Psychotic disorders are among the chronic diseases with a major impact on the life of those affected, because of related disabilities, stigma and the difficulties involving family members and care services. Statistics report that 1.7% of the Italian population requires every year at least one treatment to mental health services: at least one-fifth of these treatments, is due to psychotic disorders. The therapeutic intervention is typically structured with a multidisciplinary approach to meet the different needs of these people: it involves the use of psychopharmacological therapies associated with psychotherapeutic, educational and rehabilitative treatment. In the last years research has shown that physical activity (PA) can positively influence the treatment of psychotic disorders. Compared to the general population, in fact, people suffering for severe mental illness have higher levels of overweight and obesity and present higher possibilities of developing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome. Moreover, these disorders are associated with higher levels of physical inactivity and lower levels of quality of life than the general population. Regular PA, on the other hand, improves lipid profiles, helps to regulate body composition and glucose metabolism, reduces blood pressure, increases fitness levels and has also positive effects on mood and anxiety levels. The main obstacles that these people encounter in adhering to regular PA programs are primarily related to the pathology and and to theirs socio-economic conditions. The side effects of antipsychotic drugs, the lack of motivation, poor concentration and difficulty in accessing the proposed activity, contribute to limit the exercise capacity of these persons and hinder their participation in regular PA programs long-lasting. Literature highlighted the importance and usefulness of educational interventions to support treatment compliance, helping people who suffer from psychotic disorders to deal with their disease and the correlated risks. Moreover, educational intervention are necessary to promote the insight of illness and to involve patients in tailored care. In addition, increasing evidence underline the crucial role of health professionals in health promotion interventions, that affect very significantly the healthy behaviors and physical habits of people with psychotic disorders. These observations are theoretically supported especially by Deci and Ryan in the theory of self-determination and by Hagger and Chatzisarantis in Trans-Contextual Model. The authors have shown that contextual factors such as social support, self-efficacy, autonomy, competence, social skills and the role of significant others are of fundamental importance in determining the motivation of people of being physically active. Even the enjoyment, defined as an emotional response positive sports experience, which reflects the general feelings of pleasure, satisfaction and fun, is considered one of the main determinants of adherence AF, as it is able to influence the will to begin and to maintain a program of regular exercise. Based on these findings, the research took into consideration some virtuous experiences operating in our country, offering regular PA programs as an integral part of the therapeutic treatments for users of psychiatric services. The purpose was to bring out the opinions of health professionals involved in regular PA programs with the users of psychiatric services, to highlight the benefits, barriers and facilitators of PA proposals. For this purpose it was decided to adopt a blended approach: participants completed a package of questionnaires which investigated the amount of PA, motivation, enjoyment, self-efficacy and quality of life reported by the participants. Therefore, a comparison was made between the two groups of participants on the basis of the variables examined. Moreover, four focus groups have been carried out, with health professionals involved in the study. They were asked to tell their personal experiences in PA with users of psychiatric services, highlighting the faced difficulties, the greatest benefits for users and the most important elements that can facilitate the implementation of PA proposals and to increasing their effectiveness. The results of the research are in line with literature. The content-analysis of focus groups, moreover, highlighted important data in support of the central role of the health care workers, in supporting users of the psychiatric services, to take part in the activities concerning health promotion. Results showed the need of a specific preparation, for these people, especially in what concern motivational processes and the management of strategies to promote active lifestyles. Finally, the statements reported by the health care workers confirmed and enriched the evidences about the utility of PA programs within the rehabilitative paths for people with severe mental disorders. They highlighted, in particular, the need to promote these initiatives making them an integral part of the therapeutic treatments. Moreover, it was highlighted the need to work on the network of contacts between the realities that promote these initiatives; health care workers underlined also the growing need for collaboration with local institutions at different levels, to promote and support the debate on this topic; finally they stressed that it is important to increase more effective PA proposals with the aim to respond to the needs of the users of psychiatric services.