26,002 results on '"Ili"'
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- Author
Primorac, Željka
- Abstract
Copyright of Pravni Vjesnik is the property of Pravni fakultet Sveucilista J. J. Strossmayera u Osijeku and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2011
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- 2010
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- 2009
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- Published
- 2009
- Published
- 2009
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- Published
- 2009
158. "Das Heimischsein im echten Fragen" oder Wie Heidegger Lesen?
- Author
Blok, Vincent
- Published
- 2007
159. Schräge offene Keilosteotomie der proximalen Tibia bei Genu varum
- Author
Hooper, Gary, Leslie, Hamish, Burn, James, Schouten, Rowan, and Beci, Ili
- Published
- 2005
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160. Tierexperimentelle Evaluation des periimplantären Knochens bei zylindrischen gegenüber konischen Implantattypen.
- Author
Büchter, A., Kleinheinz, J., Wiesmann, H.-P., Seper, L., Joos, U., and Meyer, U.
- Abstract
Copyright of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is the property of Springer Nature and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2004
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- Author
Udvinčić, Nedžad and Beširović, Avdo
- Published
- 2023
162. Issue of guilt in Günter Grass‟s 'Crabwalk' and Tanja Dückers‟s 'Celestial Bodies'
- Author
Čirjak, Martina and Lovrić, Goran
- Subjects
zaboravljanje prošlosti ,bijeg i progon ,Schuld ,traženje identiteta ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philology. Theory and History of Literature ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filologija. Teorija i povijest književnosti ,guilt ,victims or perpetrators ,žrtva ili počinitelj ,Wilhelm Gustloff ,Täter oder Opfer ,coming to terms with the past ,Identitätssuche ,Vergangenheitsbewältigung ,Flucht und Vertreibung ,escape and expulsion ,krivica ,search for identity - Abstract
In Günter Grass„ Novelle „Im Krebsgang“ (2002) und Tanja Dückers„ Roman „Himmelskörper“ (2003) werden die Flucht und Vertreibung der Deutschen sowie der Untergang des Schiffes „Wilhelm Gustloff“ im Jahr 1945, der als das größte Schiffsunglück aller Zeiten angesehen wird, behandelt. In beiden Werken versuchen drei Generationen einer Familie, die Vergangenheit zu bewältigen: die Enkelgeneration, die diese Ereignisse nicht selbst miterlebt hat, die Elterngeneration und die Großelterngeneration. Die unbewältigte Vergangenheit der Eltern- und Großelterngeneration überträgt sich auf die Enkelgeneration. Durch dieses unbewältigte Trauma ist die Klassifizierung der Figuren als Opfer oder Täter nicht eindeutig. Die Übertragung der Geschichte vom kommunikativen ins kulturelle Gedächtnis leistet zudem in beiden Werken einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Vergangenheitsbewältigung und Identitätssuche. Während die Novelle „Im Krebsgang“ das Leiden der Deutschen und historische Fakten hervorhebt, stehen im Roman „Himmelskörper“ die Auseinandersetzung mit der Familiengeschichte und der eigenen Schuld im Vordergrund. Flucht und Vertreibung der Deutschen sind wichtige Bestandteile der deutschen Geschichte und sollten deshalb in der deutschen Literatur verarbeitet werden. Dabei sollte sowohl das Leid der Deutschen als auch ihre Schuld berücksichtigt werden. U noveli Güntera Grassa „Korakom raka“ (2002) te u romanu Tanje Dückers „Nebeska tijela“ (2003) obraĎuju se bijeg i progon Nijemaca, kao i potonuće broda „Wilhelm Gustloff“ 1945. godine, koje se smatra najvećim brodolomom svih vremena. U oba djela tri generacije obitelji pokušavaju ostaviti prošlost iza sebe: unuci, koji nisu osobno svjedočili tim dogaĎajima, njihovi roditelji te bake i djedovi. Prošlost koju roditelji te bake i djedovi nisu uspjeli zaboraviti, prenijeli su na svoje unuke. Klasifikacija likova u žrtve ili počinitelje nije jasna zbog neriješene prošlosti. TakoĎer, prijenos priče iz komunikacijskog u kulturno pamćenje u oba djela daje važan doprinos zaboravljanju prošlosti te traženju identiteta. Dok novela „Korakom raka“ ističe patnju Nijemaca te povijesne činjenice, u središtu romana „Nebeska tijela“ su suočavanje s obiteljskom prošlošću i osobnom krivicom. Bijeg i progon Nijemaca su važni dijelovi njemačke povijesti i stoga bi se trebali obraĎivati u njemačkoj književnosti. Pri tome bi se patnja Nijemaca, isto kao i njihova krivica, trebala uzeti u obzir. Günter Grass‟s short novel „Crabwalk” (2002) and Tanja Dückers‟s novel „Celestial Bodies” (2003) deal with the escape and expulsion of the Germans as well as with the sinking of the “Wilhelm Gustloff” in 1945, which is considered to be the largest shipwreck in history. In both literary works, three generations of a family are trying to overcome the past: the grandchildren who have not witnessed these events themselves, the parents and the grandparents. The parents‟ and grandparents‟ unresolved past is transmitted to the grandchildren. The classification of the figures as victims or perpetrators is unclear due to this unresolved trauma. Moreover, the transfer of the story from the communicative to the cultural memory makes in both works an important contribution with regard to coming to terms with the past and the search for identity. While the short novel „Crabwalk” emphasizes German suffering and historical facts, the dealing with family history and personal guilt is at the centre of the novel „Celestial Bodies”. Escape and expulsion of the Germans are integral parts of German history and should therefore be dealt with in German literature. Thereby, German suffering as well as their guilt should be taken into consideration.
