24 results on '"Nöthe, M"'
Search Results
2. Thermo-electro-mechanical modeling, simulation and experiments of field-assisted sintering
- Author
Semenov, A. S., Trapp, J., Nöthe, M., Eberhardt, O., Wallmersperger, T., and Kieback, B.
- Published
- 2019
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3. Miniaturised test-setup for Spark Plasma Sintering – experimental and numerical investigations.
- Author
Nöthe, M., Trapp, J., Semenov, A. S., Kieback, B., and Wallmersperger, T.
- Subjects
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SINTERING , *TEMPERATURE distribution - Abstract
Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) is an innovative sintering technique, whereby many of the beneficial effects of this process on sintering are still elusive. To allow for the detailed investigations of the SPS process, a custom experimental set-up and a corresponding finite element (FE) model was developed. The miniaturised setup allows for very high current intensities, custom pulse patterns, a wide pressure range and dilatometric measurements. The FE model was employed to calculate the temperature field in the set-up and the sintering specimen itself. A very good correlation of the temperature, current and voltage over the entire process was observed. Our investigations show that the contact conductivities have a significant impact on the process temperature. Also, the imperfect contacts at the interfaces between the graphite foil and the real specimen may lead to a significant variance of the currents necessary to obtain the desired sintering temperature. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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4. Multiphysics Simulation and Experimental Investigation of the Densification of Metals by Spark Plasma Sintering.
- Author
Semenov, A.S., Trapp, J., Nöthe, M., Kieback, B., and Wallmersperger, T.
- Subjects
MECHANICAL loads ,SURFACE diffusion ,SINTERING ,COPPER powder ,TEMPERATURE distribution ,SPECIFIC gravity - Abstract
Multivariant experimental investigations and multiphysics microstructural modeling of the spark plasma sintering process of metallic powders have been performed up to a relative density of approximately 80%. In comparison, the effect of sintering temperature, pressure, and particle size on the interparticle contact area growth and axial shrinkage of cylindrical specimens of copper and nickel particles is measured in laboratory scaled tests. Herein, for the first time all relevant for sintering phenomena are considered simultaneously: the fully coupled thermo‐electro‐mechanical modeling of the spark plasma sintering processes, additionally taking into account for lattice, grain boundary, surface diffusion, electromigration, and thermomigration, has been carried out. The computational analysis of various physical phenomena allows to identify dominant and insignificant mechanisms. The two‐level numerical simulation includes the modeling of the sintering setup at the macroscopic level and the neck formation process in particle chain systems at the microscopic level. The results of the numerical simulations show a very good agreement with the experimental data. Therefore, the impact of electrical and mechanical loads as well as of particle size on microscopic distribution of temperature, inelastic strain, and on densification has been studied by the finite element simulations. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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5. Sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array to a dark matter signal from the Galactic centre
- Author
Abdalla, H., Abe, H., Abe, S., Abusleme, A., Acero, F., Acharyya, A., Acín Portella, V., Ackley, K., Adam, R., Adams, C., Adhikari, S. S., Aguado-Ruesga, I., Agudo, I., Aguilera, R., Aguirre-Santaella, A., Aharonian, F., Alberdi, A., Alfaro, R., Alfaro, J., Alispach, C., Aloisio, R., Alves Batista, R., Amans, J. -P, Amati, L., Amato, E., Ambrogi, L., Ambrosi, G., Ambrosio, M., Ammendola, R., Anderson, J., Anduze, M., Angüner, E. O., Antonelli, L. A., Antonuccio, V., Antoranz, P., Anutarawiramkul, R., Aragunde Gutierrez, J., Aramo, C., Araudo, A., Araya, M., Arbet-Engels, A., Arcaro, C., Arendt, V., Armand, C., Armstrong, T., Arqueros, F., Arrabito, L., Arsioli, B., Artero, M., Asano, K., Ascasíbar, Y., Aschersleben, J., Ashley, M., Attinà, P., Aubert, P., Singh, C. B., Baack, D., Babic, A., Backes, M., Baena, V., Bajtlik, S., Baktash, A., Balazs, C., Balbo, M., Ballester, O., Ballet, J., Balmaverde, B., Bamba, A., Bandiera, R., Baquero Larriva, A., Barai, P., Barbier, C., Barbosa Martins, V., Barcelo, M., Barkov, M., Barnard, M., Baroncelli, L., Barres Almeida, U., Barrio, J. A., Bastieri, D., Batista, P. I., Batkovic, I., Bauer, C., Bautista-González, R., Baxter, J., Becciani, U., Becerra González, J., Becherini, Y., Beck, G., Becker Tjus, J., Bednarek, W., Belfiore, A., Bellizzi, L., Belmont, R., Benbow, W., Berge, D., Bernardini, E., Bernardos, M. I., Bernlöhr, K., Berti, A., Berton, M., Bertucci, B., Beshley, V., Bhatt, N., Bhattacharyya, S., Bhattacharyya, W., Bi, B., Bicknell, G., Biederbeck, N., Bigongiari, C., Biland, A., Bird, R., Bissaldi, E., Biteau, J., Bitossi, M., Blanch, O., Blank, M., Blazek, J., Bobin, J., Boccato, C., Bocchino, F., Boehm, C., Bohacova, M., Boisson, C., Boix, J., Bolle, J. -P, Bolmont, J., Bonanno, G., Bonavolontà, C., Bonneau Arbeletche, L., Bonnoli, G., Bordas, P., Borkowski, J., Bórquez, S., Bose, R., Bose, D., Bosnjak, Z., Bottacini, E., Böttcher, M., Botticella, M. T., Boutonnet, C., Bouyjou, F., Bozhilov, V., Bozzo, E., Brahimi, L., Braiding, C., Brau-Nogué, S., Breen, S., Bregeon, J., Breuhaus, M., Brill, A., Brisken, W., Brocato, E., Brown, A. M., Brügge, K., Brun, P., Brun, F., Brunetti, L., Brunetti, G., Bruno, P., Bruno, A., Bruzzese, A., Bucciantini, N., Buckley, J., Bühler, R., Bulgarelli, A., Bulik, T., Bünning, M., Bunse, M., Burton, M., Burtovoi, A., Buscemi, M., Buschjäger, S., Busetto, G., Buss, J., Byrum, K., Caccianiga, A., Cadoux, F., Calanducci, A., Calderón, C., Calvo Tovar, J., Cameron, R., Campaña, P., Canestrari, R., Cangemi, F., Cantlay, B., Capalbi, M., Capasso, M., Cappi, M., Caproni, A., Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R., Caraveo, P., Cárdenas, V., Cardiel, L., Cardillo, M., Carlile, C., Caroff, S., Carosi, R., Carosi, A., Carquín, E., Carrère, M., Casandjian, J. -M, Casanova, S., Cascone, E., Cassol, F., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Catalani, F., Catalano, O., Cauz, D., Ceccanti, A., Celestino Silva, C., Celli, S., Cerny, K., Cerruti, M., Chabanne, E., Chadwick, P., Chai, Y., Chambery, P., Champion, C., Chandra, S., Chaty, S., Chen, A., Cheng, K., Chernyakova, M., Chiaro, G., Chiavassa, A., Chikawa, M., Chitnis, V. R., Chudoba, J., Chytka, L., Cikota, S., Circiello, A., Clark, P., Çolak, M., Colombo, E., Colome, J., Colonges, S., Comastri, A., Compagnino, A., Conforti, V., Congiu, E., Coniglione, R., Conrad, J., Conte, F., Contreras, J. L., Coppi, P., Cornat, R., Coronado-Blazquez, J., Cortina, J., Costa, A., Costantini, H., Cotter, G., Courty, B., Covino, S., Crestan, S., Cristofari, P., Crocker, R., Croston, J., Cubuk, K., Cuevas, O., Cui, X., Cusumano, G., Cutini, S., D’aì, A., D’amico, G., D’ammando, F., D’avanzo, P., Da Vela, P., Dadina, M., Dai, S., Dalchenko, M., Dall’ Ora, M., Daniel, M. K., Dauguet, J., Davids, I., Davies, J., Dawson, B., Angelis, A., Araújo Carvalho, A. E., Bony Lavergne, M., Caprio, V., Cesare, G., Frondat, F., Gouveia Dal Pino, E. M., La Calle, I., Lotto, B., Luca, A., Martino, D., Menezes, R. M., Naurois, M., Oña Wilhelmi, E., Palma, F., Persio, F., Simone, N., Souza, V., Del Santo, M., Del Valle, M. V., Delagnes, E., Deleglise, G., Delfino Reznicek, M., Delgado, C., Delgado Giler, A. G., Delgado Mengual, J., Della Ceca, R., Della Valle, M., Della Volpe, D., Depaoli, D., Depouez, D., Devin, J., Di Girolamo, T., Di Giulio, C., Di Piano, A., Di Pierro, F., Di Venere, L., Díaz, C., Díaz-Bahamondes, C., Dib, C., Diebold, S., Digel, S., Dima, R., Djannati-Ataï, A., Djuvsland, J., Dmytriiev, A., Docher, K., Domínguez, A., Dominis Prester, D., Donath, A., Donini, A., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Dos Anjos, R. D. C., Dournaux, J. -L, Downes, T., Drake, G., Drass, H., Dravins, D., Duangchan, C., Duara, A., Dubus, G., Ducci, L., Duffy, C., Dumora, D., Dundas Morå, K., Durkalec, A., Dwarkadas, V. V., Ebr, J., Eckner, C., Eder, J., Ederoclite, A., Edy, E., Egberts, K., Einecke, S., Eisch, J., Eleftheriadis, C., Elsässer, D., Emery, G., Emmanoulopoulos, D., Ernenwein, J. -P, Errando, M., Escarate, P., Escudero, J., Espinoza, C., Ettori, S., Eungwanichayapant, A., Evans, P., Evoli, C., Fairbairn, M., Falceta-Goncalves, D., Falcone, A., Fallah Ramazani, V., Falomo, R., Farakos, K., Fasola, G., Fattorini, A., Favre, Y., Fedora, R., Fedorova, E., Fegan, S., Feijen, K., Feng, Q., Ferrand, G., Ferrara, G., Ferreira, O., Fesquet, M., Fiandrini, E., Fiasson, A., Filipovic, M., Fink, D., Finley, J. P., Fioretti, V., Fiorillo, D. F. G., Fiorini, M., Flis, S., Flores, H., Foffano, L., Föhr, C., Fonseca, M. V., Font, L., Fontaine, G., Fornieri, O., Fortin, P., Fortson, L., Fouque, N., Fournier, A., Fraga, B., Franceschini, A., Franco, F. J., Franco Ordovas, A., Freixas Coromina, L., Fresnillo, L., Fruck, C., Fugazza, D., Fujikawa, Y., Fujita, Y., Fukami, S., Fukazawa, Y., Fukui, Y., Fulla, D., Funk, S., Furniss, A., Gabella, O., Gabici, S., Gaggero, D., Galanti, G., Galaz, G., Galdemard, P., Gallant, Y., Galloway, D., Gallozzi, S., Gammaldi, V., Garcia, R., Garcia, E., García, E., Garcia López, R., Garczarczyk, M., Gargano, F., Gargano, C., Garozzo, S., Gascon, D., Gasparetto, T., Gasparrini, D., Gasparyan, H., Gaug, M., Geffroy, N., Gent, A., Germani, S., Gesa, L., Ghalumyan, A., Ghedina, A., Ghirlanda, G., Gianotti, F., Giarrusso, S., Giarrusso, M., Giavitto, G., Giebels, B., Giglietto, N., Gika, V., Gillardo, F., Gimenes, R., Giordano, F., Giovannini, G., Giro, E., Giroletti, M., Giuliani, A., Giunti, L., Gjaja, M., Glicenstein, J. -F, Gliwny, P., Godinovic, N., Göksu, H., Goldoni, P., Gómez, J. L., Gómez-Vargas, G., González, M. M., González, J. M., Gothe, K. S., Götz, D., Goulart Coelho, J., Gourgouliatos, K., Grabarczyk, T., Graciani, R., Grandi, P., Grasseau, G., Grasso, D., Green, A. J., Green, D., Green, J., Greenshaw, T., Grenier, I., Grespan, P., Grillo, A., Grondin, M. -H, Grube, J., Guarino, V., Guest, B., Gueta, O., Gündüz, M., Gunji, S., Gusdorf, A., Gyuk, G., Hackfeld, J., Hadasch, D., Haga, J., Hagge, L., Hahn, A., Hajlaoui, J. E., Hakobyan, H., Halim, A., Hamal, P., Hanlon, W., Hara, S., Harada, Y., Hardcastle, M. J., Harvey, M., Hashiyama, K., Hassan Collado, T., Haubold, T., Haupt, A., Hautmann, U. A., Havelka, M., Hayashi, K., Hayashida, M., He, H., Heckmann, L., Heller, M., Helo, J. C., Henault, F., Henri, G., Hermann, G., Hermel, R., Hernández Cadena, S., Herrera Llorente, J., Herrero, A., Hervet, O., Hinton, J., Hiramatsu, A., Hiroshima, N., Hirotani, K., Hnatyk, B., Hnatyk, R., Hoang, J. K., Hoffmann, D., Hofmann, W., Hoischen, C., Holder, J., Holler, M., Hona, B., Horan, D., Hörandel, J., Horns, D., Horvath, P., Houles, J., Hovatta, T., Hrabovsky, M., Hrupec, D., Huang, Y., Huet, J. -M, Hughes, G., Hui, D., Hull, G., Humensky, T. B., Hütten, M., Iaria, R., Iarlori, M., Illa, J. M., Imazawa, R., Impiombato, D., Inada, T., Incardona, F., Ingallinera, A., Inome, Y., Inoue, S., Inoue, T., Inoue, Y., Insolia, A., Iocco, F., Ioka, K., Ionica, M., Iori, M., Iovenitti, S., Iriarte, A., Ishio, K., Ishizaki, W., Iwamura, Y., Jablonski, C., Jacquemier, J., Jacquemont, M., Jamrozy, M., Janecek, P., Jankowsky, F., Jardin-Blicq, A., Jarnot, C., Jean, P., Jiménez Martínez, I., Jin, W., Jocou, L., Jordana, N., Josselin, M., Jouvin, L., Jung-Richardt, I., Junqueira, F. J. P. A., Juramy-Gilles, C., Jurysek, J., Kaaret, P., Kadowaki, L. H. S., Kagaya, M., Kalekin, O., Kankanyan, R., Kantzas, D., Karas, V., Karastergiou, A., Karkar, S., Kasai, E., Kasperek, J., Katagiri, H., Kataoka, J., Katarzyński, K., Katsuda, S., Katz, U., Kawanaka, N., Kazanas, D., Kerszberg, D., Khélifi, B., Kherlakian, M. C., Kian, T. P., Kieda, D. B., Kihm, T., Kim, S., Kimeswenger, S., Kisaka, S., Kissmann, R., Kleijwegt, R., Kleiner, T., Kluge, G., Kluźniak, W., Knapp, J., Knödlseder, J., Kobakhidze, A., Kobayashi, Y., Koch, B., Kocot, J., Kohri, K., Kokkotas, K., Komin, N., Kong, A., Kosack, K., Kowal, G., Krack, F., Krause, M., Krennrich, F., Krumholz, M., Kubo, H., Kudryavtsev, V., Kunwar, S., Kuroda, Y., Kushida, J., Kushwaha, P., La Barbera, A., La Palombara, N., La Parola, V., La Rosa, G., Lahmann, R., Lamanna, G., Lamastra, A., Landoni, M., Landriu, D., Lang, R. G., Lapington, J., Laporte, P., Lason, P., Lasuik, J., Lazendic-Galloway, J., Le Flour, T., Le Sidaner, P., Leach, S., Leckngam, A., Lee, S. -H, Lee, W. H., Lee, S., Leigui Oliveira, M. A., Lemière, A., Lemoine-Goumard, M., Lenain, J. -P, Leone, F., Leray, V., Leto, G., Leuschner, F., Levy, C., Lindemann, R., Lindfors, E., Linhoff, L., Liodakis, I., Lipniacka, A., Lloyd, S., Lobo, M., Lohse, T., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., Lopez, A., López, M., López-Coto, R., Loporchio, S., Louis, F., Louys, M., Lucarelli, F., Lucchesi, D., Ludwig Boudi, H., Luque-Escamilla, P. L., Lyard, E., Maccarone, M. C., Maccarone, T., Mach, E., Maciejewski, A. J., Mackey, J., Madejski, G. M., Maeght, P., Maggio, C., Maier, G., Majczyna, A., Majumdar, P., Makariev, M., Mallamaci, M., Malta Nunes Almeida, R., Maltezos, S., Malyshev, D., Mandat, D., Maneva, G., Manganaro, M., Manicò, G., Manigot, P., Mannheim, K., Maragos, N., Marano, D., Marconi, M., Marcowith, A., Marculewicz, M., Marčun, B., Marín, J., Marinello, N., Marinos, P., Mariotti, M., Markoff, S., Marquez, P., Marsella, G., Martí, J., Martin, J. -M, Martin, P., Martinez, O., Martínez, M., Martínez, G., Martínez, O., Martínez-Huerta, H., Marty, C., Marx, R., Masetti, N., Massimino, P., Mastichiadis, A., Matsumoto, H., Matthews, N., Maurin, G., Max-Moerbeck, W., Maxted, N., Mazin, D., Mazziotta, M. N., Mazzola, S. M., Mbarubucyeye, J. D., Mc Comb, L., Mchardy, I., Mckeague, S., Mcmuldroch, S., Medina, E., Medina Miranda, D., Melandri, A., Melioli, C., Melkumyan, D., Menchiari, S., Mender, S., Mereghetti, S., Merino Arévalo, G., Mestre, E., Meunier, J. -L, Meures, T., Meyer, M., Micanovic, S., Miceli, M., Michailidis, M., Michałowski, J., Miener, T., Mievre, I., Miller, J., Minaya, I. A., Mineo, T., Minev, M., Miranda, J. M., Mirzoyan, R., Mitchell, A., Mizuno, T., Mode, B., Moderski, R., Mohrmann, L., Molina, E., Molinari, E., Teresa Montaruli, Monteiro, I., Moore, C., Moralejo, A., Morcuende-Parrilla, D., Moretti, E., Morganti, L., Mori, K., Moriarty, P., Morik, K., Morlino, G., Morris, P., Morselli, A., Mosshammer, K., Moya, P., Mukherjee, R., Muller, J., Mundell, C., Mundet, J., Murach, T., Muraczewski, A., Muraishi, H., Murase, K., Musella, I., Musumarra, A., Nagai, A., Nagar, N., Nagataki, S., Naito, T., Nakamori, T., Nakashima, K., Nakayama, K., Nakhjiri, N., Naletto, G., Naumann, D., Nava, L., Navarro, R., Nawaz, M. A., Ndiyavala, H., Neise, D., Nellen, L., Nemmen, R., Newbold, M., Neyroud, N., Ngernphat, K., Nguyen Trung, T., Nicastro, L., Nickel, L., Niemiec, J., Nieto, D., Nievas, M., Nigro, C., Nikołajuk, M., Ninci, D., Nishijima, K., Noda, K., Nogami, Y., Nolan, S., Nomura, R., Norris, R., Nosek, D., Nöthe, M., Novosyadlyj, B., Novotny, V., Nozaki, S., Nunio, F., O’brien, P., Obara, K., Oger, R., Ohira, Y., Ohishi, M., Ohm, S., Ohtani, Y., Oka, T., Okazaki, N., Okumura, A., Olive, J. -F, Oliver, C., Olivera, G., Olmi, B., Ong, R. A., Orienti, M., Orito, R., Orlandini, M., Orlando, S., Orlando, E., Osborne, J. P., Ostrowski, M., Otte, N., Ovcharov, E., Owen, E., Oya, I., Ozieblo, A., Padovani, M., Pagano, I., Pagliaro, A., Paizis, A., Palatiello, M., Palatka, M., Palazzi, E., Panazol, J. -L, Paneque, D., Panes, B., Panny, S., Pantaleo, F. R., Panter, M., Paoletti, R., Paolillo, M., Papitto, A., Paravac, A., Paredes, J. M., Pareschi, G., Park, N., Parmiggiani, N., Parsons, R. D., Paśko, P., Patel, S., Patricelli, B., Pauletta, G., Pavletić, L., Pavy, S., Pe’er, A., Pech, M., Pecimotika, M., Pellegriti, M. G., Peñil Del Campo, P., Penno, M., Pepato, A., Perard, S., Perennes, C., Peres, G., Peresano, M., Pérez-Aguilera, A., Pérez-Romero, J., Pérez-Torres, M. A., Perri, M., Persic, M., Petrera, S., Petrucci, P. -O, Petruk, O., Peyaud, B., Pfrang, K., Pian, E., Piano, G., Piatteli, P., Pietropaolo, E., Pillera, R., Pilszyk, B., Pimentel, D., Pintore, F., Pio García, C., Pirola, G., Piron, F., Pisarski, A., Pita, S., Pohl, M., Poireau, V., Poledrelli, P., Pollo, A., Polo, M., Pongkitivanichkul, C., Porthault, J., Powell, J., Pozo, D., Prado, R. R., Prandini, E., Prasit, P., Prast, J., Pressard, K., Principe, G., Priyadarshi, C., Produit, N., Prokhorov, D., Prokoph, H., Prouza, M., Przybilski, H., Pueschel, E., Pühlhofer, G., Puljak, I., Pumo, M. L., Punch, M., Queiroz, F., Quinn, J., Quirrenbach, A., Rainò, S., Rajda, P. J., Rando, R., Razzaque, S., Rebert, E., Recchia, S., Reichherzer, P., Reimer, O., Reimer, A., Reisenegger, A., Remy, Q., Renaud, M., Reposeur, T., Reville, B., Reymond, J. -M, Reynolds, J., Rhode, W., Ribeiro, D., Ribó, M., Richards, G., Richtler, T., Rico, J., Rieger, F., Riitano, L., Ripepi, V., Riquelme, M., Riquelme, D., Rivoire, S., Rizi, V., Roache, E., Röben, B., Roche, M., Rodriguez, J., Rodriguez Fernandez, G., Rodriguez Ramirez, J. C., Rodríguez Vázquez, J. J., Roepke, F., Rojas, G., Romanato, L., Romano, P., Romeo, G., Romero Lobato, F., Romoli, C., Roncadelli, M., Ronda, S., Rosado, J., Rosales Leon, A., Rowell, G., Rudak, B., Rugliancich, A., Ruíz Del Mazo, J. E., Rujopakarn, W., Rulten, C., Russell, C., Russo, F., Sadeh, I., Sæther Hatlen, E., Safi-Harb, S., Saha, L., Saha, P., Sahakian, V., Sailer, S., Saito, T., Sakaki, N., Sakurai, S., Salesa Greus, F., Salina, G., Salzmann, H., Sanchez, D., Sánchez-Conde, M., Sandaker, H., Sandoval, A., Sangiorgi, P., Sanguillon, M., Sano, H., Santander, M., Santangelo, A., Santos, E. M., Santos-Lima, R., Sanuy, A., Sapozhnikov, L., Saric, T., Sarkar, S., Sasaki, H., Sasaki, N., Satalecka, K., Sato, Y., Saturni, F. G., Sawada, M., Sawangwit, U., Schaefer, J., Scherer, A., Scherpenberg, J., Schipani, P., Schleicher, B., Schmoll, J., Schneider, M., Schoorlemmer, H., Schovanek, P., Schussler, F., Schwab, B., Schwanke, U., Schwarz, J., Schweizer, T., Sciacca, E., Scuderi, S., Seglar Arroyo, M., Segreto, A., Seitenzahl, I., Semikoz, D., Sergijenko, O., Serna Franco, J. E., Servillat, M., Seweryn, K., Sguera, V., Shalchi, A., Shang, R. Y., Sharma, P., Shellard, R. C., Sidoli, L., Sieiro, J., Siejkowski, H., Silk, J., Sillanpää, A., Singh, B. B., Singh, K. K., Sinha, A., Siqueira, C., Sironi, G., Sitarek, J., Sizun, P., Sliusar, V., Slowikowska, A., Sobczyńska, D., Sobrinho, R. W., Sol, H., Sottile, G., Spackman, H., Specovius, A., Spencer, S., Spengler, G., Spiga, D., Spolon, A., Springer, W., Stamerra, A., Stanič, S., Starling, R., Stawarz, Ł., Steenkamp, R., Stefanik, S., Stegmann, C., Steiner, A., Steinmassl, S., Stella, C., Steppa, C., Sternberger, R., Sterzel, M., Stevens, C., Stevenson, B., Stolarczyk, T., Stratta, G., Straumann, U., Strišković, J., Strzys, M., Stuik, R., Suchenek, M., Suda, Y., Sunada, Y., Suomijarvi, T., Suric, T., Sutcliffe, P., Suzuki, H., Świerk, P., Szepieniec, T., Tacchini, A., Tachihara, K., Tagliaferri, G., Tajima, H., Tajima, N., Tak, D., Takahashi, K., Takahashi, H., Takahashi, M., Takata, J., Takeishi, R., Tam, T., Tanaka, M., Tanaka, T., Tanaka, S., Tateishi, D., Tavani, M., Tavecchio, F., Tavernier, T., Taylor, L., Taylor, A., Tejedor, L. A., Temnikov, P., Terada, Y., Terauchi, K., Terrazas, J. C., Terrier, R., Terzic, T., Teshima, M., Testa, V., Thibaut, D., Thocquenne, F., Tian, W., Tibaldo, L., Tiengo, A., Tiziani, D., Tluczykont, M., Todero Peixoto, C. J., Tokanai, F., Toma, K., Tomankova, L., Tomastik, J., Tonev, D., Tornikoski, M., Torres, D. F., Torresi, E., Tosti, G., Tosti, L., Totani, T., Tothill, N., Toussenel, F., Tovmassian, G., Travnicek, P., Trichard, C., Trifoglio, M., Trois, A., Truzzi, S., Tsiahina, A., Tsuru, T., Turk, B., Tutone, A., Uchiyama, Y., Umana, G., Utayarat, P., Vaclavek, L., Vacula, M., Vagelli, V., Vagnetti, F., Vakili, F., Valdivia, J. A., Valentino, M., Valio, A., Vallage, B., Vallania, P., Valverde Quispe, J. V., Den Berg, A. M., Driel, W., Eldik, C., Rensburg, C., Soelen, B., Vandenbroucke, J., Vanderwalt, J., Vasileiadis, G., Vassiliev, V., Vázquez Acosta, M., Vecchi, M., Vega, A., Veh, J., Veitch, P., Venault, P., Venter, C., Ventura, S., Vercellone, S., Vergani, S., Verguilov, V., Verna, G., Vernetto, S., Verzi, V., Vettolani, G. P., Veyssiere, C., Viale, I., Viana, A., Viaux, N., Vicha, J., Vignatti, J., Vigorito, C. F., Villanueva, J., Vink, J., Vitale, V., Vittorini, V., Vodeb, V., Voelk, H., Vogel, N., Voisin, V., Vorobiov, S., Vovk, I., Vrastil, M., Vuillaume, T., Wagner, S. J., Wagner, R., Wagner, P., Wakazono, K., Wakely, S. P., Walter, R., Ward, M., Warren, D., Watson, J., Webb, N., Wechakama, M., Wegner, P., Weinstein, A., Weniger, C., Werner, F., Wetteskind, H., White, M., White, R., Wierzcholska, A., Wiesand, S., Wijers, R., Wilkinson, M., Will, M., Williams, D. A., Williams, J., Williamson, T., Wolter, A., Wong, Y. W., Wood, M., Wunderlich, C., Yamamoto, T., Yamamoto, H., Yamane, Y., Yamazaki, R., Yanagita, S., Yang, L., Yoo, S., Yoshida, T., Yoshikoshi, T., Yu, P., Yusafzai, A., Zacharias, M., Zaharijas, G., Zaldivar, B., Zampieri, L., Zanmar Sanchez, R., Zaric, D., Zavrtanik, M., Zavrtanik, D., Zdziarski, A. A., Zech, A., Zechlin, H., Zenin, A., Zerwekh, A., Zhdanov, V. I., Ziętara, K., Zink, A., Ziółkowski, J., Zitelli, V., Živec, M., Zmija, A., UAM.Departamento de Física Teórica, Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT), Australian