58 results on '"Scondotto S"'
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2. Analisi dei determinanti di sovrappeso ed obesità in Italia
- Author
FERRANTE, Mauro, Cernigliaro, A, Immordino, P, Marras, A, Scondotto, S., Ferrante, M, Cernigliaro, A, Immordino, P, Marras, A, and Scondotto, S
- Subjects
Eccesso ponderale ,Disuguaglianze di Salute ,Settore SECS-S/05 - Statistica Sociale ,Indagini Multiscopo ,Italia - Abstract
Introduzione: Sovrappeso ed obesità rappresentano un problema di crescente interesse nell’ambito dei programmi sanitari nazionali dei Paesi industrializzati, sia perché la prevalenza è in costante aumento, sia perché l’eccesso ponderale è associato al rischio di sviluppare altre patologie quali diabete, malattie cardiovascolari, e alcune forme di tumore. Obiettivi: Descrivere un profilo di prevalenza del sovrappeso e dell’obesità in Italia utilizzando i dati derivanti dall’indagine Multiscopo Istat sulle “Condizioni di Salute e ricorso ai servizi sanitari” per gli anni 2005 e 2013, ed analizzare il contributo che i principali fattori di rischio hanno nel determinare una diversa distribuzione della prevalenza dell’eccesso ponderale sul territorio nazionale.Metodi: Al fine di valutare il grado di associazione tra lo stato ponderale e l’insieme dei potenziali fattori di rischio dell’eccesso ponderale presi in esame, per la stima dei Prevalence Risk Ratio, si è scelto di ricorrere a modelli di Poisson, tenendo conto anche delle variabili previste dal disegno di campionamento dell’indagine. La categoria dei soggetti sottopeso è stata esclusa dalle analisi. Le analisi sono state condotte per il 2005 ed il 2013. Risultati: Dal confronto con i risultati relativi al 2005, nel 2013 è emerso che la prevalenza dei soggetti obesi in Italia ha subito un incremento (da 10,2% a 11,4%). Al contempo, si osserva una modesta riduzione della prevalenza di soggetti in sovrappeso (da 35,4% a 34,7%). I risultati delle analisi, pur confermando il differenziale Nord-Sud, mostrano livelli di eccesso ponderale inferiore in soggetti con più elevati livelli di istruzione, indipendentemente dalla localizzazione territoriale. Analogamente, valori crescenti dell’eccesso ponderale si osservano al crescere dell’età. Il giudizio sulle risorse economiche mostra valori significativi per le femmine in tutte le ripartizioni geografiche ad eccezione delle regioni del Sud e valori non significativi per i maschi in tutte le ripartizioni geografiche. Al contrario, come riportato in letteratura, meno chiara appare la relazione tra fumo ed eccesso ponderale. Conclusioni: I risultati del presente lavoro hanno mostrato un gradiente Nord-Sud in Italia per quanto attiene all’eccesso ponderale. Invero, tale gradiente appare anche per altri aspetti relativi allo stato di salute della popolazione Italiana che sembra pertanto dipendere dalla diversa distribuzione dei fattori di rischio dell’eccesso ponderale nelle regioni Italiane. Bassi livelli di istruzione, ridotta attività fisica e maggiori livelli di deprivazione nelle regioni del Sud rispetto a quelle del Nord, contribuiscono all’acuirsi dei differenziali riscontrati nei livelli di eccesso ponderale. D’altra parte, la recente crisi finanziaria ed i tagli operati nell’ambito del sistema sanitario nazionale possono determinare un peggioramento generale dei principali indicatori di stato di salute ed un aumento delle differenze tra le diverse regioni.
- Published
- 2016
3. Prevalenza di sovrappeso e obesità in Italia: questione meridionale o disagio sociale?
- Author
FERRANTE, Mauro, Cernigliaro, A, Immordino, P, Scondotto, S., Costa, G, Crialesi, R, Migliardi, A, Gargiulo, L, Sebastiani, G, Ruggeri, P, Menniti Ippolito, F, Ferrante, M, Cernigliaro, A, Immordino, P, and Scondotto, S
- Subjects
Socioeconomic factor ,Italy ,Obesity ,Settore SECS-S/05 - Statistica Sociale ,Overweight ,Life Style - Abstract
Overweight and obesity represent a topic of growing interest for most of the national healthcare plans of developed countries, mainly due to the increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity, and to their presence as a risk factor for many other noncommunicable diseases. The present work aims at providing a profile of overweight and obesity in Italy, and to analyze the impact of different territorial and socioeconomic risk factors. Data derived from Istat survey on “Health conditions and healthcare utilization” 2005 and 2013 are used, and Prevalence Risk Ratio estimates are derived through modified Poisson regression models. The results show higher prevalence of overweight and obesity in the South, which depends mainly from the different distribution of exposed to risk factors, rather than on differences in their mix. From the policy perspective, the results could orient specific prevention actions oriented to high-risk population segments, withouth ignoring the territorial dimension of social inequalities.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Carlino, V., Catanese, G., Alcamo, R., Belvedere, G., Cernigliaro, A., Scondotto, S., Ferro, M., Contoli, B., Quarchioni, E., Dominguez, L., Barbagallo, M., Gruppo Tecnico Nazionale Passi D’Argento, Carlino, V., Catanese, G., Alcamo, R., Belvedere, G., Cernigliaro, A., Scondotto, S., Ferro, M., Contoli, B., Quarchioni, E., Dominguez, L., Barbagallo, M., and Gruppo Tecnico Nazionale Passi D’Argento
- Subjects
Settore MED/09 - Medicina Interna ,invecchiamento, cadute, prevenzione, comorbilità, politerapia - Abstract
L’invecchiamento della popolazione è un fenomeno globale, che si caratterizza soprattutto per la presenza di patologie cronico-degenerative che incidono sulla qualità della vita delle persone anziane e che causano un notevole incremento dei costi per le cure e per l’assistenza. Per fronteggiare tale fenomeno globale, che riguarda da vicino l’Italia, l’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS) ha messo a punto un piano che ha come obiettivo primario “l’invecchiamento attivo” (active ageing), cioè incentivare il passaggio da politiche incentrate sui bisogni delle persone anziane, considerate abitualmente come soggetti passivi, a politiche che riconoscano l’anziano come parte attiva della vita familiare e comunitaria. I tre pilastri su cui si fonda tale strategia sono salute, partecipazione e sicurezza delle persone anziane. A tale modello dell’OMS fa riferimento “Passi d’Argento”, sistema di sorveglianza e di monitoraggio della qualità della vita della popolazione italiana di età superiore a 65 anni, avviato dal Ministero della Salute con la collaborazione della Regione Umbria e del Centro Nazionale di Epidemiologia, Sorveglianza e Promozione della Salute (CNESPS) dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità e che ha coinvolto 19 tra Regioni e Province Autonome italiane, tra cui la Sicilia.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Alcamo R, Catanese G, Carlino V, Belvedere G, Cernigliaro A, Scondotto S, Ferro MP, Contoli B, Quarchioni E, Dominguez LJ, Barbagallo M, Gruppo Tecnico Nazionale Passi D’Argento, Alcamo, R., Catanese, G., Carlino, V., Belvedere, G., Cernigliaro, A., Scondotto, S., Ferro, M., Contoli, B., Quarchioni, E., Dominguez, L., Barbagallo, M., and Gruppo Tecnico Nazionale Passi D’Argento
- Subjects
Settore MED/09 - Medicina Interna ,invecchiamento, attività fisica, cadute, sarcopenia, sedentarismo, fragilità - Abstract
L’incremento della vita media raggiunto ai nostri giorni presenta nuove sfide, di carattere socio-politico e sanitario, che attendono risposte puntuali e tempestive. Lo stravolgimento demografico, inevitabilmente, si accompagna ad una transizione epidemiologica risultante nella netta prevalenza di patologie cronico-degenerative a genesi multifattoriale, ed in parte secondaria alla presenza di numerosi fattori di rischio modificabili (sedentarietà, cattive abitudini alimentari, fumo ed abuso di alcol) la cui correzione, a tutte le età, è fondamentale per il raggiungimento di un invecchiamento di successo. Ponendo l’attenzione sui benefici dell’incremento dell’attività fisica si può evidenziare come questa, in particolare, è un fattore protettivo, associato alla riduzione dei valori di pressione arteriosa e l’incidenza di coronaropatie; aumenta il colesterolo HDL, riduce il grasso corporeo e viscerale e l’insorgenza del diabete mellito di tipo 2 (riduzione dell’insulino-resistenza); diminuisce le affezioni a carico del distretto osteo-muscolare come artrosi ed osteoporosi (aumenta la massa ossea) limitando l’incidenza delle cadute; tende a contrastare l’insorgenza delle patologie neoplastiche (stimolando la funzione immunitaria); agisce migliorando il tono dell’umore ed evitando l’isolamento sociale. Risultato finale è il mantenimento dell’autosufficienza e dell’autonomia con aumento della longevità in uno stato di benessere psicofisico. L’impegno crescente deve essere quindi la ricerca ed ottimizzazione continua di sistemi finalizzati alla rilevazione dei “bisogni” degli over-65, al fine di mantenere un’idonea qualità di vita anche negli anziani pluripatologici.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Catanese G, Alcamo R, Carlino V, Belvedere G, Cernigliaro A, Scondotto S, Ferro MP, Contoli B, Quarchioni E, Dominguez LJ, Barbagallo M, Gruppo Tecnico Nazionale Passi d’Argento, Catanese, G., Alcamo, R., Carlino, V., Belvedere, G., Cernigliaro, A., Scondotto, S., Ferro, M., Contoli, B., Quarchioni, E., Dominguez, L., Barbagallo, M., and Gruppo Tecnico Nazionale Passi d’Argento
- Subjects
Settore MED/09 - Medicina Interna ,invecchiamento, depressione, isolamento, sorveglianza epidemiologica - Abstract
L’aumento della vita media, e quindi l’invecchiamento della popolazione, si caratterizza per la presenza di patologie cronico-degenerative che influenzano la qualità di vita. Per tale motivo è fondamentale mettere in atto delle risposte globali ed efficaci incentrate sui bisogni delle persone più anziane, in quanto soggetti non passivi, ma aventi il diritto e la responsabilità di partecipare attivamente alla vita della comunità in ogni fase dell’esistenza. A tal proposito il Ministero della Salute, in collaborazione con la regione Umbria e il Centro Nazionale di Epidemiologia, Sorveglianza e Promozione della Salute (CNESPS), ha dato vita a “PASSI D’ARGENTO”, un sistema di monitoraggio della qualità di vita della popolazione ultrasessantacinquenne, finalizzato alla programmazione di interventi socio-sanitari mirati ad incidere positiva-mente sulla salute e sulla qualità di vita dei cittadini anziani. La sorveglianza epidemiologica di popolazione “Passi d’Argento”, grazie all’ausilio di una metodologia standardizzata, ha permesso, inoltre, di confrontare lo stato di salute e l’invecchiamento attivo nelle diverse regioni italiane. Tra i problemi e gli aspetti di salute della popolazione con più di 65 anni è stata presa in con-siderazione la depressione, patologia psichiatrica molto frequente che incide sulla disabilità, porta ad un peggioramento delle relazioni sociali con tendenza all’isolamento, e si collega con un aumento dei costi diretti e indiretti per l’intera società. In molti casi è sottostimata in quanto la perdita d’interesse, il sentimento di tristezza e la sensazione di vuoto vengono considerati “tipi-ci” dell’età avanzata. Passi d’Argento ha posto l’attenzione sui sintomi della depressione e sul rischio di isolamento, considerandoli come indicatori che descrivono la condizione di salute della popolazione ultrasessantacinquenne.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Immordino, P, FERRANTE, Mauro, Marras, A, CASUCCIO, Alessandra, Scondotto, S., Immordino, P, Ferrante, M, Marras, A, Casuccio, A, and Scondotto, S.
