Survey results of 1,452 people representing families of 6 ethnic minorities in 11 communes of 7 districts in 7 provinces in the Northwest region shows that the production organization capacity of the ethnic minorities surveyed has changed, but still remains many limitations. The change in production capacity of ethnic minorities is reflected in the fact that the majority of families have produced in a new way (know how to use some machines, use new plant varieties and breeds, apply chemical fertilizers, use pesticides, and some agricultural products produced for sale). The limitations of the production organization capacity of ethnic minority families are shifting cultivation, dibbling, rudimentary production tools, low labor productivity, production by small-scale, autarky, shifting cultivation of wandering hilltribes). If comparing between traditional production method and new production method, the traditional production method is still more prevalent. One of the main causes of this situation is that ethnic minorities live in mountainous areas with difficult transportation, so the main cultivation method is shifting cultivation. The application of machines in production faces many difficulties.