Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) keefektifan pendekatan penemuan terbimbing dalam pembelajaran kooperatif Think Pair Share (TPS) ditinjau dari kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi (HOTS), prestasi belajar dan curiosity, (2) keefektifan pendekatan penemuan terbimbing dalam pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) ditinjau dari HOTS, prestasi belajar, dan curiosity dan, (3) pembelajaran yang lebih efektif antara pendekatan penemuan terbimbing dalam pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TPS dan tipe TSTS ditinjau dari HOTS, prestasi belajar, dan curiosity. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen semu dengan the pretest-posttest two treatment design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X di MAN Yogyakarta 3 dan sampelnya dipilih 2 kelas dari 5 kelas yang ada. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah tes HOTS, tes prestasi dan angket curiosity siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) pendekatan penemuan terbimbing dengan setting kooperatif TPS efektif terhadap HOTS, prestasi belajar, dan curiosity, (2) pendekatan penemuan terbimbing dengan setting kooperatif TSTS efektif terhadap HOTS, prestasi belajar, dan curiosity dan, (3) pendekatan penemuan terbimbing dalam pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TSTS lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan tipe TPS ditinjau dari HOTS dan prestasi belajar dan pendekatan penemuan terbimbing dalam pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TPS lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan tipe TSTS ditinjau dari curiosity. Kata Kunci: penemuan terbimbing, pembelajaran kooperatif, Think Pair Share, Two Stay Two Stray, kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi, prestasi belajar, curiosity. A Comparison Between Guided Discovery Aprroach Through Cooperative Learning Think Pair Share and Two Stay Two Stray Abstract The aims of this study aims to describe: (1) the effectiveness of guided discovery aprroach through cooperative learning Think Pair Share (TPS) type in terms of higher order thinking skills (HOTS), learning achievement, and curiosity, (2) the effectiveness of guided discovery aprroach through cooperative learning Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) type in terms of HOTS, mathematic learning achievement, and curiosity, and (3) the more effective learning between guided discovery aprroach through cooperative learning TPS type and TSTS type in terms of HOTS, learning achievement, and curiosity. This study was a quasi-experimental study using the pretest-posttest two treatment design. The research population comprised all Year X students of MAN Yogyakarta 3 and the sample was 2 out of 5 classes. The data collecting instruments consisted of a HOTS test, learning achievement test and questionnaires for students’ curiosity. The results showed: (1) guided discovery aprroach through cooperative setting TPS type were effective in terms of HOTS, learning achievement, and curiosity, (2) guided discovery aprroach through cooperative setting TSTS type were effective in terms of HOTS, learning achievement, and curiosity, and (3) guided discovery aprroach through cooperative learning TSTS type was more effective than TPS type in terms of HOTS and learning achievement and then guided discovery aprroach through cooperative learning TSTS type was more effective than TPS type in terms of curiosity. Keywords: guided discovery, cooperative learning, Think Pair Share, Two Stay Two Stray, High Order Thinking Skill, learning achievement, curiosity. more...