- Subjects
Healthcare Survey ,Quality of Life ,Settore SECS-S/05 - Statistica Sociale ,Gluten-Free Diet ,Health Status Indicators ,Settore MED/42 - Igiene Generale E Applicata - Abstract
IntroduzioneLa celiachia è una malattia sistemica autoimmune innescata dall’ingestione di glutine in individui geneticamente predisposti. Nell’adulto le presentazioni atipiche con sintomi extraintestinali e gastrointestinali aspecifici sono sempre più comuni. In particolare, la celiachia può indurre cambiamenti psicologici nell’individuo affetto, influenzando principalmente la percezione del benessere. Una dieta rigorosamente priva di glutine (DGF) da seguire per tutta la vita rappresenta l’unica terapia disponibile. Tuttavia, il rispetto rigoroso di una DGF può potenzialmente influenzare la qualità di vita del celiaco e, d’altra parte, l’ atteggiamento e le aspettative del paziente hanno un impatto sostanziale sul rispetto della DGF. Obiettivi. Analizzare gli effetti della DGF in pazienti celiaci su alcune dimensioni della qualità della vita. MetodiCome caso studio vengono analizzati i dati relativi all’indagine multiscopo Istat sulle condizioni di salute e ricorso ai servizi sanitari 2013. A partire dai soggetti che hanno dichiarato di essere celiaci, è stata analizzata, tramite modelli regressivi, la relazione tra la presenza di una DGF ed alcuni indicatori sulla percezione dello stato di salute, quali indice di stato fisico (PCS), psicologico (MHS) e mentale (MH), al netto di caratteristiche sociodemografiche e comportamentali (titolo di studio, risorse economiche familiari, ripartizione geografica, età, genere ed abitudine al fumo) dei soggetti in studio. RisultatiDall’indagine multiscopo Istat 2013, la percentuale di soggetti che ha dichiarato di essere affetto da celiachia è di circa lo 0.6%. Di questi, il 47.3% circa afferma di osservare una DGF. I risultati delle analisi mostrano un’associazione diretta tra la presenza di una DGF e indice di stato fisico (Beta=1.773, p-value=0.018), mentre non sembra esservi associazione tra l'osservanza di una DGF e indice di stato psicologico (MCS) e mentale (MH). ConclusioniDopo la diagnosi di celiachia, il paziente deve accettare da un lato l’impatto biologico del convivere con una malattia cronica, dall’altro, il bisogno di aderire ad una dieta restrittiva che richiede importanti cambiamenti di stile di vita permanenti con un impatto psicosociale rilevante. Diversi studi hanno dimostrato che tutti questi cambiamenti hanno un impatto negativo sulla qualità della vita dei pazienti. D’altra parte però alcuni autori dimostrano come la qualità della vita, così come i sintomi, migliorino con la terapia dietetica. Il nostro studio conferma una relazione positiva tra DGF e qualità della vita in termini di indice di stato fisico, confermandone l’importanza come unica terapia ad oggi disponibile nella remisione dei sintomi. Tuttavia, sarebbero necessari studi longitudinali volti a determinare se tale effetto sulla qualità della vita sia permanente nel tempo.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
FERRANTE, Mauro, Carnà, P., Pontillo, A, Pollina Addario, S, Migliardi, A., Scondotto, S., Ferrante, M, Carnà, P., Pontillo, A, Pollina Addario, S, Migliardi, A., and Scondotto, S.
- Subjects
Geocoding ,Geographic Information system ,Healthcare management ,Settore SECS-S/05 - Statistica Sociale ,Healthcare evaluation - Abstract
IntroduzioneL'utilizzo dei Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in ambito sanitario, continua a ricevere grande attenzione. La disponibilità di informazioni sulla localizzazione degli individui, consente di effettuare associazioni territoriali sulle cause delle patologie, nonché di indagare aspetti legati alla distribuzione dei servizi sanitari ed all'equità di accesso alle cure. ObiettiviAnalizzare le principali problematiche e le soluzioni operative per la geocodifica di popolazioni e proporre un indice di qualità della geocodifica di cui poter tenere conto in sede di analisi. MetodiCome caso studio vengono illustrate le fasi che hanno portato alla georeferenziazione di indirizzi residenziali di 12 Comuni Siciliani, attraverso l'utilizzo di due procedure di georeferenziazione. Un primo metodo ha utilizzato un record linkage probabilistico tramite un indice basato sulla similarità di Jaccard con tabelle ufficiali degli indirizzi Istat e l'impiego di software per la fase di georeferenziazione degli indirizzi. Il secondo metodo si è basato su un record linkage tramite ricerca fulltext (in Sql) ed ha utilizzato servizi web-based per la georeferenziazione. Dopo aver proposto un indice sintetico di qualità del processo di georeferenziazione, vengono confrontati i risultati derivanti dalle due procedure in termini di copertura e qualità. RisultatiConsiderando livelli alti dell'indice di qualità di georeferenziazione, e grazie all’integrazione dei risultati derivati dalle due procedure, la percentuale di indirizzi geocodificati è risultata circa l’80%. Guardando ai risultati di elevata qualità per entrambe le procedure utilizzate non si rilevano differenze rilevanti in termini di distanza tra le coordinate derivanti dalle due procedure. Tuttavia, i risultati evidenziano migliori performance della procedura che ha fatto ricorso al servizio web-based in termini di copertura (+40% circa di indirizzi geocodificati, rispetto alla procedura software-based), mentre il 9.2% di indirizzi che non sono stati ben georeferenziati con il servizio webbased hanno trovato una corrispondenza tramite procedura software. ConclusioniLa geocodifica di popolazioni può assistere il management sanitario in diversi modi: può aiutare a meglio comprendere la relazione tra esposizioni ambientali e stato di salute, consente di identificare comunità a maggiore rischio di salute, nonché a comprendere le ragioni di natura territoriale che possono avere un'influenza sullo stato di salute degli individui. Dati i limiti insiti in ciascuno dei metodi utilizzati, l'impiego di un indice di qualità di georeferenziazione assieme all'integrazione dei risultati dei due metodi, consente di ottenere un notevole miglioramento dei risultati, e di valutare l'attendibilità del processo di geocodifica in sede di analisi.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Fantaci, G, FERRANTE, Mauro, Pollina Addario, S, Tavormina, E, Marras, A, Scondotto, S., Fantaci, G, Ferrante, M, Pollina Addario, S, Tavormina, E, Marras, A, and Scondotto, S.
- Subjects
Hospital outcome ,Sicily ,Healthcare evaluation ,Settore SECS-S/05 - Statistica Sociale ,Neonatal mortality - Abstract
Introduzione:La gravidanza, il parto ed il puerperio sono eventi fisiologici che possono talvolta complicarsi in modo non prevedibile e con conseguenze gravi per la donna, per il nascituro e per il neonato. Gli standard nazionali prevedono la razionalizzazione/riduzione progressiva dei punti nascita con numero di parti inferiore a 1000/anno, e l'abbinamento per pari complessità di attività delle UU.OO. ostetrico-ginecologiche con quelle neonatologiche/pediatriche, riconducendo a due i precedenti tre livelli assistenziali. I punti nascita privi di una copertura di guardia medico-ostetrica, anestesiologica e medico pediatrica attiva h 24, o di risorse umane e di attrezzature adeguate non dovrebbero prendere in carico nascite a rischio. Anche il trasferimento del neonato subito dopo la nascita, in presenza di condizioni predittive di rischio per il neonato al momento del parto, rappresenta un indicatore di cattiva gestione del percorso clinico. Obiettivi: Valutare l’appropriatezza del percorso nascita e la gestione delle fasi assistenziali nelle prime ore dalla nascita con riferimento ai “neonati a rischio”. Metodi: Come caso studio vengono analizzati i dati desunti dal Certificato di Assistenza al Parto (CedAP) e dalle Schede di Dimissione Ospedaliera (SDO). E' stata condotta quindi un'analisi di tipo descrittivo sui volumi dei nati a rischio e trasferiti entro tre giorni dalla nascita per livello di complessità di struttura. La definizione di neonato a rischio viene determinata sulla base di alcuni criteri, basati su: età gestazionale, peso alla nascita, SGA (Small for Gestational Age), età della madre e gravidanza plurima, con valori del rischio definiti da 0 a 3 (nessun fattore di rischio tra quelli selezionati, un fattore, due fattori, oltre due). Tramite processi di record linkage deterministico e probabilistico tra dati desunti da fonte CedAP e SDO, vengono analizzati alcuni aspetti legati alla gestione del neonato a rischio in termini di trasferimenti tra tipologie di strutture ospedaliere, anche alla luce della recente normativa regionale. Risultati: Nel 2013 nella Regione Sicilia sono stati osservati 8.871 (20,3%) parti di neonati con almeno un fattore di rischio tra quelli selezionati. La percentuale di linkage tra CedAP ed almeno una delle due SDO (madre o bambino) è risultata pari al 97.2%. Degli 8.324 neonati a rischio linkati con il flusso SDO, ben il 34,6% è risultato ancora assistito in un punto nascita non di II livello. La percentuale di nati trattati in centri di II livello aumenta all’aumentare del livello di rischio, con valori pari al 75% per neonati con due fattori di rischio e del 78% per neonati con almeno tre fattori di rischio. Con riferimento ai trasferimenti entro tre giorni dalla nascita, dei 568 trasferimenti, il 14.9 % è stato trasferito da punti nascita di II livello, ed il 73.9% da strutture di I livello, mentre l’11% di trasferimenti ha interessato le altre strutture. Conclusioni: L'analisi condotta consente di valutare l'appropriatezza del percorso nascita attraverso alcuni indicatori riguardanti la gestione dei neonati a rischio all'interno della rete assistenziale regionale. Gli indicatori analizzati costituiscono pertanto un utile strumento da impiegare all'interno di programmi di valutazione della qualità dell'assistenza alla gravidanza e al parto.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Belvedere, G., Alcamo, R., Catanese, G., Carlino, V., Cernigliaro, A., Scondotto, S., Ferro, M., Contoli, B., Quarchioni, E., Dominguez, L., Barbagallo, M., Gruppo Tecnico Nazionale Passi D’Argento, Belvedere, G., Alcamo, R., Catanese, G., Carlino, V., Cernigliaro, A., Scondotto, S., Ferro, M., Contoli, B., Quarchioni, E., Dominguez Rodriguez, L., Barbagallo, M., and Gruppo Tecnico Nazionale Passi D’Argento
- Subjects
Settore MED/09 - Medicina Interna ,invecchiamento, nutrizione, active-ageing, malattie croniche - Abstract
In Italia l’aumento costante del numero degli anziani è una realtà correlata al miglioramento delle condizioni di vita. Ma ciò porta con sé anche un carico economico e sociale importante in relazione all’aumento delle malattie cronico-degenerative. Per tale motivo l’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità ha messo a punto una linea strategica denominata “active ageing” al fine di rafforzare le condizioni per un “invecchiamento attivo” le cui basi sono da costruire ben prima dell’età anziana. L’alimentazione è un cardine imprescindibile nel determinismo dell’invecchiamento di successo.
- Published
- 2015
11. Distance from the nearest hospital and mortality for acute miocardial infarction (AMI) in Sicily Region (Southern Italy)
- Author
FERRANTE, Mauro, Scondotto, S, De Luca, G, Fantaci G, Pollina Addario, S., Ferrante, M., Scondotto, S., De Luca, G., Fantaci, G., and Pollina Addario, S.
- Subjects
Heart attack ,Hospital location ,Settore SECS-S/05 - Statistica Sociale ,GIS - Published
- 2014
12. OKkio alla SALUTE 2014: hours of sleep in Italian 8-9-year-old children
- Author
Lauria, L1, Pizzi, E1, Nardone, P1, Buoncristiano, M1, Bucciarelli, M1, Galeone, D2, Spinelli A1Andreozzi, S, Pediconi, M, Timperi, F, Pizzi, E, Galeone, D, Menzano, M, Vienna, A, Censi, L, Di Giacomo, M, Colleluori, C, Ranalli, E, Ammirati, G, Mininni, M, Sorrentino, G, Azzarito, C, Faillace, F, La Rocca, M, Mazzarella, G, Pizzuti, R, Angelini, P, Fridel, M, Carletti, C, Pani, P, Ronfani, L, Zanier, L, Amadei, P, Cairella, G, Pascali, F, Schiaffino, S, Cereda, D, Pirrone, L, De Introna, S, Giostra, G, Di Nucci, C, Manfredi Selvaggi, T, Valentini, O, Caputo, M, Ferrari, P, Balducci, M, Rosa, G, Stingi, G, Meloni, S, Senis, M, Tanchis, P, Cernigliaro, A, Ferro, M, Scondotto, S, Giacchi, M, Lazzeri, G, Simi, R, Cristofori, M, Giaimo, M, Prandini, S, Covarino, A, D'Alessandro, G, Galesso, R, Michieletto, F, Fanolla, A, Lucchin, L, Weiss, S, Migazzi, M, Grazia, M, Caroli, Anna Maria, Cattaneo, C, De Mei, B, Perri, G, Silvestri, A, Spizzichino, L, Miletto, N, Faragli, G, Vignoli, M, and Piovani, Giovanna
- Subjects
Male ,Sleep Wake Disorders ,Pediatric Obesity ,Schools ,Child Behavior ,Health Promotion ,Health Surveys ,Body Mass Index ,Italy ,Risk Factors ,Prevalence ,Humans ,Female ,Child ,Sleep ,Students ,Life Style - Published
- 2016
13. La percezione delle mamme sullo stato ponderale e sugli stili di vita dei propri bambini [Maternal perception of their children's weight and lifestyles]
- Author
Spinelli, A., Nardone, P., Buoncristiano, M., Lauria, L., Bucciarelli, M., Andreozzi, S., Pediconi, M., Timperi, F., Pizzi, E., Galeone, D., Menzano, M., Vienna, A., Censi, L., Di Giacomo, M., Colleluori, C., Ranalli, E., Ammirati, G., Mininni, M., Sorrentino, G., Azzarito, C., Faillace, F., La Rocca, M., Mazzarella, G., Pizzuti, R., Angelini, P., Fridel, M., Carletti, C., Pani, P., Ronfani, L., Zanier, L., Amadei, P., Cairella, G., Pascali, F., Schiaffino, S., Cereda, D., Pirrone, L., De Introna, S., Giostra, G., Di Nucci, C., Manfredi Selvaggi, T., Valentini, O., Caputo, M., Ferrari, P., Balducci, M., Rosa, G., Stingi, G., Meloni, S., Senis, M., Tanchis, P., Cernigliaro, A., Ferro, M., Scondotto, S., Giacchi, M., Lazzeri, G., Simi, R., Cristofori, M., Giaimo, M., Prandini, S., Covarino, A., D'Alessandro, G., Galesso, R., Michieletto, F., Fanolla, A., Lucchin, L., Weiss, S., Migazzi, M., Grazia, M., Caroli, M., Cattaneo, C., De Mei, B., Perri, G., Silvestri, A., Spizzichino, L., Miletto, N., Faragli, G., Vignoli, M., and Piovani, G.