Research Council, University of Adelaide, Australian National University, Monash University, University of New South Wales (Australia), University of Sydney, Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (Austria), University of Innsbruck, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (Brasil), Instituto Serrapilheira, Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (Brasil), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Canadian Space Agency, Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (Chile), Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (Chile), Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (Chile), Croatian Science Foundation, University of Zagreb, University of Rijeka, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (Czech Republic), Academy of Finland, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France), Max Planck Society, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany), Helmholtz Association, Department of Atomic Energy (India), Department of Science and Technology (India), Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, University of Tokyo, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Japan), Netherlands Research School for Astronomy, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, University of Oslo, Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland), National Science Centre (Poland), Slovenian Research Agency, Department of Science and Technology (South Africa), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España), Agencia Estatal de Investigación (España), Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (España), European Commission, Comunidad de Madrid, Junta de Andalucía, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Astronomy, Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet (LLR), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-École polytechnique (X)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Irène Joliot-Curie (IJCLab), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris-Saclay-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire Univers et Théories (LUTH (UMR_8102)), Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Observatoire de Paris, Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Montpellier (LUPM), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université de Montpellier (UM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut de Recherches sur les lois Fondamentales de l'Univers (IRFU), Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Université Paris-Saclay, Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (LAPP), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB [Université de Savoie] [Université de Chambéry])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Astrophysique Interprétation Modélisation (AIM (UMR7158 / UMR_E_9005 / UM_112)), Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), AstroParticule et Cosmologie (APC (UMR_7164)), Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Observatoire de Paris, Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Paris Cité (UPCité), Institut de recherche en astrophysique et planétologie (IRAP), Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier (UT3), Université de Toulouse (UT)-Université de Toulouse (UT)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées (OMP), Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier (UT3), Université de Toulouse (UT)-Université de Toulouse (UT)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Météo-France -Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Météo-France -Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Énergies (LPNHE (UMR_7585)), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Sorbonne Université (SU)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), CTA, Durham University, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Columbia University, Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía-CSIC, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Département de Physique Nucléaire et Corpusculaire, Gran Sasso Science Institute, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello spazio di Bologna, Università degli Studi di Perugia, CPPM, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, INFN Sezione di Napoli, Czech Academy of Sciences, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, University of New South Wales, Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas, Università degli Studi di Padova, Universidad de La Laguna, University of the Witwatersrand, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Center for Astrophysics - Harvard and Smithsonian, Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, INFN Sezione di Torino, Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems in Mechanics and Mathematics NASU, Université de Paris, Institute for Particle Physics, INFN Sezione di Bari and Politecnico di Bari, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo 'G.S. Vaiana', PSL University, IEEC-UB, Sofia University, IN2P3, Université Paris-Saclay, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania, College Hill, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, INFN Sezione di Catania, Stanford University, Núcleo de Astrofísica Teórica (NAT/UCS), INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica di Milano, INFN Sezione di Pisa, Polish Academy of Sciences, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, Università degli Studi di Udine, Sorbonne Paris Cité, DAp, Dublin City University, Universitá degli Studi di Torino, Denys Wilkinson Building, INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica di Palermo, INAF - Istituto di Radioastronomia, Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory, Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Institució Catalana de Recerca I Estudis Avançats (ICREA), CIEMAT, Complesso Universitario di Monte Sant'Angelo, INFN Sezione di Bari, Universität Tübingen, University of Nova Gorica, TU Dortmund University, Astronomical Observatory of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Western Sydney University, Nagoya University, Yerevan Physics Institute, Università degli Studi di Bari, Astroparticule et Cosmologie, Open University of Israel, Yamagata University, University of Delaware, Radboud University Nijmegen, RCPTM, University of Turku, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, INFN Sezione di Roma La Sapienza, Jagiellonian University, Gallalee Hall, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Thessaloniki, Leopold-Franzens-Universität, Université Paul Sabatier, KEK (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization), Kyoto University, Tokai University, University of Leicester, Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), LPNHE, Humboldt University Berlin, Università degli Studi di Trieste, Universidad de Jaén, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Edifici C3, Faculty of Physics, University of Amsterdam, Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Hiroshima University, Madison, INFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata, University of Bath, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics, University of California, Tokushima University, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali (IAPS), Universität Potsdam, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg, University of Johannesburg, Universidad de Concepción, Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), Dept of Physics and Astronomy, National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand, Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET AGH, University of Geneva, Universität Zürich, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, KVI - Center for Advanced Radiation Technology, Sezione di Fisica, Santa Cruz, Ibaraki University, FESB, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación, Georgia Institute of Technology, AlbaNova, Sun Yat-sen University, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), Acharyya, A., Adam, R., Adams, C., Agudo, I., Aguirre-Santaella, A., Alfaro, R., Alfaro, J., Alispach, C., Aloisio, R., Alves Batista, R., Amati, L., Ambrosi, G., Ang??ner, E. O., Antonelli, L. A., Aramo, C., Araudo, A., Armstrong, T., Arqueros, F., Asano, K., Ascas??bar, Y., Ashley, M., Balazs, C., Ballester, O., Baquero Larriva, A., Barbosa Martins, V., Barkov, M., Barres de Almeida, U., Barrio, J. A., Bastieri, D., Becerra, J., Beck, G., Becker Tjus, J., Benbow, W., Benito, M., Berge, D., Bernardini, E., Bernl??hr, K., Berti, A., Bertucci, B., Beshley, V., Biasuzzi, B., Biland, A., Bissaldi, E., Biteau, J., Blanch, O., Blazek, J., Bocchino, F., Boisson, C., Bonneau Arbeletche, L., Bordas, P., Bosnjak, Z., Bottacini, E., Bozhilov, V., Bregeon, J., Brill, A., Bringmann, T., Brown, A. M., Brun, P., Brun, F., Bruno, P., Bulgarelli, A., Burton, M., Burtovoi, A., Buscemi, M., Cameron, R., Capasso, M., Caproni, A., Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R., Caraveo, P., Carosi, R., Carosi, A., Casanova, S., Cascone, E., Cassol, F., Catalani, F., Cauz, D., Cerruti, M., Chadwick, P., Chaty, S., Chen, A., Chernyakova, M., Chiaro, G., Chiavassa, A., Chikawa, M., Chudoba, J., olak, M., Conforti, V., Coniglione, R., Conte, F., Contreras, J. L., Coronado-Blazquez, J., Costa, A., Costantini, H., Cotter, G., Cristofari, P., D'A��, A., D'Ammando, F., Damone, L. A., Daniel, M. K., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Caprio, V., de C??ssia dos Anjos, R., de Gouveia Dal Pino, E. M., De Lotto, B., De Martino, D., de O??a Wilhelmi, E., De Palma, F., de Souza, V., Delgado, C., Delgado Giler, A. G., della Volpe, D., Depaoli, D., Di Girolamo, T., Di Pierro, F., Di Venere, L., Diebold, S., Dmytriiev, A., Dom??nguez, A., Donini, A., Doro, M., Ebr, J., Eckner, C., Edwards, T. D. P., Ekoume, T. R. N., Els??sser, D., Evoli, C., Falceta-Goncalves, D., Fedorova, E., Fegan, S., Feng, Q., Ferrand, G., Ferrara, G., Fiandrini, E., Fiasson, A., Filipovic, M., Fioretti, V., Fiori, M., Foffano, L., Fontaine, G., Fornieri, O., Franco, F. J., Fukami, S., Fukui, Y., Gaggero, D., Galaz, G., Gammaldi, V., Garcia, E., Garczarczyk, M., Gascon, D., Gent, A., Ghalumyan, A., Gianotti, F., Giarrusso, M., Giavitto, G., Giglietto, N., Giordano, F., Giuliani, A., Glicenstein, J., Gnatyk, R., Goldoni, P., Gonz??lez, M. M., Gourgouliatos, K., Granot, J., Grasso, D., Green, J., Grillo, A., Gueta, O., Gunji, S., Halim, A., Hassan, T., Heller, M., Hern??ndez Cadena, S., Hiroshima, N., Hnatyk, B., Hofmann, W., Holder, J., Horan, D., H??randel, J., Horvath, P., Hovatta, T., Hrabovsky, M., Hrupec, D., Hughes, G., Humensky, T. B., H??tten, M., Iarlori, M., Inada, T., Inoue, S., Iocco, F., Iori, M., Jamrozy, M., Janecek, P., Jin, W., Jouvin, L., Jurysek, J., Karukes, E., Katarzy??ski, K., Kazanas, D., Kerszberg, D., Kherlakian, M. C., Kissmann, R., Kn??dlseder, J., Kobayashi, Y., Kohri, K., Komin, N., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., Lamanna, G., Lapington, J., Laporte, P., Leigui de Oliveira, M. A., Lenain, J., Leone, F., Leto, G., Lindfors, E., Lohse, T., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., Lopez, A., L??pez, M., L??pez-Coto, R., Loporchio, S., Luque-Escamilla, P. L., Mach, E., Maggio, C., Maier, G., Mallamaci, M., Malta Nunes de Almeida, R., Mandat, D., Manganaro, M., Mangano, S., Manic??, G., Marculewicz, M., Mariotti, M., Markoff, S., Marquez, P., Mart??, J., Martinez, O., Mart??nez, M., Mart??nez, G., Mart??nez-Huerta, H., Maurin, G., Mazin, D., Mbarubucyeye, J. D., Medina Miranda, D., Meyer, M., Miceli, M., Miener, T., Minev, M., Miranda, J. M., Mirzoyan, R., Mizuno, T., Mode, B., Moderski, R., Mohrmann, L., Molina, E., Montaruli, T., Moralejo, A., Morcuende-Parrilla, D., Morselli, A., Mukherjee, R., Mundell, C., Nagai, A., Nakamori, T., Nemmen, R., Niemiec, J., Nieto, D., Niko??ajuk, M., Ninci, D., Noda, K., Nosek, D., Nozaki, S., Ohira, Y., Ohishi, M., Ohtani, Y., Oka, T., Okumura, A., Ong, R. A., Orienti, M., Orito, R., Orlandini, M., Orlando, S., Orlando, E., Ostrowski, M., Oya, I., Pagano, I., Pagliaro, A., Palatiello, M., Pantaleo, F. R., Paredes, J. M., Pareschi, G., Parmiggiani, N., Patricelli, B., Pavleti??, L., Pe'Er, A., Pecimotika, M., P??rez-Romero, J., Persic, M., Petruk, O., Pfrang, K., Piano, G., Piatteli, P., Pietropaolo, E., Pillera, R., Pilszyk, B., Pintore, F., Pohl, M., Poireau, V., Prado, R. R., Prandini, E., Prast, J., Principe, G., Prokoph, H., Prouza, M., Przybilski, H., P??hlhofer, G., Pumo, M. L., Queiroz, F., Quirrenbach, A., Rain??, S., Rando, R., Razzaque, S., Recchia, S., Reimer, O., Reisenegger, A., Renier, Y., Rhode, W., Ribeiro, D., Rib??, M., Richtler, T., Rico, J., Rieger, F., Rinchiuso, L., Rizi, V., Rodriguez, J., Rodriguez Fernandez, G., Rodriguez Ramirez, J. C., Rojas, G., Romano, P., Romeo, G., Rosado, J., Rowell, G., Rudak, B., Russo, F., Sadeh, I., S??ther Hatlen, E., Safi-Harb, S., Salesa Greus, F., Salina, G., Sanchez, D., S??nchez-Conde, M., Sangiorgi, P., Sano, H., Santander, M., Santos, E. M., Santos-Lima, R., Sanuy, A., Sarkar, S., Saturni, F. G., Sawangwit, U., Schussler, F., Schwanke, U., Sciacca, E., Scuderi, S., Seglar-Arroyo, M., Sergijenko, O., Servillat, M., Seweryn, K., Shalchi, A., Sharma, P., Shellard, R. C., Siejkowski, H., Silk, J., Siqueira, C., Sliusar, V., S??owikowska, A., Sokolenko, A., Sol, H., Spencer, S., Stamerra, A., Stani??, S., Starling, R., Stolarczyk, T., Straumann, U., Stri??kovi??, J., Suda, Y., Suomijarvi, T., wierk, P., Tavecchio, F., Taylor, L., Tejedor, L. A., Teshima, M., Testa, V., Tibaldo, L., Todero Peixoto, C. J., Tokanai, F., Tonev, D., Tosti, G., Tosti, L., Tothill, N., Truzzi, S., Travnicek, P., Vagelli, V., Vallage, B., Vallania, P., van Eldik, C., Vandenbroucke, J., Varner, G. S., Vassiliev, V., V??zquez Acosta, M., Vecchi, M., Ventura, S., Vercellone, S., Vergani, S., Verna, G., Viana, A., Vigorito, C. F., Vink, J., Vitale, V., Vorobiov, S., Vovk, I., Vuillaume, T., Wagner, S. J., Walter, R., Watson, J., Weniger, C., White, R., White, M., Wiemann, R., Wierzcholska, A., Will, M., Williams, D. A., Wischnewski, R., Yanagita, S., Yang, L., Yoshikoshi, T., Zacharias, M., Zaharijas, G., Zakaria, A. A., Zampieri, L., Zanin, R., Zaric, D., Zavrtanik, M., Zavrtanik, D., Zdziarski, A. A., Zech, A., Zechlin, H., Zhdanov, V. I., ivec, M., ITA, USA, GBR, FRA, DEU, ESP, AUT, BEL, BRA, HRV, DNK, JPN, IRL, NLD, POL, SVN, CHE, High Energy Astrophys. & Astropart. Phys (API, FNWI), GRAPPA (ITFA, IoP, FNWI), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-École polytechnique (X)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3), Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7), Université Montpellier 2 - Sciences et Techniques (UM2)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université de Montpellier (UM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Astrophysique Interprétation Modélisation (AIM (UMR_7158 / UMR_E_9005 / UM_112)), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7), Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Paris (UP), Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier (UT3), Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées-Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées-Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées (OMP), Météo France-Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Météo France-Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Sorbonne Université (SU)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Paris (UP), Iocco, Fabio, Anguner, E. O., Ascasibar, Y., Bernlohr, K., Colak, M., D'Ai, A., de Angelis, A., de Caprio, V., de Cassia dos Anjos, R., de Lotto, B., de Martino, D., de Ona Wilhelmi, E., de Palma, F., Dominguez, A., Elsasser, D., Gonzalez, M. M., Hernandez Cadena, S., Horandel, J., Hutten, M., Katarzynski, K., Knodlseder, J., Lopez, M., Lopez-Coto, R., Manico, G., Marti, J., Martinez, M., Martinez, G., Martinez-Huerta, H., Nikolajuk, M., Pavletic, L., Perez-Romero, J., Puhlhofer, G., Raino, S., Ribo, M., Saether Hatlen, E., Sanchez-Conde, M., Slowikowska, A., Stanic, S., Striskovic, J., Swierk, P., Vazquez Acosta, M., Zivec, M., Consortium, The CTA, Acharyya A., Adam R., Adams C., Agudo I., Aguirre-Santaella A., Alfaro R., Alfaro J., Alispach C., Aloisio R., Alves Batista R., Amati L., Ambrosi G., Anguner E.O., Antonelli L.A., Aramo C., Araudo A., Armstrong T., Arqueros F., Asano K., Ascasibar Y., Ashley M., Balazs C., Ballester O., Baquero Larriva A., Barbosa Martins V., Barkov M., Barres de Almeida U., Barrio J.A., Bastieri D., Becerra J., Beck G., Becker Tjus J., Benbow W., Benito M., Berge D., Bernardini E., Bernlohr K., Berti A., Bertucci B., Beshley V., Biasuzzi B., Biland A., Bissaldi E., Biteau J., Blanch O., Blazek J., Bocchino F., Boisson C., Bonneau Arbeletche L., Bordas P., Bosnjak Z., Bottacini E., Bozhilov V., Bregeon J., Brill A., Bringmann T., Brown A.M., Brun P., Brun F., Bruno P., Bulgarelli A., Burton M., Burtovoi A., Buscemi M., Cameron R., Capasso M., Caproni A., Capuzzo-Dolcetta R., Caraveo P., Carosi R., Carosi A., Casanova S., Cascone E., Cassol F., Catalani F., Cauz D., Cerruti M., Chadwick P., Chaty S., Chen A., Chernyakova M., Chiaro G., Chiavassa A., Chikawa M., Chudoba J., Colak M., Conforti V., Coniglione R., Conte F., Contreras J.L., Coronado-Blazquez J., Costa A., Costantini H., Cotter G., Cristofari P., D'Ai A., D'Ammando F., Damone L.A., Daniel M.K., Dazzi F., de Angelis A., de Caprio V., de Cassia dos Anjos R., de Gouveia Dal Pino E.M., de Lotto B., de Martino D., de Ona Wilhelmi E., de Palma F., de Souza V., Delgado C., Delgado Giler A.G., della Volpe D., Depaoli D., Di Girolamo T., Di Pierro F., Di Venere L., Diebold S., Dmytriiev A., Dominguez A., Donini A., Doro M., Ebr J., Eckner C., Edwards T.D.P., Ekoume T.R.N., Elsasser D., Evoli C., Falceta-Goncalves D., Fedorova E., Fegan S., Feng Q., Ferrand G., Ferrara G., Fiandrini E., Fiasson A., Filipovic M., Fioretti V., Fiori M., Foffano L., Fontaine G., Fornieri O., Franco F.J., Fukami S., Fukui Y., Gaggero D., Galaz G., Gammaldi V., Garcia E., Garczarczyk M., Gascon D., Gent A., Ghalumyan A., Gianotti F., Giarrusso M., Giavitto G., Giglietto N., Giordano F., Giuliani A., Glicenstein J., Gnatyk R., Goldoni P., Gonzalez M.M., Gourgouliatos K., Granot J., Grasso D., Green J., Grillo A., Gueta O., Gunji S., Halim A., Hassan T., Heller M., Hernandez Cadena S., Hiroshima N., Hnatyk B., Hofmann W., Holder J., Horan D., Horandel J., Horvath P., Hovatta T., Hrabovsky M., Hrupec D., Hughes G., Humensky T.B., Hutten M., Iarlori M., Inada T., Inoue S., Iocco F., Iori M., Jamrozy M., Janecek P., Jin W., Jouvin L., Jurysek J., Karukes E., Katarzynski K., Kazanas D., Kerszberg D., Kherlakian M.C., Kissmann R., Knodlseder J., Kobayashi Y., Kohri K., Komin N., Kubo H., Kushida J., Lamanna G., Lapington J., Laporte P., Leigui de Oliveira M.A., Lenain J., Leone F., Leto G., Lindfors E., Lohse T., Lombardi S., Longo F., Lopez A., Lopez M., Lopez-Coto R., Loporchio S., Luque-Escamilla P.L., Mach E., Maggio C., Maier G., Mallamaci M., Malta Nunes de Almeida R., Mandat D., Manganaro M., Mangano S., Manico G., Marculewicz M., Mariotti M., Markoff S., Marquez P., Marti J., Martinez O., Martinez M., Martinez G., Martinez-Huerta H., Maurin G., Mazin D., Mbarubucyeye J.D., Medina Miranda D., Meyer M., Miceli M., Miener T., Minev M., Miranda J.M., Mirzoyan R., Mizuno T., Mode B., Moderski R., Mohrmann L., Molina E., Montaruli T., Moralejo A., Morcuende-Parrilla D., Morselli A., Mukherjee R., Mundell C., Nagai A., Nakamori T., Nemmen R., Niemiec J., Nieto D., Nikolajuk M., Ninci D., Noda K., Nosek D., Nozaki S., Ohira Y., Ohishi M., Ohtani Y., Oka T., Okumura A., Ong R.A., Orienti M., Orito R., Orlandini M., Orlando S., Orlando E., Ostrowski M., Oya I., Pagano I., Pagliaro A., Palatiello M., Pantaleo F.R., Paredes J.M., Pareschi G., Parmiggiani N., Patricelli B., Pavletic L., Pe'Er A., Pecimotika M., Perez-Romero J., Persic M., Petruk O., Pfrang K., Piano G., Piatteli P., Pietropaolo E., Pillera R., Pilszyk B., Pintore F., Pohl M., Poireau V., Prado R.R., Prandini E., Prast J., Principe G., Prokoph H., Prouza M., Przybilski H., Puhlhofer G., Pumo M.L., Queiroz F., Quirrenbach A., Raino S., Rando R., Razzaque S., Recchia S., Reimer O., Reisenegger A., Renier Y., Rhode W., Ribeiro D., Ribo M., Richtler T., Rico J., Rieger F., Rinchiuso L., Rizi V., Rodriguez J., Rodriguez Fernandez G., Rodriguez Ramirez J.C., Rojas G., Romano P., Romeo G., Rosado J., Rowell G., Rudak B., Russo F., Sadeh I., Saether Hatlen E., Safi-Harb S., Salesa Greus F., Salina G., Sanchez D., Sanchez-Conde M., Sangiorgi P., Sano H., Santander M., Santos E.M., Santos-Lima R., Sanuy A., Sarkar S., Saturni F.G., Sawangwit U., Schussler F., Schwanke U., Sciacca E., Scuderi S., Seglar-Arroyo M., Sergijenko O., Servillat M., Seweryn K., Shalchi A., Sharma P., Shellard R.C., Siejkowski H., Silk J., Siqueira C., Sliusar V., Slowikowska A., Sokolenko A., Sol H., Spencer S., Stamerra A., Stanic S., Starling R., Stolarczyk T., Straumann U., Striskovic J., Suda Y., Suomijarvi T., Swierk P., Tavecchio F., Taylor L., Tejedor L.A., Teshima M., Testa V., Tibaldo L., Todero Peixoto C.J., Tokanai F., Tonev D., Tosti G., Tosti L., Tothill N., Truzzi S., Travnicek P., Vagelli V., Vallage B., Vallania P., van Eldik C., Vandenbroucke J., Varner G.S., Vassiliev V., Vazquez Acosta M., Vecchi M., Ventura S., Vercellone S., Vergani S., Verna G., Viana A., Vigorito C.F., Vink J., Vitale V., Vorobiov S., Vovk I., Vuillaume T., Wagner S.J., Walter R., Watson J., Weniger C., White R., White M., Wiemann R., Wierzcholska A., Will M., Williams D.A., Wischnewski R., Yanagita S., Yang L., Yoshikoshi T., Zacharias M., Zaharijas G., Zakaria A.A., Zampieri L., Zanin R., Zaric D., Zavrtanik M., Zavrtanik D., Zdziarski A.A., Zech A., Zechlin H., Zhdanov V.I., and Zivec M.
