The present paper deals with a virtual model devoted to isokinetics and isometrics assessment of a human muscular group in the common joints, knee, ankle, hip, shoulder, cervical spine, etc. This virtual model with an analytical analysis followed by a numerical simulation is able to predict measurement errors of the joint torque due to offset of rotation centers between the body segment and the ergometer arm. As soon as offset is present, errors increase due to the influence of inertial effects, gravity effects, stiffness due to the limb strapping on the ergometer arm or Coulomb friction between limb and ergometer. The analytical model is written in terms of Lagrange formalism and the numerical model uses ADAMS software adapted to multi-body dynamics simulations. Results of models show a maximal relative error of 11%, for a 10% relative offset between the rotation centers. Inertial contributions are found to be negligible but gravity effects must be discussed in regard to the measured torque. Stiffness or friction effects may also increase the torque error; in particular when offset occurs, it is shown that errors due to friction have to be considered for all torque level while only stiffness effects have to be considered for torque less than 25Nm. This study also emphasizes the influence of the angular range of motion at a given angular position.