
Your search keyword '"Food"' showing total 15 results
15 results on '"Food"'

Search Results

1. Nourishment and Asceticism: the Measure of Food

2. W zdrowiu i w chorobie. Zalecenia dietetyczne w wybranych średniowiecznych traktatach medycznych z Salerno (XI-XIII w.)

3. The Naming of Food and Drink in the Ladder of John Climacus

4. Kitchen Lab for Kids: A Programme for Shaping STEM Skills in Preschool

5. The Voracious Text – Hélène Cixous’ Vivre l’orange

6. La cultura del gusto. La alimentación entre representaciones y conexiones / The culture of taste. Food between representations and connections

7. Territori, turismo e lentezza: percorsi slow di sviluppo sostenibile [Territories, tourism and slowness: slow paths of sustainable development]

8. Food of Plant Origin in the Life of Early Medieval Bulgarians (End of 7th – Beginning of 11th Century)

9. A cozinha e a mesa em Loulé medieval nos seus utensílios de uso comum: o testemunho dos Inventários de Órfãos

10. L’aliment humaniste comme chair d’une œuvre d’art

11. Alimentazione: dalla fisiologia all'inconscio. Una prospettiva neuroscientifica accompagnata da immagini letterarie


13. Edible Encounters and the Formation of Self in Baltasar Lopes' Chiquinho and Paulina Chiziane's Niketche: uma história de poligamia


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