216 results on '"Laura C"'
Search Results
2. Printing for the Blind. Uses of Print by Visually Impaired People in Early Modern Italy
- Author
Laura Carnelos
- Subjects
blind people ,popular books ,early modern italy ,colportage ,confraternities ,Bibliography. Library science. Information resources - Abstract
During the Middle Ages, confraternities of blind people began to emerge in many Italian cities. Later recognised by local authorities and the Roman Church, they ensured that blind people were aided in case of poverty, sickness or death, also providing formal permission to beg on the street and other designated places. These special privileges existed alongside indulgences granted to those (whether visually impaired or sighted) who attended religious functions celebrated by the blind on particular days. This article analyses how these blind individuals used a variety of printed material to promote such indulgences, as well as other activities of their confraternities within and outside their cities.
- Published
- 2024
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3. Guillaume Alonge, Nicolas Balzamo et Jean Sénié éd., Oltralpe. Acteurs, idées et livres entre France et Italie au XVIe siècle
- Author
Laura Ciffolillo
- Subjects
Social Sciences - Published
- 2024
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4. La creatività in psicoterapia come 'dialogo co-riflessivo tra soggetti agenti': una proposta clinica e teorica
- Author
Daniele Morelli and Laura Corbelli
- Subjects
Soggetto ,relazione ,intersoggettività ,senso di agency ,psicoterapia ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
Il presente contributo, in parte discusso dagli autori alla giornata di studi ‘Andare Avanti’ organizzata a Gennaio 2023, cerca di delineare il ruolo esercitato dal dialogo co-riflessivo tra paziente e terapeuta, nell’emergere della Soggettività e del senso di agenzia in psicoterapia. A partire dall’analisi di concetti ormai divenuti classici nella Psicoanalisi della Relazione, come quelli di ‘creatività’ e di ‘delega’, si propone una loro rilettura teorica volta a recuperare le basi implicite, corporee e intersoggettive del processo terapeutico. Nel tentativo di descrivere i legami complessi tra le dimensioni auto-riflessive e pre-riflessive, individuali e relazionali, del senso di agency in psicoterapia viene infine proposta l’analisi di una vignetta clinica.
- Published
- 2024
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5. Fluttuazione intradiurna di polline di Poaceae e Urticaceae in 31 stazioni di monitoraggio in Italia
- Author
Travaglini, A, Alessandro Di Menno di Bucchianico, Rossana, A, Patrizia, A, Elisabetta, B, Anna, B, Maria Antonia Brighetti, Marilena, C, Laura, C, Maria, C, Barbara, D, Raffaella, D, Daniela, F, Ada, G, Antonella, I, Stefania, L, Marco, M, Annarosa, M, Maria Luisa Nughes, Loretta, P, Ilaria, P, Enrico, R, Damaris, S, Nadia, T, Sabrina, T, and Emma, T
- Subjects
Settore BIO/02 - Published
- 2020
6. Masked texts: new tools for the security and linguistic analysis of legal corpora
- Author
Laura Clemenzi, Francesca Fusco, Daniele Fusi, and Giulia Lombardi
- Subjects
aiucd2022 ,legal linguistics ,legal writing ,pseudonymization ,pythia ,tei ,linguistica giuridica ,motore di ricerca ,scrittura forense ,pseudonimizzazione ,search engine ,General Works ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 - Abstract
The Atti Chiari project, collecting the first large Italian corpus of judicial acts, presents strict legal requirements as well as many peculiarities in terms of language and content; to meet them, a number of processes and tools have been designed and implemented. The first issue is the requirement to remove any personal data from the documents, without however destroying their linguistic form, nor compromising their readability. To this end, a pseudonymisation procedure has been created based on a preliminary annotation stage, which adds information right in order to remove it in different ways, according to different purposes (linguistic analysis, legal analysis, etc.). At the same time, this light annotation provides data useful not only for pseudonymization, but also for the conversion of documents, from their original presentational format into a semantic one based on TEI. Once documents have been prepared in this way, they are then centralized in a corpus, ready to be indexed for linguistic research. Given the multiple search criteria that must be combined, whatever their origin and model, a new type of search engine, designed primarily in the philological field, has been used here to obtain the required openness and granularity of metadata.
- Published
- 2023
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7. The implementation of CLES+T questionnaire in the Italian nursing bachelor’s degree program for the evaluation of clinical learning environment by nursing students: a study protocol
- Author
Pasquale Fava, Laura Carocci, and Gianluigi Carfora
- Subjects
CLES T ,Nursing education ,Nursing evaluation ,Nursing degree ,Implementation ,Clinical learning environment ,Nursing ,RT1-120 - Abstract
BACKGROUND: The practical training process represents a crucial step in the university process for students on degree courses in the health and medical professions. This discussion is emphasized for nursing students, who, for each stage of the internship, may have the opportunity to enrich themselves in practical terms and to be able to compare themselves with the reality of work physically. Based on this discussion, it is essential to carry out a periodic evaluation of the working realities. OBJECTIVES: The main objective of this work is to implement an evaluation tool for the clinical training environment to ensure feedback for both the healthcare facility under consideration and to improve the quality of university clinical training. METHOD: This research study protocol envisages an observational study as the type of study, with recruitment of nursing degree courses to subsequently include students from the various academic years. The study involves the application of the CLES+T questionnaire in participating degree courses, initially to be able to have an overall vision and subsequently to be able to implement it as a permanent evaluation tool. EXPECTED RESULTS: It is expected, from the study described in this protocol, that the participating population will consider the questionnaire as a way of critically analysing the clinical environment. A broad participation of the nursing student population and good feedback of the examined environments is expected.
- Published
- 2024
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8. Le strategie di prevenzione della violenza di genere
- Author
Di Filippo, Laura C.
- Published
- 2019
9. La Via Romana Catina-Agrigentum: un 'ipotesi di ricostruzione topografica
- Author
Paladino, Laura C.
- Abstract
La viabilità della Sicilia romana non può essere adeguatamente compresa se si prescinde dalle peculiari condizioni storiche ed economiche che l'isola conobbe nel periodo repubblicano e imperiale, e fino all' epoca tardo-antica: assorbita prestissimo nell'orbita di Roma, la Sicilia svolse per l'Urbe una funzione essenzialmente ancillare, collocata com'era al centro di un Mediterraneo precocemente pacificato; di fatto fu il granaio della Repubblica, e, se nei primi secoli dell'Impero tale ruolo venne ad esserle insidiato dalle nuove fertilissime regioni orientali conquistate dai Romani sullo scorcio del I secolo a.C. - l'Egitto in primo luogo - in epoca tardo-antica essa venne a recuperare tutta la sua rilevanza economica, sia in quanto produttrice di cereali, sia come tappa della via annonaria per l'Africa, sia pure come eccezionale riserva di materie prime, della cui esistenza si venne a conoscenza, con ogni probabilità, solo in epoca imperiale, Semestrale di studi e ricerche di geografia, N. 1 (2004)
- Published
- 2018
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10. What motivates students at school? Students’ motivation profile from a Self-Determination perspective
- Author
Laura Carlotta Foschi
- Subjects
self-determination theory ,academic motivation ,basic psychological needs ,teacher autonomy support ,grade level differences ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
In this study, 243 upper and 29 lower secondary school students from a private school in Bologna responded to a survey measuring the students’ academic motivation, the satisfaction of basic psychological needs, and teacher autonomy support according to the Self-Determination Theory. The purpose was to investigate the distribution of these variables and school-level-based differences in the sample analysed. Results show that, overall, students have a high mean level of autonomous motivation and satisfaction of competence and relatedness needs. Instead, students report a medium level of teacher autonomy support and a low level of autonomy need satisfaction. The results also show a decrease in almost all motivational variables in the transition from lower to upper secondary school. These findings constitute an element of interest in orientating the learning-teaching process towards improving students’ motivation.
