152 results on '"Aure"'
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2. Del retablo mayor de Zúñiga (Navarra) y de la obra de sus autores: Juan y Francisco de Ayala, Juan Ruiz de Heredia y Pedro de Gabiria
- Author
- Subjects
Navarra ,País Vasco ,La Rioja ,retablo ,Juan de Ayala II ,Francisco de Ayala ,Fine Arts ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 ,History of Civilization ,CB3-482 - Abstract
Se repasa el complejo proceso de contratación que afectó al retablo mayor de Zúñiga. Se aporta nueva documentación que permite proponer que en este retablo se pudo utilizar una traza de Arnao Spierinck o de Bruselas. Se revisa y aquilata el estilo y la evolución de los escultores de la familia Ayala y de Pedro de Gabiria. Pero, sobre todo, se indaga en las obras de Juan Ruiz de Heredia, autor del retablo de Mues –junto con Martín Gumet– y al que también se adjudica la imagen de Nuestra Señora de Beatasis en Zúñiga, y la imaginería de los retablos de Agoncillo (La Rioja), El Busto, Armañanzas y Piedramillera en Navarra. También trabajó la piedra y se le adjudican las imágenes de la portada de Santa María de Los Arcos, sobre todo la figura de María con el Niño.
- Published
- 2024
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3. El «Comité international de coordination et d’information pour l’aide à l’Espagne républicaine» (CICIAER) y la red frentepopulista de organismos de ayuda
- Author
Aurelio Velázquez Hernández
- Subjects
ciciaer ,frentepopulismo ,antifascismo ,redes transnacionales ,ayuda humanitaria ,propaganda ,History (General) and history of Europe - Abstract
Partiendo desde una perspectiva de la historia del humanitarismo, el artículo estudia la configuración de una red transnacional de coordinación de organizaciones de ayuda a la República española durante la Guerra Civil (1936-1939). Dicha red estuvo, en su mayor parte, formada por entidades con una clara orientación política, y organizadas en base a una línea de frente popular antifascista. En el texto nos centraremos esencialmente en el análisis de la organización central de dicha red: el Comité international de coordination et d’information pour l’aide à l’Espagne républicaine (CICIAER) con sede en París. Analizaremos el funcionamiento de esta entidad y la configuración de todo un complejo entramado institucional derivado de ella; estudiaremos cuáles fueron sus principales actividades, así como el alcance de sus campañas de propaganda y recaudación; trataremos de adentrarnos en cómo se establecieron los vínculos con otros organismos internacionales de corte frente populista para generar toda una red de ayuda extendida por más de veinte países y examinaremos el funcionamiento de esta red así como la desigual implicación de las diversas organizaciones que formaban parte de la misma. A través del análisis de los discursos y la propaganda producida por esta organización y transmitida a través de su red de organizaciones asociadas, trataremos de determinar hasta qué punto estas organizaciones responden a unas dinámicas y unos objetivos meramente humanitarios o fueron instrumentalizadas como un mecanismo de difusión de los mensajes producidos por la Internacional comunista para la propagación de las políticas frente populistas que estaban tratando de propugnar desde el VII Congreso Mundial celebrado en 1935.
- Published
- 2024
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4. Presentación: De la primera posguerra europea a la Guerra Civil española: experiencias de ayuda humanitaria internacional en el periodo de entreguerras
- Author
Aurelio Velázquez Hernández
- Subjects
ayuda humanitaria ,historia transnacional ,periodo de entreguerras ,History (General) and history of Europe - Abstract
Presentación del dosssier monográfico sobre ayuda humanitaria.
- Published
- 2024
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5. Il rinvio abnorme del processo: due casi nelle «Noctes Atticae» di Gellio
- Author
Aurelio Arnese
- Subjects
aulo gellio ,aulus gellius ,noctes atticae ,abnormità: non liquet ,protagora ,giusto processo ,diritto romano ,roman law ,römisches recht ,derecho romano ,diritti antichi ,ancient law ,History of Law ,KJ2-1040 - Abstract
Abstract - Using fallacious argumentative means, such as the antistréphon, causes dilemmas and leads the judge to not decide and therefore to postpone the trial, thus avoiding an injustice verdict. Noctes Atticae by Gellius contains an example (5.10.1-16). In another passage (12.7.1-7) the dilemma and the deferment of the trial are determined by the same facts advanced in the judgment. By both Gellian passages, postponing the judgement is a substantial non liquet but with the function of preventing an injustice.
- Published
- 2023
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6. Analysis of two cross-contamination cases of Campylobacter jejuni foodborne disease in fragile subjects in the territory of a Local Health Authority in Tuscany, Italy
- Author
Francesca Marconi, Martina Sartoni, Clara Girardi, Aurelio Rossi, Matteo Carrini, Roberta Nuvoloni, Francesca Pedonese, and Giovanni Munaò
- Subjects
campylobacteriosis ,Campylobacter jejuni ,fragile people ,official control ,cross contamination ,Food processing and manufacture ,TP368-456 - Abstract
Campylobacteriosis is the most reported foodborne disease in the European Union, with more than 100,000 confirmed cases annually. Human infection can be caused by a low infectious dose, and in fragile populations, the food disease can manifest itself in acute and severe forms. This study aims to analyze two cases of campylobacteriosis in fragile people caused by Campylobacter jejuni in 2023 in Tuscany and the actions of the Local Health Competent Authority. From the results of the related investigations, it was possible to attribute both cases of foodborne diseases to unsafe food management during preparation/administration. Given the peculiar characteristics of the etiological agent, it is necessary to focus the attention of the population, especially those who deal with fragile subjects, on the good hygiene practices to be followed both at home and in collective catering.
- Published
- 2024
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7. The bottleneck/cork interface: a key parameter in bottle-aging of wine
- Author
Julie Chanut, Aurélie Lagorce, Régis D. Gougeon, Jean-Pierre Bellat, and Thomas Karbowiak
- Subjects
Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 ,Plant culture ,SB1-1110 - Abstract
A study of changes in oxygen transfer through micro-agglomerated corks was carried out over 24 months under controlled storage conditions (Chanut et al., 2023a). This work demonstrated that the glass/cork interface can represent a major entry route for oxygen into wine bottles. It also showed that there is no difference in oxygen transfer at 20°C between bottles stored horizontally and vertically. However, high storage temperature greatly increases oxygen transfer at the interface between the cork and the bottleneck.
