Polymer blend thin films are interesting both for their technological applications (e.g. coatings, adhesion, surface friction,...), as from an academic point of view. By confining a polymer blend in a thin film, the influence of both the air-polymer as the substrate-polymer interface can (significantly) influence its physical properties in comparison to those observed in bulk; increasing and decreasing cloud point temperatures or changes in the phase separation mechanism have been reported. One of the possible applications of phase separation in polymer blend thin films, are the so called 'smart surfaces', whose properties change due to thermal or chemical stimuli, e.g. the patterning of polymer blend films by local heating. The idea is to use a polymer blend film, which is stable at the storage/working temperature, but can be annealed in the two phase region upon heating. This local heating could, for instance, be obtained using an infra red laser. However, several questions arise; firstly, can there be phase separation at these typically very short irradiation times (µs to ms), secondly, can this morphology be fixated and thirdly, can the difference between degradation and phase separation be demonstrated? Modulated temperature differential calorimetry (MTDSC) has proved to be a valuable technique for studying bulk phase separation in polymer blends. On the other hand, chip based nano calorimetry could allow the calorimetric study of phase separation in thin films. We would like to demonstrate that AC calorimetry can be used to study phase separation in thin polymer blend films, using the methodology developed for bulk samples in MTDSC and compare the behavior in bulk to the one in 100 nm thick films. The poly(vinyl methyl ether) / poly(styrene) (PVME/PS) blend system is chosen as a model system. PVME/PS blend thin films have been studied in detail in literature [1-12] and show a lower critical solution temperature (LCST) behavior, which means that, starting from a homogeneous system, they will phase separate above a certain temperature. Furthermore, the on chip heater can be used to apply temperature jumps above the cloud point temperature for very short times from 5 ms to several seconds, allowing us to study the influence of very short jumps into the heterogeneous region of the state diagram and thus simulating laser heating. References 1. Reich S and Cohen Y. Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics Edition 1981;19(8):1255-1267. 2. Tanaka K, Yoon J-S, Takahara A, and Kajiyama T. Macromolecules 1995;28(4):934-938. 3. Karim A, Slawecki TM, Kumar SK, Douglas JF, Satija SK, Han CC, Russell TP, Liu Y, Overney R, Sokolov J, and Rafailovich MH. Macromolecules 1998;31(3):857-862. 4. Kawaguchi D, Tanaka K, Kajiyama T, Takahara A, and Tasaki S. Macromolecules 2003;36(18):6824-6830. 5. Li X, Wang Z, Cui L, Xing R, Han Y, and An L. Surface Science - Including Surface Science Letters 2004;571(13):12-20. 6. El-Mabrouk K, Belaiche M, and Bousmina M. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2007;306(2):354-367. 7. Ogawa H, Kanaya T, Nishida K, and Matsuba G. Polymer 2008;49(1):254-262. 8. Pan DHK and Prest WM. Journal of Applied Physics 58 1985;58(8):2861-2870. 9. Bhatia Q.S. PDH, Koberstein J.T. Macromolecules 1988;21:2166-2175. 10. Dee GT and Sauer BB. Macromolecules 1993;26(11):2771-2778. 11. Lee S and Sung CSP. Macromolecules 2001;34(3):599-604. 12. Pavawongsak S. HJS, Clarke N. McLeish T.C.B. Peiffer D.G. Polymer 2000;41:757-763.