27 results on '"Faculté de Pharmacie [Nancy]"'
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2. La forêt française et l'armée américaine de 1950 à 1967. Quelques exemples de localisations des installations, d'usages militaires et de difficultés avec l'administration de notre pays
- Author
Labrude, Pierre, Laboratoire d'Hématologie-Physiologie, Faculté de Pharmacie [Nancy], Université de Lorraine (UL), and LABRUDE, Pierre
- Subjects
[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciences ,[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences - Abstract
Ce travail décrit quelques exemples de forëts domaniales concédées à l'armée américaine entre 1950 et 1967, et des difficultés que ces dévolutions ont engendrées avec l'administration des Eaux et Forëts. Le conflit provient des déboisements dont l'ampleur dépasse ce qui avait été envisagé ou promis.; Ce travail décrit quelques exemples de forëts domaniales concédées à l'armée américaine entre 1950 et 1967, et des difficultés que ces dévolutions ont engendrées avec l'administration des Eaux et Forëts. Le conflit provient des déboisements dont l'ampleur dépasse ce qui avait été envisagé ou promis. more...
- Published
- 2020
3. Nano-objets et environnements naturels et professionnels : nanoparticules, généralités, modèles expérimentaux
- Author
Le Faou, Alain, Reis, J., Cibles thérapeutiques, formulation et expertise pré-clinique du médicament (CITHEFOR), Université de Lorraine (UL), Faculté de Médecine [Nancy], Faculté de Pharmacie [Nancy], and CHU Strasbourg more...
- Subjects
[PHYS]Physics [physics] ,Toxicité ,Modèles animaux ,[SDV]Life Sciences [q-bio] ,Nano-objets ,Particules ultrafines ,Nanoparticules ,[CHIM]Chemical Sciences ,Cultures cellulaires - Abstract
National audience; Les nanobjets (NOb), structures libres possédant au moins une dimension d'échelle nanométrique (inférieure à 100 nm), ont de plus en plus d'applications et sont donc de plus en plus présents dans la vie quotidienne et en milieu professionnel. Leur petite taille leur confère des propriétés différentes de celles de mêmes composés de taille micrométrique ou supérieures et, souvent, une toxicité supérieure. Cette dernière est étudiée au laboratoire avec des modèles soit de cultures cellulaires soit d'animaux de laboratoire. Les études, nombreuses, utilisent des protocoles expérimentaux très divers. Elles sont indispensables pour comprendre les mécanismes de toxicité des NOb. Ceux-ci déclenchent dans les cellules des mécanismes pro-inflammatoires, des altérations du métabolisme, ainsi que des morts cellulaires. L'administration de NOb à l'animal se traduit par des réactions inflammatoires mais également des disséminations dans l'organisme et, après une administration locale, ils se retrouvent dans différents tissus. Ces deux modèles ne miment qu'imparfaitement les conditions d'exposition humaine. Les doses administrées sont souvent importantes et correspondent le plus souvent à des expositions aiguës. Cependant, malgré leurs imperfections, ces études peuvent servir d'alerte pour prévenir ou limiter l'utilisation de tel ou tel NOb. more...
- Published
- 2020
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4. Etude comparative de l’impact de la source de cellules souches mésenchymateuses dans l’indication du sepsis
- Author
Laroye, Caroline, Boufenzer, Amir, Jolly, Lucie, Cunat, Lisiane, Alauzet, Corentine, Bensoussan, Danièle, Reppel, Loïc, Gibot, Sebastien, unité de thérapie cellulaire et Tissus (UTCT), Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire de Nancy (CHRU Nancy), Faculté de Pharmacie [Nancy], Université de Lorraine (UL), Ingénierie Moléculaire et Physiopathologie Articulaire (IMoPA), and Université de Lorraine (UL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) more...
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[SDV]Life Sciences [q-bio] ,ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS - Abstract
International audience
- Published
- 2019
5. Huile essentielle de Ravintsara
- Author
Dominique Laurain-Mattar, Michaël Mansard, Françoise Couic-Marinier, Laboratoire Lorrain de Chimie Moléculaire (L2CM), Institut de Chimie du CNRS (INC)-Université de Lorraine (UL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Faculté de Pharmacie [Nancy], and Université de Lorraine (UL) more...
- Subjects
Pharmacology ,03 medical and health sciences ,030505 public health ,0302 clinical medicine ,[SDV]Life Sciences [q-bio] ,[CHIM]Chemical Sciences ,Pharmacology (medical) ,0305 other medical science ,030226 pharmacology & pharmacy ,3. Good health - Abstract
International audience; L’huile essentielle de Ravintsara, immunostimulante, puissamment antivirale et antiinfectieuse,se révèle très utile en cas d’affections virales d’ordre respiratoire et digestive.Elle est produite à Madagascar par distillation des feuilles d’une Lauracée, Cinnamomumcamphora, appelée aussi faux camphrier. more...
- Published
- 2019
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6. Du végétal à l’homéopathie, intérêts des plantes carnivores en thérapeutique
- Author
Rosella Spina, Françoise Couic-Marinier, Antoine Schlosser, Dominique Laurain-Mattar, Université de Lorraine (UL), Laboratoire Lorrain de Chimie Moléculaire (L2CM), Institut de Chimie du CNRS (INC)-Université de Lorraine (UL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), and Faculté de Pharmacie [Nancy] more...