- Subjects
Cherenkov Telescope Array ,MATÉRIA ESCURA ,scale: TeV ,Astronomy ,atmosphere [Cherenkov counter] ,dark matter experiment ,Dark matter theory ,energy resolution ,Gamma ray experiments ,Particle ,Astrophysics ,cosmic background radiation ,01 natural sciences ,7. Clean energy ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph) ,benchmark ,WIMP ,HESS ,energy: flux ,TeV [scale] ,relativistic [charged particle] ,gamma ray experiment ,MAGIC (telescope) ,Monte Carlo ,Event reconstruction ,Physics ,High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE) ,Contraction ,spatial distribution ,track data analysis ,density [dark matter] ,Clumpy ,Astrophysics::Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics ,imaging ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,dark matter experiments ,dark matter theory ,gamma ray experiments ,galaxy morphology ,Dark matter experiments ,Física nuclear ,VERITAS ,Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena ,Simulations ,noise ,Astrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena ,Dark matter ,satellite ,Cosmic background radiation ,FOS: Physical sciences ,Annihilation ,dark matter: density ,Astrophysics::Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics ,Cherenkov counter: atmosphere ,heavy [dark matter] ,annihilation [dark matter] ,GLAST ,Galaxy morphology ,cosmic radiation [p] ,0103 physical sciences ,Cherenkov [radiation] ,Candidates ,ddc:530 ,AGN ,Cherenkov radiation ,Radiative Processes ,thermal [cross section] ,010308 nuclear & particles physics ,Física ,dark matter: annihilation ,Gamma-Ray Signals ,dark matter ,Galactic Center ,TeV gamma-ray astronomy ,Astronomy and Astrophysics ,Mass ,radiation: Cherenkov ,sensitivity ,MAGIC ,Galaxy ,Astronomía ,dark matter: heavy ,gamma ray ,p: cosmic radiation ,[PHYS.HPHE]Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Phenomenology [hep-ph] ,correlation ,charged particle: relativistic ,flux [energy] ,galaxy ,supersymmetry ,[PHYS.ASTR]Physics [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph] ,cross section: thermal - Abstract
Full list of authors: Acharyya, A.; Adam, R.; Adams, C.; Agudo, I.; Aguirre-Santaella, A.; Alfaro, R.; Alfaro, J.; Alispach, C.; Aloisio, R.; Alves Batista, R.; Amati, L.; Ambrosi, G.; Angüner, E. O.; Antonelli, L. A.; Aramo, C.; Araudo, A.; Armstrong, T.; Arqueros, F.; Asano, K.; Ascasíbar, Y. Ashley, M.; Balazs, C.; Ballester, O.; Baquero Larriva, A.; Barbosa Martins, V.; Barkov, M.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Barrio, J. A.; Bastieri, D.; Becerra, J.; Beck, G.; Becker Tjus, J.; Benbow, W.; Benito, M.; Berge, D.; Bernardini, E.; Bernlöhr, K.; Berti, A.; Bertucci, B.; Beshley, V.; Biasuzzi, B.; Biland, A.; Bissaldi, E.; Biteau, J.; Blanch, O.; Blazek, J.; Bocchino, F.; Boisson, C.; Bonneau Arbeletche, L.; Bordas, P.; Bosnjak, Z.; Bottacini, E.; Bozhilov, V.; Bregeon, J.; Brill, A.; Bringmann, T.; Brown, A. M.; Brun, P.; Brun, F.; Bruno, P.; Bulgarelli, A.; Burton, M.; Burtovoi, A.; Buscemi, M.; Cameron, R.; Capasso, M.; Caproni, A.; Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R.; Caraveo, P.; Carosi, R.; Carosi, A.; Casanova, S.; Cascone, E.; Cassol, F.; Catalani, F.; Cauz, D.; Cerruti, M.; Chadwick, P.; Chaty, S.; Chen, A.; Chernyakova, M.; Chiaro, G.; Chiavassa, A.; Chikawa, M.; Chudoba, J.; Çolak, M.; Conforti, V.; Coniglione, R.; Conte, F.; Contreras, J. L.; Coronado-Blazquez, J.; Costa, A.; Costantini, H.; Cotter, G.; Cristofari, P.; D'Aimath, A.; D'Ammando, F.; Damone, L. A.; Daniel, M. K.; Dazzi, F.; De Angelis, A.; De Caprio, V.; de Cássia dos Anjos, R.; de Gouveia Dal Pino, E. M.; De Lotto, B.; De Martino, D.; de Oña Wilhelmi, E.; De Palma, F.; de Souza, V.; Delgado, C.; Delgado Giler, A. G.; della Volpe, D.; Depaoli, D.; Di Girolamo, T.; Di Pierro, F.; Di Venere, L.; Diebold, S.; Dmytriiev, A.; Domínguez, A.; Donini, A.; Doro, M.; Ebr, J.; Eckner, C.; Edwards, T. D. P.; Ekoume, T. R. N.; Elsässer, D.; Evoli, C.; Falceta-Goncalves, D.; Fedorova, E.; Fegan, S.; Feng, Q.; Ferrand, G.; Ferrara, G.; Fiandrini, E.; Fiasson, A.; Filipovic, M.; Fioretti, V.; Fiori, M.; Foffano, L.; Fontaine, G.; Fornieri, O.; Franco, F. J.; Fukami, S.; Fukui, Y.; Gaggero, D.; Galaz, G.; Gammaldi, V.; Garcia, E.; Garczarczyk, M.; Gascon, D.; Gent, A.; Ghalumyan, A.; Gianotti, F.; Giarrusso, M.; Giavitto, G.; Giglietto, N.; Giordano, F.; Giuliani, A.; Glicenstein, J.; Gnatyk, R.; Goldoni, P.; González, M. M.; Gourgouliatos, K.; Granot, J.; Grasso, D.; Green, J.; Grillo, A.; Gueta, O.; Gunji, S.; Halim, A.; Hassan, T.; Heller, M.; Hernández Cadena, S.; Hiroshima, N.; Hnatyk, B.; Hofmann, W.; Holder, J.; Horan, D.; Hörandel, J.; Horvath, P.; Hovatta, T.; Hrabovsky, M.; Hrupec, D.; Hughes, G.; Humensky, T. B.; Hütten, M.; Iarlori, M.; Inada, T.; Inoue, S.; Iocco, F.; Iori, M.; Jamrozy, M.; Janecek, P.; Jin, W.; Jouvin, L.; Jurysek, J.; Karukes, E.; Katarzyński, K.; Kazanas, D.; Kerszberg, D.; Kherlakian, M. C.; Kissmann, R.; Knödlseder, J.; Kobayashi, Y.; Kohri, K.; Komin, N.; Kubo, H.; Kushida, J.; Lamanna, G.; Lapington, J.; Laporte, P.; Leigui de Oliveira, M. A.; Lenain, J.; Leone, F.; Leto, G.; Lindfors, E.; Lohse, T.; Lombardi, S.; Longo, F.; Lopez, A.; López, M.; López-Coto, R.; Loporchio, S.; Luque-Escamilla, P. L.; Mach, E.; Maggio, C.; Maier, G.; Mallamaci, M.; Malta Nunes de Almeida, R.; Mandat, D.; Manganaro, M.; Mangano, S.; Manicò, G.; Marculewicz, M.; Mariotti, M.; Markoff, S.; Marquez, P.; Martí, J.; Martinez, O.; Martínez, M.; Martínez, G.; Martínez-Huerta, H.; Maurin, G.; Mazin, D.; Mbarubucyeye, J. D.; Medina Miranda, D.; Meyer, M.; Miceli, M.; Miener, T.; Minev, M.; Miranda, J. M.; Mirzoyan, R.; Mizuno, T.; Mode, B.; Moderski, R.; Mohrmann, L.; Molina, E.; Montaruli, T.; Moralejo, A.; Morcuende-Parrilla, D.; Morselli, A.; Mukherjee, R.; Mundell, C.; Nagai, A.; Nakamori, T.; Nemmen, R.; Niemiec, J.; Nieto, D.; Nikołajuk, M.; Ninci, D.; Noda, K.; Nosek, D.; Nozaki, S.; Ohira, Y.; Ohishi, M.; Ohtani, Y.; Oka, T.; Okumura, A.; Ong, R. A.; Orienti, M.; Orito, R.; Orlandini, M.; Orlando, S.; Orlando, E.; Ostrowski, M.; Oya, I.; Pagano, I.; Pagliaro, A.; Palatiello, M.; Pantaleo, F. R.; Paredes, J. M.; Pareschi, G.; Parmiggiani, N.; Patricelli, B.; Pavletić, L.; Pe'er, A.; Pecimotika, M.; Pérez-Romero, J.; Persic, M.; Petruk, O.; Pfrang, K.; Piano, G.; Piatteli, P.; Pietropaolo, E.; Pillera, R.; Pilszyk, B.; Pintore, F.; Pohl, M.; Poireau, V.; Prado, R. R.; Prandini, E.; Prast, J.; Principe, G.; Prokoph, H.; Prouza, M.; Przybilski, H.; Pühlhofer, G.; Pumo, M. L.; Queiroz, F.; Quirrenbach, A.; Rainò, S.; Rando, R.; Razzaque, S.; Recchia, S.; Reimer, O.; Reisenegger, A.; Renier, Y.; Rhode, W.; Ribeiro, D.; Ribó, M.; Richtler, T.; Rico, J.; Rieger, F.; Rinchiuso, L.; Rizi, V.; Rodriguez, J.; Rodriguez Fernandez, G.; Rodriguez Ramirez, J. C.; Rojas, G.; Romano, P.; Romeo, G.; Rosado, J.; Rowell, G.; Rudak, B.; Russo, F.; Sadeh, I.; Sæther Hatlen, E.; Safi-Harb, S.; Salesa Greus, F.; Salina, G.; Sanchez, D.; Sánchez-Conde, M.; Sangiorgi, P.; Sano, H.; Santander, M.; Santos, E. M.; Santos-Lima, R.; Sanuy, A.; Sarkar, S.; Saturni, F. G.; Sawangwit, U.; Schussler, F.; Schwanke, U.; Sciacca, E.; Scuderi, S.; Seglar-Arroyo, M.; Sergijenko, O.; Servillat, M.; Seweryn, K.; Shalchi, A.; Sharma, P.; Shellard, R. C.; Siejkowski, H.; Silk, J.; Siqueira, C.; Sliusar, V.; Słowikowska, A.; Sokolenko, A.; Sol, H.; Spencer, S.; Stamerra, A.; Stanič, S.; Starling, R.; Stolarczyk, T.; Straumann, U.; Strišković, J.; Suda, Y.; Suomijarvi, T.; Świerk, P.; Tavecchio, F.; Taylor, L.; Tejedor, L. A.; Teshima, M.; Testa, V.; Tibaldo, L.; Todero Peixoto, C. J.; Tokanai, F.; Tonev, D.; Tosti, G.; Tosti, L.; Tothill, N.; Truzzi, S.; Travnicek, P.; Vagelli, V.; Vallage, B.; Vallania, P.; van Eldik, C.; Vandenbroucke, J.; Varner, G. S.; Vassiliev, V.; Vázquez Acosta, M.; Vecchi, M.; Ventura, S.; Vercellone, S.; Vergani, S.; Verna, G.; Viana, A.; Vigorito, C. F.; Vink, J.; Vitale, V.; Vorobiov, S.; Vovk, I.; Vuillaume, T.; Wagner, S. J.; Walter, R.; Watson, J.; Weniger, C.; White, R.; White, M.; Wiemann, R.; Wierzcholska, A.; Will, M.; Williams, D. A.; Wischnewski, R.; Yanagita, S.; Yang, L.; Yoshikoshi, T.; Zacharias, M.; Zaharijas, G.; Zakaria, A. A.; Zampieri, L.; Zanin, R.; Zaric, D.; Zavrtanik, M.; Zavrtanik, D.; Zdziarski, A. A.; Zech, A.; Zechlin, H.; Zhdanov, V. I.; Živec, M.-- This is an open access article published by IOP Publishing Ltd on behalf of Sissa Medialab. Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI., We provide an updated assessment of the power of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) to search for thermally produced dark matter at the TeV scale, via the associated gamma-ray signal from pair-annihilating dark matter particles in the region around the Galactic centre. We find that CTA will open a new window of discovery potential, significantly extending the range of robustly testable models given a standard cuspy profile of the dark matter density distribution. Importantly, even for a cored profile, the projected sensitivity of CTA will be sufficient to probe various well-motivated models of thermally produced dark matter at the TeV scale. This is due to CTA's unprecedented sensitivity, angular and energy resolutions, and the planned observational strategy. The survey of the inner Galaxy will cover a much larger region than corresponding previous observational campaigns with imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. CTA will map with unprecedented precision the large-scale diffuse emission in high-energy gamma rays, constituting a background for dark matter searches for which we adopt state-of-the-art models based on current data. Throughout our analysis, we use up-to-date event reconstruction Monte Carlo tools developed by the CTA consortium, and pay special attention to quantifying the level of instrumental systematic uncertainties, as well as background template systematic errors, required to probe thermally produced dark matter at these energies. © 2021 The Author(s)., We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the following agencies and organisations: State Committee of Science of Armenia, Armenia; The Australian Research Council, Astronomy Australia Ltd, The University of Adelaide, Australian National University, Monash University, The University of New South Wales, The University of Sydney, Western Sydney University, Australia; Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, and Innsbruck University, Austria; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq), Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ), Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP), Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications (MCTIC), and Instituto Serrapilheira, Brasil; Ministry of Education and Science, National RI Roadmap Project DO1-153/28.08.2018, Bulgaria; The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Canadian Space Agency, Canada; CONICYT-Chile grants CATA AFB 170002, ANID PIA/APOYO AFB 180002, ACT 1406, FONDECYT-Chile grants, 1161463, 1170171, 1190886, 1171421, 1170345, 1201582, Gemini-ANID 32180007, Chile; Croatian Science Foundation, Rudjer Boskovic Institute, University of Osijek, University of Rijeka, University of Split, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Croatia; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, MEYS LM2015046, LM2018105, LTT17006, EU/MEYS CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001403, CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/18_046/0016007 and CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000754, Czech Republic; Academy of Finland (grant nr.317636, 320045, 317383 and 320085), Finland; Ministry of Higher Education and Research, CNRS-INSU and CNRS-IN2P3, CEA-Irfu, ANR, Regional Council Ile de France, Labex ENIGMASS, OSUG2020, P2IO and OCEVU, France; Max Planck Society, BMBF, DESY, Helmholtz Association, Germany; Department of Atomic Energy, Department of Science and Technology, India; Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF), Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), MIUR, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF-OABRERA) Grant Fondazione Cariplo/Regione Lombardia ID 2014-1980/RST_ERC, Italy; ICRR, University of Tokyo, JSPS, MEXT, Japan; Netherlands Research School for Astronomy (NOVA), Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), Netherlands; University of Oslo, Norway; Ministry of Science and Higher Education, DIR/WK/2017/12, the National Centre for Research and Development and the National Science Centre, UMO-2016/22/M/ST9/00583, Poland; Slovenian Research Agency, grants P1-0031, P1-0385, I0-0033, J1-9146, J1-1700, N1-0111, and the Young Researcher program, Slovenia; South African Department of Science and Technology and National Research Foundation through the South African Gamma-Ray Astronomy Programme, South Africa; The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Spanish Research State Agency (AEI) through grants AYA2016-79724-C4-1-P, AYA2016-80889-P, AYA2016-76012-C3-1-P, BES-2016-076342, ESP2017-87055-C2-1-P, FPA2017-82729-C6-1-R, FPA2017-82729-C6-2-R, FPA2017-82729-C6-3-R, FPA2017-82729-C6-4-R, FPA2017-82729-C6-5-R, FPA2017-82729-C6-6-R, PGC2018-095161-B-I00, PGC2018-095512-B-I00; the \Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa"program through grants no. SEV-2015-0548, SEV-2016-0597, SEV-2016-0588, SEV-2017-0709; the "Unidad de Excelencia Maria de Maeztu" program through grant no. MDM-2015-0509; the "Ramon y Cajal" programme through grants RYC-2013-14511, RyC-2013-14660, RYC-2017-22665; and the MultiDark Consolider Network FPA2017-90566-REDC. Atraccion de Talento contract no. 2016-T1/TIC-1542 granted by the Comunidad de Madrid; the "Postdoctoral Junior Leader Fellowship" programme from La Caixa Banking Foundation, grants no. LCF/BQ/LI18/11630014 and LCF/BQ/PI18/11630012; the "Programa Operativo" FEDER2014-2020, Consejeria de Economia y Conocimiento de la Junta de Andalucia (ref. 1257737), PAIDI 2020 (ref. P18-FR-1580), and Universidad de Jaen; the Spanish AEI EQC2018-005094-P FEDER 2014-2020; the European Union's "Horizon 2020" research and innovation programme under Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 665919; and the ESCAPE project with grant no. GA:824064, Spain; Swedish Research Council, Royal Physiographic Society of Lund, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, The Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) at Lunarc (Lund), Sweden; State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) and Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Switzerland; Durham University, Leverhulme Trust, Liverpool University, University of Leicester, University of Oxford, Royal Society, Science and Technology Facilities Council, U.K.; U.S. National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Energy, Argonne National Laboratory, Barnard College, University of California, University of Chicago, Columbia University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Institute for Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics (INPAC-MRPI program), Iowa State University, the Smithsonian Institution, Washington University McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences, The University of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, U.S.A. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreements No 262053 and No 317446. This project is receiving funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programs under agreement No 676134.
