Apostolska pobudnica pape Franje Evangelii gaudium zasigurno je jedan od dokumenata koji će obilježiti pontifikat sadašnjega Pape, ali koji će obilježiti i razdoblje života Crkve u kojemu živimo i djelujemo. U tom dokumentu ogledaju se potrebe i izazovi Crkve danas. Ovaj dokument cjelokupno crkveno djelovanje promatra kroz prizmu evangelizacije. U njemu se izdvajaju sve bitne sastavnice crkvenoga života i djelovanja, sastavnice u odnosu na koje se daju jasne smjernice s obzirom na preobrazbu nekih dosadašnjih modela pastorala, kao i na suočavanje s izazovima i problemima koje se jasno prepoznaje i naziva pravim imenom. U ovom radu pokušavamo prepoznati bitne točke u kojima se ogleda aktualnost ovoga dokumenta s obzirom na situaciju u našoj domovinskoj Crkvi. Tematici prilazimo s namjerom teološko-pastoralnoga raspoznavanja konkretnoga pastorala u svjetlu smjernica ovoga dokumenta. Pritom upućujemo na one sastavnice današnjega pastoralnoga 'izlaženja' Crkve prema periferijama ljudskih života koje su u tom pogledu osobito aktualne. Tri teme se u ovom smislu posebno proučavaju, a to su: župa, obitelj i homilija. Uza samu pobudnicu Evangelii gaudium kao teološko-pastoralni oslonac u sastavljanju ovoga rada poslužila su i djela nekih biskupa i teologa, a osobito onih koji Papino djelovanje poznaju i iz vremena prije nego što je postao papa, a neki od njih izbližega prate njegovo djelovanje i danas., The Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis Evangellii Gaudium is surely one of the documents that will mark the pontificate of the present Pope, but also mark this period in the life of the Church in which we live and work. The document reflects the needs and challenges of the Church today. It views the entire scope of Church activities through the prism of evangelization. It outlines all essential elements of Church's life and activities, the elements for which there are given clear guidelines with respect to the transformation of some existing models of pastoral care, as well as to meet the challenges and problems that are clearly identified and called by their proper name. In the paper, we try to identify the essential points that reflect the actuality of this document with respect to the situation in our domestic Church. We approach the subject with the intention of theological-pastoral discernment of concrete pastoral in the light of the guidelines of this document. Here we refer to those elements of the existing pastoral care where the Church 'goes forth' to the peripheries of human lives that are in this respect particularly present. To this end, three areas are studied in particular: the parish, the family and the homily. Besides the exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, this paper finds its theological-pastoral foothold in the works of some bishops and theologians, especially those who are familiar with Pope's actions from the time before he became Pope, and some of them monitor his activities more closely even today.