- Published
- 2016
14. OKkio alla SALUTE 2014: hours of sleep in Italian 8-9-year-old children [Okkio alla salute 2014: Hours of sleep in 8-9-year-old children in Italy]
- Author
Lauria, L, Pizzi, E, Nardone, P, Buoncristiano, M, Bucciarelli, M, Galeone, D, Spinelli, A, Andreozzi, S, Pediconi, M, Timperi, F, Menzano, M, Vienna, A, Censi, L, Di Giacomo, M, Colleluori, C, Ranalli, E, Ammirati, G, Mininni, M, Sorrentino, G, Azzarito, C, Faillace, F, La Rocca, M, Mazzarella, G, Pizzuti, R, Angelini, P, Fridel, M, Carletti, C, Pani, P, Ronfani, L, Zanier, L, Amadei, P, Cairella, G, Pascali, F, Schiaffino, S, Cereda, D, Pirrone, L, De Introna, S, Giostra, G, Di Nucci, C, Manfredi Selvaggi, T, Valentini, O, Caputo, M, Ferrari, P, Balducci, M, Rosa, G, Stingi, G, Meloni, S, Senis, M, Tanchis, P, Cernigliaro, A, Ferro, M, Scondotto, S, Giacchi, M, Lazzeri, Giacomo, Simi, Rita, Cristofori, M, Giaimo, M, Prandini, S, Covarino, A, D'Alessandro, G, Galesso, R, Michieletto, F, Fanolla, A, Lucchin, L, Weiss, S, Migazzi, M, Grazia, M, Caroli, M, Cattaneo, C, De Mei, B, Perri, G, Silvestri, A, Spizzichino, L, Miletto, N, Faragli, G, Vignoli, M, and Piovani, G.
- Published
- 2016
15. Sorveglianza molecolare delle gastroenteriti da rotavirus in Sicilia
- Author
Giammanco, Giovanni M., SIMONA DE GRAZIA, Bonura, F., Rotolo, V., Saporito, Laura, Claudia Colomba, Di Bernardo, F., Dones, P., Antonio Cascio, Collura, A., Terranova, D., Zuccarello, R., Piombo, G., Riccobono, N., Di Gangi, M., Failla, M., Li Cavoli, M., Mossuto, F., Bonina, L., Leonardi, M., Toro, M., Salpietro, A., Gallizzi, R., Bombaci, S., Silipigni, L., Scondotto, S., Palermo, M., Giammanco, G, De Grazia, S, Bonura, F, Rotolo, V, Saporito, L, Colomba, C, Di Bernardo, F, Dones, P, Cascio, A, Collura, A, Terranova, DM, Zuccarello, R, Piombo, G, Riccobono, N, Di Gangi, M, Failla, MC, Li Cavoli, MG, Mossuto, F, Bonina, L, Leonardi, MS, Toro, ML, Salpietro, A, Gallizzi, R, Bombaci, S, Silipigni, L, Scondotto, S, and Palermo, M
- Subjects
Settore MED/07 - Microbiologia E Microbiologia Clinica ,Settore MED/17 - Malattie Infettive ,Rotavirus, gastroenteriti, sorveglianza. Sicilia - Published
- 2013
16. Stili di vita e salute dei giovani in età scolare: rapporto sui dati della regione sicilia HBSC (Health behaviour in school-aged children - comportamenti collegati alla salute dei ragazzi di età scolare) 2009-2010
- Author
MARSALA, Maria Grazia Laura, MORICI, Mariagrazia, SIDOTI, Enza, FIRENZE, Alberto, VITALE, Francesco, Scondotto, S, Cernigliaro, A, Dardanoni, G, Marsala, M, Morici, M, Scondotto, S, Sidoti, E, Cernigliaro, A, Dardanoni, G, Firenze, A, and Vitale, F
- Subjects
HBSC, Stili di Vita, Giovani - Published
- 2012
- Author
MAZZUCCO, Walter, CUSIMANO, Rosanna, CORSELLO, Giovanni, VITALE, Francesco, Macaluso, M., Fiumanò, G., Scondotto, S., Cernigliaro, A., Scola, C., Torre, G., Mazzucco, W., Macaluso, M., Cusimano, R., Fiumanò, G., Scondotto, S., Cernigliaro, A., Scola, C., Corsello, G., Torre, G., and Vitale, F.
- Subjects
sanità pubblica ,mortalità infantile ,Fonti informative ,Settore MED/42 - Igiene Generale E Applicata - Published
- 2009
18. [SENTIERI KIDS: monitoring children's health in Italian polluted sites]
- Author
Ivano Iavarone, Biggeri A, Cadum E, Carere M, Conti S, Crocetti E, Martuzzi M, Maule M, Michelozzi P, Pirastu R, Rondelli R, and Scondotto S
- Subjects
environmental contamination ,Adolescent ,Incidence ,Child Health ,Infant ,environmental pollution ,SENTIERI KIDS ,infant mortality ,Environmental Exposure ,Patient Discharge ,Italy ,Child, Preschool ,Neoplasms ,Population Surveillance ,Small-Area Analysis ,Infant Mortality ,Humans ,Environmental Pollutants ,Public Health ,Child ,Environmental Pollution - Abstract
Protecting children's health from the effects of environmental contamination is a public health priority. In recent years, particular care has been devoted in Italy to the study of the relationship between environmental pollutants and health during infancy. The SENTIERI Project has called attention to increases in infant mortality in National Priority Contaminated Sites (NPCSs). SENTIERI KIDS provides a blueprint for the establishment of a task force charged with establishing multi and inter-disciplinary cooperation between central and regional institutions on the subject of children's health in contaminated sites. SENTIERI KIDS introduces a multiple outcome analytical model based on updated health outcomes (mortality, cancer incidence, hospital discharges) in order to establish a permanent observation system to monitor the state of health of infants residing in contaminated areas. This will pave the way for more in-depth epidemiological enquiries on an individual basis, and support the establishment and continued monitoring of primary prevention projects. Particular attention is devoted to issues of information and communication.
- Published
- 2014
19. Sorveglianza della mortalità infantile nella provincia di Palermo. Dati prelminari
- Author
Mazzucco, W., Cusimano, R., LA SCOLA, C., Sammarco, S., Casuccio, N., Pitarresi, A., Scondotto, S., Dardanoni, G., Cassata, N., Corsello, G., Vitale, F., MAZZUCCO W, CUSIMANO R, LA SCOLA C, SAMMARCO S, CASUCCIO N, PITARRESI A, SCONDOTTO S, DARDANONI G, CASSATA N, CORSELLO G, and VITALE F
- Subjects
mortalità infantile ,sorveglianza ,cause di morte ,Settore MED/42 - Igiene Generale E Applicata - Published
- 2007
20. Sorveglianza della mortalità infantile nella Provincia di Palermo
- Author
Cusimano, R., Mazzucco, W., LA SCOLA, C., Sammarco, S., Casuccio, N., Pitarresi, A., Scondotto, S., Dardanoni, G., Cassata, N., Corsello, G., Vitale, F., CUSIMANO R, MAZZUCCO W, LA SCOLA C, SAMMARCO S, CASUCCIO N, PITARRESI A, SCONDOTTO S, DARDANONI G, CASSATA N, CORSELLO G, and VITALE F
- Subjects
registri tumori ,mortalità infantile ,sorveglianza - Published
- 2006
21. Inquinamento atmosferico e salute: sorveglianza epidemiologica e interventi di prevenzione ovvero come orientarsi nella lettura e interpretazione di studi ambientali, tossicologici ed epidemiologici
- Author
Baldacci, S, Maio, S, Viegi, G, Gruppo Collaborativo EpiAir: Forastiere, F, Bisanti, L, Randi, G, Rognoni, M, Simonato, L, Tessari, R, Berti, G, Cadum, E, Chiusolo, M, Grosa, Mm, Ivaldi, C, Pelosini, R, Poncino, S, Galassi, C, Pacelli, B, Pandolfi, P, Scarnato, C, Miglio, R, Caranci, N, Pace, G, Zanini, G, Grechi, D, Chellini, E, Mallone, S, Accetta, G, Barchielli, A, Nuvolone, D, Baccini, M, Biggeri, A, Vigotti, MARIA ANGELA, Colais, P, Faustini, A, Forastiere, F, Perucci, Ca, Stafoggia, M, Minerba, S, Serinelli, M, Dessì, Pm, Cernigliaro, A, and Scondotto, S.
- Subjects
Atmospheric pollution ,interpretation of studies ,review ,human health - Published
- 2009
22. Ricoveri per cause respiratorie e inquinamento atmosferico in 9 città italiane. i risultati del progetto EPIAIR
- Author
Gruppo collaborativo EpiAir Accetta G, Serinelli M. e., Baccini, M, Baldacci, S., Barchielli, A, Berti, G, Biggeri, A., Bisanti, L, Cadum, E., Caranci, N, Cernigliaro, A, Chellini, E., Chiusolo, M, Colais, P, De’Donato, F, Dessì, P, Faustini, A, Forastiere, F, Galassi, C, Grechi, D, Grosa, M, Ivaldi, C, Mallone, S, Miglio, R., Nuvolone, D, Pace, G., Pacelli, B, Pandolfi, P, Pelosini, R, Perucci, Ca, Poncino, S, Primerano, R, Randi, G, Rognoni, M, Scarnato, C, Scondotto, S, Serinelli, M, Simonato, L, Stafoggia, M, Tessari, R, Viegi, G, Vigotti, MARIA ANGELA, and Zanini, G.
- Subjects
short term effect ,air pollution ,respiratory admissions ,EPIAIR - Published
- 2009
23. Inquinamento atmosferico e ricoveri ospedalieri urgenti per malattie cardiache in 9 città italiane – risultati del progetto EPIAIR
- Author
il gruppo collaborativo EpiAir Accetta G, Colais P. e., Baccini, M, Baldacci, S., Barchielli, A, Berti, G, Biggeri, A., Bisanti, L, Cadum, E., Caranci, N, Cernigliaro, A, Chellini, E., Chiusolo, M, Colais, P, De’Donato, F, Dessì, P, Faustini, A, Forastiere, F, Galassi, C, Grechi, D, Grosa, M, Ivaldi, C, Mallone, S, Miglio, R., Nuvolone, D, Pace, G., Pacelli, B, Pandolfi, P, Pelosini, R, Perucci, Ca, Poncino, S, Primerano, R, Randi, G, Rognoni, M, Scarnato, C, Scondotto, S, Serinelli, M, Simonato, L, Stafoggia, M, Tessari, R, Viegi, G, Vigotti, MARIA ANGELA, and Zanini, G.
- Subjects
hospital admissions ,case crossover ,air pollution ,EPIAIR - Published
- 2009
24. Salvate Eva in Sicilia: indagine conoscitiva 2016 sull’adesione allo screening organizzato del cervicocarcinoma
- Author
Giusti, Angela, Colaceci, Sofia, Mallone, Sandra, Perra, Alberto, Scardetta, Paola, Spila Alegiani, Stefania, Casuccio, Alessandra, Mazzucco, Walter, Vitale, Francesco, Scondotto, Salvatore, Cernigliaro, Achille, Dardanoni, Gabriella, Milici, Silvana, Caltabiano, Pier Sergio, Drogo, Letizia, Falconeri, Daniela, Zoda, Luisa, Anzalone, Concetta, Belbruno, Franco, Bella, Francesca, Bellina, Luigia, Di Giorgi, Monica, Ferro, Maria Paola, Ficano, Provvidenza, Gambino, Carlo Roberto, Lo Gerfo, Rosalia, Madonia, Salvatore, Marras, Antonello, Ottaviani, Maria Barbara, Pesce, Paola Nunzia Rita, Randazzo, Maria Angela, Ripoli, Giovanna, Rudisi, Giuseppa, SALVIATO, NICOLETTA, Scelfo, Sabrina, Scuderi, Tiziana, Tavormina, Elisa Eleonora, Usticano, Antonella, Varvarà, Massimo, Bono, Stefania, Costantino, Claudio, Graziano, Giorgio, Maniglia, Maria Luisa, Marchese, Valentina, Marotta, Claudia, NAPOLI, Giuseppe, Palmeri, Sara, Provenzano, Sandro, Raia, Daniele Domenico, Restivo, Vincenzo, Fiorino, Giusy Russo, SANTANGELO, Omar Enzo, Saporito, Laura, Ventura, GIANMARCO, Giusti, A., Colaceci, S., Mallone, S., Perra, A., Scardetta, P., Spila Alegiani, S., Casuccio, A., Mazzucco, W., Vitale, F., Scondotto, S., Cernigliaro, A., Dardanoni, G., Milici, S., Caltabiano, P., Drogo, L., Falconeri, D., Zoda, L., Anzalone, C., Belbruno, F., Bella, F., Bellina, L., Di Giorgi, M., Ferro, M., Ficano, P., Gambino, C., Lo Gerfo, R., Madonia, S., Marras, A., Ottaviani, M., Pesce, P., Randazzo, M., Ripoli, G., Rudisi, G., Salviato, N., Scelfo, S., Scuderi, T., Tavormina, E., Usticano, A., Varvarà, M., Bono, S., Costantino, C., Graziano, G., Maniglia, M., Marchese, V., Marotta, C., Napoli, G., Palmeri, S., Provenzano, S., Raia, D., Restivo, V., Fiorino, G., Santangelo, O., Saporito, L., and Ventura, G.