- Published
- 2023
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11. Prelievo di campioni ematici da catetere venoso periferico: uno studio osservazionale prospettico
- Author
Laura Cartello, Matteo Dacasto, and Gianluca Ghiselli
- Subjects
blood sample ,butterfly needle ,pain ,pheripheral venous catheter ,Nursing ,RT1-120 - Abstract
INTRODUZIONE: Il catetere venoso periferico è un dispositivo inserito per la somministrazione di liquidi nel torrente ematico. I pazienti spesso si trovano ad affrontare ripetuti esami al fine di monitorare lo stato di salute e l’andamento della terapia e tra questi vi rientrano le numerose venipunture ai fini della raccolta di campioni ematici, che arrecano loro dolore e discomfort. Al fine di ridurre il discomfort è possibile sostituire alla procedura standard con ago butterfly quella con prelievo da catetere venoso periferico. MATERIALI E METODI: è stato condotto uno studio osservazionale prospettico nel quale sono stati inclusi 207 pazienti nei quali era necessaria l’esecuzione di un prelievo venoso. I dati raccolti sono stati analizzati attraverso la statistica descrittiva. RISULTATI: L’esecuzione della procedura sperimentata risulta di buon successo con alcune difficoltà come l’esecuzione dello scarto iniziale mentre in caso di procedura non riuscita quella che si ripete per frequenza rispetto alle altre è l’aspirazione dello scarto iniziale assente. L'emolisi è risultata poco frequente ed è più diffusa nella chimica clinica. CONCLUSIONI: Da questo studio sono emersi nuovi quesiti inerenti allo svolgimento della tecnica del prelievo venoso da cannula periferica ma anche dati inerenti al tasso di emolisi, e quindi al successo della procedura stessa. Questo apre a nuovi spunti in futuro per un’analisi più approfondita sulle determinanti che conducono a questo fenomeno. Ciò nonostante, la procedura è una buona alternativa alla tecnica standard con ago butterfly per diminuire il dolore nei contesti d’urgenza.
- Published
- 2024
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12. Fabrizio Agnello. (2023). La memoria fotografica dell’architettura. Restituzioni prospettiche e ricostruzioni. Milano: FrancoAngeli.
- Author
Laura Carlevaris
- Subjects
Drawing. Design. Illustration ,NC1-1940 ,Visual arts ,N1-9211 - Abstract
At first glance it looks like a book –another one!– on perspective restitution. But the contents –finally– are very different. Before focusing on the merits of this new contribution, it is important to point out that the main topic, presented in the subtitle (perspective restitution and ensuing reconstructions) could in fact appear to have already been extensively exploited as well as prevalently didactic in nature. But anyone who leafs through this publication will immediately grasp the intense creativity of a truly innovative approach to an issue rooted in history, but tackled in an absolutely contemporary manner. [read more]
- Published
- 2023
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13. El passat medieval en el discurs iconogràfic de les festes per la jura de la infanta Maria Isabel Lluïsa de Borbó (1833)
- Author
Laura Corrales Burjalés
- Subjects
Isabel I ,Isabel II ,gravat ,litografia ,medievalisme ,romanticisme ,History of the arts ,NX440-632 - Abstract
Els paral·lelismes entre la futura Isabel II i Isabel I de Castella van ser explotats en els camps polític, literari i artístic pels òrgans propagandístics de la monarquia espanyola, des del naixement de la infanta, l’octubre de 1830, fins als primers dos anys de regència de Maria Cristina de Borbó. I és que Isabel la Catòlica va néixer en una època en què, a falta de fill baró, la successió a la Corona de la filla primogènita dels monarques estava permesa. Tanmateix, aquesta tradició castellana, regularitzada en el còdex de Las Siete Partidas d’Alfons X al segle XIII, va quedar invalidada amb l’Auto Acordat per Felip V el maig de 1713, que també donava prioritat als barons de branques laterals. Davant d’això i de l’amenaça que la Corona passés a mans de Carles Maria Isidre de Borbó, el 29 de març de 1830 es va aprovar la Pragmàtica Sanció que promulgava l’acord de Corts de 1789 amb què Carles IV va pretendre recuperar la vella consuetud castellana. Poc abans de la mort de Ferran VII, en els festeigs per l’acte de jurament i reconeixement de les Corts espanyoles a Maria Isabel Lluïsa de Borbó com a princesa d’Astúries, la tradició política i l’estètica medievals van adquirir un paper encara més rellevant, sobretot en pintures i arquitectures efímeres creades ex professo per adornar els carrers de moltes ciutats del Regne. L’organització de torneigs medievals, com el de Barcelona, o les vindicacions de comtes i vells sobirans en obres literàries adornades amb gravats, en arbres genealògics i en diversos gèneres de la literatura popular també van ser utilitzats per evocar la Catalunya de Guifré el Pilós o l’Espanya dels Reis Catòlics. Aquesta mirada cap al passat medieval va servir a la Corona espanyola per legitimar la successió femenina al tron, mentre que, de retruc, es va crear el marc idoni que permetria a certs sectors afins a Isabel manifestar públicament la seva inclinació per l’estil gòtic, el qual s’estava posant de moda entre les classes burgeses per influx del moviment romàntic.
- Published
- 2023
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14. La responsabilità delle fondazioni e degli archivi d’artista nell’attività di autenticazione
- Author
Laura Castelli
- Subjects
Commercial law ,K1000-1395 - Published
- 2022
15. La superstitio nelle opere filosofiche di Girolamo Cardano
- Author
Laura Cesco-Frare
- Subjects
Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 ,History (General) ,D1-2009 - Abstract
In this paper the aim is to consider and analyse the occurrences of the term superstitio in Girolamo Cardano’s philosophical works; while Cardano has been harshly judged by many of his readers, who believed him to be too credulous and superstitious, little has been said on what he expressed on the concept of superstitio in his own works. Albeit the term is not very frequently used, Cardano refers to it in discussing some of his main philosophical themes, such as: the social and political context in which men act, with a special focus on the role of dissimulation and deceit; the importance of a trustworthy witness to consider those events that have not been experienced first-hand; the distinction between popular beliefs and philosophical opinions in debating demons, witchcraft, and divination.