- Published
- 2024
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8. «Universo de Almourol»: nueva actualización 2023
- Author
Aurelio Vargas Díaz-Toledo
- Subjects
Language and Literature ,French literature - Italian literature - Spanish literature - Portuguese literature ,PQ1-3999 - Abstract
Mediante el presente trabajo nos disponemos a ofrecer una nueva actualización de nuestro proyecto de investigación titulado Base de dados da matéria cavaleiresca portuguesa dos séculos XVI-XVIII, que comenzó su andadura en la Universidad de Oporto, dentro del Instituto de Filosofía y gracias a la Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia. Este proyecto se materializó en la página Universo de Almourol, que ahora está alojada en el portal de Literatura Medieval Hispánica Parnaseo. De este modo, nos disponemos a mostrar los avances de los contenidos que ha enriquecido este proyecto.
- Published
- 2023
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9. Brasileiros na Alemanha: motivações, perfil dos imigrantes e questões para debate
- Author
Eduardo Picanço Cruz, Roberto Pessoa de Queiroz Falcão, and Aurélio José dos Santos
- Subjects
alemanha ,brasileiros ,imigração ,netnografia ,survey ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 ,Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform ,HN1-995 ,History (General) and history of Europe - Abstract
O artigo evidencia o perfil sociodemográfico de imigrantes brasileiros na Alemanha, abrindo espaço para discussões acadêmicas e/ou de políticas públicas, ao se analisar seu perfil sociodemográfico e motivações migratórias. Foi realizada uma survey com 652 respondentes, acessados em grupos de Facebook. Os achados foram triangulados com informações netnográficas extraídas dos principais grupos de Facebook de brasileiros na Alemanha. O perfil identificado é majoritariamente formado por mulheres jovens, com perfil de alta escolaridade, que trocaram o Brasil pela Alemanha, por motivos de relacionamento (matrimônio ou acompanhar cônjuge). Os respondentes declaram não terem um prazo definido para retornar, sendo que afirmam terem saído do Brasil devido à falta de oportunidades, violência, instabilidade política e causas econômicas. Os achados são contrastados com as tipologias de imigração, sendo úteis ao debate de políticas públicas que visem a manutenção de brasileiros qualificados no país, bem como a atração do capital gerado por esses migrantes em forma de investimentos em negócios no Brasil.
- Published
- 2022
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10. ÁGREDA PINO, Ana María, Vivir entre bastidores: bordado, mujer y domesticidad en la España de la Edad Moderna, Santander, Ediciones Universidad de Cantabria, 2022
- Author
- Subjects
bordado ,encaje ,feminismo ,Edad Moderna ,Fine Arts ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 ,History of Civilization ,CB3-482 - Published
- 2023
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11. Precisiones, rectificaciones y noticias sobre la promoción de los Velasco en tierras de Burgos
- Author
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Gótico ,Tardogótico ,Simón de Colonia ,Francisco de Colonia ,Juan de Rasines ,Mencía de Mendoza ,Fine Arts ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 ,History of Civilization ,CB3-482 - Abstract
Precisamos algunos datos y aportamos noticias sobre la actividad patrimonial de los Velasco en Burgos y en La Rioja occidental. Identificamos a los enterrados en el panteón familiar de Medina de Pomar y precisamos las reformas que se hicieron en el monasterio de Santa Clara. Se revisa la acción de los Condestables en la capilla de la catedral de Burgos y se aportan noticias sobre el monasterio de Briviesca, que pasó de Juan Gil de Hontañón a Juan de Rasines en 1523. Comentamos los datos sobre la estancia de Simón de Colonia en Haro y sobre la construcción de un nuevo monasterio en Ajubarte.
- Published
- 2023
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12. Le mythe des Assassins, une métaphore politique : de Richard Coeur de Lion à Ben Laden
- Author
Aurélien Berset
- Subjects
Romanic languages ,PC1-5498 - Abstract
Le mythe des Assassins concerne une secte musulmane médiévale perpétrant des meurtres politico-religieux. Toutes sortes de fantasmes sont venus se greffer à ce récit, notamment autour du Vieux de la Montagne, le dirigeant de la secte, qui enivrerait ses adeptes de haschisch dans un paradis artificiel. J’aimerais me pencher sur un aspect peu étudié de cette fable : sa mobilisation pour désigner des mouvements et des personnalités politiques réels. Je voudrais exposer différentes variantes politiques des remaniements de cette légende, à travers les oeuvres d’écrivains aussi divers que Germaine de Staël, André Malraux ou encore Amin Maalouf. Qu’est-ce qui permet d’expliquer la malléabilité de ce mythe utilisé à des fins politiques ainsi que sa puissance rhétorique ? Mots-clés : Assassins, politique, orientalisme, mythe, islam.
- Published
- 2023
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13. Intégration d’un système CND Impact Echo sur un drone
- Author
Aurelia Marine Muller, Claudia Thurnherr, and Daniel Algernon
- Subjects
Technology - Abstract
L’automatisation, même partielle, des procédures de contrôle non-destructif des structures dans le domaine du génie civil présente de nombreux avantages. Parmi ses avantages, on peut citer une plus grande répétabilité des mesures, une diminution des erreurs liée au facteur humain ainsi que la réduction du risque de compromettre la sécurité des personnes. Cette étude explore le concept et le développement du projet UACIS (Uncrewed Aerial Concrete Inspection System), en particulier l’intégration d’un système de mesure Impact Echo. Le projet UACIS consiste à embarquer différentes méthodes de CND par ultrasons via des charges utile interchangeable sur un drone à hélice dans le but de faciliter l’inspection de structure en béton. En particulier, UACIS a pour but de faciliter l’inspection de zones en hauteur dont l’accès s’avère dangereux et difficile. Le drone utilisé dans cette étude est un robot commercial développé par ©Voliro Airbone Robotics qui a été conçu spécifiquement pour permettre un contact physique, en cours de vol, entre le système de mesure embarqué et la structure inspectée. Un système d’inspection Impact Echo, comprenant une sonde piézoélectrique et un élément de frappe solénoïde, a été intègre au drone. Cette méthode est communément utilisée pour l’inspection de structure en béton. L’élément de frappe permet de générer des ondes acoustiques dans le matériau, les ondes sont ensuite captées par la sonde piézoélectrique puis converties en signal A-scan et spectre de fréquence. L’analyse du spectre de fréquence et la connaissance de la vitesse des ondes dans le matériau permettent de caractériser la structure. Les différentes contraintes liées à l’intégration du CND impact écho au drone ainsi que les premiers résultats et mesures effectués seront présenter. Parmi les sujets abordés seront notamment les restrictions en matière de poids et de dimensions, la communication entre les différentes interfaces, la mise en place d’un transfert de données sans fil en temps réel entre le système CND/drone et l'interface utilisateur au sol, l’actionnement à distance de l’élément de frappe et de la sonde, les stratégies d'atténuation du bruit et de traitement du signal.
