Numerous digital media and tools, and they are increasing diversity and growth and interference over time, and these means: Interactive television stations, digital cable, electronic press, hotspots, blogs, personal, corporate and commercial sites, social networking sites, video clips, digital radio stations, virtual community networks, mailing groups and more. Mobile phones that transmit digital radio, interactive television, websites, music, video clips, stock trading, weather, air traffic, digital maps, text message groups and multimedia. Introduction Lack of familiarity of the news television photographer with the different techniques of the concept of the mobile image that enables him to meet the requirements of the production of his work and the implementation of his visions and ideas, according to specific criteria. Lack of interest in the function and concept of television news in terms of (news function - informatics - the authentication and credibility of the event - the visual function - the psychological impact on the viewer). Objectives: Promoting and promoting news work represented in the news story in the information age and satellite channels. Set up professional controls and standards for news coverage in the theater that is binding on every photographer working in the field of news. Spread the culture of quality in the work of news media through the controls and standards of professional coverage of the news. So that the side of the esophagus corresponds to the linguistic side. Methodology This approach follows the description and analysis to reach the results. Results: The small size and low weight of the camera has become the biggest source of effort from the photographer during filming, and thus can guide this effort in skill and accuracy in performance and maneuverability, which is one of the most important elements of professional news coverage. The news photographer is always waiting - and quick-alert - and good news, not dazzling. The news photographer must have a vision before he depicts "visualization is the process of forming ideas and perceptions and revive the pulpit and visual stimuli in the mind of the individual are not before him at the time of the process of photography. Future Directions: It is recommended to study the completion of scientific research in the field of "mobile phone television" and the limits of research Is mobile phone canceled the role of mobile news cameras? Is mobile phone the place of portable broadcasters? Is the mobile phone rival to the professional news photographer? References: Visual Communication – Second Edition 2000, by words worth. Media in your life. Jean Folkerts Stephen Lacy Lucinda Daven Port – 1998 – by Allyn and Bacon A Viacom Company. Eng Television, Third Edition, Chales F. Cremer Phillip O. Keirsted Richard, D. Yookam. 1996 by the MC Graw – Hillcompanies. Inc. Digital Image processing/second Edition. Rafael C. Gonzalez Richard E. Woods – Presentice Hall – 2001. Digital Television Strategies – Alan Griggiths 2003 Published by Pal Grave MacMillan.