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1. Looping strategies. Moral slippages between the certain and the uncertain in a Roman temporary housing area

2. From Seeing to Understanding: The Conceptual Metaphor UNDERSTANDING IS LIGHT in Julian of Norwich’s 'Revelations of Divine Love'

3. With(out) love from Japan: An analysis of the asexual spectrum in Shirono Honami's I want to be the wall and Isaki Uta's Is Love the Answer?

4. Towards a Diffractive Reading of the Folkloric Archive: Carmen Maria Machado's In the Dream House and the Wild Pedagogies

5. Image networks and practice analysis of larger data corpora. An approach to cluster and recontextualize visual practice in social media

6. Image types revisited. A texto-material approach for creating image types

7. Iconic image clusters: Significance, structure, and analysis

8. Strategies and challenges for constructing and collecting visual corpora from image-based social media platforms

9. Digitally-assisted iconology: A method for the analysis of digital media

10. Spersonalizzazione del personaggio e inclusione del lettore: da Noi di Evgenij Zamjatin (1921) a Notre vie dans les forêts (2017) di Marie Darrieussecq

11. Catastrophilia: A case study of the eco-apocalyptic Japan Sinks’ mediascape

12. Antigone transgenica. Nuove indagini critiche tra genere distopico e mitologia

13. From futuristic center to lifeless periphery: Tokyo in three dystopian narratives from post-Fukushima Japan

14. A speculative fjord: The global and the planetary in the depiction of Killary Harbour in Notes from a Coma (2005) by Mike McCormack and The Fjord of Killary (2012) by Kevin Barry

15. Consumed Bodies and Unhinged Women. The dystopian worlds of Murata Sayaka’s Seimeishiki (Life Ceremony, 2013) and Ono Miyuki’s Karada o uru koto ('Selling the Body,' 2020)

16. Interstitial prehispanic landscapes. Ancestral knowledge and community action in San Juan De Lurigancho

17. Inhabiting through interstitial opacity. Protective negotiations of suspended existence across Paris’ liminalities.

18. The ecology of surface: Within and beyond communities in transformation through macro-paintings

19. ¿Son los libros de Alfonso X obras utópicas?

20. Espacios utópicos y utopía en la Edad Media: tres reescrituras de la Collatio Alexandri cum Dindimo per litteras facta

21. The Family as a Place of Experiencing Critical Events – Case Study