2,555 results on '"Vittoria, A."'
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- Author
Maria Vittoria Dell'Anna
- Subjects
Language and Literature ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
Il lavoro si sofferma sullo spazio e sul ruolo assegnato ai linguaggi specialistici nella didattica della lingua italiana, con riferimento a esperienze di didattica universitaria condotte in Italia (si dà anche conto della presenza e della distribuzione di corsi e insegnamenti dedicati, nel contesto della L1 e della L2/LS). Si offrono poi spunti per un’ipotesi di progettazione didattica dell’italiano specialistico L1 pensata per un corso universitario di secondo livello di ambito non linguistico-letterario e non umanistico. The L1 specialist Italian in university as a professionalizing Italian (with ideas for a didactic proposal between rewriting and IA) The work focuses on the space and role assigned to specialist languages in the teaching of the Italian language, with reference to university teaching experiences conducted in Italy (The presence and distribution of courses and teaching in the context of L1 and L2/LS is also taken into account). It is then presented a hypothesis of didactic design of the specialized Italian L1 designed for a university course of second level of non-linguistic-literary and non-humanistic scope.
- Published
- 2025
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3. Cartas, epistolaridad e interlocución en la obra de Carmen Martín Gaite
- Author
Maria Vittoria Calvi
- Subjects
Romanic languages ,PC1-5498 - Abstract
El presente artículo explora las dimensiones de la epistolaridad en la obra de Carmen Martín Gaite a partir de las teorizaciones de autores como Altman (1982) y Guillén (1998). En particular, se estudiarán la comunicación epis tolar como modalidad de interlocución; el valor de la carta como texto, en el marco del proceso de ficcionalización; y la carta en su materialidad como forma de presencia dentro de la escena enunciativa. Se aportarán ejemplos extraídos tanto de algunas novelas (Retahílas, Fragmentos de interior, El cuarto de atrás y Nubosidad variable) como de las cartas personales de la autora, recopiladas en el VII volumen de las Obras completas, con especial referencia a la correspondencia con Juan Benet.
- Published
- 2024
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4. Epidemiology of sepsis in AUSL Romagna and time to positivity
- Author
Anna Marzucco, Michela Fantini, Maria Sofia Montanari, Giulia Gatti, Martina Manera, Maria Vittoria Tamburini, Manuela Morotti, Agnese Denicolò, Francesco Congestrì, Valentina Arfilli, Pasqua Schiavone, Alessandra Scagliarini, Vittorio Sambri, and Monica Cricca
- Subjects
Microbiology ,QR1-502 - Abstract
Not available.
- Published
- 2024
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5. Noi refertiamo così… voi? Guida rapida per la valutazione sonologica della stenosi carotidea.
- Author
Giovanni Malferrari, Andrea Zini, Giorgia Arnone, Ludovica Migliaccio, Matteo Paolucci, Giorgia Gentile, Mariateresa Lefemine, Franco Accorsi, Attilia Maria Pizzini, Mauro Silingardi, Nicola Carraro, Vittoria Maria Sarra, Giorgio Meneghetti, Claudio Baracchini, Giuseppe Pistollato, Patrizio Prati, Luciano Paolo Marchionno, Daniela Monaco, Maria Vittoria De Angelis, Chiara Vincenzi, Simone Quintana, Amedeo Bianchini, Giuseppe Pulito, Donatella Mastria, Francesco Paolo Sellitti, Fabrizio Calliada, Domenico Laterza, Lorenzo Coppo, Daniela Mastroiacovo, Francesco Prada, Sabrina Rossi, Cristiano Azzini, Nicola Merli, Maura Pugliatti, Francesco Ciccirillo, Antonio Siniscalchi, Enzo Sanzaro, Fabio Melis, Michele Pacilli, and Vincenzo Inchingolo
- Subjects
stenosi carotidea, eco color Doppler, NASCET, ECST, stenosi carotidee classificazioni, neu-rosonologia clinica. ,Medicine ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 - Abstract
Da oltre quarant’anni si utilizzano gli ultrasuoni per rilevare una placca carotidea e per seguire nel tempo la sua evoluzione. I protocolli terapeutici hanno ridotto enormemente il suo impatto sulla salute delle persone ma la scelta fra terapia medica e chirurgica si fonda su una valutazione clinica e strumentale che è solo apparentemente semplice. Nei referti di un esame ultrasonografico riportiamo il più delle volte delle percentuali di stenosi, a volte puntuali, a volte in termini di range oppure ci esprimiamo con aggettivi che descrivono la gravità della stenosi ma spesso ci facciamo confondere dai numeri e dalle differenti modalità di calcolo del range di stenosi ed è indubbio che, a volte, le conclusioni risultano ambigue ed estremamente dipendenti dall’interpretazione dell’operatore. Il problema è che l’angiografia digitale, gold standard diagnostico per la stenosi carotidea, adotta delle metriche non del tutto riproducibili con gli ultrasuoni. Con questo documento vogliamo condividere la ricerca di un linguaggio comune, a partire dal referto dei nostri esami. Noi refertiamo così… voi?