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Pharmacology ,03 medical and health sciences ,030104 developmental biology ,0302 clinical medicine ,[SDV.SP.MED]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Pharmaceutical sciences/Medication ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Pharmacology (medical) ,[SDV.SP]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Pharmaceutical sciences - Abstract
International audience; Les plantes carnivores sont des végétaux insolites qui ont toujours intrigué les scientifiques.Leur principal emploi en thérapeutique concerne l’homéopathie, mais depuis plusieursannées, de nouvelles approches commencent à émerger. more...
- Published
- 2018
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7. La thérapie génique: quel espoir pour les patients atteints de drépanocytose ?
- Author
BIZOT, Flavien, Faculté de Pharmacie [Nancy], Université de Lorraine (UL), université de lorraine, and Loic Reppel
- Subjects
[SDV.BIO]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biotechnology ,drépanocytose ,cellules souches hématopoïétiques ,gène ,[SDV.BBM.BM]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biochemistry, Molecular Biology/Molecular biology ,[SDV.BC]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Cellular Biology ,cell transplant ,hematopoietic stem cells ,Gene therapy ,sickle cell anemia ,[SDV.BBM.GTP]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biochemistry, Molecular Biology/Genomics [q-bio.GN] ,gene ,greffe cellulaire ,Thérapie génique - Abstract
Sickle cell anemia is an autosomal recessive hemoglobinopathy affecting the production of hemoglobin involved in the functioning of red blood cells. This disease is characterized by the presence of sickle cells wich have a low affinity for oxygen. This red blood cells alteration will, among other things, affect the oxygenation of organs, cause severe vaso-occlusive crises during intense and prolonged physical activity and will lead to premature death of patients. To date, no universal treatment exists to these patients.Gene therapy is currently a major issue to treat sickle cell disease. Appeared in the second half of the 20th century, following the discovery of the structure of DNA, this new therapy has already conduced to the development of new treatments (immunotherapies, recombinant vaccines, growth hormones, etc.). To be able to treat patients with sickle cell anemia, gene therapy must attack the cause of the disease by modifying the cell genome.To treat patients with sickle cell anemia, various clinical gene therapy protocols are tested. In these protocols, medical staff extracts the stem cells from the patient, to correct them (by adding a gene) before to reimplant them. This gene may be the beta chain of hemoglobin A (which is mutated in these patients), or another hemoglobin chain (gamma chain) or a gene coding for a molecule which will ultimately regulate hemoglobin production (inhibition of BCL11A). The first results obtained during these trials allowed the healing of a patient, which gave hope. However, gene therapy must prove is efficiency on a large and long-term basis to be considered as the therapy in sickle cell disease.; La drépanocytose est une hémoglobinopathie, autosomique récessive touchant la production de l’hémoglobine impliquée dans le fonctionnement des hématies. Cette maladie est caractérisée par la présence d’hématies falciformes possédant une faible affinité pour l’oxygène. Cette altération des hématies va entre autres impacter l’oxygénation des organes et provoquer des crises vaso-occlusives sévères en cas d’activité physique intense et prolongée et va conduire à une mort prématurée des patients. À ce jour, aucun traitement universel n’est proposé à ces patients.La thérapie génique représente, à l’heure actuelle, un enjeu majeur dans la prise en charge des patients. Apparu dans la seconde moitié du XXème siècle, suite à la découverte de la structure de l’ADN, cette nouvelle thérapie a déjà permis la mise sur le marché de nouveaux traitements (immunothérapies, vaccins recombinants, hormones de croissance…). Pour pouvoir traiter efficacement les patients atteints de drépanocytose, la thérapie génique doit s’attaquer à l’essence même de la maladie en modifiant le génome cellulaire.Afin de prendre en charge le plus efficacement possible les patients atteints de drépanocytose, le personnel soignant teste actuellement différents protocoles cliniques de thérapie génique. Ces protocoles visent à extraire les cellules souches du patient porteur de la maladie, de les corriger (par ajout de gène) et de les réimplanter aux patients. Ce gène peut être celui de la chaine bêta de l’hémoglobine A (qui est muté chez ces patients), celui d’une autre chaine de l’hémoglobine (chaine gamma) ou un gène codant pour une molécule qui in fine permettra de réguler la production d’hémoglobine (inhibition de BCL11A). Les premiers résultats obtenus lors de ces essais ont permis la guérison d’un patient, ce qui a redonné espoir aux malades. Néanmoins, la thérapie génique doit encore faire ses preuves à grande échelle et sur le long terme avant d’être réellement considérée comme une thérapie efficace. more...