- Published
- 2017
163. Komparatistické sondy k migráciám v južnoslovanských literatúrach po roku 1989.
- Author
KOVAČ, Zvonko
- Published
- 2021
164. Iliopsoastendinitis — seltene Schmerzursache nach Implantation einer Hüfttotalendoprothese.
- Author
Kälicke, T., Wick, M., Frangen, T., Muhr, G., and Seybold, D.
- Abstract
Copyright of Der Unfallchirurg is the property of Springer Nature and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2005
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165. Um eben diese Konstruktion zu beschreiben: Konversationelle Funktionen der freien Infinitivkonstruktion mit um zu im gesprochenen Deutsch.
- Author
Marić, Dario and Moroni, Manuela
- Subjects
Copyright of Suvremena Lingvistika is the property of Suvremena Lingvistika and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
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166. Prejudice in Theodor Storm's works 'Aquis Submersus' (1876) and 'The Rider on the White Horse' (1888)
- Author
Brdarić, Marina and Uvanović, Željko
- Subjects
HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filologija. Germanistika ,Aberglaube ,povijesne novele ,Storm ,praznovjerje ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philology. German Studies ,Chroniknovellen ,Bürgerlicher Realismus ,ime koje u sebi skriva opis ili karakteristike osobe koja ih nosi ,Sprechende Namen ,poetski realizam - Abstract
Theodor Storm ist der Autor von den Novellen Der Schimmelreiter und Aquis submersus welche in dieser Arbeit analysiert werden. Die beiden Werke zählen zur Epoche des bürgerlichen Realismus und tragen dessen Merkmale. Die Handlungen beider Novellen spielen sich zu Ende des 16., Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts ab, also im selben Zeitramen. Die Handlungen in diesen Werken unterscheiden sich, dennoch haben diese Novellen vom Inhalt her sehr viel Gemeinsames. Zuerst wird etwas über den Autor selbst, und danach etwas über seine Chroniknovellen und die große Gattungsfrage bei Der Schimmelreiter gesagt. In den zwei folgenden Kapiteln werden die literarische Epoche, in der die Werke entstanden sind, und deren Merkmale in den Werken selbst erklärt. Hier sehen wir Gemeinsamkeiten in den Werken, wobei eine dieser Gemeinsamkeiten hervorgehoben und analysiert wird, und das ist der Aberglaube. Bei diesen Novellen finden wir die Elemente des Aberglaubens auf unterschiedliche Weise beschrieben, bei einem ganz explizit, bei dem anderen implizit und durch den Glauben verhüllt. Es wird gezeigt wie weit der Aberglaube zwischen den Menschen verbreitet ist, trotz dem Christentum und der Religion, wie er das Leben beeinflusst, und am Ende wie er zum Tode führt. U ovom radu analizirat će se romane Jahač na bjelcu I Aquis submerses, autora Theodora Storma. Ta dva djela pripadaju razdoblju poetskog realizma, te nose i obilježja tog razdoblja. Radnja obje novele odvijala se je krajem šesnaestog i početkom sedamnaestog stoljeća, tj. u istom vremenskom razdoblju. Sadržaj u analiziranim radovima razlikuju se, ali ove novele imaju mnogo toga zajedničkog. Ovaj rad prvo će reći nešto o autoru, a zatim o njegovim povijesnim novelama i pitanju kojoj književnoj vrsti zapravo pripada djelo Jahač na bjelcu. U dva sljedeća poglavlja odnose se na književnu epohu u kojoj su djela napravljena, te obilježja te epohe koja nalazimo u samim djelima. Ovdje vidimo sličnosti u djelima, pri čemu se jednu od tih sličnosti naglašava i analizira, a to je praznovjerje. U tim novelama nalazimo elemente praznovjerja opisane na različite načine, dok je u jednom djelu ono prikazano eksplicitno, u drugom je ono prikazano implicitno i vješto skriveno iza vjere. Pokazuje se koliko je zapravo praznovjerje rasprostranjeno među ljudima, unatoč kršćanstvu i religiji, kako ono utječe na život i na kraju kako vodi i do same smrti.
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Oparnica, Milena S. and Panić Cerovski, Natalija M.
- Subjects
COGNITIVE dissonance ,TELEVISION broadcasting ,TELEVISION interviews & interviewing ,CONTENT analysis ,COURTESY - Abstract
Copyright of Communication & Culture Online / Komunikacija i Kultura Online is the property of FOKUS: Forum za Interkulturnu Komunikaciju and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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Copyright of Vrhbosnensia is the property of Katolicki Bogoslovni Fakultet and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Lulić, Mira
- Published
- 2011
170. Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme eines Pr��fstandes zur Beurteilung der Emissionsminderung von Abscheidern f��r Kleinfeuerungsanlagen
- Author
Ili��, Ilija
- Subjects
Separator ,Abscheider ,Small scale combustion ,Emission reduction ,Emissionsminderung ,Kleinfeuerungen - Abstract