- Subjects
cervicocarcinoma ,tumore cervice uterina ,Screening ,prevenzione secondaria ,Settore MED/42 - Igiene Generale E Applicata - Abstract
In Sicilia, a fronte di un incremento dell’estensione dello screening organizzato del cervicocarcinoma, non corrisponde un aumento dell’adesione. Nei mesi di gennaio-giugno 2016 è stata condotta un’indagine trasversale somministrando un questionario standardizzato a un campione di 365 donne, per descrivere le ragioni del fenomeno e promuovere interventi mirati. Per le variabili di atteggiamento e conoscenza è stato utilizzato l’Health Belief Model, che ha esplorato la percezione della donna della suscettibilità (rischio di sviluppare il cancro), della gravità della patologia e dei benefici derivanti dal pap-test. Dai risultati emerge che il 66,6% delle intervistate ha effettuato un pap- test nell’ultimo triennio (valore nazionale 79,2%); il consiglio da parte di un operatore sanitario e la suscettibilità percepita sono associati a una maggiore adesione allo screening. Il potenziamento dei programmi organizzati di screening e l’intervento attivo del medico di medicina generale rappresentano strategie efficaci di promozione dello screening.
- Published
- 2017
25. Prefazione
- Author
ANGELINI, Aurelio, Toro, P., Angelini, A, Toro, P, Toro, G, Fabiano, F, Bianca, S, Barone, C, Spatafora, Iannitto, E, Maneddu, A, Pulsoni, A, Scondotto, S, Cernigliaro, A, Marras, A, Costantino, C, Pollino Addario, S, Traina, E, Costa, L, Zanna, G, and Esposito Paternò, D
- Subjects
Sicilia, Rischio ambientale e salute ,Settore SPS/10 - Sociologia Dell'Ambiente E Del Territorio - Abstract
Le politiche sull’ambiente assumono un ruolo fondamentale e sempre più importante, perché possono riuscire a modificare quei comportamenti che, se accompagnati a politiche economiche di sostenibilità, possono permetterci di raggiungere un equilibrio tra la salvaguardia delle risorse naturali esistenti, e un loro corretto utilizzo, in modo da proteggerne l’integrità. Il volume contiene i contributi presentati in occasione del convegno organizzato dall’AIL e dall’Università degli studi di Palermo su “Cancerogenesi Ambientale” (Palermo 2013).
- Published
- 2014
26. [Training of operators in the care of immigrants: a public health tool for containing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in this population group].
- Author
Cernigliaro A, Sparaco A, Ricceri F, Canova C, Falconeri D, and Scondotto S
- Subjects
- Humans, Italy epidemiology, Health Personnel education, Vulnerable Populations, Social Workers education, COVID-19 epidemiology, COVID-19 prevention & control, Emigrants and Immigrants, Pandemics, Public Health education, SARS-CoV-2
- Abstract
The COVID-19 pandemic has modified the burden of disease in the population in various ways, depending on different social and economic conditions. Consequently, the pandemic has amplified health disparities, especially among the frail populations. During the pandemic, the incidence among immigrants showed a one- or two-week delay compared to natives, possibly due to delays in diagnosis and access to treatment. Health Authorities had to think new intervention strategies. As part of a project to contain the spread of SARS-CoV-2 among immigrants in Italy, training emerged as a strategic intervention objective. The training included project areas that assessed the impact of the pandemic and public health intervention on immigrants and incorporated best practices from local experiences. The training was addressed to healthcare and social workers and aimed at building institutional networks and skills in caring for vulnerable people. Additionally, the training course was designed to be adaptable and applicable in other emergency contexts.
- Published
- 2024
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27. [Reducing the impact of COVID-19 in immigrants: a systematic review of the efficacy of interventions].
- Author
Cernigliaro A, Giorgi Rossi P, Di Napoli A, Milli C, Petrelli A, Scondotto S, D'Amato S, and Mondello S
- Subjects
- Humans, COVID-19 Vaccines administration & dosage, Incidence, Refugee Camps, Pandemics, Italy epidemiology, Quarantine, COVID-19 prevention & control, COVID-19 epidemiology, Emigrants and Immigrants statistics & numerical data, Refugees statistics & numerical data, SARS-CoV-2
- Abstract
Background: the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in the population has amplified the effects of health inequalities, particularly in the most vulnerable groups such as immigrants and refugees. An assessment of the intervention to contain the COVID-19 in these population groups was essential to define new strategies for more equitable, inclusive, and effective health policies to on health., Objectives: to provide a systematic synopsis of the impact of interventions to contain the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in immigrants., Methods: data sources included major bibliographic databases. Using a study protocol, already shared with the international scientific community, two independent researchers reviewed the citations, selected and evaluated the interventions studies. Due to the heterogeneity of the interventions, a narrative synthesis was carried out., Results: three eligible studies were identified. The first study modelled the incidence of the disease in a refugee camp in Greece, based on an intervention of sectorialization of people that accessed to services, the use of masks, the early identification and isolation of cases and their family members, and the limitation of movements within the camp. The second evaluated the impact of preventive pharmacological interventions such as the use of hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, povidone-iodine, zinc, and vitamin C, in different dosages and combinations, to a group of immigrant workers in a city dormitory in Singapore. The third study evaluated an intervention to increase vaccination coverage within a Latino immigrant community in the United States, moving the location of vaccine supply throughout the most frequented contexts by the immigrant community to access the city services. The results of the first and second studies suggest impacts for some of the proposed interventions even if they have been partially overcome due to the use of mass vaccination. The third showed a reduction in vaccine hesitancy and an increase in vaccination uptake and a snowball effect., Conclusions: the systematic review identified few heterogeneous studies, preventing any generalization of the results. Probably, the low scientific production does not reflect the successful experiences implemented. In the case of a possible resumption of the epidemic or new emergencies, it will be necessary to rely on indirect evidence and the scientific community should consider more the responsibility to evaluate and make available the experiences gained in the field. A constant monitoring activity of the evidence that will be necessary to updating the results for suggest consolidated prevention measures to for controlling the incidence of COVID-19 in immigrants during a possible resumption of the epidemic and for application in other similarly emergency contexts.
- Published
- 2024
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28. [Temporal analysis of the prevalence of congenital hypospadias in the municipality of Gela].
- Author
Tavormina EE, Bianchi F, Drago G, Ruggieri S, Usticano A, Cernigliaro A, Scondotto S, Pollina Addario S, Cosentini I, and Cibella F
- Subjects
- Humans, Prevalence, Male, Sicily epidemiology, Infant, Infant, Newborn, Italy epidemiology, Oil and Gas Industry, Environmental Exposure adverse effects, Risk Factors, Odds Ratio, Hypospadias epidemiology
- Abstract
Objectives: to evaluate the risk profile of hypospadias in Gela, an Italian National Priority Contaminated Site (NPCS) located in Sicily Region (Southern Italy), characterized by a significant excess of hypospadias in newborn residents compared to data from reference on regional, national, and international basis and, until 2014, by the presence of a petrochemical plant., Design: geographical analyses were conducted by comparing the prevalence of the Gela municipality to prevalence found in Sicily, in a territorial area bordering Gela (ALG), and in the NPCSs of Milazzo and Priolo. The geographical comparisons were conducted for the period 2010-2020, the trend within the Gela NPCS was evaluated by comparing two subperiods (2010-2014 and 2015-2020)., Setting and Participants: children up to 1 year of age with hypospadias resident in the municipality of Gela in the period 2010-2020., Main Outcomes Measures: crude odds ratios (OR) and respective 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) were used to compare the prevalence observed in Gela and that detected in the comparison areas., Results: excess risk for hypospadias was highlighted in 2010-2020 in Gela vs Sicily (OR 4.45; 95%CI 3.45-5.75), vs ALG (OR 4.29; 95%CI 3.02-6.10), and vs the NPCSs of Milazzo (OR 2.32; 95%CI 1.32-4.07) and Priolo (OR 2.37; 95%CI 1.55-3.62). The between-period comparisons in Gela did not show an important difference between 2010-2014 and 2015-2020 (OR 1.37; 95%CI 0.83-2.24), with a prevalence of 98.9 and 72.4 per 10,000, respectively., Conclusions: the prevalence of hypospadias in 2015-2020 remains very high, although decreasing when compared to 2010-2014 period. The Gela data, despite the refinery being closed after 2014, suggest a complex situation in which multiple risk factors may play a role.
- Published
- 2024
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29. [BIGEPI project: environmental and health data].
- Author
Maio S, Gariazzo C, Stafoggia M, Ancona C, Bisceglia L, Caranci N, Cernigliaro A, Cesaroni G, Costa G, Marcon A, Massari S, Nobile F, Ranzi A, Renzi M, Scondotto S, Zengarini N, Verlato G, and Viegi G
- Subjects
- Adult, Humans, Female, Middle Aged, Nitrogen Dioxide, Italy epidemiology, Environmental Exposure adverse effects, Environmental Exposure analysis, Particulate Matter adverse effects, Particulate Matter analysis, Air Pollutants adverse effects, Air Pollutants analysis, Air Pollution, Environmental Pollutants, Respiratory Tract Diseases
- Abstract
Objectives: the BIGEPI project, co-funded by INAIL, has used big data to identify the health risks associated with short and long-term exposure to air pollution, extreme temperatures and occupational exposures., Design: the project consists of 5 specific work packages (WP) aimed at assessing: 1. the acute effects of environmental exposures over the national territory; 2. the acute effects of environmental exposures in contaminated areas, such as Sites of National Interest (SIN) and industrial sites; 3. the chronic effects of environmental exposures in 6 Italian longitudinal metropolitan studies; 4. the acute and chronic effects of environmental exposures in 7 epidemiological surveys on population samples; 5. the chronic effects of occupational exposures in the longitudinal metropolitan studies of Rome and Turin., Setting and Participants: BIGEPI analyzed environmental and health data at different levels of detail: the whole Italian population (WP1); populations living in areas contaminated by pollutants of industrial origin (WP2); the entire longitudinal cohorts of the metropolitan areas of Bologna, Brindisi, Rome, Syracuse, Taranto and Turin (WP3 and WP5); population samples participating in the epidemiological surveys of Ancona, Palermo, Pavia, Pisa, Sassari, Turin and Verona (WP4)., Main Outcome Measures: environmental exposure: PM10, PM2,5, NO2 and O3 concentrations and air temperature at 1 Km2 resolution at national level. Occupational exposures: employment history of subjects working in at least one of 25 sectors with similar occupational exposures to chemicals/carcinogens; self-reported exposure to dust/fumes/gas in the workplace. Health data: cause-specific mortality/hospitalisation; symptoms/diagnosis of respiratory/allergic diseases; respiratory function and bronchial inflammation., Results: BIGEPI analyzed data at the level of the entire Italian population, data on 2.8 million adults (>=30 yrs) in longitudinal metropolitan studies and on about 14,500 individuals (>=18 yrs) in epidemiological surveys on population samples. The population investigated in the longitudinal metropolitan studies had an average age of approximately 55 years and that of the epidemiological surveys was about 48 years; in both cases, 53% of the population was female. As regards environmental exposure, in the period 2013-2015, at national level average values for PM10, PM2.5, NO2 and summer O3 were: 21.1±13.6, 15.1±10.9, 14.7±9.1 and 80.3±17.3 µg/m3, for the temperature the average value was 13.9±7.2 °C. Data were analyzed for a total of 1,769,660 deaths from non-accidental causes as well as 74,392 incident cases of acute coronary event and 45,513 of stroke. Epidemiological investigations showed a high prevalence of symptoms/diagnoses of rhinitis (range: 14.2-40.5%), COPD (range: 4.7-19.3%) and asthma (range: 3.2-13.2%). The availability of these large datasets has made it possible to implement advanced statistical models for estimating the health effects of short- and long-term exposures to pollutants. The details are reported in the BIGEPI papers already published in other international journals and in those published in this volume of E&P., Conclusions: BIGEPI has confirmed the great potential of using big data in studies of the health effects of environmental and occupational factors, stimulating new directions of scientific research and confirming the need for preventive action on air quality and climate change for the health of the general population and the workers.
- Published
- 2023
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30. [SENTIERI - Epidemiological Study of Residents in National Priority Contaminated Sites. Sixth Report].