- Published
- 2018
8. Gene therapy: A hope for patient with sickle cell disease?
- Author
BIZOT, Flavien, Faculté de Pharmacie [Nancy], Université de Lorraine (UL), université de lorraine, and Loic Reppel
- Subjects
[SDV.BIO]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biotechnology ,drépanocytose ,cellules souches hématopoïétiques ,gène ,[SDV.BBM.BM]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biochemistry, Molecular Biology/Molecular biology ,[SDV.BC]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Cellular Biology ,cell transplant ,hematopoietic stem cells ,Gene therapy ,sickle cell anemia ,[SDV.BBM.GTP]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biochemistry, Molecular Biology/Genomics [q-bio.GN] ,gene ,greffe cellulaire ,Thérapie génique - Abstract
Sickle cell anemia is an autosomal recessive hemoglobinopathy affecting the production of hemoglobin involved in the functioning of red blood cells. This disease is characterized by the presence of sickle cells wich have a low affinity for oxygen. This red blood cells alteration will, among other things, affect the oxygenation of organs, cause severe vaso-occlusive crises during intense and prolonged physical activity and will lead to premature death of patients. To date, no universal treatment exists to these patients.Gene therapy is currently a major issue to treat sickle cell disease. Appeared in the second half of the 20th century, following the discovery of the structure of DNA, this new therapy has already conduced to the development of new treatments (immunotherapies, recombinant vaccines, growth hormones, etc.). To be able to treat patients with sickle cell anemia, gene therapy must attack the cause of the disease by modifying the cell genome.To treat patients with sickle cell anemia, various clinical gene therapy protocols are tested. In these protocols, medical staff extracts the stem cells from the patient, to correct them (by adding a gene) before to reimplant them. This gene may be the beta chain of hemoglobin A (which is mutated in these patients), or another hemoglobin chain (gamma chain) or a gene coding for a molecule which will ultimately regulate hemoglobin production (inhibition of BCL11A). The first results obtained during these trials allowed the healing of a patient, which gave hope. However, gene therapy must prove is efficiency on a large and long-term basis to be considered as the therapy in sickle cell disease.; La drépanocytose est une hémoglobinopathie, autosomique récessive touchant la production de l’hémoglobine impliquée dans le fonctionnement des hématies. Cette maladie est caractérisée par la présence d’hématies falciformes possédant une faible affinité pour l’oxygène. Cette altération des hématies va entre autres impacter l’oxygénation des organes et provoquer des crises vaso-occlusives sévères en cas d’activité physique intense et prolongée et va conduire à une mort prématurée des patients. À ce jour, aucun traitement universel n’est proposé à ces patients.La thérapie génique représente, à l’heure actuelle, un enjeu majeur dans la prise en charge des patients. Apparu dans la seconde moitié du XXème siècle, suite à la découverte de la structure de l’ADN, cette nouvelle thérapie a déjà permis la mise sur le marché de nouveaux traitements (immunothérapies, vaccins recombinants, hormones de croissance…). Pour pouvoir traiter efficacement les patients atteints de drépanocytose, la thérapie génique doit s’attaquer à l’essence même de la maladie en modifiant le génome cellulaire.Afin de prendre en charge le plus efficacement possible les patients atteints de drépanocytose, le personnel soignant teste actuellement différents protocoles cliniques de thérapie génique. Ces protocoles visent à extraire les cellules souches du patient porteur de la maladie, de les corriger (par ajout de gène) et de les réimplanter aux patients. Ce gène peut être celui de la chaine bêta de l’hémoglobine A (qui est muté chez ces patients), celui d’une autre chaine de l’hémoglobine (chaine gamma) ou un gène codant pour une molécule qui in fine permettra de réguler la production d’hémoglobine (inhibition de BCL11A). Les premiers résultats obtenus lors de ces essais ont permis la guérison d’un patient, ce qui a redonné espoir aux malades. Néanmoins, la thérapie génique doit encore faire ses preuves à grande échelle et sur le long terme avant d’être réellement considérée comme une thérapie efficace. more...
- Published
- 2018
9. Huile essentielle de Corymbia citriodora
- Author
Nathalie Koziol, Dominique Laurain-Mattar, Françoise Couic-Marinier, Laboratoire Lorrain de Chimie Moléculaire (L2CM), Institut de Chimie du CNRS (INC)-Université de Lorraine (UL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Faculté de Pharmacie [Nancy], and Université de Lorraine (UL) more...
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Pharmacology ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,030231 tropical medicine ,030106 microbiology ,[CHIM]Chemical Sciences ,Pharmacology (medical) ,[SDV.SP]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Pharmaceutical sciences - Abstract
International audience; L’huile essentielle (HE) de Corymbia citriodora est parfois appelée “l’HE du sportif” en raisonde ses propriétés antalgiques et myorelaxantes. C’est également une HE de choix pourlutter contre l’inflammation, les douleurs, les parasites et les champignons. more...
- Published
- 2018
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10. La grippe aviaire : retour sur l’épizootie française (2015-2017)
- Author
Ducousso, Jérôme, Duval, Raphaël E., Le Faou, Alain, Faculté de Pharmacie [Nancy], Université de Lorraine (UL), Structure et Réactivité des Systèmes Moléculaires Complexes (SRSMC), Université de Lorraine (UL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut de Chimie du CNRS (INC), Cibles thérapeutiques, formulation et expertise pré-clinique du médicament (CITHEFOR), and Faculté de Médecine [Nancy] more...