Diese Arbeit hatte zum Ziel, die von der DIN Spec 33999:2014-12 empfohlenen Anforderungen zu ��berpr��fen und eine Pr��fvorrichtung aufzubauen, die dazu dienen soll Partikelabscheider zu testen und deren F��higkeit Emissionen von Kleinfeuerungsanlagen zu mindern. Partikelabscheider sind vor allem seit dem Jahr 2015 wichtig geworden, da die Gesetzeslage versch��rft wurde, was Emissionen von Kleinfeuerungsanlagen betrifft. Exemplarisch wurden Abscheider verwendet, unter anderem Speicherfilter und ein elektrischer Abscheider. Der aufgebaute Pr��fstand wurde an die DIN Spec 33999 angelehnt, wies allerdings einige notwendige Diskrepanzen davon auf. Bei Speicherfiltern basiert das Prinzip der Trennung darauf, dass Partikel im Fasergewebe der Abscheider festgehalten werden. Somit erreichen Speicherfilter, wie die in dieser Arbeit verwendeten Gewebefilter eine hohen Abscheidegrad, jedoch auch ein hoher Druckverlust, was grunds��tzlich nicht f��r einen Abscheider f��r Kleinfeuerungsanlagen spricht. Ein hoher Druckverlust bei Speicherfiltern geht meist dann einher, wenn der Filter zur Oberfl��chenfiltration neigt und es zur Bildung eines Filterkuchens kommt. Ein elektrischer Abscheider basiert auf dem Prinzip, dass Partikel eine Ladung besitzen bzw. diese durch den Abscheider aufgepr��gt bekommen, die sp��ter dann an der Wand des Abscheiders, also der Niederschlagselektrode, abgesetzt werden. Elektrische Abscheider besitzen einen moderaten Abscheidegrad, jedoch kaum Druckverlust und die Reingaskonzentration ist geringer als bei anderen Abscheidern. Ein weiterer Vorteil von elektrischen Abscheidern ist jener, dass die Wartung von diesen unaufwendiger ist, als jene von filternden Abscheidern, die teilweise vollst��ndig ausgewechselt werden m��ssen und somit die Anlage anders konzipiert werden muss. Durch Versuche im Labor, an einem station��ren Filterpr��fstand, wurden Gewebefilter und ein elektrischer Abscheider auf deren Abscheidegrad und Quality Factor ��berpr��ft. Bei den Gewebefiltern, welche Mineral ��und D��mmwolle waren, wurde eine unterschiedliche Anzahl von Lagen (1,3 und 5) ��berpr��ft. Am station��ren Filterpr��fstand konnte schnell festgestellt werden, dass Speicherfilter mit mehr Lagen oder einem dichteren Fasergewebe zwar einen guten Abscheidegrad besitzen, jedoch der Druckverlust so stark zunimmt, dass keine sinnvolle Abscheidung mehr m��glich ist. Au��erdem wurde untersucht, ob ein S��gezahnblatt genauso gut wie eine Elektrode aus Wolfram im elektrischen Abscheider funktionieren kann. Das Experiment brachte das Resultat, dass der Abscheidegrad der unterschiedlichen Elektroden tats��chlich ein ��hnlicher ist und diese keine wesentliche Rolle f��r das elektrische Feld spielt. In Versuchen im Pr��flabor f��r Feuerungsanlagen, wurde eine Pr��fapparatur gem���� DIN Spec 33999 aufgebaut und jeweils eine Lage Mineralwolle, D��mmwolle und ein elektrischer Abscheider ��berpr��ft. Zudem konnte die Leistung bzw. die Wirkung eines Scheitholzofens ��berpr��ft werden und ob gewisse Emissionswerte in Zusammenwirkung mit den verwendeten Abscheidern eingehalten werden. Es zeigte sich, dass alle getesteten Partikelabscheider unter der maximal zugelassenen Konzentration gem���� DIN Spec 33999 f��r Staub, CO und TVOC liegen, die Reingaskonzentrationen beim elektrischen Abscheider am geringsten sind wie auch in den Laborversuchen am station��ren Filterpr��fstand der Abscheidegrad bei den Speicherfiltern anfangs zwar sehr gro�� ist, diese jedoch schnell zu Oberfl��chenfiltration tendieren und es zur Ausbildung eines Filterkuchens kommt. Der elektrische Partikelabscheider erzielt moderate Werte hinsichtlich des Abscheidegrad, jedoch erzielt dieser gute Werte den Druckverlust betreffend und ist somit geeigneter f��r Kleinfeuerungsanlagen., Air pollution and emission of particulate matter by biomass combustion will, in short future be very strict in Europe, especially in Austria and Germany. Both countries are quite prominent for using biomass as an alternative form of energy for cars and heating of households. The issue of using biomass as a fuel in the private sector is that with the newly introduced limit values, emissions must be kept low. Due to this fact, the base of this thesis is the DIN Spec 33999, which is proposing a furnace system to test particle separators for small residential heating systems, in their separation efficiency and quality. For this reason, a special design of a furnace has been developed according to DIN Spec 33999 and few separators have been tested to determine which of the tested separators is suitable for the use in domestic heating. The tested separators were mineral wool, insulating wool and an electrostatic precipitator. Mineral wool and insulating wool are based on the principle of depth filtration, in which particles collide with the fiber or the material of the filter and stick there, whereas the idea of an electrostatic precipitator is to separate particles from the air stream by deflecting them to the precipitation electrode. In two experiments, the efficiency and quality of the separators were tested, resulting that the woolen filters are ranking high in terms of separation but when considering their high pressure drop, they fail to be used in domestic furnaces. The electrostatic precipitator reaches a moderate level of separation efficiency but when it comes to pressure drop and clean gas concentration it achieves better results in its overall quality than mineral and insulating wool. This makes it highly suitable for domestic heating systems according to DIN Spec 33999.