- Author
Zona A, Fazzo L, Benedetti M, Bruno C, Vecchi S, Pasetto R, Minichilli F, De Santis M, Nannavecchia AM, Di Fonzo D, Contiero P, Ricci P, Bisceglia L, Manno V, Minelli G, Santoro M, Gorini F, Ancona C, Scondotto S, Soggiu ME, Scaini F, Beccaloni E, Marsili D, Villa MF, Maifredi G, Magoni M, and Iavarone I
- Subjects
- Pregnancy, Adolescent, Young Adult, Humans, Female, Male, Child, Adult, Middle Aged, Aged, Infant, Newborn, Infant, Child, Preschool, Cross-Sectional Studies, Italy epidemiology, Stomach Neoplasms complications, Mesothelioma etiology, Asbestos, Breast Neoplasms, Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin, Lung Neoplasms epidemiology, Urinary Bladder Neoplasms complications, Liver Neoplasms, Colorectal Neoplasms
- Abstract
Introduction Adn Objectives: The Sixth Report presents the results of the "SENTIERI Project: implementation of the permanent epidemiological surveillance system of populations residing in Italian Sites of Remediation Interest", promoted and financed by the Italian Ministry of Health (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention - CCM Project 2018). The aim of this study is to update the mortality and hospitalization analyses concerning the 6,227,531 inhabitants (10.4% of the Italian population) residing in 46 contaminated sites (39 of national interest and 7 of regional interest). The sites include 316 municipalities distributed as follows: 15 in the North-East (20.3% of the investigated population); 104 in the North-West (12% of the investigated population), 32 in the Centre (12.6% of the investigated population), 165 in the South and Islands (55.5% of the investigated population). Analyses were carried out on the paediatric-adolescent (1,128,396 residents) and youth (665,284 residents) population, and a study on congenital anomalies (CA) was carried out at sites covered by congenital malformation registers. Accompanying the epidemiological assessments, site-specific socioeconomic conditions were examined and an overall estimate of excess risk for populations residing at contaminated sites was drawn up. By means of a systematic review of the scientific literature, the epidemiological evidence on causal links between sources of environmental exposure and health effects was updated to identify pathologies of a priori interest., Methodology: In the 46 sites included in the SENTIERI Project, mortality (time window: 2013-2017) and hospital admissions (time window: 2014-2018) of the general population of all ages, divided by gender, and of the paediatric-adolescent (0-1 year, 0-14 years, 0-19 years), youth (20-29 years), and overall (0-29 years) age groups, divided by gender, were analysed. In 21 sites, CA diagnosed within the first year of life were studied. Standardised mortality ratios (SMR) and hospitalization ratios (SHR) were calculated with reference to the rates in the regions to which the sites belong. The reference population was calculated net of residents in the sites. CA were studied by calculating the prevalence per 10,000 births and the ratio, multiplied by 100, between the cases observed at the site and those expected on the basis of the prevalences observed in the reference area (region or sub-regional area of belonging, according to the geographical coverage of the registry). The socioeconomic condition studied in the 46 sites is based on the convergence of three deprivation indicators with respect to the reference region: deprivation index at municipal level, deprivation index at census section level, premature mortality indicator (age range 30-69 years) for chronic non-communicable diseases. For the estimation of excess risk for the entire study population, meta-analysis of the mortality and hospitalization risk estimates for each site was carried out and the number of excess deaths estimated for the sites as a whole. The epidemiological evidence was updated through a systematic literature review (January 2009-May 2020), following the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines. The search was carried out on the search engines MEDLINE, EMBASE and Web of Science; the quality of the studies included in the review was assessed using the AMSTAR 2 checklist for systematic reviews and the NewCastle-Ottawa Scale for observational studies in the case of cohort and case-control studies and a modified version thereof for ecological and cross-sectional studies. The update was based on the selection of 14 systematic reviews, 15 primary studies, 6 monographs/reports from international scientific organisations on health effects due to the presence of environmental exposure sources., Results: Mortality. The a priori causes of interest that occur most frequently in excess are, in descending order: malignant lung cancer, malignant mesothelioma of the pleura, malignant bladder cancer, respiratory diseases, non-Hodgkin lymphomas, malignant liver cancer, all malignant tumours, malignant colorectal cancer, malignant stomach cancer, total mesotheliomas, malignant breast cancer, and asbestosis. Hospitalization. The a priori causes of interest that occur most frequently in excess are represented in descending order by: respiratory diseases, malignant lung cancer, malignant tumours of the pleura, malignant bladder cancer, malignant breast cancer, malignant liver cancer, asthma, malignant colorectal cancer, all malignant tumours, malignant stomach cancer, non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, acute respiratory diseases, leukaemias. The differences observed between mortality and hospitalization can be attributed to the intrinsic characteristics of the diseases (higher or lower lethality, gender differences in incidence), lifestyles, and occupational phenomena. Age classes. Excesses of general mortality were observed in the first year of life at the Manfredonia, Basso Bacino Fiume Chienti, Litorale Domizio Flegreo and Agro Aversano sites; in the 0-1 year and 0-19 year age groups at Casale Monferrato; in the paediatric age group at Serravalle Scrivia and at the Trento Nord site; in the 0-19 year age group at Sassuolo Scandiano; in the young age group (0-29 years) at the two municipalities of Cerchiara and Cassano (Crotone-Cassano-Cerchiara site). With regard to hospitalization due to natural causes, risk excesses in both genders are found in the first year of life in 35% of the sites (Porto Torres industrial areas, Bari-Fibronit, Basso bacino fiume Chienti, Bolzano, Crotone-Cassano-Cerchiara, Cerro al Lambro, Bologna ETR large repair workshop, Gela, Manfredonia, Massa Carrara, Pioltello Rodano, Pitelli, Priolo, Sesto San Giovanni, Trento Nord, and Trieste). These same sites, with the addition of Casale Monferrato, Cengio e Saliceto, Serravalle Scrivia, and Sulcis-Iglesiente-Guspinese (total: 43% of sites), show excesses for all natural causes, in both genders, even in the paediatric-adolescent age group (0-19 years). Among young adults (20-29 years), the analyses show excesses of hospitalization for all natural causes in both genders in the Bolzano, Crotone-Cassano-Cerchiara, Gela, Manfredonia, Pitelli, Priolo, and Sulcis-Iglesiente-Guspinese sites. Among young women only, excesses for all natural causes are also found in Brescia Caffaro, Brindisi, Broni, Casale Monferrato, Crotone-Cassano-Cerchiara, Falconara Marittima, Fidenza, and Massa Carrara. Congenital anomalies. In the 21 sites investigated for CA, 10,126 cases of CA, validated by participating registers, were analysed out of 304,620 resident births. Genital CA is the subgroup for which the greatest number of excesses was observed (in 6 out of 21 sites). The available evidence does not allow a causal link to be established between the excesses observed for specific subgroups of ACs and exposure to industrial sources, but the results suggest further action. The interpretation of the results appears, in fact, particularly complex as the scientific literature on the association between exposure to industrial sources and AC is very limited. Socioeconomic status. The sites in which the indicators converge to show the presence of fragility are: Litorale Vesuviano area, Val Basento industrial areas, Basso Bacino fiume Chienti, Biancavilla, Crotone-Cassano-Cerchiara, Litorale Domizio Flegreo and Agro Aversano, Livorno, Massa Carrara, Trieste. Global impact. Over the period 2013-2017, an estimated 8,342 excess deaths (CI90% 1,875-14,809) or approximately 1,668 excess cases/year, 4,353 excess deaths among males (CI90% 334-8,372) and 3,989 among females (CI90% -1,122;9,101). The pooled excess risk of general mortality is 2% in both genders (pooled SMR 1.02; CI90% 1.00-1.04). The proportion of excess deaths to total observed deaths is almost constant over time, rising from 2.5% in 1995-2002 to 2.6% in 2013-2017. The number of deaths in absolute value is also very similar between the periods analysed. Deaths from all malignant tumours contribute the most by accounting for 56% of the observed excesses, the excess risk of mortality from malignant tumours across all sites, compared to the reference populations, is 4% in the male population (pooled SMR 1.04; CI90% 1.01-1.06) and 3% among the female population (pooled SMR 1.03; CI90% 1.01-1.05). Hospitalization (2014-2018) in the 46 sites as a whole was in excess of 3% for all causes, in both genders, for all major disease groups (males: SHR pooled 1.03; CI90% 1.01-1.04 - females: SHR pooled 1.03; CI90% 1.01-1.05). The results for the pooled estimates at the 46 sites on the general population, both with regard to mortality and hospitalization, are consistent in indicating excess risk in both genders for all the diseases considered and, in particular, for all malignancies. A total of 1,409 paediatric-adolescent deaths and 999 young adult deaths were observed, and the pooled analysis of mortality across the 46 sites showed no critical issues, with pooled estimates for all causes, perinatal morbid conditions and all malignancies falling short of expectations. The analysis of hospitalizations, on the other hand, showed an excess risk of 8% (males: SHR pooled 1.08; CI90% 1.03-1.13 - females: SHR pooled 1.08; CI90% 1.03-1.14) for all causes in the first year of life, and in paediatric-adolescent and juvenile age of 3-4% among males (age 0-19 years: SHR pooled 1.04; CI90% 1.02-1.06 - age 20-29 years: SHR pooled 1.03; CI90% 1.00-1.05) and 5% among females (in both age groups; SHR pooled 1.05; CI90% 1.02-1.08). The pooled analysis of mortality for the a priori identified diseases reported excesses for specific diseases in the group of sites with sources of exposure associated with them. Mortality from total mesotheliomas is three times higher at sites with asbestos present (males: pooled SMR 3.02; CI90% 2.18-3.87 - females: pooled SMR 3.61; CI90% 2.33-4.88) and that from pleural mesotheliomas more than two times higher at the group of sites with asbestos and port areas (males: pooled SMR 2.47; CI90% 1.94-3.00 - females: pooled SMR 2.43; CI90% 1.67-3.19). Lung cancer was in excess by 6% among males (pooled SMR 1.06; CI90% 1.03-1.10) and 7% among females (pooled SMR 1.07; CI90% 1.00-1.13). In addition, there are excess mortalities for colorectal cancer at sites with chemical plants, by 4 % among males (SMR pooled 1.04; CI90% 1.01-1.08) and 3 % among females (SMR pooled 1.03; CI90% 1.00-1.07) and for bladder cancer among the male population of sites with landfills (+6 %: SMR pooled 1.06; CI90% 1.02-1.11). Among the diseases of a priori interest, stomach and soft tissue cancers are at fault as a cause of death among all the sites considered., Literature Review: The update of the epidemiological evidence underlying the Sixth SENTIERI Report has highlighted in the general population a possible association, previously undiscovered, between certain diseases and residence near petrochemical and steel plants, landfills, coal mines and asbestos sources., Conclusions and Perspectives: Despite the fact that this is an ecological study, and the excesses of pathologies with multifactorial aetiology can never be mechanically attributed solely to the environmental pressure factors that exist or existed in the areas studied, the ability to identify the excesses found in the contaminated sites investigated by the SENTIERI Project confirms the validity of this method of assessing the site-specific health profile, based on the use of epidemiological evidence to identify pathologies of interest a priori. In interpreting the data and lending robustness to what has been observed, comparison with the results obtained in previous Reports is essential. The global estimates give an overall picture that shows excess mortality and hospitalization in these populations compared to the rest of the population, and show how, for specific pathologies, comparable effects are produced at sites with similar contamination characteristics. The themes developed in the in-depth chapters broaden the vision and understanding of the complex interactions between environment and health, describe the possibilities offered by new ways of communicating the results, and confirm the modernity of a Project that began way back in 2006, and that could be grafted onto the objectives of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan within the framework of the Operational Programme Health, Environment, Biodiversity and Climate.
- Published
- 2023
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31. [Application of an algorithm for the validation of congenital anomaly cases using hospital discharge records].
- Author
Drago G, Tavormina E, Ruggieri S, Cibella F, Allotta A, Pollina Addario S, Dardanoni G, and Scondotto S
- Subjects
- Algorithms, Hospitals, Humans, Sicily epidemiology, Hospital Records, Patient Discharge
- Abstract
Objectives: to evaluate and validate the adoption of an algorithm for the identification of cases of congenital anomalies (CAs) to improve the performance of the Congenital Malformations Registry of Sicily Region (Southern Italy)., Design: an algorithm was used to identify congenital anomalies on a sample of hospital discharge records (SDO) with ICD-9-CM code between 740-759 on any of the diagnoses within the first year of life, together with a sample of healthy births equal to 5% of total births for the same period. The identified cases were evaluated through the clinical record analysis., Setting and Participants: the analysed sample was composed of 4,271 cases identified between June 2013 and December 2014 along with 3,993 SDO without any code of MC (5% of the total volume of births in the same period)., Main Outcome Measures: positive predictive value (VPP) and negative predictive value (VPN) were computed by means of the comparison between the algorithm outcomes and the clinical record verification., Results: 4,271 potentially malformed records involving 3,381 subjects born in the Sicilian territory have been identified. Among the hospital discharge records that it was possible to verify, the application of the algorithm led to the exclusion of 924 cases: of these, 62 proved to be false negatives (VPN: 93.3). The valid cases were 1,179, while the cases to be evaluated 617: the comparison between algorithm and clinical record analysis led to a VPP of 91.7 and 72.1, respectively, for valid and to be evaluated., Conclusions: the tested algorithm proved to be a useful tool for identifying SDO potentially related to congenital anomalies. In the overall sample, the algorithm provided an outcome consistent with the clinical record assessment in 87.4% (2,379) of cases.
- Published
- 2022
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32. [Rt or RDt, that is the question!]
