12 results on '"Santa Rosalía"'
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2. Bibliophilia: The Father of Modern Ecology.
- Author
Gadagkar, Raghavendra
- Subjects
FATHERS - Abstract
In this new series, I will muse about books I love and reflect on the authors, the content, the style, the context in which the books were written, and what they mean for us today. My goal will be less to convey the book's subject matter and more to inspire my readers to read the book under discussion and books more generally and reflect on the process of reading and writing. Today most scientists live and run in the fast lane, writing large grant proposals and short papers with no time to read or write anything more than a few pages; we live in a world where short-term performance is rewarded and not sustained scholarship. Indeed, it has become fashionable to look down upon reading and writing books as old fashioned. My goal is to reverse this trend and put the mojo back into reading and writing books in science. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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3. La minería de plata y cobre en el Distrito Sur de la Baja California: el proceso de urbanización en El Triunfo y Santa Rosalía durante la época porfiriana
- Author
Edith González Cruz and Ignacio Rivas Hernández
- Subjects
El Triunfo ,Santa Rosalía ,Urbanización ,Minería ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 ,Latin America. Spanish America ,F1201-3799 - Abstract
En este estudio se aborda el proceso de urbanización en El Triunfo y Santa Rosalía durante el periodo porfiriano, poblaciones pertenecientes a lo que hoy es el estado de Baja California Sur, cuyo nacimiento se debió al desarrollo de la minería de plata y cobre, respectivamente. Aunque El Triunfo tuvo su origen en la época colonial y Santa Rosalía a fines de la centuria del XIX, ambas poblaciones cambiaron su rostro demográfico y estructural durante el gobierno de Porfirio Díaz, como consecuencia de la modernización minera que trajo el capital extranjero pero con algunas peculiaridades que respondieron a su propio nacimiento.
- Published
- 2018
4. Kurt Vonnegut’s “Homage to Santa Rosalia”: The “Patroness of Evolutionary Studies” and Galapagos.
- Author
Marshall, Ian
- Subjects
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EVOLUTION & philosophy , *EVOLUTIONARY theories , *GENETIC speciation - Abstract
Though critics have noted the evolutionary themes in Kurt Vonnegut’s Galapagos, none has discussed the name Vonnegut gave to the fictional island where most of the novel’s action takes place: Santa Rosalia. Since Vonnegut had been reading up on evolutionary ideas while writing the novel, it seems likely that his source for the name was ecologist G. Evelyn Hutchinson’s famous 1959 article, “Homage to Santa Rosalia: Or Why Are There So Many Kinds of Animals?” In a study of water bugs in a spring below a cave on Mount Pellegrino where Saint Rosalia’s bones had been found in the seventeenth century, Hutchinson established ecological principles regarding speciation, ecological niches, and biodiversity, and he expressed prescient concerns about human impacts on the natural world. These concerns all surface in Galapagos. Of particular interest to Vonnegut must have been Hutchinson’s designation of Saint Rosalia as the “patroness of evolutionary studies.” [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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5. Potential toxicity of chemical elements in beach sediments near Santa Rosalía copper mine, Baja California Peninsula, Mexico.
- Author
Jonathan, M.P., Shumilin, E., Rodríguez-Figueroa, G.M., Rodriguez-Espinosa, P.F., and Sujitha, S.B.
