
Showing total 113 results
113 results

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2. [Anticoagulant treatment in elderly patients with atrial fibrillation: position paper]

3. Diagnosis and management of asthma in preschoolers: A Canadian Thoracic Society and Canadian Paediatric Society position paper

4. [Frailty in older population: a brief position paper from the French society of geriatrics and gerontology]

5. [Recommendations for acylcarnitine profile analysis]

6. Monitoring nutrition in the ICU

7. Circulating GRP78 antibodies from ovarian cancer patients: a promising tool for cancer cell targeting drug delivery system?

8. Rates, Delays, and Completeness of General Practitioners' Responses to a Postal Versus Web-Based Survey: A Randomized Trial

9. Cutaneous Angioneurofibroma: A New Histopathological Variant of Neurofibroma

10. [Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children: A Team effort!]

11. Identifying a motivational process surrounding adherence to exercise and diet among adults with type 2 diabetes

12. [Critical care testing: SFBC recommendations in 2018]

13. À mêmes mots, sens différents – les difficultés de la terminologie épidémiologique avec la recherche en interventions en santé des populations

14. Response to 'Rethinking assumptions about cancer survivorship': a nursing disciplinary perspective

15. [Adaptability of physicians offering primary care to the poor: social competency revisited]

16. The rewards of volunteering

17. What will it take? The quest to achieve indexing by the national library of medicine

18. [Caring, curing, coping: towards an integrated model]

19. Autobiographies of Spanish Refugee Children at the Quaker Home in La Rouvière (France, 1940) : Humanitarian Communication and Children’s Writings1

20. [Surgical acceleration of tooth movement: a systematic review to optimize communication between the orthodontist, the oral surgeon and the patient]

21. Analysis of high-speed intershaft cylindrical roller bearing with flexible rings

22. Aide d'urgence et notions locales d'équité: analyse d'un programme d'aide nutritionnelle comme une interface sociale

23. Doctors as patients

24. Newborn screening of phenylketonuria in France

25. Bayesian predictive probabilities a good way to monitor clinical trials

26. The Women's Health Initiative: controversy and impact on the doctor-patient relationship in Quebec and in France

27. Bilan de deux années de production de vaccin de la fièvre aphteuse au Botswana vaccine Institute

28. [The role of the old age psychiatrist in a mobile geriatric team: an example in Tours city area (France)]

29. [Examples of accreditation of serum and urinary proteins electrophoresis]

30. Consignes de vie après allogreffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques chez l’enfant, l’adolescent et le jeune adulte, à l’usage des professionnels : recommandations de la Société francophone de greffe de moelle et de thérapie cellulaire (SFGM-TC)

31. Les traitements pharmacologiques des douleurs neuropathiques

32. Cancer: Thérapies « complémentaires » et observance du traitement anti-tumoral font-elles bon ménage ?

33. Canadian trends in opioid-related mortality and disability from opioid use disorder from 1990 to 2014 through the lens of the Global Burden of Disease Study

34. Péritonite chyleuse secondaire à Lercanidipine

35. Statut acido -basique des patients prévalents en dialyse péritonéale

36. Effectiveness of the CANRISK tool in the identification of dysglycemia in First Nations and Métis in Canada

37. Devenir neurodéveloppemental après un infarctus cérébral artériel néonatal

38. Methods to validate the accuracy of an indirect calorimeter in the in-vitro setting

39. Robotic versus fluoroscopy-guided pedicle screw insertion for metastatic spinal disease: a matched-cohort comparison

40. [New insights in the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia and role of the biologist in the monitoring of the treatments]

41. Evaluating the outcomes of complex nursing initiatives: Insights from the CANO/ACIO National Strategy for Chemotherapy Administration Project

42. [Iron deficiency in elderly patients: use of biomarkers]

43. Causality assessment in pharmacovigilance: The French method and its successive updates

44. [Biological disturbances during the lupus-associated pancreatitis: case report]

45. [Mild cognitive impairment: could it be a sleep disorder?]

46. [TSH-receptor antibodies: immunoanalytical characteristics]

47. [Artificial intelligence meeting neuropsychology. Semantic memory in normal and pathological aging]

48. Soins de support, cognition, qualité de vie et métastases cérébrales

49. Transfert de connaissances pour réduire les inégalités infra-communales d'accès au dépistage du cancer du sein

50. Language and Silences in two of Aharon Appelfeld’s Coming-of-age Tales