- Author
Giraudo MT, Falcone M, Cadum E, Deandrea S, Scondotto S, Mattaliano A, Di Pietrantonj C, Bisceglia L, Duca P, and Cislaghi C
- Subjects
- Decision Making, Health Policy, Humans, Incidence, Italy epidemiology, Nasopharynx virology, Risk, SARS-CoV-2 isolation & purification, Symptom Assessment, Time Factors, Basic Reproduction Number, COVID-19 epidemiology, Epidemiological Monitoring, Pandemics, SARS-CoV-2 pathogenicity
- Abstract
The article compares two of the most followed indices in the monitoring of COVID-19 epidemic cases: the Rt and the RDt indices. The first was disseminated by the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS) and the second, which is more usable due to the lower difficulty of calculation and the availability of data, was adopted by various regional and local institutions.The rationale for the Rt index refers to that for the R0 index, the basic reproduction number, which is used by infectivologists as a measure of contagiousness of a given infectious agent in a completely susceptible population. The RDt index, on the other hand, is borrowed from the techniques of time series analysis for the trend of an event measurement that develops as a function of time. The RDt index does not take into account the time of infection, but the date of the diagnosis of positivity and for this reason it is defined as diagnostic replication index, as it aims to describe the intensity of the development of frequency for cases recognized as positive in the population.The comparison between different possible applications of the methods and the use of different types of monitoring data was limited to four areas for which complete individual data were available in March and April 2020. The main problems in the use of Rt, which is based on the date of symptoms onset, arise from the lack of completeness of this information due both to the difficulty in the recording and to the absence in asymptomatic subjects.The general trend of RDt, at least at an intermediate lag of 6 or 7 days, is very similar to that of Rt, as confirmed by the very high value of the correlation index between the two indices. The maximum correlation between Rt and RDt is reached at lag 7 with a value of R exceeding 0.97 (R2=0.944).The two indices, albeit formally distinct, are both valid; they show specific aspects of the phenomenon, but provide basically similar information to the public health decision-maker. Their distinction lies not so much in the method of calculation, rather in the use of different information, i.e., the beginning of symptoms and the swabs outcome.Therefore, it is not appropriate to make a judgment of preference for one of the two indices, but only to invite people to understand their different potentials so that they can choose the one they consider the most appropriate for the purpose they want to use it for.
- Published
- 2020
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33. [Evaluating health care of the immigrant population in Italy through indicators of a national monitoring system].
- Author
Di Napoli A, Rossi A, Battisti L, Cacciani L, Caranci N, Cernigliaro A, De Giorgi M, Fanolla A, Fateh-Moghadam P, Franchini D, Lazzeretti M, Melani C, Mininni M, Mondo L, Recine M, Rosaia EM, Rusciani R, Scondotto S, Silvestri C, Trappolini E, and Petrelli A
- Subjects
- Child, Cross-Sectional Studies, Delivery of Health Care, Female, Humans, Infant, Newborn, Italy epidemiology, Male, Pregnancy, Rome, Sicily, Emigrants and Immigrants, Resuscitation
- Abstract
Objectives: to evaluate maternal and child healthcare, avoidable hospitalisation, access to emergency services among immigrants in Italy., Design: cross sectional study of some health and health care indicators among Italian and foreign population residing in Italy in 2016-2017., Setting and Participants: indicators based on the national monitoring system coordinated by the Italian National Institute for Health, Migration and Poverty (INMP) of Rome, calculated on perinatal care (CedAP), hospital discharge (SDO), emergency services (EMUR) archives for the years 2016-2017, by of the following regions: Piedmont, Trento, Bolzano, Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, Basilicata, Sicily., Main Outcome Measures: number and timeliness of pregnancy visits, number of ultrasounds, invasive prenatal investigations; perinatal mortality rates, birth weight, Apgar score at 5 minutes, need for neonatal resuscitation; standardized rates of avoidable hospitalisation and access to emergency services by triage code., Results: more often than Italians, immigrant women have during pregnancy: less than 5 gynaecological examination (16.3% vs 8.5%), first examination after the 12th week of gestational age (12.5% vs 3.8%), less than 2 ultrasounds (3.8% vs 1.0%). Higher perinatal mortality rates among immigrants compared to Italians (3.6 vs 2.3 x1,000). Higher standardized rates (x1,000) among immigrants compared to Italians of avoidable hospitalisation (men: 2.1 vs 1.4; women: 0.9 vs 0.7) and of white triage codes in emergency (men: 62.0 vs 32.7; women: 52.9 vs 31.4)., Conclusions: study findings show differences in access and outcomes of healthcare between Italians and immigrants. National monitoring system of indicators, coordinated by INMP, represents a useful tool for healthcare intervention policies aimed to health equity.
- Published
- 2020
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34. [A regional equity profile to assess the impact of social inequalities on determinants and health outcomes in the population residing in Sicily Region (Southern Italy)].
- Author
Cernigliaro A, Usticano A, Miceli P, Marras A, Tavormina EE, Ferro MP, and Scondotto S
- Subjects
- Educational Status, Female, Humans, Sicily epidemiology, Social Determinants of Health, Socioeconomic Factors, Outcome Assessment, Health Care, Social Class
- Abstract
Objectives: to build an equity profile for assessing the impact of socioeconomic inequalities on the determinants and health outcome in Sicily (Southern Italy)., Design: descriptive study aimed to define an equity profile in Sicily by using a rich list of indicators of structure of the resident population and of distribution of determinants and health outcome, derived from the integration of available information and scientific evidence at regional level with high local detail., Setting and Participants: the equity profile collects available information on the health status of the population in Sicily, on the determinants, and on the use of health and social services. The characteristics of people or population groups have been explored and can produce inequalities on health which included individual and context socioeconomic status., Main Outcome Measures: using available information sources and study results have explored the effects of the disadvantage on health in the region: mortality, morbidity, oncological incidence, reproductive health, and some of their determinants., Results: the Sicilian population tends to aging. Migration flows tend to compensate the reduction in births in Sicily and it increases the proportion of younger people and women in childbearing age. The proportion of large families tends to get smaller, whereas the proportion of single-component ones increases; the population groups with low education, unemployment, poverty, and income increases. Starting from the first thousand days of life, to continue in the other classes of the population, the different distribution of risk factors on health was identified according to different levels of deprivation., Conclusions: the Sicilian equity profile has systematized and consolidated previous experiences on the effects of disadvantage on health. Prevention interventions, oriented towards equity, should be based on the results of this study and should take care of the general aspects of actions and, at the same time, focus on vulnerable population groups.
- Published
- 2020
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35. [Can diabetes and its related hypoglycemic drug treatment be considered risk factors for health outcomes in COVID-19 patients? The results of a study in the population residing in Sicily Region (Southern Italy)].
- Author
Cernigliaro A, Allotta AV, and Scondotto S
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, COVID-19 therapy, Child, Child, Preschool, Comorbidity, Diabetes Mellitus drug therapy, Female, Humans, Hypoglycemic Agents therapeutic use, Incidence, Infant, Infant, Newborn, Intensive Care Units statistics & numerical data, Male, Middle Aged, Retrospective Studies, Risk Factors, Sicily epidemiology, Survival Analysis, Treatment Outcome, Young Adult, COVID-19 Drug Treatment, COVID-19 epidemiology, Diabetes Mellitus epidemiology, Hypoglycemic Agents adverse effects, Pandemics, SARS-CoV-2
- Abstract
Objectives: to evaluate the effects of a pre-existing condition of diabetes and of the use of antidiabetic drugs in the Sicilian population on different outcomes of the COVID-19 disease., Design: a retrospective observational study based was used. Data deriving from the COVID-19 epidemic surveillance and from the collection of information on drugs consume by Sicilian residents., Setting and Participants: due to the data availability, the study was calibrated on the Region and included all population distinguishing by gender and age groups., Main Outcome Measures: the risks of cumulative incidence for COVID-19 were investigated in people who had diabetes comorbidities to incur a hospitalization for COVID-19, to be treated within an intensive care unit, and lethality. The role of previous antidiabetic drug treatments with respect to each study outcome was also investigated., Results: in Sicily, from 01.03.2020 to 26.06.2020, a number of 172 cases of COVID-19 disease with diabetes comorbidity were diagnosed. The data did not show any difference in the cumulative incidence for COVID-19 between diabetics (64.2/100,000 inhabitants) and non-diabetics (56.9/100,000 inhabitants) patients. Diabetes increases the risk of hospitalization in the under 80 in both men and women (men: OR 2.62; women OR 4.31), for treatment in intensive care (men: OR 4,41; women: OR 7.74), and for death (men: OR 5.21; women OR 5.92). The analysis of drug using showed risks effect of insulin (OR 2.13) on hospitalization, sulfonylureas/glinides (OR 2.58) on intensive care and protective of metformin on death both in single component (OR 0.44) and in multicomponent (OR 0.43)., Conclusions: data availability made it possible to monitor the occurrence and explore some of the characteristics of the cases with COVID-19 in Sicily. Diabetes does not seem to represent a risk factor for SARS-CoV-2 infection in Sicily, while previous diabetes condition seems to determine greater risk of hospitalization, treatment in intensive care, and lethality among over 80. There are also gender differences with almost double risks in women for hospitalization and intensive care only. Among the antidiabetic drugs investigated, there was a risk for hospitalization and intensive care while protective for deaths. This study represents an important tool for the activation of intervention programmes in the area aimed at populations with greater health risk deriving from the effects of this new pandemic.
- Published
- 2020
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36. [Covid-19: how to get prepared for Autumn].
- Author
Vineis P, Bisceglia L, Forastiere F, Salmaso S, and Scondotto S
- Subjects
- COVID-19, Communicable Disease Control methods, Contact Tracing, Coronavirus Infections epidemiology, Coronavirus Infections transmission, Disease Notification, Humans, Hygiene, Italy epidemiology, Meteorological Concepts, Patient Isolation, Pneumonia, Viral epidemiology, Pneumonia, Viral transmission, Population Surveillance, Protective Devices, Quarantine, SARS-CoV-2, Seasons, Social Behavior, Betacoronavirus genetics, Betacoronavirus physiology, Communicable Disease Control organization & administration, Coronavirus Infections prevention & control, Pandemics prevention & control, Pneumonia, Viral prevention & control
- Published
- 2020
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37. [The epidemiological surveillance in the programme of public health intervention in the national priority contaminated sites of Sicily Region (Southern Italy): update of mortality, hospitalization, and cancer incidence].
- Author
Cernigliaro A, Santangelo OE, Maniglia M, Pollina Addario S, Usticano A, Marras A, Ciranni P, Dardanoni G, Saporito L, Tavormina E, Fantaci G, and Scondotto S
- Subjects
- Cause of Death, Female, Hospitalization statistics & numerical data, Humans, Incidence, Male, Mortality, Sicily epidemiology, Chronic Disease epidemiology, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Pollution, Health Priorities, Neoplasms epidemiology
- Abstract
Objectives: to update the health profile of populations residing in the national priority contaminated sites (NPCSs) in Sicily Region (Southern Italy) through a description of mortality and hospitalization for causes and through cancer incidence. This new profile is part of the implementation of the epidemiological surveillance system within the new Programme of care intervention for health protection in these populations and in the new Regional Prevention Plan., Design: geographic population survey providing, for each NPCS considered in this study, a comparison between the local population and the populations of the neighbouring areas., Setting and Participants: the study population included the residents in the municipalities residing in the NPCSs of Augusta-Priolo, Gela, Milazzo, and Biancavilla., Main Outcome Measures: the standardized mortality ratio (SMR), morbidity (SHR), and tumour incidence (SIR), with the respective 95% confidence intervals, were estimated using the Mortality Registry as source for the mortality index, the database of the hospital discharged as source for the morbidity index, and the data from the Regional Network of Tumour Registers as source for the incidence index., Results: in the local comparison, excess of hospitalization in both sexes was reported in Augusta-Priolo for liver cirrhosis, mental disorders, and digestive tract disease, and an excess of incidence and mortality for leukaemia in women and prostate cancer in men. In the NPCS of Gela, there was an excess of hospitalization in both sexes for blood and hematopoietic diseases, circulatory and nervous system diseases, coupled with the same excess of mortality. Excess of incidence and mortality of stomach tumours in men and incidence of lung cancer in women were observed. The area of Milazzo was characterized by an excess of incidence and mortality for melanoma in men. In the municipality of Biancavilla, there is evidence of excess of hospitalization for respiratory diseases and endocrine glands diseases in both sexes, while a mortality excess for circulatory system diseases was highlighted. The excess of incidence of mesothelioma in both men and women was confirmed., Conclusion: data from the new surveillance system help to define the health profile in the NPCSs of Sicily. Even using the local level of comparison, that was added to the traditional approach in geographic studies for the NPCSs available to date, the particular impact of some chronic diseases in these populations has been confirmed also in recent years.
- Published
- 2019
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38. [SENTIERI: Epidemiological Study of Residents in National Priority Contaminated Sites. Fifth Report].