- Published
- 2022
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16. Film Festivals and Ecological Sustainability in the Age of the Anthropocene
- Author
Laura Cesaro
- Subjects
film festivals ,sustainability ,practices ,afic ,audience ,Visual arts ,N1-9211 ,Literature (General) ,PN1-6790 - Abstract
Over the past two decades, film scholars have offered new theoretical frameworks that define and strengthen ecocinema studies. In this regard, sensitive environments (Parikka 2015) are the film festivals that scholars mainly refer to as sites for promoting the consumption of ecocinema (Monani 2013). This contribution attempts to highlight what have become established practices aimed at educating an audience aware of the issue of environmental sustainability (Cubitt 2005). After a historical excursus, the author proposes an analysis of the Italian case: AFIC constitutes a space of discursive elaboration that has developed guidelines and parameters.
- Published
- 2022
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17. Une approche POD par simulation d’un contrôle ultrasonore industriel
- Author
Romain Hodé, Benoit Dupont, Jérôme Dudous, Laura Clement, Sébastien Lonné, and Fabrice Foucher
- Subjects
Technology - Abstract
Pour répondre au besoin de fiabilisation des contrôles non destructifs (CND), l’utilisation d’indicateurs statistiques tels que la probabilité de détection (POD) présente un fort intérêt. Cela permet notamment de définir les performances en détection d’une technique de contrôle CND en considérant la variabilité de paramètres influents. La réalisation expérimentale d’une étude POD nécessite l’approvisionnement d’un grand nombre de maquettes avec des défauts calibrés et de différentes dimensions ; ce qui pose des difficultés de mise en oeuvre et représente un coût élevé. Une approche basée sur l’utilisation de simulations numériques est par conséquent intéressante. Pour évaluer l’intérêt d’une telle approche dans un cadre industriel, deux études POD ont été réalisées à l’aide du logiciel de simulation numérique CIVA. La première pour un contrôle CND par ultrasons (UT) à l’aide d’une sonde monoélément et la seconde avec une sonde multiélément. La structure étudiée est un assemblage de deux plaques en acier soudées bout-à-bout avec un défaut de type « manque de fusion » orienté parfaitement le long du chanfrein en « V ». La démarche complète permettant d’obtenir les courbes POD simulées a été mise en place. Les différentes étapes pour aboutir aux tracés des courbes POD sont introduites dans cet article, en particulier pour le cas UT multiélément. Les paramètres les plus influents sur le résultat du contrôle CND par ultrasons (monoélément et multiélément) sont déterminés à l’aide des indices de Sobol. Une comparaison entre les résultats obtenus pour le cas UT monoélément et UT multiélément est présentée pour différents scénarios de contrôle.
- Published
- 2023
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18. «L’ora di Barga». On the bells of Pascoli
- Author
Laura Crippa and Emilio Manzotti
- Subjects
«l’ora di barga» ,eighteenth and nineteenth century ,italian poetry ,pascoli ,Literature (General) ,PN1-6790 - Abstract
This paper intends to investigate the presence and the role of bells and tower bells in the Italian poetry of Giovanni Pascoli. The study is performed by finding textual occurrences and the opportunities which inspired the author, and simultaneously by studying the social role of bells at the end of the nineteenth century. It also suggests a map of poetic functions of bells throughout Pascoli’s work, to identify where tower bells belong and to observe how auto biography (even the anecdotic one) interacts with poetry. Then, the work examines how the sound of bell is treated in poetry and the evolution of this treatment from a body of collective works, from the graphic and onomatopoeic reproduction of the toll, to the lexical choices to identify it (tintinno, tinnito, tintinnio etc.). Finally, the paper analyses L’Ora di Barga, one of the most important poem for this analysis, considering the genesis of the text and its main theme: the «suon dell’ora» of the Duomo of Barga’s tower bell and the dialogue between it and the poetic voice.
- Published
- 2022
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19. Implementazione di uno strumento multidimensionale per la valutazione del dolore nel processo di triage globale: uno studio pilota
- Author
Laura Cartello, Gianluca Ghiselli, Daniele Pasquariello, Marco Attivissimo, Devis Pasquariello, and Cristina Di Maria
- Subjects
triage ,infermiere ,valutazione del dolore ,scala del dolore ,punteggio del dolore ,Nursing ,RT1-120 - Abstract
INTRODUZIONE: Nel triage è fondamentale la rilevazione del dolore come previsto dalle linee di indirizzo e dalla Raccomandazione Ministeriale 15 che specifica la necessità dell’utilizzo di una metodologia di valutazione che permetta la corretta attribuzione del codice di triage senza sovra/sottostime mantenendo qualità e sicurezza, anche attraverso la corretta valutazione del dolore. Nel metodo Manchester Triage System (MTS), per determinare il codice di priorità, viene utilizzata la Manchester Pain Ruler Scale (MPRS), strumento multidimensionale validato anche in italiano per pazienti adulti e pediatrici. MATERIALI E METODI: Studio di coorte prospettico di maggiorenni acceduti al PS presentando come sintomo principale il dolore con elevata stabilità delle funzioni vitali di base. RISULTATI: Sulla totalità dei casi, MPRS è più sensibile nella valutazione del dolore nel processo di triage globale, infatti nel 40% dei casi (42/104) tale score si è rivelato un punteggio congruente al trattamento. NRS è risultata classificare in maniera adeguata nel 10% dei casi (11/104). Inoltre MPRS appare più specifica per il dolore di primo e terzo livello. L’utilizzo di MPRS permette di osservare una riduzione del under/over triage rispetto ad NRS. CONCLUSIONI: Da questo studio sono emersi nuovi quesiti riguardanti la valutazione del dolore in fase di triage, ma anche dati che ritengono MPRS più sensibile e specifica rispetto a NRS nonostante l’utilizzo di un modello di triage globale differente da MTS. Inoltre MPRS descrive in maniera più accurata il dolore in triage rispetto ad alcune fasce di età esesso, riducendo l’over/under triage.
- Published
- 2023
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20. Il teatro e lo schermo
- Author
Claudia Chellini and Laura Cioni
- Subjects
Sociology (General) ,HM401-1281 - Abstract
Ha senso nel XXI sec. parlare di funzione educativa del teatro, facendo riferimento alla sua dimensione collettiva? Cosa diventa il teatro se il corpo è mediato da uno schermo? A quali condizioni può ancora chiamarsi teatro? Facendoci guidare da queste domande, il contributo intende argomentare alcuni elementi salienti di una rassegna di teatro online (2020-2021) pensata per la fruizione collettiva e costituita da cinque serate live dedicate ad alcuni dei più famosi casi clinici di Freud. Ogni serata prevedeva la realizzazione di un monologo teatrale ispirato a un caso, seguito da una sessione dialogica tra l’attrice e regista, la drammaturga, una psicoanalista e gli spettatori. Il tipo di piattaforma usato ha consentito al pubblico di riunirsi in una sala virtuale, ripetendo la ritualità dell’appuntamento teatrale, e di intervenire in prima persona. L’esperienza Freud a teatro apre alcuni interrogativi sulle peculiarità della presenza e della partecipazione a un evento teatrale mediato dalle tecnologie digitali.
