42 results on '"Sessa, F"'
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2. Studio dell’evoluzione della linea di costa della piana del Sele (Campania) mediante l’uso della cartografia numerica
- Author
D’Acunzi G., Peduto F., Santoro U., Sessa F., Terlizzi F., Turturiello M. D., DE PIPPO, TOMMASO, DONADIO, CARLO, D’Acunzi, G., DE PIPPO, Tommaso, Donadio, Carlo, Peduto, F., Santoro, U., Sessa, F., Terlizzi, F., and Turturiello, M. D.
- Subjects
geomorfologia costiera ,cartografia digitale ,piane fluviali ,aerofotogrammetria ,variazione della linea di riva - Abstract
Al fine dell’analisi dell’evoluzione della linea di costa del tratto litoraneo compreso tra Salerno e Agropoli, è stata condotta una ricostruzione delle variazioni storiche avvenute, utilizzando prese aerofotogrammetriche relative agli anni 1954-1955, 1984, 1994 e 2001, con restituzione cartografica in scala 1:5.000 della fascia costiera per almeno 300 m a partire dalla battigia. Lo studio ha previsto la costruzione di una cartografia numerica vettoriale, con metodo aerofotogrammetrico e con l’utilizzo di stereorestitutori analitici. È stata sviluppata un’analisi diacronica che ha consentito di fissare l’esatta posizione della linea di costa riferita agli anni delle aerofoto, di definire l’andamento dei trend di arretramento o di avanzamento, di realizzare una carta tematica dedicata utilizzando una sintesi grafica con superimposizione della parte vettoriale (linee di costa) ad ortofoto digitali (ortoimmagini di anni diversi), evidenziando così le variazioni della linea di costa. I principali step del processo di analisi diacronica sono stati il riconoscimento e la scansione dei fotogrammi relativi alle aree di studio, a cui è seguita la realizzazione di un raffinato DEM (Digital Elevation Model) e conseguente ortogonalizzazione delle stesse. È stata quindi eseguita la sovrapposizione della cartografia e dei fotogrammi che ha consentito il riconoscimento e la definizione delle linee di riva relative agli anni 1954-1955, 1984, 1994 e 2001. I risultati ottenuti indicano una complessiva tendenza all’arretramento della linea di costa nel Golfo di Salerno, con differenti valori nelle diverse aree e con alcuni tratti in controtendenza. I dati ad oggi disponibili e la relativa cartografia costituiscono la base per le attività di monitoraggio della linea di costa e sono particolarmente importanti per valutare e verificare, rispetto alle attuali tendenze evolutive, l’efficacia e/o gli effetti dei differenti interventi di difesa che saranno realizzati lungo la costa sul tratto di litorale interessato e su quelli adiacenti, sia a scala di unità che di sub-unità fisiografica. Negli ultimi 50 anni il litorale indagato mostra una diffusa tendenza all’arretramento, a volte anche con l’erosione della cresta del cordone dunare recente. I fenomeni di erosione generalmente sono legati alla scarsità del trasporto fluviale solido a causa delle enormi quantità di sabbia e ghiaia prelevate dai fiumi, o a causa della sistemazione idraulico-forestale dei bacini fluviali, e per la presenza sui fiumi di barriere e dighe. La rimozione dei sedimenti dal crinale della duna e dalla spiaggia, così come la forte pressione antropica lungo la costa, contribuisce localmente ad accelerare i processi di erosione. I fenomeni riconosciuti concorrono alla perdita di depositi di sabbia dal litorale, causando l’aumento della pendenza del profilo di spiaggia, l’accumulo di ciottoli sulla battigia, l’erosione della cresta della duna recente, determinando infine il generale degrado dell’ambiente costiero con conseguente perdita economica a causa della mancata valorizzazione del paesaggio costiero ai fini turistici.
- Published
- 2008
- Author
SCOGNAMIGLIO G, SESSA F, D'ALTO M, SARUBBI B, CALABRO', Raffaele, Scognamiglio, G, Sessa, F, D'Alto, M, Sarubbi, B, and Calabro', Raffaele
- Published
- 2003
4. Tumori neuroendocrini del pancreas. Diagnosi anatomo-patologica e classificazione (Rassegna)
- Author
La Rosa, S, Bongiovanni, M, Maffei, M, Capella, C, and Sessa, F.
- Published
- 2013
5. Localizzazione immunoistochimica ed ultrastrutturale dell’enzima BACE2 nel pancreas
- Author
Placidi, C, Finzi, G, Franzi, F, Acquati, F, Palumbo, E, Russo, A, Taramelli, R, Sessa, F, and La Rosa, S
- Published
- 2009
6. Capitolo 9.9: Appendice
- Author
Mariuzzi, Gm, La Rosa, S, Sessa, F, Riva, C, and Capella, C
- Published
- 2007
7. Capitolo 9.8: Colon-retto
- Author
Mariuzzi, Gm, Sessa, F, Capella, C, Riva, C, and La Rosa, S
- Published
- 2007
8. Capitolo 9.6: Stomaco
- Author
Mariuzzi, Gm, Capella, C, Sessa, F, Riva, C, and La Rosa, S
- Published
- 2007
9. Le indicazioni chirurgiche alla tiroidectomia
- Author
Dionigi, Gianlorenzo, Dionigi, R. 1., Bartalena, L. 2., Tanda, M. L. 2., Piantanida, E. 2., Castano, P. 1., Annoni, M. 1., Boni, L. 1., Rovera, F. 1., Bacuzzi, A. 3., Vanoli, P. 4., and Sessa, F. 5.