- Subjects
[SDV.BA.MVSA]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Animal biology/Veterinary medicine and animal Health ,duck ,surveillance ,[SDV.SPEE]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Santé publique et épidémiologie ,France ,canard ,Influenza - Abstract
International audience; Influenza A virus (IAV) circulate among the bird population and infection of domestic animals are common and due to several sub-types. Before 1997, human infections by avian strains were considered as mild. The epizootic that occurred in 1997, due to an IAV(H5N1), was accompanied by severe human infections and deaths. From 2003 on, a panzootic due to the same sub-type has had as consequence to increase the surveillance of avian infections and the establishment of protective measures at an international level. Thus, the epizootic that began in November 2015 in South-West France has brought the government to implement strict administrative measures and this episode ended in August 2016 although a late unique episode was observed in March 2017. Three different sub-types were in cause and 81 farms in 8 departments were concerned. The consequences were important for the flocks and the local economy. The farms had to renew completely their flock with animals of certified origin. The strains were not pathogenic for humans. Epizootics of avian influenza occur regularly in all the countries all over the world and the surveillance of raised poultry must be pursued.; Les Influenza A virus (IAV) circulent au sein de l’avifaune et l’infection des oiseaux d’élevage est fréquente et due à de nombreux sous-types. Jusqu’en 1997, les infections humaines par des souches aviaires étaient considérées comme bénignes. La survenue en 1997 d’une épizootie à IAV(H5N1) accompagnée d’infections humaines graves et de décès puis à partir de 2003 le déclenchement d’une panzootie par ce même sous-type, a entraîné une surveillance accrue des infections aviaires et la mise en place de mesures de protection au niveau mondial. Dans ce contexte, l’épizootie qui s’est déclarée dans le Sud-Ouest de la France en novembre 2015 a amené la mise en place de mesures administratives strictes et l’épisode s’est terminé en août 2016 avec, cependant, un épisode tardif en mars 2017. Au total 82 foyers dans 8 départements ont été comptabilisés. Ils ont eu des conséquences économiques importantes et le cheptel aviaire dans les départements touchés a été entièrement renouvelé. Ces souches, pathogènes pour la volaille, ne l’étaient pas pour l’Homme. Cependant des épizooties d’influenza aviaires surviennent régulièrement dans tous les pays et la surveillance des élevages de volaille ne doit pas être relâchée. more...
- Published
- 2018
11. Avian influenza : back to the French epizootic (2015-2017)
- Author
Ducousso, Jérôme, Duval, Raphaël E., Le Faou, Alain, DUVAL, Raphaël, Faculté de Pharmacie [Nancy], Université de Lorraine (UL), Structure et Réactivité des Systèmes Moléculaires Complexes (SRSMC), Université de Lorraine (UL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut de Chimie du CNRS (INC), Cibles thérapeutiques, formulation et expertise pré-clinique du médicament (CITHEFOR), and Faculté de Médecine [Nancy] more...
- Subjects
[SDV.BA.MVSA]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Animal biology/Veterinary medicine and animal Health ,duck ,[SDV.SPEE] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Santé publique et épidémiologie ,surveillance ,[SDV.BA.MVSA] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Animal biology/Veterinary medicine and animal Health ,[SDV.SPEE]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Santé publique et épidémiologie ,France ,canard ,Influenza - Abstract
Influenza A virus (IAV) circulate among the bird population and infection of domestic animals are common and due to several sub-types. Before 1997, human infections by avian strains were considered as mild. The epizootic that occurred in 1997, due to an IAV(H5N1), was accompanied by severe human infections and deaths. From 2003 on, a panzootic due to the same sub-type has had as consequence to increase the surveillance of avian infections and the establishment of protective measures at an international level. Thus, the epizootic that began in November 2015 in South-West France has brought the government to implement strict administrative measures and this episode ended in August 2016 although a late unique episode was observed in March 2017. Three different sub-types were in cause and 81 farms in 8 departments were concerned. The consequences were important for the flocks and the local economy. The farms had to renew completely their flock with animals of certified origin. The strains were not pathogenic for humans. Epizootics of avian influenza occur regularly in all the countries all over the world and the surveillance of raised poultry must be pursued., Les Influenza A virus (IAV) circulent au sein de l’avifaune et l’infection des oiseaux d’élevage est fréquente et due à de nombreux sous-types. Jusqu’en 1997, les infections humaines par des souches aviaires étaient considérées comme bénignes. La survenue en 1997 d’une épizootie à IAV(H5N1) accompagnée d’infections humaines graves et de décès puis à partir de 2003 le déclenchement d’une panzootie par ce même sous-type, a entraîné une surveillance accrue des infections aviaires et la mise en place de mesures de protection au niveau mondial. Dans ce contexte, l’épizootie qui s’est déclarée dans le Sud-Ouest de la France en novembre 2015 a amené la mise en place de mesures administratives strictes et l’épisode s’est terminé en août 2016 avec, cependant, un épisode tardif en mars 2017. Au total 82 foyers dans 8 départements ont été comptabilisés. Ils ont eu des conséquences économiques importantes et le cheptel aviaire dans les départements touchés a été entièrement renouvelé. Ces souches, pathogènes pour la volaille, ne l’étaient pas pour l’Homme. Cependant des épizooties d’influenza aviaires surviennent régulièrement dans tous les pays et la surveillance des élevages de volaille ne doit pas être relâchée. more...
