26 results on '"*COMMUNITY education"'
Search Results
2. Models of Community Learning Networks in Canada = Modeles de reseaux d'apprentissage communautaires au Canada.
- Author
Human Resources Development Canada, Hull (Quebec). Office of Learning Technologies.
- Abstract
Canada-based community learning networks (CLNs) were examined to provide an operational definition of CLNs, design a framework for their review and analysis, and identify best practices in CLNs. Data were collected from three sources: interviews with 16 key stakeholders in CLNs, literature review, and case studies of five Canadian CLNs. The literature review underscored the potential of computer and networking technology as tools to rebuild and mobilize communities, particularly in rural or isolated areas. In the absence of a widely accepted definition of CLNs, a working definition was adopted that favors community-based and community-controlled CLNs. A framework for analyzing the nature of CLNs was proposed that focuses on interaction between four elements: community, network, learning, and technology. The case studies established the importance of creating effective collaborative partnerships in establishing and operating CLNs and the usefulness of technology as a tool for mobilizing broad cross-sections of people. Lack of continuity in government investment was a concern for most projects studied. (Appended are the following: list of contacts and organizations; key persons and case study interview guides; 60 references; and survey of literature and documentation. English and French versions of the report are included.) (MN)
- Published
- 1998
3. Voices from the Literacy Field.
- Author
Draper, James A., Taylor, Maurice C., Draper, James A., and Taylor, Maurice C.
- Abstract
These case studies of the experiences of literacy practitioners and their students from all regions of Canada contain descriptions and reflections that provide a critical and revealing commentary on effective practice in literacy education in Canada. Each case study chapter begins with introductory information that provides a synopsis of who, what, and where. Discussion questions at the end of each case study are intended to provoke further reflection and debate. Section 1 on Foundations of literacy contains three chapters: "Looking at Philosophies for Literacy Education" (Draper); "Understanding the Principles Guiding Our Literacy Practice" (Taylor); and "Learning about Learning" (Barer-Stein). Section 2 consists of four case study chapters on community building: "Training Literacy Practitioners for Community-Based Settings" (Norton); "Community Strengthening" (Goldgrab); "Linking Literacy and Health: A Popular Education Approach" (Norton); and "Outreach" (Goldgrab). In section 3 are five case studies focusing on special needs: "Peer Tutoring in the Classroom" (Goldgrab); "Literacy, Welfare, and Popular Education" (Norton); "Preparing Psychiatric Patients for Independent Living" (Goldgrab); and "Les Pas des Mots" and its English translation, "Promoting the March of Words" (Blais). The six case studies in section 4 are on activating student participation: "Sharing Power and Authority" (Norton); "Les Murs de Papier" and its English translation, "Dialogue with Social Decision-Makers" (Blais); "Activating Student Participation" (Goldgrab); and "S'alphabetiser pour posseder une cle'" and its English translation, "Literacy Training as a Key" (Blais). Section 5 contains five case studies on language and culture: "The Whole Person Approach" (Goldgrab); "Theater as Literacy" (Walker); "The Preservation of Franco-Ontarian Language and Culture" and its French translation, "La preservation de la langue et de la culture franco-ontarienne" (Goldgrab); and "Promoting Language, Literacy, and Culture in an Arctic Community" (Norton). Section 6 consists of four case studies on workplace literacy: "Collaboration in Workplace Literacy" (Darville); "S'alphabetiser en milieu de travail" and its English translation, "Literacy Training in the Workplace" (Blais); and "Collaborative Learning in Times of Change" (Wells). An epilogue is "Continuing the Debate" (Draper). Contains 178 references. (YLB)
- Published
- 1992
4. Pan-Canadian Forum on Community Learning Networks Conference Proceedings [and] A Discussion Guide (1st, Ottawa, Ontario, March 27-29, 1998).
- Author
Human Resources Development Canada, Hull (Quebec). Office of Learning Technologies.
- Abstract
This document contains information from and about the Pan-Canadian Forum on Community Learning Networks (CLNs) that was conducted to identify existing and emerging needs of CLNs and identify emerging trends and issues related to CLNs. The document begins with a discussion of role played by CLNs in building a lifelong learning culture. Presented next are summaries of the salient features of the presentations of forum participants, who represented organizations such as the following: The Learning Enrichment Foundation; Port au Port Community Education Initiative; Women and Rural Economic Development; Lumby Community Internet Access; St. Albert Continuous Learning Community; Distance Learning Systems; Societe pour l'apprentissage a vie; University of Sudbury's Ojibwe Language Program; and Learner's Advisory Network. Concluding the document are the following: summary of forum working groups' sessions conducted to identify the elements of a CLN "tool kit"; forum recommendations; and plans for the follow-up conference. Appendixes constituting approximately two-thirds of the document contain the following: information about the forum organizers; "Learning in the 21st Century: New Roles, New Benefits, New Responsibilities and New Challenges" (Jacquelyn Thayer Scott); "CLN Forum Wrap-up" (Lucille Pacey); and names/addresses of forum participants. English and French versions of the forum discussion guide prepared by Doug Knight are also included. (MN)
- Published
- 1998
5. Task Force on Distance Education and Technology: Final Report.
- Author
Manitoba Dept. of Education and Training, Winnipeg.