- Published
- 2024
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6. Rara Avis. Moda in volo alle Uccelliere Farnesiane, a cura di Sofia Gnoli, organizzata e promossa dal Parco Archeologico del Colosseo, Uccelliere Farnesiane, Roma 24 Aprile - 21 Luglio 2024
- Author
Vittoria Caratozzolo
- Subjects
Fine Arts ,Visual arts ,N1-9211 - Published
- 2024
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- Author
Silvia Gilardoni and Maria Vittoria Lo Presti
- Subjects
Language and Literature ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
Il contributo prende in considerazione i nomi commerciali dei formaggi italiani, con l’obiettivo di individuare elementi linguistici e culturali che possano essere integrati nella progettazione e realizzazione di percorsi didattici per l’insegnamento e l’apprendimento dell’italiano come lingua seconda e straniera. I nomi commerciali, evocando la qualità dei prodotti italiani, sono identificati come uno strumento per la diffusione e promozione del Made in Italy e, al contempo, possono rappresentare un elemento rilevante nella ricerca e nell’applicazione glottodidattica, nella prospettiva di favorire lo sviluppo della competenza onomastica, quale parte della competenza lessicale e interculturale. Nello studio si analizzano alcune denominazioni di formaggi italiani per individuarne le caratteristiche linguistiche, semantiche e pragmatiche; tale indagine si basa su un corpus di nomi selezionato a partire da risorse digitali e cartacee, quali schede di prodotti, guide gastronomiche, siti aziendali e istituzionali. Nel lavoro vengono illustrati poi esempi di attività e di percorsi didattici per l’italiano L2 focalizzati sui nomi di formaggi italiani, con l’obiettivo di promuovere la conoscenza del territorio e della cultura gastronomica italiana. THE NAMES OF ITALIAN CHEESES: BETWEEN LANGUAGE, CULTURE AND TERRITORY The contribution considers the trade names of Italian cheese, with the aim of identifying the linguistic and cultural elements that can be integrated in the design and implementation of educational paths for the teaching and learning of Italian as a second and foreign language. Trade names, evoking the quality of Italian products, are identified as a tool for the dissemination and promotion of the Made in Italy. At the same time, they represent a relevant element in the teaching research and practice as they can foster the development of the onomastic competence as part of the lexical and intercultural competence. This study analyses some Italian cheese names in order to identify their linguistic, semantic and pragmatic characteristics, basing the research on a corpus of names selected from digital and paper documents, such as product cards, gastronomic guides, company and institutional websites. The paper then illustrates examples of activities and educational paths for Italian L2 focused on the names of Italian cheese, with the aim of promoting knowledge of the territory and of the Italian gastronomic culture.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Maria Vittoria Dell'Anna
- Subjects
Language and Literature ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
Il lavoro propone un esame del lessico tecnico-giuridico del Dottor volgare (Roma, Corvo, 1673) di Giovan Battista De Luca, prima o tra le prime opere di dottrina giuridica scritta in italiano. Dopo un’introduzione sull’opzione linguistica di De Luca, si illustrano aspetti della personale pratica di scrittura dell’autore con riguardo per le modalità di presentazione di voci giuridiche (relative a istituti, nozioni, concetti, fattispecie delle varie materie del diritto) per la prima volta o quasi discusse in italiano, e corredate nell’opera da osservazioni su continuità e differenze rispetto ai contesti non settoriali. Si illustrano dunque aspetti quali la prassi definitoria, l’impostazione enciclopedica, le strategie metalessicali, anche documentando di volta in volta le voci oggetto di analisi attraverso indagini nella lessicografia storica ed etimologica. Between technicality and common language. Definitional praxis and metalinguistic notations in the Dottor volgare by Giovan Battista De Luca The work proposes an examination of the technical-juridical lexicon of the Doctor volgare (Rome, Corvo, 1673) by Giovan Battista De Luca, before or among the first works of legal doctrine written in Italian. After an introduction on the linguistic option of De Luca, we illustrate aspects of the personal writing practice of the author with regard to the methods of presentation of legal items (relating to institutes, notions, concepts, case of the various subjects of law) for the first time or almost discussed in Italian, and accompanied in the work by observations on continuity and differences compared to non-sectoral contexts. Aspects such as the definitional practice, the encyclopedic approach, the metalexical strategies are illustrated, also documenting from time to time the items subject to analysis through investigations in the historical and etymological lexicography.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Maria Vittoria Calvi
- Subjects
Language and Literature ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Published
- 2024
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- Author
a cura di Maria Vittoria Calvi, Giuseppe Sergio, Marcella Uberti-Bona, Jacopo Ferrari
- Subjects
Language and Literature ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Published
- 2024
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11. «Non sufficit orbis». Mobilizing Imageries, Global Catholicism and Imperial Propaganda in the Widened Worlds of the Habsburgs in the Early Modern Age
- Author
Maria Vittoria Spissu
- Subjects
circulation ,catholicism ,empire ,viceroyalties ,connectors ,Fine Arts ,Arts in general ,NX1-820 - Abstract
Under Philip II, the Habsburg Empire reached across the globe a complex confederation that spanned the Atlantic Ocean and included high-tension European areas. Painters and missionaries travelled across the Catholic Monarchy, which was connected through images and cults shared across diverse geographies (the Viceroyalties of New Spain and Peru, the Mediterranean and Spanish Italy, the Spanish Netherlands and the Iberian Peninsula). Circulation of models, promotion of ideas (aimed at universal evangelization and imperialism), and the success of categories such as the Global Renaissance lead to the conception of an empire that is all-encompassing, polycentric, or even without a center. The article discusses materials and interpretative approaches, acknowledging the specificity of both contexts and agents.