- Published
- 2023
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14. Monitoring of polyphosphate levels in animal source products collected in Italy by means of ion chromatography with suppressed conductivity detection
- Author
Giovanna Berardi, Aurelia Di Taranto, Naceur Haouet, Valeria Vita, Elena Palomba, Gianluca Rizzi, and Marco Iammarino
- Subjects
Food additives ,ion chromatography ,polyphosphates ,phosphorous anhydride ,risk exposure ,Food processing and manufacture ,TP368-456 - Abstract
Polyphosphates (PPs) constitute a class of food additives widely used due to their ability to exercise different useful activities. The food safety concern about the use of PPs in food is both the possible non-declared addition and some health effects, such as bile duct stones, decrease in oligo-element absorption, and allergic reactions in susceptible people. In this study, an analytical method based on ion chromatography with conductivity detection was applied for the detection and quantification of PPs in 238 samples of animal-derived products such as meat, dairy, and fish products. A contribution to risk assessment was also included. The monitoring confirmed the absence of non-compliant results. All concentrations of PPs were indeed lower than the legal limits set in European Regulation No. 1333/2008. Moreover, no residue of PPs was detected (> limit of quantification: 0.09 g kg-1) in all samples where they were not reported on the product label. No PPs were detected in molluscs, meat-based preparations, semi-ripened, unripened, and spun paste cheese, while they are widely used in surimi, with concentrations in the range of 0.1-0.5 g kg-1. The highest concentrations were quantified in a wurstel sample (4.7±0.3 g kg-1) and a spreadable cheese sample (8.9±0.7 g kg-1). Considering that the high-exposure scenario together with a very susceptible population group (toddlers) were considered for risk exposure study, and that the highest admissible daily intake obtained was equal to 10.4%, the assessment demonstrated that the actual use of PPs in food does not pose a risk for food safety.
- Published
- 2023
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15. Face aux déconvenues du contentieux climatique de l'Union européenne, les droits fondamentaux au secours du climat?
- Author
Aurélie Laurent
- Subjects
climate change ,human rights ,european court of justice ,climate litigation ,admissibility ,european fundamental rights ,Law ,Law of Europe ,KJ-KKZ - Abstract
(Series Information) European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, 2022 7(1), 253-264 | European Forum Insight of 18 May 2022 | (Table of Contents) I. Introduction. - II. Un insuccès imputable à l'obstacle de la recevabilité des requêtes climatiques auprès de la Cour de justice. - III. Explorer les voies de droit à même de porter la défense du climat devant la Cour de justice. - IV. Mobiliser en Europe des droits fondamentaux substantiels adaptés au contentieux climatique. | (Abstract) So far, climate change litigation in the European Union has been a disappointment, since the European Court of Justice denied the admissibility of two promising cases in 2021: Sabo ECLI:EU:C:2021:24 and Carvalho ECLI:EU:T:2019:252. Nonetheless, the European human rights litigation can still play a significant role in alleviating the ongoing climate crisis in the future. There is still a path to find the access to the Luxembourg Court for future claims related to climate change. Renewed standards of European Human Rights could also be one of the keys to create a proper case law to fight global warming.
- Published
- 2022
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16. Effects of osmotic stress on Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 7644: persistent cells and heat resistance
- Author
Luca Nalbone, Giorgia Sorrentino, Filippo Giarratana, Aurelian Schiopu-Mariean, Graziella Ziino, and Alessandro Giuffrida
- Subjects
ScanLag ,Biphasic Killing Curve ,Persistent bacteria ,GInaFit ,Thermal Resistance ,Listeria monocytogenes ,Food processing and manufacture ,TP368-456 - Abstract
Persistent bacteria are a microbial subpopulation that, exposed to bactericidal treatment, is killed at a slower rate than the rest of the population they are part of. They can be triggered either following stress or stochastically without external signals. The hallmark of persistent bacteria is the biphasic killing curve, a sign that, within a microbial population, two subpopulations are inactivated at a different rate. Furthermore, when plated into a fresh medium and in the absence of stressors, persistent bacteria typically remain in the lag phase longer before resuming active replication. This study aims to evaluate in vitro whether the formation of persistent cells in a strain of Listeria monocytogenes can be triggered by exposure to osmotic stress and if this phenomenon can increase heat resistance in the bacterial population. In a first experiment, the lag time distribution of a L. monocytogenes strain grown in a 6% NaCl broth was evaluated using the software ScanLag. A stationary phase broth culture was inoculated on agar plates placed on an office scanner inside an incubator at 37°C. The plates were scanned every 20’ for 4 days and the acquired images were automatically elaborated with the aid of MatLab software in order to evaluate the appearance times of every single colony. The experiment was also carried out on a control culture obtained by growing the strain in the broth without salt. In a second experiment, the same broth cultures, after proper dilutions to rebalance NaCl concentration, were subjected to a heat treatment at 51°C and the death curves obtained were parameterized using the GinaFit system. Results showed that the lag phase of 31.40% of the salt culture colonies was long enough to suppose the formation of persistent bacteria. Analyses of the thermal survival curves showed that the shoulder and tail model was the one that best represented the inactivation trend of the salt culture, unlike the control culture, whose trend was essentially linear. Results of the present study show how exposure to salt could induce the formation of persistent bacteria in a L. monocytogenes strain. The last raises concerns as persistent cells may not only be undetected with common analytical techniques but they even show a greater heat resistance.
- Published
- 2023
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17. A historiografia sobre as prisões na Era Vargas: notas preliminares ao debate
- Author
Aurélio de Moura Britto
- Subjects
historiography ,prison institutions ,vargas age ,History (General) ,D1-2009 - Abstract
The purpose of this article is to carry out a critical, albeit rather panoramic and selective, approach to the historiography of prisons in the Vargas Age. Itintend to demarcate the predominant approaches in this incipient field of studies in order to explore its potentialities and gaps, suggesting some general problematizations that can strengthen the debate. Therefore,it doesn`tintend here to systematize the works, in the form of a more finished and broad historiographic balance, but to critically dialogue with some references and problems of the historiographical production pertinent to prison studies.
