The automatic classification of non stationary signals is an important practical goal in several domains. An essential classification task is to allocate the incoming signal to a group associated with the kind of physical phenomena producing it. In this paper, we present a modular system composed by three blocs: 1) Representation, 2) Dimensionality reduction and 3) Classification. The originality of our work consists in the use of a new wavelet called "Ben wavelet" in the representation stage. For the dimensionality reduction, we propose a new algorithm based on the random projection and the principal component analysis., {"references":["S. Abeysekera and B. Boashash, \"Methods of signal classification using\nthe images produced by Wigner distribution\" Pattern Recognition Letters, 12,\npp. 717-729, 1991.","L. Atlas, J. Droppo and J. McLaughlin, \"Optimizing time-frequency\ndistributions for automatic classification\" In the International Society for\nOptical Engineering, 1997.","M. Davy, C. Doncarli, and G. F. Boudreaux-Bartels, \"Improved\noptimization of time-frequency based signal classifiers\" IEEE Sig. Proc. Let,\n8, pp. 52-57, 2001.","F. Hlawasch and G. F. Boudreaux-Bartels, \"Linear and quadratic timefrequency\nsignal representations\" IEEE Sig. Proc. Mag, 9, pp. 21-67, 1992.","A. Papandreou-Suppappola, F. Hlawasch and G. Boudreaux-Bartels,\n\"Quadratic time-frequency representations with scale covariance and\ngeneralized time-shift covariance: a unified framework for the affine,\nhyperbolic and power classes\" Digital signal Processing, 8, pp.3-48, 1998.","L. Cohen, \"Generalized phase-space distribution functions\" J. Math. Phys,\n7, pp. 781-786, 1966.","L. Cohen, \"Time-frequency analysis\" Prentice Hall, 1995.","O. Rioul and P. Flandrin, \"Time-scale energy distributions : a general class\nextending wavelet transforms\" IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, 40, pp.\n1746-1757, 1992.","P. Flandrin, \"Temps-fréquence\", Academic Press, 1998.\n[10] F. Hlawasch, A. F. Papandreou-Suppappola and G. Boudreaux-Bartels,\n\"The power classes of quadratic time-frequency representations : a\ngeneralization of the hyperbolic and affine classes\" In 27th Asilomar Conf on\nSignals, Systems and computers, Pacific Grove, CA, 1265-1270, 1993.\n[11] F. Hlawasch, A. F. Papandreou-Suppappola and G. Boudreaux-Bartels,\n\"The hyperbolic class of quadratic time-frequency representations. Part II:\nSubclasses, intersection with affine and power classes, regularity unitarity\"\nIEEE Trans on Signal Processing, 45, pp. 303-315, 1997.\n[12] A. Papandreou-Suppappola, F. Hlawasch and G. Boudreaux-Bartels,\n\"Power class time-frequency representations: interference geometry,\nsmoothing and implementation\" In IEEE Symposium on Time-Frequency and\nTime-Scale Analysis, Paris, pp.193-196, 1996.\n[13] I. Daubechies, \"Ten lectures on wavelets\", SIAM, Philadelphia, Pa,\n1992.\n[14] C. Torrence and G. P. Compo, \"A practical guide to wavelet analysis\"\nBull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 79, pp. 61-78, 1998.\n[15] M. Benbrahim, K. Benjelloun and A. Ibenbrahim, \"Discrimination des\nsignaux sismiques par réseaux de neurones artificiels\" In Proc of 3èmes\njournées nationales sur les systèmes intelligents: théorie et applications, Rabat,\nMorocco, pp. 62-66; 2004.\n[16] R. Bellman, \"Adaptive control processes: A guided tour\" Princeton\nUniversity Press, Princeton, 1961.\n[17] W.B. Johnson and J. Lindenstrauss, \"Extensions of Lipshitz mapping\ninto Hilbert space\" In Conference in modern analysis and probability, volume\n26 of Contemporary Mathematics, Amer. Math. Soc, pp. 189-206, 1984.\n[18] I. T. Jolliffe, \"Principal component analysis\", Springer-Verlag, 1986.\n[19] J. E. Jackson, \"A user's guide to principal components\", John Wiley,\nNew York, 1991.\n[20] M. Benbrahim, A. Daoudi, K. Benjelloun and A. Ibenbrahim,\n\"Discrimination of seismic signals using artificial neural networks\" In Proc of\nthe second world enformatika congress, WEC'05, Istanbul, Turkey, pp 4-7,\n2005.\n[21] A. Daoudi, M. Benbrahim and K. Benjelloun, \"An intelligent system to\nclassify leaks in water distribution pipes\" In Proc of the second world\nenformatika congress, WEC'05, Istanbul, Turkey, pp 1-3, 2005."]}