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1. Why do Firms Operate Informally? Insights from a Systematic Literature Review

2. Workforce agility: a systematic literature review and a research agenda proposal

3. Customer Service Multichannel Model in a Health Care Service Provider: A Discrete Simulation Case Study

4. Organizational couplings: a literature review

5. The other side of compliance systems and codes of ethics: A Foucauldian perspective on rule-based ethics and corruption control

6. Modeling the Motivations for Offshore Outsourcing: A Theoretical Approach

7. Design, Measurement and Analysis of a Knowledge Management Model in the Context of a Mexican University

8. Environmental Policy Instruments and Eco-innovation: An Overview of Recent Studies

9. The Influence of Social and Environmental Labels on Purchasing: An Information and Systematic-heuristic Processing Approach

10. Project Management in Development Cooperation. Non-Governmental Organizations

11. Regulations and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Developed and Developing Countries

12. Entrepreneurship and Decision-Making in Latin America

13. Culture and Entrepreneurship: The Case of Latin America

14. Entrepreneurship and Social Capital: Evidence from a Colombian Business Incubator

15. The Influence of Competitiveness and Regulations on Entrepreneurial Activity in Emerging and Advanced Economies

16. Corporate Risk in Family Businesses Under Economic Crisis

17. Corporate governance and performance in the largest European listed banks during the financial crisis

18. Family ownership and firm performance: The net effect of productive efficiency and growth constraints

19. Standardised innovation management systems: A case study of the Spanish Standard UNE 166002:2006

20. Detection of the Lines of Research in Favor of the Implementation and Development of Organizational Culture of Innovation through a Bibliometric Analysis

21. Detection of the Lines of Research in Favor of the Implementation and Development of Organizational Culture of Innovation through a Bibliometric Analysis

22. Main Factors that Explain Organic Food Purchase Intention: A Systematic Review

23. Getting Past the Crisis: Marketing Communication of University Sustainability

24. Media Coverage of Carbon Neutral Organizations in Costa Rica: Environmental Sustainability Practices and Consumer Recognition

25. A Personnel Selection Model for a Software Development Company based on the ELECTRE III Method and a Variant of NSGA-II

26. Social capital and core competencies, enablers developing electronic design technological capabilities in Guadalajara, Mexico

27. The role of leadership styles in organizational citizenship behavior through mediation of perceived organizational support and job satisfaction

28. Lovemark effect: analysis of the differences between students and graduates in a love brand study at a public university

29. Healthily Crazy Business! Solidarity Economy and Financial Education as Emancipation Tools for the Mentally Ill

30. Getting Back to Basics: Challenging Complexity and Accountability in the Boardroom

31. Supply Chain Management: some reflections to improve its influence in business strategy

32. General Enterprising Tendency (CET) in Brazilian Taxi Drivers: Alternative to Unemployment or Form of Action?

33. The use of TOPSIS for Ranking WIPO’S Innovation Indicators

34. Implementation of a Holistic Corporate Social Responsibility Method with a Regional Scope

35. Reasons for decertification of ISO 9001. An empirical study

36. Advanced Operational Risk Measurement with LDA Model

37. Internal Control Adequacy in Comaer: An Endogenous Perception

38. Sociodemographic Analysis of the Profile and the Motivations of Tourists Visiting Quito, Ecuador

39. E-Government and Corruption in Mexico (2005-2010)

40. Does Customer Value-oriented Management Influence Financial Results? A Supplier’s Perspective

41. Industrial Ph.D. Programs for the Strengthening of the Industry’s Production of Innovation in Colombia

42. NGOs Efficiency and Transparency Policy: The Colombian Case

43. Management Control: Unsolved Problems and Research Opportunities

44. Fruit and Vegetable Prices and Perceptions in Mercalaspalmas Wholesale Market

45. Rapid Internationalization of SMEs: Evidence from Born Global Firms in Chile

46. Modeling the Financial Distress of Microenterprise StartUps Using Support Vector Machines: A Case Study

47. From Governmental Accounting into National Accounts: Adjustments Diversity and Materiality with Evidence from the Iberian Countries’ Central Governments

48. Accrual financial reporting in the Public Sector: Is it a reality?

49. The Role of Intellectual Capital and Entrepreneurial Characteristics as Innovation Drivers

50. A Measure of Market Orientation: Development and Validation in a Different Cultural Context