- Published
- 2022
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18. Cercetări interdisciplinare în siturile arheologice din secolele IV-III a. Chr. din preajma localitătii Cogâlniceni (raionul Rezina, Republica Moldova)
- Author
Aurel Zanoci, Mihail Băț, Andrei Asăndulesei, Vitalie Sochircă, Adrian-Felix Tencariu, and Tatiana Nagacevschi
- Subjects
Archaeology ,CC1-960 - Published
- 2022
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- Author
Aurel Constantin LUPU and Oana Raluca IVAN
- Subjects
non-financial reporting ,sustainable development ,disclosure ,regulations ,performance indicators ,stakeholders. ,Business ,HF5001-6182 ,Finance ,HG1-9999 - Abstract
The purpose of this paper is to examine the state of Romania's sustainable development using statistical indicators (green investments, employment rate, GDP expenditure on research, development, and innovation, greenhouse gas emissions, share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption, early school leavers, tertiary educational attainment, and people at risk of poverty or social exclusion). The method used in this research work is bibliographical and statistical research. The topic of sustainability has experienced a new upswing. Society demands sustainable business from companies and wants transparent information in return. The importance of sustainable action is also reflected in investment decisions: the classic financial key figures are no longer the exclusive reason for an investment. Rather, non-financial indicators are expected to provide further information about the long-term value of a company. In 2014, EU member states adopted a directive to expand the reporting of large capital market-oriented companies, credit institutions, financial services institutions and insurance companies. Since 2017, this Nonfinancial Information (NFI) Directive has been mandatory for capital market-oriented companies in Austria within the framework of the Sustainability and Diversity Improvement Act (NaDiVeG). In concrete terms, this means that capital market-oriented companies must publish a non-financial statement or a separate non-financial report in addition to the management report. The number of companies generating and providing non-financial information to interested users is steadily increasing around the world, while the quality of disclosure of such information is increasing. Year by year, as evidenced by numerous studies and stakeholder surveys. In Romania, green initiatives have resulted in an increase in the share of renewable energy in total energy consumption, a decrease in school dropouts, and an increase in the number of students enrolled in bachelor's degree programs.
- Published
- 2021
20. « De l’Enfer au Paradis » : Frédéric Rantières et Aurélie Zygel, mise en scène
- Author
Frédéric Rantières and Aurélie Zygel
- Subjects
Language and Literature - Published
- 2023
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21. Dynamiques des traductions du XXe siècle : le cas des traductions de Tartuffe ou l’Imposteur de Molière en lituanien
- Author
Aurelija Leonavičienė
- Subjects
traducción ,corpus comparativo ,análisis léxico ,lingüística de corpus ,colocación ,datos de concordancia ,tartufo o el impostor (molière) ,Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar ,P101-410 ,Translating and interpreting ,P306-310 ,Comparative grammar ,P201-299 - Abstract
En este análisis se presenta un estudio léxico de las dos traducciones lituanas de la obra de Molière Tartufo o el impostor. El análisis de sus diferencias ayuda a revelar las tradiciones traductoras, así como las dinámicas culturales y lingüísticas del siglo XX, y llama la atención sobre los diversos destinatarios de ambas traducciones, sus expectativas lingüísticas y culturales tanto a principios como a finales del siglo XX. En este artículo se pretende analizar la distribución léxica y el empleo contextual del léxico en el corpus de las dos traducciones lituanas del Tartufo de Molière, y revelar la dinámica de las prácticas traductoras que vienen determinadas por los diversos contextos lingüísticos, históricos y socioculturales del siglo XX en Lituania. La autora emplea los métodos cuantitativo, descriptivo, comparativo y de la lingüística de corpus, lo cual permite analizar las traducciones digitalizadas para obtener datos objetivos y revelar los beneficios de la lingüística de corpus en los estudios traductológicos.
- Published
- 2023
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22. Apoteosis comparativa: la «angustia de la influencia literaria» en el 'Florisando' de Páez de Ribera
- Author
Aurelio Iván Guerra Félix
- Subjects
Language and Literature ,French literature - Italian literature - Spanish literature - Portuguese literature ,PQ1-3999 - Abstract
Este artículo analiza la agonal relación de Páez de Ribera con Rodríguez de Montalvo. En Florisando, Páez de Ribera ofrece una continuación del ciclo de Amadís que deberá funcionar, también, como una reescritura del proyecto original de Montalvo. Por yuxtaposición de ambas obras, y gracias al empleo de varias estrategias de lectura malintencionadas del hipotexto, el lector del Florisando reconocerá los terribles desaciertos del Amadís de Montalvo. Páez de Ribera intenta hacer a un lado al padre literario mediante este ejercicio de usurpación y mejora.
- Published
- 2022
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23. Isabelle Bétemps, Littérature et Enluminure. Étude de cycles iconographiques du Roman de la rose de Guillaume de Lorris, Mont-Saint-Aignan, PURH, 2019
- Author
Aurélie Barre
- Subjects
illumination ,codex ,image ,Language and Literature - Published
- 2022
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24. RUPÉREZ ALMAJANO, Mª Nieves y CASTRO SANTAMARÍA, Ana, Nuevos espacios para nuevos retos. El Campus Unamuno, Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2021
- Author
- Subjects
Fine Arts ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 ,History of Civilization ,CB3-482 - Published
- 2022
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25. Dos cruces góticas afiligranadas de Augerius en Maluenda (Zaragoza), hacia 1300
- Author
- Subjects
cruz procesional ,Lignum crucis ,filigrana ,platería ,orfebrería ,Gótico ,Fine Arts ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 ,History of Civilization ,CB3-482 - Abstract
Se presentan dos cruces góticas casi inéditas que se habían considerado del final de la Edad Media. A partir del estudio comparado y de la lectura de la inscripción de una de ellas, se propone al autor, Augerius, y al comitente, fray Martín de Maluenda, abad del monasterio de Piedra, abad con intervalos de 1284 a 1313. Recubiertas de filigrana, fueron originalmente cruces anicónicas vinculadas a la tradición hispana. De virtuosísima elaboración, estas cruces, casi desconocidas, tienen una importancia trascendental para el estudio de la platería española y europea.
- Published
- 2022
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26. In memoriam Eduardo Gómez Rodríguez (1969-2022)
- Author
- Subjects
Fine Arts ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 ,History of Civilization ,CB3-482 - Published
- 2022
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27. A la recherche des critères du contrat de travail. Réflexion à partir des arrêts Uber du 30 mai 2022
- Author
Aurélien Witzig
- Subjects
Law - Abstract
Le Tribunal fédéral a rendu récemment deux arrêts dans des affaires concernant l'entreprise numérique Uber. Il s'agissait de déterminer si les prestataires de la plateforme devaient être qualifiés de travailleurs salariés ou d'indépendants. La Haute cour a tranché en faveur de la première possibilité, dans la lignée des évolutions jurisprudentielles actuelles. La présente contribution tente de tirer les conséquences de la clarification désormais apportée, en s'interrogeant plus largement sur le cadre méthodologique le plus adéquat pour la recherche des critères du contrat du travail et sur le choix de tels critères, en droit positif. Nous arrivons à la conclusion que le mixte pragmatique actuellement mis en œuvre par la jurisprudence a vocation à produire ses effets dans le cadre de l'économie numérique, et nous proposons une définition conceptuelle du droit du travail comme le droit visant à protéger les personnes qui mettent leur force de travail à disposition de l'entreprise d'autrui dans des circonstances où diverses protections doivent, selon la conception sociale qui a cours, leur être accordées. -- Das Bundesgericht fällte kürzlich zwei Urteile in Fällen rund um das digitale Unternehmen Uber. Dabei ging es um die Frage, ob die über die Plattform vermittelten Fahrerinnen und Fahrer als Arbeitnehmende oder als Selbstständige einzustufen sind. Das Gericht entschied zugunsten der ersten Variante und folgte damit den aktuellen Entwicklungen in der Rechtsprechung. Der vorliegende Beitrag versucht, die Konsequenzen aus der nunmehr erfolgten Klärung zu ziehen, indem er sich eingehender mit der Frage befasst, welcher methodische Rahmen für die Suche nach den Kriterien des Arbeitsvertrags und die Wahl solcher Kriterien im positiven Recht am besten geeignet ist. Wir kommen zum Schluss, dass die pragmatische Mischung, die derzeit von der Rechtsprechung angewandt wird, auch im Rahmen der digitalen Wirtschaft Wirkung zeigen wird, und schlagen eine konzeptionelle Definition des Arbeitsrechts als Recht zum Schutz von Personen vor, die ihre Arbeitskraft einem Unternehmen unter Umständen zur Verfügung stellen, unter denen ihnen nach der herrschenden gesellschaftlichen Auffassung verschiedene Schutzmechanismen gewährt werden müssen.