- Published
- 2007
10. Capitolo 9.7: Intestino tenue
- Author
Mariuzzi, Gm, Riva, C, Sessa, F, La Rosa, S, and Capella, C
- Published
- 2007
11. La classificazione WHO dei tumori endocrini gastroenteropancreatici
- Author
Capella, C, LA ROSA, S, and Sessa, F.
- Published
- 2003
12. Caratterizzazione citogenetica ed espressione di aFGF e FGFR-4 nei fibroadenomi mammari
- Author
Broggi, B, Bernasconi, B, La Rosa, S, Furlan, D, Sessa, F, and Tibiletti, Mg
- Published
- 1999
13. Espressione di inibina A ed activina A nelle cellule endocrine normali gastrointestinali e nei relativi tumori
- Author
Uccella, S, La Rosa, S, Billo, P, Sessa, F, and Capella, C
- Published
- 1998
14. Sindrome compressiva del nervo mediano al polso.
- Author
Sessa, F., Cappelletti, I., Rinaldi, N., and Lazzoni, P.
- Abstract
Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most frequent among entrapment neuropathies. It is mainly due to entrapment of the median nerve at wrist level. The authors analyze conservative treatment options, which can be useful in the early stages of the disease. Afterward, they compare various surgical techniques. The goal of surgery is to reduce the pressure on the nerve by cutting the transverse carpal ligament. Surgery can be accomplished with open carpal tunnel release or endoscopic carpal tunnel release. Open techniques can, in rare cases, cause scar problems. On the other hand, endoscopic surgery techniques can cause iatrogenic problems. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
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15. Colestasi neonatale e malattia di Niemann-Pick
- Author
Maggiore, Giuseppe, Scotta, Ms, Marzani, D, Lupatelli, P, De Giacomo, C, and Sessa, F.
- Published
- 1983
16. Una elevata attività sierica di gammaglutamiltrbnspetidasi è associata alla presenza di lesioni dei dotti biliari nei bambini con colestasi
- Author
Maggiore, Giuseppe, Giancola, A, De Giacomo, C, Sessa, F, Melzi D'Eril GV, Gasparoni, Mc, and Scotta, Ms
- Published
- 1988
- Author
Spada, S., Sessa, F., Germanà, D., Chiapino, S., Galante, L. G., Baracco, A., and Coggiola, M.
- Abstract
Negli ultimi anni, l'ergonomia di processo ha avuto un notevole sviluppo grazie alla spinta delle nuove normative europee e ai progressi fatti dalle aziende in termini di metodologie e tecniche orientate al miglioramento della sicurezza dei posti di lavoro negli stabilimenti produttivi. Il focus è stato mirato a creare nuovi metodi e strumenti di analisi ergonomica nelle prime fasi di sviluppo del processo di produzione quando è più facile e meno costoso instaurare un ciclo di ottimizzazione ergonomica, che permetta di ottenere i migliori risultati in termini di sicurezza e qualità del prodotto. Per raggiungere questi obiettivi, Fiat Group Automobiles (FGA) ha avviato un programma che punta all'ottimizzazione ergonomica delle postazioni di lavoro mediante strumenti di simulazione che operano sui modelli virtuali della vettura e della linea di produzione. Questi strumenti indagano tutti gli aspetti che tipicamente influiscono sul comfort dei lavoratori: postura, forze, modalità operative e movimentazione manuale dei carichi. Essi sono basati su metodi sviluppati a partire dalle principali norme tecniche di progettazione internazione (ISO, CEN e UNI) per cui si adeguano facilmente alle realtà globale del sistema produttivo di FGA che presenta differenze in termini di normative sulla sicurezza e sull'organizzazione del lavoro. Gli Autori presentano i principali tool realizzati per i suddetti scopi e mostrano anche le soluzioni adottate per analizzare le criticità specifiche della produzione nel settore automobilistico partendo dalle indicazioni generali presenti nelle norme di riferimento. L'implementazione dei tool presenta un'interfaccia estremamente semplificata che ne consente l'utilizzo non solo da parte di ergonomi esperti di stabilimento ma anche da parte dei progettisti fino ad oggi non dotati di elevato know-how specifico sulle tematiche dell'ergonomia. Mediante il supporto di detti strumenti, gli utenti possono specificare in input le condizioni di lavoro (informazioni sulle parti da assemblare, dimensioni, pesi, ecc.) ed ottenere, in output, indicazioni sul comfort del lavoratore secondo opportuni indici di riferimento. Gli Autori presentano infine una serie di casi studio relativi allo sviluppo di un nuovo modello vettura. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
- Author
Spada, S., Sessa, F., Ghibaudo, L., Baracco, A., Coggiola, M., Chiapino, S., and Galante, L. G.
