A key challenge of Australia's vocational education and training (VET) system is to serve the broad needs of individuals, communities, and industries. This includes the provision of literacy and generic skills which meet the needs of all groups. This study investigates and documents workplace literacy in aged care facilities and call centres, within the context of the changing nature of work which requires a highly literate, responsive workforce. The report acknowledges the effectiveness of training approaches and procedural practices in these industries; however, it points to the VET sector's role to resist narrowing of literacy and generic skills which meet company requirements. The study concludes with the implications of these new workplaces for policy-makers, vocational education and training (VET) practitioners, and employers. Specifically, these are: (1) The VET system is challenged to serve the broad needs of individuals, the community and the economy, and resist the narrowing of literacy and generic skills for company requirements--To avoid an undue focus on company learning agendas, off-site training can provide a space to address broader educational issues beyond the immediate employer interests; (2) "Transferability", that is, the generic literacy and communication skills which workers can then translate to other workplaces, should be regarded as a significant generic skill requirement, one to which trainers should give more prominence; (3) To deliver holistic training by means of training packages, trainers appear to need a higher level of basic education than the Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training--They also need continuing professional development; (4) Workshops could be used to encourage trainers to adapt training and assessment flexibly to various work environments, using range statements and evidence guides; (5) Trainers and teachers need assistance to be able to identify the generic skills for "transferability" and to draw these to learners' attention for further development; (6) Employers can do more to balance the values of proceduralisation with the benefits of workplace learning cultures, to encourage the "smart workforce"; (7) In aged care, employers are urged to adopt worker-friendly documentation, alternative appraisal processes, local communities of practice, more appropriate forms of information technology implementation, and more inclusive feedback and training for their contingent workers; (8) While the positive features of their training model are worth disseminating, call-centre employers could also reconsider the costs of its micro-management aspects; and (9) Call centres are encouraged to recognise the benefits (for both employers and employees) of the development of generic skills and much fuller use of accredited training and recognition of prior learning. Such strategies will enhance employee confidence, autonomy and capacity for multi-skilling. Appended are: (1) Members of the reference group; and (2) Research protocols.