- Author
Zona A, Iavarone I, Buzzoni C, Conti S, Santoro M, Fazzo L, Pasetto R, Pirastu R, Bruno C, Ancona C, Bianchi F, Forastiere F, Manno V, Minelli G, Minerba A, Minichilli F, Stoppa G, Pierini A, Ricci P, Scondotto S, Bisceglia L, Cernigliaro A, Ranzi A, and Comba P
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Cause of Death, Child, Child, Preschool, Congenital Abnormalities epidemiology, Congenital Abnormalities etiology, Endocrine Disruptors toxicity, Environmental Exposure adverse effects, Environmental Restoration and Remediation, Female, Humans, Incidence, Industrial Waste adverse effects, Infant, Infant, Newborn, Italy epidemiology, Male, Middle Aged, Neoplasms epidemiology, Neoplasms etiology, Pregnancy, Young Adult, Environmental Pollution adverse effects
- Abstract
Introduction and Objectives: This volume provides an update of the health status of the populations living in the National Priority Contaminated Sites (NPCSs) included in the SENTIERI Project. This update is part of an epidemiological surveillance programme carried out in NPCSs, promoted by the Italian Ministry of Health as a further step of a project started in 2006, when the health status of residents in contaminated sites was first addressed within the National Strategic Program "Environment and Health". The Report focuses on five health outcomes: mortality, cancer incidence, hospital discharges, congenital anomalies, and children, adolescents and young adults' health. A key element of SENTIERI project is the a priori evaluation of the epidemiological evidence of a causal association between the considered cause of disease and the exposure. When an a priori evidence is identified, it is given a greater importance in the comment of the study findings., Methods: The present update of the SENTIERI Project concerns 45 NPCSs including in all 319 Italian Municipalities (out of over 8,000 Municipalities), with an overall population of 5,900,000 inhabitants at the 2011 Italian Census. Standardized Mortality Ratios (SMRs) and Standardized Hospitalization Ratios (SHRs), referring to a time window of 2006-2013, were computed for all the 45 NPCSs, using as a reference the corresponding mortality and hospitalization rates of the Regions where each NCPS is located. Standardized Incidence Ratios (SIRs) were computed by the Italian Association of Cancer Registries (AIRTUM) for the 22 NPCSs served by a Cancer Registry. AIRTUM covers about 56% of Italy, with partly different time-windows. SIRs have been estimated using as reference population the 4 macroareas in which Italy is divided (North-West, North-East, Centre, South). Prevalence of congenital anomalies was computed for 15 NPCSs., Results: An all-cause excess of 5,267 and 6,725 deaths was observed, respectively, in men and women; the cancer death excess was of 3,375 in men and 1,910 in women. It was estimated an excess of cancer incidence of 1,220 case in men and 1,425 in women over a five-year time window. With regard to the diseases with an a priori environmental aetiological validity, an excess for malignant mesothelioma, lung, colon, and gastric cancer, and for non-malignant respiratory diseases was observed. Cancer excess mainly affected NPCSs with presence of chemical and petrochemical plants, oil refineries, and dumping hazardous wastes. An excess of non-malignant respiratory disease was also detected in NPCSs in which steel industries and thermoelectric plants were present. An excess of mesothelioma was observed in NPCSs characterized by presence of asbestos and fluoro-edenite; it was also observed where the presence of asbestos was not reported in the legislative national decrees which define the NPCS areas. It is worth noting that, even if the presence of asbestos is not reported in many NPCSs legislative decrees, petrochemical plants and steel industries, for instance, are often characterized by the presence of a large amount of this mineral that, in the past, was extensively used as an insulating material. For the first time, the present Report includes a focus on the health status of children and adolescents (1,160,000 subjects, aged 0-19 years), and young adults (660,000 subjects, aged 20-29 years). Among infants (0-1 year), an excess of 7,000 hospitalizations was observed, 2,000 of which due to conditions of perinatal origin. In the age class 0-14, an excess of 22,000 hospitalizations for all causes was observed; 4,000 of them were due to acute respiratory diseases, and 2,000 to asthma. Data on cancer incidence for subjects aged 0-24 years were derived from general population cancer registries for twenty NPCSs, and from children cancer registries (age group: 0-19 years) for six NPCSs; 666 cases where diagnosed in the age group 0-24 years, corresponding to an excess of 9%. The main contributions to this excess are from soft tissue sarcomas in children (aged 0-14 years), acute myeloid leukaemia in children (aged 0-14 years) and in the age group 0-29 years, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and testicular cancer in young adults (aged 20-29 years). In seven out of 15 NPCSs, an excess prevalence rate of overall congenital anomalies at birth was observed. Congenital anomalies excesses included the following sites: genital organs, heart, limbs, nervous system, digestive system, and urinary system., Conclusions: The main findings of SENTIERI Project have been the detection of excesses for the diseases which showed an a priori epidemiological evidence of a causal association with the environmental exposures specific for each considered NPCS. These observations are valuable within public health, because they contribute to priority health promotion activities. Looking ahead, the health benefits of an improved environmental quality might be appreciated in terms of reduction of the occurrence of adverse health effects attributable to each Site major pollutant agents. Due to the methodological approach of the present study, it was not possible to adjust for several confounding factors reported to be risk factors for the studied diseases (e.g., smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity). Even if excesses of mortality, hospitalization, cancer incidence, and prevalence of congenital anomalies were found in several NPCSs, the study design and the multifactorial aetiology of the considered diseases do not permit, for all of them, to draw conclusions in terms of causal links with environmental contamination. Moreover, it must be taken into consideration that economic factors and the availability of health services may also play a relevant role in a diseases outcome. A few observations regarding some methodological limitations of SENTIERI Project should be made. There is not a uniform environmental characterisation of the studied NPCSs in term of quality and detection of the pollutants, because this information is present in different databases which at present are not adequately connected. Moreover, the recognition of a contaminated site as a National Priority Site is based on soil and groundwater pollution, and the available information on air quality is currently sparse and not homogenous. Another limitation, in term of statistical power, is the small population size of many NPCSs and the low frequency of several health outcomes. A special caution must be paid in data interpretation when considering the correspondence between the contaminated areas and the municipality boundaries, as they do not always coincide perfectly: in some cases, a small municipality with a large industrial site, while in other settings only a part of the municipality is exposed to the sources of pollution. Furthermore, all available health information systems are currently accessible at municipality level. The real breakthrough is essentially comprised of the development and fostering of a networking system involving all local health authorities and regional environmental protection agencies operating in the areas under study. The possibility to integrate the geographic approach of SENTIERI Project with a set of ad hoc analytic epidemiological investigations, such as residential cohort studies, case control studies, children health surveys, biomonitoring surveys, and with socioepidemiological studies, might greatly contribute to the identification of health priorities for environmental remediation activities. Finally, as discussed in the last section of the report, there is a need to adopt, in each NPCS, a two-way oriented communication plan involving public health authorities, scientific community, and resident population, taking into account that the history, the cultural frame and the network of relationships specific of each local context play a major role in the risk perception perspective.
- Published
- 2019
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39. [Survey on the Prevalence of Rare Kidney Diseases in Sicily].
- Author
Maringhini S, Cusumano R, Miceli P, Castellino S, Chimenz R, Dardanoni G, Ferrantelli A, Granata A, Santoro D, and Scondotto S
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Age Distribution, Aged, Child, Child, Preschool, Female, Humans, Kidney Diseases genetics, Male, Middle Aged, Prevalence, Rare Diseases genetics, Registries statistics & numerical data, Sex Distribution, Sicily epidemiology, Young Adult, Kidney Diseases epidemiology, Rare Diseases epidemiology
- Abstract
Renal Diseases represent almost 6% of all Rare Diseases but are often misdiagnosed. In a survey made in Sicily in 2016, based on cases reported from all public hospitals according to a list of rare kidney diseases, we were able to collect 337 cases (199 males and 138 females). The highest prevalence was detected in children: 13.9 cases in 100.000 children; the mean age was 10, and the median 5 years, at the time of the diagnosis. Comparing our data with those available in the Sicilian Register of Rare Diseases we found that only 141 cases (54%) were present in the register. Promoting regional registries of rare kidney diseases in Italy may be useful for epidemiologic studies., (Copyright by Società Italiana di Nefrologia SIN, Rome, Italy.)
- Published
- 2019
40. [Breastfeeding in Sicily Region (Southern Italy): analysis of prevalence, of contextual inequalities, and of other associated risk factors].
- Author
Cernigliaro A, Palmeri S, Immordino P, Miceli P, Pomo R, Bosco G, Cammarata MC, Canzoneri G, Casuccio N, Cuccia M, Di Pietro E, Giurdanella F, Strazzanti A, Zagami F, Casuccio A, and Scondotto S
- Subjects
- Adult, Female, Humans, Infant, Newborn, Mothers, Prevalence, Risk Factors, Sicily epidemiology, Socioeconomic Factors, Sudden Infant Death epidemiology, Surveys and Questionnaires, Young Adult, Breast Feeding statistics & numerical data, Social Class
- Abstract
Objectives: to describe the prevalence of breastfeeding in Sicily Region (Southern Italy) and to analyze the socioeconomic status and other major risk factors on the attitudes towards exclusive breastfeeding., Design: information on the practice of breastfeeding in Sicily have been collected from a Regional survey on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). An index of socioeconomic position was created by using data from the 2011 Census of the Italian National Institute of Statistics., Setting and Participants: in May 2015, a questionnaire was distributed to all mothers accessing to immunization services in Sicily for the first vaccination of their children. Two hundred seventy-three (273) vaccination centres have been involved, and 2,692 questionnaires were administered., Main Outcome Measures: five socio-economic levels were identified and, for each of them, the prevalence of breastfeeding and the risk factors for nonadherence to exclusive breastfeeding were described., Results: the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding was 30.6%, unevenly distributed in the region, being the lowest in the Province of Messina (21.4%). Nonadherence to exclusive breastfeeding was associated with the disadvantage of the low context culture (χ2: 14.9), and was more common in the areas with higher socioeconomic deprivation index (odds ratio - OR: 1.81). Among other determinants investigated, being premature was a risk factor for not being breastfed (OR: 1.59)., Conclusion: the study confirms a low prevalence of breastfeeding in Sicily and its association with the socioeconomic level, being lower among women living in higher disadvantage areas. Moreover, this study confirms the association with co-sleeping practices (rooming-in and bed-sharing) for preterm babies. However, mother-child bed-sharing is not a guarantee for a successful breastfeeding, indeed being associated with a higher risk of SIDS. Finally, the study suggests the need for appropriate interventions focusing on specific high-risk groups.
- Published
- 2018
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41. [A composite indicator for maternity hospital classification].
- Author
Fantaci G, Ferrante M, Ettore G, and Scondotto S
- Subjects
- Adult, Cesarean Section statistics & numerical data, Female, Hospitals, Maternity statistics & numerical data, Humans, Infant, Newborn, Intensive Care Units, Neonatal statistics & numerical data, Logistic Models, Patient Readmission statistics & numerical data, Patient Transfer statistics & numerical data, Pregnancy, Procedures and Techniques Utilization, Quality of Health Care, Sicily, Hospitals, Maternity classification, Quality Indicators, Health Care
- Abstract
Objectives: to propose a composite indicator for maternity hospital classification., Design: descriptive analysis of maternity hospitals through a composite indicator and analysis of its association with infant readmissions within 30 days from the childbirth., Setting and Participants: 56 maternity units in Sicily, accounting for 44.436 newborns in 2014., Main Outcome Measures: infant readmission rates within 30 days from the childbirth., Results: low-level hospitals show higher infant readmission rates (odds ratio: 1.3) which may be seen as a signal of inappropriateness of maternity care., Conclusions: the proposed indicator allows for a classification of maternity hospitals taking into account for different dimensions of the quality of care; it allows the identification of critical signals related to the considered dimensions.
- Published
- 2018
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42. [The XLI Conference of the Italian Epidemiological Association. Epidemiology nowadays: evidence, communication, and participation].
- Author
Pirastu R, Scondotto S, Baccini M, Barone Adesi F, Bonvicini L, Cesaroni G, Pagano E, Pasetto R, and Zengarini N
- Published
- 2017
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43. Health effects of Saharan dust in Sicily Region (Southern Italy).
- Author
Renzi M, Stafoggia M, Cernigliaro A, Calzolari R, Madonia G, Scondotto S, and Forastiere F
- Subjects
- Africa, Northern, Air Pollutants analysis, Cardiovascular Diseases mortality, Cities, Desert Climate, Female, Humans, Male, Respiratory Tract Diseases mortality, Sicily epidemiology, Time Factors, Air Pollution adverse effects, Cardiovascular Diseases epidemiology, Dust, Hospitalization statistics & numerical data, Particulate Matter analysis, Respiratory Tract Diseases epidemiology, Seasons
- Abstract
"OBJECTIVES: to investigate the increase of PM10 during Saharan dust outbreaks with adverse health effects in Sicily (Southern Italy), the largest Mediterranean Island., Design: pooled analyses of time series with Poisson regression models to estimate the association between PM10 from different sources (desert and non-desert) and different outcomes., Setting and Participants: the four largest cities of Sicily (Palermo, Catania, Syracuse, and Messina) and three macroareas (North- East, South, and West) Sicily was divided into., Main Outcome Measures: daily count of cause-specific (ICD-9 codes) mortality and hospital admissions: natural (0-799), cardiovascular (390-459), and respiratory causes (460-519)., Results: 962 days affected by Saharan dust (30% of all days: 2,257) were identified. Significant associations between desert PM10 and natural mortality both in the cities and in the macro-areas were found, with increases of risk and 95% confidence intervals equal to 1.1% (95%CI 0.1-2.1) and 1.1% (95%CI 0.8-1.5) per 10 μg/m3 increase in lag 0-1 PM10, respectively. Weaker estimates were found for cardiorespiratory mortality. Desert PM10 displayed an association with respiratory hospitalizations, especially in the three macroareas (0.5%; 95%CI 0.1-1.0). In contrast, cardiovascular hospitalizations were associated only with non-desert PM10 in the four cities (1.3%; 95%CI 0.4- 2.1%). Higher desert PM10-related mortality was found during the warmer months (period: April-September): 2.7% (95%CI 0.8-4.5) in the four cities and 2.5% (95%CI 1.8%-3.2%) in the three macroareas. CONCLUSIONS PM10 originating from desert was positively associated with mortality and hospitalizations in Sicily. Policies should aim to reduce anthropogenic emissions even in areas with large contribution from desert sources."
- Published
- 2017
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44. [Transcatheter aortic valve implantation versus aortic valve replacement: cost analysis from the regional health service and hospital perspectives].
