
Showing total 9 results
9 results

Search Results

1. [10 Years Accountable Care Organizations in the USA: Impulses for Health Care Reform in Germany?]

2. [The Psychotherapist and Neurologist Ernst Jolowicz (1882-1958): An International Career in the Shadow of Anti-semitism and Emigration].

3. [Date of Service Provision and Date of Payment in Claims Data: Dealing with Time Differences].

4. [Public Health as Function of the State. Healthcare and "Folkish State Policy"].

5. [Authorization and reimbursement of orphan drugs in an international comparison].

6. [Opportunities and risks of managed care].

7. [Contribution of german university departments of anesthesiology to the international literature].

8. [Cat scratch disease. An overview for the ENT physician].

9. [Adolf Meyer and relations between German and American psychiatry].