- Published
- 2017
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171. ��berpr��fung mehrerer Upgrade-M��glichkeiten eines Gamma-Spektroskopiesystems f��r hohe Z��hlraten
- Author
Ili��, ��eljko
- Subjects
Upgrade ,Gamma-Spektroskopie ,Hohe Z��hlraten ,high count rates ,gamma-spectroscopy - Abstract
Im Radiochemie-Messraum des Atominstituts der Technischen Universit��t Wien sind zwei alte Gamm��Spektroskopiesysteme f��r hohe Z��hlraten beheimatet. Diese zwei Systeme tragen folgende Namen: 'Der dicke Fritz' und 'Der Russe'. Die Gamm��Spektroskopiesysteme sind aus folgender Hardware zusammengebaut: HPGe-Detektor, Front-End-Elektronik, PC und AccuSpec-IS��Steckkarte, die das Herzst��ck beider Systeme bildet. Die beiden Systeme werden im Loss-Free-Counting (LFC) Modus betrieben, sodass w��hrend des Betriebs keine Totzeit auftritt. Die PCs verf��gen ��ber ein Mainboard mit IS��Slot und laufen unter Microsoft Windows 98. Alle Messungen werden ��ber die Genie-2000 Basic Spectroscopy Software und die AccuSpec/B-IS�� Steckkarte gesteuert. Das Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit ist die Erneuerung bzw. der Versuch der Erneuerung der Elektronik der Gamm��Spektroskopiesysteme f��r hohe Z��hlraten am Atominstitut. Im Laufe der Diplomarbeit werden zwei verschiedene Upgrade-M��glichkeiten durch verschiedene Messungen mittels der Zwei-Quellen-Methode auf ihre Vergleichbarkeit mit dem alten System ��berpr��ft, insbesondere auf Unterschiede in der Aufl��sung und der Korrektur bei hohen Z��hlraten. Zuerst wird die Anwendbarkeit des ARSTech USB2IS��Adapters ��berpr��ft, welcher das letzte Glied eines analogen Messsystems ist. Der Versuch besteht darin, die AccuSpec/B-IS��Steckkarte ��ber den USB2IS��Adapter auf einem neueren PC (Windows 7) zum Laufen zu bringen. Der zweite Upgrade-Versuch wird mithilfe des Canberra DS��1000 durchgef��hrt, wo durch das Variieren des Shapings die Anwendbarkeit des DS��1000 ��berpr��ft wird. Bei dem zweiten Upgrade-Versuch wird die Elektronik komplett durch den DS��1000 ausgetauscht und damit ein digitales Messsystem gebildet, Two High-Count-Rate Gamma Spectroscopy Systems are located at the radiochemistry lab of the Institute of Atomic and Subatomic Physics, Vienna. Those two systems have following names: 'Der dicke Fritz' and 'Der Russe'. Both gamma spectroscopy systems are made up of the following hardware components: HPGe detector, front-end-electronics, a personal computer and an AccuSpec board, which is the key element of the system. Both systems are operated within Loss-Free-Counting (LFC) mode, therefore no dead time occurs. The personal computers are equipped with an ISA slot mainboard and running Windows 98. All measurements are controlled via Genie 2000 Basic Spectroscopy Software and AccuSpec/B ISA card. The aim of this master's thesis is the renewal of the electronics and modernization of the High-Count-Rate Gamma Spectroscopy System. During the thesis, two upgrade possibilities are tested by various measurements using the s��called tw��source-method. The research is focused on res�� lution and count loss determination in high count rate radiation systems, so the new systems are compared to the old gamma spectroscopy system. First of all, the applicability of the ARSTech USB2ISA adapter is revised. This adapter is the last element of an analog measuring system. The attempt is to mount the AccuSpec/B board into the USB2ISA adapter and to link the adapter with a new personal computer running Windows 7. The second upgrade option is carried out using DS��1000, where applicability of the DS��1000 is revised by varying the parameters of shaping. The old electronics are replaced by the DS��1000, therefore a digital measuring system is established.
- Published
- 2016
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172. Innovative lokale Initiativen zur Innenstadt- und Handelsbelebung: Was auf lokaler Ebene getan werden kann – und wer es tut.
- Author
Bullinger, Dieter
- Published
- 2023
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Selimović-Erdić, Lejla
- Abstract
Copyright of Knowledge: International Journal is the property of Institute for Knowledge Management and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Wanke, Otto
- Subjects
STRING quartets ,JOINTS (Engineering) ,COMPUTER software development ,INDIVIDUAL needs ,MUSICAL performance ,COMPUTER music - Abstract
Copyright of Notes Muzyczny is the property of Akademia Muzyczna im. Grazyny i Kiejstuta Bacewiczow w Lodzi and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
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175. Hydropolitics of China towards Transboundary Ile and Ertis River Basins
- Author
А. Медеу and М.Ш. Губайдуллина
- Subjects
International relations ,JZ2-6530 ,Comparative law. International uniform law ,K520-5582 - Abstract
Sharing water resources between countries is a huge political issue. There have been few instances in recent history in which such disagreements have led to violence or hostilities. China's hydropolitics regarding transboundary Ile (Ili) and Ertis (Irtysh) Rivers in Central Asia, as well as Brahmaputra and Mekong in South and Southeast Asia, in which China is an upstream country, clearly demonstrates how international water law underestimates the role of power in relations between countries in the same river basin (Zeitoun and Warner, 2005). The vast majority of the transboundary rivers, including Ile and Ertis, originate in Tibet and other mountainous regions of China adjacent to Southeast Asia. Reaching a satisfactory agreement on water allocation and quality control remains a major challenge for nation states. Particularly, Ertis and Ile rivers are the largest and most significant. The trend for our neighbor is to withdraw water from these basins for a purpose of developing the oil and gas fields, as well as cotton production in Xinjiang region. In recent years, sharp reduction in flow along the Ile River has been observed during vegetation season, which is fraught with big problems, primarily to environment and hydropower of Kazakhstan. In fact, China is one of three countries in the world that voted against the UN Convention on the Non-Navigational Use of International Watercourses. As a result, China’s plans for a grandiose construction of mega-dams as well as a water diversion projects from the transboundary rivers, are becoming a source of tension between riparian states, creating the preconditions for conflict potential between the neighboring countries of the Mekong, India, including Kazakhstan. In this regard, the article analyzes China's approach towards transboundary water management through the lens of “hydro-hegemony theory” for a more detailed understanding of its hydropolitics. Key words: transboundary rivers, Ili River, Irtysh River, water security, water politics, hydrohegemony.