- Published
- 2022
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28. Effect of different cooking treatments on the residual level of sulphites in shrimps
- Author
Giovanna Berardi, Aurelia Di Taranto, Valeria Vita, Ciro Marseglia, and Marco Iammarino
- Subjects
Food safety ,Ion chromatography ,Shrimp ,Sulphites ,Total diet study ,Food processing and manufacture ,TP368-456 - Abstract
Sulphiting agents (or sulphites) are a class of food additives identified in Europe by codes E220-E228. Their addition in crustaceans is permitted with specific legal limits for avoiding the so-called “blackspot” that is a defect that compromises the marketability of these products. High levels of ingested sulphites may cause pseudoallergenic reactions in susceptible people. Moreover, they can exercise mutagenic and citotoxic effects other that destroy some vitamins such as thiamine, folic acid, nicotinamide and pyridoxal. The residual level of sulphites in crustaceans can be considerably affected by the specific method of cooking. In this study, 5 traditional procedures of cooking – grilling, oven, frying, steaming and stewed cooking – were compared to verify their effect on the residual concentration of sulphites in shrimp samples. The analytical determination was carried out using a fully validated and accredited analytical method by ion chromatography with conductivity detection. The results demonstrated that cooking leads to the decrease of sulphites levels in the products, with the highest percentage of reduction (55.3%) obtained by steaming and the lowest using oven (13.9%). The results of this study confirm that the specific method of cooking should be taken into account during “total diet studies” and risk assessment for appraising the effective number of sulphites ingested from crustaceans consumption.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
- Subjects
littérature ,jeunesse ,langues étrangères ,cadre européen ,compétences ,Language and Literature - Abstract
Le présent travail se propose d’analyser la place du texte littéraire dans le Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les Langues, document qui représente le fondement théorique pour l’élaboration de programmes pour les langues étrangères étudiées en Europe. L’enseignement de la littérature à l’école est une façon de faire naître le plaisir de lire en français, d’éveiller et travailler l’imaginaire enfantin, de développer la sensibilité esthétique et affective des élèves et d’aider les enfants à s’exprimer et à se construire en tant que personnes. Nos réflexions portent sur ce que l’enseignement de la littérature, aux jeunes lecteurs, en classe de FLE, suppose aujourd’hui : la formation, l’implication et l’adaptation des enseignants, les programmes de français langue étrangère, les manuels de FLE, les pratiques pédagogiques et les ressources proposés par les officiels de l’éducation.
- Published
- 2021
30. cabecera tardogótica o manuelina de la iglesia de Santoña y el claustro de Nájera, diseñados hacia 1515
- Author
- Subjects
tardogótico ,santoña ,juan de castillo ,diego de boitac ,nájera ,juan de rasines ,portugal ,batalha ,monasterio de belem (lisboa) ,mateus fernandes ,francisco de colonia ,siglo xvi ,Fine Arts ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 ,History of Civilization ,CB3-482 - Abstract
La capilla mayor y el crucero de la iglesia de Santoña se trazaron, en estilo manuelino, durante el abadiato de Diego de Santoyo (1514-1517), abad de Nájera. Se volvió a confirmar el permiso de construcción en 1519. La fecha de la traza permite pensar en Juan de Castillo e incluso en que llegara desde Portugal un diseño de Diogo Boytac o Mateus Fernandes. Un portugués –Fernando o Fernández–, presente en Nájera en 1515, debió de trazar el claustro de Nájera que abovedó Juan de Rasines, pero sus tracerías están directamente relacionadas con el claustro Real del monasterio de Batalha (Portugal).
- Published
- 2020
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31. Pràctiques socialistes i nació a les Illes Balears (1931-1936)
- Author
Aurelio Martí Bataller
- Subjects
national identity ,socialism ,political culture ,second republic ,spain ,History (General) ,D1-2009 ,History of the arts ,NX440-632 - Abstract
This article analyses the role of the socialist political culture in the social construction of Spanish national identity. The Balearic Islands and the Second Republic are the geographical and chronological frames, while the socialist’ press is the main source of information. The study focuses on the sociability acts gathered and valued in that press. The hypothesis sustained is that the socialism was an active agent in the socialization of the idea of Spain through the different ritual, recreational and political acts and practices that it carried out.
- Published
- 2020
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32. « Non vi piace? »
- Author
Aurélie Gendrat-Claudel
- Subjects
parodie ,Manzoni ,Les fiancés ,Romanic languages ,PC1-5498 - Abstract
Prenant pour point de départ l’étude de différentes parodies des Fiancés dans lesquelles la figure de Lucia est particulièrement malmenée, l’article tente de montrer que le texte original lui-même contient des allusions aux détournements possibles de la protagoniste. C’est l’occasion de réfléchir à l’existence de noyaux parodiques dans un roman qui paraît contenir en puissance les déformations que son héroïne atypique a pu subir, notamment sur le plan de la représentation de l’éros.