- Published
- 2024
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12. Valutare e certificare le competenze degli studenti nell’assolvimento dell’obbligo di istruzione. Un’indagine empirica nella scuola secondaria della Regione Abruzzo
- Author
Anna Maria Ciraci, Maria Vittoria Isidori, and Claudio Massimo Cortellesi
- Subjects
assessment tools ,certification of skills ,evaluation ,key competences for lifelong learning ,certificazione delle competenze ,competenze chiave per l’apprendimento permanente ,strumenti valutativi ,valutazione ,Education - Abstract
ASSESS AND CERTIFY STUDENTS’ SKILLS IN FULFILLING THE COMPULSORY EDUCATION. AN EMPIRICAL SURVEY IN SECONDARY SCHOOL OF THE ABRUZZO REGION Abstract The article concerns the results of an empirical investigation relating to evaluation practices and opinions of secondary school teachers in the Abruzzo Region on the evaluation and certification of skills in fulfilling compulsory education. To collect information, a questionnaire was administered to a sample of 383 teachers. After an initial descriptive analysis, some contingency tables were produced from which some statistically significant connections emerged. The preliminary results of the study highlight good practices in the management of evaluation processes, such as the use of evaluation as a resource for learning, but still show a lack of awareness of the difference between learning and transversal citizenship skills and a poor mastery of docimological tools capable to grasp the complexity that characterizes skills.
- Published
- 2023
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13. Monitoring of bivalve mollusk harvesting areas: the relevance of Salmonella spp.
- Author
Cesare Ciccarelli, Angela Marisa Semeraro, Vittoria Di Trani, Guglielmo D’Aurizio, Giuliana Blasi, Melina Leinoudi, Cristina De Simoni, and Elena Ciccarelli
- Subjects
Shellfish ,Salmonella spp. ,Escherichia coli ,microbiological monitoring ,shellfish harvesting area ,Food processing and manufacture ,TP368-456 - Abstract
The microbiological monitoring of bivalve mollusk harvesting areas in the Marche region is based on the parameters of Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. However, Regulation EU/2019/627 stated criteria based on E. coli only to determine the health status of these areas. Therefore, the reason for Salmonella spp. monitoring, as provided in the Marche region, could be aimed at reducing the risk of placing on the market contaminated bivalve mollusks. This study, using the results of microbiological monitoring carried out in the Marche region from 2015 to 2022 and the methods based on Bayes' theorem and Poisson’s distribution, evaluated the effectiveness and efficiency of Salmonella spp. monitoring in reducing the risk to the consumer. The results show that i) the use of a single sample unit significantly reduced the possibility of detecting non-compliance with the microbiological safety criterion; ii) the time taken to report positive results (average of approximately 10 days) did not allow the timely implementation of control measures; iii) the prevalence of positive outcomes was quite sporadic: a random trend of positivity is recognizable on a geographical and monthly basis for mussels and a geographical basis for striped clams; iv) considering the predictive value of E. coli against Salmonella spp., the specificity is very high and the negative predictive value versus Salmonella spp. would be >80%. In conclusion, the study shows that the monitoring of Salmonella spp. has a limited effect on reducing the risk to the consumer; however, in the cost/benefit assessment, other aspects not covered by this study should be considered.
- Published
- 2024
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14. Education and training for sustainability. Towards Artificial Intelligence: an exploratory investigation on teachers.
- Author
Maria Vittoria Isidori, Henry Muccini, Alessio Santelli, and Clara Evangelista
- Subjects
sustainable development ,AI ,teachers' educational attitude ,sviluppo sostenibile ,IA ,atteggiamento educativo dei docenti ,Education - Abstract
The move towards a future green planet requires that we all learn to live and work in sustainable ways. Teacher professional learning is very important for innovation and sustainability in our education systems. The competent use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education is fundamental to achieve some sustainable development objectives through the training of new generations. From our survey of newly appointed teachers (responsible for active citizenship training) emerges the awareness of the role of AI in the ecological transition and in the development of a circular economy, the failure to apply AI in current teaching-training programming and the need to be trained on the use of AI and the risks of its improper use. Educazione e formazione per la sostenibilità. Verso l’Intelligenza Artificiale: un’indagine esplorativa sui docenti. Il passaggio verso un futuro pianeta verde richiede che tutti impariamo a vivere e lavorare in modi sostenibili. L’apprendimento professionale degli insegnanti è molto importante per l’innovazione e la sostenibilità nei nostri sistemi educativi. L’uso competente dell’Intelligenza artificiale (IA) nell’istruzione è fondamentale per raggiungere alcuni obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile attraverso la formazione delle nuove generazioni. Dalla nostra indagine su docenti neo immessi in ruolo (responsabili della formazione alla cittadinanza attiva) emerge la consapevolezza circa il ruolo dell’IA nella transizione ecologica e nello sviluppo di un’economia circolare, la mancata applicazione dell’IA nella programmazione didattico-formativa corrente e l’esigenza di essere formati sull’utilizzo dell’IA e sui rischi di un utilizzo improprio di essa.
- Published
- 2024
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15. Charà. Un percorso per la danza
- Author
Maria Vittoria Campiglio
- Subjects
Recreation. Leisure ,GV1-1860 ,Dancing ,GV1580-1799.4 - Published
- 2023
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16. A proposito della pubblicazione dell’Edictum de pretiis di Diocleziano: un testimone dall’Egitto in PSI. XVII 1685 recto?
- Author
Maria Vittoria Bramante
- Subjects
edictum de pretiis ,editto dei prezzi ,diocleziano ,diocletian ,papirologia giuridica ,juristic papyrology ,diritto romano ,roman law ,römisches recht ,derecho romano ,diritto antico ,ancient law ,ancient rome ,roma antica ,storia del diritto ,History of Law ,KJ2-1040 - Abstract
Abstract The contribution focuses on the publication of Diocletian’s edict on prices in Egypt. A scrap of papyrus, from Oxyrhynchus, PSI. XVII 1685 recto, preserves the initial part of a text that the editor Marco Stroppa has recognized as the draft of a publication edict of a strategos, datable between 293 and 305. The PSI. XVII 1685 recto’s review suggests it is the draft of the publication edict of Diocletian’s tariff: it would be an important testimony, which adds to the law’s publication in Phrygia, by Tiberius Fulvius Asticus. Precisely this edict of the praeses provinciae allows to integrate the surviving lines of PSI. XVII 1685 recto, and to reconstruct the entire text.
