International Erasmus Mundus Master Quaternary and Prehistory Master Theses 2008-2009, Subsoil Characterization by Electrical Resistivity Tomography around Rosières- la-Terre-des-Sablons site (Lunery, Region Centre, France)...1-6 Soil Stratigraphy from Three Pleistocene Archaeological Sites of the Middle Ter River Valley, Catalonia, Spain...7-12 Human ocuppation in Guadix- Baza bassin during the Lower Pleistocene in Barranco Leon site: A pedosedimentary approach...13-20 Paleoenvironmental reconstruction using palynology and Geographic Information System (GIS): the Font Major Cave landscape...21-24 Analyses polliniques en contexte anthropisé : le cas du site holocène SHM-1 (Hergla, Tunisie centrale)...25-32 The ancient giant clam shells from Balabok Rockshelter, Philippines as potential recorders of environmental changes: a diagenesis assessment and sclerochronology study...33-42 A study of glass beads from Phum Snay Iron Age archaeological site and settlement, Cambodia. Data from excavation in 2001 and 2003...43-52 Archaeometric Contribution for Heritage Management Compositional Analysis and dating of ceramics from a Portuguese collection...53-60 Matériaux et tests de consolidation des vestiges archéopaléontologiques : empreintes de feuilles Pliocènes (Camp dels Ninots) et restes osseux actuels et Pléistocènes (Gran Dolina et Arago)...61-68 Analyse structurale à haute résolution des dents de Oreopithecus bambolii...69-76 Les ossements humains de la grotte de Tabon (Palawan, Philippines): Répartition spatiale et étude d’une collection d’ossements inédite...77-84 Les restes humains du site de l’âge du Bronze de Ballabio (LC, Italie)...85-92 Deinogalerix: a giant hedgehog from the Miocene...93-102 Description and characterization of the natural alteration of chert artefacts from Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain), Cansaladeta (Tarragona, Spain) and Orgnac 3 (Ardèche, France)...103-110 Techno-typological analysis of lithic collections from Sheppard Island and Pniel, Vaal River Valley, South Africa...111-116 Variability versus Diversity Contributions from the technological study of two final Mousterian sites: the level XX of El Esquilleu (La Liébana, Cantabria) and the concentration of the Area 3 of El Cañaveral (Coslada, Madrid)...117-122 The meaning of “kombewa” method in Middle Palaeolithic: techno-economic analysis of lithic assemblages from Riparo Tagliente (VR), Carapia (RA), Podere Camponi (BO) and Fossato Conca d’Oro (MT)...123-130 Studio tecnologico dell’industria litica dell'US 301 di Riparo Tagliente (Stallavena di Grezzana, VR) nel contesto dell’Epigravettiano recente dell’Italia nord-orientale...131-138 Percussion tools as indicator of domestic activities. Study of the non-knap materials in the central sector of the unit SG at Font del Ros (Berga, Berguedà)...139-146 Usewear and residue analysis: contribution to the study of the lithic industry from Tabon Cave, Palawan, Philippines...147-154 The gesture substratum of stone tool making: an experimental approach...155-162 A Arte Rupestre do Complexo de Sítios Arqueológicos do Rodrigão, Morro do Chapéu, Bahia, Brasil...163-174 Archaeometry of rock art paintings: La Piedra De La Cuadricula (Soacha, Cundinamarca, Colombia). A contribution to the study of prehistoric art...175-186 Estratégias de Minimização de Impactos: Obras Públicas no Patrimônio Arqueológico em Portugal e Brasil...187-194 De l'inventaire à la mise en valeur: la collection de La Marche (Lussac-les-Châteaux, Vienne) au Nouveau Musée de l'Homme de Paris...195-202 Estudio de público y evaluación museográfica de dos casos de exposiciones itinerantes: Europa fa 1 ma y Atapuerca, sur les traces des premiers européens...203-210