- Abstract
Negli ultimi anni, l'ergonomia di processo ha avuto un notevole sviluppo grazie alla spinta delle nuove normative europee e ai progressi fatti dalle aziende in termini di metodologie e tecniche orientate al miglioramento della sicurezza dei posti di lavoro negli stabilimenti produttivi. Il focus è stato mirato a creare nuovi metodi e strumenti di analisi ergonomica nelle prime fasi di sviluppo del processo di produzione quando è più facile e meno costoso instaurare un ciclo di ottimizzazione ergonomica, che permetta di ottenere i migliori risultati in termini di sicurezza e qualità del prodotto. Per raggiungere questi obiettivi, Fiat Group Automobiles (FGA) ha avviato un programma che punta all'ottimizzazione ergonomica delle postazioni di lavoro mediante strumenti di simulazione che operano sui modelli virtuali della vettura e della linea di produzione. Questi strumenti indagano tutti gli aspetti che tipicamente influiscono sul comfort dei lavoratori: postura, forze, modalità operative e movimentazione manuale dei carichi. Essi sono basati su metodi sviluppati a partire dalle principali norme tecniche di progettazione internazione (ISO, CEN e UNI) per cui si adeguano facilmente alle realtà globale del sistema produttivo di FGA che presenta differenze in termini di normative sulla sicurezza e sull'organizzazione del lavoro. Gli Autori presentano i principali tool realizzati per i suddetti scopi e mostrano anche le soluzioni adottate per analizzare le criticità specifiche della produzione nel settore automobilistico partendo dalle indicazioni generali presenti nelle norme di riferimento. L'implementazione dei tool presenta un'interfaccia estremamente semplificata che ne consente l'utilizzo non solo da parte di ergonomi esperti di stabilimento ma anche da parte dei progettisti fino ad oggi non dotati di elevato know-how specifico sulle tematiche dell'ergonomia. Mediante il supporto di detti strumenti, gli utenti possono specificare in input le condizioni di lavoro (informazioni sulle parti da assemblare, dimensioni, pesi, ecc.) ed ottenere, in output, indicazioni sul comfort del lavoratore secondo opportuni indici di riferimento. Gli Autori presentano infine una serie di casi studio relativi allo sviluppo di un nuovo modello vettura. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
19. Fascia and movement: The primary link in the prevention of accidents in soccer. Revision and models of intervention
- Author
Alessia Scarinci, Angela Catapano, Vincenzo Cristian Francavilla, Nunzio Di Nunno, Fabiano Cimmino, Federico Genovesi, Maria Ruberto, Vincenzo Monda, Antonio Ambrosi, Girolamo Di Maio, Antonietta Messina, Francesco Sessa, Domenico Tafuri, Marcellino Monda, Nicola Tartaglia, Fiorenzo Moscatelli, Monica Salerno, Alessio Asmundo, Omar Gaetano Maria Mingrino, Francavilla, V. C., Genovesi, F., Asmundo, A., Di Nunno, N. R., Ambrosi, A., Tartaglia, N., Tafuri, D., Monda, V., Monda, M., Messina, A., Sessa, F., Salerno, M., Di Maio, G., Catapano, A., Cimmino, F., Mingrino, O., Moscatelli, F., Scarinci, A., and Ruberto, M.
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Fascia ,Football ,Injuries ,Muscles ,Movement (music) ,business.industry ,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation ,Injurie ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Physical medicine and rehabilitation ,Intervention (counseling) ,Medicine ,Orthopedics and Sports Medicine ,business - Abstract
Accident prevention is certainly the topic of greatest interest in the football medical field. Data literature reported that the risk of injuries is approximately 1000 times greater in professional football than in other occupations; for these reasons, it is very important the prevention. The costs of an accident, both in economic terms and in terms of time away from the playing fields, have pushed researchers from more fields (sports doctors, orthopedists, physiotherapists, sports scientists and physiologists) to find causes regarding muscle and joint injuries and to prevent them. Many researchers have tried the cause of the damage in the anatomic setting: in the single muscle, in the muscular bundle and from the fasciculus to the single myofibril, losing the general system, studying the single function and muscular structure, and not the real physiology movement and the complex connectivity of the anatomical network. For these reasons, we think that the anatomical network and the relationships between the various structures of the body in motion represent the substrate on which we must research. For many years the anatomists have divided the body, while in recent decades it is understood the importance of the elements that unite the body, and in particular to the mechanical connection element: the fascia.
- Published
- 2020
20. Il telerilevamento satellitare e l’algebra sottesa al disegno tematico del territorio
- Author
Pasquale Argenziano, S. Sessa, F. Casolaro, and Argenziano, Pasquale
- Subjects
drawing, digital mapping, GIS - Abstract
Nell’ambito del disegno del territorio, il contributo illustra l’applicazione di specifiche espressioni algebriche ai dati satellitari per la redazione di cartografie tematiche. Una prassi scientifica consolidata che si sta diffondendo a vari campi disciplinari inerenti la conoscenza critica del territorio anche per effetto della distribuzione gratuita dei dati satellitari e dei software GIS. Questo testo sintetizza la relazione al Convegno focalizzando la trattazione dalla regione Campania all’isola di Procida (Napoli), scelta per esemplificare il grado di dettaglio tematico possibile a partire dai dati satellitari del programma “European Cities” dell’Agenzia Spaziale Europea (ESA). In the framework of the territorial mapping, the paper describes the application of some algebraic expressions to the satellite data for the drafting of thematic maps. This consolidated practice is spreading to various disciplinary fields concerning the critical knowledge of the territory, also thanks to the free and open distribution of satellite data and GIS software. This paper summarises the report to the conference dedicated to the Campania region, and examines in detail the island of Procida (Naples), chosen to illustrate the degree of thematic detail possible from the satellite data of the “European Cities” project by ESA.