- Published
- 2022
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6. Investigation of the properties of a-C:H coatings with graded metal interlayers
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- Published
- 1999
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7. Broadband characterisation of the very intense TeV flares of the blazar 1ES 1959+650 in 2016
- Author
MAGIC Collaboration, Acciari, V. A., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Arbet Engels, A., Baack, D., Babić, A., Banerjee, B., Barres de Almeida, U., Barrio, J. A., Becerra González, J., Bednarek, W., Bellizzi, L., Bernardini, E., Berti, A., Besenrieder, J., Bhattacharyya, W., Bigongiari, C., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bonnoli, G., Bosnjak, Z., Busetto, G., Carosi, R., Ceribella, G., Chai, Y., Cikota, S., Colak, S. M., Colin, U., Colombo, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., D’Elia, V., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Lotto, B., Delfino, M., Delgado, J., Di Pierro, F., Do Souto Espiñeira, E., Dominis Prester, D., Donini, A., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Elsaesser, D., Fallah Ramazani, V., Fattorini, A., Fernández-Barral, A., Ferrara, G., Fidalgo, D., Foffano, L., Fonseca, M. V., Font, L., Fruck, C., Fukami, S., Gallozzi, S., García López, R. J., Garczarczyk, M., Gasparyan, S., Gaug, M., Godinović, N., Green, D., Guberman, D., Hadasch, D., Hahn, A., Herrera, J., Hoang, J., Hrupec, D., Inada, T., Inoue, S., Ishio, K., Iwamura, Y., Jouvin, L., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., Lamastra, A., Lelas, D., Leone, F., Lindfors, E., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., López, M., López-Coto, R., López-Oramas, A., Machado de Oliveira Fraga, B., Maggio, C., Majumdar, P., Makariev, M., Mallamaci, M., Maneva, G., Manganaro, M., Mannheim, K., Maraschi, L., Mariotti, M., Martínez, M., Masuda, S., Mazin, D., Mićanović, S., Miceli, D., Minev, M., Miranda, J. M., Mirzoyan, R., Molina, E., Moralejo, A., Morcuende, D., Moreno, V., Moretti, E., Munar-Adrover, P., Neustroev, V., Niedzwiecki, A., Nigro, C., Nilsson, K., Ninci, D., Nishijima, K., Noda, K., Nogués, L., Nöthe, M., Nozaki, S., Paiano, S., Palacio, J., Palatiello, M., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Peñil, P., Peresano, M., Persic, M., Prada Moroni, P. G., Prandini, E., Puljak, I., Rhode, W., Ribó, M., Rico, J., Righi, C., Rugliancich, A., Saha, L., Sahakyan, N., Saito, T., Sakurai, S., Satalecka, K., Schweizer, T., Sitarek, J., Šnidarić, I., Sobczynska, D., Somero, A., Stamerra, A., Strom, D., Strzys, M., Surić, T., Takahashi, M., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terzić, T., Teshima, M., Torres-Albà, N., Tsujimoto, S., van Scherpenberg, J., Vanzo, G., Vazquez Acosta, M., Vovk, I., Will, M., Zarić, D., Hayashida, M., Fermi-LAT Collaboration, Acciari, V. A., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Arbet Engels, A., Baack, D., Babic, A., Banerjee, B., Barres De Almeida, U., Barrio, J. A., Becerra Gonzalez, J., Bednarek, W., Bellizzi, L., Bernardini, E., Berti, A., Besenrieder, J., Bhattacharyya, W., Bigongiari, C., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bonnoli, G., Bosnjak, Z., Busetto, G., Carosi, R., Ceribella, G., Chai, Y., Cikota, S., Colak, S. M., Colin, U., Colombo, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., D'Elia, V., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Lotto, B., Delfino, M., Delgado, J., Di Pierro, F., Do Souto Espineira, E., Dominis Prester, D., Donini, A., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Elsaesser, D., Fallah Ramazani, V., Fattorini, A., Fernandez-Barral, A., Ferrara, G., Fidalgo, D., Foffano, L., Fonseca, M. V., Font, L., Fruck, C., Fukami, S., Gallozzi, S., Garcia Lopez, R. J., Garczarczyk, M., Gasparyan, S., Gaug, M., Godinovic, N., Green, D., Guberman, D., Hadasch, D., Hahn, A., Herrera, J., Hoang, J., Hrupec, D., Inada, T., Inoue, S., Ishio, K., Iwamura, Y., Jouvin, L., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., Lamastra, A., Lelas, D., Leone, F., Lindfors, E., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., Lopez, M., Lopez-Coto, R., Lopez-Oramas, A., MacHado De Oliveira Fraga, B., Maggio, C., Majumdar, P., Makariev, M., Mallamaci, M., Maneva, G., Manganaro, M., Mannheim, K., Maraschi, L., Mariotti, M., Martinez, M., Masuda, S., Mazin, D., Micanovic, S., Miceli, D., Minev, M., Miranda, J. M., Mirzoyan, R., Molina, E., Moralejo, A., Morcuende, D., Moreno, V., Moretti, E., Munar-Adrover, P., Neustroev, V., Niedzwiecki, A., Nigro, C., Nilsson, K., Ninci, D., Nishijima, K., Noda, K., Nogues, L., Nothe, M., Nozaki, S., Paiano, S., Palacio, J., Palatiello, M., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Penil, P., Peresano, M., Persic, M., Prada Moroni, P. G., Prandini, E., Puljak, I., Rhode, W., Ribo, M., Rico, J., Righi, C., Rugliancich, A., Saha, L., Sahakyan, N., Saito, T., Sakurai, S., Satalecka, K., Schweizer, T., Sitarek, J., Snidaric, I., Sobczynska, D., Somero, A., Stamerra, A., Strom, D., Strzys, M., Suric, T., Takahashi, M., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terzic, T., Teshima, M., Torres-Alba, N., Tsujimoto, S., Van Scherpenberg, J., Vanzo, G., Vazquez Acosta, M., Vovk, I., Will, M., Zaric, D., Hayashida, M., Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany), Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Swiss National Science Foundation, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Department of Atomic Energy (India), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Ministry of Education and Culture (Hungary), Fundación Severo Ochoa, Universidad de Barcelona, Croatian Science Foundation, German Research Foundation, National Centre for Research and Development (Poland), Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (Brasil), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (US), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules (France), Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Japan), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (Japan), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Swedish Research Council, Swedish National Space Board, and European Commission
- Subjects
jets [galaxies] ,observational [methods] ,Flux ,magnetic field ,Astrophysics ,jet [Galaxies] ,01 natural sciences ,7. Clean energy ,BL Lacertae objects: individual: 1ES 1959+650 ,Cherenkov ,Astroparticle physics ,Galaxies: jets ,Methods: observational ,Neutrinos ,Radiation mechanisms: non-thermal ,MAGIC (telescope) ,010303 astronomy & astrophysics ,High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE) ,Physics ,imaging ,neutrinos ,non-thermal [radiation mechanisms] ,astroparticle physics ,galaxies: jets ,methods: observational ,radiation mechanisms: non-thermal ,Spectral energy distribution ,Física nuclear ,Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena ,BL Lac object ,exceptional ,Astrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena ,FOS: Physical sciences ,Astroparticle physic ,VHE ,GLAST ,energy [p] ,blazar ,X-ray ,synchrotron ,Neutrino ,0103 physical sciences ,Blazar ,Cherenkov radiation ,010308 nuclear & particles physics ,Computer Science::Information Retrieval ,Astronomy and Astrophysics ,MAGIC ,proton synchrotron ,flux ,Crab Nebula ,field strength ,gamma ray ,13. Climate action ,Space and Planetary Science ,ddc:520 ,spectral ,hadronic [model] ,individual: 1ES 1959+650 [BL Lacertae objects] ,Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope - Abstract
1ES 1959+650 is a bright TeV high-frequency-peaked BL Lac object exhibiting interesting features like orphan TeV flares and broad emission in the high-energy regime that are difficult to interpret using conventional one-zone Synchrotron Self-Compton (SSC) scenarios. We report the results from the Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov (MAGIC) observations in 2016 along with the multi-wavelength data from the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) and Swift instruments. MAGIC observed 1ES 1959+650 with different emission levels in the very-high-energy (VHE, E > 100 GeV) -ray band during 2016. In the long-term data, the X-ray spectrum becomes harder with increasing flux and a hint of a similar trend is also visible in the VHE band. An exceptionally high VHE flux reaching ∼3 times the Crab Nebula flux was measured by MAGIC on the 13 and 14 of June, and 1 July 2016 (the highest flux observed since 2002). During these flares, the high-energy peak of the spectral energy distribution (SED) lies in the VHE domain and extends up to several TeV. The spectrum in the -ray (both Fermi-LAT and VHE bands) and the X-ray bands are quite hard. On 13 June and 1 July 2016, the source showed rapid variations in the VHE flux within timescales of less than an hour. A simple one-zone SSC model can describe the data during the flares requiring moderate to large values of the Doppler factors (δ ≥ 30..60). Alternatively, the high-energy peak of the SED can be explained by a purely hadronic model attributed to proton-synchrotron radiation with jet power L∼ 10erg sand under high values of the magnetic field strength (∼100 G) and maximum proton energy (∼few EeV). Mixed leptohadronic models require super-Eddington values of the jet power. We conclude that it is difficult to get detectable neutrino emission from the source during the extreme VHE flaring period of 2016., The financial support of the German BMBF and MPG, the Italian INFN and INAF, the Swiss National Fund SNF, the ERDF under the Spanish MINECO (FPA2015-69818-P, FPA2012-36668, FPA2015-68378-P, FPA2015-69210-C6-2-R, FPA2015-69210-C6-4-R, FPA2015-69210-C6-6-R, AYA2015-71042-P, AYA2016-76012-C3-1-P, ESP2015-71662-C2-2-P, FPA2017-90566-REDC), the Indian Department of Atomic Energy, the Japanese JSPS and MEXT and the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science, National RI Roadmap Project DO1-153/28.08.2018 is gratefully acknowledged. This work was also supported by the Spanish Centro de Excelencia “Severo Ochoa” SEV-2016-0588 and SEV-2015-0548, and Unidad de Excelencia “María de Maeztu” MDM-2014-0369, by the Croatian Science Foundation (HrZZ) Project IP-2016-06-9782 and the University of Rijeka Project, by the DFG Collaborative Research Centers SFB823/C4 and SFB876/C3, the Polish National Research Centre grant UMO-2016/22/M/ST9/00382 and by the Brazilian MCTIC, CNPq and FAPERJ. The Fermi-LAT Collaboration acknowledges generous ongoing support from a number of agencies and institutes that have supported both the development and the operation of the LAT as well as scientific data analysis. These include the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Department of Energy in the United States, the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Insti-tut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules in France, the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana and the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare in Italy, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) in Japan, and the K. A. Wallenberg Foundation, the Swedish Research Council and the Swedish National Space Board in Sweden. Additional support for science analysis during the operations phase is gratefully acknowledged from the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica in Italy and the Centre National d’Études Spatiales in France. This work performed in part under DOE Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515. We also appreciate a helpful framework which we used for the Fermi-LAT data analysis, Fermipy (Wood et al. 2017).
- Published
- 2020
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8. Measurement of the Extragalactic Background Light using MAGIC and Fermi-LAT gamma-ray observations of blazars up to z = 1
- Author
Acciari, V A, Ansoldi, S, Antonelli, L A, Arbet , Engels, A, Baack, D, Babić, A, Banerjee, B, Barresundefined, deundefined, Almeida, U, Barrio, J A, Becerraundefined, González, J, Bednarek, W, Bellizzi, L, Bernardini, E, Berti, A, Besenrieder, J, Bhattacharyya, W, Bigongiari, C, Biland, A, Blanch, O, Bonnoli, G, Busetto, G, Carosi, R, Ceribella, G, Chai, Y, Cikota, S, Colak, S M, Colin, U, Colombo, E, Contreras, J L, Cortina, J, Covino, S, D’Elia, V, Daundefined, Vela, P, Dazzi, F, Deundefined, Angelis, A, Lotto, B, Delfino, M, Delgado, J, Diundefined, Pierro, F, Doundefined, Soutoundefined, Espiñeira, E, Domínguez, A, Dominisundefined, Prester, D, Dorner, D, Doro, M, Elsaesser, D, Fallahundefined, Ramazani, V, Fattorini, A, Fernández-Barral, A, Ferrara, G, Fidalgo, D, Foffano, L, Fonseca, M V, Font, L, Fruck, C, Galindo, D, Gallozzi, S, Garcíaundefined, López, R J, Garczarczyk, M, Gasparyan, S, Gaug, M, Godinović, N, Green, D, Guberman, D, Hadasch, D, Hahn, A, Hassan, T, Herrera, J, Hoang, J, Hrupec, D, Inoue, S, Ishio, K, Iwamura, Y, Kubo, H, Kushida, J, Lamastra, A, Lelas, D, Leone, F, Lindfors, E, Lombardi, S, Longo, F, López, M, López-Coto, R, López-Oramas, A, Machadoundefined, Oliveiraundefined, Fraga, B, Maggio, C, Majumdar, P, Makariev, M, Mallamaci, M, Maneva, G, Manganaro, M, Mannheim, K, Maraschi, L, Mariotti, M, Martínez, M, Masuda, S, Mazin, D, Mićanović, S, Miceli, D, Minev, M, Miranda, J M, Mirzoyan, R, Molina, E, Moralejo, A, Morcuende, D, Moreno, V, Moretti, E, Munar-Adrover, P, Neustroev, V, Niedzwiecki, A, Nievasundefined, Rosillo, M, Nigro, C, Nilsson, K, Ninci, D, Nishijima, K, Noda, K, Nogués, L, Nöthe, M, Paiano, S, Palacio, J, Palatiello, M, Paneque, D, Paoletti, R, Paredes, J M, Peñil, P, Peresano, M, Persic, M, Pradaundefined, Moroni, P G, Prandini, E, Puljak, I, Rhode, W, Ribó, M, Rico, J, Righi, C, Rugliancich, A, Saha, L, Sahakyan, N, Saito, T, Satalecka, K, Schweizer, T, Sitarek, J, Šnidarić, I, Sobczynska, D, Somero, A, Stamerra, A, Strom, D, Strzys, M, Surić, T, Tavecchio, F, Temnikov, P, Terzić, T, Teshima, M, Torres-Albà, N, Tsujimoto, S, vanundefined, Scherpenberg, J, Vanzo, G, Vázquezundefined, Acosta, M, Vovk, I, Will, M, Zarić, D, Acciar, V. A., Acciari, V. A., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Arbet Engels, A., Baack, D., Babic, A., Banerjee, B., Barres De Almeida, U., Barrio, J. A., Becerra Gonzalez, J., Bednarek, W., Bellizzi, L., Bernardini, E., Berti, A., Besenrieder, J., Bhattacharyya, W., Bigongiari, C., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bonnoli, G., Busetto, G., Carosi, R., Ceribella, G., Chai, Y., Cikota, S., Colak, S. M., Colin, U., Colombo, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., D'Elia, V., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Lotto, B., Delfino, M., Delgado, J., Di Pierro, F., Do Souto Espineira, E., Dominguez, A., Dominis Prester, D., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Elsaesser, D., Fallah Ramazani, V., Fattorini, A., Fernandez-Barral, A., Ferrara, G., Fidalgo, D., Foffano, L., Fonseca, M. V., Font, L., Fruck, C., Galindo, D., Gallozzi, S., Garcia Lopez, R. J., Garczarczyk, M., Gasparyan, S., Gaug, M., Godinovic, N., Green, D., Guberman, D., Hadasch, D., Hahn, A., Hassan, T., Herrera, J., Hoang, J., Hrupec, D., Inoue, S., Ishio, K., Iwamura, Y., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., Lamastra, A., Lelas, D., Leone, F., Lindfors, E., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., Lopez, M., Lopez-Coto, R., Lopez-Oramas, A., MacHado De Oliveira Fraga, B., Maggio, C., Majumdar, P., Makariev, M., Mallamaci, M., Maneva, G., Manganaro, M., Mannheim, K., Maraschi, L., Mariotti, M., Martinez, M., Masuda, S., Mazin, D., Micanovic, S., Miceli, D., Minev, M., Miranda, J. M., Mirzoyan, R., Molina, E., Moralejo, A., Morcuende, D., Moreno, V., Moretti, E., Munar-Adrover, P., Neustroev, V., Niedzwiecki, A., Nievas Rosillo, M., Nigro, C., Nilsson, K., Ninci, D., Nishijima, K., Noda, K., Nogues, L., Nothe, M., Paiano, S., Palacio, J., Palatiello, M., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Penil, P., Peresano, M., Persic, M., Prada Moroni, P. G., Prandini, E., Puljak, I., Rhode, W., Ribo, M., Rico, J., Righi, C., Rugliancich, A., Saha, L., Sahakyan, N., Saito, T., Satalecka, K., Schweizer, T., Sitarek, J., Snidaric, I., Sobczynska, D., Somero, A., Stamerra, A., Strom, D., Strzys, M., Suric, T., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terzic, T., Teshima, M., Torres-Alba, N., Tsujimoto, S., Van Scherpenberg, J., Vanzo, G., Vazquez Acosta, M., Vovk, I., Will, M., and Zaric, D.
