
Showing total 7 results
7 results

Search Results

1. [Study of the impact of an assertive community program on the families of patients with severe mental disorders].

2. [Assessing program sustainability in public health organizations: a tool-kit application in Haiti].

3. [Characteristics of attenders of low threshold syringe-exchange centers providing sterile syringes in Switzerland].

4. [Anorexia and bulimia: increasing disorders? A review of the literature on the epidemiology of eating disorders].

5. [Patient compliance in ambulatory medical care].

6. [Functional bucco-dental restoration cost for adolescents aged 16 to 20 in the Geneva resident population (survey 1970-72). I. -- Description of estimates (author's transl)].

7. [Assessment of the nutritional intake of the adult population of Geneva based on individual quantitative questionnaires].