- Abstract
The Task Force on Distance Education and Technology was established in 1992 by the Manitoba Minister of Education and Training. Its mandate was to define the role of distance education programs and the types of technologies to be employed from kindergarten to postsecondary levels. Guiding considerations for the task force included the incorporation of technology into the educational system; the importance of a partnership approach; the importance of meeting the learning needs of all Manitobans; the need for a focus on community; the recognition of continued education reform; a commitment to high quality programs; the need to build upon successful ventures in distance education and technology; the recognition of the intrinsic qualities of technology; the implications of rapidly developing technologies; the significance of changes occurring in telecommunications infrastructure and policies; and the effect of government selection and purchasing of telecommunication services. This report presents recommendations for the following three rationales: (1) education must become client-centered for effective, community-based, lifelong learning to occur; (2) the community-based lifelong learning model requires that program selection, student support, and administrative control of distance education be local; and (3) the greatest necessity for the success of distance education and technology is the assembly of needed resources. Implementation strategies are also described. (TMK)
- Published
- 1993
6. Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education. Proceedings of the Annual Conference (12th, Ottawa, Ontario, June 1993).
- Author
Ottawa Univ. (Ontario). Faculty of Education., Taylor, Maurice, and Bedard, Rene
- Abstract
Selected papers from an adult education conference are as follows: "Learner Involvement in Literacy Education" (Acton et al.); "Faith in People" (Ambury et al.); "Beginning to Tutor Problem-Based Learning" (Ambury); "Exploring Literacy through Theatre" (Andruske); "Developing Learning Packages for Distance Continuing Nursing Education" (Beckingham et al.); "'Train the Trainer' Series for Nurse Educators" (Beckingham et al.); "Invisible Identity/ies" (Borg et al.); "Research Paradigms in Adult Education [AE]" (Briton); "Remapping AE" (Briton, Plumb); "Work, Workers, and Worker Education" (Brown et al.); "Labour Market Training" (Butterwick et al.); "Rural Learning" (Carley); "An Ethic of Care" (Carr); "Teaching and Learning across Our Historical Differences" (Chapman); "Using Responsive Evaluation to Discover and Respect Diversity in AE" (Chaytor); "Critical Philosophy-in-Action" (Chovanec, Scott); "New Prospects for Program Planning and Evaluation in Adult Continuing Education" (Collins); "Linking AE with K-12" (Collins, Hanson); "Community Development" (Cruikshank); "Historical Development of AE" (Draper); "Making Needs" (Davidson); "Who Knows? Who Says So? Who Decides?" (Dawson et al.); "Bridging the Cultural Gap" (Fisher-Brillinger, Cantrell); "Facilitating Andragogy" (Francis); "Learning in the Workplace" (Frattini); "A Tenant Association in Public Housing" (Geddis); "Dutch 'Pillarization'" (van Gent); "AE as a Maturing Field?" (Gillen); "Finding Our Voices, Telling Our Stories" (Hall et al.); "Tax, Lies and Videotape" (Hall et al.); "Vive la Difference" (Home); "AE and Workplace Learning" (Hommen et al.); "Transformation of Consciousness" (Karpiak); "Is It Realistic to Expect an Adult Educator to Seek Collaboration among a Group Holding Diverse Perspectives?" (Knox); "Working across Our Differences in Community Based Literacy Education" (Leclair); "Women's Learning in Three Contexts" (MacKeracher et al.); "Human Resources Think for Themselves" (Martin, Ketwaroo-Nanoo); "A Model for Continuing Education Participation among Members of Selected Professions" (Matthias); "Comparative AE" (Mlozi, Hian); "From Preacher to Politician" (Oussoren); "Time and Space in AE" (Plumb); "Making Sense of Change in an Increasingly Diverse Workplace" (Pitters, Muzumdar); "Recovering Community in the Adult Education Movement" (Pyrch); "The Stories We Are" (Randall); "A Feminist Framework for Political Action on Peace and Global Transformation in Radical Adult Environmental Education" (Rosenberg); "Self-Surveillance and the Status of Women" (Schick); "Revisiting Theory and Practice" (Selman); "Labour and Educators Conference on SoliNet" (Spencer); "Literacy for Health and Human Development" (Taylor et al.); and "Canadian Pluralism and Dutch 'Pillarisation'" (Thomas). (MN)
- Published
- 1993
7. Working Well Together: Community Colleges in Literacy Partnerships that Work = S'unir pour reussir: Exemples de partenariats efficaces realises par des colleges communautaires dans le domaine de l'alphabetisation.
- Author
National Literacy Secretariat, Ottawa (Ontario). and Curtis, Bert
- Abstract
This document profiles six successful literacy partnerships between Canadian community colleges and public/private agencies. The following partnerships are examined: an adult basic education program provided through a partnership between New Brunswick Community College and the Correctional Service of Canada; a workplace literacy program offered jointly by George Brown College and the Labour Council of Metropolitan Toronto and York Region; a deaf literacy project sponsored by Red River Community College, the Society for Manitobans with Disabilities, and the Winnipeg Community Centre of the Deaf; the Effective Reading in Context Program, which is a partnership between Keyano College and the synthetic crude oil producer Syncrude Canada, Ltd.; SARAW (The Student's Voice), which is a talking computer program designed for severely disabled adults through the joint efforts of Capilan College and the Neil Squire Foundation; and I-CARE (Individualized Community Adult Reading Education Program), which has evolved as a partnership among Douglas College, surrounding communities, libraries, and community agencies. Each profile contains background information on the program's partners, program objectives, and innovations that have made the program/partnership successful. Concluding the document are a discussion of the program and partner characteristics that make partnerships work and contact persons/addresses of the six partnerships profiled. (MN)
- Published
- 1992
8. Alpha 92. Current Research in Literacy: Literacy Strategies in the Community Movement = Alpha 92. Recherches en alphabetisation. Strategies d'alphabetisation dans le mouvement associatif.