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CHEMICAL elements , *ESTUARINE sediments , *TRACE elements , *SCAVENGERS (Zoology) , *FACTOR analysis - Abstract
A total of 17 beach sediment samples were analyzed for the determination of thirty-one chemical elements to generate a geochemical data set from the Santa Rosalía mining area in the State of Baja California Sur (south), Mexico. Results indicate that the beach sediments were enriched in Cu, Zn, Co, Pb, Cd (3856, 2599, 635, 236, 240 mg kg −1 , respectively) and in Mn (2.01%) due to a century of mining and smelting activities. Comparison of these concentration with ecotoxicological sediment quality criteria (ERL, ERM, LEL, SEL) indicated the values of As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sr, Zn and Mn were higher than the permissible limits. Average values of the calculated geoaccumulation index ( I geo ) suggest that the key elements such as Mn, Ba, Cd, Co, Mo, Pb, Sr, Zn are categorized in class 4 to 6 encompassing the strongly polluted to extremely polluted groups. The association and enrichment of the above elements are also well supported statistically (factor analysis) which points to the role of Fe-Mn oxides as the main scavengers for retaining these chemical elements. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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6. Analyse comparée de bassins sédimentaires transtensionnels : le bassin de Santa Rosalia (Basse Californie du Sud, Mexique) et de Mendibelza (Pyrénées, France)
- Author
R. Miranda-Avilés, R. Bourrouilh, E. H. Nava-Sánchez, M. J. Puy-Alquiza, and F. Bourrouilh- Le Jan
- Subjects
cuenca transtensional ,golfo de california ,golfo de vizcaya ,pirineos ,mendibelza ,santa rosalía ,Geology ,QE1-996.5 - Abstract
Se presenta un análisis comparativo de la cuenca transtensional de Santa Rosalía, asociada a la apertura del Golfo de California Mioceno-Reciente por un lado, y de la cuenca antigua, Jurásico-Cretácico de Mendibelza, formada en los Pirineos occidentales por la apertura del Golfo de Vizcaya. Este estudio es una contribución a la comprensión de la sedimentación y los controles de las cuencas transtensionales localizadas sobre márgenes divergentes oblicuos actuales no deformados, con el objeto de utilizar esos modelos y compararlos para interpretar mejor y comprender el funcionamiento de cuencas antiguas creadas en contextos geodinámicos similares, pero tectonizados. Los sedimentos de la cuenca de Santa Rosalía registraron las diferentes etapas de su evolución paralela a la formación del rift oblicuo del Golfo de California desde el Mioceno superior. Aplicando las nociones de la estratigrafía secuencial, encontramos 3 secuencias: la secuencia T1 (Mioceno superior-Plioceno inferior) que representa la fase syn-rift constituida de facies de abanico deltaico; la secuencia T2 (Plioceno inferior a medio) que representa la transición rifting-drifting, marcada por una ruptura brusca en la sedimentación y constituida por facies de abanico deltaico a plataforma; la secuencia T3 (Plioceno superior-Pleistoceno) interpretada como un cortejo de nivel alto del mar, que marca un segundo pulso en la subsidencia de la cuenca de Santa Rosalía y la apertura generalizada del Golfo de California. En el análisis de Mendibelza, reconstruimos la zona de sedimentación de la formación de Mendibelza, que está constituida por 3 secuencias: La secuencia inferior K1 (Albiense inferior) constituida de facies de frente deltaico a prodelta, depositadas durante la fase syn-rift; la secuencia K2 (Albiense medio), que en su conjunto reagrupa facies de pendiente y de abanico deltaico proximal; la secuencia K3 (Albiense superior) que es la respuesta a la fase de apertura generalizada rápida del Golfo de Vizcaya. El análisis comparativo muestra analogías en función de su cuadro geodinámico asociado a un limite de placas divergente oblicuo dextral para la cuenca de Santa Rosalía y de divergente oblicua sinestral para Mendibelza. La geometría de las cuencas transtensionales estudiadas está constituida por semigraben oblicuos, siguiendo un basculamiento en echelon. La sedimentación de las dos cuencas está constituida de facies de abanico deltaico, que registraron parte de la evolución del Golfo de Vizcaya (formación de Mendibelza) y del Golfo de California (Cuenca de Santa Rosalía) durante la fase syn-rift, y syn-rift tardío (transición rifting-drifting).
- Published
- 2005
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7. High variability in geochemical partitioning of iron, manganese and harmful trace metals in sediments of the mining port of Santa Rosalia, Baja California Sur, Mexico.