- Subjects
gamma-rays: galaxies ,Astrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena ,galaxies: active ,FOS: Physical sciences ,Astrophysics ,Astrophysics::Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics ,galaxies [infrared] ,01 natural sciences ,infrared: galaxies ,diffuse background [infrared] ,0103 physical sciences ,galaxies: active, gamma-rays: galaxies, infrared: diffuse background, infrared: galaxies ,galaxie [gamma-rays] ,Blazar ,010303 astronomy & astrophysics ,Astrophysics::Galaxy Astrophysics ,High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE) ,Luminous infrared galaxy ,Physics ,infrared: diffuse background ,010308 nuclear & particles physics ,Gamma ray ,Astronomy and Astrophysics ,Galaxy ,Redshift ,Stars ,galaxies [gamma-rays] ,Extragalactic background light ,Space and Planetary Science ,active [galaxies] ,ddc:520 ,Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena ,Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope - Abstract
We present a measurement of the extragalactic background light (EBL) based on a joint likelihood analysis of 32 gamma-ray spectra for 12 blazars in the redshift range z = 0.03 to 0.944, obtained by the MAGIC telescopes and Fermi-LAT. The EBL is the part of the diffuse extragalactic radiation spanning the ultraviolet, visible and infrared bands. Major contributors to the EBL are the light emitted by stars through the history of the universe, and the fraction of it which was absorbed by dust in galaxies and re-emitted at longer wavelengths. The EBL can be studied indirectly through its effect on very-high energy photons that are emitted by cosmic sources and absorbed via photon-photon interactions during their propagation across cosmological distances. We obtain estimates of the EBL density in good agreement with state-of-the-art models of the EBL production and evolution. The 1-sigma upper bounds, including systematic uncertainties, are between 13% and 23% above the nominal EBL density in the models. No anomaly in the expected transparency of the universe to gamma rays is observed in any range of optical depth.We also perform a wavelength-resolved EBL determination, which results in a hint of an excess of EBL in the 0.18 - 0.62 $\mu$m range relative to the studied models, yet compatible with them within systematics., Comment: Accepted by MNRAS
- Published
- 2019
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9. A Fast Very High Energy $\gamma$-ray Flare from BL Lacertae during a Period of Multiwavelength activity in June 2015
- Author
Acciari, V. A., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Engels, A. Arbet, Baack, D., Babić, A., Banerjee, B., Bangale, P., Barres De Almeida, U., Barrio, J. A., Becerra González, J., Bednarek, W., Bernardini, E., Berti, A., Besenrieder, J., Bhattacharyya, W., Bigongiari, C., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bonnoli, G., Carosi, R., Ceribella, G., Cikota, S., Colak, S. M., Colin, P., Colombo, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., D'Elia, V., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Lotto, B., Delfino, M., Delgado, J., Di Pierro, F., Espiñera, E. Souto, Domínguez, A., Dominis Prester, D., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Einecke, S., Elsaesser, D., Fallah Ramazani, V., Fattorini, A., Fernández-Barral, A., Ferrara, G., Fidalgo, D., Foffano, L., Fonseca, M. V., Font, L., Fruck, C., Galindo, D., Gallozzi, S., López, R. J. García, Garczarczyk, M., Gaug, M., Giammaria, P., Godinović, N., Guberman, D., Hadasch, D., Hahn, A., Hassan, T., Herrera, J., Hoang, J., Hrupec, D., Inoue, S., Ishio, K., Iwamura, Y., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., Kuveždić, D., Lamastra, A., Lelas, D., Leone, F., Lindfors, E., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., López, M., López-Oramas, A., Maggio, C., Majumdar, P., Makariev, M., Maneva, G., Manganaro, M., Mannheim, K., Maraschi, L., Mariotti, M., Martínez, M., Masuda, S., Mazin, D., Minev, M., Miranda, J. M., Mirzoyan, R., Molina, E., Moralejo, A., Moreno, V., Moretti, E., Munar-Adrover, P., Neustroev, V., Niedzwiecki, A., Nievas Rosillo, M., Nigro, C., Nilsson, K., Ninci, D., Nishijima, K., Noda, K., Nogués, L., Nöthe, M., Paiano, S., Palacio, J., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Pedaletti, G., Peñil, P., Peresano, M., Persic, M., Prada Moroni, P. G., Prandini, E., Puljak, I., Garcia, J. R., Rhode, W., Ribó, M., Rico, J., Righi, C., Rugliancich, A., Saha, L., Saito, T., Satalecka, K., Schweizer, T., Sitarek, J., Šnidarić, I., Sobczynska, D., Somero, A., Stamerra, A., Strzys, M., Surić, T., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terzić, T., Teshima, M., Torres-Albà, N., Tsujimoto, S., Van Scherpenberg, J., Vanzo, G., Vazquez Acosta, M., Vovk, I., Will, M., Zarić, D., D'Ammando, F., Hada, K., Jorstad, S., Marscher, A. P., Mobeen, M. Z., Larionov, V. M., Borman, G. A., Grishina, T. S., Kopatskaya, E. N., Morozova, D. A., Nikiforova, A. A., Lähteenmäki, A., Tornikoski, M., Agudo, I., and MAGIC Collaboration
- Subjects
energy: high ,radio wave ,interaction: model ,photon ,tension ,4/3 ,MAGIC ,rotation ,emission: model ,X-ray ,flux ,gamma ray: VHE ,star ,jet ,spectral ,polarization: optical ,AGN - Abstract
Astronomy and astrophysics 623, A175 - (2019). doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201834010, The mechanisms producing fast variability of the γ-ray emission in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are under debate. The MAGIC telescopes detected a fast, very-high-energy (VHE, E > 100 GeV) γ-ray flare from BL Lacertae on 2015 June 15. The flare had a maximum flux of (1.5 ± 0.3) × 10−10 photons cm−2 s−1 and halving time of 26 ± 8 min. The MAGIC observations were triggered by a high state in the optical and high-energy (HE, E > 100 MeV) γ-ray bands. In this paper we present the MAGIC VHE γ-ray data together with multi-wavelength data from radio, optical, X-rays, and HE γ rays from 2015 May 1 to July 31. Well-sampled multi-wavelength data allow us to study the variability in detail and compare it to the other epochs when fast, VHE γ-ray flares have been detected from this source. Interestingly, we find that the behaviour in radio, optical, X-rays, and HE γ-rays is very similar to two other observed VHE γ-ray flares. In particular, also during this flare there was an indication of rotation of the optical polarization angle and of activity at the 43 GHz core. These repeating patterns indicate a connection between the three events. We also test modelling of the spectral energy distribution based on constraints from the light curves and VLBA observations, with two different geometrical setups of two-zone inverse Compton models. In addition we model the γ-ray data with the star-jet interaction model. We find that all of the tested emission models are compatible with the fast VHE γ-ray flare, but all have some tension with the multi-wavelength observations.Key words: BL Lacertae objects: individual: BL Lacertae / gamma rays: galaxies⋆ MAGIC and multiwavelength data are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/qcat?J/A+A/623/A175⋆⋆ Corresponding authors: E. Lindfors, e-mail: elilin@utu.fi; M. Vazquez Acosta, e-mail: monicava@iac.es; S. Tsujimoto, e-mail: shimpei.tsujimoto@gmail.com, Published by EDP Sciences, Les Ulis
- Published
- 2019
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10. A search for spectral hysteresis and energy-dependent time lags from X-ray and TeV gamma-ray observations of Mrk 421
- Author
Abeysekara, A. U., Archambault, S., Chen, X., De Lotto, B., Wilhelmi, E. de Oña, Di Pierro, F., Doert, M., Domínguez, A., Prester, D. Dominis, Dorner, D., Doro, M., Einecke, S., Glawion, D. Eisenacher, Ciupik, L., Elsaesser, D., Engelkemeier, M., Ramazani, V. Fallah, Fernández-Barral, A., Fidalgo, D., Fonseca, M. V., Font, L., Fruck, C., Galindo, D., López, R. J. García, Connolly, M. P., Garczarczyk, M., Gaug, M., Giammaria, P., Godinović, N., Gora, D., Guberman, D., Hadasch, D., Hahn, A., Hassan, T., Hayashida, M., Cui, W., Herrera, J., Hose, J., Hrupec, D., Hughes, G., Idec, W., Kodani, K., Konno, Y., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., Lelas, D., Eisch, J. D., Lindfors, E., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., López, M., López-Coto, R., Majumdar, P., Makariev, M., Mallot, K., Maneva, G., Manganaro, M., Falcone, A., Mannheim, K., Maraschi, L., Marcote, B., Mariotti, M., Martínez, M., Mazin, D., Menzel, U., Mirzoyan, R., Moralejo, A., Moretti, E., Feng, Q., Nakajima, D., Neustroev, V., Niedzwiecki, A., Rosillo, M. Nievas, Nilsson, K., Nishijima, K., Noda, K., Nogués, L., Nöthe, M., Paiano, S., Finley, J. P., Palacio, J., Palatiello, M., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Paredes-Fortuny, X., Pedaletti, G., Peresano, M., Perri, L., Persic, M., Fleischhack, H., Poutanen, J., Moroni, P. G. Prada, Prandini, E., Puljak, I., Garcia, J. R., Reichardt, I., Rhode, W., Ribó, M., Rico, J., Saito, T., Flinders, A., Satalecka, K., Schroeder, S., Schweizer, T., Shore, S. N., Sillanpää, A., Sitarek, J., Snidaric, I., Sobczynska, D., Stamerra, A., Strzys, M., Archer, A., Fortson, L., Surić, T., Takalo, L., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terzić, T., Tescaro, D., Teshima, M., Torres, D. F., Torres-Albà, N., Toyama, T., Furniss, A., Treves, A., Vanzo, G., Acosta, M. Vazquez, Vovk, I., Ward, J. E., Will, M., Wu, M. H., Zanin, R., Hovatta, T., Perez, I. de la Calle, Griffin, S., Smith, P. S., Racero, E., Baloković, M., VERITAS Collaboration, MAGIC Collaboration, Hütten, M., Håkansson, N., Hanna, D., Hervet, O., Holder, J., Humensky, T. B., Kaaret, P., Benbow, W., Kar, P., Kertzman, M., Kieda, D., Krause, Maria, Kumar, S., Lang, M. J., Maier, G., McArthur, S., McCann, A., Meagher, K., Bird, R., Moriarty, P., Mukherjee, R., Nieto, D., O'Brien, S., Ong, R. A., Otte, A. N., Park, N., Pelassa, V., Pohl, Martin, Popkow, A., Buchovecky, M., Pueschel, E., Ragan, K., Reynolds, P. T., Richards, G. T., Roache, E., Sadeh, I., Santander, M., Sembroski, G. H., Shahinyan, K., Staszak, D., Buckley, J. H., Telezhinsky, I., Tucci, J. V., Tyler, J., Wakely, S. P., Weinstein, A., Wilhelm, Alina, Williams, D. A., Ahnen, M. L., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Bugaev, V., Antoranz, P., Arcaro, C., Babic, A., Banerjee, B., Bangale, P., de Almeida, U. Barres, Barrio, J. A., González, J. Becerra, Bednarek, W., Bernardini, E., Cardenzana, J. V, Berti, A., Biasuzzi, B., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bonnefoy, S., Bonnoli, G., Borracci, F., Bretz, T., Carosi, R., Carosi, A., Cerruti, M., Chatterjee, A., Colin, P., Colombo, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., Cumani, P., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., Department of Radio Science and Engineering, Aalto-yliopisto, Aalto University, Universitat de Barcelona, Abeysekara, A. U., Archambault, S., Archer, A., Benbow, W., Bird, R., Buchovecky, M., Buckley, J. H., Bugaev, V., Cardenzana, J. V., Cerruti, M., Chen, X., Ciupik, L., Connolly, M. P., Cui, W., Eisch, J. D., Falcone, A., Feng, Q., Finley, J. P., Fleischhack, H., Flinders, A., Fortson, L., Furniss, A., Griffin, S., Hakansson, M. H. N., Hanna, D., Hervet, O., Holder, J., Humensky, T. B., Kaaret, P., Kar, P., Kertzman, M., Kieda, D., Krause, M., Kumar, S., Lang, M. J., Maier, G., Mcarthur, S., Mccann, A., Meagher, K., Moriarty, P., Mukherjee, R., Nieto, D., Ong, S. O. R. A., Otte, A. N., Park, N., Pelassa, V., Pohl, M., Popkow, A., Pueschel, E., Ragan, K., Reynolds, P. T., Richards, G. T., Roache, E., Sadeh, I., Santander, M., Sembroski, G. H., Shahinyan, K., Staszak, D., Telezhinsky, I., Tucci, J. V., Tyler, J., Wakely, S. P., Weinstein, A., Wilhelm, A., Williams, D. A., Ahnen, M. L., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Antoranz, P., Arcaro, C., Babic, A., Banerjee, B., Bangale, P., Almeida, U. Barres De, Barrio, J. A., González, J. Becerra, Bednarek, W., Bernardini, E., Berti, Alessio, Biasuzzi, B., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bonnefoy, S., Bonnoli, G., Borracci, F., Bretz, T., Carosi, R., Carosi, A., Chatterjee, A., Colin, P., Colombo, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., Cumani, P., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Lotto, B., De Ona Wilhelmi, E., Di Pierro, F., Doert, M., Domínguez, A., Prester, D. Domini, Dorner, D., Doro, M., Einecke, S., Glawion, D. Eisenacher, Elsaesser, D., Engelkemeier, M., Ramazani, V. Fallah, Fernández Barral, A., Fidalgo, D., Fonseca, M. V., Font, L., Fruck, C., Galindo, D., López, R. J. García, Garczarczyk, M., Gaug, M., Giammaria, P., Godinović, N., Gora, D., Guberman, D., Hadasch, D., Hahn, A., Hassan, T., Hayashida, M., Herrera, J., Hose, J., Hrupec, D., Hughes, G., Idec, W., Kodani, K., Konno, Y., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., Lelas, D., Lindfors, E., Lombardi, S., Longo, Francesco, López, M., López Coto, R., Majumdar, P., Makariev, M., Mallot, K., Maneva, G., Manganaro, M., Mannheim, K., Maraschi, L., Marcote, B., Mariotti, M., Martínez, M., Mazin, D., Menzel, U., Mirzoyan, R., Moralejo, A., Moretti, E., Nakajima, D., Neustroev, V., Niedzwiecki, A., Rosillo, M. Nieva, Nilsson, K., Nishijima, K., Noda, K., Nogués, L., Nöthe, M., Paiano, S., Palacio, J., Palatiello, Michele, Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Paredes Fortuny, X., Pedaletti, G., Peresano, M., Perri, L., Persic, M., Poutanen, J., Moroni, P. G. Prada, Prandini, E., Puljak, I., Garcia, J. R., Reichardt, I., Rhode, W., Ribó, M., Rico, J., Saito, T., Satalecka, K., Schroeder, S., Schweizer, T., Shore, S. N., Sillanp, A., Sitarek, J., Snidaric, I., Sobczynska, D., Stamerra, A., Strzys, M., Surić, T., Takalo, L., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terzić, T., Tescaro, D., Teshima, M., Torres, D. F., Torres Albà, N., Toyama, T., Treves, A., Vanzo, G., Acosta, M. Vazquez, Vovk, I., Ward, J. E., Will, M., Wu, M. H., Zanin, R., Hovatta, T., De La Calle Perez, I., Smith, P. S., Racero, E., and Baloković, M.
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bl-lacertae objects ,blazars ,Astrophysics ,telescope ,01 natural sciences ,Spectral line ,individual (Markarian 421) [BL Lacertae objects] ,law.invention ,Raigs gamma ,law ,emission ,MAGIC (telescope) ,010303 astronomy & astrophysics ,High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE) ,Physics ,Spectral index ,Gamma ray ,Radius ,lac objects ,non-thermal [radiation mechanisms] ,Synchrotron ,xmm-newton ,BL Lacertae objects: individual (Markarian 421) ,galaxies: active ,gamma rays: general ,radiation mechanisms: non-thermal ,Astronomy and Astrophysics ,Space and Planetary Science ,correlated variability ,active [galaxies] ,Física nuclear ,Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena ,multiwavelength observations ,Astrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena ,FOS: Physical sciences ,0103 physical sciences ,Blazar ,010308 nuclear & particles physics ,Gamma rays ,Spectral density ,Astronomy and Astrophysic ,Galaxies ,Galàxies ,active galactic nuclei ,markarian-421 ,ddc:520 ,galaxies: active – BL Lacertae objects: individual: (Markarian 421) ,general [gamma rays] - Abstract
The astrophysical journal 834(1), 2 (2017). doi:10.3847/1538-4357/834/1/2, Blazars are variable emitters across all wavelengths over a wide range of timescales, from months down to minutes. It is therefore essential to observe blazars simultaneously at different wavelengths, especially in the X-ray and gamma-ray bands, where the broadband spectral energy distributions usually peak. In this work, we report on three "target-of-opportunity" observations of Mrk 421, one of the brightest TeV blazars, triggered by a strong flaring event at TeV energies in 2014. These observations feature long, continuous, and simultaneous exposures with XMM-Newton (covering the X-ray and optical/ultraviolet bands) and VERITAS (covering the TeV gamma-ray band), along with contemporaneous observations from other gamma-ray facilities (MAGIC and Fermi-Large Area Telescope) and a number of radio and optical facilities. Although neither rapid flares nor significant X-ray/TeV correlation are detected, these observations reveal subtle changes in the X-ray spectrum of the source over the course of a few days. We search the simultaneous X-ray and TeV data for spectral hysteresis patterns and time delays, which could provide insight into the emission mechanisms and the source properties (e.g., the radius of the emitting region, the strength of the magnetic field, and related timescales). The observed broadband spectra are consistent with a one-zone synchrotron self-Compton model. We find that the power spectral density distribution at $\gtrsim$ 4 × 10$^{−4}$ Hz from the X-ray data can be described by a power-law model with an index value between 1.2 and 1.8, and do not find evidence for a steepening of the power spectral index (often associated with a characteristic length scale) compared to the previously reported values at lower frequencies., Published by IOP Publ., Chicago, Ill. [u.a.]
- Published
- 2016
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11. A 1800 k furnace designed for in situ synchrotron microtomography
- Author
Grupp, R., Henkel, F., Nöthe, M., Banhart, J., Kieback, B., Haibel, A., and Publica
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microtomography ,radiation furnace - Abstract
A radiation furnace that covers the temperature range from room temperature up to 1800 K has been designed and constructed for in situ synchrotron microtomography. The furnace operates under a vacuum or under any inert gas atmosphere. The two 1000 W halogen heating lamps are water- and air-cooled. The samples are located at the focus of these lamp reflectors on a rotary feedthrough that is connected to a driving rotation stage below the furnace. The X-ray beam penetrates the furnace through two X-ray-transparent vacuum-sealed windows. Further windows can be used for temperature control, sample changing and gas inflow and outflow.
- Published
- 2009
12. Experimental and numerical analysis of the initial stage of field-assisted sintering of metals.
- Author
Semenov, A., Trapp, J., Nöthe, M., Eberhardt, O., Wallmersperger, T., and Kieback, B.
- Subjects
SINTERING ,ELECTRIC properties of steel ,COPPER ,ELECTRIC properties ,NICKEL electrometallurgy ,FINITE element method ,PARTICLE size determination - Abstract
The initial stage of contact formation during field-activated/assisted sintering of powders is investigated experimentally and numerically for spherical particles of nickel, steel, and copper. The results of experimental studies of the contact resistance and the neck formation process due to melting/sintering in two- to three-particle systems under a single high-current pulse from a capacitor discharge are compared with results of fully coupled thermo-electrical finite-element simulations. The impact of particle size, contact geometry, and electrical load on the temperature and temperature gradient distribution during the pulse discharge is analyzed numerically for nickel spheres. The influence of the material itself is compared for nickel, steel, and copper systems. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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13. In-Situ Synchrotron X-Ray Microtomography Studies of Microstructure and Damage Evolution in Engineering Materials.
- Author
Beckmann, F., Grupp, R., Haibel, A., Huppmann, M., Nöthe, M., Pyzalla, A., Reimers, W., Schreyer, A., and Zettler, R.
- Published
- 2007
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14. Deep observations of the globular cluster M15 with the MAGIC telescopes
- Author
Acciari, V. A., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Arbet Engels, A., Baack, D., Babić, A., Banerjee, B., Barres De Almeida, U., Barrio, J. A., Becerra González, J., Bednarek, W., Bernardini, E., Berti, A., Besenrieder, J., Bhattacharyya, W., Bigongiari, C., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bonnoli, G., Busetto, G., Carosi, R., Ceribella, G., Cikota, S., Colak, S. M., Colin, P., Colombo, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., D’Elia, V., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Lotto, B., Delfino, M., Delgado, J., Di Pierro, F., Do Souto Espiñera, E., Domínguez, A., Dominis Prester, D., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Einecke, S., Elsaesser, D., Fallah Ramazani, V., Fattorini, A., Fernández-Barral, A., Ferrara, G., Fidalgo, D., Foffano, L., Fonseca, M. V., Font, L., Fruck, C., Galindo, D., Gallozzi, S., García López, R. J., Garczarczyk, M., Gasparyan, S., Gaug, M., Giammaria, P., Godinović, N., Green, D., Guberman, D., Hadasch, D., Hahn, A., Herrera, J., Hoang, J., Hrupec, D., Inoue, S., Ishio, K., Iwamura, Y., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., Kuveždić, D., Lamastra, A., Lelas, D., Leone, F., Lindfors, E., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., López, M., López-Oramas, A., Machado De Oliveira Fraga, B., Maggio, C., Majumdar, P., Makariev, M., Mallamaci, M., Maneva, G., Manganaro, M., Mannheim, K., Maraschi, L., Mariotti, M., Martínez, M., Masuda, S., Mazin, D., Minev, M., Miranda, J. M., Mirzoyan, R., Molina, E., Moralejo, A., Moreno, V., Moretti, E., Munar-Adrover, P., Neustroev, V., Niedzwiecki, A., Nievas Rosillo, M., Nigro, C., Nilsson, K., Ninci, D., Nishijima, K., Noda, K., Nogués, L., Nöthe, M., Paiano, S., Palacio, J., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Pedaletti, G., Peñil, P., Peresano, M., Persic, M., Prada Moroni, P. G., Prandini, E., Puljak, I., Garcia, J. R., Rhode, W., Ribó, M., Rico, J., Righi, C., Rugliancich, A., Saha, L., Sahakyan, N., Saito, T., Satalecka, K., Schweizer, T., Sitarek, J., Šnidarić, I., Sobczynska, D., Somero, A., Stamerra, A., Strzys, M., Surić, T., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terzić, T., Teshima, M., Torres-Albà, N., Tsujimoto, S., Van Scherpenberg, J., Vanzo, G., Vazquez Acosta, M., Vovk, I., Will, M., and Zarić, D.
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7. Clean energy - Abstract
Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484(2), 2876 - 2885 (2019). doi:10.1093/mnras/stz179, A population of globular clusters (GCs) has been recently established by the Fermi-LAT telescope as a new class of GeV γ-ray sources. Leptons accelerated to TeV energies, in the inner magnetospheres of MSPs or in their wind regions, should produce γ-rays through the inverse Compton scattering in the dense radiation field from the huge population of stars. We have conducted deep observations of the GC M15 with the MAGIC telescopes and used 165 h in order to search for γ-ray emission. A strong upper limit on the TeV γ-ray flux $< 3.2 × 10^{−13}cm^{−2}s^{−1}$ above 300 GeV (, Published by Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford
15. Periastron Observations of TeV Gamma-Ray Emission from a Binary System with a 50-year Period
- Author
Abeysekara, A. U., Benbow, W., Bird, R., Brill, A., Brose, R., Buckley, J. H., Chromey, A. J., Daniel, M. K., Falcone, A., Finley, J. P., Fortson, L., Furniss, A., Gent, A., Gillanders, G. H., Hanna, D., Hassan, T., Hervet, O., Holder, J., Hughes, G., Humensky, T. B., Kaaret, P., Kar, P., Kertzman, M., Kieda, D., Krause, M., Krennrich, F., Kumar, S., Lang, M. J., Lin, T. T. Y., Maier, G., Moriarty, P., Mukherjee, R., O’Brien, S., Ong, R. A., Otte, A. N., Park, N., Petrashyk, A., Pohl, M., Pueschel, Elisa, Quinn, J., Ragan, K., Richards, G. T., Roache, E., Sadeh, I., Santander, M., Schlenstedt, S., Sembroski, G. H., Sushch, Iurii, Tyler, J., Vassiliev, V. V., Wakely, S. P., Weinstein, A., Wells, R. M., Wilcox, P., Wilhelm, Alina, Williams, D. A., Williamson, T. J, Zitzer, B., Acciari, V. A., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Engels, A. Arbet, Baack, D., Babić, A., Banerjee, B., De Almeida, U. Barres, Barrio, J. A., González, J. Becerra, Bednarek, W., Bernardini, Elisa, Berti, A., Besenrieder, J., Bhattacharyya, W., Bigongiari, C., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bonnoli, G., Busetto, G., Carosi, R., Ceribella, G., Cikota, S., Colak, S. M., Colin, P., Colombo, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., D’Elia, V., Vela, P. Da, Dazzi, F., Angelis, A. De, Lotto, B. De, Delfino, M., Delgado, J., Pierro, F. Di, Souto Espiñera, E. Do, Domínguez, A., Prester, D. Dominis, Dorner, D., Doro, M., Einecke, S., Elsaesser, D., Ramazani, V. Fallah, Fattorini, A., Fernández-Barral, A., Ferrara, G., Fidalgo, D., Foffano, L., Fonseca, M. V., Font, L., Fruck, C., Galindo, D., Gallozzi, S., López, R. J. García, Garczarczyk, M., Gasparyan, S., Gaug, M., Giammaria, P., Godinović, N., Guberman, D., Hadasch, D., Hahn, A., Herrera, J., Hoang, J., Hrupec, D., Inoue, S., Ishio, K., Iwamura, Y., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., Kuveždić, D., Lamastra, A., Lelas, D., Leone, F., Lindfors, E., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., López, M., López-Oramas, A., De Oliveira Fraga, B. Machado, Maggio, C., Majumdar, P., Makariev, M., Mallamaci, M., Maneva, G., Manganaro, M., Mannheim, K., Maraschi, L., Mariotti, M., Martínez, M., Masuda, S., Mazin, D., Minev, M., Miranda, J. M., Mirzoyan, R., Molina, E., Moralejo, A., Moreno, V., Moretti, E., Munar-Adrover, P., Neustroev, V., Niedzwiecki, A., Rosillo, M. Nievas, Nigro, C., Nilsson, K., Ninci, D., Nishijima, K., Noda, K., Nogués, L., Nöthe, M., Paiano, S., Palacio, J., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Pedaletti, G., Peñil, P., Peresano, M., Persic, M., Moroni, P. G. Prada, Prandini, E., Puljak, I., Garcia, J. R., Rhode, W., Ribó, M., Rico, J., Righi, C., Rugliancich, A., Saha, L., Sahakyan, N., Saito, T., Satalecka, K., Schweizer, T., Sitarek, J., Šnidarić, I., Sobczynska, D., Somero, A., Stamerra, A., Strzys, M., Surić, T., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terzić, T., Teshima, M., Torres-Albà, N., Tsujimoto, S., Scherpenberg, J. Van, Vanzo, G., Acosta, M. Vazquez, Vovk, I., Will, M., and Zarić, D.