- Published
- 2018
12. Stability of a pholcodine 1 mg/mL aqueous solution for allergy skin tests
- Author
Nadine Petitpain, Julien Scala-Bertola, Henn-Menetre, S., Rivier A, Escanye, M., Nicolas Gambier, Pierre GILLET, Centre Régional de PharmacoVigilance de Lorraine (CRPV Lorraine), Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire de Nancy (CHRU Nancy), Ingénierie Moléculaire et Physiopathologie Articulaire (IMoPA), Université de Lorraine (UL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), CRHU Nancy, Faculté de Pharmacie [Nancy], Université de Lorraine (UL), Service de Pharmacologie Clinique et Toxicologie [CHRU Nancy], and HELLE, Déborah more...
- Subjects
[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio] ,[SDV]Life Sciences [q-bio] ,[SDV.SP.PHARMA]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Pharmaceutical sciences/Pharmacology ,ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS - Abstract
International audience
- Published
- 2016
13. Nouveau dispositif de mesure du coefficient de diffusion acoustique de parois à relief verticales présentes dans les locaux industriels
- Author
FAIZ, Adil, DUCOURNEAU, Joël, KHANFIR, ADEL, Chatillon, Jacques, Laboratoire Énergies et Mécanique Théorique et Appliquée (LEMTA ), Université de Lorraine (UL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Faculté de Pharmacie [Nancy], Université de Lorraine (UL), Laboratoire d'Acoustique de l'Université du Mans (LAUM), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Le Mans Université (UM), Institut national de recherche et de sécurité (Vandoeuvre lès Nancy) (INRS ( Vandoeuvre lès Nancy)), Société Francaise d'Acoustique, and UL, Lemta more...
- Subjects
[SPI]Engineering Sciences [physics] ,[SPI] Engineering Sciences [physics] - Abstract
National audience; Les parois qui délimitent les locaux industriels présentent souvent un relief à l'origine de la diffusion acoustique des rayons sonores se propageant. Des logiciels prévisionnels d'acoustique permettant de tracer des cartographies du champ acoustique dans des lieux de travail utilisent les caractéristiques acoustiques comme l'absorption ou la diffusion acoustique de ces parois. Dans ce travail, nous avons validé un nouveau système de mesure pour déterminer le coefficient de diffusion in situ des parois verticales. La technique de mesure développée à l'origine dans des conditions de champ libre a été adaptée pour éviter les problèmes d'échos parasites venant de la réverbération et des sources bruyantes présentes sur le site. Pour cela, une antenne acoustique multipolaire et une source impulsive permettant respectivement le filtrage spatial et la séparation des échos parasites ont été utilisées dans un premier banc d'essai pour l'étude des mécanismes de diffusion des parois horizontales (posée au sol). Le nouveau dispositif développé a été validé en étudiant la reproductibilité des résultats sur site, amélioré par une meilleure synchronisation des échos réfléchis dans le processus de moyennage utilisé dans la technique de mesure. L'implantation d'une plus grande antenne multipolaire a permis également d'obtenir une meilleure précision des résultats en basses fréquences. Des mesures du coefficient de diffusion d'une paroi verticale à relief périodique possédant des cavités rectangulaires ont été effectuées pour plusieurs angles d'incidence dans un milieu bruyant et réverbérant. Ces mesures ont finalement permis de tracer des cartographies du coefficient diffusion acoustique selon les directions XY et ainsi d'apprécier les mécanismes de diffusion très variable d'une structure diffusante selon le point de mesure. Ces cartographies pourront être comparées avec des calculs effectués grâce à un modèle précédemment développé. more...
- Published
- 2014
14. [Microelectrophoresis and atomic force microscopy: new tools to explore mechanism of action of antibacterial compounds].
- Author
Grare M, Dague E, Mourer M, Regnouf-de-Vains JB, Finance C, Duval JF, Duval RE, and Gaboriaud F
- Subjects
- Bacterial Adhesion, Bacterial Physiological Phenomena, Bacteriology, Cell Membrane drug effects, Sensitivity and Specificity, Anti-Bacterial Agents pharmacology, Electrophoresis methods, Microscopy, Atomic Force methods
- Abstract
Microbial cell surface properties play a central role in controlling phenomena such as bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation (on stent or on prosthesis for example). The quantification of these properties and the understanding of interactions with antibacterial compounds remain difficult, in view of the complex and dynamic nature of the cell wall constituents. Various approaches, macroscopic, microscopic or molecular, have been developed. Two of them interest us today: (i) microelectrophoresis, which permits to evaluate surface modifications by measuring eletrophoretic mobility; and (ii) atomic force microscopy (AFM), a high resolution imaging device, which allows investigations at nanometric scale. After brief presentation of principles and instrumentations, the aim of this article is to present the different applications of these techniques in Microbiology, and to discuss interest of these tools in order to investigate mechanism of action of antibacterial compounds. more...
- Published
- 2007
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15. [Robert Francois Laugier (1722-1793): a Lorraine physician in Europe of the lights].