- Published
- 2023
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21. Product innovation for the ecological transition. Brick and glass recycling
- Author
Adolfo F. L. Baratta, Jacopo Andreotti, Luca Trulli, and Laura Calcagnini
- Subjects
circular resources ,product innovation ,recycled materials ,brick ,glass ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 - Abstract
In the thematic environment of conscious use and material resource recycling, the Department of Architecture of the Roma Tre University is currently conducting a research line focused on environmental product innovation. This line consists of two application studies involving manufacturing companies in the construction sector. Both types of research address the issue of additives in the mix design of bricks and concrete, respectively, to achieve better-performing products. The results led to the prototyping of two products: a brick, made from waste replacing a fraction of clay with a mixture of bentonite sludge and metal residues, and a concrete screed mix, made from construction and demolition glass waste replacing natural aggregates. Article info Received: 30/03/2023; Revised: 29/04/2023; Accepted: 08/05/2023
- Published
- 2023
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22. Azione di restituzione ex art. 563 c.c., liberalità indirette e circolazione dei beni immobili
- Author
Laura Castelli
- Subjects
Commercial law ,K1000-1395 - Published
- 2023
23. COVID-19 impact on the decision process of the Italian Medicine Agency: a quantitative assessment
- Author
Beatrice Canali, Laura Candelora, Francesca Fiorentino, Tom Halmos, Paola La Malfa, Francesca Massara, Chiara Vassallo, and Duccio Urbinati
- Subjects
COVID-19 ,Drugs ,Italy ,Price and reimbursement ,Time to market ,Medical technology ,R855-855.5 - Abstract
Background: Since the COVID-19 pandemic has placed more attention on drugs’ approval process and the importance of rapid decision-making in the healthcare sector, it is crucial to assess how time to market (TTM) of drugs varied. Objective: To estimate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on TTM of drugs in Italy. Methods: An IQVIA database was used to retrieve information on drugs that obtained positive opinion from the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use between January 2015 and December 2021. The available observations were divided into three groups (Pre COVID, Partially COVID, and Fully COVID) according to the timing of their negotiation process. Differences in average TTM among the three groups were analyzed in three steps: (1) descriptive statistics; (2) univariate analysis; (3) multivariate analysis, using a matching estimator. Results: A total of 363 unique combinations of molecule and indication met the inclusion criteria: 174 in the Pre COVID group, 69 in the Partially COVID group, and 123 in the Fully COVID group. Descriptive statistics and univariate analysis found a statistically significant difference in TTM among the three periods, with average TTM increasing during the pandemic (+136 days, p = 0.00) and then decreasing afterward (−23 days, p = 0.09). In the matching analysis, results for the Partially COVID period were confirmed (+108 days, p = 0.00) while results for the Fully COVID period lost significance but maintained a negative sign. Conclusions: The results suggest that after an adjustment phase in the Partially COVID period, a return to the status quo was reached.
- Published
- 2023
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24. Ureteropelvic junction obstruction in children by polar vessels: histological examination result
- Author
Eugenia Piro, Fabiola Colombini, Marta Brugnoni, Daniele Perilli, Laura Caterina Abati, Veronica Zocca, Lucia Vallieri, and Antonio D'Alessio
- Subjects
ureteropelvic junction obstruction ,polar vessel ,histological differences ,immunohisthochemical investigations ,Pediatrics ,RJ1-570 ,Surgery ,RD1-811 - Abstract
In children, ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO) is mostly caused by intrinsic factors (IUPJO) such as abnormal amounts of muscle and collagen deposition; extrinsic UPJO are rare and often due to crossing vessels (CVs). What is not clear is whether there is also intrinsic UPJ pathology in patients with CV. The aim of our study was to compare the histology of the two types of obstruction and to determine whether these histologic features are distinguishable enough to enable to identify the cause of obstruction based on histologic appearance alone. We retrospectively reviewed pathology reports of 38 children with UPJO that underwent surgery in our hospital from 2008 to 2022. The intrinsic and extrinsic groups consisted of 18 and 20 patients, respectively. After ematoxylin-eosin and Gomori's trichrome staining the specimens were scored for fibrosis and muscular hypertrophy in histhopatology, and CD117 antibody were used to detect interstitial Cajal-like cells. In our study, histological analyses revealed no differences between the CV and IUPJO specimens in terms of presence and degree of fibrosis and muscular hypertrophy; likewise, for presence of interstitial Cajal-like cells.
- Published
- 2023
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25. Teaching drawing in a shared community
- Author
Laura Carnevali and Fabio Colonnese
- Subjects
archéa ,blended flexible training ,best practices ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 - Abstract
At the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Sapienza University, Rome, the first year Architecture Drawing course comprises a total of 162 hours (12 Formative Credits or CFU) divided into 51 hours of lectures, 51 hours of exercises and 60 hours of laboratory. Generally a six-months long course, this year it has been reduced into a three-months long course, from October to January, requiring a compression of the program. The problems due to the program compression and to the change of teacher were stressed by the measures for containing the Covid-19 diffusion. The former teacher was reputed “fragile” and precluded from teaching in presence and a new teacher was given the course. Moreover, Sapienza University adopted a mixed format, with a few students present in the classroom and most of them at home. Besides the many technical and instrumental difficulties due to the late equipment of the classrooms with updated hardware and software, the late registration of about a quarter of the students after the admission tests caused some of them to join the class more than a month after the first lesson. Anyway, a friendly collaboration between the “old” and the “new” teacher contributed to overcome most of the organizational questions.
- Published
- 2021
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26. Ruolo dell’infermiere nella diffusione della cultura nella donazione d’organo: indagine su conoscenza ed opinione.