- Published
- 2023
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17. Terapia medica della Sindrome di Cushing: aggiornamenti su Osilodrostat
- Author
Morelli, Valentina and Favero, Vittoria
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Martinetto, Vittoria
- Published
- 2022
19. Profili di contrasto al cybercrime in iure condito e de iure condendo
- Author
Vittoria Sveva Zilia Bonamini Pepoli
- Subjects
malware ,cybersecurity ,cybercrime ,diritto alla riservatezza ,captatore informatico ,Law ,Cybernetics ,Q300-390 - Abstract
Nell’era del digitale la nostra vita è ormai legata a doppio filo a smartphone e tablet che ci accompagnano in ogni nostro movimento. è proprio la natura itinerante di tali mezzi che li rende perfetti “contenitori” per accogliere i c.d. captatori informatici, ovvero i malware utilizzati a fini investigativi, per il perseguimento dei reati. In questo lavoro si approfondisce come la giurisprudenza e il legislatore abbiano cercato di regolare l’avvento di questi nuovi mezzi di ricerca della prova nel tentativo di trovare un bilanciamento tra il soddisfacimento dell’interesse pubblico nell’accertamento dei reati, previsto e tutelato dall’art. 112 Cost. relativo al principio dell’obbligatorietà dell’azione penale e l’art. 15 Cost., che sancisce il principio di inviolabilità della riservatezza e segretezza di qualsiasi forma di comunicazione. Al contempo, però, si vuole sottolineare come sia essenziale il contrasto al crimine informatico, attuato anche mediante l’utilizzo di tali strumenti e un adeguato sviluppo di risorse tecnologiche per la sicurezza informatica in grado di creare sistemi che siano “cyber resilienti”. In tal senso, si porta alla luce la duplice natura, benevola e malevola, dello stesso mezzo: il malware.
- Published
- 2022
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20. Enterococcus casseliflavus bacteremic infection of a right atrial thrombotic mass: first reported case
- Author
Antonio Mastroianni, Sonia Greco, Valeria Vangeli, Maria Vittoria Mauro, Francesca Greco, and Roberto Manfredi
- Subjects
Enterococcus casseliflavus ,endocarditis ,right atrial thrombotic mass ,literature review ,Microbiology ,QR1-502 - Abstract
A unique episode of Enteroccus caselliflavus infected left atrial thrombotic mass is described and commented on the basis of the available literature i this field. Mobile enterococci, like Enterococcus gallinarum and E. casseliflavus/flavescens, usual inhabitants of poultry/pet gut, are infrequently transmitted to humans. Sparse case reports of human disease are present, usually in compromised and/or hospitalized hosts [9-23]. We herewith describe the first case of E. caSselliflavus infection of a left atrial mass, associated with bacteremia.
- Published
- 2023
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21. Chapter Conoscenza e trasmissione del patrimonio urbano romano: Piazza Montanara
- Author
Castiglione, Vittoria and Trivi, Maria Belén
- Subjects
Transitions ,Cross ,Modulate ,Develop ,Drawing ,Science of Representation ,bic Book Industry Communication::A The arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure & design ,bic Book Industry Communication::T Technology, engineering, agriculture::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics & technical drawing ,bic Book Industry Communication::A The arts::AG Art treatments & subjects::AGZ Art techniques & principles - Abstract
The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
- Published
- 2023
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22. Chapter Beyond Letarouilly
- Author
Bartolomei, Cristiana, Castiglione, Vittoria, Ippolito, Alfonso, and Mezzino, Davide
- Subjects
Transitions ,Cross ,Modulate ,Develop ,Drawing ,Science of Representation ,bic Book Industry Communication::A The arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure & design ,bic Book Industry Communication::T Technology, engineering, agriculture::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics & technical drawing ,bic Book Industry Communication::A The arts::AG Art treatments & subjects::AGZ Art techniques & principles - Abstract
The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
- Published
- 2023
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23. Chapter Il Naviglio di Ivrea da Leonardo a oggi. Storia, tecnica e territorio
- Author
Cattaneo, Maria Vittoria
- Subjects
Leonardo ,Naviglio di Ivrea ,hydraulic engineering ,territory ,technical update ,thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History - Abstract
The Naviglio di Ivrea (Turin) sketched in sheet 563r of the Atlantic Code, drew Leonardo’s attention when he was working as hydraulic engineer in the nearby Milan. A research on the rich documentation available in local archives led to identify techniques and materials used to build the Naviglio, often similar to those in Leonardo’s hydraulic studies and drawings, and to show both its interaction with the surrounding territories and the continuous updates in hydraulic engineering from the XV to the XIX centuries. The persisting relevance of the canal through centuries is a testament to Leonardo’s ancient intuition.