- Author
Labrude P
- Subjects
- France, History, 18th Century, Pharmacology history
- Abstract
Robert François Laugier was born in Nancy in 1722. He was the son of an apothecary who began an apprenticeship in this field, but then became a medical student. His thesis, in 1748, was on a subject in chemistry. Interested in botany, he went to Vienna, at the request of the last Duke of Lorraine, to direct the botanical garden. He had an important place in the Imperial court and was professor at the University until 1769. On his return to Nancy in 1769, he was elected to the local academy and may then have gone to Strasbourg. He became a professor at the University of Modena and died in Reggio in 1793. Robert (de) Laugier is remembered by his book, well known in pharmaceutical bibliography, Institutiones pharmaceuticae sive philosophia pharmaceutica, which appeared in 1788 and 1793, and by his work to improve the design of the alembic. more...
- Published
- 2005
16. [Astrocytic cytochromes p450: an enzyme subfamily critical for brain metabolism and neuroprotection].
- Author
Malaplate-Armand C, Leininger-Muller B, and Batt AM
- Subjects
- Arachidonic Acid physiology, Aromatase physiology, Brain enzymology, Cholesterol physiology, Humans, Synaptic Transmission physiology, Xenobiotics pharmacology, Xenobiotics therapeutic use, Astrocytes metabolism, Brain metabolism, Cytochrome P-450 Enzyme System classification, Cytochrome P-450 Enzyme System metabolism, Neuroprotective Agents pharmacokinetics
- Abstract
Introduction: Astrocytes are involved in multiple brain functions in physiological conditions. Cytochromes P450 are expressed in astrocytes and play a role in brain metabolism and in neuroprotection., Background: Although the levels of various cytochromes P450 in brain regions are low, these enzymes were reported to be expressed at relatively high level in astroglial cells and may play a critical role in the biotransformation of endogenous or exogenous compounds. Astroglial cytochromes P450 expression suggests a putative capacity to metabolize psychoactive or lipophilic xenobiotics in situ, associated with pharmacological and/or toxicological consequences. Astrocytes appear to be the most active steroidogenic cells in the brain, expressing neurosteroïdogenic cytochromes P450 and producing various neurosteroids. Cytochrome P450 epoxygenase enzymes, which catalyze the formation of vasoactive compounds are also present in astrocytes, contributing to the regulation of the cerebral blood flow., Perspectives and Conclusion: This review underlines the crucial roles of astroglial cytochromes P450 in brain functions. Identification of the molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of these enzymes could open therapeutic perspectives and improve our understanding in neuroprotection. more...
- Published
- 2004
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17. [Chocolate in some french pharmaceutical or medicinal books from XVIIth, XVIIIth and XIXth centuries. Its beneficent and inconvenient, proved or imaginary, effects].
- Author
Paternotte S and Labrude P
- Subjects
- France, History, 17th Century, History, 18th Century, History, 19th Century, Books history, Cacao history, History of Pharmacy, Therapeutics history
- Abstract
Rapidly after its appearance in France, interesting properties were attributed to chocolate and it was used in medicine,often wrongly, to treat digestive, pulmonary, nervous, even infectious diseases, and also for its nutritive and aphrodisiacal capability... But it was already charged with insomnia or constipation. During the XIXth century, chocolate was used as food and as an excipient for dissimulation and transportation of drugs. Medicinal chocolates were essentially nutritive and analeptic, pectoral, stomachic, purgative or anthelmintic. All of them have disappeared today, but the pharmacological interest of chocolate remains with its antidepressive activity and the promising proposes of some of its components. However, chocolate is still considered to be responsible of constipation, headache or pimples... more...
- Published
- 2003
18. [Art nouveau: pharmacy shops in Nancy].
- Author
Leclerc F and Labrude P
- Subjects
- France, History, 20th Century, Medicine in the Arts, Pharmacies history
- Abstract
At the beginning of the 20th century, an important artistic activity develops in Nancy. The "Ecole de Nancy" transforms a provincial city into one of the metropolis of "Art Nouveau". The pharmacists participate at the activity of their town and eight of them choose the new style for their pharmacy. In 1902, Rosfelder is the first to modify his shop, and later, Jacques, Delidon, Mouzin, Godfrin brothers, Monal and Fandre, before, during and after the First World War, have a same step. For the ornament, the artists use plants derived from local medicinal flora. "Art Nouveau", adept of curves, appears to be ideal to symbolize vegetable kingdom. In these pharmacy shops, fine arts join materia medica. more...
- Published
- 2002
19. [Nancy medicines for hospices and prisons in 1805].
- Author
Guyot B and Martin J
- Subjects
- France, History, 19th Century, Hospices history, Pharmaceutical Preparations history, Prisons history
- Abstract
The chemist François Mandel, past author of Pharmcopée de Nancy, writes a list of medicines for civil hospices and a formulary for prisons. To take care of these adult, poor sick, drugs and medicines are chosen simple, at little expense, but adequate to treat everyday diseases. The prison formulary holds many novel preparations. The two manuscripts have never been published. more...
- Published
- 2000
20. [Erythrocyte, plasma and substitute hemoglobins facing physiological oxidizing and reducing agents].
