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1. El Paper del Donbass i la seva identitat en el conflicte entre Rússia i Ucraïna

2. What we can learn from books in the digital age

3. Digital restoration and the invention of analogue: The National Film and Sound Archive of Australia and Wake in Fright

4. A case study on the COVID-19 discourse in politicians’ speeches: Investigations into the speeches of former Iranian President Hassan Rouhani

5. Dealing with Death: Crisis and Resilience in Adolescent Boys

6. The Educational and Health Impact of COVID-19 on Children With Special Needs: A Systematic Review

7. Amnesia collettiva e Vergangenheitsbewältigung: Psicanalisi e letteratura nella Germania degli anni Sessanta

8. Experiencing Passion as an 'essentia vitae' of Educational Biographies of Eminent Musicians From Cracow

9. 'La voce del Padrone': echi di un demagogo radiofonico

10. Diversity in museums: The inclusive value of museum audio description

11. Preventing Conflict: China’s claim to the South China Sea and Mechanisms for Peace.

12. Family, friends and taxi drivers in hybrid networks. Integrating the immediate social environment into the Spiral of Silence Theory

13. Social media and community building in competitive women’s road cycling

14. Four pillars of Luhmann’s analytical apparatus: Applications for communication research

15. Spersonalizzazione del personaggio e inclusione del lettore: da Noi di Evgenij Zamjatin (1921) a Notre vie dans les forêts (2017) di Marie Darrieussecq

16. Catastrophilia: A case study of the eco-apocalyptic Japan Sinks’ mediascape

17. Antigone transgenica. Nuove indagini critiche tra genere distopico e mitologia

18. From futuristic center to lifeless periphery: Tokyo in three dystopian narratives from post-Fukushima Japan

19. A speculative fjord: The global and the planetary in the depiction of Killary Harbour in Notes from a Coma (2005) by Mike McCormack and The Fjord of Killary (2012) by Kevin Barry

20. Consumed Bodies and Unhinged Women. The dystopian worlds of Murata Sayaka’s Seimeishiki (Life Ceremony, 2013) and Ono Miyuki’s Karada o uru koto ('Selling the Body,' 2020)

21. Interstitial prehispanic landscapes. Ancestral knowledge and community action in San Juan De Lurigancho

22. Inhabiting through interstitial opacity. Protective negotiations of suspended existence across Paris’ liminalities.

23. The ecology of surface: Within and beyond communities in transformation through macro-paintings

24. Frisson, une revue féministe inclusive et intersectionnelle au design pop à l’ère des réseaux sociaux et de la mondialisation

25. Leader, Community and Mission – the Triangle of Ignatian Leadership

26. What we meant by that was 'let’s do this'. The interpretive metatext as pending account

27. Why archaeology today? What archaeology today? . Material traces and absences of the past as cultural signs of the present

28. I luoghi della passione. Stadi, culture, comunità

29. Media consumption between dynamics and persistence: The meaning of persistent media practices in a mediatized everyday life

30. 'We consume to forget; we collect to believe': Resistance, nostalgia, and VHS technologies in 21st century Greek video cultures

31. Corporate dreams – Appropriate aspirations and the building of trust in annual reports

32. La società in bicicletta: storia di un’avventura culturale lungo due secoli

33. Fluid logic: the effluence and the affluence behind urban water efficiency paradigms

34. Familial and Societal Situation of Both Only Children and Their Families in the Age of Pandemic. Selected Issues

35. Herméneutique des gestes et maîtrise des passions : quelques remarques sur la sémiotique du corps dans la littérature sur l’ambassadeur en Italie et en France au début de l’époque moderne

36. Conference report '#Communication #(R)Evolution Changing Communication in a Digital Society': DACH 21 – Three-Country Conference on Communication Science (DGPuK, ÖGK, and SGKM)

37. Girls that wear Abercrombie & Fitch: Reading fashion branding aesthetics into music videos

38. The impact of attitudes towards influencers amongst millennial fashion buyers

39. Technisch generalisierte Kommunikationsmedien. Kommunikation im Medium der Adresslisten

40. Saying 'story' in the newsroom. Towards a linguistic ethnography of narrative lexicon in broadcast news

41. Protecting and Educating Children on the Move in UNICEF and UNHCR Documents

42. A war of words. The representation of the war in Ukraine in the sports media of Latvia

43. Fenomenologia di una passione-Nardini, D. (2022) Surfers Paradise. Un’etnografia del surf sulla Gold Coast australiana. Milano: Ledizioni

44. La disuguaglianza complessa. Tutte le dimensioni del gender gap nello sport

45. E-learning Courses Satisfaction in Higher Education from Participants’ Perspective

46. For a relational understanding of care in critical urban action

47. Performing investigative identities: How print journalists establish authority through their texts

48. Postmemoria e letteratura per l’infanzia: trasmettere il trauma del bombardamento atomico alle nuove generazioni

49. Humanity on the Brink - Youth in Poland and Germany about Refugee Rights