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13. Climate action - Abstract
The astrophysical journal 867(1), L19 (2018). doi:10.3847/2041-8213/aae70e, We report on observations of the pulsar/Be star binary system PSR J2032+4127/MT91 213 in the energy range between $100\,\mathrm{GeV}$ and $20\,\mathrm{TeV}$ with the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array and Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov telescope arrays. The binary orbit has a period of approximately 50 years, with the most recent periastron occurring on 2017 November 13. Our observations span from 18 months prior to periastron to one month after. A new point-like gamma-ray source is detected, coincident with the location of PSR J2032+4127/MT91 213. The gamma-ray light curve and spectrum are well characterized over the periastron passage. The flux is variable over at least an order of magnitude, peaking at periastron, thus providing a firm association of the TeV source with the pulsar/Be star system. Observations prior to periastron show a cutoff in the spectrum at an energy around $0.5\,\mathrm{TeV}$. This result adds a new member to the small population of known TeV binaries, and it identifies only the second source of this class in which the nature and properties of the compact object are firmly established. We compare the gamma-ray results with the light curve measured with the X-ray Telescope on board the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory and with the predictions of recent theoretical models of the system. We conclude that significant revision of the models is required to explain the details of the emission that we have observed, and we discuss the relationship between the binary system and the overlapping steady extended source, TeV J2032+4130., Published by IOP, Chicago, Ill. [u.a.]
16. Monitoring of the radio galaxy M 87 during a low-emission state from 2012 to 2015 with MAGIC
- Author
Acciari, V. A., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Arbet Engels, A., Arcaro, C., Baack, D., Babić, A., Banerjee, B., Bangale, P., Barres de Almeida, U., Barrio, J. A., Becerra González, J., Bednarek, W., Bellizzi, L., Bernardini, E., Berti, A., Besenrieder, J., Bhattacharyya, W., Bigongiari, C., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bonnoli, G., Bošnjak, Ž, Busetto, G., Carosi, R., Ceribella, G., Chai, Y., Chilingaryan, A., Cikota, S., Colak, S. M., Colin, U., Colombo, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., D’Elia, V., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Lotto, B., Delfino, M., Delgado, J., Depaoli, D., Di Pierro, F., Di Venere, L., Do Souto Espiñeira, E., Dominis Prester, D., Donini, A., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Elsaesser, D., Fallah Ramazani, V., Fattorini, A., Fernández-Barral, A., Ferrara, G., Fidalgo, D., Foffano, L., Fonseca, M. V., Font, L., Fruck, C., Fukami, S., García López, R. J., Garczarczyk, M., Gaug, M., Giglietto, N., Godinović, N., Guberman, D., Hadasch, D., Hahn, A., Herrera, J., Hoang, J., Hrupec, D., Hütten, M., Inada, T., Inoue, S., Ishio, K., Iwamura, Y., Kerszberg, D., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., Lamastra, A., Lelas, D., Leone, F., Lindfors, E., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., López, M., López-Coto, R., López-Oramas, A., Loporchio, S., Machado de Oliveira Fraga, B., Maggio, C., Majumdar, P., Makariev, M., Mallamaci, M., Maneva, G., Manganaro, M., Mannheim, K., Maraschi, L., Mariotti, M., Martínez, M., Masuda, S., Mazin, D., Mićanović, S., Miceli, D., Minev, M., Miranda, J. M., Mirzoyan, R., Molina, E., Moralejo, A., Morcuende, D., Moreno, V., Moretti, E., Munar-Adrover, P., Neustroev, V., Nigro, C., Nilsson, K., Ninci, D., Nishijima, K., Noda, K., Nogués, L., Nöthe, M., Nozaki, S., Paiano, S., Palacio, J., Palatiello, M., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Peñil, P., Peresano, M., Persic, M., Prada Moroni, P. G., Prandini, E., Puljak, I., Rhode, W., Ribó, M., Rico, J., Rugliancich, A., Saha, L., Saito, T., Sakurai, S., Satalecka, K., Schweizer, T., Sitarek, J., Šnidarić, I., Sobczynska, D., Somero, A., Stamerra, A., Strzys, M., Suda, Y., Surić, T., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terzić, T., Teshima, M., Torres-Albà, N., Tosti, L., Tsujimoto, S., Vagelli, V., van Scherpenberg, J., Vanzo, G., Acosta, M Vazquez, Vigorito, C. F., Vitale, V., Vovk, I., Will, M., Zarić, D., Asano, Collaborators: K, Hada, K., Giroletti, M., Jermak, H. E., Madrid, J. P., Massaro, F., Spanier, F., Steele, I. A., and MAGIC Collaboration
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hybrid ,galaxy: radio wave ,photon ,galaxies: active ,magnetic field ,radiation mechanisms: non-thermal ,galaxies: jets ,7. Clean energy ,MAGIC ,GLAST ,galaxies: individual: M 87 ,monitoring ,gamma ray: emission ,gamma ray: VHE ,synchrotron ,gamma rays: galaxies ,spectral ,gamma ray: flux - Abstract
Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492(4), 5354 - 5365 (2020). doi:10.1093/mnras/staa014, M 87 is one of the closest (z = 0.004 36) extragalactic sources emitting at very high energies (VHE, E > 100 GeV). The aim of this work is to locate the region of the VHE gamma-ray emission and to describe the observed broad-band spectral energy distribution (SED) during the low VHE gamma-ray state. The data from M 87 collected between 2012 and 2015 as part of a MAGIC monitoring programme are analysed and combined with multiwavelength data from Fermi-LAT, Chandra, HST, EVN, VLBA, and the Liverpool Telescope. The averaged VHE gamma-ray spectrum can be fitted from ∼100 GeV to ∼10 TeV with a simple power law with a photon index of (−2.41 ± 0.07), while the integral flux above 300 GeV is |$(1.44\pm 0.13)\times 10^{-12}\, \mathrm{cm}^{-2}\, \mathrm{s}^{-1}$|. During the campaign between 2012 and 2015, M 87 is generally found in a low-emission state at all observed wavelengths. The VHE gamma-ray flux from the present 2012–2015M 87 campaign is consistent with a constant flux with some hint of variability (|$\sim 3\, \sigma$|) on a daily time-scale in 2013. The low-state gamma-ray emission likely originates from the same region as the flare-state emission. Given the broad-band SED, both a leptonic synchrotron self-Compton and a hybrid photohadronic model reproduce the available data well, even if the latter is preferred. We note, however, that the energy stored in the magnetic field in the leptonic scenario is very low, suggesting a matter-dominated emission region., Published by Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford
17. First Multi-wavelength Campaign on the Gamma-ray-loud Active Galaxy IC 310
- Author
Ahnen, M. L., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Arcaro, C., Babić, A., Banerjee, B., Bangale, P., Barres De Almeida, U., Barrio, J. A., Becerra González, J., Bednarek, W., Bernardini, E., Berti, A., Biasuzzi, B., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bonnefoy, S., Bonnoli, G., Borracci, F., Bretz, T., Carosi, R., Carosi, A., Chatterjee, A., Colin, P., Colombo, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., Cumani, P., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Lotto, B., Wilhelmi, E. De Oña, Di Pierro, F., Doert, M., Domínguez, A., Dominis Prester, D., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Einecke, S., Glawion, D. Eisenacher, Elsaesser, D., Engelkemeier, M., Ramazani, V. Fallah, Fernández-Barral, A., Fidalgo, D., Fonseca, M. V., Font, L., Fruck, C., Galindo, D., López, R. J. García, Garczarczyk, M., Gaug, M., Giammaria, P., Godinović, N., Gora, D., Guberman, D., Hadasch, D., Hahn, A., Hassan, T., Hayashida, M., Herrera, J., Hose, J., Hrupec, D., Hughes, G., Idec, W., Ishio, K., Kodani, K., Konno, Y., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., Lelas, D., Lindfors, E., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., López, M., Majumdar, P., Makariev, M., Mallot, K., Maneva, G., Manganaro, M., Mannheim, K., Maraschi, L., Mariotti, M., Martínez, M., Mazin, D., Menzel, U., Mirzoyan, R., Moralejo, A., Moretti, E., Nakajima, D., Neustroev, V., Niedzwiecki, A., Rosillo, M. Nievas, Nilsson, K., Nishijima, K., Noda, K., Nogués, L., Nöthe, M., Paiano, S., Palacio, J., Palatiello, M., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Paredes-Fortuny, X., Pedaletti, G., Peresano, M., Perri, L., Persic, M., Poutanen, J., Prada Moroni, P. G., Prandini, E., Puljak, I., Garcia, J. R., Reichardt, I., Rhode, W., Ribó, M., Rico, J., Saito, T., Satalecka, K., Schroeder, S., Schweizer, T., Shore, S. N., Sillanpää, A., Sitarek, J., Snidaric, I., Sobczynska, D., Stamerra, A., Strzys, M., Surić, T., Takalo, L., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terzić, T., Tescaro, D., Teshima, M., Torres, D. F., Torres-Albà, N., Toyama, T., Treves, A., Vanzo, G., Vazquez Acosta, M., Vovk, I., Ward, J. E., Will, M., Wu, M. H., Krauß, F., Schulz, R., Kadler, M., Wilms, J., Ros, E., Bach, U., Beuchert, T., Langejahn, M., Wendel, C., Gehrels, N., Baumgartner, W. H., Markwardt, C. B., Müller, C., Grinberg, V., Hovatta, T., and Magill, J.
- Subjects
3. Good health - Abstract
Astronomy and astrophysics 603, A25 (2017). doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201630347, Context. The extragalactic very-high-energy gamma-ray sky is rich in blazars. These are jetted active galactic nuclei that are viewed at a small angle to the line-of-sight. Only a handful of objects viewed at a larger angle are so far known to emit above 100 GeV. Multi-wavelength studies of such objects up to the highest energies provide new insights into the particle and radiation processes of active galactic nuclei. Aims. We aim to report the results from the first multi-wavelength campaign observing the TeV detected nucleus of the active galaxy IC 310, whose jet is observed at a moderate viewing angle of 10°−20°. Methods. The multi-instrument campaign was conducted between 2012 November and 2013 January, and involved observations with MAGIC, Fermi, INTEGRAL, Swift, OVRO, MOJAVE and EVN. These observations were complemented with archival data from the AllWISE and 2MASS catalogs. A one-zone synchrotron self-Compton model was applied to describe the broadband spectral energy distribution. Results. IC 310 showed an extraordinary TeV flare at the beginning of the campaign, followed by a low, but still detectable TeV flux. Compared to previous measurements in this energy range, the spectral shape was found to be steeper during the low emission state. Simultaneous observations in the soft X-ray band showed an enhanced energy flux state and a harder-when-brighter spectral shape behavior. No strong correlated flux variability was found in other frequency regimes. The broadband spectral energy distribution obtained from these observations supports the hypothesis of a double-hump structure. Conclusions. The harder-when-brighter trend in the X-ray and VHE emission, observed for the first time during this campaign, is consistent with the behavior expected from a synchrotron self-Compton scenario. The contemporaneous broadband spectral energy distribution is well described with a one-zone synchrotron self-Compton model using parameters that are comparable to those found for other gamma-ray-emitting misaligned blazars. Key words: galaxies: active / galaxies: individual: IC 310 / gamma rays: galaxies, Published by EDP Sciences, Les Ulis
18. Broadband characterisation of the very intense TeV flares of the blazar 1ES 1959+650 in 2016
- Author
Acciari, V. A., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Arbet Engels, A., Baack, D., Babić, A., Banerjee, B., Barres De Almeida, U., Barrio, J. A., Becerra González, J., Bednarek, W., Bellizzi, L., Bernardini, E., Berti, A., Besenrieder, J., Bhattacharyya, W., Bigongiari, C., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bonnoli, G., Bosnjak, Z., Busetto, G., Carosi, R., Ceribella, G., Chai, Y., Cikota, S., Colak, S. M., Colin, U., Colombo, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., D'Elia, V., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Lotto, B., Delfino, M., Delgado, J., Di Pierro, F., Do Souto Espiñeira, E., Dominis Prester, D., Donini, A., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Elsaesser, D., Fallah Ramazani, V., Fattorini, A., Fernández-Barral, A., Ferrara, G., Fidalgo, D., Foffano, L., Fonseca, M. V., Font, L., Fruck, C., Fukami, S., Gallozzi, S., García López, R. J., Garczarczyk, Markus, Gasparyan, S., Gaug, M., Godinović, N., Green, D., Guberman, D., Hadasch, D., Hahn, A., Herrera, J., Hoang, J., Hrupec, D., Inada, T., Inoue, S., Ishio, K., Iwamura, Y., Jouvin, L., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., Lamastra, A., Lelas, D., Leone, F., Lindfors, E., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., López, M., López-Coto, R., López-Oramas, A., Machado De Oliveira Fraga, B., Maggio, C., Majumdar, P., Makariev, M., Mallamaci, M., Maneva, G., Manganaro, M., Mannheim, K., Maraschi, L., Mariotti, M., Martínez, M., Masuda, S., Mazin, D., Mićanović, S., Miceli, D., Minev, M., Miranda, J. M., Mirzoyan, R., Molina, E., Moralejo, A., Morcuende, D., Moreno, V., Moretti, E., Munar-Adrover, P., Neustroev, V., Niedzwiecki, A., Nigro, C., Nilsson, K., Ninci, D., Nishijima, K., Noda, K., Nogués, L., Nöthe, M., Nozaki, S., Paiano, S., Palacio, J., Palatiello, M., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Peñil, P., Peresano, M., Persic, M., Prada Moroni, P. G., Prandini, E., Puljak, I., Rhode, W., Ribó, M., Rico, J., Righi, C., Rugliancich, A., Saha, L., Saito, T., Sakurai, S., Satalecka, K., Schweizer, T., Sitarek, J., Šnidarić, I., Sobczynska, D., Somero, A., Stamerra, A., Strom, D., Strzys, M., Surić, T., Takahashi, M., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terzić, T., Teshima, M., Torres-Albà, N., Tsujimoto, S., Van Scherpenberg, J., Vanzo, G., Vazquez Acosta, M., Vovk, I., Will, M., Zarić, D., and Hayashida, M.
- Subjects
exceptional ,model: hadronic ,imaging ,magnetic field ,7. Clean energy ,MAGIC ,proton synchrotron ,VHE ,GLAST ,blazar ,flux ,X-ray ,p: energy ,field strength ,13. Climate action ,gamma ray ,synchrotron ,spectral ,Cherenkov - Abstract
Astronomy and astrophysics 638, A14 - (2020). doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201935450, 1ES 1959+650 is a bright TeV high-frequency-peaked BL Lac object exhibiting interesting features like 'orphan' TeV flares and a broad emission in the high-energy regime, that are difficult to interpret using conventional one-zone Synchrotron Self-Compton (SSC) scenarios. We report the results from the Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov (MAGIC) observations in 2016 along with the multi-wavelength data from the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) and Swift instruments. MAGIC observed 1ES 1959+650 with different emission levels in the very-high-energy (VHE, E >100 GeV) gamma-ray band during 2016. In the long-term data, the X-ray spectrum becomes harder with increasing flux and a hint of a similar trend is also visible in the VHE band. An exceptionally high VHE flux reaching ~ 3 times the Crab Nebula flux was measured by MAGIC on the 13th, 14th of June and 1st July 2016 (the highest flux observed since 2002). During these flares, the high-energy peak of the spectral energy distribution (SED) lies in the VHE domain and extends up to several TeV. The spectrum in the gamma-ray (both Fermi-LAT and VHE bands) and the X-ray bands are quite hard. On 13th June and 1st July 2016, the source showed rapid variations of the VHE flux within timescales of less than an hour. A simple one-zone SSC model can describe the data during the flares requiring moderate to high values of the Doppler factors (>=30-60). Alternatively, the high-energy peak of the SED can be explained by a purely hadronic model attributed to proton-synchrotron radiation with jet power L_{jet}~10^{46} erg/s and under high values of the magnetic field strength (~100 G) and maximum proton energy (~few EeV). Mixed lepto-hadronic models require super-Eddington values of the jet power. We conclude that it is difficult to get detectable neutrino emission from the source during the extreme VHE flaring period of 2016., Published by EDP Sciences, Les Ulis
19. Monte Carlo studies for the optimisation of the Cherenkov Telescope Array layout
- Author
Acharyya, A., Agudo, I., Angüner, E. O., Alfaro, R., Alfaro, J., Alispach, C., Aloisio, R., Alves Batista, R., Amans, J.-P., Amati, L., Amato, E., Ambrosi, G., Antonelli, L. A., Aramo, C., Armstrong, T., Arqueros, F., Arrabito, L., Asano, K., Ashkar, H., Balazs, C., Balbo, M., Balmaverde, B., Barai, P., Barbano, A., Barkov, M., Barres De Almeida, U., Barrio, J. A., Bastieri, D., Becerra González, J., Becker Tjus, J., Bellizzi, L., Benbow, W., Bernardini, Elisa, Bernardos, M. I., Bernlöhr, K., Berti, A., Berton, M., Bertucci, B., Beshley, V., Biasuzzi, B., Bigongiari, C., Bird, R., Bissaldi, E., Biteau, J., Blanch, O., Blazek, J., Boisson, C., Bonanno, G., Bonardi, A., Bonavolontá, C., Bonnoli, G., Bordas, P., Böttcher, M., Bregeon, J., Brill, A., Brown, A. M., Brügge, K., Brun, P., Bruno, P., Bulgarelli, A., Bulik, T., Burton, M., Burtovoi, A., Busetto, G., Cameron, R., Canestrari, R., Capalbi, M., Caproni, A., Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R., Caraveo, P., Caroff, S., Carosi, R., Casanova, S., Cascone, E., Cassol, F., Catalani, F., Catalano, O., Cauz, D., Cerruti, M., Chaty, S., Chen, A., Chernyakova, M., Chiaro, G., Cieślar, M., Colak, S. M., Conforti, V., Congiu, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Costa, A., Costantini, H., Cotter, G., Cristofari, P., Cumani, P., Cusumano, G., D’Aí, A., D’Ammando, F., Dangeon, L., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Caprio, V., De Cássia Dos Anjos, R., De Frondat, F., De Gouveia Dal Pino, E. M., De Lotto, B., De Martino, D., De Naurois, M., De Oña Wilhelmi, E., De Palma, F., De Souza, V., Del Santo, M., Delgado, C., Della Volpe, D., Di Girolamo, T., Di Pierro, F., Di Venere, L., Díaz, C., Diebold, S., Djannati-Ataï, A., Dmytriiev, A., Dominis Prester, D., Donini, A., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Dournaux, J.-L., Ebr, J., Ekoume, T. R. N., Elsässer, D., Emery, G., Falceta-Goncalves, D., Fedorova, E., Fegan, S., Feng, Q., Ferrand, G., Fiandrini, E., Fiasson, A., Filipovic, M., Fioretti, V., Fiori, M., Flis, S., Fonseca, M. V., Fontaine, G., Freixas Coromina, L., Fukami, S., Fukui, Y., Funk, S., Füßling, M., Gaggero, D., Galanti, G., Garcia López, R. J., Garczarczyk, M., Gascon, D., Gasparetto, T., Gaug, M., Ghalumyan, A., Gianotti, F., Giavitto, G., Giglietto, N., Giordano, F., Giroletti, M., Gironnet, J., Glicenstein, J.-F., Gnatyk, R., Goldoni, P., González, J. M., González, M. M., Gourgouliatos, K. N., Grabarczyk, T., Granot, J., Green, D., Greenshaw, T., Grondin, M.-H., Gueta, O., Hadasch, D., Hassan Collado, Tarek, Hayashida, M., Heller, M., Hervet, O., Hinton, J., Hiroshima, N., Hnatyk, B., Hofmann, W., Horvath, P., Hrabovsky, M., Hrupec, D., Humensky, T. B., Hütten, M., Inada, T., Iocco, F., Ionica, M., Iori, M., Iwamura, Y., Jamrozy, M., Janecek, P., Jankowsky, D., Jean, P., Jouvin, L., Jurysek, J., Kaaret, P., Kadowaki, L. H. S., Karkar, S., Kerszberg, D., Khélifi, B., Kieda, D., Kimeswenger, S., Kluźniak, W., Knapp, J., Knödlseder, J., Kobayashi, Y., Koch, B., Kocot, J., Komin, N., Kong, A., Kowal, G., Krause, M., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., Kushwaha, P., La Parola, V., La Rosa, G., Lallena Arquillo, M., Lang, R. G., Lapington, J., Le Blanc, O., Lefaucheur, J., Leigui De Oliveira, M. A., Lemoine-Goumard, M., Lenain, J.-P., Leto, G., Lico, R., Lindfors, E., Lohse, T., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., Lopez, A., López, M., Lopez-Oramas, A., López-Coto, R., Loporchio, S., Luque-Escamilla, P. L., Lyard, E., Maccarone, M. C., Mach, E., Maggio, C., Majumdar, P., Malaguti, G., Mallamaci, M., Mandat, D., Maneva, G., Manganaro, M., Mangano, S., Marculewicz, M., Mariotti, M., Martí, J., Martínez, M., Martínez, G., Martínez-Huerta, H., Masuda, S., Maxted, N., Mazin, D., Meunier, J.-L., Meyer, M., Micanovic, S., Millul, R., Minaya, I. A., Mitchell, A., Mizuno, T., Moderski, R., Mohrmann, L., Montaruli, T., Moralejo, A., Morcuende, D., Morlino, G., Morselli, A., Moulin, E., Mukherjee, R., Munar, P., Mundell, C., Murach, T., Nagai, A., Nagayoshi, T., Naito, T., Nakamori, T., Nemmen, R., Niemiec, J., Nieto, D., Nievas Rosillo, M., Nikołajuk, M., Ninci, D., Nishijima, K., Noda, K., Nosek, D., Nöthe, M., Nozaki, S., Ohishi, M., Ohtani, Y., Okumura, A., Ong, R. A., Orienti, M., Orito, R., Ostrowski, M., Otte, N., Ou, Z., Oya, I., Pagliaro, A., Palatiello, M., Palatka, M., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Pareschi, G., Parmiggiani, N., Parsons, R. D., Patricelli, B., Pe’er, A., Pech, M., Peñil Del Campo, P., Pérez-Romero, J., Perri, M., Persic, M., Petrucci, P.-O., Petruk, O., Pfrang, K., Piel, Q., Pietropaolo, E., Pohl, M., Polo, M., Poutanen, J., Prandini, E., Produit, N., Prokoph, H., Prouza, M., Przybilski, H., Pühlhofer, G., Punch, M., Queiroz, F., Quirrenbach, A., Rainò, S., Rando, R., Razzaque, S., Reimer, O., Renault-Tinacci, N., Renier, Y., Ribeiro, D., Ribó, M., Rico, J., Rieger, F., Rizi, V., Rodriguez Fernandez, G., Rodriguez-Ramirez, J. C., Rodrí-Guez Vázquez, J. J., Romano, P., Romeo, G., Roncadelli, M., Rosado, J., Rowell, G., Rudak, B., Rugliancich, A., Rulten, C., Sadeh, I., Saha, L., Saito, T., Sakurai, S., Salesa Greus, F., Sangiorgi, P., Sano, H., Santander, M., Santangelo, A., Santos-Lima, R., Sanuy, A., Satalecka, K., Saturni, F. G., Sawangwit, U., Schlenstedt, S., Schovanek, P., Schussler, F., Schwanke, U., Sciacca, E., Scuderi, S., Sedlaczek, K., Seglar-Arroyo, M., Sergijenko, O., Seweryn, K., Shalchi, A., Shellard, R. C., Siejkowski, H., Sillanpää, A., Sinha, A., Sironi, G., Sliusar, V., Slowikowska, A., Sol, H., Specovius, A., Spencer, S., Spengler, G., Stamerra, A., Stanič, S., Stawarz, Ł., Stefanik, S., Stolarczyk, T., Straumann, U., Suomijarvi, T., Świerk, P., Szepieniec, T., Tagliaferri, G., Tajima, H., Tam, T., Tavecchio, F., Taylor, L., Tejedor, L. A., Temnikov, P., Terzic, T., Testa, V., Tibaldo, L., Todero Peixoto, C. J., Tokanai, F., Tomankova, L., Tonev, D., Torres, D. F., Tosti, G., Tosti, L., Tothill, N., Toussenel, F., Tovmassian, G., Travnicek, P., Trichard, C., Umana, G., Vagelli, V., Valentino, M., Vallage, B., Vallania, P., Valore, L., Vandenbroucke, J., Varner, G. S., Vasileiadis, G., Vassiliev, V., Vázquez Acosta, M., Vecchi, M., Vercellone, S., Vergani, S., Vettolani, G. P., Viana, A., Vigorito, C. F., Vink, J., Vitale, V., Voelk, H., Vollhardt, A., Vorobiov, S., Wagner, S. J., Walter, R., Werner, F., White, R., Wierzcholska, A., Will, M., Williams, D. A., Wischnewski, R., Yang, L., Yoshida, T., Yoshikoshi, T., Zacharias, M., Zampieri, L., Zavrtanik, M., Zavrtanik, D., Zdziarski, A. A., Zech, A., Zechlin, H., Zenin, A., Zhdanov, V. I., Zimmer, S., and Zorn, J.