- Published
- 2024
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Copyright of ANAFORA is the property of Anafora and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
TOMELLERI, Vittorio Springfield
- Subjects
LEXICOGRAPHY ,TEXTUAL criticism - Abstract
Copyright of Slovo (05836255) is the property of Slovo and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Drljević, Dženita and Herić, Sandina
- Abstract
Copyright of Istraživanja: Casopis Fakulteta Humanističkih Nauka is the property of Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar, Faculty of Humanities and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Milojević, Emilija D.
- Subjects
AGEISM ,GRANDPARENTS ,SOCIAL groups ,PUBLIC opinion ,CIVIL society ,SOCIAL & economic rights ,CRITICAL discourse analysis - Abstract
Copyright of Communication & Culture Online / Komunikacija i Kultura Online is the property of FOKUS: Forum za Interkulturnu Komunikaciju and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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180. FIA-Testung von influenzaverdächtigen Patienten in der Notaufnahme Eine Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse.
- Author
Diel, Roland
- Subjects
SEASONAL influenza ,IMMUNOASSAY ,HOSPITAL emergency services ,INFLUENZA treatment ,PUBLIC health - Abstract
Copyright of Trillium-Diagnostik is the property of Trillium GmbH Medizinischer Fachverlag and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
181. Open Innovation im Kontext der Integrierten Produktentwicklung: Strategien zur Steigerung der FuE-Produktivität. Open Innovation in Context of Integrated Product Development: Strategies for Increasing RnD-Productivity
- Author
Ili, Serhan and Albers, A.
- Subjects
Open Innovation ,FuE-Produktivität ,ddc:620 ,Automobilindustrie ,Engineering & allied operations ,Integrierte Produktentwicklung - Published
- 2009
182. Kako se ono kaže…?
- Author
Ivana Bulic
- Subjects
inojezični hrvatski, leksičke vježbe, mentalni leksikon, komunikacijska kompetencija ,Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian languages ,PG1-9665 - Abstract
Pri usvajanju ili učenju jezika, kako materinskog tako i stranog, osnovu čine riječi, leksik. Akustička percepcija, vizualnost i pravilno pisanje pojedine riječi, povezivanje s konkretnim ili apstraktnim sadržajem te njezino pohranjivanje u pamćenju vrlo su složen proces. Posebice pri učenju stranog jezika pamćenje novih riječi, njihovo prepoznavanje u kontekstu, spremanje u mentalni leksikon te prisjećanje pod utjecajem je različitih faktora koji obogaćivanje vokabulara mogu olakšati ili otežati (Erdeljac, 2009). U inojezičnom hrvatskom najčešće je morfonološka razina (fleksija i s njom povezane glasovne promjene) ta koja učenicima stvara poteškoće u prepoznavanju obličnica i njihovu pravilnom korištenju, stoga poučavanje mora biti podjednako usmjereno i na značenje i na gramatičke oblike riječi (Udier, 2009). Ovaj rad donosi teorijski utemeljen primjer dobre prakse modela cjelovitih leksičkih vježbi koji potiče učenike da se samostalno i intenzivno bave prijamnim i potencijalnim vokabularom na izabranu temu kako bi se olakšao njegov prijelaz u proizvodni te na taj način razvijala komunikacijska kompetencija. Vježbe slijede načelo postupnosti, višemodalnosti i pragmatičnosti. Njihov je cilj omogućiti učenicima da prepoznaju naučene riječi u kontekstu rečenice, učestalo ih čitaju i izgovaraju te, naposljetku, aktivno koriste u oblikovanju monologa ili dijaloga. Model je primijenjen u nastavi inojezičnog hrvatskoga s odraslim polaznicima te se može iskoristiti za razinu A2 prema ZEROJ-u, a uzima u obzir popis posebnih pojmova iz Opisnog okvira za referentnu razinu A2 (Grgić & Gulešić Machata, 2017). Rad je napisan na hrvatskom jeziku, a materijali za nastavu sadrže metodički komentar i upute te rješenja na kraju priloga.
- Published
- 2024
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183. Oblique upper tibial opening wedge osteotomy for genu varum
- Author
Gary, Hooper, Hamish, Leslie, James, Burn, Rowan, Schouten, and Ili, Beci
- Subjects
Ilium ,Male ,Joint Deformities, Acquired ,Treatment Outcome ,Knee Joint ,Tibia ,Humans ,Female ,Middle Aged ,Osteoarthritis, Knee ,Arthroplasty ,Osteotomy - Abstract
Restoration of mechanical axis of the leg.Osteoarthritis of medial knee compartment. Overload of medial compartment. Genu varum.Smoker. Vascular impairment. Poor soft-tissue envelope.Straight 12-cm midline incision starting distal to the tibial tubercle medially and continuing parallel to the tibial crest. Oblique osteotomy at 60 degrees distal-medial to proximal-lateral preserving the lateral cortex. Osteotomy wedged open and alignment checked with diathermy cord. Two tricortical bone blocks harvested from ipsilateral iliac crest or bone substitute wedges placed in osteotomy. Stabilization with contoured T-plate. Closure over drain.44 patients (32 men, twelve women, average age 48 years) with 45 osteotomies. Follow-up 30 months (7-74 months). All osteotomies consolidated. 90% patients had excellent results according to the HSS (Hospital for Special Surgery) Knee Score. In 77% the femorotibial angle was corrected to 5-12 degrees . Patients regained their preoperative range of motion. There were no major complications.
