Maternal representations and quality of dyadic interactions in children at risk of maltreatment - Problem: maltreatment impacts on the quality of interactive exchanges, precociously putting the infant at risk for maladaptive outcomes. Method: research involved 37 mother-infant dyads at risk for maltreatment and 37 non-referred dyads. AAI has been administered to the mothers; furthermore, dyadic interactive exchanges were observed and video-recorded. Results: in comparison with the control group, the at-risk group shows a prevalence of disorganized models (X2= 12,2; p < 0,01). Additionally, in the at-risk group an influence of maternal mental state on the interactive quality has been evidenced: dismissing mothers present lower sensitivity (F = 4,87; p < 0,01), whereas disorganized mothers express more negative affective states (F = 5,65; p < 0,01). Conclusions: early traumatic relational experiences influence maternal state of mind with respect to attachment, thus compromising the process of dyadic affective regulation. Key words: child maltreatment, traumatic experiences, attachment, dyadic interaction. Parole chiave: maltrattamento infantile, esperienze traumatiche, attaccamento, interazione diadica.