- Published
- 2020
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33. A influência de la Dialectique des 'exercices spirituels' de Saint Ignace de Loyola no pensamento de Jorge Mario Bergoglio
- Author
Massimo Borghesi and Áurea Marin Burocchi
- Subjects
Dialética ,Fessard ,Guardini ,Espiritualidade inaciana ,Filosofia ,Papa Francisco ,Philosophy. Psychology. Religion ,Religions. Mythology. Rationalism ,BL1-2790 ,Religion (General) ,BL1-50 - Abstract
Quando, em outubro de 2016, comecei a trabalhar em meu livro “Jorge Mario Bergoglio: Uma biografia intelectual”, eu não tinha a menor ideia da importância que desempenhava a figura e obra de Gaston Fessard na formação do seu pensamento. Não havia nada que sugerisse que Gaston Fessard pudesse ser um autor relevante para a formação intelectual do futuro Papa. Fiquei impressionado com o modelo polar e dialético de pensamento que o animava, a possibilidade de harmonizar opostos, invocar conceitos para uma pauta comum que aparentemente não poderia ser abordada, pois os coloca em um plano superior na qual encontram sua síntese. Este paradigma, da Igreja e da Companhia de Jesus como opositor complexo, encontra sua verificação, segundo Bergoglio, na forma como os jesuítas conseguiram a inculturação da fé nos povos indígenas da América Latina. Bergoglio relê Ignatius à luz de um modelo dialético. Como ele dirá em uma das entrevistas que me deu por ocasião da redação do meu livro: "Na espiritualidade inaciana há sempre esta tensão bipolar". É certamente uma leitura original e pouco comum do pensamento de Inácio. Trata-se de um fator ideal que nos permite explicar por que Bergoglio, quando em 1986 foi a Frankfurt para escrever sua tese de doutorado, escolheu o ensaio guardiniano dedicado à oposição polar. Quando concluí minha obra sobre a biografia intelectual do futuro Pontífice, em fevereiro de 2017, um elemento, no entanto, permaneceu obscuro. De qual autor Bergoglio esboçou seu modelo polar? De onde veio sua leitura antinômica da espiritualidade inaciana? Não foi descoberto por Guardini filosoficamente em 1986. Francisco indicou o ponto de partida de sua formação intelectual. A leitura de La dialectique des Exercices spirituels de saint Ignace de Loyola, de Fessard, publicada em 1956, é a obra que "teve uma grande influência" sobre ele. É a obra que esclarece o pensamento antinomiano de Bergoglio, seu posterior encontro ideal com a filosofia de Guardini.
- Published
- 2021
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34. Building villages
- Author
Aurelio Castro
- Subjects
queer families ,sociology ,polyamory ,non-monogamous relationships ,non-monogramies ,legal recognition ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 ,Sociology (General) ,HM401-1281 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
The following paper aims to contribute to the Italian literature on non-monogamy with a psychosocial interpretation towards the future of the political and legal recognition requests of non-monogamous and queer relationships, as well as of their families. Starting with a reflection on how normativities position those who are outside the binaries as noises to be ignored or cancelled, the paper then provides a critique of the concept of evaluation as a tool for acquiring rights (as it does not find a counterpart in the different-gender relationships). Psychosocial studies on the relationship quality of non-monogamous people should be used to strenghten the demands for the legal recognitions of non-monogamous relationships, families and multi-parenting. In fact, the available international literature has given voice and confirmed what the many polyfamilies experience in everyday life: that these families (non-monogamous, open, poly, extended, childless * or not) are a social reality with their positive charachteristics and criticalities. Starting from examples on the erasure of bisexualities and ame-gender families recognition – the paper discuss how including these types of psychosocial research can improve our struggle for the recognition and legal rights of non-monogamous agreements and relationships.
- Published
- 2021
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35. Long-term adaptation of European viticulture to climate change: an overview from the H2020 Clim4Vitis action
- Author
João A. Santos, Chenyao Yang, Helder Fraga, Aureliano C. Malheiro, José Moutinho-Pereira, Lia-Tânia Dinis, Carlos Correia, Marco Moriondo, Marco Bindi, Luisa Leolini, Camilla Dibari, Sergi Costafreda-Aumedes, Niccolò Bartoloni, Thomas Kartschall, Christoph Menz, Daniel Molitor, Jürgen Junk, Marco Beyer, and Hans R. Schultz
- Subjects
Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 ,Plant culture ,SB1-1110 - Abstract
Climate change is a major challenge to viticulture worldwide. The adaptation potential of the different strategies to cope with climate change still embraces many uncertainties (e.g., unpredictable social-economic developments and land-use changes), particularly in the long-term. However, adaptation strategies adjusted to local terroirs and regional climate change projections will contribute to the sustainable development of the winemaking sector. The Clim4Vitis action (https://clim4vitis.eu/) recommends some guidelines for long-term adaptation (Figure 1).
- Published
- 2021
36. Le vieillissement du vin : une question d’obturation ?
- Author
Thomas Karbowiak, Julie Chanut, Kevin Crouvisier-Urion, Aurélie Lagorce, Jordi Ballester, André Geoffroy, Chloé Roullier-Gall, Régis D. Gougeon, Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin, and Jean-Pierre Bellat
- Subjects
Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 ,Plant culture ,SB1-1110 - Abstract
À partir d’une étude de cas sur des bouteilles de vin blanc vieillies en cave, une approche multidisciplinaire intégrant analyses sensorielles, œnologiques et métabolomiques du vin ainsi qu’étude des transferts d’oxygène a mis en lumière l’importance de l’interface verre / bouchon (Karbowiak et al., 2019). Le transfert d’oxygène au niveau de cette interface peut participer significativement à l’oxydation au cours de la phase de vieillissement du vin en bouteille.
- Published
- 2021
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37. Short-term adaptation of European viticulture to climate change: an overview from the H2020 Clim4Vitis action
- Author
João A. Santos, Chenyao Yang, Helder Fraga, Aureliano C. Malheiro, José Moutinho-Pereira, Lia-Tânia Dinis, Carlos Correia, Marco Moriondo, Marco Bindi, Luisa Leolini, Camilla Dibari, Sergi Costafreda-Aumedes, Niccolò Bartoloni, Thomas Kartschall, Christoph Menz, Daniel Molitor, Jürgen Junk, Marco Beyer, and Hans R. Schultz
- Subjects
Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 ,Plant culture ,SB1-1110 - Abstract
Viticulture is exposed and vulnerable to extreme weather and climate change. In Europe, owing to the high socio-economic value of the winemaking sector, the development of adaptation strategies to mitigate climate change impacts will be of foremost relevance for its future sustainability and competitiveness. Some guidelines on feasible short-term adaptation strategies are provided here (Figure 1), collected by the Clim4Vitis action (https://clim4vitis.eu/). Long-term adapation startegies are described in an accompanying technical review.
- Published
- 2021
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38. La lengua española y las culturas hispánicas
- Author
Aurelio González
- Subjects
Romanic languages ,PC1-5498 - Abstract
Por número de hablantes nativos, el español es la segunda lengua del mundo. Es también la segunda lengua estudiada por número de alumnos. Y en aquellos lugares donde no es la lengua predominante, es una lengua prestigiada, con importancia en la expresión de una identidad y que trasmite valores culturales, económicos e ideológicos de amplio reconocimiento. En esta contribución se vuelve sobre algunos usos y valores asociados de la lengua española y las culturas hispánicas viendo en ellas elementos que unifican y construyen en el respeto de las diferencias una comunidad transnacional y panhispánica. La lengua, la cultura, la forma de pensar y actuar de los hombres y mujeres del mundo hispánico son el campo de ejercicio del pensamiento. Keywords: español, lengua materna, lengua extranjera, plurilingüísmo, panhispanismo, identidades.