- Published
- 2005
184. Obilježja zrele vjere
- Author
Ivan Šarčević
- Subjects
pastoral i kateheza odraslih ,osobna ,odgovorna ,opuštena vjera ,politička ljubav. ,Practical Theology ,BV1-5099 - Abstract
Od svih životnih dobi najteže je pastorizirati odrasle, posebno muškarce. Na njih se ne može toliko izvanjski utjecati nagovorom ili prisilom, pogotovo ne afektivnom socijalizacijom, kao na djecu i mlade. U prosjeku gledano, najmanje u crkvu dolaze odrasli, nositelji života, obiteljski i društveno najaktivniji od svih generacija, među njima naročito muškarci. Neke oznake njihove vjere su: vjersko neznanje i samovoljno kreiranje vjere čak do praznovjerja; uslijed radnog aktivizma odbacivanje ili odugovlačenje susreta sa sobom, s drugima i s Bogom; raskorak između vjere i profesije, vjere i društvenog života, socijalnog angažmana koji bi bio motiviran vjerom. Neki odrasli, ali ne i zreli, pribjegavaju grupnim odgovorima, tj. tradicionalizmu, fundamentalizmu, laičkom klerikalizmu i integrizmu. Pastoral odraslih podrazumijevao bi dva smjera, jedan više sistematičan, drugi okazionalan, prigodni – oba s težištima na razumijevanju Božje riječi, odgovornom obiteljskom životu i aktivnom životu u društvu i Crkvi. U svakom slučaju, vrijedilo bi iznova odgajati za osobnu i odgovornu, zahvalnu i opuštenu, poučljivu i skromnu vjeru koja se potvrđuje u ljubavi i političkoj ljubavi.
- Published
- 2024
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185. Kako (pre)živjeti s pametnim strojevima
- Author
Bojan Jerbić
- Subjects
robotika ,umjetna inteligencija ,roboetika ,Practical Theology ,BV1-5099 - Abstract
Robotika i umjetna inteligencija (UI) neupitno poboljšavaju ljudske potencijale. Djeluju u rasponu od jednostavnog zaključivanja, izvođenja jednostavnih radnji do imitacije složenih ljudskih kognitivnih i radnih funkcija. Njihovi zadatci mogu varirati od zabave ili igre do pomaganja ljudima u teškim ili zamornim zadaćama. Kako bismo razumjeli utjecaj umjetne inteligencije, važno je učiti iz prošlih uspjeha i neuspjeha, kao i predvidjeti njezine buduće smjerove i potencijalne pravne, etičke i socioekonomske implikacije. U bliskoj će budućnosti inteligentni roboti sve više postajati sastavni dio života običnih ljudi. Potencijalne koristi su velike, ali tu su i značajni rizici i etički izazovi. Naša autonomija može biti ugrožena, a društvena interakcija opstruirana. Proširena uporaba robota može dovesti do smanjenog kontakta među ljudima i mogućih ograničenja osobnih sloboda. Pametni strojevi oblikuju radikalno nov svijet, dovodeći do značajnih ekonomskih i kulturalnih promjena, stvarajući i pobjednike i gubitnike na globalnoj razini. Umjetna inteligencija razvija se uzimajući čovjeka kao uzor. Unatoč tomu, umjetna inteligencija i ljudska bića ostaju fundamentalno različiti zbog svoje različite prirode. Možemo li onda dijeliti iste moralne koncepte? Iako postoji zabrinutost oko toga što robotika i umjetna inteligencija znače za našu budućnost, postoji i vjerovanje koje dolazi iz znanstvene ili pak filozofijske perspektive, da robotika i UI predstavljaju dio te evolucije. Napredujemo usput redefinirajući čovječanstvo i neprestano preispitujući što nas kao ljude čini jedinstvenima.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Damirka Mihaljević
- Subjects
sloboda ,isiah berlin ,liberalizam ,komunitarizam ,politička teorija ,Social Sciences ,History (General) ,D1-2009 - Abstract
Kroz povijest se pojam slobode javljao kao ideja i čežnja u različitim oblicima pojavnosti. Sloboda se interpretirala ovisno o kulturi, društvenomu okružju i individualnoj egzistenciji. Iako se bit temeljnoga pojma slobode može činiti neuhvatljivim, svako tumačenje riječi „sloboda“, čak i najmanje uobičajeno, smatra Berlin, mora obuhvati minimum onoga što je označeno kao „negativna“ sloboda. „Mora dakle postojati područje u kojem nisam sputan.“ Takva negativna sloboda središnji je moralni i politički ideal liberalizma i temeljni element europske političke kulture. No, koncept slobode kao prepuštenost pojedincima da mogu „činiti ili biti ono što žele činiti ili biti bez uplitanja drugih osoba“ u različitim formulacijama liberalne političke teorije poprimio je ključnu i kontroverznu ulogu. Kritika koja se javljala usredotočila se na problematičan individualizam koji se vrtio u smjeru egocentričnih pojedinaca zahtijevajući njegovu komunitarnu korekciju. Moderni komunitarizam pojavio se 1980-ih kao reakcija na prevladavajuće filozofije liberalizma, koje su previše naglašavale prava pojedinca i njihovu egocentričnost, a premalo društvenu odgovornost.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Jelena Bačić
- Subjects
roditelji ,neroditelji ,stavovi ,fizička kazna ,odgojne strategije ,Social Sciences ,History (General) ,D1-2009 - Abstract
Fizičko kažnjavanje disciplinska je strategija koja podrazumijeva upotrebu fizičke sile, namijenjene da djetetu nanese bol, ali ne povredu, radi promjene ili iskorjenjivanja nekoga nepoželjnog ponašanja. Brojni roditelji često je koriste, ali se nešto rjeđe govori o stavovima neroditelja o fizičkoj kazni. Neroditelji su ljudi koji nemaju vlastitu djecu, ali se pretpostavlja da će ih imati u budućnosti. Cilj je ovoga rada bila usporedba stavova roditelja i neroditelja o fizičkoj kazni. U radu je analizirano 14 studija kvantitativnoga tipa. Pretraživane studije ispitivale su stavove roditelja i/ili neroditelja o fizičkoj kazni, a u obzir došli su roditelji djece normativnoga razvoja, bez kroničnih ili akutnih bolesti. Neroditelji su bili adolescenti ili studenti. Pretraga studija vršena je u online bazama podataka, a analizirane su one koje su registrirale stavove (ne)roditelja o fizičkoj kazni te su ispitivale mogućnost njihovih mijenjanja. Analiza studija sugerira da neroditelji manje odobravaju upotrebu fizičke kazne od roditelja, ali samo ako smatraju da je fizička kazna koju su sami doživjeli u djetinjstvu bila neopravdana. Informiranje o posljedicama fizičke kazne može i kod roditelja i kod neroditelja dovesti do manje podrške fizičkoj kazni. U radu su detaljnije prikazani rezultati studija i sugerira se da bi bilo korisno usporediti stavove (ne)roditelja i o drugim odgojnim strategijama.