- Author
Quebec Dept. of Education, Quebec., National Literacy Secretariat, Ottawa (Ontario)., United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, Hamburg (Germany). Inst. for Education., and Hautecoeur, Jean-Paul
- Abstract
This collection contains 17 papers presented at a seminar on literacy strategies in the community movement, held in Namur, Belgium, in 1991. The following papers are included: "Introduction" (Hautecoeur); "Illiteracy: Direction? Action? Results?" (Hautecoeur); "Basic Education and Personal Development Strategies" (Georis); "Breaking Down Barriers: A Local Approach to Adult Basic Education" (Denwette, Walker, Tett); "Illiteracy--Solely an Educational Problem?" (Jaehn); "Knowing Where We Are: Participatory Research and Adult Literacy" (Hamilton, Ivanic, Barton); "Community Development Project among the Gypsies of Sao Gregorio" (Oliveira et al.); "Literacy and Community Development in a Lower Class Neighborhood" (Dias); "Building a Regional Partnership in the Fight against Illiteracy in Belgium" (Chapotte, David); "Urgently Required: Imagination--A Writing Competition" (Azzimonti); "Working with Illiterate Young People in a Community Group: The Boite a Lettres Experience (1983-1987)" (Roy); "From Specialized Training to Grass-Roots Literacy Education" (Raymond, Meunier); "Women and Literacy: A Vital Movement" (de Coster); "The Alpha Mons-Borinage Experience" (Arrijs); "Adult Education: Literacy for the Masses" (Corzo, Lancho); "Training: A Tool in the Struggle against All Types of Exclusion?--The History of AFER (Action-Formation-Etude-Recherche)" (Gosset, Caron, Andreau); "Basic Education in Flanders: Strengths and Weaknesses" (Gehre); and "Literacy Tactics in the Community Organizations Movement" (Hautecoeur). (MN)
- Published
- 1992
9. Multiculturalism in Education Projects Supported by the Multiculturalism Directorate, Government of Canada = Projets dans le Domaine de l'Education Multiculturelle Subventionnes par la Direction du Multiculturalisme, Gouvernement du Canada.
- Author
Department of the Secretary of State, Ottawa (Ontario). Multiculturalism Directorate.
- Abstract
This catalog of multiculturalism in education projects is intended to make the materials listed and described more widely accessible to the Canadian public, thereby contributing to a deeper understanding and appreciation of Canada's multicultural nature. All projects listed received financial assistance from the Canadian Government in the years 1979 to 1984. The assistance was provided for such education-related activities as development of curriculum material and/or programs, professional development and training, community education, evaluation, counseling, operation or establishment of groups promoting information exchange and materials dissemination, and dealing with racial relations. The activities are in the form of workshops/conferences, publications, audiovisual projects, theater productions, and data bases. The addresses of organizations receiving the grants are indexed in the back. If a book has been published through the project, the title and publishing information are provided. A comprehensive subject index is provided. Both completed projects and those still in progress are listed. (RDN)
- Published
- 1984
10. A Launching Kit for Learning Activities Centered about the 1987 Summits in Canada = Trousse de Reference Concernant les Activites D'apprentissage Axees sur les Sommets de 1987 au Canada.
- Author
Reford-McCandless International Inst., Toronto (Ontario).
- Abstract
This kit, designed for use in elementary and secondary school classrooms and community groups, presents information and interdisciplinary learning activities that focus on two 1987 Canadian summit meetings. One summit, the Commonwealth of Nations meeting in Vancouver, involved countries with a legacy as British colonial nations; and the other, La Francophonie summit in Quebec, featured countries that speak the French language and incorporate a French culture. The kit contains booklets that: (1) describe Canada's role and history in the Commonwealth of Nation's and the organization's "Declaration of Principles"; (2) discuss Canada's role in and relationship to La Francophonie; and (3) provide learning activities, discussion questions, and resource lists. Issues central to both summit meetings are described in brief documents and include such topics as: (1) human concerns; (2) science, technology, environment, and resources; (3) culture and education; (4) peace and order; (5) economic cooperation; (6) women and development; and (7) telecommunications. A poster, wall map, and evaluation form are included. (JHP)
- Published
- 1987
11. Social movements and rural education: resistance, limits, and possibilities at the Family Agricultural School - EFA Chico Antonio Bié, Ceará
- Author
Francinalda Maria Rodrigues da Rocha and Flávia Sanches de Carvalho
- Subjects
school ,contextualized pedagogy ,community education ,Education - Abstract
The research aims to understand the relationship of social movements in their dimension of resistance and struggle in the formative action EFA Chico Antonio Bié. The guiding question is: how do social movements act to ensure that EFA is effectively established as an educational institution? This question is based on the condition that the school is community-based and receives no government funding. Additionally, all individuals involved in the formative process are volunteers. Interconnected with other equally important mediations, the institution is part of the network of EFAs in the state of Ceará, strengthening the struggles for the existence of such schools. They operate with a contextualized pedagogy and seek the acquisition of public policies. These elements contribute to the framework in which education is linked to a problematizing dimension, considering that the school's existence requires the involvement of different social movements through established partnerships. The research methodology is qualitative, utilizing literature review and document analysis. The results revealed that the school emerges and develops through the involvement of social movements. However, it also exposed gaps in the role of the State concerning the existence of a school in the/of the countryside.