- Published
- 2020
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39. José Carlos Fernández Ramos Leviathan y La Cueva de la Nada. Hobbes y Gracián a la luz de sus metáforas
- Author
Aurelio De Prada García
- Subjects
Leviathan ,La Cueva de la Nada ,Hobbes ,Gracián ,Social Sciences - Abstract
Como el propio autor reconoce, no es el primero en sustentar una tesis semejante y, de hecho, se sitúa expresamente en la estela de Manuel Lizcano Pellón (1977) y de Fernando Álvarez Uría (2014), si bien su defensa es original y se realiza, como ya ha podido barruntarse de lo dicho hasta aquí, por medio de la comparación de dos obras con las suficientes similitudes y divergencias como para ser expresiones de dos modernidades alternativas co-rrespondientes a dos imaginarios coetáneos : victorioso (en principio) uno, el racionalista encarnado en Hobbes y perdedor (aunque no definitivamente) el otro, el hispánico, encarnado en Gracián.
- Published
- 2018
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40. A Caracterização da cultura do crack, acessibilidade e formas de uso nos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial de álcool e drogas do Distrito Federal.
- Author
Aurélio Matos Andrade and Ronald Lamas Côrrea
- Subjects
Cocaína Crack ,Drogas ilícitas ,Comportamentos de Riscos ,Saúde Pública ,Medicine ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Este trabalho caracteriza a situação do uso do crack no Centro de Atenção Psicossocial de álcool e drogas (CAPSad) do Distrito Federal, assim como acesso, formas de uso, perfil sociodemográfico, socioeconômico e sociocultural sob perspectiva do próprio usuário. Foram entrevistados 100 indivíduos, cada participante submeteu-se a responder um questionário durante os meses de fevereiro a maio de 2011. O perfil predominante do usuário de crack foi homem, jovem, solteiro, médio nível de escolaridade e média classe socioeconômica dentre os que apresentam vínculo empregatício. O acesso a crack é simples e fácil, condicionado a estratégias de mercado (crack delivery). A forma de uso mais utilizada é lata de alumínio. Foram identificadas técnicas de consumo shotgun, mesclado (crack e maconha) entre os indivíduos estudados. No entanto, é necessária maior conscientização das autoridades públicas competentes na atualização de programas de intervenção e controle do crack no Distrito Federal.
- Published
- 2018
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41. Percezione del sé in età di sviluppo: il contributo dell’attività fisica, della sedentarietà e delle abitudini alimentari
- Author
Emanuela Rabaglietti, Giada Pacella, Aurelia De Lorenzo, Chiara Costa, and Paolo Riccardo Brustio
- Subjects
self-perception ,life style: childhood ,physical activity ,health ,Education - Abstract
In last years, the incorrect eating habits, the physical inactivity and the consequent sedentary behavior among children are one of the main problems for the Western society that may negatively affect the psychological well-being during childhood. The aim of this study was to investigate the associations among eating habits, physical activity levels, including sedentary behavior, and self-perception during childhood. Hundred twenty-one children of primary schools participated (mean age 8.95 ± 0.78 anni; F = 48.33%) in the study. The participants drew up the «Self-Description Questionnaire» (SDQ) and a self-report questionnaire concerning the life style of the children, about their alimentary, physical habits and sedentary. Hierarchical multiple regressions analyses highlight that age, gender, eating habits, phisical activity and sedentary levels explained the 16.8% variance for physical ability perception (R2 = 0.168; F(5.111) = 4.474; p = 0.001) and the 14.3% variance for global self-perception (R2 = 0.143; F(5.113) = 3.768; p = 0.003). The study underlines the contribution of eating habits and physical activity on the perception of physical abilities, the physical appearance and the global self-perception. The results underline as intervention projects in the schools might improve the life style and therefore increase the self-perception, an important aspect for the child’s psychological well-being.
- Published
- 2017
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42. La nuova rete GNSS multicostellazione dell'Umbria
- Author
Fabio Radicioni and Aurelio Stoppini
- Subjects
GNSS ,rete di stazioni permanenti ,multicostellazione ,galileo ,beidou ,GPSUMBRIA ,Cartography ,GA101-1776 ,Cadastral mapping ,GA109.5 - Abstract
The GPSUMBRIA permanent station network (Umbria region, central Italy), renewed in all its components, is the first GNSS network in Italy and among the first in the world to provide positioning services on four constellations (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO and BEIDOU). It is now possible to access more than 30 satellites at the same time, with considerable advantages for the users, especially in critical areas with presence of obstructions. Positioning services have also been revised and optimized to support a wider spectrum of activities and a number of users greatly expanded thanks to the diffusion and functionality improvement of the mobile devices.
- Published
- 2019
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43. Universo de Almourol: Base de dados da Matéria Cavaleiresca Portuguesa
- Author
Aurelio Vargas Díaz-Toledo
- Subjects
Universo de Almourol ,Humanidades Digitales ,Libros de caballerías portugueses ,materia caballeresca portuguesa ,historias breves de caballerías ,teatro caballeresco ,French literature - Italian literature - Spanish literature - Portuguese literature ,PQ1-3999 - Abstract
Universo de Almourol: Base de dados da Matéria Cavaleiresca Portuguesa. Datos del proyecto, breve historia y estado de la cuestión. NUEVO ENLACE ACTUALIZADO: https://parnaseo.uv.es/UniversoDeAlmourol
- Published
- 2019
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44. Éthique et politique de l’immersion sur les scènes contemporaines : théories en tension
- Author
Aurélien Maignant
- Subjects
immersion ,éthique ,expérience ,représentation ,performance ,Social Sciences - Abstract
L’enjeu de cette contribution est de souligner une tension dans les discours qui théorisent les pouvoirs des stratégies immersives et émersives. Les commentateur.ices du théâtre contemporain insistent sur le fait que nombre de spectacles mettent aujourd’hui en place des stratégies émersives. Paradoxalement, il semble qu’on puisse rapprocher l’effet éthique et politique conféré à ces stratégies et celui qu’on attribue aux stratégies immersives, notamment dans certaines hypothèses récentes sur le récit ou la fiction (rarement, sinon jamais, développées à partir d’œuvres scéniques). Il s’agira d’identifier pourquoi l’on peut prêter à l’immersion comme à l’émersion un pouvoir qu’on qualifiera d’« expérientiel », dans l’idée d’ouvrir quelques lignes de réflexion (et de différenciation) autour de cette convergence paradoxale.