- Published
- 2024
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188. Slika hrvatskih branitelja u medijima. Analiza medijskih sadržaja o hrvatskim braniteljima u razdoblju od 2010. do 2021. godine
- Author
Miriam Mary Brgles, Josip Ježovita, and Mateja Plenković
- Subjects
hrvatski branitelji ,veterani ,mediji ,analiza sadržaja ,teorija postavljanja prioriteta. ,Practical Theology ,BV1-5099 - Abstract
Važno je i zanimljivo istraživačko pitanje uloge medija u kreiranju i održavanju (ne) povoljnog položaja branitelja u javnosti. Polazeći od teorijskih i empirijskih spoznaja o važnosti medijskog izvještavanja u oblikovanju slike branitelja, provedena je analiza sadržaja kojom je obuhvaćeno 11 849 medijskih priloga objavljenih na internetskim portalima i tiskovinama u razdoblju od 2010. do 2021. godine u Hrvatskoj. Prvo je istraživačko pitanje glasilo: Koje su dominantne teme medijskih priloga u kojima se u javnoj komunikaciji spominju hrvatski branitelji? Pokazalo se da je dominantna tema priloga isticanje različitih oblika braniteljskih udruživanja. Sljedeća su dva istraživačka pitanja glasila: Koji je dominantni sentiment prema braniteljima u odnosu na 1) vrstu i 2) autora medijskog priloga? Pokazalo se da o braniteljima prevladava pozitivan sentiment ako je riječ o intervjuima ili izjavama kao vrsti medijskih priloga, no kada se analizira prilog prema autorima, nitko se ne ističe prema iznošenju pozitivnog sentimenta. Negativan sentiment o braniteljima prevladava u komentarima i kolumnama kao vrsti priloga, dok se među autorima ističu čitatelji. Četvrto pitanje je glasilo: Kakvi se i čiji vrijednosni sudovi iznose prema različitim skupinama povezanima s braniteljima? Pokazalo se da pozitivne vrijednosne sudove uglavnom iznose članovi braniteljskih obitelji, predstavnici vjerskih zajednica i političari na vlasti. S druge strane, negativne vrijednosne sudove uglavnom iznose stručnjaci ili znanstvenici te novinari.
- Published
- 2024
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189. Fenomen translacije svetih mjesta. Primjer replikacije svetišta Gospe Lurdske u Vepricu
- Author
Mislav Stjepan Čagalj, Branimir Vukosav, and Denis Radoš
- Subjects
Vepric ,Lourdes ,geografija religija ,translacija svetišta ,špilja Massabielle. ,Practical Theology ,BV1-5099 - Abstract
Geografija religija subdisciplina je kulturne geografije koja se bavi socijalnim, kulturnim i okolišnim međuutjecajima religije i prostora. U tom smislu ona proučava sve promjene koje religija kao kulturni fenomen izaziva kao čimbenik transformacije prostora. Jedna od specifičnih tema u geografiji religija je utjecaj religije na oblikovanje krajolika. U njezine okvire ulazi i pojava, odnosno nastanak svetih mjesta ili svetišta kao prostora s posebnim značenjem za onaj dio društva koji je vezan uz neku konkretnu religiju ili vjerovanje. Svetišta su često povezana s nekim povijesnim događajem ili narativom o nadnaravnoj pojavi te su česta odredišta hodočasnika, a u katoličkoj vjeri prisutna je i pojava tzv. translacija svetišta, odnosno fizička i značenjska replikacija svetog mjesta u drugo geografsko okruženje. U ovom se članku analizom dostupne literature i izvora istražuje postanak i razvoj svetišta Gospe Lurdske u Vepricu nedaleko od Makarske kao tipski primjer translacije svetog mjesta. Nastalo po uzoru na svetište u Lourdesu početkom 20. stoljeća procesom translacije svetog mjesta, to se svetište ubrzo prometnulo u vodeće lurdsko svetište u Hrvatskoj. Krajolik koji podsjeća na lurdski i povoljan prometno-geografski položaj glavni su čimbenici popularizacije svetišta u Vepricu te njegova značenja kao važnoga vjerskog odredišta u prostoru južne Hrvatske.
- Published
- 2024
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190. Stjepan Zimmermann o Božjoj providnosti
- Author
Ivan Macut
- Subjects
Stjepan Zimmermann ,Božje vlastitosti ,Božja providnost ,Bog stvoritelj ,Bog uzdržavatelj ,Bog upravitelj ,Philosophy. Psychology. Religion - Abstract
Uz uvodne i zaključne napomene ovaj je rad podijeljen na dva poglavlja. U prvom poglavlju pod naslovom Božje vlastitosti ili savršenosti istražuju se, prema izlaganju Stjepana Zimmermanna, Božje vlastitosti ili savršenosti. Božje su vlastitosti savršene, dok su vlastitosti stvorenih bića nesavršene i o Bogu ovisne. U drugom poglavlju rada, koje je naslovljeno Božja providnost, prikazuje se ponajprije Zimmermannovo izlaganje o trima Božjim nenužnim vlastitostima, a to su stvoritelj, uzdržavatelj i upravitelj. Nakon ovoga prelazi se na govor o Božjoj providnosti u Božjem umu. Za Zimmermanna je jasno da određenje svrhe svijeta i provedba te svrhe u svijetu jesu vječni zakon u Božjem umu te ga je moguće nazvati i promisao Božja ili providnost. Ta Božja providnost, unatoč prisutnosti različitih zala u svijetu, upravlja životom svijeta i čovjeka, a konačni joj je cilj čovjekova sreća.
