The main objective of our thesis is to investigate the volatility behavior of Islamic stock indexes in the context of financial crisis. The effective contribution of our thesis covers four main areas. First, we highlighted the stylized facts empirically observed in the financial markets, and we projected them in the case of Islamic stock indexes. This contribution, allowed us to analyze the random dynamic of returns and volatility of these indexes. Second, given the stylized facts related to the volatility behavior, we modeled the volatility of Islamic indexes, and we compared it with the volatility of their conventional counterparts. Third, we have implemented a new approach in stochastic modeling of financial time series, called fractal approach, through which we have identified two main properties namely the scale invariance and self-similarity. Finally, taking into account the importance of the volatility recorded by Islamic indexes, we found it necessary to analyze the interdependence of markets (Islamic and conventional markets). In this regard, we have analyzed the volatility transmission of the US market, as a country generating the crisis, to both Malaysian and Indonesian Islamic markets.We proved in a preliminary analysis, that Islamic market indexes capture the same stylized facts observed empirically in the conventional markets. Volatility clustering, long memory, asymmetric volatility relative to historical returns and scale invariance are the main stylized facts analyzed in this thesis. We modeled the volatility of Islamic equity indexes as well as their conventional counterparts through the conditional volatility models namely GARCH, EGARCH and FIGARCH models. We found that Islamic indexes have shown a significant persistence in volatility like their conventional counterparts. We also found that four among six Islamic indexes (S&P Sharia, DJIMI, FTSE Sharia and MSCI Islamic) were less volatile than their conventional counterparts. This finding confirms the relative resilience of Islamic indexes to the global financial crisis which has affected the Islamic finance as soon as the crisis has affected the real sector of the economy. But, two Islamic indexes (JII and KLSI) were more volatile than their conventional counterparts. Even if Islamic institutions have avoided exposure to the subprime crisis, they were subjected to the second round effect of the global crisis view the prolonged duration of the crisis. Given the volatility persistence of Islamic indexes, we have modeled the volatility through a long memory model namely FIGARCH model. We also highlighted the fractal nature of Islamic indexes reflecting self-similarity and scale invariance. The high volatility of Islamic indexes led us to analyze the transmission of stock market shocks and to apprehend the contagion phenomenon. We analyzed this phenomenon through dynamic conditional correlation model (DCC-GARCH).We found conclusive results corroborating with many studies. There is a significant transmission of volatility from the US market represented by S&P 500 index to Malaysian and Indonesian market during the crisis period. Despite, the intrinsic characteristics favoring the stability of Islamic finance, Islamic financial assets, especially Islamic stock indexes are not completely protected from crisis, because Islamic finance operates in an environment so complex and not immune.It‟s clear that instability, as an intrinsic feature of the current financial system, has not spared the Islamic financial institutions. They could not escape the financial crisis effect with an unprecedented magnitude. This crisis, which was located in the United States, morphed into a systemic crisis with a global reach through the effect of contagion. Despite the reforms established by the Basel Committee (I, II and III) in terms of prudential supervision, the shortcomings of the system have not been filled. Indeed, these reforms have only a micro-prudential appearance. Therefore, they only act on the regulation of banks and mastery of individual risks. It is appropriate to implement new policies, especially macro-prudential policy, which aims to limit the devastating effects of the crises and to master the systemic risk. The implementation of macro-prudential policy can probably solidify the Islamic financial system, consolidate its gains in stability and reduce the crisis contagion. It is an inescapable and complementary factor to micro-prudential policy., Cette thèse a pour objectif principal d’appréhender le comportement économétrique de la volatilité des indices boursiers islamiques. Nous avons prouvé, dans une analyse préliminaire, que les indices boursiers islamiques capturent les mêmes faits stylisés observés empiriquement dans les marchés financiers conventionnels. L’accumulation de la volatilité, la mémoire longue, l’asymétrie de la volatilité par rapport aux rendements passés et l’invariance d’échelle sont les principaux faits stylisés analysés dans notre thèse. Nous avons modélisé la volatilité des indices boursiers islamiques à travers les modèles à volatilité conditionnelle hétéroscédastique. Nous avons constaté que les indices islamiques ont fait preuve d’une persistance importante dans la composante de la volatilité à l’instar de leurs homologues conventionnels. Nous avons également trouvé que 4 parmi 6 indices islamiques ont fait preuve d’une volatilité d’une moindre ampleur que leurs homologues conventionnels. Ceci confirme la résilience relative des indices boursiers islamiques face à la crise qui a affecté la finance islamique dès que cette crise a touché la sphère réelle de l’économie. Cependant, nous avons constaté que deux indices islamiques étaient plus volatiles que leurs homologues conventionnels. En fait, même si les institutions islamiques ont évité l’exposition à la crise des subprimes, elles ont été soumises à l’effet de second tour de la crise, favorisé par l’effet de la contagion financière.Nous avons également mis en évidence le caractère multi-fractal des indices islamiques. La multi-fractalité met en lumière les propriétés d'échelle reflétant la récurrence de certains phénomènes à différentes échelles d’observation. Cette nouvelle approche ouvre de nouvelles voies en modélisation mathématique, qui permettra à la finance islamique d’éviter les dérives de la modélisation classique et ses imperfections prévisionnelles.La volatilité importante des indices boursiers islamiques nous a amené à appréhender le phénomène de la contagion financière, pendant la crise financière. Nous avons prouvé l’existence d’une transmission significative de la volatilité du marché Américain, en tant que marché générateur de crise, vers les marchés d’actions islamiques Malaisien et Indonésien. En dépit des caractéristiques intrinsèques favorisant la stabilité de la finance islamique, cette dernière ne se trouve pas complétement à l’abri de crise, car elle opère dans un environnement complexe. Il convient de mettre en place de nouvelles politiques, en particulier la politique macro-prudentielle, dont l’objectif est de maitriser le risque systémique, afin d’éviter ses répercussions majeures sur l’économie réelle.