- Published
- 2024
12. Communicating the bilingual school from the soils we breathe: Voices and community practices of chinantecos teachers in Oaxaca
- Author
Miguel Dario Hidalgo Castro, Roberto Sánchez Linares, and Pablo Ojeda Carrillo
- Subjects
communality ,localized community education ,pedagogical movement ,decolonization and community knowledge. ,Education - Abstract
This paper deals with an experience on the trajectory of Community Education located in Chinantec communities in the State of Oaxaca. Chinantec teachers have given themselves the historical task of building educational projects from the community, actions that have allowed them to unravel the routes to decolonize education. The symmetrical interaction between the school and the communities has been strengthened through years of work. These school forms and practices also consider their own topics that allow making vindicating processes of community dynamics and structures, such as rural community knowledge and knowledges that are generated on a daily basis, communality is pointed out as a practical-explanatory horizon that helps to articulate community knowledge and knowledges in school practices, then other educational experiences from a conception of collective learning -by understanding-. "Communalizing education", among others, is a principle of the pedagogical movement that guides the educational work among the Chinantecos as community subjects. We have to mention that the pedagogical accompaniment and the link with the political movement of teachers has brought us closer to important data and testimonies from the observation involved and interviews for the elaboration of this localized educational experience.
- Published
- 2023
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13. À qui appartient l'éducation ? Les Écoles de village et les Ju|’hoansi de Nyae Nyae, Namibie
- Author
Jennifer Hays
- Subjects
indigenous education ,Namibia ,San ,Village Schools ,community education ,Education - Abstract
The Ju|’hoansi are one of the linguistic and cultural groups in South Africa known collectively as the San. Recognized as the first inhabitants of the region, the San – former hunters and gatherers – are located at the bottom of the socioeconomic hierarchy of the region. One measure of this marginalization is the very low enrollment rates of San in the formal education system. This article describes one attempt to address these issues for the Ju|’hoansi: The Nyae Nyae Village Schools. In several Ju|'hoan villages, children, from the first to the third school year are educated in Ju|’hoansi language and live with their families. However, despite these effors, the Village Schools students drop out when they transfer to the mainstream education system in the fourth year. Why? The answer to this question depends heavily on the perspective taken, and this article discusses three theoretical approaches to indigenous education, in order to analyze the discourses produced about the Village Schools and the problems faced by Ju|'hoan students in the public schools that they join after their first three years of schooling. In the language Ju|’hoansi the term for “teacher” is nxarokxao, which translates as “owner of learning”. Who owns education? How can a marginalized community control its own educational processes? Based on 18 years of research on the Village Schools, and the educational dynamics for marginalized groups in southern Africa, this article argues that the Ju|’hoansi express pedagogically sound opinions about the way forward for their education and development, and they make strategic decisions based on realistic economic options available to them.
- Published
- 2016
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14. Funding community education in Ireland
- Author
Conor Joseph Magrath and Camilla Fitzsimons
- Subjects
community education ,pedagogy ,equality ,civic engagement ,state funding ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
- The term community education refers to organised adult education that happens outside of schools and colleges and is local. - The study uncovers growing uncertainty in terms of funding for community education in Ireland. - The once vibrant Community and Voluntary sector is still rooted amidst the local politicised activism that grows from ordinary people’s dissatisfaction with the status quo. Purpose: This report captures the experiences of 56 participating community education organisations across Ireland and aims to uncover trends and issues in funding models. Design/methodology/approach: A mixed-methods research was undertaken in three phases. Phase one involved an online- survey, which asked about primary and secondary sources of funding, ease of administration, access and sustainability. Phase two consisted of one-to-one interviews with self-selected providers and in phase three, we returned to the participants of phase two with targeted questions specifically relating to the pressures to merge with nonindependent, state providers of community education. Findings: A disconnect between funders and providers, has been highlighted. Particularly the outcomes based funding model, which prioritises jobs activation over social inclusion. Funding is seen as restrictive, anti-innovative, bureaucratic and non-transparent. Practical implications: A need for sustainable, multi-annual funding has been identified, with providers looking for greater acknowledgement and recognition of the vital role and true value of community education in Irish society.
- Published
- 2019
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15. Représentations sociales comparées. Le regard des enseignants et des conseillers pédagogiques sur les finalités de l'enseignement de l'histoire.
- Author
Lanoix, Alexandre
- Subjects
HISTORY teachers ,HISTORY education ,COMMUNITY education ,EDUCATIONAL objectives ,COLLECTIVE representation - Abstract
Copyright of Revue des Sciences de l'Education is the property of Revue des Sciences de l'Education and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
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16. Trajectoire d'un champ d'action stratégique : les recherches participatives sont-elles solubles dans la science ?