- Author
Huerta-Diaz, Miguel Angel, Muñoz-Barbosa, Albino, Otero, Xose Luis, Valdivieso-Ojeda, Jacob, and Amaro-Franco, Enrique Crisanto
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TRACE elements , *HYDROCHLORIC acid , *IRON , *SEDIMENTS , *MINES & mineral resources - Abstract
Total trace metal concentrations and the HCl-soluble (MeHCl) and pyrite (Mepyr) fractions were evaluated in two sediment cores (SR1 and SR2) and mine tailings from the copper mining town of Santa Rosalia (SR), Baja California Sur, Mexico. MeHCl were significantly different in the two cores (p ≤ 0.001), in particular Cd and Fe in core SR2 were 29 and 1.0x104 times higher than concentrations found in SR1, respectively. These higher concentrations in core SR2 are likely due to the fact that the core was collected from a navigational channel last dredged between 1931 and 1948. Assuming that the trace metal (Me) reactive fraction (MeRF = MeHCl + Mepyr) is the most labile, then for each ton of dredged harbor sediment, up to 4.5 ± 3.6 kg of CuRF (equivalent to almost 0.5% of Cu on a weight basis) could potentially be exported into the ocean. Since an important portion of the reactive trace metals are in the Mepyr fraction, as indicated by their high degree of trace metal pyritization (DTMP = 100Mepyr/MeRF) values (> 98% for Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn), export outside of the harbor will oxidatively dissolve trace metals and release them into the marine environment. Trace metal enrichments (EFcrust), relative to Al-normalized Earth's crust values (ECV) ranged from 0.94 ± 0.14 to (11.5 ± 5.6)x10² times the ECV for Ni and Cd, respectively. These EFcrust values were differentiated into three groups: EF ≈ 1 (Ni, Fe), 10 < EF < 100 (Mn, Co, Pb, Zn), and EF > 100 (Cu, Cd). Copper enrichments are not surprising considering its high concentrations in the SR mine tailings; however, the higher Cd enrichments (6 to 11 times higher than Cu) were unexpected. Further analyses of mine tailings showed that the Cd enrichments increased considerably through ore processing. Concentrations for a number of trace metals in SR sediments are high even when compared with wastes from mines of other countries, indicating that these sediments essentially should be treated as mine tailings. Finally, our results show that the distribution of the different trace metals is not the result of diagenetic processes, but rather the result of input from ore-derived sources. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
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8. Magic cues versus magic preferences in speciation
- Subjects
direct selection ,ECOLOGICAL SPECIATION ,GENETIC-BASIS ,WING COLOR ,SEXUAL SELECTION ,MATE CHOICE ,indirect selection ,behavior and behavior mechanisms ,REPRODUCTIVE ISOLATION ,MATING PREFERENCES ,SYMPATRIC SPECIATION ,SANTA ROSALIA ,reproductive and urinary physiology ,linkage disequilibrium ,TRAITS - Abstract
Question: How does divergent natural selection lead to divergence in mating traits and the evolution of reproductive isolation? Background: Ecological speciation of non-allopatric taxa usually requires the evolution of an association between selective mating and the traits underlying ecological adaptation. 'Magic traits' affect both ecological fitness and assortative mating and may therefore mediate rapid evolution of reproductive isolation. Problem: When assortative mating is mediated by separate preferences and cues, as opposed to being based on trait similarity (e.g. assortment by body size or habitat), pre-mating reproductive isolation between non-allopatric populations often requires divergence in both mating preferences and mating cues. However, most proposed cases of magic trait speciation rely on observation of divergent mating cues alone, leaving the consequences for reproductive isolation uncertain. Solution: We propose that a distinction should be made between mating cues and mating preferences when documenting divergent natural selection on mating traits. We argue that immediate effects of ecological adaptation on mating preferences, through direct selection or through pleiotropy, will drive divergence in both preferences and traits much more predictably than ecological selection on mating cues. The distinction between 'magic cues' and 'magic preferences' is critical for evaluating the evolutionary consequences of divergent selection on mating traits, and implies a need for increased research effort into documenting variation in mating preferences in diverging taxa.
- Published
- 2012
9. Analyse comparée de bassins sédimentaires transtensionnels : le bassin de Santa Rosalia (Basse Californie du Sud, Mexique) et de Mendibelza (Pyrénées, France)
- Author
Bourrouilh- Le Jan, F., Puy-Alquiza, M. J., Nava-Sánchez, E. H., Bourrouilh, R., and Miranda-Avilés, R.