- Published
- 2019
21. Contenimento dello sprawl , governance inclusiva e pratiche innovative nella città di Portland -Oregon
- Author
DIAMANTINI, DAVIDE, BORRELLI, NUNZIA, Agustoni, A, Barazzetti, D, Beretta, I, Borelli, G, Borrelli, N, Campennì, A, Campolongo, F, Carrà, C, Caruso, FS, Catalano, G, Ciccone, S, Corbisiero, F, Coscarello, M, Cosentino, D, De Falco, CC, Debernardi, B, Diamantini, D, Dionesalvi, C, Elia, A, Ercole, E, Fama, M, Fedele, V, Fraire, M, Garofalo, S, Giunta, I, Granitto, A, Groe, L, Maltese, F, Marino, S, Musolino, E, Patrucco, D, Punzi, C, Roccisano, F, Romita, T, Ruspini, E, Salerno, G, Sciarrone, C, Scotti, I, Sessa, F, Spagnuolo, S, Stasi, S, Sturniolo, L, Trezza, D, Vignola, M, Vingelli, G, and Vitale, A
- Subjects
sostenibilità, urbano-rurale, periurbano, pianificazione territoriale ,SPS/10 - SOCIOLOGIA DELL'AMBIENTE E DEL TERRITORIO ,governace, Food system - Abstract
Obiettivo di questo testo è presentare i primi risultati di un lavoro di ricerca che è stato svolto a Portland nell’agosto/settembre del 2014. Il lavoro mira a comprendere quali sono gli elementi che hanno maggiormente contribuito alla maturazione ed alla diffusione nella città di Portland di pratiche innovative per la valorizzazione del territorio. L’ipotesi che si argomenta è che ad influenzare lo sviluppo di pratiche innovative siano stati soprattutto il sistema di pianificazione territoriale che recepisce in maniera estremamente rigorosa le indicazioni relative allo sprawl e che rispetta i principi di inclusività nella definizione del sistema di governance territoriali
- Published
- 2016
22. Approcci integrati per la valutazione dei landscape services. Nuovi scenari sostenibili di trasformabilità del territorio
- Author
Giuliano Poli, Roberta Mele, S. Sessa, F. Di Martino, B. Cardone, Poli, Giuliano, and Mele, Roberta
- Subjects
SSDS ,Ahp ,Lansdcape services ,GIS, SSDS, AHP, landscape services, scenari - Abstract
La pianificazione e l’attuazione degli interventi su un territorio urbano complesso come l’area metropolitana di Napoli richiedono metodologie e strumenti in grado di facilitare l’individuazione dei fattori di criticità e potenzialità locali, di stabilire gli obbiettivi prioritari, di localizzare in modo rapido ed efficace le azioni di trasformazione, recupero e riqualificazione, al fine di immaginare nuovi scenari di sviluppo possibili per la città. I sistemi di supporto decisionali spaziali (SSDS) costituiscono un valido ed efficace strumento per organizzare le informazioni in indicatori specifici che rappresentano le questioni emergenti delle realtà territoriali oggetto di studio. Nell’ambito dei SSDS, gli strumenti GIS contribuiscono in modo decisivo alla rappresentazione spaziale di tali indicatori e alla loro successiva elaborazione in mappe o diagrammi. Contemporaneamente, l’analisi multi-criteri consente di descrivere la complessità dei fenomeni e di superare i conflitti fra le possibili alternative per agevolare interventi mirati sul territorio. L’articolo propone l’elaborazione di un SSDS, integrato ad una piattafor-ma GIS in sinergia con lo strumento di valutazione AHP, utile ad elaborare una mappatura dei landscape services in funzione di possibili scenari di trasformabilità del territorio.
- Published
- 2015
23. Strumenti ICT e banche dati per il controllo integrato del processo edilizio
- Author
- Published
- 2014
24. Un GIS per Castel Capuano
- Author
SESSA, SALVATORE, F. Di Martino, B. Cardone, S. Sessa, F. Di Martino, B. Cardone, et al., A. Aveta, Sessa, Salvatore, Di Martino, F., and Cardone, B.
- Subjects
GIS - Published
- 2013
25. [The Human Model, a tool for assessing preventive ergonomic postural appearance].
- Author
Spada S, Ghibaudo L, Sessa F, Varetto L, Cavatorta MP, Baracco A, Coggiola M, and Romano C
- Subjects
- Humans, Ergonomics, Models, Anatomic, Occupational Diseases prevention & control, Occupational Health, Posture, Software
- Abstract
D.Lgs. 81/08 requires the employer to design work systems, methods and tools in accordance to the ergonomic principles. In order to check the compliance of the design with current regulation, it is appropriate and effective to make use of simulation tools since the design phase. The paper describes a tool based on multi body approach. Once the gender and the anthropometric percentile of the worker have been specified, the tool simulates the postures that the worker is likely to assume during the execution of the work task. The tool can be used in the design as well as in the re-design phase, taking into account the different percentile of workers for a proper accommodation of the same.