- Author
Lhoste, Evelyne and lhoste, evelyne
- Subjects
[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio] ,Participatory research ,[SHS.ANTHRO-SE] Humanities and Social Sciences/Social Anthropology and ethnology ,Community education ,Politiques publiques ,[SHS.SOCIO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Sociology ,Transitions écologiques et solidaires ,Inclusive innovation ,[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciences ,Concerned groups ,Sciences citoyennes et participatives ,Public policies - Abstract
The aim of this paper is a better understanding of the evolution path of citizen sciences. I mobilize the concept of strategic action field, a concept rooted in the theories of collective action (Fligstein and McAdam, 2012). The first part of the article is a socio-historical analysis of activities defined as citizen sciences. In thesecond part, I draw on the agency of the strategic action field’s incumbents, namely the public authorities and associations, to analyze its evolution path. Associations, and in particular those labelled « éducation populaire », are historically linked to the state and depend on public fundings. They are the most widespread administrative form of civil society organisations. They have gradually obscured their research activities while Fligstein and McAdam posit that the evolution path of a strategic action field depends on the actors’ capacity to construct a common identity and objectives. Other associations are pleading for the achknowdegment oftheir role in research. The transformation of public policies will be decisive for the development of the field., Cet article a pour objectif de comprendre l'institutionnalisation des recherches participatives à travers une approche généalogique. Pour ce faire, je mobilise le concept de champ d'action stratégique fondé par Fligstein et McAdam (2012) à partir des théories de l'action collective. Dans une première partie, je dresse une analyse socio-historique du champ de la recherche participative. Dans une deuxième partie, je propose quelques éléments d'analyse de l'agence de deux acteurs stratégiques, le tiers secteur de la recherche et les pouvoirs publics. Selon Fligstein et McAdam, la capacité des acteurs à construire une identité et à partager des objectifs communs conditionne la trajectoire d'un champ d'action stratégique. Le tiers secteur est dominé par le champ associatif, lequel est fortement lié à celui de l'éducation populaire et à l'Etat. Les grandes associations d'éducation populaire ont progressivement occulté leurs activités de recherche. D'autres associations plaident pour la reconnaissance de leurs activités de recherche. La transformation des politiques publiques de recherche et d'innovation sera décisive pour l'évolution du champ et de ses relations avec celui des recherches académiques. MOTS-CLES Sciences citoyennes et participatives-transitions écologiques et solidaires-politiques publiques ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is a better understanding of the evolution path of citizen sciences. I mobilize the concept of strategic action field, a concept rooted in the theories of collective action (Fligstein and McAdam, 2012). The first part of the article is a socio-historical analysis of activities defined as citizen sciences. In the second part, I draw on the agency of the strategic action field's incumbents, namely the public authorities and associations, to analyze its evolution path. Associations, and in particular those labelled « éducation populaire », are historically linked to the state and depend on public fundings. They are the most widespread administrative form of civil society organisations. They have gradually obscured their research activities while Fligstein and McAdam posit that the evolution path of a strategic action field depends on the actors' capacity to construct a common identity and objectives. Other associations are pleading for the achknowdegment of their role in research. The transformation of public policies will be decisive for the development of the field.
- Published
- 2022
17. Education to Enhance Vietnamese Coastal Communities’ Adaptive Capacity to Cope With Climate Change
- Author
Thi Huong Tra Nguyen, Helen Boon, and David King
- Subjects
climate change ,climate change education ,adaption ,constructivism ,sustainable development ,vietnam ,coastal communities ,community education ,Social Sciences - Abstract
Vietnam is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, particularly in poor coastal communities. While external climate change projects have been conducted in some coastal provinces, including Ha Tinh, there is a lack of local education programs to enhance communities’ awareness and adaptive capacity to cope with climate change. Therefore, a community education program is proposed to help Ha Tinh locals adapt to climate change. The aim of this paper is to present a brief literature review, including: identifying key concepts, overviewing global climate change, analysing climate change and climate change adaptation in Vietnam, as well as theoretical frameworks.
- Published
- 2015
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18. Representaciones sociales de la computadora en usuarios semirrurales de México (Social Representations of Semirural Computer Users of Mexico) (Les représentations sociales de l′ordinateur chez les usagers semi-ruraux au Méxique) (Representações sociais do computador em usuários semirrurais do México)
- Author
Marco Antoniog González-Pérez, Maria Raquel Ponce-Medina, and Aída Villaseñor Martell
- Subjects
Enseñanza con ayuda de computadores ,tecnología educativa ,educación comunitaria ,Computer – Assisted Instruction ,Educational Technology ,Community Education ,Enseigner l'utilisation des ordinateurs ,technologie de l’éducation ,l’éducation communautaire ,Ensino utilizando computadores ,tecnologia educacional ,educação comunitária. ,Education ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
ResumenEste artículo de investigación se deriva de un estudio de campo realizado para identificar representaciones sociales (RS) de la computadora en usuarios de los Centros Comunitarios de Aprendizaje del Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, ITESM. Se aplicaron dos instrumentos: prueba de aso- ciación libre y guion de entrevista a muestras de 217 sujetos, en la primera condición y 31, en la segunda. El estudio se realizó en Chapa de Mota y Villas del Car- bón, Estado de México. Se mostraron representacio- nes sociales, RS, cambiantes entre usuarios con base en edad y tiempo de uso y se observó cómo los miem- bros de la comunidad insertan la computadora en sus actividades cotidianas.AbstractThis research article is derived from a field study conducted to identify social representations (SR) of the computer users of Community Learning Centers at ITESM. The instruments used were: free association test and interview script to samples of 217 subjects in the first condition and 31 in the sec- ond one. The study was conducted in Chapa de Mota and Villas del Carbón, Estado de México. SR were chang- ing between users based on age and length of use and showed how com- munity members used the computer in their daily activities.RésuméCet article de recherche découle d'une étude dans le terrain réalisée pour identifier les représentations sociales (RS) de l’ordinateur chez les usagers des Centres Communautaires d’ap- prentissage dans le Tecnológico de Monterrey (Technologique de Mon- terrey). On a appliqué deux outils: la preuve d’association libre à 217 per- sonnes et le scenario d’entretien à 31 personnes. Les résultats ont montrés des représentations sociales chan- geantes en fonction de l’âge et le temps d’usage et on a observé com- ment les membres de la communauté utilisent l’ordinateur dans leurs activi- tés au quotidien.ResumoEste artigo se deriva de uma pesqui- sa de campo realizada para identificar as representações sociais (RS) sobre o computador em usuários dos Centros Comunitários de Aprendizagem do Tecnológico de Monterrey. Aplicaram- se dois instrumentos primeiramente a uma mostra de 217 sujeitos e em seguida a uma mostra de 31: uma prova de associação livre de palavras e um roteiro de entrevista. O estudo se realizou em Chapa de Mota e Villas del Carbón, Estado do México. Encon- traram-se RS mutantes entre usuários com base na idade e no tempo de uso e se observou como os membros da comunidade inserem o computador em suas atividades cotidianas.