- Author
Laura Cartello, Romina Guce, Manuela Canicattì, Daniele Pasquariello, and Rachele Gatti
- Subjects
Donazione di organi ,infermiere ,comunicazione ,coordinamento per la donazione ,infermieri ,Nursing ,RT1-120 - Abstract
Introduzione: La donazione degli organi è una decisione difficile, quanto importante. Nel lungo e complesso procedimento che porta alla donazione e quindi al trapianto d’organo gli infermieri giocano un ruolo fondamentale, per questo è importante comprendere quanto questi siano preparati al loro ruolo. Materiale e metodi: indagine quantitativa consistente nella somministrazione di un questionario mediante online rivolta a tutti gli infermieri di qualsiasi Unità Operativa con unico limite l'esperienza lavorativa di almeno un anno. Inoltre, veniva richiesto agli infermieri di specificare se fossero coordinatori di trapianto o se avevano ricevuto una formazione specifica in merito. Per i calcoli statistici è stato utilizzato il programma Excel 2010 di Microsoft®. Risultati: l’83% dei coordinatori è al corrente che la loro unità operativa ha come obiettivo la donazione d’organo e tra gli infermieri solo il 69% ne è a conoscenza. Tra chi ha seguito almeno una donazione, l’83% ha riscontrato difficoltà durante il processo, il maggior timore espresso è quello della burocrazia, a seguire il rapporto con i famigliari e il mantenimento del paziente. La maggioranza degli infermieri è favorevole al trapianto (93,3%). Solo il 17% ritiene di essere sufficientemente formato, tra questi la totalità dei coordinatori dei trapianti. Discussione: da questo studio emerge che per gli infermieri è ancora difficile conoscere e applicare le diverse fasi del percorso di donazione. Forse gli infermieri non hanno completa percezione del ruolo fondamentale che hanno nell’identificazione, nel mantenimento e nel rispetto dei principi etici e delle volontà del donatore.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Laura Castrianni
- Subjects
Cartography ,GA101-1776 ,Cadastral mapping ,GA109.5 - Abstract
The photomosaic of the central archaeological area of Rome, result of the union of three consecutive shots, carried out in 1909 by the Aerostieri of the Specialist Brigade of Military Engineers, guided by Captain Cesare Tardivo, represents - together with the slightly later photomosaics of Ostia (1910) and Pompeii (1911) - one of the first experiments in application of the newborn aerophotographic science to archeology and at the same time an exceptional document of the historical palimpsest of the area between the Colosseum and the Campidoglio. It is composed by a sequence of shots taken from a braked balloon made available by the Military Engineers, and it was presented for the first time by Tardivo himself at the International Congress of Photography in Brussels in 1910. It testifies the progress of the stratigraphic excavations taken in those years, with rigorous scientific method, by Giacomo Boni, as Director of the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill. It also represents a precious testimony of the aspect that the area must have had before the demolitions of the 1920s and 1930s, aime at the opening of Via dei Fori Imperiali, and of the deep urban transformations following the building of the Monument to king Vittorio Emanuele II (Vittoriano), then still under construction.
- Published
- 2023
28. Valeria Rotili, Stefania Ventra, Francesco Moschini (a cura di). (2022). Il Putto reggifestone di Raffaello. Studi, indagini, restauro. Genova: Sagep Editori
- Author
Laura Carlevaris
- Subjects
Drawing. Design. Illustration ,NC1-1940 ,Visual arts ,N1-9211 - Abstract
Le note che seguono intendono suggerire all’attenzione di chi fosse interessato alla lettura materica dell’opera d’arte un recente volume che presenta una ricerca che ha prodotto risultati di innegabile importanza e i cui esiti restituiscono la paternità di un lacerto di affresco conservato presso l’Accademia di San Luca a Roma con la figura di un putto a Raffaello Sanzio. Una ricerca dagli esiti eclatanti, dunque, ma la cui attrattività risiede in particolare nell’impostazione metodologica stessa, che va dal gruppo di studiosi coinvolti alle tecniche e alle strumentazioni adottate. [continua a leggere]
- Published
- 2022
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29. Educare al visivo: Una proposta metodologica per la formazione iniziale degli insegnanti nella scuola dell’infanzia e primaria
- Author
Anita Macauda, Veronica Russo, and Laura Corazza
- Subjects
Didattica Innovativa ,Formazione ,Insegnanti ,Scuola ,Arte ,Education - Abstract
Il contributo presenta una proposta metodologica di educazione al visivo per la formazione iniziale degli insegnanti nella scuola dell’infanzia e primaria, sperimentata nell’anno accademico 2021-2022 in due laboratori collegati all’insegnamento di Iconologia e Iconografia del CLMCU in Scienze della Formazione Primaria dell’Università di Bologna. Nello specifico, il contributo propone un metodo di apprendimento visivo volto ad attivare processi cognitivi di lettura dell'immagine. La ricerca ha utilizzato un metodo misto di analisi quantitativo-qualitativa attraverso questionari, all'inizio e alla fine dei laboratori, per indagare le percezioni degli studenti in formazione circa l’esperienza di lettura dell’immagine, lo sviluppo delle competenze professionali e la soddisfazione del percorso educativo.
- Published
- 2022
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30. Cosa dicono gli insegnanti? Un'analisi quanti-qualitativa delle loro reazioni a un’attività di formazione
- Author
Laura Carlotta Foschi
- Subjects
Formazione degli insegnanti ,Innovazione didattica ,Analisi quanti-qualitativa ,Sviluppo professionale continuo degli insegnanti ,Education - Abstract
Il contributo presenta una ricerca valutativa finalizzata a valutare un’attività di formazione sull’innovazione didattica che ha coinvolto insegnanti di scuola secondaria di primo e secondo grado. Il focus del contributo è la valutazione in itinere degli incontri condotti per condividere un ciclo di apprendimento-insegnamento basato su una sfida intellettuale posta agli studenti. Vengono considerati i risultati delle analisi quantitative e qualitative relativi alla valutazione delle reazioni degli insegnanti nei confronti delle modalità di conduzione e dei contenuti degli incontri, così come in termini generali e complessivi. I risultati consentono di concludere che le reazioni sono state decisamente positive e avvalorano, in linea con la letteratura sulle caratteristiche di efficacia dello sviluppo professionale continuo degli insegnanti, le scelte formative effettuate. Pur nel quadro di un bilancio positivo, gli insegnanti hanno tuttavia evidenziato alcune criticità intrinseche ed estrinseche all’attività di formazione, che permettono di definire ciò che si può migliorare in futuro.
- Published
- 2022
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31. Editoriale
- Author
Laura Corbelli and Paolo Migone
- Subjects
Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
Non disponibile
- Published
- 2022
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32. The Battle on the Second Amendment. The Issue of Private Ownership of Guns in the United States
- Author
Laura Corti
- Subjects
United States of America ,Private Ownership of Guns ,Second Amendment ,Gun Control ,Gun Violence ,National Rifle Association ,Law ,Political science - Abstract
The Second Amendment of the American Constitution arguably contains the formulation of the citizen’s right to a private ownership of guns. This amendment, however, has been the protagonist of interpretative battles that have reached the Supreme Court of the United States, and that continue today despite the decision of the Court. The issue of private gun ownership presents itself as a multifaceted interweaving of political, legislative, and social motivations, and is destined to increasingly become one of the factors that highlight the internal fracture of the American society. The essay explores the main elements related to the issue and its socio-political motivations, developments, and consequences.
- Published
- 2022
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33. 'Architetture educative', a cura di Giuseppe Moscato e Leonardo Tosi, Altralinea, 2022
- Author
Laura Coscia
- Subjects
architetture educative ,pedagogia ,arredi scolastici ,Education (General) ,L7-991 ,Science ,Theory and practice of education ,LB5-3640 - Abstract
Recensione ad Architetture educative, a cura di Giuseppe Moscato e Leonardo Tosi, Altralinea, 2022.
- Published
- 2022
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34. 'Fare didattica in spazi flessibili. Progettare, allestire e utilizzare ambienti di apprendimento', a cura di Leonardo Tosi, Giunti Scuola, 2019
- Author
Laura Coscia
- Subjects
ambienti scolastici ,pedagogia ,Education (General) ,L7-991 ,Science ,Theory and practice of education ,LB5-3640 - Abstract
Recensione a Fare didattica in spazi flessibili. Progettare, allestire e utilizzare ambienti di apprendimento, a cura di Leonardo Tosi, Giunti Scuola, 2019.