- Published
- 2023
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24. Sample size planning and the statistical significance of official controls by sampling
- Author
Cesare Ciccarelli, Angela Marisa Semeraro, Melina Leinoudi, Vittoria Di Trani, Anita Ciampana, and Elena Ciccarelli
- Subjects
Sample size ,acceptance sampling ,predictive model ,Anisakid larvae ,farmed fish ,Food processing and manufacture ,TP368-456 - Abstract
Acceptance sampling is important for food safety and is a relevant tool at production and official control levels, as it helps decision-making processes and verifies quality and food safety management. Generally, sampling plans are hypothesis tests of products that have been submitted for official appraisal and subsequent acceptance or rejection. The sample size is related to the set level of risk, the acceptable precision, and the tolerable misstatement size; therefore, sample size determination has a crucial role in setting up the accepted level of non-compliance and level of error. Using a simple predictive model based on combinatorics, this study showcases how sample size management can change the probability of rejecting good lots and/or accepting bad lots when the acceptance number is 0 (c=0). We showed that when c=0, a very high level of significance of the test corresponds to the high probability of rejecting a lot with an acceptable prevalence of defective items (type II error). We produced tables about the minimum sample size at different significance levels, which can be useful in the field. A paradigmatic example of the role of sample size in the acceptance-sampling plan is represented by the visual inspection for detection of Anisakid larvae in fishery products: this study investigated this aspect and mainly referred to studies on the prevalence of larvae in farmed fish. We showed that, for lots ≥1000 items, the sample size is not strictly related to the lot size, but to draw a consistent control plan and reduce the variability in the clinical judgment, control authorities require a standardized approach. Because of this, the results on the prevalence of Anisakid larvae in farmed fish, if only based on sampling control plans, do not support a negligible risk statement, despite the claims reported in the EFSA opinion and other several studies.
- Published
- 2023
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25. Simone Marcelli Pitzalis, Questo è il corpo. Rituale dei giorni nuovi
- Author
Maria Vittoria Mogavero
- Subjects
Language and Literature ,Literature (General) ,PN1-6790 - Abstract
Simone Marcelli Pitzalis, Questo è il corpo. Rituale dei giorni nuovi (Firenze, Effequ, 2022, 202 pp. ISBN 979-1280263315) di Maria Victoria Mogavero
- Published
- 2023
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26. Simona Segre-Reinach. Per un vestire gentile. Moda e liberazione animale. Milano: Pearson, 2022
- Author
Vittoria Caratozzolo
- Subjects
Fine Arts ,Visual arts ,N1-9211 - Published
- 2022
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27. Sorveglianza vs terapia adiuvante del carcinoma corticosurrenalico: nuovi fattori prognostici
- Author
Calabrese, Anna, Basile, Vittoria, Puglisi, Soraya, Pia, Anna Rosa, and Terzolo, Massimo
- Published
- 2023
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28. I minori accolti nelle Comunità Terapeutiche lombarde: incidenza e caratteristiche.
- Author
Badino, Vittoria, Miragoli, Sarah, and Milani, Luca
- Published
- 2024
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29. Screening e follow-up dei pazienti con mutazioni del gene MEN1
- Author
Veltroni, Alessio, Zamboni, Giorgia, and Davì, Maria Vittoria
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Vittoria Dozza
- Subjects
Archaeology ,CC1-960 ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
L’articolo esamina la figura di Ἐρύκιος, autore di epigrammi trasmessi dall’Anthologia Graeca. La discussione, in particolare, concerne la patria dell’autore, al nome del quale vengono affiancati due etnici diversi, Θεσσαλός e Κυζικηνός, e si vale di fonti epigrafiche e degli indizi contenuti nella sua produzione poetica, con alcune osservazioni più generali sul sistema delle inscriptiones nell’Anthologia Palatina. In secondo luogo, si esamina l’origine del nome (probabilmente traslitterazione greca del lat. Erucius), e, dunque, un eventuale collegamento tra l’autore e il contesto romano-italico a lui contemporaneo. A questo scopo, si dà nuova attenzione a due questioni ancora aperte che emergono da due testi dell’epigrammista: l’identità del Partenio cui è dedicato Eryc. AP VII 377, da alcuni ritenuto il poeta elegiaco di Nicea, attivo a Roma in età augustea; infine, il rapporto intertestuale tra Eryc. AP VI 96,2 e il verso virgiliano Ecl. 7,4 This work examines the profile of Ἐρύκιος, the author of some epigrams preserved in the Greek Anthology. The discussion will focus especially on the author’s home country, because his name is attached to two different ethnics, Θεσσαλός e Κυζικηνός, and it is based on epigraphic sources and on some hints contained in his poetic works. The discussion will entail as well some general observations about the adscriptions in the Palatine Anthology. Then, the paper will take into account the origin of the name (probably the Greek transcription of the Latin name Erucius). Accordingly, it will proceed by considering any connections between the author and the Roman or the Italian context of his time. For this purpose, new attention will be given to two questions arising from two of his poems: that is, the identity of Partenius addressed in Eryc. AP VII 377, which some scholars think to be the elegiac poet from Nicea, active in Rome in the Augustan age; and, finally, the intertextual links between Eryc. AP VI 96,2 and the Vergilian line Ecl. 7,4.
- Published
- 2022
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31. Getting Dressed is a Bit Like Travelling. Interconnections Between Fashion and Tourism in Italy from the Postwar Period to the Seventies.
- Author
Vittoria Caterina Caratozzolo
- Subjects
italian fashion ,ethnocentrism ,exoticism ,tourism ,journey-form ,Fine Arts ,Visual arts ,N1-9211 - Abstract
The article explores the modalities through which the Italian fashion, primarily connotated by a deep-seated relationship to its own territory and cultural heritage, chooses exotic countries and cultures as the most alluring scenarios for its own representations. This paradigmatic shift illustrates how Italian fashion – in the aftermath of World War II and through an ongoing process of internationalization – acknowledged its own creativity; and, in addition, it reveals the modalities Italian sartorial language appropriated atmospheres and styles connected to distant places. From this vantage point, the main domestic and international fashion magazines offered an innovative representation of clothing and territories to the imaginary and material fruition of fashion and tourism as well. It was a shift punctuated with cultural ambivalences revealing how the sartorial research was entagled with exoticizing and self-exoticizing feelings and attitudes oscillating from inspiration to appropriation into the wider framework of ethnocentrism.