- Published
- 2012
19. La société de l’information « appropriée » par l’éducation populaire : une tradition en question
- Author
Nathalie Boucher-Petrovic
- Subjects
discourse ,information society ,media ,militancy ,popular/community education ,Information technology ,T58.5-58.64 ,Electronic computers. Computer science ,QA75.5-76.95 - Abstract
By analyzing references to the information society in the French popular/community education sector, this paper examines what is generated, but also revealed by the myth of the information society and the practices that are linked to it , but also what the appropriation of this project in this sector reveals about this project itself. By questioning how it is appropriated, this paper discusses the several dimensions of the information society (ideological, political, technical, etc.) and highlights the new challenges faced by actors who are committed to the empowerment of citizens. The genealogical approach to these issues allows us to situate contemporary references to the information society within the tradition of media appropriation rooted in the 19th century which characterizes the French popular/community education sector. Thus, this paper aims at highlighting the continuities and the ruptures that the use of the reference to the information society translates.
- Published
- 2009
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20. UNE INTERVENTION ÉDUCATIVE DANS UNE COMMUNAUTÉ APPAUVRIE : pistes à explorer pour une gestion durable des ressources.
- Author
Karwera, Viateur, Couture, Christine, and Villeneuve, Claude
- Subjects
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- Published
- 2008
21. À qui appartient l'éducation ? Les Écoles de village et les Ju|’hoansi de Nyae Nyae, Namibie
- Author
Hays, Jennifer
- Subjects
Écoles de Village ,Village Schools ,San ,éducation communautaire ,indigenous education ,Namibie ,lcsh:L ,éducation autochtone ,Namibia ,community education ,lcsh:Education - Abstract
Les Ju|’hoansi font partie des groupes linguistiques et culturels de l’Afrique du Sud connus collectivement sous le nom de San. Reconnus comme les premiers habitants de la région, et autrefois chasseurs-cueilleurs, les San se trouvent tout en bas de la hiérarchie socioéconomique de la région ; une mesure de cette marginalisation est le taux de scolarisation, très bas pour les San, dans le système d’éducation formel. Cet article porte sur une tentative de remédier à ces problèmes : les Écoles de village de Nyae Nyae. Dans plusieurs villages ju|’hoan, les enfants, de la première à la troisième année scolaires, sont instruits en langue ju|’hoansi et vivent avec leurs familles. Cependant, malgré tous les efforts, les élèves issus des Écoles de village décrochent lorsque, en quatrième année, ils passent dans le système éducatif public. Pourquoi ? La réponse à cette question dépend étroitement de la perspective adoptée, et cet article aborde trois approches théoriques de l’éducation autochtone, afin d’analyser les discours produits sur les Écoles de village ainsi que les problèmes auxquels sont confrontés les élèves ju|’hoan dans les écoles du secteur public qu’ils rejoignent après leurs trois premières années de scolarité. Dans la langue ju|’hoansi, le terme pour dire “enseignant” est nxarokxao, qu’on peut traduire par être “propriétaire de l’apprentissage”. À qui appartient l’éducation ? Comment une communauté marginalisée peut-elle maîtriser ses propres méthodes et processus éducatifs ? Basé sur dix-huit années de recherche sur les Écoles de village, et sur les dynamiques éducatives des groupes marginalisés en Afrique australe, cet article soutient que les Ju|'hoansi expriment, quant à la voie à suivre pour leur éducation et le développement, des opinions pédagogiquement cohérentes, et qu’ils font des choix stratégiques en fonction des options économiques réalistes disponibles pour eux. The Ju|’hoansi are one of the linguistic and cultural groups in South Africa known collectively as the San. Recognized as the first inhabitants of the region, the San – former hunters and gatherers – are located at the bottom of the socioeconomic hierarchy of the region. One measure of this marginalization is the very low enrollment rates of San in the formal education system. This article describes one attempt to address these issues for the Ju|’hoansi: The Nyae Nyae Village Schools. In several Ju|'hoan villages, children, from the first to the third school year are educated in Ju|’hoansi language and live with their families. However, despite these effors, the Village Schools students drop out when they transfer to the mainstream education system in the fourth year. Why? The answer to this question depends heavily on the perspective taken, and this article discusses three theoretical approaches to indigenous education, in order to analyze the discourses produced about the Village Schools and the problems faced by Ju|'hoan students in the public schools that they join after their first three years of schooling. In the language Ju|’hoansi the term for “teacher” is nxarokxao, which translates as “owner of learning”. Who owns education? How can a marginalized community control its own educational processes? Based on 18 years of research on the Village Schools, and the educational dynamics for marginalized groups in southern Africa, this article argues that the Ju|’hoansi express pedagogically sound opinions about the way forward for their education and development, and they make strategic decisions based on realistic economic options available to them.