- Subjects
Golfe de Gascogne ,Pyré ,né ,lcsh:QE1-996.5 ,Santa Rosalia ,Cuenca transtensional ,Golfo de California ,lcsh:Geology ,Bassin transtensionnel ,es ,Pirineos ,Golfe de Californie ,Santa Rosalía ,Mendibelza ,Golfo de Vizcaya - Abstract
Cet article présente un analyse comparée de bassins sédimentaires liés a l’ouverture en cours du Golfe de Californie, avec le bassin d’ouverture ancien, jurassico-crétacés de Mendibelza dans les Pyrénées occidentales par l’ouverture du Golfe de Gascogne. Ce travail est une contribution à la compréhension de la sédimentation et des contrôles de bassins transtensionnels situés sur des marges divergentes obliques actuelles, dans le but d’utiliser ces modèles et de les comparer, pour mieux comprendre et interpréter les bassins anciens créés dans des contextes géodynamiques analogues, mais qui sont tectonisés. Le fil directeur est l’analyse comparée de ces bassins : - dans leur évolution tectonique, leur modélisation géométrique et les contraintes auxquelles ils ont été soumis, - dans l’enregistrement sédimentaire (séquences) des épisodes d’ouverture, des forçages tectoniques, climatiques et sédimentaires qui ont accompagné la naissance, l’évolution et la tectonisation de ces bassins (Mendibelza). Ainsi, le bassin de Santa Rosalia a enregistré les étapes d’évolution parallèles à la formation du rift oblique du Golfe de Californie depuis le Miocène supérieur suivant 3 séquences : T1 (Miocène supérieur-Pliocène inférieur) représente la phase syn-rift constituée de faciès de fan-delta; T2 (Pliocène inférieur à moyen) représente la transition du rifting-drifting, marquée par une rupture brusque de la sédimentation et constitué de faciès de fan-delta passant à plate forme; T3 (Pliocène supérieur-Pléistocène) est un cortège de haut niveau marin, marquant une deuxième pulsation de la subsidence du bassin de Santa Rosalia pendant l’ouverture généralisée du Golfe de Californie. La formation de Mendibelza est constituée de 3 séquences : - la séquence inférieure K1 de l’Albien inférieur, formée de faciès de front-delta et pro-delta déposés pendant la phase Syn-rift. K2, Albien inférieur-Albien moyen, regroupe des faciès de pente et de fan-delta proximal. K3, Albien supérieur, formée de faciès de chenaux distributaires en tresses répond à la phase d’ouverture généralisée rapide du Golfe de Gascogne. L’analyse tectonique comparée révèle des analogies géodynamiques de ces bassins en limites de plaques divergente obliques, dextre pour le bassin de Santa Rosalia et sénestre pour Mendibelza. La géométrie de ces bassins transtensionnels est celle de demi-grabens obliques aux failles principales du stade Rift, subissant un basculement en échelon. La sédimentation des deux bassins analysés est caractérisée par des faciès de fandelta, qui ont enregistré une partie de l’évolution du Golfe de Gascogne (formation de Mendibelza) et du Golfe de Californie (Bassin de Santa Rosalia) pendant la phase Synrift, puis Syn-rift tardif et transition Rift à Drift.Se presenta un análisis comparativo de la cuenca transtensional de Santa Rosalía, asociada a la apertura del Golfo de California Mioceno-Reciente por un lado, y de la cuenca antigua, Jurásico-Cretácico de Mendibelza, formada en los Pirineos occidentales por la apertura del Golfo de Vizcaya. Este estudio es una contribución a la comprensión de la sedimentación y los controles de las cuencas transtensionales localizadas sobre márgenes divergentes oblicuos actuales no deformados, con el objeto de utilizar esos modelos y compararlos para interpretar mejor y comprender el funcionamiento de cuencas antiguas creadas en contextos geodinámicos similares, pero tectonizados. Los sedimentos de la cuenca de Santa Rosalía registraron las diferentes etapas de su evolución paralela a la formación del rift oblicuo del Golfo de California desde el Mioceno superior. Aplicando las nociones de la estratigrafía secuencial, encontramos 3 secuencias: la secuencia T1 (Mioceno superior-Plioceno inferior) que representa la fase syn-rift constituida de facies de abanico deltaico; la secuencia T2 (Plioceno inferior a medio) que representa la transición rifting-drifting, marcada por una ruptura brusca en la sedimentación y constituida por facies de abanico deltaico a plataforma; la secuencia T3 (Plioceno superior-Pleistoceno) interpretada como un cortejo de nivel alto del mar, que marca un segundo pulso en la subsidencia de la cuenca de Santa Rosalía y la apertura generalizada del Golfo de California. En el análisis de Mendibelza, reconstruimos la zona de sedimentación de la formación de Mendibelza, que está constituida por 3 secuencias: La secuencia inferior K1 (Albiense inferior) constituida de facies de frente deltaico a prodelta, depositadas durante la fase syn-rift; la secuencia K2 (Albiense medio), que en su conjunto reagrupa facies de pendiente y de abanico deltaico proximal; la secuencia K3 (Albiense superior) que es la respuesta a la fase de apertura generalizada rápida del Golfo de Vizcaya. El análisis comparativo muestra analogías en función de su cuadro geodinámico asociado a un limite de placas divergente oblicuo dextral para la cuenca de Santa Rosalía y de divergente oblicua sinestral para Mendibelza. La geometría de las cuencas transtensionales estudiadas está constituida por semigraben oblicuos, siguiendo un basculamiento en echelon. La sedimentación de las dos cuencas está constituida de facies de abanico deltaico, que registraron parte de la evolución del Golfo de Vizcaya (formación de Mendibelza) y del Golfo de California (Cuenca de Santa Rosalía) durante la fase syn-rift, y syn-rift tardío (transición rifting-drifting).
