Gabriela Stiegler, Brigitta Vcelar, Markus Sack, Thomas W. Rademacher, Valerie Isitt, Rainer Fischer, Craig J. van Dolleweerd, Julia Boyle, Philip J. Dale, Julian K.-C. Ma, Penelope Hundleby, Martin Lobedan, Hubert Mertens, Friedrich Altmann, Jürgen Drossard, Tom Cole, Mathew J. Paul, Eva Stoger, David J. M. Lewis, Richard M. Twyman, Paul Christou, Dietmar Katinger, and Publica
Although plant biotechnology has been widely investigated for the production of clinical-grade monoclonal antibodies, no antibody products derived from transgenic plants have yet been approved by pharmaceutical regulators for clinical testing. In the Pharma-Planta project, the HIV-neutralizing human monoclonal antibody 2G12 was expressed in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). The scientific, technical and regulatory demands of good manufacturing practice (GMP) were addressed by comprehensive molecular characterization of the transgene locus, confirmation of genetic and phenotypic stability over several generations of transgenic plants, and by establishing standard operating procedures for the creation of a master seed bank, plant cultivation, harvest, initial processing, downstream processing and purification. The project developed specifications for the plant-derived antibody (P2G12) as an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) based on (i) the guidelines for the manufacture of monoclonal antibodies in cell culture systems; (ii) the draft European Medicines Agency Points to Consider document on quality requirements for APIs produced in transgenic plants; and (iii) de novo guidelines developed with European national regulators. From the resulting process, a GMP manufacturing authorization was issued by the competent authority in Germany for transgenic plant-derived monoclonal antibodies for use in a phase I clinical evaluation. Following preclinical evaluation and ethical approval, a clinical trial application was accepted by the UK national pharmaceutical regulator. A first-in-human, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, dose-escalation phase I safety study of a single vaginal administration of P2G12 was carried out in healthy female subjects. The successful completion of the clinical trial marks a significant milestone in the commercial development of plant-derived pharmaceutical proteins. The authors acknowledge funding from the European Union for the Pharma-Planta project (LSHB-CT-2003-503565) as well as additional funding for related and follow-on projects including CoMoFarm (227420), the COST Action Molecular Farming (FA0804), the Grand Challenges in Global Health and the Wellcome Trust (37872) and the ERC advanced grant FuturePharma (269110). We also would like to thank Fraunhofer Gesellschaft for strategic funding.