- Published
- 2021
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32. Lo italiano en el paisaje lingüístico de Buenos Aires. Lengua, cultura, inmigración
- Author
Maria Vittoria Calvi, Gianluca Pontrandolfo, and Simone Ferrari
- Subjects
linguistic landscape ,spanish and italian ,italian migration in argentina ,migration memory ,buenos aires ,French literature - Italian literature - Spanish literature - Portuguese literature ,PQ1-3999 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
This study analyses the contact between Spanish and Italian in the Italian linguistic landscape (LL) of Buenos Aires, from the most ancient layers (together with their linguistic innovations) to the most recent ones, resulting from a commodification of the Italian culture and identity. The focus is on the gastronomy and catering sector in Avenida Corrientes, as well as the neighbourhoods of San Telmo, Palermo and Retiro. The paper aims at identifying signs of the migration memory embedded and visible in the LL.
- Published
- 2021
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33. Utilità dell’angiografia con test di Doppman nella pianificazione della strategia chirurgica degli insulinomi associati a MEN1
- Author
Davì, Maria Vittoria and Cordenos, Giulia
- Published
- 2023
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34. Gemella hemolysans endocarditis and septicemia: case report and literature review
- Author
Antonio Mastroianni, Sonia Greco, Valeria Vangeli, Maria Vittoria Mauro, Francesca Greco, Filippo Urso, and Roberto Manfredi
- Subjects
Gemella hemolysans ,endocarditis ,sepsis ,literature review ,Microbiology ,QR1-502 - Abstract
A suggestive report of Gemella hemolysans endocarditis and sepsis is described and commented on the ground of an updated literature review.
- Published
- 2022
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35. Affection, Attraction and Aversion
- Author
Ilenia Vittoria Casmiri
- Subjects
climate change ,climate fiction ,biophilia/biophobia ,maggie gee ,apocalypse ,American literature ,PS1-3576 ,English literature ,PR1-9680 - Abstract
The multi-faceted nature of the climate crisis in The Ice People (1998) by Maggie Gee is examined from an interdisciplinary perspective aimed at highlighting ways in which the joint effort of the humanities and the sciences can achieve effective environmental communication and audience engagement. An ecocritical reading of the novel incorporates the “Biophilia Hypothesis” (1993), a set of values through which Edward O. Wilson and Stephen Kellert have articulated genetic explanations to historical or emergent cultural patterns. Biophilic and biophobic values shed light on how humans affiliate to the other-than-human. Throughout the fictional apocalypse, biophobic values such as Aversion reveal the fracture between human beings and other species while Attraction, Affection, and other biophilic values are exploited for biophobic reasons. The values supporting our innate affiliation to nature can be identified, decoded, deconstructed, and consciously implemented to foster a novel cultural climate able to avert the climate apocalypse.
- Published
- 2022
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36. L’eruzione del 1257 tra cronisti e vulcanologi
- Author
Vittoria Bufanio
- Subjects
Cronache ,dendrocronologia ,vulcano ,Samalas ,Medioevo ,Medieval history ,D111-203 - Abstract
L’eruzione del Samalas del 1257 è classificata fra le più grandi degli ultimi 7000 anni e a confermarlo sono stati i rilevamenti effettuati nelle carote di ghiaccio estratte in Artide, Antartide e Groenlandia. Le ricerche dei vulcanologi si sono avvalse, per l’individuazione geografica e temporale dell’eruzione, oltre che dei dati naturali anche delle testimonianze documentarie coeve prestando particolare attenzione alla cronachistica medievale. Questo contributo si concentra sull’importante contributo delle fonti di carattere narrativo facendone emergere anche i lati problematici legati all’esegesi di tali tipologie documentarie. A partire dal potenziale informativo delle narrazioni dei cronisti italiani, il saggio, discute i differenti impatti metereologici e socio-economici dell’eruzione del Samalas nel più ampio contesto europeo.
- Published
- 2022
37. Introducción: diversidad lingüística y traducción de textos turísticos
- Author
Maria Vittoria Calvi
- Subjects
Translating and interpreting ,P306-310 - Abstract
La diversidad lingüística es consustancial a la experiencia del turismo: tanto si se desplaza a lugares próximos a su entorno habitual como si se traslada a territorios remotos, el turista se topará con diferentes variedades de la misma lengua o con lenguas más o menos (des)conocidas; a menudo, se verá rodeado de un paisaje lingüístico —visual y sonoro— de difícil acceso o, cuando menos, extraño. Su posibilidad de comunicar se verá inevitablemente afectada. y, en el caso de idiomas muy distantes o alfabetos indescifrables, podrá incluso experimentar una desestabilizante sensación de extravío.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Marta Maffia and Vittoria Boccia
- Subjects
Language and Literature ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
Questo lavoro propone l’analisi di un caso particolare di parlato filmico doppiato. Nello specifico, intende osservare in che modo il processo di apprendimento spontaneo di una lingua seconda da parte di un adulto sia stato rappresentato nel doppiaggio in lingua italiana del film The Terminal, diretto da S. Spielberg. Attraverso un’analisi formale delle trascrizioni di tutti i turni di parola del protagonista, si è tentato di rintracciare gli stadi di sviluppo della sua interlingua, con particolare riferimento all’espressione della temporalità/aspettualità/modalità verbale e alla struttura dell’accordo di genere e numero. I dati raccolti dimostrano un parziale tentativo di riprodurre in maniera realistica le sequenze di apprendimento, con esiti differenziati a seconda della struttura morfosintattica osservata. A differenza di quanto accade nella versione originale del film in lingua inglese, la resa italiana di The Terminal sembra non riuscire a rendere in maniera scientificamente rigorosa un processo tanto delicato e impegnativo come l’apprendimento linguistico in età adulta, non favorendo quindi la decostruzione di diffuse visioni stereotipate dei comportamenti linguistici di apprendenti immigrati adulti di italiano L2. Language learning in cinema: L2 Italian in the dubbing of The Terminal This paper proposes the analysis of a particular case of dubbed speech. Specifically, it aims to observe how the process of spontaneous acquisition of a second language by an adult learner was represented in the Italian dubbed version of a Spielberg movie, The Terminal. Each utterance produced by the main character in the movie script was orthographically transcribed and formally analysed, making an attempt to trace the developmental stages of his interlanguage. Two morphosyntactic structures were considered in particular: the expression of verbal temporality/aspectuality/modality and the realization of gender and number agreement. Data demonstrate a partial attempt to realistically reproduce the Italian acquisition sequences, with differentiated outcomes depending on the structure observed. Unlike the original English version of the movie, the Italian adaptation of The Terminal fails in reproducing in a scientifically rigorous way such a delicate and demanding process as language learning in adulthood. Thus, it does not contribute to the deconstruction of widespread stereotypes related to linguistic behaviours of immigrant learners of L2 Italian.