- Subjects
7. Clean energy - Abstract
Astroparticle physics 111, 35 - 53 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.astropartphys.2019.04.001, The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the major next-generation observatory for ground-based very-high-energy gamma-ray astronomy. It will improve the sensitivity of current ground-based instruments by a factor of five to twenty, depending on the energy, greatly improving both their angular and energy resolutions over four decades in energy (from 20 GeV to 300 TeV). This achievement will be possible by using tens of imaging Cherenkov telescopes of three successive sizes. They will be arranged into two arrays, one per hemisphere, located on the La Palma island (Spain) and in Paranal (Chile). We present here the optimised and final telescope arrays for both CTA sites, as well as their foreseen performance, resulting from the analysis of three different large-scale Monte Carlo productions., Published by Elsevier Science, Amsterdam [u.a.]
20. An intermittent extreme BL Lac: MWL study of 1ES 2344+514 in an enhanced state
- Author
Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Engels, A. Arbet, Baack, D., Babić, A., Banerjee, B., Barres de Almeida, U., Barrio, J. A., Becerra González, J., Bednarek, W., Bellizzi, L., Bernardini, E., Berti, A., Besenrieder, J., Bhattacharyya, W., Bigongiari, C., Blanch, O., Bonnoli, G., Bošnjak, Ž., Busetto, G., Carosi, R., Ceribella, G., Cerruti, M., Chai, Y., Chilingarian, A., Cikota, S., Colak, S. M., Colin, U., Colombo, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., D'Elia, V., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Lotto, B., Delfino, M., Delgado, J., Depaoli, D., Di Pierro, F., Di Venere, L., Espiñeira, E. Souto, Dominis Prester, D., Donini, A., Doro, M., Elsaesser, D., Fallah Ramazani, V., Fattorini, A., Ferrara, G., Foffano, L., Fonseca, M. V., Font, L., Fruck, C., Fukami, S., López, R. J. García, Garczarczyk, M., Gasparyan, S., Gaug, M., Giglietto, N., Giordano, F., Gliwny, P., Godinović, N., Green, D., Hadasch, D., Hahn, A., Herrera, J., Hoang, J., Hrupec, D., Hütten, M., Inada, T., Inoue, S., Ishio, K., Iwamura, Y., Jouvin, L., Kajiwara, Y., Kerszberg, D., Kobayashi, Y., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., Lamastra, A., Lelas, D., Leone, F., Lindfors, E., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., López, M., López-Coto, R., López-Oramas, A., Loporchio, S., de Oliveira Fraga, B. Machado, Maggio, C., Majumdar, P., Makariev, M., Mallamaci, M., Maneva, G., Manganaro, M., Maraschi, L., Mariotti, M., Martínez, M., Mazin, D., Mender, S., Mićanović, S., Miceli, D., Miener, T., Minev, M., Miranda, J. M., Mirzoyan, R., Molina, E., Moralejo, A., Morcuende, D., Moreno, V., Moretti, E., Munar-Adrover, P., Neustroev, V., Nigro, C., Nilsson, K., Ninci, D., Nishijima, K., Noda, K., Nogués, L., Nozaki, S., Ohtani, Y., Oka, T., Otero-Santos, J., Paiano, S., Palatiello, M., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Pavletić, L., Peñil, P., Peresano, M., Persic, M., Prada Moroni, P. G., Prandini, E., Puljak, I., Ribó, M., Rico, J., Righi, C., Rugliancich, A., Saha, L., Sahakyan, N., Saito, T., Sakurai, S., Satalecka, K., Schleicher, B., Schmidt, K., Schweizer, T., Sitarek, J., Šnidarić, I., Sobczynska, D., Spolon, A., Stamerra, A., Strom, D., Strzys, M., Suda, Y., Surić, T., Takahashi, M., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terzić, T., Teshima, M., Torres-Albà, N., Tosti, L., van Scherpenberg, J., Vanzo, G., Vazquez Acosta, M., Ventura, S., Verguilov, V., Vigorito, C. F., Vitale, V., Vovk, I., Will, M., Zarić, D., Balbo, M., Beck, M., Biederbeck, N., Biland, A., Blank, M., Bretz, T., Bruegge, K., Bulinski, M., Buss, J., Doerr, M., Dorner, D., Hildebrand, D., Iotov, R., Klinger, M., Mannheim, K., Mueller, S. Achim, Neise, D., Neronov, A., Nöthe, M., Paravac, A., Rhode, W., Sedlaczek, K., Shukla, A., Sliusar, V., Tani, L., Theissen, F., Walter, R., MWL Collaborators, Pulido, J. Acosta, Filippenko, A. V., Hovatta, T., Kiehlmann, S., Larionov, V. M., Max-Moerbeck, W., Raiteri, C. M., Readhead, A. C. S., Šegon, M., Villata, M., and Zheng, W.
- Subjects
gamma-rays: galaxies ,galaxies: active ,BL Lacertae objects: individual: 1ES 2344+514 ,7. Clean energy - Abstract
Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496(3), 3912 - 3928 (2020). doi:10.1093/mnras/staa1702, Extreme high-frequency BL Lacs (EHBL) feature their synchrotron peak of the broad-band spectral energy distribution (SED) at $\nu_s ≥$ 10$^{17}$ Hz. The BL Lac object 1ES 2344+514 was included in the EHBL family because of its impressive shift of the synchrotron peak in 1996. During the following years, the source appeared to be in a low state without showing any extreme behaviours. In 2016 August, 1ES 2344+514 was detected with the ground-based γ-ray telescope FACT during a high γ-ray state, triggering multiwavelength (MWL) observations. We studied the MWL light curves of 1ES 2344+514 during the 2016 flaring state, using data from radio to very-high-energy (VHE) γ-rays taken with OVRO, KAIT, KVA, NOT, some telescopes of the GASP-WEBT collaboration at the Teide, Crimean, and St. Petersburg observatories, Swift-UVOT, Swift-XRT, Fermi-LAT, FACT, and MAGIC. With simultaneous observations of the flare, we built the broad-band SED and studied it in the framework of a leptonic and a hadronic model. The VHE γ-ray observations show a flux level of 55 per cent of the Crab Nebula flux above 300 GeV, similar to the historical maximum of 1995. The combination of MAGIC and Fermi-LAT spectra provides an unprecedented characterization of the inverse-Compton peak for this object during a flaring episode. The Γ index of the intrinsic spectrum in the VHE γ-ray band is 2.04 ± 0.12$_{stat}$ ± 0.15$_{sys}$. We find the source in an extreme state with a shift of the position of the synchrotron peak to frequencies above or equal to 10$^{17}$ Hz., Published by Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford
21. Measurement of the extragalactic background light using MAGIC and Fermi-LAT gamma-ray observations of blazars up to z = 1
- Author
Acciari, V. A., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Arbet Engels, A., Baack, D., Babić, A., Banerjee, B., Barres De Almeida, U., Barrio, J. A., Becerra González, J., Bednarek, W., Bellizzi, L., Bernardini, E., Berti, A., Besenrieder, J., Bhattacharyya, W., Bigongiari, C., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bonnoli, G., Busetto, G., Carosi, R., Ceribella, G., Chai, Y., Cikota, S., Colak, S. M., Colin, U., Colombo, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., D’Elia, V., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Lotto, B., Delfino, M., Delgado, J., Di Pierro, F., Do Souto Espiñeira, E., Domínguez, A., Dominis Prester, D., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Elsaesser, D., Fallah Ramazani, V., Fattorini, A., Fernández-Barral, A., Ferrara, G., Fidalgo, D., Foffano, L., Fonseca, M. V., Font, L., Fruck, C., Galindo, D., Gallozzi, S., García López, R. J., Garczarczyk, M., Gasparyan, S., Gaug, M., Godinović, N., Green, D., Guberman, D., Hadasch, D., Hahn, A., Hassan, T., Herrera, J., Hoang, J., Hrupec, D., Inoue, S., Ishio, K., Iwamura, Y., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., Lamastra, A., Lelas, D., Leone, F., Lindfors, E., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., López, M., López-Coto, R., López-Oramas, A., Machado De Oliveira Fraga, B., Maggio, C., Majumdar, P., Makariev, M., Mallamaci, M., Maneva, G., Manganaro, M., Mannheim, K., Maraschi, L., Mariotti, M., Martínez, M., Masuda, S., Mazin, D., Mićanović, S., Miceli, D., Minev, M., Miranda, J. M., Mirzoyan, R., Molina, E., Moralejo, A., Morcuende, D., Moreno, V., Moretti, E., Munar-Adrover, P., Neustroev, V., Niedzwiecki, A., Nievas Rosillo, M., Nigro, C., Nilsson, K., Ninci, D., Nishijima, K., Noda, K., Nogués, L., Nöthe, M., Paiano, S., Palacio, J., Palatiello, M., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Peñil, P., Peresano, M., Persic, M., Prada Moroni, P. G., Prandini, E., Puljak, I., Rhode, W., Ribó, M., Rico, J., Righi, C., Rugliancich, A., Saha, L., Sahakyan, N., Saito, T., Satalecka, K., Schweizer, T., Sitarek, J., Šnidarić, I., Sobczynska, D., Somero, A., Stamerra, A., Strom, D., Strzys, M., Surić, T., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terzić, T., Teshima, M., Torres-Albà, N., Tsujimoto, S., Van Scherpenberg, J., Vanzo, G., Vázquez Acosta, M., Vovk, I., Will, M., and Zarić, D.
- Subjects
13. Climate action - Abstract
Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486(3), 4233 - 4251 (2019). doi:10.1093/mnras/stz943, We present a measurement of the extragalactic background light (EBL) based on a joint likelihood analysis of 32 gamma-ray spectra for 12 blazars in the redshift range z = 0.03–0.944, obtained by the MAGIC telescopes and Fermi-LAT. The EBL is the part of the diffuse extragalactic radiation spanning the ultraviolet, visible, and infrared bands. Major contributors to the EBL are the light emitted by stars through the history of the Universe, and the fraction of it that was absorbed by dust in galaxies and re-emitted at longer wavelengths. The EBL can be studied indirectly through its effect on very high energy photons that are emitted by cosmic sources and absorbed via γγ interactions during their propagation across cosmological distances. We obtain estimates of the EBL density in good agreement with state-of-the-art models of the EBL production and evolution. The 1σ upper bounds, including systematic uncertainties, are between 13 per cent and 23 per cent above the nominal EBL density in the models. No anomaly in the expected transparency of the Universe to gamma-rays is observed in any range of optical depth. We also perform a wavelength-resolved EBL determination, which results in a hint of an excess of EBL in the 0.18–0.62 μmμmrange relative to the studied models, yet compatible with them within systematics., Published by Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford
22. Cover Picture: In-Situ Synchrotron X-Ray Microtomography Studies of Microstructure and Damage Evolution in Engineering Materials (Adv. Eng. Mater. 11/2007).
- Author
Beckmann, F., Grupp, R., Haibel, A., Huppmann, M., Nöthe, M., Pyzalla, A., Reimers, W., Schreyer, A., and Zettler, R.
- Published
- 2007
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23. Monte Carlo studies for the optimisation of the Cherenkov Telescope Array layout
- Author
Katsuaki Asano, Rodrigo Guedes Lang, M. Cieślar, Nicholas F. H Tothill, Gianpiero Tagliaferri, O. Le Blanc, M. Vazquez Acosta, Nicola Giglietto, S. Mangano, Julien Lefaucheur, Tatsuo Yoshida, D. de Martino, Martin Pohl, A. Shalchi, Y. Renier, B. Biasuzzi, T. B. Humensky, E. Fiandrini, Andreas Quirrenbach, Abelardo Moralejo, Carla Aramo, Vincenzo Rizi, J. Knapp, A. Pagliaro, Andrea Santangelo, Michael Punch, Andreas Specovius, A. M. Lopez, P. Peñil Del Campo, Henry Przybilski, J.-P. Lenain, Agnieszka Slowikowska, Satoshi Fukami, M. H. Grondin, S. Schlenstedt, Marek Nikolajuk, F. Schüssler, Maria Concetta Maccarone, Michael Zacharias, Francesco Giordano, T. Suomijärvi, Lorenzo Amati, J. Becker Tjus, Maxim V. Barkov, H. Prokoph, F.G. Saturni, R. J. White, Nu. Komin, María Isabel Bernardos, M. Orienti, Denis Bastieri, Justin Vandenbroucke, P. Vallania, Diego Falceta-Gonçalves, L. Tibaldo, A. Burtovoi, A. Viana, Takanori Yoshikoshi, Roberto Aloisio, Soebur Razzaque, M. Valentino, P. Da Vela, Pol Bordas, Francesco Longo, N. Otte, V. La Parola, E. O. Angüner, Marco Berton, Elina Lindfors, Salvo Scuderi, Hiroyasu Tajima, M. Prouza, E. Mach, P. Goldoni, C. Alispach, M. I. Martínez, Miroslav Pech, Kai Brügge, G. Vasileiadis, A. Nagai, A. Brill, Dusan Mandat, Geoff Romeo, M. Marculewicz, Cameron B Rulten, Fuyuki Tokanai, Luis Ángel Tejedor, Thomas Lohse, Anderson Caproni, Karol Seweryn, G. Bonnoli, D. Ninci, G. Pareschi, Stefan Kimeswenger, I. Sadeh, Łukasz Stawarz, M. Nöthe, Daniel Mazin, Ruben Alfaro, G. Busetto, Massimo Persic, A. Berti, G. Sironi, Pavel Horvath, Włodek Kluźniak, Pietro Bruno, Petr Travnicek, Daniel Kerszberg, M. Hayashida, Tomasz Szepieniec, A. Rugliancich, Marina Manganaro, Y. Ohtani, Samuel Timothy Spencer, L. Di Venere, S. Karkar, M. Füßling, E. de Oña Wilhelmi, Louis Antonelli, M. Lemoine-Goumard, Benjamin Koch, P.-O. Petrucci, M. de Naurois, Felix Werner, S. Sakurai, J. J. Rodríguez Vázquez, Petr Janecek, L. Dangeon, G. Fontaine, Alison Mitchell, Maria Magdalena González, Francesco Dazzi, Philip Kaaret, Reinaldo Santos-Lima, F. Di Pierro, Tomislav Terzić, Grzegorz Kowal, Stefan Wagner, R. A. Cameron, G. S. Varner, M. Roncadelli, Wystan Benbow, C. Bonavolontà, David Kieda, M. A. Leigui de Oliveira, Ullrich Schwanke, Y. Iwamura, K. Sedlaczek, R. C. Shellard, Q. Feng, David A. Williams, A. De Angelis, T. Nagayoshi, P. Sangiorgi, I. A. Minaya, Etienne Lyard, Juan Abel Barrio, B. De Lotto, S. Nozaki, J. Gironnet, L. Mohrmann, Oscar Blanch, Marcello Giroletti, Jean-Luc Meunier, Valentina Fioretti, S. Masuda, V. Vagelli, Rodolfo Canestrari, L. Freixas Coromina, M. Palatka, T. Di Girolamo, Vincenzo Testa, Tsuguya Naito, J. Becerra González, R. Alves Batista, Samo Stanič, S. D. Vergani, Lorenzo Bellizzi, Catherine Boisson, Olivier Hervet, P. Cumani, Konstancja Satalecka, Stefan Funk, Michele Doro, Pedro L. Luque-Escamilla, P. Romano, E. Fedorova, Carlo Vigorito, M. Zavrtanik, Markus Gaug, Stanislav Stefanik, R. J. García López, F. de Palma, V. Beshley, T.R.N. Ekoume, Enrico Congiu, Pierre Brun, Manuela Mallamaci, Barbara Balmaverde, L. Valore, Gino Tosti, Enrico Cascone, Marek Jamrozy, V. I. Zhdanov, Gavin Rowell, Elisabetta Bissaldi, M. Fiori, M. Capalbi, J. Bregeon, Dario Hrupec, F. Toussenel, R. Paoletti, Fulvio Gianotti, Ayan Acharyya, G. Spengler, P. Majumdar, A.A. Zdziarski, A. López-Oramas, M. Mariotti, Juri Poutanen, G. Ferrand, Paweł Świerk, M. Garczarczyk, S. Rainò, Tsunefumi Mizuno, Diego F. Torres, Ciro Bigongiari, Matteo Cerruti, M. Polo, Csaba Balázs, A. Dmytriiev, T. Gasparetto, D. Dorner, A. W. Chen, Elisa Prandini, Vitalii Sliusar, Helene Sol, Rodolfo Carosi, Jonathan Biteau, Vito Conforti, G. Rodriguez Fernandez, Shanta M. Zimmer, J. M. Paredes, S. Vercellone, Jonathan Granot, Alice Donini, Antonio Stamerra, Jaime Rosado, Michael G. Burton, Bohdan Hnatyk, F. D'Ammando, D. Nosek, M. Heller, Gagik Tovmassian, N. Produit, Petr Schovanek, German Martinez, G. Pühlhofer, S. Fegan, A. Kong, G. Morlino, G. Emery, H.-S. Zechlin, Tomasz Bulik, Antonino D'Ai, Riccardo Rando, Rocco Lico, K. Pfrang, D. Hadasch, R. López-Coto, A. Vollhardt, Pankaj Kushwaha, Petar Temnikov, Emmanuel Moulin, Luca Zampieri, Michiko Ohishi, C. Maggio, V. de Souza, Q. Piel, Marc Ribó, Werner Hofmann, A. Wierzcholska, Luisa Arrabito, Gianpaolo Vettolani, J. Pérez-Romero, Paramita Barai, Sylvain Chaty, N. Parmiggiani, V. Vassiliev, K. Nishijima, D. Cauz, S. Caroff, Giuseppe Leto, J.F. Glicenstein, Maria Ionica, Eva Sciacca, A. Bonardi, Juan Carlos Rodríguez-Ramírez, Marcos Santander, H. Siejkowski, Daniela Maria Ribeiro, Ralph Bird, S. Mićanović, D. Zavrtanik, Carole Mundell, Jan Ebr, Koji Noda, Elisa Bernardini, R. Gnatyk, Pierre Jean, M. Nievas Rosillo, M. López, Olga Sergijenko, R. Walter, Oleh Petruk, M. Del Santo, D. Elsasser, Jakub Juryšek, H. Martínez-Huerta, Andreas Zech, Jose J. Gonzalez, Akira Okumura, M. Iori, A. Ghalumyan, Jacco Vink, David Gascon, Jürgen Knödlseder, Daniel Nieto, R. A. Ong, Sabrina Casanova, B. Khélifi, S. Flis, G. Galanti, H. J. Voelk, Jim Hinton, M. Will, David H. Green, Giuseppe Malaguti, B. Rudak, A. Pe'Er, J. L. Dournaux, Andrea Bulgarelli, Frank M. Rieger, A. Djannati-Ataï, F. De Frondat, Lenka Tomankova, Moritz Hütten, Osvaldo Catalano, Hidetoshi Kubo, Tarek M. Hassan, Tomohiro Inada, Farinaldo S. Queiroz, J. Kushida, Daniel Morcuende, Jose Luis Contreras, F. Salesa Greus, Juan Cortina, Andreu Sanuy, S. Vorobiov, G. Maneva, B. Vallage, N. Maxted, N. Renault-Tinacci, P. Munar, M. Seglar-Arroyo, Fabrizio Tavecchio, Z. Ou, Anatolii Zenin, T. Tam, Miroslav Hrabovsky, G. Ambrosi, Giovanni Bonanno, R. Millul, Anastasia Maria Barbano, T. Grabarczyk, J. Zorn, D. Dominis Prester, R. D. Parsons, Luis H. S. Kadowaki, Elena Amato, M. Lallena Arquillo, I. Oya, Jacek Niemiec, Gianluca Giavitto, Marita Krause, Olaf Reimer, Josep Martí, M. Perri, Maria Chernyakova, Takeshi Nakamori, E. M. de Gouveia Dal Pino, Thomas Murach, P. Cristofari, C. Delgado, Fernando Catalani, G. La Rosa, J. Alfaro, Thomas Armstrong, J. Kocot, Léa Jouvin, Markus Böttcher, Rodrigo Nemmen, J. P. Amans, Utane Sawangwit, Y. Kobayashi, Hidetoshi Sano, D. Jankowsky, Heide Costantini, F. Arqueros, B. Bertucci, Sebastian Diebold, L. P. Taylor, Konstantinos N. Gourgouliatos, A. Fiasson, Miroslav Filipovic, R. Moderski, T. Stolarczyk, B. Patricelli, H. Ashkar, Alessandro Costa, Jonathan Blazek, C. Trichard, M. Vecchi, T. Greenshaw, A. Morselli, V. Vitale, A. M. Brown, S. M. Colak, Lili Yang, C. Díaz, J. Rico, P. Caraveo, S. Loporchio, Orel Gueta, Daniele Gaggero, V. De Caprio, R. Wischnewski, A. Sillanpää, C. J. Todero Peixoto, Takashi Saito, I. Agudo, Yasuo Fukui, Roberto Capuzzo-Dolcetta, F. Cassol, Manuel Meyer, Reiko Orito, G. Umana, M. V. Fonseca, U. Barres de Almeida, Saverio Lombardi, D. della Volpe, Giancarlo Cusumano, M. Ostrowski, T. Montaruli, L. Tosti, Garret Cotter, Konrad Bernlöhr, Reshmi Mukherjee, Fabio Iocco, M. Palatiello, Jonathan S. Lapington, U. Straumann, R. de Cássia dos Anjos, Matteo Balbo, Lab Saha, N. Hiroshima, G. Chiaro, D. Tonev, Ermanno Pietropaolo, Atreyee Sinha, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España), European Commission, Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Galaxies, Etoiles, Physique, Instrumentation (GEPI), Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Observatoire de Paris, Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Montpellier (LUPM), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université de Montpellier (UM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Astrophysique Interprétation Modélisation (AIM (UMR7158 / UMR_E_9005 / UM_112)), Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay (IPNO), Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire Univers et Théories (LUTH (UMR_8102)), Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Énergies (LPNHE (UMR_7585)), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Sorbonne Université (SU)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet (LLR), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-École polytechnique (X)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), AstroParticule et Cosmologie (APC (UMR_7164)), Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Observatoire de Paris, Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Paris Cité (UPCité), Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (LAPP), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB [Université de Savoie] [Université de Chambéry])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut de Recherches sur les lois Fondamentales de l'Univers (IRFU), Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Université Paris-Saclay, Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires de Bordeaux Gradignan (CENBG), Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux 1 (UB)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut de recherche en astrophysique et planétologie (IRAP), Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier (UT3), Université de Toulouse (UT)-Université de Toulouse (UT)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées (OMP), Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier (UT3), Université de Toulouse (UT)-Université de Toulouse (UT)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Météo-France -Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Météo-France -Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG), Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG ), Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP )-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture (IRSTEA)-Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB [Université de Savoie] [Université de Chambéry])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Grenoble Alpes [2016-2019] (UGA [2016-2019])-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP )-Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture (IRSTEA)-Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB [Université de Savoie] [Université de Chambéry])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Grenoble Alpes [2016-2019] (UGA [2016-2019]), Research unit Astroparticle Physics, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Aix Marseille Université (AMU), PSL Research University (PSL)-PSL Research University (PSL)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université de Montpellier (UM)-Université Montpellier 2 - Sciences et Techniques (UM2)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Astrophysique Interprétation Modélisation (AIM (UMR_7158 / UMR_E_9005 / UM_112)), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Sorbonne Université (SU)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Observatoire de Paris, PSL Research University (PSL)-PSL Research University (PSL)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (LAPP/Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules), Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux 1-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées-Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées-Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées (OMP), Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG), Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB [Université de Savoie] [Université de Chambéry])-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP)-Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture (IRSTEA)-Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA)-Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB [Université de Savoie] [Université de Chambéry])-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP)-Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture (IRSTEA)-Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7), Université Montpellier 2 - Sciences et Techniques (UM2)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université de Montpellier (UM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Sorbonne Université (SU)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Paris (UP), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-École polytechnique (X)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3), Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Paris (UP), Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier (UT3), Météo France-Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Météo France-Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG ), Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB [Université de Savoie] [Université de Chambéry])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE)-Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB [Université de Savoie] [Université de Chambéry])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE)-Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA), Acharyya, A., Agudo, I., Anguner, E. O., Alfaro, R., Alfaro, J., Alispach, C., Aloisio, R., Alves Batista, R., Amans, J. -P., Amati, L., Amato, E., Ambrosi, G., Antonelli, L. A., Aramo, C., Armstrong, T., Arqueros, F., Arrabito, L., Asano, K., Ashkar, H., Balazs, C., Balbo, M., Balmaverde, B., Barai, P., Barbano, A., Barkov, M., Barres de Almeida, U., Barrio, J. A., Bastieri, D., Becerra Gonzalez, J., Becker Tjus, J., Bellizzi, L., Benbow, W., Bernardini, E., Bernardos, M. I., Bernlohr, K., Berti, A., Berton, M., Bertucci, B., Beshley, V., Biasuzzi, B., Bigongiari, C., Bird, R., Bissaldi, E., Biteau, J., Blanch, O., Blazek, J., Boisson, C., Bonanno, G., Bonardi, A., Bonavolonta, C., Bonnoli, G., Bordas, P., Bottcher, M., Bregeon, J., Brill, A., Brown, A. M., Brugge, K., Brun, P., Bruno, P., Bulgarelli, A., Bulik, T., Burton, M., Burtovoi, A., Busetto, G., Cameron, R., Canestrari, R., Capalbi, M., Caproni, A., Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R., Caraveo, P., Caroff, S., Carosi, R., Casanova, S., Cascone, E., Cassol, F., Catalani, F., Catalano, O., Cauz, D., Cerruti, M., Chaty, S., Chen, A., Chernyakova, M., Chiaro, G., Cieslar, M., Colak, S. M., Conforti, V., Congiu, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Costa, A., Costantini, H., Cotter, G., Cristofari, P., Cumani, P., Cusumano, G., D'Ai, A., D'Ammando, F., Dangeon, L., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Caprio, V., de Cassia dos Anjos, R., De Frondat, F., de Gouveia Dal Pino, E. M., De Lotto, B., De Martino, D., de Naurois, M., de Ona Wilhelmi, E., de Palma, F., de Souza, V., Del Santo, M., Delgado, C., della Volpe, D., Di Girolamo, T., Di Pierro, F., Di Venere, L., Diaz, C., Diebold, S., Djannati-Atai, A., Dmytriiev, A., Dominis Prester, D., Donini, A., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Dournaux, J. -L., Ebr, J., Ekoume, T. R. N., Elsasser, D., Emery, G., Falceta-Goncalves, D., Fedorova, E., Fegan, S., Feng, Q., Ferrand, G., Fiandrini, E., Fiasson, A., Filipovic, M., Fioretti, V., Fiori, M., Flis, S., Fonseca, M. V., Fontaine, G., Freixas Coromina, L., Fukami, S., Fukui, Y., Funk, S., Fussling, M., Gaggero, D., Galanti, G., Garcia Lopez, R. J., Garczarczyk, M., Gascon, D., Gasparetto, T., Gaug, M., Ghalumyan, A., Gianotti, F., Giavitto, G., Giglietto, N., Giordano, F., Giroletti, M., Gironnet, J., Glicenstein, J. -F., Gnatyk, R., Goldoni, P., Gonzalez, J. M., Gonzalez, M. M., Gourgouliatos, K. N., Grabarczyk, T., Granot, J., Green, D., Greenshaw, T., Grondin, M. -H., Gueta, O., Hadasch, D., Hassan, T., Hayashida, M., Heller, M., Hervet, O., Hinton, J., Hiroshima, N., Hnatyk, B., Hofmann, W., Horvath, P., Hrabovsky, M., Hrupec, D., Humensky, T. B., Hutten, M., Inada, T., Iocco, F., Ionica, M., Iori, M., Iwamura, Y., Jamrozy, M., Janecek, P., Jankowsky, D., Jean, P., Jouvin, L., Jurysek, J., Kaaret, P., Kadowaki, L. H. S., Karkar, S., Kerszberg, D., Khelifi, B., Kieda, D., Kimeswenger, S., Kluzniak, W., Knapp, J., Knodlseder, J., Kobayashi, Y., Koch, B., Kocot, J., Komin, N., Kong, A., Kowal, G., Krause, M., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., Kushwaha, P., La Parola, V., La Rosa, G., Lallena Arquillo, M., Lang, R. G., Lapington, J., Le Blanc, O., Lefaucheur, J., Leigui de Oliveira, M. A., Lemoine-Goumard, M., Lenain, J. -P., Leto, G., Lico, R., Lindfors, E., Lohse, T., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., Lopez, A., Lopez, M., Lopez-Oramas, A., Lopez-Coto, R., Loporchio, S., Luque-Escamilla, P. L., Lyard, E., Maccarone, M. C., Mach, E., Maggio, C., Majumdar, P., Malaguti, G., Mallamaci, M., Mandat, D., Maneva, G., Manganaro, M., Mangano, S., Marculewicz, M., Mariotti, M., Marti, J., Martinez, M., Martinez, G., Martinez-Huerta, H., Masuda, S., Maxted, N., Mazin, D., Meunier, J. -L., Meyer, M., Micanovic, S., Millul, R., Minaya, I. A., Mitchell, A., Mizuno, T., Moderski, R., Mohrmann, L., Montaruli, T., Moralejo, A., Morcuende, D., Morlino, G., Morselli, A., Moulin, E., Mukherjee, R., Munar, P., Mundell, C., Murach, T., Nagai, A., Nagayoshi, T., Naito, T., Nakamori, T., Nemmen, R., Niemiec, J., Nieto, D., Nievas Rosillo, M., Nikolajuk, M., Ninci, D., Nishijima, K., Noda, K., Nosek, D., Nothe, M., Nozaki, S., Ohishi, M., Ohtani, Y., Okumura, A., Ong, R. A., Orienti, M., Orito, R., Ostrowski, M., Otte, N., Ou, Z., Oya, I., Pagliaro, A., Palatiello, M., Palatka, M., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Pareschi, G., Parmiggiani, N., Parsons, R. D., Patricelli, B., Pe'Er, A., Pech, M., Penil Del Campo, P., Perez-Romero, J., Perri, M., Persic, M., Petrucci, P. -O., Petruk, O., Pfrang, K., Piel, Q., Pietropaolo, E., Pohl, M., Polo, M., Poutanen, J., Prandini, E., Produit, N., Prokoph, H., Prouza, M., Przybilski, H., Puhlhofer, G., Punch, M., Queiroz, F., Quirrenbach, A., Raino, S., Rando, R., Razzaque, S., Reimer, O., Renault-Tinacci, N., Renier, Y., Ribeiro, D., Ribo, M., Rico, J., Rieger, F., Rizi, V., Rodriguez Fernandez, G., Rodriguez-Ramirez, J. C., Rodri-guez Vazquez, J. J., Romano, P., Romeo, G., Roncadelli, M., Rosado, J., Rowell, G., Rudak, B., Rugliancich, A., Rulten, C., Sadeh, I., Saha, L., Saito, T., Sakurai, S., Salesa Greus, F., Sangiorgi, P., Sano, H., Santander, M., Santangelo, A., Santos-Lima, R., Sanuy, A., Satalecka, K., Saturni, F. G., Sawangwit, U., Schlenstedt, S., Schovanek, P., Schussler, F., Schwanke, U., Sciacca, E., Scuderi, S., Sedlaczek, K., Seglar-Arroyo, M., Sergijenko, O., Seweryn, K., Shalchi, A., Shellard, R. C., Siejkowski, H., Sillanpaa, A., Sinha, A., Sironi, G., Sliusar, V., Slowikowska, A., Sol, H., Specovius, A., Spencer, S., Spengler, G., Stamerra, A., Stanic, S., Stawarz, L., Stefanik, S., Stolarczyk, T., Straumann, U., Suomijarvi, T., Swierk, P., Szepieniec, T., Tagliaferri, G., Tajima, H., Tam, T., Tavecchio, F., Taylor, L., Tejedor, L. A., Temnikov, P., Terzic, T., Testa, V., Tibaldo, L., Todero Peixoto, C. J., Tokanai, F., Tomankova, L., Tonev, D., Torres, D. F., Tosti, G., Tosti, L., Tothill, N., Toussenel, F., Tovmassian, G., Travnicek, P., Trichard, C., Umana, G., Vagelli, V., Valentino, M., Vallage, B., Vallania, P., Valore, L., Vandenbroucke, J., Varner, G. S., Vasileiadis, G., Vassiliev, V., Vazquez Acosta, M., Vecchi, M., Vercellone, S., Vergani, S., Vettolani, G. P., Viana, A., Vigorito, C. F., Vink, J., Vitale, V., Voelk, H., Vollhardt, A., Vorobiov, S., Wagner, S. J., Walter, R., Werner, F., White, R., Wierzcholska, A., Will, M., Williams, D. A., Wischnewski, R., Yang, L., Yoshida, T., Yoshikoshi, T., Zacharias, M., Zampieri, L., Zavrtanik, M., Zavrtanik, D., Zdziarski, A. A., Zech, A., Zechlin, H., Zenin, A., Zhdanov, V. I., Zimmer, S., Zorn, J., Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Montpellier (UM)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Montpellier 2 - Sciences et Techniques (UM2), Durham University, Glorieta de la Astronomía s/n, Delegación Coyoacán, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Département de physique nucléaire et corpusculaire, Università degli Studi dell'Aquila and Gran Sasso Science Institute, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), PSL Research University, INAF - Osservatorio di astrofisica e scienza dello spazio di Bologna, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, INFN Sezione di Perugia, Universitá degli Studi di Perugia, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, INFN Sezione di Napoli, University of Oxford, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, CNRS/IN2P3, University of Tokyo, Monash University, University of Geneva, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas, INFN Sezione di Padova and Universitá degli Studi di Padova, Universidad de La Laguna, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, INFN Sezione di Torino, Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems in Mechanics and Mathematics NASU, Université Paris-Saclay, University of California, INFN Sezione di Bari and Politecnico di Bari, The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania, Radboud University Nijmegen, Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, IEEC-UB, North-West University, Columbia University, TU Dortmund University, University of Warsaw, Armagh Observatory and Planetarium, Stanford University, INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica di Palermo, Núcleo de Astrofísica Teórica (NAT/UCS), INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica di Milano, INFN Sezione di Pisa, Polish Academy of Sciences, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, INFN Sezione di Trieste and Università degli Studi di Udine, University of the Witwatersrand, Dublin City University, CIEMAT, CPPM, INAF - Istituto di Radioastronomia, Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory, Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Université Paris-Saclay), CSIC), Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC), Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA) Barcelona, INFN Sezione di Bari and Università degli Studi di Bari, Universität Tübingen, Obs de Paris, University of Rijeka, Universität Würzburg, LPNHE, Astronomical Observatory of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Western Sydney University, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Nagoya University, University of Amsterdam, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, INFN Sezione di Trieste and Università degli Studi di Trieste, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Yerevan Physics Institute, Universidad Andrés Bello UNAB, Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET AGH, The Open University of Israel, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, Oliver Lodge Laboratory, UMR 5797, Konan University, KEK (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization), RCPTM, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), INFN Sezione di Roma, Jagiellonian University, Physikalisches Institut, Université Paul Sabatier, University of Iowa, Leopold-Franzens-Universität, Kyoto University, Tokai University, University of Leicester, Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), University of Turku, Humboldt University Berlin, Universidad de Jaén, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Faculty of Physics, University of New South Wales, Universität Zürich, Hiroshima University, INFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata, INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali (IAPS), University of Bath, Saitama University, Yamanashi-Gakuin University, Yamagata University, Institute of Particle & Nuclear Physics, Tokushima University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, Universität Potsdam, Linnaeus University, Universität Heidelberg, University of Johannesburg, University of Adelaide, Tuscaloosa, National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand, Dept of Physics and Astronomy, Nicolaus Copernicus University, University of Nova Gorica, University of Wisconsin, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Ibaraki University, KVI - Center for Advanced Radiation Technology, University of Utah, USA, GBR, FRA, Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Observatoire de Paris, PSL Research University (PSL)-PSL Research University (PSL)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7), Angüner, E. O., Becerra González, J., Bernlöhr, K., Bonavolontá, C., Böttcher, M., Brügge, K., Cieślar, M., D’Aí, A., D’Ammando, F., de Cássia dos Anjos, R., de Oña Wilhelmi, E., Díaz, C., Djannati-Ataï, A., Elsässer, D., Füßling, M., Garcia López, R. J., González, J. M., González, M. M., Hütten, M., Khélifi, B., Kluźniak, W., Knödlseder, J., López, M., López-Coto, R., Martí, J., Martínez, M., Martínez, G., Martínez-Huerta, H., Nikołajuk, M., Nöthe, M., Pe’Er, A., Peñil Del Campo, P., Pérez-Romero, J., Pühlhofer, G., Rainò, S., Ribó, M., Rodrí-guez Vázquez, J. J., Sillanpää, A., Stanič, S., Stawarz, Ł., Świerk, P., Vázquez Acosta, M., GRAPPA (ITFA, IoP, FNWI), and High Energy Astrophys. & Astropart. Phys (API, FNWI)
- Subjects
Cherenkov Telescope Array ,Astronomy ,Monte Carlo method ,energy resolution ,Monte Carlo simulations ,Cherenkov telescopes ,IACT technique ,gamma rays ,cosmic rays ,01 natural sciences ,7. Clean energy ,law.invention ,Observatory ,law ,site ,Monte Carlo ,010303 astronomy & astrophysics ,Physics ,Astrophysics::Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics ,observatory ,Cosmic rays ,Gamma rays ,Astronomy and Astrophysics ,ddc:540 ,Física nuclear ,Monte carlo studies ,Astrophysics::Earth and Planetary Astrophysics ,Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics ,performance ,FÍSICA DE ALTA ENERGIA ,Astrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena ,Gamma ray ,FOS: Physical sciences ,energy dependence ,Telescope ,Optics ,CTA - Abteilung Hofmann ,0103 physical sciences ,Cherenkov counter: imaging ,[PHYS.PHYS.PHYS-INS-DET]Physics [physics]/Physics [physics]/Instrumentation and Detectors [physics.ins-det] ,Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics (astro-ph.IM) ,Monte Carlo simulation ,Cherenkov radiation ,CTA ,010308 nuclear & particles physics ,business.industry ,sensitivity ,Cosmic ray ,Cherenkov telescope ,gamma ray: VHE ,business ,Energy (signal processing) ,astro-ph.IM - Abstract
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the major next-generation observatory for ground-based very-high-energy gamma-ray astronomy. It will improve the sensitivity of current ground-based instruments by a factor of five to twenty, depending on the energy, greatly improving both their angular and energy resolutions over four decades in energy (from 20 GeV to 300 TeV). This achievement will be possible by using tens of imaging Cherenkov telescopes of three successive sizes. They will be arranged into two arrays, one per hemisphere, located on the La Palma island (Spain) and in Paranal (Chile). We present here the optimised and final telescope arrays for both CTA sites, as well as their foreseen performance, resulting from the analysis of three different large-scale Monte Carlo productions.© 2019, We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the following agencies and organizations: State Committee of Science of Armenia, Armenia; The Australian Research Council, Astronomy Australia Ltd, The University of Adelaide, Australian National University, Monash University, The University of New South Wales, The University of Sydney, Western Sydney University, Australia; Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy, and Innsbruck University, Austria; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq), Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ), Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP), Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications (MCTIC), Brasil; Ministry of Education and Science, National RI Roadmap Project D01-153/28.08.2018, Bulgaria; The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Canadian Space Agency, Canada; CONICYT-Chile grants PFB-06, FB0821, ACT 1406, FONDECYT-Chile grants 3160153, 3150314, 1150411, 1161463, 1170171, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile Vice-Rectory of Research internationalization grant under MINEDUC agreement PUC1566, Chile, Croatian Science Foundation, Rudjer Boskovic Institute, University of Osijek, University of Rijeka, University of Split, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Croatia; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, MEYS LM2015046, LTT17006 and EU/MEYS CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001403, CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/17_049/0008422, Czech Republic; Ministry of Higher Education and Research, CNRS-INSU and CNRS-IN2P3, CEA-Irfu, ANR, Regional Council Ile-de France, Labex ENIGMASS, OSUG2020, P210 and OCEVU, France; Max Planck Society, BMBF, DESY, Helmholtz Association, Germany; Department of Atomic Energy, Department of Science and Technology, India; Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF), Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), MIUR, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF-OABRERA) Grant Fondazione Cariplo/Regione Lombardia ID 2014-1980/RST_ERC, Italy; ICRR, University of Tokyo, JSPS, MEXT, Japan; Netherlands Research School for Astronomy (NOVA), Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), Netherlands; University of Oslo, Norway; Ministry of Science and Higher Education, DIR/WK/2017/12, the National Centre for Research and Development and the National Science Centre, UMO-2016/22/M/ST9/00583, Poland; Slovenian Research Agency, Slovenia, grants P1-0031, P1-0385, 10-0033, J1-9146; South African Department of Science and Technology and National Research Foundation through the South African Gamma-Ray Astronomy Programme, South Africa; MINECO National R+D+I, Severo Ochoa, Maria de Maeztu, CDTI, PAIDI, UJA, FPA2017-90566-REDC, Spain; Swedish Research Council, Royal Physiographic Society of Lund, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, The Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) at Lunarc (Lund), Sweden; Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Ernest Boninchi Foundation, Switzerland; Durham University, Leverhulme Trust, Liverpool University, University of Leicester, University of Oxford, Royal Society, Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK; U.S. National Science Foundation, U.S.Department of Energy, Argonne National Laboratory, Barnard College, University of California, University of Chicago, Columbia University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Institute for Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics (INPAC-MRPI program), Iowa State University, the Smithsonian Institution, Washington University McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences, The University of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, USA. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreements no 262053 and no 317446. This project is receiving funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programs under agreement no 676134.
- Published
- 2019
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24. Cooperative material transport during the early stage of sintering.
- Author
Grupp R, Nöthe M, Kieback B, and Banhart J
- Abstract
The complex transport processes contributing to sintering are not yet fully understood, partially because in-situ observations of sintering in three dimensions (3D) are very difficult. Here we report a novel experiment in which monocrystalline copper spheres are first marked with microscopic boreholes drilled using a focused ion beam, after which high-resolution synchrotron X-ray tomography is carried out to measure translational, rolling and intrinsic rotation movements of some hundred spheres during sintering. Unlike in 1D and 2D systems, we show that, in 3D, intrinsic rotations are more pronounced than angular rolling rearrangements of the particle centres and become the dominant mechanism of particle movement. We conclude that in addition to the well-known neck growth and centre approach mechanisms, grain boundary sliding caused by the different crystallographic orientations of the individual spheres occurs.
- Published
- 2011
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