- Published
- 2022
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35. The Evaluation of Digital Health: paediatric assessment for exposition to Digital Media
- Author
Luca Pisano, Osama Al Jamal, Michela Sanna, Laura Concas, Gesuina Cherchi, Antonella Boi, Marinella Ariu, Pierpaolo Mascia, Giorgio Marras, Irene Urrai, and Domenico Galimi
- Subjects
digital health ,screen time ,digital media ,development ,digital subculture ,media exposure ,Medicine ,Pediatrics ,RJ1-570 - Abstract
Recent studies have shown the possible negative effects of children’s early exposure to digital content with particular reference to screen time. In fact, excessive use of Digital Media (DM) can have important repercussions on development, learning and the quality of family life. In addition, Internet-connected devices represent the key to accessing digital subculture, the content of which can have a negative impact on children’s psychological and physical development. Given the impact of DM and in particular of “digital subculture” on children, pre-adolescents and adolescents, we propose to broaden the concept of health by including not only the biological, psychological and social dimensions but also the digital dimension and thus the relationship with digital devices. In this work, we introduce the concept of “Digital Health” (DH), which refers to the well-being of all individuals, in particular of subjects of developmental age, exposed to digital devices, and we provide paediatricians with a new health procedure, called “Evaluation of Digital Health” (EDH). The EDH, aimed at assessing the digital habits, screen time and digital content viewed by the child, is carried out during periodic check-ups. In fact, we believe that paediatricians have a fundamental role in the protection of all-round health, including DH. The EDH would enable paediatricians, who follow growth from birth to adolescence, to prevent and/or promptly pick up on the signs of any risky digital behaviour displayed by parents and their children. From this perspective, the paediatrician may lead to the manifestation of appropriate digital behaviours, thus representing the first DH promotion service and fostering the development of digital awareness in the family.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Laura Castrianni
- Subjects
Cartography ,GA101-1776 ,Cadastral mapping ,GA109.5 - Abstract
The paper describes time, modes and techniques of realization in 1908 of a photomosaic, from balloon, of a section of the course of the Tiber river. The photomosaic was carried out by the Brigata Mista Specialisti of Genio Militare headed by Captain Cesare Tardivo, on order of the Genio Civile, as part of a navigation project of the Tiber river from the sea to Orte. The pioneering photomosaic, regarding the 50 km section from Ponte del Grillo to Stimigliano, is kept at the photographic archive of the Aerofototeca Nazionale - ICCD, and it is the first application of the new tecnique called topophotograpy in the civil field: presented as the "true portrait of the terrain" at the main international conferences of the time, earned Italy an undisputed leading place in the field of aerial photography and photogrammetry.
- Published
- 2022
37. Matilde de Magdeburgo y Margarita Porete. Diferentes modos de comprender el amor en la unión con la divinidad
- Author
Laura Carolina Durán
- Subjects
mystics ,love ,liberty ,mechthild of magdeburg ,marguerite porete ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
This article analyzes the work of two beguines from the 13th century belonging to the so-called vernacular theology. It is proposed to characterize the works of Mechthild of Magdeburg, The Flowing Light of the Goodhead, and Marguerite Porete, The Mirror of Simple Souls, in order to determine the most distinctive traits of the authors. In both works love is central, at the same time it is intimately linked to knowledge. Even so, the reading of the texts and their careful examination allow us to propose that Mechthild’s work is mainly linked to the literature of courtly love, while Marguerite’s, to the time it includes these elements, it is more rooted in the mystique of nothingness, which will later become widely known in tradition through the work of Meister Eckhart. For this reason, the place given to the senses and corporeality acquires greater relevance in Mechthild’s work, while in Marguerite the unitive loving experience is purely spiritual. These nuances in the characterizations of the union with the divinity must be read in their historical context, since during the 13th century and the following a controversy developed on the affective or intellectual character of the mystical union. These different ways of understanding love that we find in the works of these medieval authors represent another way of approaching the idea and function of eros, which from Plato onwards has been one of the central themes of philosophical reflection.
- Published
- 2021
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38. A Multimodal Analysis of Gender Representations in British and Italian TV Advertisements
- Author
Laura Centonze and Annarita Taronna
- Subjects
women representation ,multimodality ,advertisements ,stereotype ,elf ,Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar ,P101-410 ,Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Abstract
The present paper illustrates the preliminary findings of a CORECOM-funded project called “The representation of the image of women in advertising: interlinguistic and multimodal perspectives”. Its aim has been to identify, analyze and deconstruct semantic asymmetries which continue to proliferate in the field of information and communication, thus perpetrating discursive constructions of stereotyped and discriminating gender identities. Drawing on the most influential contributions to the study of language and gender (Lakoff 1975, Goffman 1979, Cameron 1995; Christie 2000, Lazar 2005, Jeffries 2007, Baker 2008, Mills 2008, 2012, Machin & Caldas-Coulthard 2016), the present research has identified possible pragmatic characterizations leading to the identification of subliminal, discriminating or degrading advertising messages which provide the audience with the image of a stereotyped woman or allusively associated, for example, with an aesthetic canon based on beauty as an absolute value. To this end, the comparison between advertising messages disseminated on the regional, national and international territory has brought out quantitative and qualitative data that have allowed us to define the extent to which the presence of gender stereotypes and sexualization of the female body are occurring in regional and national advertising in relation to some European countries. Reference has thus been made to advertisements in English in both English-speaking and non-English-speaking countries. Consequently, the results of interlinguistic and comparative research have also brought out useful data for the definition of pragma-linguistic patterns characterizing ELF (English as a Lingua Franca; Seidlhofer 2001) in advertising.
- Published
- 2022
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39. Ideological Tensions in Education Policy Networks: An Analysis of the Policy Innovators in Education Network in the United States
- Author
Joseph Ferrare, Laura Carter-Stone, and Sarah Galey-Horn
- Subjects
policy networks ,pie network ,policy innovators in education ,education policy ,school reform ,advocacy organizations ,intermediary organizations ,social network analysis ,Education ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Previous research has illustrated that advocacy organizations play a crucial role in education policy networks by communicating educational reform agendas to public and private stakeholders. In the United States, an inter-state consortium of these advocacy organizations has formed their own network. The Policy Innovators in Education (PIE) network is a formal, centrally coordinated policy network that connects state-level advocacy organizations to one another and to national advocacy organizations, think tanks, and philanthropic foundations. Despite more than doubling in size since 2016, little is known about the policy preferences of PIE members. In this paper, we use social network analysis to identify and describe the ideological dimensions of advocacy that structure the PIE Network and to examine how these ideological dimensions have changed as the network has expanded. We find that the central areas of emphasis among these organizations have coalesced around neoliberal ideologies that promote accountability and standards. However, there is an underlying tension within the network that unfolds along two dimensions. On the one hand, preferences for choice and autonomy (e.g., charters, general choice, and autonomy & deregulation) are contrasted to those favoring equitable funding for low-income schools and early childhood education. On the other hand, members emphasize policies involving factors internal to schools (student interventions, leadership standards and accountability) to those external to schools (e.g., familial support, funding-based equity). These tensions within the network have grown more pronounced over time as the network has expanded to include new members with a more ideological narrow set of market-based policy preferences.
