1. Crossbred evaluations using single-step genomic BLUP and algorithm for proven and young with different sources of data
- Author
Pocrnic, Ivan, Lourenco, DAL, Chen, CY, Herring, WO, and Misztal, I
- Abstract
Genomic selection (GS) is routinelyapplied to many purebreds and lines of farm species.However, this method can be extended to predictionsacross purebreds as well as for crossbreds.This is useful for swine and poultry, for whichselection in nucleus herds is typically performedon purebred animals, whereas the commercialproduct is the crossbred animal. Single-stepgenomic BLUP (ssGBLUP) is a widely appliedmethod that can explore the recently developedalgorithm for proven and young (APY). The APYallows for greater efficiency in computing BLUPsolutions by exploiting the theory of limiteddimensionality of genomic information and chromosomesegments (Me). This study investigatesthe predictivity as a proxy for accuracy acrossand within 2 purebred pig lines and their crosses,under the application of APY in ssGBLUP setup,and different levels of Me overlapping acrosspopulations. The data consisted of approximately210k phenotypic records for 2 traits (T1 and T2)with moderate heritability. Genotypes for 43kSNP markers were available for approximately46k animals, from which 26k and 16k belongto 2 pure lines (L1 and L2), and approximately4k are crossbreds. The complete pedigree hadmore than 720k animals. Different multivariatessGBLUP models were applied, either with theregular or APY inverse of the genomic relationshipmatrix (G). The models included a standardbivariate animal model with 3 lines evaluated as 1joint line, and for each trait individually, a 3-traitanimal model with each line treated as a separatetrait. Both models provided the same predictivityacross and within the lines. Using either of thepure lines data as a training set resulted in a similarpredictivity for the crossbreed animals (0.18to 0.21). Across-line predictive ability was limitedto less than half of the maximum predictivityfor each line (L1T1 0.33, L1T2 0.25, L2T1 0.35,L2T2 0.36). For crossbred predictions, APY performedequivalently to regular G inverse when thenumber of core animals was equal to the numberof eigenvalues explaining between 98% and 99%of the variance of G (4k to 8k) including all lines.Predictivity across the lines is achievable becauseof the shared Me between them. The number ofthose shared segments can be obtained via eigenvaluedecomposition of genomic informationavailable for each line. more...
- Published
- 2019
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