- Published
- 2024
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191. Teološki pogled izabranih crkvenih dokumenata na medijsku etiku
- Author
Šime Zupčić and Danijel Labaš
- Subjects
crkveni dokumenti ,deontologija ,medijska etika ,teologija ,Philosophy. Psychology. Religion - Abstract
Ovim radom donosimo sustavni analitički presjek teološke medijske etike izložene u dokumentima Katoličke Crkve koji su posvećeni medijskoj tematici, od suvremenih dokumenata do Mirari vos iz prve polovice XIX. stoljeća. U širokom kontekstu mnogobrojnih etičkih pitanja koja se povezuju kako s tradicionalnim, tako i s novim medijima i njihovom deontologijom, i Katolička Crkva u svojim dokumentima posvećenima komunikaciji i medijima iznosi svoj pogled na medijsku etiku, služeći se svojim teološkim moralnim naučavanjem. Iz perspektive teološkog razmišljanja o moralnosti i etičnosti medija, jasan je stav da se medije same po sebi ne može smatrati etički dobrima ili etički lošima, već ih etički prihvatljivima ili neprihvatljivima čini sama upotreba medija, a etičku vrijednost daju svi sudionici medijskog procesa: od vlasnika preko urednika i novinara pa do korisnika medija. Cilj je ovoga rada analizirati i sustavno prikazati teološka etička stajališta i načela iznesena i obrazložena u izabranim crkvenim dokumentima koji se bave medijskom tematikom.
- Published
- 2024
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192. Jurek Beckers erzählte Geschichte(n)
- Author
Kabić, Slavija
- Subjects
povijest/historija ,priča ,holokaust/Šoa ,geto ,strategije preživljavanja ,židovski i/ili njemački identitet ,Njemačka Demokratska Republika ,njemačka književnost nakon 1945 ,Jurek Becker - Abstract
In einer Zeit, in der Geschichte (history) unmöglich geworden zu sein schien, entwarf die Literatur sich selber als Möglichkeitsform der Geschichte. In Jurek Beckers Romanen "Jakob der Lügner" (1969) und "Bronsteins Kinder" (1986) schlägt die historische Wahrheit in Bindung von Wahrheit, Lüge und Fiktion um, so daß der historischen Shoah-Erfahrung durch humorvolles, anekdote- und parabelähnliches Erzählen das Grauenvolle teilweise weggenommen wird. Die Juden im Ghetto, ihr Überleben und Weiterleben nach der Shoah sind historische Themen, aber Jurek Becker gibt nicht das Bild der Historie, sondern erzählt Geschichten (stories), mit denen er seinen Mitmenschen Mut und Hoffnung zum Weiterleben und zur Gegenwart geben will. Während "Jakob der Lügner" die jüdische Existenz in ihrer extremen Bedrohung porträtiert, sind die Shoah-Überlebenden und ihre Nachkommen in "Bronsteins Kinder" auf der Suche nach ihrer jüdischen oder deutschen Identität in der DDR-Alltagsrealität der siebziger Jahre des 20. Jahrhunderts.
- Published
- 2003
- Author
Pavić Pintarić, Anita
- Subjects
COLLOCATION (Linguistics) ,RESEARCH questions ,GERMAN language ,CROATIAN language - Abstract
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- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Pociask, Janusz
- Subjects
COLLOCATION (Linguistics) ,FREE groups ,TERMS & phrases ,IDIOMS ,DISCOURSE - Abstract
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- Published
- 2024
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195. Tirzepatide after intensive lifestyle intervention in adults with overweight or obesity (SURMOUNT-3).
- Author
Wadden, Thomas A., Chao, Ariana M., Machineni, Sriram, Kushner, Robert, Ard, Jamy, Srivastava, Gitanjali, Halpern, Bruno, Zhang, Shuyu, Chen, Jiaxun, Bunck, Mathijs C., Ahmad, Nadia Nazir, Forrester, Tammy, and Lindner, Uwe
- Published
- 2024
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196. Metonymie in der Gedichtübersetzung.
- Author
Papišta, Žolt
- Abstract
This study represents a contrastive analysis of Michael Ende's poem "Der Lindwurm und der Schmetterling oder Der seltsame Tausch" and its Serbian translation by Spomenka Krajčević titled "Zmaj i Leptir ili Neobična zamena" based on the cognitive-linguistic theory of conceptual metonymy. The purpose of the analysis is to determine in what way the mechanisms of conceptual metonymy may be utilized for the purposes of poetry translation. For this reason, those passages of the translated poem will be analyzed which deviate from the original in such a way that the semantic material of the deviating passages exhibits the characteristics of metonymy, namely a specific conceptual configuration between an Idealized Cognitive Model (Frame) and its parts. The analysis revealed 61 metonymic relationships between the target- and the source text, of which 46 in total (75.4%) reveal a contiguous relationship between two parts of an ICM, indicating that this metonymic principle of configuration may present a considerably more flexible translation strategy for poetry translation than the substitution of an entire ICM with one of its parts or vice versa. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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197. Hans Alberthal.
- Author
Büchi, Walter
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal of the Institute of Art History is the property of Radovi Instituta za Povijest Umjetnosti and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Ninković, Sanja
- Abstract
Copyright of Annual Review of the Faculty of Philosophy / Godisnjak Filozofskog Fakulteta is the property of Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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Copyright of ANAFORA is the property of Anafora and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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- Abstract
Copyright of ANAFORA is the property of Anafora and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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