- Published
- 2015
26. [Carcinoma of the exocrine pancreas: histology report].
- Author
Capella C, Albarello L, Capelli P, Sessa F, and Zamboni G
- Subjects
- Humans, Immunohistochemistry, Pancreaticojejunostomy instrumentation, Pancreatic Neoplasms, Carcinoma, Pancreatic Ductal, Pancreatic Neoplasms
- Published
- 2013
27. [Current indications for thyroidectomy].
- Author
Dionigi G, Dionigi R, Bartalena L, Tanda ML, Piantanida E, Castano P, Annoni M, Boni L, Rovera F, Bacuzzi A, Vanoli P, and Sessa F
- Subjects
- Algorithms, Ambulatory Surgical Procedures, Goiter, Nodular surgery, Graves Disease surgery, Humans, Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures, Thyroid Diseases diagnosis, Thyroid Neoplasms surgery, Thyroid Nodule surgery, Thyrotoxicosis surgery, Treatment Outcome, Video-Assisted Surgery, Thyroid Diseases surgery, Thyroidectomy
- Abstract
Thyroid surgery, one of the most common interventions in endocrine surgery, is practiced by many specialists who perform this procedure exclusively. It accounts for the bulk of work even in reference centers that treat rare endocrine tumors (e.g. adrenal and gastrointestinal tract cancer). Better results are obtained by experienced and skilled operators. Surgeons who correctly perform thyroid surgery can achieve excellent outcomes even in other areas of endocrine surgery. So it is surprising that not more is being done to teach the procedure, which has always been considered something of an art, perhaps because surgical treatment of rare endocrine tumors is more stimulating to teach than routine surgical procedures. Nonetheless, teaching correct surgical technique is essential for reducing and avoiding postoperative complications caused by inadequate experience and knowledge. Numerous studies have reported that the incidence of complications is high and that the rate is growing: 5% involve permanent injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve after intervention for a benign tumor, despite repeated reports that the incidence could be reduced to near zero or at least to 1%. Alarmingly high is the 20% incidence of persistent hypoparathyroidism after total thyroidectomy. Here, too, accurate technique could reduce this rate to 1%. An important point is that permanent laryngeal nerve injury and persistent hypoparathyroidism are both sources of considerable discomfort for patients. One of the chief objectives of modern endocrine surgery is, therefore, to reduce the complications rate to acceptable levels by establishing adequate, uniform teaching protocols and universal guidelines that would help improve the practice of surgery.
- Published
- 2007
28. ["Proximal type" epithelioid sarcoma of the vulva: differential diagnosis with other extrarenal rhabdoid tumors].
- Author
Dainese E, Sessa F, Riva C, Placidi C, and Capella C
- Subjects
- Adult, Antigens, CD34 analysis, Biomarkers, Tumor analysis, Diagnosis, Differential, Epidermal Cyst diagnosis, Female, Humans, Intermediate Filaments pathology, Lymph Node Excision, Mucin-1 analysis, Neoplasm Proteins analysis, Reoperation, Rhabdoid Tumor classification, Rhabdoid Tumor diagnosis, Sarcoma chemistry, Sarcoma pathology, Sarcoma surgery, Vulvar Neoplasms chemistry, Vulvar Neoplasms pathology, Vulvar Neoplasms surgery, Diagnostic Errors, Sarcoma diagnosis, Vulvar Neoplasms diagnosis
- Abstract
Proximal type epithelioid sarcoma is a rare neoplasia in which morphological findings are characterized by nodular proliferation of epithelioid cells with focal rhabdoid features. It shares some histological features with other neoplasias and this gives an account of several differential diagnosis with other extrarenal rhabdoid tumors. Immunohistochemical and ultrastructural analysis are important in defining this entity: vimentin, cytokeratin, EMA and often CD34 expression of tumoral cells, moreover ultrastructurally evidence of large paranuclear whorls of intermediate filaments, are requested for diagnosis. A correct diagnostic framing is necessary because of the aggressive clinical behaviour of this tumor, that has a tendency to early spreading. We describe a case of vulvar proximal type epithelioid sarcoma in a 34 years old woman.
- Published
- 2005
29. [Expression of p53 in gallbladder carcinoma and in dysplastic and metaplastic lesions of the surrounding mucosa].