- Author
Faivre-Fiorina B, Caron A, Labrude P, and Vigneron C
- Subjects
- Blood Transfusion, Hemoglobins chemistry, Humans, Methemoglobin metabolism, Oxidation-Reduction, Antioxidants, Blood Substitutes chemistry, Erythrocytes metabolism, Hemoglobins metabolism, Oxidants
- Abstract
Oxidation of hemoglobin is constant and normal in red blood cells and in all biological media. The knowledge of the mechanisms which manage oxidation state is perhaps sufficient to treat acquired and some hereditary methemoglobinemia. But in case of transfusional treatment with hemoglobin based oxygen carrier (HBOC), some preclinical investigations on the oxidation of these products in vivo in plasma showed that our knowledge was not sufficient to understand and control all oxidations which could occur. This review analyses the literature on the different mechanisms in red blood cells and plasma by which hemoglobin autooxidizes and by which endogenous oxidizing agents or their precursors (nitric oxide, peroxynitrite, superoxide, hydrogen peroxide) could oxidize it. It shows the production of different radical or non-radical oxygen species during hemoglobin autooxidation and oxidation processes and the different physiological or accessory mechanisms that could prevent or reduce the various oxidizing states of hemoglobin (HbFe3+, HbFe4+) in blood. Plasma contains a few anti-oxidizing or reducing systems but it profits by antioxidizing and reducing activity from red blood cells. In blood, oxidation state of hemoglobin results from very complex phenomena and if the body struggles against methemoglobin formation to maintain oxygen transport, the oxidation of hemoglobin is sometimes useful to protect tissues against various and numerous endogenous radical or non-radical oxidizing agents. In blood, a balance between all these oxidizing and reducing mechanisms makes it possible to regulate circulating methemoglobin rate. more...
- Published
- 1998
21. [A pharmacist diploma cancelled twelve years after its issue].
- Author
Martin J
- Subjects
- France, History, 19th Century, Education, Pharmacy history, Licensure, Pharmacy history
- Abstract
A grocer from Nancy became chemist for making steel balls exclusively. Many years complaints conducted to diploma cancellation. A new degree gained later was disputed again, but without result.
- Published
- 1996
22. [Formulas for the steel balls used for healing wounds].
- Author
Martin J
- Subjects
- France, History, 18th Century, History, 19th Century, History, 20th Century, Steel history, Wounds and Injuries history
- Abstract
The author presents and compares the formulas for steel balls or Mars balls (Globuli Martiales) as they are produced in Nancy, Molsheim and in the monastery of Grande-Chartreuse (Isère).
- Published
- 1995
23. [Myoplasmic calcium-vasoconstriction coupling in the perfused caudal artery of adult spontaneously hypertensive rats. Effect of antihypertensive treatment].
- Author
Robert A, Thorin-Trescases N, Oster L, Capdeville-Atkinson C, and Atkinson J
- Subjects
- Animals, Arteries physiopathology, Cytosol metabolism, Disease Models, Animal, Male, Rats, Rats, Inbred SHR, Rats, Inbred WKY, Antihypertensive Agents pharmacology, Calcium physiology, Hypertension drug therapy, Tail blood supply, Vasoconstriction physiology
- Abstract
In order to investigate whether smooth muscle intracellular calcium levels ([Ca2+]i) are related to hypertension and drug-induced changes in blood pressure, we studied basal perfusion resistance and basal [Ca2+]i and increases in perfusion pressure and [Ca2+]i using the fluorescent dye, fura-2 (dual wavelength excitation) in perfused tail artery. These were removed from 6 month old SHR previously treated (CAP + HCZ) for 10 weeks with captopril plus hydrochlorothiazide (44 and 22 mg/kg/day po, respectively). Separate groups received captopril (CAP) or hydrochlorothiazie (HCZ) alone, at similar doses, or no treatment (SHR). A fifth group of WKY normotensive rats did not receive any drug. Following determination of systolic arterial pressure (SAP) in awake rats, tail artery segments were removed and perfused at a constant flow rate with physiological salt solution plus fura-2/AM. Basal resistance and [Ca2+]i were determined. Then a dose-response curve for calcium chloride in the presence of a depolarizing concentration of potassium chloride was constructed. SAP was lowered in groups CAP + HCZ or CAP, but not in the group HCZ. Basal [Ca2+]i were similar in treated and untreated SHR and in WKY. Basal resistance to flow was lower in groups CAP + HCZ or CAP, and in WKY, than in untreated SHR. In depolarized arterial segments, vasconstrictor responses to perfusion with calcium chloride were lower in groups CAP + HCZ or CAP, and in WKY. Increases in [Ca2+]i were diminished in WKY rats. SAP measured in awake SHR and WKY was significantly correlated to basal and stimulated intracellular calcium-vasoreactivity coupling measured in vitro. more...
- Published
- 1993
24. [Cerebral blood flow. Changes in regulation with aging].
- Author
Atkinson J, Lartaud I, and Capdeville-Atkinson C
- Subjects
- Aging pathology, Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors therapeutic use, Animals, Arteries physiopathology, Calcinosis complications, Cerebrovascular Disorders drug therapy, Cerebrovascular Disorders etiology, Humans, Hypercapnia physiopathology, Rats, Rats, Inbred Strains, Vascular Diseases complications, Aging physiology, Blood Flow Velocity physiology, Cerebrovascular Circulation physiology
- Abstract
In subjects without cardiovascular or neuronal diseases ageing does not seem to be accompanied by a significant fall in global cerebral blood flow at rest. Yet non-negligible changes in cerebral blood flow rate can be demonstrated by haemodynamic or metabolic stimuli. Several intra- and extracranial vascular mechanisms may be involved in these changes. During ageing, a decrease of carotid artery compliance due to parietal calcium deposition might be an important factor in the disturbance of cerebral blood flow regulatory mechanisms. more...