- Published
- 2005
10. Magic cues versus magic preferences in speciation
- Author
Maan, Martine E., Seehausen, Ole, and Maan group
- Subjects
direct selection ,ECOLOGICAL SPECIATION ,GENETIC-BASIS ,WING COLOR ,SEXUAL SELECTION ,MATE CHOICE ,indirect selection ,behavior and behavior mechanisms ,REPRODUCTIVE ISOLATION ,MATING PREFERENCES ,SYMPATRIC SPECIATION ,SANTA ROSALIA ,reproductive and urinary physiology ,linkage disequilibrium ,TRAITS - Abstract
Question: How does divergent natural selection lead to divergence in mating traits and the evolution of reproductive isolation? Background: Ecological speciation of non-allopatric taxa usually requires the evolution of an association between selective mating and the traits underlying ecological adaptation. 'Magic traits' affect both ecological fitness and assortative mating and may therefore mediate rapid evolution of reproductive isolation. Problem: When assortative mating is mediated by separate preferences and cues, as opposed to being based on trait similarity (e.g. assortment by body size or habitat), pre-mating reproductive isolation between non-allopatric populations often requires divergence in both mating preferences and mating cues. However, most proposed cases of magic trait speciation rely on observation of divergent mating cues alone, leaving the consequences for reproductive isolation uncertain. Solution: We propose that a distinction should be made between mating cues and mating preferences when documenting divergent natural selection on mating traits. We argue that immediate effects of ecological adaptation on mating preferences, through direct selection or through pleiotropy, will drive divergence in both preferences and traits much more predictably than ecological selection on mating cues. The distinction between 'magic cues' and 'magic preferences' is critical for evaluating the evolutionary consequences of divergent selection on mating traits, and implies a need for increased research effort into documenting variation in mating preferences in diverging taxa.
- Published
- 2012
11. Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Upper Miocene El Boleo Formation, Santa Rosalía, Baja California, Mexico
- Author
Lucas Ochoa Landín, Joaquín Ruiz, Thierry Calmus, Efrén Pérez Segura, and Francisco Escandón
- Subjects
Upper Miocene ,Stratigraphy ,El Boleo Formation ,Ciencias de la Tierra ,Sedimentology ,Baja California ,Santa Rosalía ,Mexico - Abstract
The transtensional Upper Miocene Santa Rosalía basin, located in the east-central part of the Baja California Peninsula, consists of almost 500 m of non-marine to marine sedimentary deposits, and interbedded tuffaceous beds. The Santa Rosalía basin is a NW-SE elongated fault-bounded depocenter that records the sedimentation from Upper Miocene to Pleistocene time. The sequence is divided in El Boleo, La Gloria, Infierno and Santa Rosalía Formations. The lower most stratigraphic unit is the El Boleo Formation, a 200 to 300 m thick section composed in its lower part by a 1 to 5 m thick basal limestone and gypsum bodies followed by 170 to 300 m of clastic coarsening upward fan-delta, marine and nonmarine deposits. The upper clastic part of the El Boleo Formation show intraformational unconformities, synsedimentary folds and faults, and unidirectional sedimentary structures. These occur in at least three well organized upward coarsening cycles (90-100 m thick). Each cycle represents a prograding fan-delta deposit formed probably as consequence of large and repeated vertical movements of the basin floor with respect to the source areas. This activity is related to the early stage of the opening of the Gulf of California. Each cycle started with the deposition of a unit composed by laminar fine-grained sediments accumulated in an extensive area covered by shallow standing fresh water with periodic introduction of subaqueous debris flows. Each fine unit hosts Cu-Co-Zn ore bodies in the Santa Rosalía mining district. Lateral and vertical facies changes are present in each depositional cycle, involving proximal coarse sandstone and conglomerates through fine sandstone characterized by planar and low angle cross bedding, alternating with siltstone and mudstone with ripple lamination. Early, during the formation of the Santa Rosalía basin, two ancient depocenters located north-northwest and south-southeast of the basin were developed. These depocenters were filled by sediments during the first cycle, and were separated by a ridge formed by the volcanic rocks of the Comondú Formation.
- Published
- 2000
12. Kurt Vonnegut's “Homage to Santa Rosalia”: The “Patroness of Evolutionary Studies” and Galapagos
- Published
- 2017
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