- Published
- 2021
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40. An Interdisciplinary Approach for the Historical and Technical Characterization of Medieval and Modern Mortars
- Author
Daniela Esposito, Aida Maria Conte, Laura Corda, and Elisabetta Giorgi
- Subjects
conservation ,reconstruction ,architecture ,seismic risk ,mortar ,Arts in general ,NX1-820 - Abstract
The study concerns Italian masonries and focuses on historical, medieval and modern mortars. Within the context of the different regions under examination (Piedmont, the Po Valley area, Latium, the Umbria-Marche region, and Apulia and Sardinia) a wide variety of materials with different chemical-physical characteristics were used in masonry work, determining different structural behaviors. The project aims at improving our knowledge about historical mortars in order to further the conservation of Italian built heritage, especially in zones with seismic risk. To achieve these results, we took samples and carried out analyses to investigate the different mechanical and cohesion properties that influence the vulnerability of ruined or collapsed structures. This information has enabled advances to be made in the prevention, maintenance, protection and preservation of historical buildings. Further details will concern the history of construction techniques, with particular regard to the relationship between local resources and construction sites. Another important topic is the role of different components and additives during the preparation of the mortars and their level of hydraulicity.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Laura Campanale
- Subjects
Language and Literature ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
È innegabile il successo del Made in Italy alimentare in paesi come la Germania, uno tra i nostri maggiori importatori, in cui da anni si sono diffusi ovunque tipici locali italiani. Per i tedeschi la nostra cultura culinaria, simbolo di genuinità e convivialità, è talmente apprezzata da avere influenzato le loro abitudini alimentari. Diversi nostri prodotti come la pizza, la pasta, l’espresso fanno ormai parte del patrimonio alimentare e linguistico tedesco, senza dimenticare il gelato, di cui pochi ne conoscono storia e origini. Per tale motivo, tratteremo del successo e della diffusione delle gelaterie italiane in Germania, presentando, infine, una serie di italianismi relativi al mondo della gelateria, a dimostrazione della capacità innovativa ed espansiva della lingua italiana nel tedesco. Italian food in German language and culture: the contribution of Italian gelato in Germany The success of Made in Italy food in countries such as Germany, one of our major importers, is undeniable. For years, typical Italian restaurants have been spreading everywhere. For Germans, our culinary culture, a symbol of authenticity and conviviality, is so appreciated that it has influenced their eating habits. Many of our products such as pizza, pasta, espresso are now part of the German food and linguistic heritage, without forgetting ice cream, of which few know its history and origins. For this reason, we will deal with the success and diffusion of Italian ice cream parlors in Germany, presenting a series of Italianisms related to the world of gelato, demonstrating the innovative and expansive capacity of the Italian language in German.
- Published
- 2022
42. Quatro voltas do parafuso: romance epistolar, found footage e glitch gothic no ensino de cinema
- Author
Laura Cánepa and Juliana Cristina Borges Monteiro
- Subjects
Câmera intradiegética ,Horror digital ,Glitch gothic ,Found footage ,Romance epistolar ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 ,Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Abstract
Neste trabalho, apresentaremos reflexões sobre os resultados da pesquisa teórico-prática desenvolvida em 2018, na qual uma turma de alunos de graduação do curso de Cinema e Audiovisual adaptou cenas da novela epistolar A volta do parafuso (1898), de Henry James, para a linguagem audiovisual, fazendo uso do recurso da câmera intradiegética. Este trabalho analisa algumas características estilísticas dos trabalhos realizados, relacionando-as à literatura epistolar, ao found footage de horror, ao fenômeno do horror digital e ao chamado glitch gothic, com o objetivo de descrever e discutir implicações de uma atividade educativa desenvolvida em curso de Comunicação Social.
- Published
- 2022
43. Ashish Kothari, Ariel Salleh, Arturo Escobar, Federico Demaria, Alberto Acosta, eds, Pluriverso: Dizionario del Post-Sviluppo, edizione italiana a cura di Maura Benegiamo, Alice Dal Gobbo, Emanuele Leonardi, Salvo Torre, Pisa, Orthotes, 2021, pp. 491
- Author
Laura Centemeri
- Subjects
Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 - Abstract
Recensione di Ashish Kothari, Ariel Salleh, Arturo Escobar, Federico Demaria, Alberto Acosta, eds, Pluriverso: Dizionario del Post-Sviluppo, edizione italiana a cura di Maura Benegiamo, Alice Dal Gobbo, Emanuele Leonardi, Salvo Torre, Pisa, Orthotes, 2021, pp. 491.
- Published
- 2022
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44. Carmen Laforet y la generación del 50. La narrativa breve y 'La mujer nueva' (1950-1955)
- Author
Laura Cerullo
- Subjects
French literature - Italian literature - Spanish literature - Portuguese literature ,PQ1-3999 - Abstract
Se analiza el proceso de evolución en la poética de Carmen Laforet a partir de los años cincuenta. La conversión católica de la autora implica un acercamiento literario a temas que son fundamentales para la generación del medio siglo y que, aunque de forma indirecta, determinan el proceso de adhesión de la escritora al grupo mencionado. Se estudian con este fin algunos cuentos y novelas breves escritos a partir de 1950 y la novela La mujer nueva (1955), con especial atención al proceso de configuración del personaje protagonista.