- Published
- 1992
25. [Effect of isosorbide dinitrate on vasomotricity-cytosolic calcium coupling during aging in the rat].
- Author
Oster L, Thorin-Trescases N, Atkinson J, and Capdeville-Atkinson C
- Subjects
- Aging, Animals, Cytosol metabolism, Male, Rats, Rats, Inbred Strains, Calcium metabolism, Isosorbide Dinitrate pharmacology, Vasomotor System drug effects
- Abstract
Simultaneous measurement of vasomotricity and variations of cytosolic calcium concentrations (mobilisation of intracellular calcium) on a preparation of a normotensive Wistar rat caudal artery allowed analysis of the vasomotricity-cytosolic calcium coupling with respect to age and after administration of isosorbide dinitrate. Vasomotricity was evaluated from changes in perfusion pressure (delta P) of arterial segments perfused at a steady flow state. These segments were exposed to a fluorescent probe, fura 2, the variations of the intensity of emission of which, at wave lengths of 340 and 380 nm, reflect variations in cytosolic calcium concentration (delta R%). The "efficacy" of the vasomotricity-cytosolic calcium coupling was estimated from the delta P/delta R% ratio. In the rat, ageing is accompanied by a reduction in vasomotricity and efficacy of the coupling during noradrenalin stress testing. However, these two parameters recorded during contractions induced by the calcium in a depolarising medium do not change with age. Isosorbide dinitrate reduces vasoconstriction and the delta P/delta R% ratio during noradrenalin stimulation in the young rat. The effect is less pronounced in older rats. Isosorbide dinitrate also reduced the vasomotricity and efficacy of coupling but to a lesser degree during vaso-constriction induced by the calcium in a depolarising medium, without changing the mobilisation of intracellular calcium irrespective of the age of the animals. In conclusion, ageing seems to affect the vasomotricity-cytosolic calcium coupling mainly during receptor stimulation (noradrenalin) rather than during depolarising stimulation (calcium in a depolarising medium). Isosorbide dinitrate acts mainly on the same depolarising stimulation, independent of age. more...
- Published
- 1992
26. [The mode of action of a nonpolyenic antifungal (desertomycin) produced by a strain of Streptomyces spectabilis].
- Author
Benallaoua S, Nguyen Van P, De Meo MP, Coulon J, Dumenil G, and Bonaly R
- Subjects
- Amphotericin B pharmacology, Cycloheximide pharmacology, Fungal Proteins biosynthesis, Fungal Proteins drug effects, Genes, Bacterial drug effects, Lipids analysis, Mutagenicity Tests, Oxygen Consumption drug effects, Potassium metabolism, SOS Response, Genetics, Saccharomyces drug effects, Saccharomyces growth & development, Saccharomyces metabolism, Soil Microbiology, Spheroplasts drug effects, Tunicamycin pharmacology, Anti-Bacterial Agents pharmacology, Antifungal Agents pharmacology, Fungi drug effects, Macrolides, Streptomyces metabolism, Yeasts drug effects
- Abstract
A metabolite with antifungal activity, of non polyenic macrolide structure, was extracted and purified from the culture supernatant of a soil-isolated Streptomyces spectabilis strain, BT 352. This product was found to be related to (or being) desertomycin. Six yeast and five filamentous fungus strains were used to determine minimum concentration of the metabolite that inhibits growth by 80% (IMC); it was established at 50 micrograms/mL for the fungi and at 100 micrograms/mL or more for the yeasts tested. Short-term genotoxicity tests showed no antifungal effect on the bacterial genome, and desertomycin at concentration levels of 100 micrograms/mL or more affected protein synthesis. The antifungal metabolite had no immediate inhibiting effect upon yeast respiration, even at high concentrations; however, the respiration activity of cells grown in the presence of subinhibiting doses and collected during their growth phase was reduced by as much as 40%. Saccharomyces uvarum spheroplast regeneration in a liquid medium containing desertomycin was inhibited at doses fivefold weaker than the IMC determined with intact cells. Contrary to amphotericin B, desertomycin subinhibiting doses do not modify, and if so lightly, the yeast latent phase or the spheroplast wall regeneration phase, thus indicating a fungicidal action. Moreover, following a 30-min contact with desertomycin subinhibiting and inhibiting doses, yeasts liberated potassium in large amounts, indicating that plasma membranes were affected. more...
- Published
- 1990
27. [Value of the new drug carriers in ophthalmology: liposomes and nanoparticles].
- Author
Marchal-Heussler L, Maincent P, Hoffman M, and Sirbat D
- Subjects
- Anti-Bacterial Agents administration & dosage, Anti-Inflammatory Agents administration & dosage, Antihypertensive Agents administration & dosage, Antiviral Agents administration & dosage, Eye Diseases drug therapy, Humans, Colloids, Drug Carriers, Liposomes, Ophthalmology
- Published
- 1990
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