- Author
Berti E, Fortuna D, Bartoli S, Ciuca C, Orlando A, Scondotto S, Agabiti N, Salizzoni S, Aranzulla TC, Gandolfo C, De Palma R, and Saia F
- Subjects
- Aged, 80 and over, Female, Heart Valve Prosthesis Implantation economics, Hospitals, Humans, Italy, Male, Aortic Valve surgery, Aortic Valve Stenosis surgery, Costs and Cost Analysis, Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement economics
- Abstract
Background: The aim of this study was to estimate the cost of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) and surgical aortic valve replacement (AVR) procedures, together with the cost of the first-year hospitalizations following the index ones, in 4 Italian regions where diffusion level of TAVI and coverage decisions are different., Methods: The cost analysis was performed evaluating 372 patients enrolled consecutively from December 1, 2012 to September 30, 2015. The index hospitalization cost was calculated both from the hospital perspective through a full-costing approach and from the regional healthcare service perspective by applying the regional reimbursement tariffs. The follow-up costs were calculated for one year after the index hospitalization, from the regional healthcare sservice perspective, through the identification of hospital admissions for cardiovascular pathologies after the index hospitalization and computation of the relative regional tariffs., Results: The mean hospitalization cost was € 32 120 for transfemoral TAVI (232 procedures), € 35 958 for transapical TAVI (31 procedures) and € 17 441 for AVR (109 procedures). From the regional healthcare service perspective, the mean transfemoral TAVI cost was € 29 989, with relevant regional variability (range from € 19 987 to € 36 979); the mean transapical TAVI cost was € 39 148; the mean AVR cost was € 32 020. The mean follow-up costs were € 2294 for transfemoral TAVI, € 2335 for transapical TAVI, and € 2601 for AVR., Conclusions: In our study, transapical TAVI resulted more expensive than transfemoral TAVI, while surgical AVR was cheaper than both (less than 40%). Costs of the transfemoral approach showed great variability between participating regions, probably due to different hospital costs, logistics, patients' selection and reimbursement policy. A central level of control would be appropriate to avoid unjustified differences in access to innovative procedures between different Italian regions.
- Published
- 2016
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45. [Reproductive health in high environmental risk areas in Sicily Region (Southern Italy) in the period 2007-2013].
- Author
Cernigliaro A, Tavormina E, Dardanoni G, and Scondotto S
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Child, Female, Humans, Infant, Newborn, Infant, Very Low Birth Weight, Male, Middle Aged, Population Surveillance, Pregnancy, Pregnancy, Multiple statistics & numerical data, Retrospective Studies, Risk Assessment, Risk Factors, Sicily epidemiology, Air Pollution adverse effects, Environmental Pollution adverse effects, Extraction and Processing Industry, Infant, Low Birth Weight, Infant, Premature, Reproductive Health statistics & numerical data, Stillbirth epidemiology
- Abstract
Background: Augusta-Priolo (SR), Gela (CL), and Milazzo (ME) cities, located in Sicily Region (Southern Italy), are included among the areas at high environmental risk in Italy and the national legislation classifies them among the polluted sites of national interest for environmental remediation. In the past, these areas had high contamination from industrial complexes., Objectives: assessment of reproductive health through the analysis of data from the birth reports of all hospital of Sicily Region in 2007-2013., Design and Setting: geographical population study; analysis of reproductive health through analysis of pregnancy outcomes occurred in Sicily from women of childbearing age (10-55 years; excluding women who remain anonymous) with record linkage with population data (neighbouring municipalities and whole region, considered as not exposed areas)., Main Outcome Measures: sex ratio, stillbirth rates, proportion of multiple births, low birth weight, very low birth weight, gestational age <37 weeks, proportion of small for gestational age., Results: in the period 2007-2013, an average annual number of 43,000 births (51.4% males) occurred. Sex ratio was not significantly modified in comparison with local and regional values. Several indicators in each area were similar when compared with the local reference population or with regional population. Stillbirths were significantly higher only in Augusta-Priolo area vs. the local population (OR: 2.26; CI95% 1.07-4.80), and slightly higher vs. regional population. Multiple births were significantly higher in Augusta-Priolo area (OR: 1.19; CI95% 1.01-1.41) and in the town of Siracusa (OR: 1.15; CI95% 1.01-1.316) when compared with regional population, and slightly higher vs. local population. Prematurity was significantly higher only in the area of Milazzo compared to the regional population (OR: 1.20; CI95% 1.02-1.41), and slightly higher compared to the local population. No excess of low birth weight (<2,500 grams) and small for gestational age (almost 37 weeks) babies was observed in these areas., Conclusions: according to this study, pregnancy outcomes were not clearly affected in these areas although some modifications were noted in Augusta and in Milazzo. The surveillance of reproductive health is of paramount importance to understand the effects of air pollution on morbidity and mortality in these areas.
- Published
- 2016
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46. [Imported malaria in Sicily (Italy): epidemiology and recommendations for prevention].
- Author
Immordino P, Palmeri S, D'Angelo C, Casuccio N, Scondotto S, and Casuccio A
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Child, Child, Preschool, Female, Humans, Infant, Male, Middle Aged, Sicily epidemiology, Travel, Young Adult, Malaria epidemiology, Malaria prevention & control
- Abstract
This study analysed cases of imported malaria notified to the District Health Units of Palermo from 1998 to 2014. The aim was to assess epidemiological differences among cases, related to their reasons for travel. Eighty one cases were reported: 83% developed symptoms following a trip to Africa while 17% had travelled to Asia. Seventy-three percent of cases had travelled to visit family or friends in malaria-endemic countries (Visiting Friends and Relatives: VFRs), confirming the need for preventive measures targeted towards this at-risk population group.
- Published
- 2015
47. [Distance from the nearest hospital and mortality for acute miocardial infarction (AMI) in Sicily Region (Southern Italy)].
- Author
Ferrante M, De Luca G, Fantaci G, Pollina Addario S, and Scondotto S
- Subjects
- Female, Health Services Accessibility economics, Hospitals, Humans, Male, Myocardial Infarction economics, Sicily epidemiology, Social Class, Time-to-Treatment, Health Services Accessibility statistics & numerical data, Myocardial Infarction mortality
- Abstract
Objectives: to analyse the effect of distance between the Municipality of residence and the nearest hospital on out-of-hospital mortality rate of patients died for acute myocardial infarction (AMI)., Design: analysis of out-of-hospital mortality using a record linkage database., Setting and Participants: Sicilian Municipalities; 4,999 deaths with acute myocardial infarction as primary cause of death, by excluding patients hospitalised within the 15 days before the death event., Main Outcome Measures: acute myocardial infarction out-of-hospital mortality in Sicilian Municipalities, with the exclusion of patients hospitalised within 15 days before the death event., Results: during the years 2009-2011, 7,473 subjects died for acute myocardial infarction in Sicily. 4,999 (66.92%) patients were not hospitalised in the 15 days before the death event; 2,001 of these (40.01%) lived quite far from the nearest hospital (more than 17 minutes of traveling time). After adjustment for age, gender and socioeconomic status, the distance between the residential Municipality and the nearest hospital was significantly associated with increased mortality (27% higher risk of out-of-hospital mortality for patients living far from the nearest hospital, compared to those living in municipalities with at least one hospital)., Conclusions: the distance between the residential Municipality and the nearest Municipality with at least one hospital is associated with an increase in out-of-hospital mortality rate after acute myocardial infarction. However, besides the limitations of using a distance metric (at a municipality level), the clinical history of the subjects under study is not explicitly taken into account. Further studies are needed in order to explore the reasons for this correlation and to further analyse the relationship between distance and mortality (in- and out-of-hospital). Nevertheless, the results presented provide useful information for healthcare service management policies.
- Published
- 2014
48. [Health impact assessment of policies for municipal solid waste management: findings of the SESPIR Project].
- Author
Ranzi A, Ancona C, Angelini P, Badaloni C, Cernigliaro A, Chiusolo M, Parmagnani F, Pizzuti R, Scondotto S, Cadum E, Forastiere F, and Lauriola P
- Subjects
- Adult, Biodegradation, Environmental, Congenital Abnormalities epidemiology, Congenital Abnormalities etiology, Congenital Abnormalities prevention & control, Environmental Exposure, Environmental Health, Environmental Pollutants toxicity, Female, Government Programs economics, Humans, Incineration, Infant, Low Birth Weight, Infant, Newborn, Italy, Male, Models, Theoretical, Neoplasms epidemiology, Neoplasms etiology, Neoplasms prevention & control, Population Dynamics, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Complications epidemiology, Pregnancy Complications etiology, Pregnancy Complications prevention & control, Quality-Adjusted Life Years, Recycling, Refuse Disposal economics, Respiration Disorders epidemiology, Respiration Disorders etiology, Respiration Disorders prevention & control, Risk Assessment, Urban Health, Urban Population statistics & numerical data, Urban Population trends, Waste Disposal Facilities, Government Programs organization & administration, Health Impact Assessment methods, Health Policy, Population Surveillance, Refuse Disposal methods
- Abstract
The SESPIR Project (Epidemiological Surveillance of Health Status of Resident Population Around the Waste Treatment Plants) assessed the impact on health of residents nearby incinerators, landfills and mechanical biological treatment plants in five Italian regions (Emilia-Romagna, Piedmont, Lazio, Campania, and Sicily). The assessment procedure took into account the available knowledge on health effects of waste disposal facilities. Analyses were related to three different scenarios: a Baseline scenario, referred to plants active in 2008-2009; the regional future scenario, with plants expected in the waste regional plans; a virtuous scenario (Green 2020), based on a policy management of municipal solid waste (MSW) through the reduction of production and an intense recovery policy. Facing with a total population of around 24 million for the 5 regions, the residents nearby the plants were more than 380,000 people at Baseline. Such a population is reduced to approximately 330.000 inhabitants and 170.000 inhabitants in the regional and Green 2020 scenarios, respectively. The health impact was assessed for the period 2008-2040. At Baseline, 1-2 cases per year of cancer attributable to MSW plants were estimated, as well as 26 cases per year of adverse pregnancy outcomes (including low birth weight and birth defects), 102 persons with respiratory symptoms, and about a thousand affected from annoyance caused by odours. These annual estimates are translated into 2,725 years of life with disability (DALYs) estimated for the entire period. The DALYs are reduced by approximately 20% and 80% in the two future scenarios. Even in these cases, health impact is given by the greater effects on pregnancy and the annoyance associated with the odours of plants. In spite of the limitations due to the inevitable assumptions required by the present exercise, the proposed methodology is suitable for a first approach to assess different policies that can be adopted in regional planning in the field of waste management. The greatest reduction in health impact is achieved with a virtuous policy of reducing waste production and a significant increase in the collection and recycling of waste.
- Published
- 2014
49. [SENTIERI KIDS: monitoring children's health in Italian polluted sites].
- Author
Iavarone I, Biggeri A, Cadum E, Carere M, Conti S, Crocetti E, Martuzzi M, Maule M, Michelozzi P, Pirastu R, Rondelli R, and Scondotto S
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Child, Child, Preschool, Environmental Pollution adverse effects, Humans, Incidence, Infant, Italy epidemiology, Neoplasms mortality, Population Surveillance methods, Public Health, Small-Area Analysis, Child Health, Environmental Exposure adverse effects, Environmental Pollutants adverse effects, Infant Mortality, Neoplasms epidemiology, Patient Discharge statistics & numerical data
- Abstract
Protecting children's health from the effects of environmental contamination is a public health priority. In recent years, particular care has been devoted in Italy to the study of the relationship between environmental pollutants and health during infancy. The SENTIERI Project has called attention to increases in infant mortality in National Priority Contaminated Sites (NPCSs). SENTIERI KIDS provides a blueprint for the establishment of a task force charged with establishing multi and inter-disciplinary cooperation between central and regional institutions on the subject of children's health in contaminated sites. SENTIERI KIDS introduces a multiple outcome analytical model based on updated health outcomes (mortality, cancer incidence, hospital discharges) in order to establish a permanent observation system to monitor the state of health of infants residing in contaminated areas. This will pave the way for more in-depth epidemiological enquiries on an individual basis, and support the establishment and continued monitoring of primary prevention projects. Particular attention is devoted to issues of information and communication.
- Published
- 2014
50. [Atmospheric pollution and human health.in the literature and interpretation of environmental. toxicological and epidemiologic studies].
- Author
Baldacci S, Maio S, Viegi G, Forastiere F, Bisanti L, Randi G, Rognoni M, Simonato L, Tessari R, Berti G, Cadum E, Chiusolo M, Grosa MM, Ivaldi C, Pelosini R, Poncino S, Galassi C, Pacelli B, Pandolfi P, Scarnato C, Miglio R, Caranci N, Pace G, Zanini G, Grechi D, Chellini E, Mallone S, Accetta G, Barchielli A, Nuvolone D, Baccini M, Biggeri A, Baldacci S, Viegi G, Vigotti M, Colais P, Faustini A, Forastiere F, Perucci CA, Stafoggia M, Vigotti M, Minerba S, Serinelli M, Dessì PM, Cernigliaro A, and Scondotto S
- Subjects
- Adult, Air Pollutants toxicity, Child, Preschool, Ecotoxicology, Epidemiologic Studies, Guidelines as Topic, Humans, Italy, World Health Organization, Air Pollutants adverse effects, Air Pollution prevention & control, Environmental Monitoring methods, Vehicle Emissions toxicity
- Published
- 2009
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