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1. The paper suggests: inanimate subject + active verb in English linguistic discourse. Tyrimas aptaria: negyvas subjektas + aktyvų veiksmą reiškiantis veiksmažodis angliškame lingvistiniame diskurse

2. Investing into the Preliminary Sections of the Research Paper: Is the Game Worth the Candle? Ar verta kreipti dėmesį į įvadines mokslinio darbo dalis?

3. The paper suggests: inanimate subject + active verb in English linguistic discourse

4. Investing into the Preliminary Sections of the Research Paper: Is the Game Worth the Candle?

5. Research Paper Writing: The Task Dependency Principle as a Tool in Developing Learner Independence

6. Students’ Linguistic Attitude Towards Language Mistakes/Errors in Learning and Using a Foreign Language

7. Verbal modifiers in areal perspective: The case of Latvian Romani

8. Reception of Sophocles’ Antigone in the Baltic States

9. Benchmarking performances of L2 spoken Lithuanian produced by young learners

10. Mixed Speech Styles in Two Single-Gendered Occupational Groups: Identities in Interaction

11. Flipped Learning in Education: A Content Analysis

12. Translation Methods Applied to Approach the Incongruity of Terms in Polish and British Criminal Law

13. An Analysis of the Most Common L1 Interference Grammar, Vocabulary and Syntax Errors of Lithuanian Learners in Written English

14. 'A1 for Everyone': Outline of a Plurilinguistic Project

15. Pedagogic Corpus of Lithuanian: A New Resource for Learning and Teaching Lithuanian as a Foreign Language

16. Educational Reforms and Language Planning Quandary in Algeria: An Illustration with Arabization

17. Woman at the Ball. 'Anna in the Neck' by Anton Chekhov and 'The Psychology of a Husband from Syros' by Emmanuel Roidis: An Attempt of Comparison

18. On the discursive construction of the multiple meanings of francophonie/francophone viewed through the prism of argumentative semantics

19. How, when and why can the mother-tongue language be forgotten? The case of international adoption

20. ’Your Language is Forbidden’: Language Negation As Political Oppression in Pinter’s Mountain Language

21. A Plurilingual Approach to ELT in Primary School: Towards an Ecological Perspective

22. Multimodal Metaphors and Advertising: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of the Use of Behavioural Multimodal Metaphors

23. Can we repeat what we do not say in L2?

24. The Athenian against Atheists: Theological Persuasion in Plato’s Laws

25. Acquisition of Spanish Temporal Adverbials by Multilingual Estonian Learners

26. Political TV debates: how to get more power and damage the opponent’s face?

27. Neologisms in Hungarian terms of quality assurance

28. Coverage of the 2008-2009 Economic Crisis in the Media and Relationship of the Coverage to Actual Situation

29. Is it reliable and valid if it is not replicable? On the importance of replicability in quantitative research

30. Drama and politics in the Atlantis story

31. Does prescriptivism work? Non-standard lexis in Lithuanian radio and TV in 1960–2010

32. First steps towards the Lithuanian word association database

33. Bendratis lietuvių kaip antrojoje kalboje

34. Tarptautinės fonetinės abėcėlės taikymo lietuvių tarmių garsams galimybės

35. The EU English Terms Including the Word Market and Their French and Lithuanian Equivalents

36. Metadiscourse in Lithuanian linguistics research articles: A study of interactive and interactional features

37. A corpus-based analysis of light verb constructions with MAKE and DO in British English

38. Rytą or ryte? Vakarą or vakare? A corpus analysis of Lithuanian time expressions denoting parts of the day

39. The Role of Translation in the Revitalization Process of Minority Languages: The Case of Basque

40. Linguistic commentaries on the „Verzeichnis veralteter oder wenig bekannter litauischer Wörter' collected by Gottfried Ostermeyer in Lithuania Minor (Kleinlitauen).

41. Polyfunctionality and distribution of reflexive verbs in Latvian

42. Politeness Speech Acts in the Speech of Children: Pragmatic Mistakes and Acquisition

43. Xenophon’s political philosophy: a project for the whole of Greece

44. The Corpus of Lithuanian Children Language: Development and application for modern studies in language acquisition

45. Use of Culture-Specific Items and their Translation from Lithuanian into English and French in Ričardas Gavelis’s Vilnius Poker

46. Multiligual Films: Rendering Multilingual Narrative for Deaf Viewers in Lithuania

47. The case for weak null in English

48. Rhetoric to Alexander: text and intertexts

49. Under the Skies of Olympus: Three Types of Divine Landscapes in the Homeric Hymns

50. Evidential and epistemic adverbials in Lithuanian: evidence from intra-linguistic and cross-linguistic analysis