- Published
- 2020
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45. Cosa fa uno psicoanalista in uno sportello per il gioco d’azzardo problematico e patologico? Lo sportello ‘Gioco Responsabile’ della Repubblica di San Marino
- Author
Laura Corbelli
- Subjects
Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
Non disponibile
- Published
- 2022
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46. A game for everyone: learning with digital teaching and student skills
- Author
Laura Ceccacci
- Subjects
gamification ,student skills ,inclusive environments ,digital teaching ,evidence based education ,competenze degli studenti ,Education - Abstract
Learning platforms are currently main organization models for digital and remote teaching. Researches have highlighted learning outcomes as a critical area during the health emergency, also partially due to low prepardeness of teachers for digital and distance teaching. Evidence Based Education informs that gamification can efficiently be implemented as a teaching methodology, using games to involve students in digital activities in an inclusive manner. In order to monitor the level of appreciation and to identify the more appropriate game models according to students’ literacy skills, a study was performed in Marche region (IT) in 2021 in two first year high school classes involved in gamificated learning activities. All students appreciated the games used, but different reasons for appreciation are reported according to student skills. The escape room and the quiz design were identified as the most inclusive instrument, but other strategies were referred as very useful for inclusion: the variation of the graphic elements and the use of no time limited games. Un gioco di tutti e di ciascuno: l’apprendimento con la Didattica Digitale Integrata e le competenze degli studenti. Le piattaforme didattiche oggi rappresentano un modello di organizzazione dello spazio di lavoro irrinunciabile per gli interventi in DDI e DaD. Gli studi hanno individuato nei bassi risultati di apprendimento degli studenti una delle maggiori criticità del periodo della pandemia, in parte imputabile anche alla limitata capacità dei docenti di operare efficacemente a distanza attraverso strumenti digitali. In prospettiva Evidence Based, tra le metodologie ritenute più adeguate a conciliare l’efficacia didattica mediata dalla tecnologia e la dimensione inclusiva, figura la gamification, nelle sue varie declinazioni. È stato realizzato nel 2021 un monitoraggio su due classi prime di un liceo scientifico marchigiano, che hanno sperimentato un’attività integrata con elementi di gioco variamente caratterizzati, condotto con lo scopo di verificare il gradimento e individuare le modalità di giochi online più adatti a vari gruppi di studenti, distinti in base al livello di competenze nell’area alfabetico funzionale. La proposta didattica ha incontrato il gradimento di tutti, sebbene per distinte ragioni riferibili a diversi livelli di competenze. È inoltre emerso che è possibile individuare strategie, come la strutturazione su livelli e la progettazione di quiz, e modalità di gioco, senza limiti di tempo e con una variazione degli aspetti grafici, ampiamente inclusive.
- Published
- 2022
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47. Las piraguas de La Marmotta, auténtica ingeniería para navegar por el Mediterráneo durante la expansión neolítica
- Author
Mario Mineo, Juan Francisco Gibaja Bao, Laura Caruso Fermé, Miriam Cubas Morea, Gerard Remolins Zamora, and Niccolò Mazzucco
- Subjects
navegación ,piraguas ,Neolítico ,península italiana ,Mediterráneo ,Economic geography of the oceans (General) ,HC92 - Abstract
Este trabajo tiene como eje discursivo la información publicada sobre dos de las cinco piraguas neolíticas documentadas en el asentamiento neolítico de La Marmotta (Anguillara Sabazia, Lazio, Italia), y como este hallazgo puede darnos nuevos datos sobre la navegación y la expansión neolítica por el Mediterráneo. Se trata de un yacimiento excepcional, pues el hecho de hallarse en el fondo del Lago di Bracciano ha permitido que se conservaran extraordinarios restos bióticos. Las características de estas piraguas, así como del conjunto de elementos navales asociados, nos demuestran que estamos ante sociedades complejas en su organización social, con unos conocimientos tecnológicos difícilmente imaginables. Conocer La Marmotta es comprender mucho mejor las sociedades neolíticas y el éxito de su expansión. Sin duda conocían muy bien la navegación y el mar Mediterráneo. De lo contrario es difícil suponer cómo iniciaron su diáspora hace unos 10000 años BC desde Próximo Oriente y llegaron a las costas portuguesas hacia el 5400 BC. Domesticaron las plantas y los animales, y revolucionaron todo el espectro técnico que, gracias a yacimientos como La Marmotta, podemos evaluar. Sin duda, somos los herederos de aquellas sociedades.
- Published
- 2022
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48. The role of children in the transmission of SARS-CoV-2: review of the evidence and analysis of the trend of infection in the pediatric population
- Author
Yasmin Khayamian, Laura Casula, Luigi Minerba, Maria Valeria Massidda, and Paola Melis
- Subjects
pediatric ,transmission ,secondary attack rate ,index case ,sars-cov-2 ,italy ,Medicine ,Pediatrics ,RJ1-570 - Abstract
Background: The epidemiological knowledge about the diffusion and diffusibility of SARS-CoV-2 in the pediatric population is constantly updated and revised, but not always based on sound and thorough body of evidence. This study examines the trend of the virus in the pediatric population in the Italian context. Specifically, it investigates the evidence available about the role of the pediatric population in the transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Methods: Analysis of the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 in Italy in the age group ≤ 19 years and comparison with other countries. Systematic reviews and meta-analysis available on PubMed regarding the infection rate of the pediatric population were analyzed. Results: In the period between July 2020 and November 2020, the new cases in the pediatric population show an exponential increase, revealing a rapid growth of new infections. In the literature there is a large amount of studies about the spread and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the pediatric population, but only few quantitative synthesis are available. The lack of data about the secondary attack rate of a pediatric index case in primary studies combined with the frequent lack of good methods makes it difficult to determine the infection rate in children. The analyzed literature shows that: a) the majority of pediatric cases comes from family transmission; b) the index case in the clusters is predominantly adults; c) pediatric index cases appear to be responsible for a lower secondary attack rate compared to adult index cases. Conclusion: We observed an exponential increase of SARS-CoV-2 cases in the age group between 0 and 19 years between July 2020 and November 2020 in Italy, but the international literature indicates that children do not transmit SARS-CoV-2 more than adults. However, the evidence is not sufficient to draw firm conclusions.
- Published
- 2022
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49. Duty as a defence between civil disobedience and criminal law
- Author
Laura Ciccozzi
- Subjects
Civil disobedience ,whistleblowing ,criminal law ,legal duty ,moral duty ,History of Law ,KJ2-1040 - Abstract
The history of civil disobedience begins in the United States in the 17th century and has evolved during the centuries. The most modern type of civil disobedience, whistleblowing, is emblematic of how the concept has changed over the last decades. The question of which circumstances justify disobedience to the law is one of the most debated in the history of legal thought. The article analyses the relationship between morality and criminal law or, in other words, between the right (and duty) to disobey certain laws and its consequences.
- Published
- 2021
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50. Fuentes para el estudio de las consecuencias sociales de la COVID-19. Una revisión de las encuestas realizadas en España (2020-2021)
- Author
José Manuel Torrado, Ricardo Duque-Calvache, Laura Castellano García, and Ángel Fernández-Pérez
- Subjects
Social Sciences ,Sociology (General) ,HM401-1281 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
Los cambios causados por la crisis de la COVID-19 han sido objeto de gran atención por parte de la investigación social. Sin embargo, su volumen es tal que muchas de las encuestas han pasado desapercibidas, siguiendo a día de hoy infrautilizadas. Este trabajo presenta una revisión de las diferentes encuestas sociales específicas sobre COVID-19 realizadas por las instituciones públicas en España, con un doble objetivo. De un lado, servir de herramienta de consulta para investigadores que quieran emprender un trabajo de investigación sobre la pandemia con datos secundarios. De otro, plantear una reflexión a partir del metaanálisis de las características y evolución de las encuestas producidas. Nuestros resultados muestran que la producción de información sigue un curso similar al de la propia enfermedad, y con cada oleada se desataba también un periodo de gran producción de datos. Al tiempo también se produjo una evolución de los temas y bloques de preguntas, que inicialmente se centraban en aspectos de vida cotidiana, después en los impactos sobre la economía y sociedad, posteriormente en la gestión política y finalmente, con el comienzo de la vacunación, en temas de salud.
- Published
- 2023
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