- Author
Billo P, Marchegiani C, Capella C, and Sessa F
- Subjects
- Adenocarcinoma chemistry, Adenocarcinoma genetics, Adenocarcinoma pathology, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous chemistry, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous genetics, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous pathology, Adenoma chemistry, Adenoma genetics, Adenoma pathology, Carcinoma genetics, Carcinoma pathology, Carcinoma, Adenosquamous chemistry, Carcinoma, Adenosquamous genetics, Carcinoma, Adenosquamous pathology, Carcinoma, Papillary chemistry, Carcinoma, Papillary genetics, Carcinoma, Papillary pathology, Epithelium chemistry, Epithelium pathology, Gallbladder pathology, Gallbladder Diseases metabolism, Gallbladder Diseases pathology, Gallbladder Neoplasms genetics, Gallbladder Neoplasms pathology, Genes, p53, Humans, Immunoenzyme Techniques, Metaplasia, Mucous Membrane chemistry, Mucous Membrane pathology, Precancerous Conditions metabolism, Precancerous Conditions pathology, Carcinoma chemistry, Gallbladder chemistry, Gallbladder Neoplasms chemistry, Neoplasm Proteins analysis, Tumor Suppressor Protein p53 analysis
- Abstract
We studied the expression of p53 in 80 gallbladder carcinomas, 43 peritumoral mucosae, 5 adenomas and 20 mucosae of non tumoral gallbladders. Gallbladder cancers were classified according to WHO criteria. We found p53 overexpression in 51 out of the 80 gallbladder cancers (64%). p53 expression was variable in different histologic subtypes: 100% of intestinal type, 66% of papillary type, 83% of adenosquamous carcinomas and 66% of giant cells cancers showed immunoreactive cells. In well and moderately differentiated conventional gallbladder adenocarcinomas we found 60% of positive cases, while, among poorly differentiated conventional cancers, 83% were immunoreactive. All mucinous adenocarcinomas were p53-negative. In peritumoral dysplastic mucosae, p53 was expressed in 23 out 38 cases (60%), 22 (96%) of which were associated to a p53-positive adenocarcinoma. On the contrary, only 5 of the 15 p53-negative dysplastic lesions (33%) were associated to an p53-immunoreactive adenocarcinoma. Metaplastic lesions, of gastric and intestinal type, and adenomas were completely p53-negative. In conclusion, our data suggest that p53 expression is an early event, frequently involved in gallbladder carcinogenesis, and related to different histologic subtypes of gallbladder adenocarcinomas.
- Published
- 2000
30. [99mTc-MIBI characterization of breast microcalcifications. Correlations with scintigraphic and histopathologic findings].
- Author
Vanoli C, Antronaco R, Giovanella L, Ceriani L, Sessa F, and Fugazzola C
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Female, Humans, Middle Aged, Radionuclide Imaging, Breast Diseases diagnostic imaging, Breast Diseases pathology, Breast Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Breast Neoplasms pathology, Calcinosis diagnostic imaging, Calcinosis pathology, Radiopharmaceuticals, Technetium Tc 99m Sestamibi
- Abstract
Introduction: Microcalcifications which do not belong to focal lesions are a difficult diagnostic problem to solve with mammography. We investigated the yield of 99mTc-Sestamibi (MIBI) scintigraphy in the assessment of the benign or malignant nature of these lesions and compared nuclear medicine with histologic and immuno-histochemical findings., Material and Methods: Twenty-seven areas of microcalcifications (0.3-5 cm in largest diameter) were considered; no solid masses or cysts were detected by mammography and sonography. The mammographic features of these microcalcifications were suggestive of malignancy in 3 cases and of benignity in 14; the diagnosis was questionable in the other 10 cases. MIBI scintigraphy was considered positive for malignancy when there was tracer uptake in the breast. Cytologic samples of all lesions were obtained with fine-needle aspiration under stereotactic guidance. Histology was performed in the 13 lesions considered malignant or dubious at mammography, independent of their cytology; histology was combined with immunohistochemical tests to assess intracellular mitochondria count and the number of vessels. The other 14 lesions, which were benign at mammography and cytology, were followed-up yearly for two years, and no change in clinical or radiological findings was demonstrated., Results: Histology diagnosed 8 ductal carcinomas (3 invasive carcinomas and 5 carcinomas in situ) and 5 benign lesions (1 sclerosing adenosis and 4 fibrocystic diseases, 3 of them associated with ductal hyperplasia). Scintigraphy was positive in 4/8 malignant lesions (3/3 invasive carcinomas, 1-3.5 cm in largest diameter; 1/5 carcinomas in situ, 5 cm in largest diameter) and negative in 4/5 benign lesions (we had one false positive in a fibrocystic disease associated with ductal hyperplasia). Tracer uptake was observed in all lesions with a high intracellular mitochondria count, except for 2 carcinomas in situ (0.3 and 0.8 cm in largest diameter, respectively); no benign or malignant lesion was well vascularized. Scintigraphy was negative also in the other 14 benign lesions with no histology., Conclusions: 99mTc-MIBI scintigraphy was able to characterize both invasive ductal carcinomas and benign lesions, which results hold even though our series was small because of the selection criteria we used. Thus, all invasive ductal carcinomas were identified and we had only one false positive (1/19) in benign lesions. In contrast, the technique was inadequate in carcinomas in situ, probably because their size and biological patterns vary greatly. Thus, scintigraphy was negative in 4/5 lesions (all < 1 cm O) and positive in only 1/5 (5 cm O). Therefore we conclude that 99mTc-MIBI scintigraphy cannot replace stereotactically-guided fine-needle aspiration in breast microcalcifications with questionable mammographic findings.
- Published
- 1999
31. [Intraductal papillary-mucinous tumors of the pancreas].
