1. Actes des Journees de linguistique (Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference) (13th, Quebec, Canada, March 25-26, 1999).
- Author
Laval Univ., Quebec (Quebec). International Center for Research on Language Planning. and Kavanagh, Eric
- Abstract
Papers on language research in this volume include the following: Pour une comparaison des voyelles nasals du Quebec et du Haut-Jura: observations, methodologie et outils infomatiques (A Comparison of Quebec and Haut-Jura's Nasal Vowels: Observations, Methodologies, and Instrumentation) (Vincent Arnaud and Claude Paradis); Le negociation du sens en classe de francais langue etrangere (The Negotiation of Meaning in French as a Foreign Language Classrooms) (Ioana Belu and Luc Colles); Le back-channel dans le discours procedural (Back-channeling in Procedural Discourse) (Annie Bergeron and Diane Vincent); La redaction d'un hypertexte: nouveaux parameters, nouveaux defis (The Writing of Hypertext: New Parameters, New Challenges) (Monique Cloutier); CHILDES: un logiciel d'analyse de donnees linguistique produites par des enfants en L2 (CHILDES: A Corpora and Program to Analyze Child L2 Linguistic Output) (Antonella Conte); La levee d'ambiguites mophologiques par grammaires locales: la systeme Intex (The Level of Morphological Ambiguity in Localized Grammar: The Intex System) (Anne Dister); L'adaptation phonologique des emprunts lexicaux anglais en japonais et l'influence des facteurs non phonologiques (The Phonological Adaptations of Borrowed English Lexical Items in Japanese and the Influence of Non-Phonological Factors) (Marie-Josee Goulet); Variation geographique du francais au Canada: etude et problemes d'identification de regionalismes lexicaux (Geographical Variation in the French of Canada: Studies and Problems of Regional Lexical Identification) (Caroline Laflamme, Frederick Gagne and Gilles Gosselin); Lieux de conflit linguistique: les services bilingues a Moncton (Areas of Linguistic Conflict: The Bilingual Services in Monkton) (Melanie Le Blanc); Etude des elements prosodiques influencant la perception des fins de tours de parole (The Study of the Prosodic Elements that Influence How the End of a Interlocutor1s Speech Turn Is Perceived) (Marie Josee Lepage); La Mouvement Wh- et WMF (multiple Wh-fronting) in russe (Multiple Wh-fronting in Russian) (Denis Liakin); Emprunts et alternances de code entre le makuxi, langue caribe et le portugais bresilien (Code Switching and Alternation Between Makuxi, Language of the Caribbean, and Brazilian Portuguese) (Ron MacDonell, with the collaboration of Denise Deshaies and Claude Paradis); Les founction du discours rapportte dans les soncersations de tous les jours (The Function of Discourse in Relation to Daily Conversation) (Sophie Marais and Diane Vincent); La langue dans les echanges avec les Etats-Unis: What's the Problem? (The Language of Exchange with the United States: What's the Problem?) (Julie Moisan and Conrad Ouellon); La phonetique differenciee de l'anglais langue etrangere et strategies d'apprentissage (Strategies for Teaching the Differential Phonetics of English as a Foreign Language) (Nuzha Moritz-Abubakr); De l'inexistence des locutions (On the non-existence of locutors) (Francois Parent); La norme phonetique du francais quebecois: les attitudes des Quebecois par rapport a leur francais (The Phonetic Norm of the French of Quebec: The Attitudes of People from Quebec in Relation to Their French) (Kristin Reinke); Le paysage linguistique a Kaedi (Mauritanie) (The Linguistic Landscape of Kaedi [Maritime]) (Abdourahmane Sakho); Aphorisme et sa porjection a la surface textuelle (Aphorism and Its Projection to Written Text) (Yahor Tsedryk); Une exploration du lien entre la langue, la culture et l'identite (An Exploration of the Connections Between Language, culture, and Identity) (Sheley Tulloch and Conrad Ouellon); and De la theorie linguistique a la pratique: le transfert des connaissances (On the Theory of Applied Linguistics: The Transfer of Knowledge) (Panel of CIRAL). Each paper, except for the last, contains references. (AA)
- Published
- 2000