- Published
- 2022
39. Christiane L. Joost-Gaugier, Islamic Elements in the Architecture of Puglia
- Author
Maria Vittoria Fontana
- Subjects
Arts in general ,NX1-820 - Published
- 2022
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40. Ancora su Lelio Orsi e le Fabulae Centum di Gabriele Faerno
- Author
Romani, Vittoria
- Published
- 2020
41. Caratteristiche clinico-patologiche, gestione clinica e prognosi dell’insulinoma maligno: studio multicentrico italiano
- Author
Veltroni, Alessio, Cosaro, Elisa, and Davì, Maria Vittoria
- Published
- 2021
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42. Un Agamennone isocrateo nell’Heroikos di Filostrato. Per una proposta interpretativa dei capitoli 29-31
- Author
Vittoria Minniti
- Subjects
agamennone ,eroico ,eroi omerici ,filostrato ,iliade ,isocrate ,omero – agamemnon ,heroikos ,homer ,homeric heroes ,iliad ,isocrates ,philostratus. ,History of the Greco-Roman World ,DE1-100 ,Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature ,PA ,History of Law ,KJ2-1040 - Abstract
In chapters 29-31 of the Philostratus’s Heroikos Agamemnon assumes a particularly positive characterization, different from the main tradition that refers to the Homeric poems. In the following pages I will propose to identify in the Panathenaicus of Isocrates a parallel motif and a possible source for the particular characterization of the king of the Achaeans. Indeed, Isocrates’ speech can be compared to the Heroikos for three reasons: in addition to the unusual praise of the Homeric hero, both authors refer to the importance of enslaving Troy and defeating the barbarians. These arguments allow us to identify a parallel in a precise point of the Panathenaicus of Isocrates: the excursus on Agamemnon in chapters 72-84.
- Published
- 2020
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43. Dress, Body, Deconstruction: A Philosophical Perspective. Interview with Flavia Loscialpo
- Author
Vittoria Sisca
- Subjects
Fine Arts ,Visual arts ,N1-9211 - Published
- 2020
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44. European legislation and live bivalve molluscs: Are the criteria for microbiological safety matching with the criteria for sanitary classification of harvesting areas?
- Author
Cesare Ciccarelli, Melina Leinoudi, Angela Marisa Semeraro, Vittoria Di Trani, Elena Ciccarelli, and Gaia Consorti
- Subjects
Shellfish safety ,E. coli ,Safety criteria ,MPN ,Bayes Theorem ,Food processing and manufacture ,TP368-456 - Abstract
The European Union (EU) established the criteria for the classification of shellfish harvesting areas, based on the results of monitoring E. coli in shellfish. The EU also defined E. coli as a microbiological criterion for end product safety, based on a three-class sampling plan. Both criteria are based on the MPN method, a test with a statistical approach and in which different factors contribute to the variability of the outcomes. This theoretical study, based on combinatorics and Bayes’ theorem for conditional probability, investigates the consistency between these two criteria and aims to determine the probability of obtaining false compliant and non-compliant results when applying the safety criterion test to shellfish placed on the market. The results show that in the second case, the probability of non-compliant outcomes does not appear negligible within a range between 10% and 50% in the different hypothesized scenarios, with a probability of false noncompliant outcomes over 10%. In addition, the Bayes’ Theorem shows that Class A, or Class B areas (as allowed), could be the origin of non-compliant shellfish, with a not negligible frequency. Therefore, within the limits of the assumed working hypotheses, the safety criterion for E. coli, as described in Regulation EC/2073/2005, does not appear to be consistent and coordinated with the classification criteria stated in the Regulation EU/2019/627 and it is not closely related to the sanitary status of shellfish harvesting area.
- Published
- 2022
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45. Microbiota intestinale ed esercizio fisico: nuova possibile area di intervento?
- Author
Cella, Vittoria, Migliaccio, Silvia, and Paoli, Antonio
- Published
- 2020
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46. L’'Urban Digital Twin', l’Incertezza e l’Osservazione della Terra: il Programma europeo Copernicus
- Author
Andrea Taramelli, Bernardo De Bernardinis, Maria Vittoria Castellani, and Sergio Farruggia
- Subjects
Cartography ,GA101-1776 ,Cadastral mapping ,GA109.5 - Abstract
The "digital twins" applied to cities and territories -as well as to their inhabitants- are already a reality and also at our disposal for the future. Therefore, being creators and/or beneficiaries of these artifacts, we all must learn to live with them. In fact, the increasing complexity of our living conditions and of the knowledge and technologies needed and used to deal with it, requires us to consider uncertainty unavoidable. We have to be aware of it and relate to it responsibly, particularly when we make use of the impressive amount of information that Earth Observation programs, such as Copernicus, produce and make available to us.
