi in Th. W. Adorno
- Author
Ludovica Malknecht
- Subjects
Adorno ,Phantasy ,Image ,Knowledge ,Praxis ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
Notes about phantasy and praxis in Th. W. Adorno. In Adorno’s gnoseology, fantasy carries out an essential task. It allows thought to keep reality at a distance in a critical way, thus making its interpretation and therefore its knowledge possible. At the level of the social critique, Adorno observes a contraction (restriction) of fantasy – especially in Minima Moralia and in his writings on the crisis of the subject, in the early 1940s – that seriously influences the dynamics of progressive alienation and reification of individuals in mass society. This involves real anthropological changes that substantially alter the possibility of knowing and experiencing reality, of understanding and elaborating experience. Only can the thought that doesn’t renounce to the role of fantasy give rise to an authentic critical consciousness of reality, able to demand a transformation of reality itself.
- Published
- 2013
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- Author
Bernardo Ainbinder
- Subjects
Vida ,Vida – movilidad – potencia – autorreferencia - praxis ,movilidad ,potencia ,autorreferencia ,praxis ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
El tratamiento heideggeriano del problema de la vida es uno de los másenigmáticos y controversiales puntos de su obra. Mucho se ha cuestionadoel hecho de que Heidegger disocie, en particular a partir de la analíticaexistenciaria del Dasein, a éste del ámbito de lo viviente. Contra dichaslecturas, me propongo aquí mostrar que el problema de la vida es centralen la obra temprana de Heidegger y que sólo a partir de una adecuadaelucidación de su abordaje se hace comprensible no sólo el recorrido quelleva a Ser y Tiempo sino también una serie de tesis centrales de esta obra,en particular aquella referida precisamente a al consideración del Daseincomo un ente privilegiado. Sostendré que es precisamente porque el Daseinmuestra de un modo eminente la movilidad propia de la vida - y no porque,como suele creerse, se distancia radicalmente de lo vital - que es posibledistinguirlo metodológicamente del resto de lo viviente.
- Published
- 2013
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42. Prassi, natura e società. L'impostazione di Richard Rorty
- Author
Turco, Giovanni
- Subjects
Praxis ,Rorty ,Human ,Society ,Relativism - Published
- 2021
43. La selva degli sguardi dimenticati
- Author
DE FIORE, Luciano
- Subjects
divano ,Freud ,psicoanalisi ,setting ,praxis ,attività - Published
- 2021
- Author
Francisco Aquino Júnior
- Subjects
Lugar social ,Práxis ,Pobre ,Revelação ,Salvação. ,Doctrinal Theology ,BT10-1480 - Abstract
Partindo do pressuposto de que toda teologia é social e de que a sociedade é uma realidade complexa e conflitiva, o artigo se confronta com a problemática do lugar social que a teologia cristã deve ocupar: seu a partir de onde e seu para quem. Começa explicitando em que sentido falamos de lugar social (espaço físico-geográfico, posição ou situação social, ponto de vista intelectivo) para se confrontar, em seguida, com a problemática do lugar social da teologia e explicitar em que sentido o mundo dos pobres e oprimidos constitui o lugar fundamental da teologia cristã: lugar privilegiado de acesso real ao reinado de Deus (seu assxmto ou "objeto); orientação fundamental do fazer teológico (seu para quem); lugar mais adequado de historicização e verificação da teoria teológica (sua verdade); princípio e critério de desideologização da teologia (sua prova de fogo). ABSTRACT: Assuming that ali theology is social and that society is a complex and conflicting reality, the article confronts the problem of social place that Christian theology should occupy: from where and to whom. The article begins by explaining in what sense we speak of social place (physical-geographical space, social position or situation, intellectual point of view). Next, this point is confronted with the problematic of the social place of Theology and clarify in what sense the world of poor and downtrodden constitutes the fimdamental place of Christian theology: a privileged place of real access to the Kingdom of God (its issue or "object "); fundamental orientation of doing theological (for whom); the most appropriate place of Historicizing and verification of theological theory (its truth); principie and criteríon of "de-ideologization" of theology (its test of fire).
- Published
- 2013
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45. Political and Contemplative Life in Aristotle’s Account of Happiness
- Author
Laura Candiotto
- Subjects
happiness ,forms of life ,praxis ,contemplation ,politics ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
Through the concepts of ἔργον and βίος, the article describes the two happiest forms of life, i.e., the theoretical and the political one, asking whether happiness is founded on the conjunction of the two. Focusing on the connection between philosophy, education and politics the paper emphasizes the role of contemplation as πράξις and the importance of philosopher for the city.
- Published
- 2012
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46. Notas sobre a 'carência de fundamentação' na filosofia de Theodor W. Adorno
- Author
Rodrigo Antonio de Paiva Duarte
- Subjects
Teoria crítica ,paradigma lingüístico ,a priori transcendental ,práxis ,argumentação ,emancipação ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
Habermas relê Adorno e Horkheimer à luz do seu próprio modelo, isto é, do "paradigma lingüístico" que substitui a práxis transformadora pela argumentação. Assim, Habermas não percebe que, em Adorno, a competência comunicativa subordina-se a algo essencialmente diferente, a um impulso emancipatório. As características deste a priori transcendental racionalmente mediado devem ser buscadas não na Dialética do esclarecimento, mas em Minima moralia.
