The initial stage of graphene layer deposition on silicon oxide substrate by ethanol decomposition in dual-channel microwave plasma torch at atmospheric pressure was studied in dependence on precursor flow rate and delivered microwave power. Depending on ethanol flow rate and substrate temperature, horizontally or vertically aligned graphene nanosheets with various density could be prepared directly on dielectric substrate. In the regime with high microwave power, above 400 W, mixture of amorphous carbon particles and graphene sheets was deposited on the substrate. Prepared layers were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Raman spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The microwave plasma diagnostics was carried out using optical emission spectroscopy (OES). The sample analysis showed increasing density of horizontally aligned carbon nanosheets with increasing ethanol flow rate and their delamination and transition into vertically aligned graphene sheets with increasing substrate temperature. The Raman spectroscopy analysis of layers showed presence of D (1345 cm(-1)), G (1585 cm(-1)) and 2D (2685 cm(-1)) peaks with 2D/G ratio of 1.59 and full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 2D peak was 42 cm(-1), corresponding to few layer graphene structure. In case of amorphous nanoparticles deposition, the D* peak at 1210 cm(-1) and D** at 1500 seem-1 was observed in Raman spectra with D/G ratio of 1.19 and Cls XPS spectra of carbon contained 20.4 at.% of spa carbon phase in comparison to 8.3 at.% in case of graphene nanosheets layer. High D/G ratio, up to 3.5, and low intensity 2D band was characteristic for vertically aligned graphene nanosheets layers. The possibility to influence density and size of graphene nanosheets on substrate represents promising alternative for future deposition of graphene on arbitrary substrate. Počáteční fáze nanášení grafenové vrstvy na substrát oxidu křemičitého rozkladem ethanolu v dvoukanálovém mikrovlnném plazmovém hořáku za atmosférického tlaku byl studován v závislosti na průtoku prekurzoru a dodávané mikrovlnné energii. V závislosti na průtoku ethanolu a teplotě substrátu lze přímo na dielektrickém substrátu připravit vodorovně nebo svisle uspořádané grafenové nanosheety s různou hustotou. V režimu s vysokým mikrovlnným výkonem nad 400 W byla na substrát nanesena směs amorfních uhlíkových částic a grafenových listů. Připravené vrstvy byly analyzovány skenovací elektronovou mikroskopií (SEM), Ramanovou spektroskopií a rentgenovou fotoelektronovou spektroskopií (XPS). Diagnostika mikrovlnné plazmy byla prováděna pomocí optické emisní spektroskopie (OES). Analýza vzorku ukázala rostoucí hustotu horizontálně uspořádaných uhlíkových nanosheet se zvyšující se průtokovou rychlostí ethanolu a jejich delaminaci a přechod na svisle zarovnané grafenové desky se zvyšující se teplotou substrátu. Ramanova spektroskopická analýza vrstev ukázala přítomnost píku D (1345 cm (-1)), G (1585 cm (-1)) a 2D (2685 cm (-1)) s poměrem 2D / G 1,59 a plnou šířkou při poloviční maximum (FWHM) 2D píku bylo 42 cm (-1), což odpovídá několika vrstvové grafenové struktuře. V případě ukládání amorfních nanočástic byl v Ramanově spektru pozorován D * pík při 1210 cm (-1) a D ** při 1500 zdán-1 s poměrem D / G 1,19 a Cls XPS spektra uhlíku obsahovala 20,4%. lázeňské uhlíkové fáze ve srovnání s 8,3 at.% v případě vrstvy nanočástic grafenu. Vysoký poměr D / G, až 3,5, a nízkointenzivní 2D pás byl charakteristický pro svisle zarovnané vrstvy nanočástic grafenu. Možnost ovlivnit hustotu a velikost grafenových nanosheetů na substrátu představuje slibnou alternativu pro budoucí depozici grafenu na libovolném substrátu. The initial stage of graphene layer deposition on silicon oxide substrate by ethanol decomposition in dual-channel microwave plasma torch at atmospheric pressure was studied in dependence on precursor flow rate and delivered microwave power. Depending on ethanol flow rate and substrate temperature, horizontally or vertically aligned graphene nanosheets with various density could be prepared directly on dielectric substrate. In the regime with high microwave power, above 400 W, mixture of amorphous carbon particles and graphene sheets was deposited on the substrate. Prepared layers were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Raman spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The microwave plasma diagnostics was carried out using optical emission spectroscopy (OES). The sample analysis showed increasing density of horizontally aligned carbon nanosheets with increasing ethanol flow rate and their delamination and transition into vertically aligned graphene sheets with increasing substrate temperature. The Raman spectroscopy analysis of layers showed presence of D (1345 cm(-1)), G (1585 cm(-1)) and 2D (2685 cm(-1)) peaks with 2D/G ratio of 1.59 and full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 2D peak was 42 cm(-1), corresponding to few layer graphene structure. In case of amorphous nanoparticles deposition, the D* peak at 1210 cm(-1) and D** at 1500 seem-1 was observed in Raman spectra with D/G ratio of 1.19 and Cls XPS spectra of carbon contained 20.4 at.% of spa carbon phase in comparison to 8.3 at.% in case of graphene nanosheets layer. High D/G ratio, up to 3.5, and low intensity 2D band was characteristic for vertically aligned graphene nanosheets layers. The possibility to influence density and size of graphene nanosheets on substrate represents promising alternative for future deposition of graphene on arbitrary substrate.