- Published
- 2016
22. An art ' breaching : case study and practice
- Author
Louvel, Romain, Arts : Pratiques et Poétiques - La Présence et l'Image. UHB, MEN : EA3208-Université de Rennes 2 (UR2), Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES), Université Rennes 2, Université Européenne de Bretagne, and Leszek Brogowski
- Subjects
Ethno-methodology ,Phénoménologie ,Rupture ,Community education ,Pratique sociale artistique ,Social artistic practice ,Social pedagogy ,Constructivism ,Provocation expérimentale ,Ethnométhodologie ,Phenomenology ,Routine ,[SHS.LANGUE]Humanities and Social Sciences/Linguistics ,Constructivisme ,Pédagogie sociale ,Éducation populaire ,Art - Abstract
Experimental provocation (breaching) can be described as the gesture which introduces a disturbance in the gears of a system in order to reveal its structure, organization and their inner relationships. We start from the hypothesis that this technique can also be applied to artistic creation. Indeed, this hypothesis deserves to be incorporated in our own way of looking at the history of art and our own way of « social artistic practice ». From this perspective, experimental provocation is considered as intrinsic to the nature of revolutionary art. Firstly, we expose experimental provocation as a sociological method (breaching). The risks of upsetting the social space run by sociologists suitably mirror the disturbing position of the artist in society. The critical reach of works of art is emphasized by these risks; this is underlined by the problem of the objective role of representation (the work) faced with what is represented (nature and subject matter). The theoretical interest in experimental provocation as a catalyst of diversion lies in the question of art as a social project. Later, we look at traces of experimental provocation in art history starting at the end of the nineteenth century. By which means did artists develop new methods, strategies and new aesthetic, social or political engagements? However, this new light does not imply that there is a school of art explicitly attached to the practice of experimental provocation. Nor is the habitual use artists make of scandal a relevant sign. Ultimately we believe that the mechanisms of experimental provocation are inherent in the nature of the work of art and its relationship with the world. After this, we define the phenomenon of breaking routine habits (rupture) as the key mechanism of experimental provocation. What meaning is implied by the effects and the stakes of the interaction of this kind of art at the heart of society? This perspective gives us the chance to imagine a concrete artistic project engaged in the social process. Finally, our theoretical description of experimental provocation leads to an analysis of recent artistic projects which have enabled us to formalize our thesis. Actually, these projects are our own and act as an empirical starting point. By using the concept of experimental provocation to grasp the meaning of our own artistic experience we reveal the concrete signs of an aesthetic which is inscribed in the wider project of « community education » (empowerment through education); La provocation expérimentale est ce geste qui consiste à introduire un élément perturbateur dans les rouages d'un système pour en révéler la structure, l'organisation et leurs déterminants. Nous partons de l'hypothèse selon laquelle cette technique s'applique aussi à la pratique artistique. Or, cette hypothèse mérite d'être examinée au regard de l'histoire de l'art et de notre « pratique sociale artistique ». Dans cette perspective, la provocation expérimentale est considérée comme un phénomène intrinsèque de la nature révolutionnaire de l'art. Dans un premier temps, nous découvrons la provocation expérimentale en tant que technique sociologique. Les risques de perturber l'espace social, encourus par le sociologue, accompagnent favorablement la présence dérangeante de l'artiste dans la société. Ils accentuent la portée critique des oeuvres, laquelle est soutenue par le problème que pose le statut objectif du représentant (l'oeuvre) en face de ce qui est représenté (la nature et ses sujets). L'intérêt théorique de la provocation expérimentale instigatrice de diversion réside dans la question du projet social de l'art. Ensuite, nous considérons les signes de la provocation expérimentale dans l'histoire de l'art à partir de la fin du XIXe siècle. Par quels moyens diversifiés les artistes développent-ils des méthodes, des stratagèmes, des engagements esthétiques, sociaux et politiques ? Il ne résulte cependant pas de cet éclairage qu'il existe un courant de l'art rattachée explicitement à la pratique de la provocation expérimentale. L'usage coutumier que les artistes font de la pratique du scandale n'apparaît pas non plus comme un signe pertinent. Finalement, nous pensons que les mécanismes de la provocation expérimentale sont présents dans la nature de l'oeuvre d'art et son rapport au monde. Après cela, nous définissons le phénomène de la rupture des routines du quotidien comme mécanisme clef de la provocation expérimentale. Quelle signification impliquent les effets et les enjeux d'une intervention de l'art de cette nature au sein de la société ? Cette question offre la possibilité de réfléchir sur un projet artistique concret engagé dans le processus social. Pour finir, notre description théorique de la provocation expérimentale converge vers l'analyse de projets artistiques récents qui ont permis de formaliser cette thèse. En effet, ces projets sont à notre initiative et tiennent lieu de point de départ empirique. En utilisant le concept de la provocation expérimentale pour saisir le sens de nos expériences artistiques, nous dévoilons des indicateurs concrets d'une esthétique inscrite dans le projet plus large de l'éducation populaire
- Published
- 2010
23. La littératie en milieu rural dévitalisé
- Author
Sébastien Ouellet
