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1. Kirsten Fudeman, Aaron Lawson, Carol Rosen and Devon Strolovitch (Editors), Cornell Working Papers in Linguistics, Romance Philology 17, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 1999, 196 pagine

2. Introduction to the subsequent three papers in the present volume

3. Estudis Gramaticals 1, amb ponències del Col.loqui Internacional de Lingüistica Teòrica i Llengües Romàniques, Working Papers in Linguistics; Univer­ sitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Departament de Filologia Hispànica, Barcelona, Bel­ laterra 1984, 380 pp.

4. Cyborgisation: Origin and Evolution of the Concept

5. Emotions and the Role of the Body in the Context of Biblical Stories

6. On the Influence of the Oberammergau Passion Plays on the Passion Play of Ksaver Meško

7. The Ecclesiology of Pope Francis: A Critical Analysis of the Metaphor of the Church as Polyhedron

8. Between Communitarianism and Confucianism: Charles Taylor and the Confucian Concept of Self in Comparative Perspective

9. 'Living Is Good, Dying Is Bad': The Vitalist Core of Hribar’s Ethics of Sacredness

10. Eco’s Lingua Edenica and 'Other Languages': A Biblical-Theological Critique of Umberto Eco’s Semiotics

11. Socio-cultural Reflection in the Life and Thought of Anton Trstenjak

12. Religion and Politics in Thirty Days: A Case Study of Bosnia and Herzegovina

13. Gandhi's Satyagraha

14. Die disruptive Kraft in klassenräumen oder über die KI-unterstützten Tools beim Fremdsprachenlehren und -lernen

15. Everyday Aesthetics and the Dichotomy Between Routine and Charisma

16. On lustful deities and the ontological turn in the archaeology of ancient Egypt

17. Idea or interpretation

18. Does archaeology deliver evidence about the past or co-create contemporary values?

19. The Conjugal Communio Amoris as the Path to Holiness: Perspective of the Exhortation 'Familiaris Consortio'

20. Ca’ Rezzonico in the 19th Century: The Dispersal of its Collections and the New Uses of the Palace

21. Two Faces of the Hindu Great Goddess

22. The intersection of digital and translation competence in students of translation

23. Theological Virtues of The Blessed Anton Martin Slomšek

24. On Vision and Action for European Integration: From Robert Schuman to Pope Francis

25. The Relationship Between Religion and Politics in the Middle East

26. Islamic Theocracy of Shia Twelvers in Iran

27. Heidegger’s Black Notebooks: The ≫Self‑Annihilation≪ of the Philosopher’s Legacy?

28. Jakob Aleksič: Man’s Calling to Dialogue

29. Dāwūd al-Muqammaṣ and His Reception of Christian Doctrine

30. The Architecture of ELT Coursebooks

31. When Language Transfer is Negative

32. Functions of Literature

33. Profiling of the Ethical Concepts Good / Evil and Justice from the Etymological Perspective

34. Is Artificial Intelligence an Intelligence in the True Sense of the Word? The Issue of Mental Characteristics and Generality

35. Identity and Conversational Artificial Intelligence

36. The Meaning of Technology and Religion in the Context of Teilhard de Chardin’s Theistic Evolution

37. Spreading Salafism to the Balkans through Digital Technology

38. Technology as the Elixir of Immortality – Resurgent Philosophical and Spiritual Enigma of Human Imprisonment

39. Beauty and Kerygma in the Technological Age

40. Evaluation of Educational and Practical Workshops on Developing Positive Parenting 'Families in the Centrifuge of Modern Times'

41. 'Surveying' in the First Half of the 19th Century: Questionnaires of the Archduke John and Their Impact on the Bishop Augustin Gruber and Georg Göth

42. The Term μετάνοια in the Old and New Testament

43. Dazhbog: The Ancient Slavic Pagan Deity of the Shining Sky

44. Myth in 300 StrokesMit v 300 taktih

45. Rugian Slavic God Sventovit – One More TimeRugijski slovanski bog Sventovit – ponovno

46. Tomáš Halík’s Concept of Atheism

47. Forgiveness as the Way to Salvation: A Soteriological Account of Forgiveness in the Religious Writings of Kierkegaard and Its Meaning for Immanent Ethics

48. From Fear to Theosis: Patristic Reflections on Artificial Intelligence

49. Development of a Productive Derivational Pattern on the Basis of Loan Translation?

50. Attitudes to Education Reflected in the Context of the US College Admissions Scandal