- Published
- 2019
45. El antagonismo entre toro y torero: las metáforas en la prensa taurina
- Author
Aurélie Marsily
- Subjects
metáfora ,periodismo ,corrida ,discurso escrito ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
En este artículo, se analizan las metáforas utilizadas por los periodistas en la prensa taurina. Más precisamente, se estudian las palabras y las expresiones asociadas tanto con el toro como con el torero, para comprender cómo los autores perciben el mundo de los toros y en qué medida el toro es deshumanizado. Estos dos fenómenos de des/humanizar al toro aparecen en el corpus en situaciones bastante diversas. El análisis de estas metáforas subraya, por una parte, una preponderancia de las metáforas LA CORRIDA ES UNA GUERRA y LA CORRIDA ES ARTE, y, por otra, una ausencia de la metáfora LA CORRIDA ES AMOR, que se considera la metáfora más utilizada en este campo. Este estudio permite pues profundizar en la relación entre la conceptualización del toro y del torero y la manera de hablar de ellos. Asimismo, permite entender el rol de estos dos protagonistas en el toreo y los métodos aplicados para conservar y cultivar estos lazos.
- Published
- 2019
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46. Orígenes, formación y testamento del escultor renacentista Arnaut Spierinck, o Arnao de Bruselas
- Author
- Subjects
Arnao de Bruselas ,Renacimiento ,escultura ,Audenarde ,Oudenaarde ,Gillis Spierincks ,Fine Arts ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 ,History of Civilization ,CB3-482 - Abstract
El testamento de Arnao de Bruselas permite saber que se llamaba Arnaut Spierinck. Su hermano Gil Spierinck posiblemente se corresponda con el escultor y pintor activo en Aldenarda de 1523 a 1536, año en el que Arnao aparece en Zaragoza al ingresar en el taller de Damián Forment. Se aportan también algunos datos sobre el retablo mayor de Santa María de Palacio en Logroño, obra maestra de Arnao, y de otros retablos en los que intervino el escultor: Nalda –junto con Andrés de Araoz–, Torrecilla sobre Alesanco, Aldeanueva de Ebro y Tómalos en Torrecilla de Cameros, contratado por el pintor Juan de Rojas.
- Published
- 2019
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47. AZOFRA AGUSTÍN, Eduardo y GUTIÉRREZ HERNÁNDEZ, Alexandra M., Ex vetere novum. Rehabilitar el patrimonio arquitectónico, Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad Salamanca, 2018
- Author
- Subjects
restauración ,Salamanca ,Universidad ,Fine Arts ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 ,History of Civilization ,CB3-482 - Published
- 2019
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48. Are elderly immigrants meeting the challenges of successful aging? Review of literature on the aging of elderly migrants in France
- Author
Aurélien Martineau and Mathilde Plard
- Subjects
Geography (General) ,G1-922 - Abstract
Since the mid-20th century, scientists have constantly examined the conditions for healthy aging. Successful Aging as a paradigm has gradually spread far beyond the scientific sphere. Access to « successful-aging » has become a collective purpose as a policy reference in our contemporary societies. As people get older in their host country, immigrants have to conform to the dominant gerontological models. Therefore, the « success » of elderly migrants’ aging in France represents a political and public health objective. This article aims at examining the links between migration and aging in order to better understand the social and spatial issues associated with the elderly immigrants « successful-aging » in France. To deal with this problem, a literature review on the aging conditions of immigrants in France (based on a corpus of 75 references) was completed. This article combines the results of this state of the art by analyzing the situations of elderly migrants through two of the main components of Successful Aging (1. Their health status and 2. Their social networks and commitment in social life). The results demonstrate that the « success » of aging is more complex for elderly migrants compared to the normative ideal of « successful-aging ». While it is necessary to avoid a generalized view of their situations, the living conditions in France and the discontinuities encountered expose some of these groups to significant difficulties in old age. Research in geography is necessary to spatialize the different aging experiences of immigrants within their own territories.Key-words : aging, migration, elderly, health
- Published
- 2019
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49. Des leviers d’action pour favoriser la biodiversité urbaine dans le cadre du processus de métropolisation
- Author
Alexandre Dejean, Aurélia Hild, Roxana Rotaru, Martha Sasso, Djamila Vuilleumier-Papaloïzos, and Philippe Clergeau
- Subjects
governance ,environmental policies ,biodiversity ,metropolis ,Geography (General) ,G1-922 - Abstract
Today, biodiversity is seen as a necessary element in the construction of sustainable and resilient cities, particularly through the multiple services it provides to urban dwellers. The weakness of the consideration in public policies, questioned us on the interest of the new level of decision as that of the metropolis, in full formalization. We asked ourselves the question of the acceptability of this biodiversity in the emergence of the metropolis, in particular by seeking the levers or the brakes on this acceptability which conditions the decision making.In order to answer them, we have built a cross analysis of four case studies in four French metropolises: Bordeaux, Montpellier, Nantes and Strasbourg. We met different actors of metropolis, city and associations. Our interviews led to the identification of six levers of acceptability: The culture of nature, the communication, the participative democracy, the law, the economy and the administrative organization. In view of the answers obtained, we discuss these different categories and the concrete recommendations that emerged from them.
- Published
- 2019
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50. Playing is sharing. La condivisione e il tempo libero nelle reti sociali di gioco
- Author
Aurelio Castro
- Subjects
free time ,game sharing ,informal learning ,sharing ,gamification ,Anthropology ,GN1-890 ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 ,Sociology (General) ,HM401-1281 - Abstract
To many people playing is a substantial part of their free time and has become an opportunity to create societal networks, spaces for participation, identity but also opportunities for consumption and sharing. Thanks to the spreading and the consolidation of game cultures, more and more spaces for sharing games have found their way into Italy. This practice, called ‘game sharing’, leads individuals to create groups of gamers and associations to collectively buy board and roleplaying games to share with each other and with brand-new players. This practices follows a non-profit logic and arise from the passion for games and community. The present contribution offers in the first part a brief summary on the concepts and the study of the games in social sciences whereas, in the second part, presents a qualitative research between anthropology and social psychology conducted in different Italian cities (Bologna, Catania, Padua, Turin and Treviso). The research included multiple participatory observations of game sharing associations, stores that implemented this practice and independent game groups. In addition to ethnographic observation, many narrative interviews were conducted with organizers and coordinators of associations, with shop owners, game designers and, finally, with players who use games and roleplay to do activism on gender issues and sexual orientation. The contribution investigates gaming contexts as a societal network dedicated to free time and sharing, as a non-formal learning activity of social skills and empathy and, finally, as a network of professional knowledge to be used in case of need.
- Published
- 2019
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