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1. Quality teaching matters: perspectives on quality teaching for the modernization of higher education. A position paper

2. Freinet teacher’s first movements in Extremedura: teachers, schools and papers

3. From Seeing to Understanding: The Conceptual Metaphor UNDERSTANDING IS LIGHT in Julian of Norwich’s 'Revelations of Divine Love'

4. Inclusive Strategies for Children with Autism: Behavioural Strategies

5. EALP textbooks and the challenges of legal English education

6. Paving the Way Ahead: A Systematic Literature Analysis of Inclusive Teaching Practices in Inclusive Classrooms

7. Dealing with Death: Crisis and Resilience in Adolescent Boys

8. The Educational and Health Impact of COVID-19 on Children With Special Needs: A Systematic Review

9. Argument Maps as Tools to Support the Development of New Media Literacies: a Systematic Review

10. Experiencing Passion as an 'essentia vitae' of Educational Biographies of Eminent Musicians From Cracow

11. Organising Soft Governance in Hard Times - The Unlikely Survival of the Open Method of Coordination in EU Education Policy

12. Policy Coordination in the EU: Taking Stock of the Open Method of Coordination - Introduction

13. Il «Robotics Interest Questionnaire» (RIQ): uno strumento per rilevare i fattori sottesi all’insegnamento della robotica

14. Virtual Museum Experience for Critical Thinking Development: First Results from the National Gallery of Art (MOOC, US)

15. Conflicts in Schools: Causative Factors and Resolution Strategies

16. 'Brain training': Two Types of Approaches to Intervention, and Two Approaches to Evaluation

17. Culturally Hybrid Zones and School Literacy Practices

18. Complexity and educating communities: Notes seen from an intercultural-education perspective

19. The professional skills of male and female educators: Problems, research and perspectives

20. The Press Media as a Place for the Articulation of Discursive Networks: the Case of the Inclusion Law in Chile

21. Rethinking the Educational Environment as a Place of Belonging and Building Values

22. Towards the Transformation of Social Justice Theories in Education: The students’ Voice of Second Chance Popular Schools

23. The Foundations of Education According to Steiner: Critical Reflections on the Relationship between Anthroposophy and Education

24. Leader, Community and Mission – the Triangle of Ignatian Leadership

25. Artificial Intelligence in the European approach to Education: Perspectives, perceptions, and mistrust

26. Una Questione Meridionale Anche nello Sport? Il Caso Napoli

27. The effects of interdisciplinary teaching between mathematics and physical education: A Systematic Review

28. Sviluppare ambienti inclusivi nella formazione universitaria online: esiti di una ricerca esplorativa.

29. An Investigation into the Importance of «Inculturation» in the Image of Our Lady in Relation to Visual Arts in Religious Education according to Monica Liu

30. An Unfinished Critical Ethnographic Journey: Collaborative Reframing and Repositioning of Relationships in the Field

31. Familial and Societal Situation of Both Only Children and Their Families in the Age of Pandemic. Selected Issues

32. The Family as a Place of Experiencing Critical Events – Case Study

33. Can Children Acquire an Efficient And Aware Study Method since Primary School? A Qualitative Study on Challenges And Opportunities

34. Potential Pitfalls in Economics Education: Pedagogical Opportunities

35. Developmental Niche Construction in Education Sciences: Epistemological Considerations and Anthropological Evidence on its Outcomes for Community Education

36. Improving Reading Comprehension and Summarising Skills in Primary School: A Quasi-Experimental Study

37. La neutralitat com a lent analítica dels plans d’estudi en l’àmbit lingüístic? Una conversa basada en dades sobre les polítiques, els discursos i els seus orígens sociohistòrics a Suïssa i Sud-àfrica

38. Focus – Quale futuro per la storia della musica nelle scuole italiane?

39. E-learning Courses Satisfaction in Higher Education from Participants’ Perspective

40. 'The Essence of Classical Culture': Werner Jaeger’s First Public Address in the United States

41. Humanity on the Brink - Youth in Poland and Germany about Refugee Rights

42. Student teachers’ self-evaluation and perceived social evaluation of their future profession in South Tyrol – Italy

43. Conflating contrasting needs: Introducing a model for designing teacher research in sub-optimal educational contexts

44. The roles played by a common language and music education in modernization and nation-state building in Asia

45. La progettazione didattica nel Novecento: teorie e problemi

46. Working with immigrant and refugee families: broadening cross-cultural understanding with immigrant/refugee families

47. The Education of Consciousness: Virginia Woolf’s The Waves

48. Ideas from yesterday for University Education today

49. Empathy development through ESP: a Pilot Study

50. El uso didáctico de Google Sites en la construcción compartida del conocimiento