- Author
Capella C and Sessa F
- Subjects
- Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous classification, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous diagnosis, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous metabolism, Carcinoma, Papillary classification, Carcinoma, Papillary diagnosis, Carcinoma, Papillary metabolism, Cystadenocarcinoma, Mucinous diagnosis, Diagnosis, Differential, Humans, Mucins metabolism, Neoplasm Invasiveness, Neoplasm Proteins metabolism, Pancreatic Neoplasms classification, Pancreatic Neoplasms diagnosis, Pancreatic Neoplasms metabolism, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous pathology, Carcinoma, Papillary pathology, Pancreatic Neoplasms pathology
- Published
- 1997
32. [Multiple heterogeneous cysts of the jaw. A clinical case].
- Author
Lazzati M, Boriani R, and Sessa F
- Subjects
- Adult, Diagnosis, Differential, Humans, Jaw Cysts pathology, Jaw Cysts surgery, Male, Mandible diagnostic imaging, Mandible pathology, Mandible surgery, Mandibular Diseases pathology, Mandibular Diseases surgery, Maxilla diagnostic imaging, Maxilla pathology, Maxilla surgery, Maxillary Diseases pathology, Maxillary Diseases surgery, Odontogenic Cysts diagnostic imaging, Odontogenic Cysts pathology, Odontogenic Cysts surgery, Radicular Cyst diagnostic imaging, Radicular Cyst pathology, Radicular Cyst surgery, Radiography, Jaw Cysts diagnostic imaging, Mandibular Diseases diagnostic imaging, Maxillary Diseases diagnostic imaging
- Abstract
A 23-year-old white man was referred to this Odontostomatologic Service for evaluation of palatal swelling lesion. Oral inspection showed a poor oral conditions and multiple caries. A panoramic radiograph revealed 3 mandibular and 4 maxillary radiolucent lesions. No major nor minor clinical and radiographic criteria of Gorlin's syndrome were present; furthermore clinical features and laboratory blood values, ruled out a possible association with Maroteaux-Lamy, Hunter, and Hurler' syndromes and hyperparathyroidism. The 7 radiolucent lesions were surgically enucleated and the histologic study revealed that these lesions consisted in: 1 keratocyst, 1 naso-palatine cyst, 4 radicular cysts and 1 fiber-connective tissue.
- Published
- 1994
33. [Preclinical changes in left ventricular function in obesity. An angioscintigraphic study].
- Author
Gorini G, Sessa F, Casucci R, and Venco A
- Subjects
- Adult, Erythrocytes diagnostic imaging, Female, Gated Blood-Pool Imaging methods, Humans, Middle Aged, Obesity diagnostic imaging, Technetium, Obesity physiopathology, Ventricular Function, Left
- Abstract
Equilibrium pool scintigraphy was performed in 11 obese subjects (BMI 34 +/- 2) and in 14 normal control subjects. Temporal and spatial smoothing of the data was then performed followed by time-activity curve generation using a semiautomatic second derivative edge-detection algorithm. The increase in counts during the first third of diastole divided by the total change in number of counts during diastole was determined as the one-third filling fraction. This index of diastolic filling was significantly decreased in obese subjects as compared to the control group. These findings indicate that diastolic abnormalities may be an early finding in obesity-linked heart disease, occurring in the presence of normal systolic function (E.F. = 65 +/- 5%).
- Published
- 1992
34. [Is hypereosinophilic syndrome a potentially malignant condition?].
- Author
Bellusci M, Nalli G, Mengoni A, Carnevale-Maffè G, Sessa F, and Ascari E
- Subjects
- Diagnosis, Differential, Humans, Leukemia, Myeloid complications, Leukemia, Myeloid diagnosis, Male, Middle Aged, Prognosis, Syndrome, Eosinophilia diagnosis, Leukemia, Eosinophilic, Acute complications, Leukemia, Eosinophilic, Acute diagnosis
- Abstract
The existence of eosinophilic leukemia (EL) has been controversial since it was first described. Recently, some authors have suggested that EL is part of a spectrum of eosinophilic diseases termed hypereosinophilic syndrome (HS). EL diagnosis is very difficult, especially if abnormal chromosome are not present, because HS comprises multiple disease entities of unclear etiology with the common features of prolonged eosinophilia of undetectable cause and organ system dysfunction. We present a case of HS whose findings are consistent with a leukemic process. For two years the patient showed only sharp hypereosinophilia; his clinical course was then marked by signs and symptoms of granulocytic sarcoma (GS), an extramedullary tumor composed of granulocytic precursor cells. GS as a complication of EL was described and in some cases the diagnosis of leukemia was made only on the basis of the GS complication. The formation of eosinophilic GS also suggests a diagnosis of LE in our case of HS. Finally, we always consider HS as a potential malignant disease.
- Published
- 1991
35. [Factors influencing left ventricular function in arterial hypertension].