- Published
- 1994
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47. Necessidade e individuação
- Author
Iray Carone
- Subjects
Necessidade ,indivíduo ,ética ,práxis ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
A crítica das modernas sociedades capitalistas passa necessariamente pela crítica do indivíduo - a separação entre psique e cultura não é mantida quando uma forte tendência para uma sociedade unidimensional submerge o particular no universal totalitário. Por esse motivo, o conhecimento da subjetividade humana não é um objetivo exclusivo de psicólogos adentrando na imanência psíquica. Os filósofos críticos têm a mesma intenção, também - e a prova são os estudos frankfurteanos sobre o autoritarismo na década de 1940. Apresentaremos alguns aspectos da obra filosófica de Agnes Heller (1929-) relacionados com a questão do indivíduo e a urgência de construir os fundamentos teóricos de uma ética que possa servir de guia para a práxis humana nas nossas sociedades modernas.
- Published
- 1992
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48. Né il caso né la necessità: La Poetica di Aristotele e la contingenza
- Author
Guastini, Daniele
- Subjects
poiesis ,Euripide ,praxis ,Aristotele, Euripide, poiesis, praxis, eikos, philia ,eikos ,philia ,Aristotele - Published
- 2020
49. Dal modello legale della via decemvirale alle figure negoziali dell’iter e dell’actus: una riflessione tra lex, interpretatio e documenti della prassi, in Prassi e normazione nell’esperienza giuridica romana
- Author
Cursi, Mf
- Subjects
via ,iter ,actus ,praxis ,Servitutes praediorum rusticorum ,Settore IUS/18 ,Servitutes praediorum rusticorum, via, iter, actus, praxis - Published
- 2020
50. Lo sviluppo di modalità di insegnamento innovative, fra le unità di misura e la vita delle api: uno studio di caso
- Author
Giorgio Ostinelli
- Subjects
Relocation ,Praxis ,Interaction ,Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen ,Lernmethode ,Fallstudie ,Primary school lower level ,Case study ,Researcher ,Schulpädagogik ,Project ,Educational research ,Environmental education ,Method of teaching ,Elementary School ,Education ,Projekt ,ddc:370 ,Schulentwicklung ,Schweiz ,Empirische Bildungsforschung ,Maßeinheit ,Unterrichtsmethode ,Learning techniques ,L7-991 ,Umweltbildung ,Bildungsforschung ,Umsetzung ,Case Studies (Education) ,Innovation ,Grundschule ,Learning method ,Lehrer ,Understanding by design, school improvement advisor/researcher, communities of practice, ricerca-azione a doppio circolo, coaching ,Primary school ,Practice ,Ticino ,School development ,Teacher ,Forscher ,Education (General) ,Interaktion ,Projects (Learning Activities) ,Tessin ,Switzerland - Abstract
Questo articolo è uno studio di caso che descrive l’interazione tra uno School Improvement Advisor/researcher – SIA (ossia un consulente/ricercatore per il miglioramento della scuola), una scuola elementare svizzera, localizzata a Stabio (TI) e un gruppo di suoi insegnanti mentre sviluppa progetti educativi innovativi. Nelle pagine seguenti vengono illustrate due esperienze finalizzate alla costituzione e alla crescita di comunità di pratica: la prima riguarda la costruzione di una mappa e la seconda mostra agli alunni un’interazione di apprendimento con le api e il loro ambiente. Entrambe le esperienze sono state basate sull’uso della metodologia Understanding by Design (UbD) – che ha una valenza innovativa, in particolare per quanto riguarda il sistema scolastico del Cantone Ticino, ma includono anche altri contributi provenienti dal campo della ricerca educativa, adattati alla pratica dagli insegnanti. Inoltre, al di là della co-costruzione di pratiche innovative di insegnamento e apprendimento, l’articolo include alcune riflessioni sul ruolo attivo dello SIA nell’ “impollinare” le scuole. (DIPF/Orig.), In diesem Artikel wird eine Fallstudie zur Entwicklung innovativer pädagogischer Projekte vorgestellt, in welcher Interaktionen zwischen einem School Improvement Advisor/researcher – SIA (einem Schulentwickler / Forscher), einer Schweizer Grundschule in Stabio (TI) sowie ihren Lehrer/innen beschrieben werden. Zwei Erfahrungen bei der Entwicklung solcher Projekte werden im Folgenden berichtet: Im ersten Projekt geht es um die Erstellung einer Landkarte; im zweiten Projekt geht es darum, wie Schüler/innen lernen, mit Bienen und ihrer Umwelt zu interagieren. Beide Projekte basieren auf dem Ansatz des Understanding by Design (UbD) – welcher innovativ für das Schulsystem des Kantons Tessin ist. Sie beinhalten auch andere Ansätze aus der Bildungsforschung, die von Lehrenden in die Praxis umgesetzt wurden. Neben der Ko-Konstruktion innovativer Lehr- und Lernmethoden wird im Artikel auch die aktive Rolle eines SIA bei der Entwicklung solcher Projekte reflektiert. (DIPF/Orig.)
- Published
- 2019
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