In two representative infratest-surveys, needs for care were systematically assessed regarding 24 basic activities of daily living (hygiene, mobility, communication, etc.). About 1.2 million persons in private homes and .5 million in homes for the elderly or handicaped were found to need care at least once a day. Impaired mobility was a persisting characteristic, partly due to physical disability, partly due to cognitive deficits. Being unable to phone or to orientate oneself outside the home, for instance, points to dementia. For the future, an increase in the number of persons who are dependent on care to 1.32 million in private homes and 900,000 who probably will live in homes for elderly, can be calculated for the year 2040 as a consequence of the demographic impact. Nevertheless, also in the future nearly one out of two elderly will be able to live independently without any need of care or help. Self-maintenance can be identified as the essential problem, because people with need of care will increasingly live alone without any relatives.