- Author
Grandi AM, Barzizza F, Sessa F, Scalise F, Soldà PL, Venco A, and Finardi G
- Subjects
- Adult, Cardiomegaly complications, Female, Humans, Hypertension complications, Male, Middle Aged, Myocardial Contraction, Regression Analysis, Cardiomegaly physiopathology, Hypertension physiopathology, Ventricular Function, Left physiology
- Abstract
Using digitized M-mode echograms we evaluated the role of preload, afterload, inotropic state and left ventricular (LV) mass on LV systolic and diastolic function in 2 groups of hypertensive patients: Group 1: 25 subjects (18 men, mean age 48 +/- 6 years) with normal LV mass (less than 230 g); Group 2: 25 subjects (20 men, mean age 50 +/- 8 years) with LV hypertrophy (wall hypertrophy with normal LV diameter). As control group, we evaluated 50 normal subjects, matched for age, sex and body surface area with hypertensives. LV mass was significantly (p less than 0.001) higher as respect to normals also in hypertensives with normal LV mass; indexes of LV systolic and diastolic function were similar in normals and in hypertensives with normal LV mass and significantly lower in subjects with LV hypertrophy. The end-systolic wall stress was not significantly different in the 2 groups of hypertensives. We evaluated the relative role of preload (end-diastolic LV diameter), afterload (end-systolic wall stress) inotropic state (systolic arterial pressure/end-systolic LV diameter) and LV mass on LV systolic and diastolic function using multiple regression analysis. As regards LV systolic function, the major determinant was the systolic pressure/end-systolic diameter ratio in normals, the end-systolic stress in hypertensives. As regards LV diastolic function, the major determinant was end-systolic stress in normals and hypertensives with normal LV mass, LV mass in hypertensives with myocardial hypertrophy. Preload seems not to influence LV function in normals and in hypertensives with normal LV diastolic diameter. The major determinant of LV systolic function is the inotropic state in normals and the afterload in hypertensives.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
- Published
- 1990
36. [Papillary cystic tumor of the pancreas].
- Author
Lucev M, Bottani G, Abelli M, Martino NE, Sessa F, and Poggi N
- Subjects
- Adult, Female, Humans, Pancreas pathology, Prognosis, Terminology as Topic, Carcinoma pathology, Carcinoma surgery, Pancreatic Neoplasms pathology, Pancreatic Neoplasms surgery
- Abstract
A case of papillary cystic tumour of the pancreas in a young woman is reported. The review of the literature permits to stress the rarity of this tumour with a good prognosis.
- Published
- 1990
37. [Description of a system for automatic analysis of ambulatory electrocardiography using a microcomputer].
- Author
Petrucci E, Viganò A, Sessa F, Margaroli P, Mainardi M, and Venco A
- Subjects
- Algorithms, Humans, Diagnosis, Computer-Assisted, Electrocardiography instrumentation, Microcomputers, Monitoring, Physiologic instrumentation
- Abstract
An automatic ambulatory electrocardiogram analyzer was developed using a self-powered fast reader of FM recorded cassettes and a "general purpose" microcomputer with 640 Kbytes of RAM and 20 Mbytes of mass memory on hard-disk. Original algorithms were developed for analog to digital conversion, data storage on hard-disk, QRS detection and classification and rhythm analysis. Reliability of the system was evaluated, when appropriate, using standard databases. The relevant features of our analyzer include a favourable cost/benefit ratio, powerful interactive facilities and the typical flexibility of the non dedicated hardware.
- Published
- 1989
38. [Clinical assessment of syncopes].
- Author
Casadei B, Bertolini A, Sessa F, and Venco A
- Subjects
- Humans, Syncope classification, Syncope diagnosis, Syncope etiology
- Abstract
Syncope is a relatively common clinical problem and causes 1% of hospitalizations. The clinical syndrome is characterized by a sudden reduction of the cerebral flow secondary to a number of conditions that includes benign, self-limited causes and life-threatening arrhythmias. A high percentage of these patients is discharged from hospital without an etiological diagnosis. The purpose of this short review is to present the classification of syncope and suggest the methodological approach to detect the underlying cause. The importance of patient's age and of a cardiovascular etiology as a negative prognostic index is stressed. The most valuable diagnostic tool remains a thoroughly taken clinical history.
- Published
- 1989
39. [Idiopathic hepatosplenic granulomatosis].
- Author
Nalli G, Bellusci M, Mengoni A, Carnevale Maffè G, Sessa F, and Casirola G
- Subjects
- Adult, Biopsy, Diagnosis, Differential, Humans, Laparoscopy, Liver pathology, Male, Spleen pathology, Granuloma pathology, Liver Diseases pathology, Splenic Diseases pathology
- Abstract
Granulomas in the liver are identified in 3-10% of all liver biopsies. Although granulomas frequently represent a sign of either infectious or non infectious disease, 20% of the hepatic granulomas lack an identifiable etiology. These cases are defined as idiopathic granulomatous hepatitides (IG). We describe four cases of disease resembling a lymphoid malignance in which IG could be diagnosed by laboratory, radiological (XR, CT), ultrasonographic, histological and follow-up studies of the patients. We suggest that IG may be suspected in patients with granulomas in the liver, self-limited fever of unknown origin, low epatosplenomegaly, eosinophilia less than 5%, in the absence of infectious, lymphoid or sarcoid diseases. We recommend laparascopy as an important diagnostic tool.
- Published
- 1989
40. On the reticulo-plasma-sarcoma of the uterine neck.
- Author
- Subjects
- Female, Humans, Neoplasms, Uterus
- Published
- 1948
41. Contribution to the genesis of extramedullary plasmacytomas; plasmacytoma of the cheek.
- Author
- Subjects
- Humans, Plasmacytoma
- Published
- 1947
42. Evidence of silky lability in chronic experimental TNT intoxication.
- Author
- Subjects
- Humans, Toluene analogs & derivatives, Toluene toxicity
- Published
- 1949
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