- Subjects
Social Sciences and Humanities ,cultural capital ,éducation communautaire ,capital culturel ,devitalization ,Sciences Humaines et Sociales ,literacy ,General Medicine ,community education ,littératie ,ruralité ,dévitalisation ,rurality - Abstract
La vision exprimée par l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture (UNESCO) concernant la culture et l’éducation (1990, 2005, 2008) souligne l’importance d’un enjeu vécu dans plusieurs régions du Québec et du Canada, caractérisées par un indice de dévitalisation élevé, qui font face à un défi important en matière de littératie et de développement culturel (Duxbury et Jeannotte, 2011; Nicholls, 2005; Statistique Canada, 2016a, 2016b). Cet enjeu est lié à la survie même de ces petites communautés. Nous présentons le cas d’une recherche fondée sur l’analyse des besoins locaux, qui met en évidence le rôle que peuvent jouer la littératie et la culture dans le développement des individus et des collectivités (Desrosiers et al., 2015). Pour ce faire, nous avons sélectionné un territoire rural considéré comme dévitalisé (Institut de la statistique du Québec, 2021a, 2021b). Des données quantitatives, par exemple des statistiques, ont été mises au jour et ont mené à identifier des indicateurs provenant de différents secteurs (éducation, culture, économie, santé). De plus, nous avons analysé des données qualitatives issues d’entretiens avec les acteurs du milieu ciblé. La mise en commun d’indicateurs multisectoriels et de résultats d’entretiens nous a permis de proposer des pistes de réflexion et d’action afin de mieux comprendre le phénomène de la littératie en milieu rural dévitalisé., The vision expressed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) about culture and education (1990, 2005, 2008) shows the importance of an issue experienced in several regions of Quebec and Canada, characterized by devitalization and challenge in literacy and cultural development (Duxbury & Jeannotte, 2011; Nicholls, 2005; Statistics Canada, 2016a, 2016b). This issue is linked to the survival of these small communities. We present the case of research based on the analysis of local needs and which highlights the role that literacy and culture can play in the development of individuals and communities (Desrosiers et al., 2015). To do this, we selected a rural area considered to be devitalized (Institut de la statistique du Québec, 2021a, 2021b). Quantitative data, for example statistics, were brought to light and led to the identification of indicators from different sectors (education, culture, economy, health). In addition, we analyzed qualitative data from interviews with stakeholders in the target environment. The pooling of multisectoral indicators and interview results allowed us to suggest avenues for reflections and actions in order to better understand the phenomenon of literacy in devitalized rural areas.
24. Une intervention éducative dans une communauté appauvrie
- Author
Viateur Karwera, Christine Couture, and Claude Villeneuve
- Subjects
lcsh:GE1-350 ,éducation relative à l’environnement ,community Education ,bioregionalism ,gestion de l’eau par basin versant ,sustainable development ,Environmental Education - Community Education – Water Management in a Watershed - Bioregionalism – Sustainable Development ,Asia ,Social Sciences and Humanities ,Asie ,environmental Education ,environnement ,Environmental sciences ,éducation communautaire ,biorégionalisme ,water Management in a Watershed ,Éducation relative à l’environnement – Éducation communautaire – Gestion de l’eau par basin versant – Biorégionalisme – Développement durable ,développement durable ,sustainable Development ,GE1-350 ,Sciences Humaines et Sociales ,environment ,lcsh:Environmental sciences - Abstract
Dans un contexte de crise environnementale qui affecte nos sociétés, il nous semble avant tout important d’éduquer la population à une nouvelle manière de penser et d’agir, afin qu’elle se mue en décideurs capables de faire des choix éclairés face aux situations complexes auxquelles les sociétés sont de plus en plus confrontées. Le présent article concerne une étude qui a été réalisée dans un souci d’identification des stratégies d’intervention éducative qui pourraient aider une communauté aux prises avec des problèmes de sécurité alimentaire et de survie, de continuer à combler ses besoins tout en posant, en même temps, des gestes de gestion durable de leurs ressources. La population ciblée est celle se trouvant dans un bassin versant d’un marais en dessèchement, le marais de Rugezi au Rwanda., In an environmental crisis context which affects our societies, above all, it seems very important to us to educate the population with a new way of thinking and acting so that she moults herself as decision makers able to make enlightened choices vis-à-vis the complex situations to which the societies are more and more confronted. This article is related to a study which was carried out in the aim of identifying the strategies of educational intervention which could help the community facing food safety and survival problems, to continue to fill its needs while posing at the same time the gestures of sustainable management of their resources. The targeted population is that being in a catchment’s area of a marsh in drying, the marsh of Rugezi in Rwanda.
25. Empowerment or Impairment? Involving Traditional Communities in School Management / Stärkung Oder Schwächung? Die Einbezie-Hung Traditioneller Gruppen In Die Schulorganisation / Autonomisation Ou Dégradation? Impliquer Les Communautés Traditionnelles Dans La Gestion Scolaire / Fortalecimiento U Obstaculización? La Inclusión De Comunidades Tradicionales En La Gestión Escolar / ПЕРЕДАЧА ПОЛНОМОЧИЙ ИЛИ ЛИШЕНИЕ ИХ РИВЛЕ ЧЕНИЕ ТРАД ИЦИОННЫХ СООБЩЕСТВ К ШКОЛЬНОМУ ПРАВЛЕНИЮ
- Published
- 2004
26. Introduction
- Author
Tapsoba, Sibry
- Published
- 1994
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