- Published
- 2022
47. Marilisa Pirello e Roberta Ferroni (a cura di), LA COMPETENZA DISCORSIVA E INTERAZIONALE
- Author
Maria Vittoria Ambrosini
- Subjects
Language and Literature ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Published
- 2022
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48. La divulgazione linguistica in RAI: 'Le parole per dirlo'
- Author
Maria Vittoria Dell'Anna and Francesca Fusco
- Subjects
lingua tv ,lingua della RAI ,linguistica ,Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Abstract
Il lavoro – che vuole essere un contributo agli studi su lingua italiana, televisione e divulgazione linguistica - si occupa del programma tematico sull’italiano Le parole per dirlo, in onda ogni domenica mattina su Rai 3 dal mese di ottobre 2020, condotto da Noemi Gherrero con la partecipazione dei linguisti Valeria Della Valle e Giuseppe Patota. Le parole per dirlo è al momento in tv l’unica trasmissione interamente dedicata alla lingua italiana, dato significativo tanto più in un contesto televisivo che dedica ai programmi linguistici uno spazio di gran lunga inferiore a quello occupato da altri generi della divulgazione scientifico-culturale. Il lavoro presenta il programma in seno alla programmazione linguistica Rai dagli esordi (metà degli anni ‘50 del ‘900) a oggi e a correlati fattori storico-culturali, sociolinguistici, comunicativi (fasi e caratteri del mezzo televisivo e sua evoluzione tecnologica; missione di servizio pubblico della Rai; la “lingua” come oggetto di informazione culturale), descrive struttura delle puntate e aspetti crossmediali, illustra le strategie della divulgazione e i temi linguistici privilegiati, anche con focus su puntate specifiche, riportate secondo gli usuali criteri di trascrizione del parlato televisivo. Osservazioni su lingua e tecniche divulgative si basano su un totale di 28 ore e 20 minuti di materiali audiovisivi. The essay deals with a thematic programme on the Italian language, Le parole per dirlo, broadcast every Sunday morning on Rai 3 since October 2020. The programme is presented by Noemi Gherrero with the participation of two linguists, prof. Valeria Della Valle and prof. Giuseppe Patota and it is currently the only TV programme entirely dedicated to the Italian language (a very significant fact in a television programming scenario in which programmes about the Italian language are given less space than other scientific and cultural outreach programmes). The work presents the programme within the Rai linguistic programming from its beginnings (mid 1950s) to the present day and takes into consideration historical-cultural, sociolinguistic and communicative factors (phases and characteristics of the television medium and its technological evolution; Rai's public service mission; "language" as an object of cultural information). It describes then the structure of the episodes and cross-media aspects, the strategies of dissemination and the discussed linguistic themes: the analysis focuses on specific episodes, reported according to the usual criteria of transcription of television speech. Observations on language and dissemination techniques are based on a total of 28 hours and 20 minutes of audiovisual materials.
- Published
- 2022
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49. Lo sport come elemento compensativo ed educativo nei disturbi specifici dell’apprendimento
- Author
Vittoria Molisso and Domenico Tafuri
- Subjects
DSA ,Sport ,Attività fisica ,Apprendimento ,Didattica ,Formazione ,Education - Abstract
In ambito educativo non è possibile riconoscere una linearità nel processo di apprendimento piuttosto, generalmente, si riscontrano esigenze e modalità variegate e punteggiate. In tale contesto i Disturbi Specifici dell’Apprendimento (DSA) delineano, in virtù della propria identità distinta e precisa, percorsi formativi peculiari e specifici attraverso la definizione e l’identificazione di esigenze e necessità. I DSA sono difatti definiti come una difficoltà nell’acquisizione di alcune particolari abilità o capacità che interferiscono in parte nel processo di apprendimento stesso, e che si manifestano con problematicità nell’uso della lettura, della scrittura e del calcolo, noti rispettivamente come Dislessia, Disgrafia, Disortografia e Discalculia. Gli ambiti educativi ed istruttivi hanno il compito di soddisfare le necessità e le esigenze di tutti, in modo da permettere a ciascuno di partecipare alla vita sociale, di comunità e di acquisire le competenze in modo più attivo, autonomo e valido possibile. L’approccio alla tematica dei DSA all’interno della dimensione sportiva costituisce un elemento particolarmente importante, poiché consente al soggetto di acquisire maggiore autonomia, indipendenza ed autodeterminazione. Lo sport, attraverso le sue caratteristiche, fornisce un adeguato sostegno alle diverse esigenze, ponendo in essere tutte le azioni finalizzate a garantire accoglienza, mediazione ed inclusione. L’esperienza percepita e sperimentata tramite l’attività motoria costituisce l’opportunità di riscoprire le proprie capacità, di ridefinire e di realizzare un percorso formativo ed educativo maggiormente delineato ed efficace.
- Published
- 2022
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50. Isteria o possessione demoniaca? Un'inconsueta disputa iconologica
- Author
Roberta Vittoria Grossi
- Subjects
demonic possession ,hysteria ,exorcism ,society of jesus ,supernatural ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
After Jean-Martin Charcot's studies, the paradigm of hysteria in its modern sense becomes the explanatory tool for investigating those phenomena that the Catholic tradition had always connected to supernatural expressions, such as mysticism and demonic possession. The operation that sees the Catholic front committed to preserving its own field of knowledge, through relevant publications on hallucinations, apparitions, ecstasies, must be ascribed to the contrast with medical science. This essay aims to analyze this debate starting from some interventions that appeared in the Jesuit journal «Études», which devoted special attention to this topic.
- Published
- 2021
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